Looking through this thread a bit, and realizing I had completely shoved back the memories of this forum's impending doom and then as soon as we all came to terms with it... it was still here? Good times...
- BusyandriX
- Registered Member
Member for 3 years, 1 month, and 8 days
Last active Sat, Feb, 8 2025 01:38:24
- 15 Total Posts
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Jan 3, 2025rabidgoodra27 posted a message on Official Chat Thread XXXVI: Harbingers of the Apocalypse EditionPosted in: General Off Topic
LittleBruceLee posted a message on Official Chat Thread XXXVI: Harbingers of the Apocalypse EditionPosted in: General Off TopicHappy new Year
The Forum is so dead sadly :/
TileEntity posted a message on How can I regenerate the end dimension?Posted in: Spam ArchiveYou can delete the DIM1 folder in your worldsave - make sure you are in the overworld before deleting it
monomo posted a message on Official Chat Thread XXXVI: Harbingers of the Apocalypse EditionPosted in: General Off Topici pop into these forums every so often to glean the occasional minecraft tidbit i need from old threads (and atm, searching for an old texture pack posted here lol). occasionally i also check in on the shambling corpse of off topic. still hanging on by the occasional lost soul prodding old threads, i guess.
unrelatedly, i started HRT in september. winning! -
allyourbasesaregone posted a message on Official Chat Thread XXXVI: Harbingers of the Apocalypse EditionPosted in: General Off Topic
Thanks and you too, HNY.
Quote from allyourbasesaregone»
I had a forum I was active on when it was still big, and tell you something, sometimes it is better being slow...but not *this* slow. There are more active places that strike a decent balance depending on what content you search out.
You know though, this is one of the only forums I still frequent where people are active over the holidays. A lot of mine shut down in activity in the last few weeks.
allyourbasesaregone posted a message on Official Chat Thread XXXVI: Harbingers of the Apocalypse EditionPosted in: General Off Topic
Into space, considering Minecraft itself is barely 14 years old.
_Myst posted a message on Official Chat Thread XXXVI: Harbingers of the Apocalypse EditionPosted in: General Off TopicThirteen years, where did the time go?
C4leb_ posted a message on Why I joined the forums in 2023.Posted in: General Off TopicWhy did I join?I have recently made a forum account as I have been reading several posts on the forums for about a year now which has been very helpful for me. I created this account so I can make posts of my own and help some people in their Minecraft Journey!
The second reason I have joined is as i have recently made new accounts for pretty much everything.
What I will post.During my time on the forums I would like to create threads to do with my current world, versions I play, builds, etc..
I would really like to share my opinions on this game as I feel like I have got some decent opinions on updates of the game, mods and much more!
Further more It would be very appreciated if fellow players could leave feedback on my posts, as this will really help me see more thoroughly into others opinions on this great game.
xx_giufork_xx posted a message on what is minecon?Posted in: MineconHi!
Minecon was an annual event, where the mojang team gave speeches and talked about their future plans, each year it was held in a different place (like a festival).
Now it's not called Minecon anymore but it's called Minecraft Live, and it's held every year on the minecraft youtube channel! The event lasts a few hours and there is talk of future plans for the next versions of the game. -
ReiFNSK posted a message on [Jul.08] Rei's Minimap v3.4_01Mirror (Minecraft 1.6.2)Posted in: Minecraft Mods
Rei's Minimap v3.4_01
[Server] Login Message v0.5
[ForgeServer] LoginMessage v0.5
[Clinent] LoginMessage v0.5
ModLoader SMP Enabler
I made a new mini-map.
Some say the authors.
Quote from ReiFNSK »Please do not modifications to forcibly enable Entities radar with SMP.
Please do not modifications to forcibly enable Cave mapping with SMP.
It is allowed to include this mini-map in your mod pack basically.
Please make a link to this topic and display the name of the ReiFNSK however.
There are no plans for publishing the source file.
Features:- Fast processing
- Beautiful map rendering:
- Expression of semitransparent blocks
- Bump-map expression of height
- Expression of dynamically changing lighting
- Automatically generate the block colors from your texturepack
- Biome color
- Entities radar
- Cave mapping
- Waypoints (Can not teleport)
- Ingame keyconfig
- ZanMinimap frame appearance
- Indication of slime spawning chunks (Does not work in multiplayer after minecraft 1.2)
Rei's Minimap v3.4_01 [1.6.2] [1.6.1]
Rei's Minimap v3.3_06 [1.5.2]
Rei's Minimap v3.3_04 [1.5.1] [1.5]
Rei's Minimap v3.2_06 [1.4.7] [1.4.6]
Rei's Minimap v3.2_05 [1.4.6] [1.4.5] [1.4.4] [1.4.2] [1.3.2] [1.3.1] [1.2.5]
Rei's Minimap v3.0_06 [1.2.4] [1.2.3]
Rei's Minimap v3.0_02 [1.1] [1.0.0]
Rei's Minimap v3.4_01 [1.6.2] [1.6.1]
Rei's Minimap v3.3_06 [1.5.2]
Rei's Minimap v3.3_04 [1.5.1] [1.5]
Rei's Minimap v3.2_06 [1.4.7] [1.4.6]
Rei's Minimap v3.2_05 [1.4.6] [1.4.5] [1.4.4] [1.4.2] [1.3.2] [1.3.1] [1.2.5]
Rei's Minimap v3.0_06 [1.2.4] [1.2.3]
Rei's Minimap v3.0_02 [1.1] [1.0.0]
How to Enable Cave mapping / Entities radar on SMP
Cave mapping and entities radar of the SMP is disabled by default.
When the server owner (using bukkitplugin/other) sets the key word to motd(login message), they become effective.
Please set the keyword to motd referring to the following.
&0&0: prefix
&e&f: suffix
&1: cave mapping
&2: entities radar (player)
&3: entities radar (animal)
&4: entities radar (mob)
&5: entities radar (slime)
&6: entities radar (squid)
&7: entities radar (other living)
All enable.
Cavemap enable.
Cavemap and EntitiesRadar(player,animal,slime) enable.
("&" marks color codes. If your server uses a wrapper with different codes then use this for reference).
for CommandBook(bukkit plugin)
`0`0: prefix
`y`w: suffix
`B: cave mapping
`G: entities radar (player)
`C: entities radar (animal)
`R: entities radar (mob)
`P: entities radar (slime)
`Y: entities radar (squid)
`2: entities radar (other living)
All enable.
Cavemap enable.
Cavemap and EntitiesRadar(player,animal,slime) enable.
It is not possible to use it with the vanilla server that cannot set motd.
I made it for official server. / Forge server / Client(LAN Server)
for Vanilla Server [1.6.2] [1.6.1] [1.5.2/direct] [1.5.1/direct] [1.5/direct] [1.4.7/direct] [1.4.6/direct] [1.4.5/direct] [1.4.4/direct] [1.4.2/direct] [1.3.2/direct]
for Forge Server [1.6.1 or later] [1.5 or later] [1.5.1/direct] [1.5/direct] [1.4.6/direct] [1.4.5/direct] [1.4.4/direct] [1.4.2/direct] [1.3.2/direct]
for Client (LAN Server) [1.6.2] [1.6.1] [1.5.2/direct] [1.5.1/direct] [1.5/direct] [1.4.7/direct] [1.4.6/direct] [1.4.5/direct] [1.4.4/direct] [1.4.2/direct] [1.3.2/direct]
LoginMessage Minecraft 1.3.1 or earlier
for Minecraft Server 1.3.1 (adfly) (goo.gl/direct)
for Minecraft Client 1.3.1 (adfly) (goo.gl/direct)
for Minecraft Server 1.2.5 (adfly) (goo.gl/direct)
for Minecraft Forge Server 1.2.5 (adfly) (goo.gl/direct) (Forge / Forge+MLMP)
for ModLoaderMp Server 1.2.5 (adfly) (goo.gl/direct) (MLMP)
for Minecraft Server 1.2.4 (adfly) (goo.gl/direct)
for Minecraft Server 1.2.3 (adfly) (goo.gl/direct)
for ModLoaderMp Server 1.2.3v2 (adfly) (goo.gl/direct)
for Minecraft Server 1.1
for ModLoaderMp Server 1.1
for Minecraft Server 1.0.1
for ModLoaderMp Server 1.0.1
for Minecraft Server 1.0.0
for Minecraft Server Beta 1.8.1
for ModLoaderMp Server 1.8.1
for Minecraft Server RC2
v3.4_01 [08-Jul 2013]
-Fixed: not visible PlayerEntity of entity radar
-Support: Minecraft 1.6.2
v3.4 [04-Jul 2013]
-Support: Minecraft 1.6.1
v3.3_06 [10-May 2013]
-Fixed: Lighting bug fixes
v3.3_05 [03-May 2013]
-Fixed: Minor bug fixes
-Support: Minecraft 1.5.2
v3.3_04 [20-March 2013]
-Fixed: Exception occurs in the twilight forest
v3.3_03 [19-March 2013]
-Fixed: Defect of character display of waypoints
v3.3_02 [16-March 2013]
-Fixed: Error when generating the color of the texture
v3.3_01 [16-March 2013]
-Fixed: Display the coordinates of round map
v3.3 [14-March 2013]
-Support: Minecraft 1.5
v3.2_06 [22-December 2012]
-Fixed: Updates to the map when you're riding a boat or cart, etc.
v3.2_05 [01-August 2012]
-Fixed: Color of the leaf of "The Twilight Forest"
-Fixed: Enemy of InvasionMod became purple color (EntityRadar)
-Support: Minecraft 1.3.1
-Support: Minecraft 1.3.2 (17-August 2012)
-Support: Minecraft 1.4.2 (25-October 2012)
v3.2_04 [23-June 2012]
-Added: configuration of the "Preloaded Chunks" (This setting was always enabled in v3.2 ~ v3.2_03)
If enabled, you might get a bug
v3.2_03 [21-June 2012]
-Fixed?: NullPointerException(ChunkData.updateEnvironmentColor)
v3.2_02 [21-June 2012]
-Fixed: NullPointerException in "Set Waypoint" (Default:C-Key)
v3.2_01 [20-June 2012]
-Fixed: Waypoint and Deathpoint
-Fixed: Spam message when using the Forge
-Changed: Remove the delay to the start of the minimap.
v3.2 [17-June 2012]
-Added: Smooth color of the grass/leaf/water of the biome border
-Fixed: Marker is hidden when using RenderDistance of OptiFine
-Fixed: biome
v3.1 [24-May 2012]
-Changed: Scrolling and rotation of a minimap were smoothed.
-Changed: The motion of an entity radar was smoothed.
-Fixed: An error when "sneak" is assigned to a mouse.
v3.0_06 [19-April 2012]
-Changed: InvasionMod's Enemy type are changed from "OtherLiving" to "Monster".
-Fixed: NullPointerException has occured on EntityRadar if InvasionMod is not installed.
v3.0_05 [19-April 2012]
-Added: Darken the dead entity (EntityRadar)
-Change: Enemy of InvasionMod became purple color (EntityRadar)
-Fixed: PlasmaCraft liquid did not appear.
v3.0_04 [08-April 2012]
-Support: Minecraft 1.2.5
v3.0_04 [25-March 2012]
-Support: Minecraft 1.2.4
v3.0_03 [05-March 2012]
-Fixed?: Error: -8 and Error: 16 (Minecraft 1.2.3)
v3.0_02 [04-March 2012]
-Support: ModLoader for Minecraft 1.2.3
v3.0_02 [03-March 2012]
-Fixed: Overhead pressure plate, the reaction under certain conditions
-Support: Minecraft 1.2.3
v3.0_01 [14-January 2012]
-Support: ModLoader for Minecraft 1.1
v3.0_01 [13-January 2012]
-Fixed: display a marker of long-distance
-Support: Minecraft 1.1
v3.0 [07-January 2012]
-Added: Ability to display the waypoint on the game screen
-Fixed: Changing how to convert lowercase to uppercase
v2.9_02 [05-January 2012]
-Fixed: Specify the charset encoding when saving the configuration and waypoints
v2.9_01 [01-January 2012]
-Fixed: Biome names were listed on large map
-Fixed: Show dimension names
v2.9 [12-December 2011]
-Added: Map scale setting
-Changed: Deletion method of waypoint
v2.8_04 [29-November 2011]
-Fixed: Cavemapping when using HeightMod
v2.8_03 [28-November 2011]
-Fixed: Spelling correction
v2.8_02 [26-November 2011]
-Fixed?: ConcurrentModificationException
v2.8_01 [24-November 2011]
-Added: Entities radar dimmed low position
-Update: mod_ReiMinimap(ModLoader)
v2.8 [19-November 2011]
-Added: Largemap zoom-in/zoom-out
-Added: Entity radar (lightning bolt)
-Change: Largemap label
-Support: Minecraft 1.0.0!!
-Support: ModLoader for Minecraft 1.0.0 (21-November 2011)
v2.7_04 [14-November 2011]
-Support: Minecraft RC2
v2.7_03 [12-November 2011]
-Fixed: Mob(monster) that had been displayed EntityLiving. (1.9pre6)
-Fixed: Could not be switched EntityLiving.
v2.7_02 [12-November 2011]
-Support: Minecraft Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6
v2.7_01 [10-November 2011]
-Added: Update check
-Fixed: Color of water and the lava
-Fixed: Behavior of RenderType on SMP
v2.7 [09-November 2011]
-Added: ZanMinimap texture
-Added: 4 levels of opacity maps (25%/50%/75%/100%) was.
-Added: Set the opacity of individual large map and common map.
-Added: Grid view of the chunk
-Change: Toggle Waypoints operation(Toggle Waypoints Dimension/Toggle Waypoints Visible)
-Change: Key configuration screen
-Change: Do not show the direction in which a square map.
-Fixed?: error when generating a color from the texture blocks.
-Readded: Entities radar
-Readded: Cave mapping
v2.6_01 [28-October 2011]
-Fixed: Spelling correction
v2.6 [21-October 2011]
-Added?: Height MOD support? (Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4)
-Added: Temperature/humidity is expressed as a color
-Added: Displayed biome name in large map
v2.5 [14-October 2011]
-Added?:Height MOD support? (Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4)
-Changed: The current coordinates will be set if the coordinates of a waypoint are emptied.
-Fixed: Leaves of the rubber of RedPower 2 was gray
-Removed: Orange coloration of the direction of the sunrise
-Removed: Setting the direction of the sunrise (Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4)
v2.4 [12-October 2011]
-Added: View another dimension waypoints
-Fixed: Leaves of the rubber of IndustrialCraft2 was gray
v2.3_01 [12-October 2011]
-Fixed: Disabled threading was not able to update the biome.
v2.3 [07-October 2011]
-Added: Sunrise direction setting.
-Added: Minecraft Forge Support. (block color generator)
-Fixed: Block color generator.
-Fixed?: Roundmap looked square. (Minimap Option &--#62; MapMask Type &--#62; Stencil)
v2.2_02 [02-October 2011]
-Fixed: Reflection (field name), I forgot to update. (Beta 1.9pre2 only)
v2.2_01 [01-October 2011]
-Fixed: Block-colors generate of HD Texture
-Fixed: Memory usage of the new RenderType
v2.2 [01-October 2011]
-Added: Automatically generate the block colors from TexturePack
-Added: RenderType(Biome/Temperature/Humidity)
v2.1[Guinea Pig version] [25-September 2011]
-Added: Swampland biome color
v2.0 [22-September 2011]
-Added: New lighting style of beta 1.8
v1.9_02 [20-September 2011]
-Changed: Adjustment block color.
-Fixed: In the SMP, did not work if the address of the server contains a line break.
-Fixed: When Threading and Environment Color were enable, the error might come out.
v1.9_01[Guinea Pig version] [18-September 2011]
-Added: BlockColor - MC Beta 1.8
-Added: Slightly detailed error message.
-Changed: Put the delay to the start of the minimap.
v1.9[Guinea Pig version] [14-September 2011]
-Added: Options - Coordinate Type, Font Scale
-Added: Hotkey - Waypoint List
-Removed: Cavemapping
-Removed: Entities Radar
v1.8 [25-August 2011]
-Added: Supports Minecraft Extended
-Added: Block color of Aether V1.02
-Changed: Slime spawning chunks was displayed only with Overworld(Dimension=0).
-Fixed: Waypoint was not able to be loaded with SMP, except for port 25565.
v1.7 [19-August 2011]
-Added: Show slime spawning chunks
-Added: Death point
-Fixed: Scrollbar of waypoint list
v1.6_01 [14-August 2011]
-Fixed: Mob and Animal of the Entities Radar Options had reversed.
v1.6 [14-August 2011]
-Added: The color of the block was able to be specified with the file. (.minecraft/mods/rei_minimap/blockcolor.txt)
-Changed: Organizing Options
-Fixed: Block ID of Aether was acquired from not fixation ID but the name.
-Fixed: When dimension move with SMP, the bug to which cavemap/entities radar was invalid is corrected.
v1.5 [05-August 2011]
-Added: Semitransparent indication of the map
-Added: Show the direction of the entity (Entities Radar Options)
-Changed: to hide the edges of the large map.
-Fixed: Illegal waypoints file name characters "_" is replaced by
-Fixed: Slight correction of the cave map
v1.4 [29-july 2011]
-Added: Cavemap support in SMP. default is disabled.
-Added: Entities radar support in SMP. default is disabled.
-Added: Setting of position where map is displayed.
-Added: The transparency of entity is decided by the vertical interval.
-Changed: Integration of modloader version and non-modloader version.
v1.3 [25-july 2011]
-Added: Default zoom setting
-Added: Thread priority setting
-Added: Fullscreen map show waypoint name when press "Toggle Zoom" (Default:Z-Key)
-Added: Some hot keys
-Added: Cave Map (it is disabled now in SMP) Cavemap doesn't react if there is no light.
-Added: Entities Radar (it is disabled now in SMP)
-Changed: Organizing Options
-Additionally, some small changes
v1.1_02 [23-july 2011]
-Changed: disappear minimap while open the GUI except the minimap.
v1.1_01 [19-july 2011]
-Fixed: It was not possible to start when modloader was not used.
v1.1 [18-july 2011]
-Changed: disappear minimap while open the inventory
-Fixed?: HD fonts
-Added: 1.5x zoom
-Changed(I forgot to write this): save the settings to %APPDATA%\.minecraft\mods\rei_minimap
Please move the rei_minimap folder to mods when shifting from v1.0v1.0 [17-july 2011]
-First Release
The FAQ is ScrollDown or click here!
Please read the FAQ before you ask questions.
Some epic dude called Kane_Hart made a cool spotlight video of this mod!
Other small mods [25-March 2012]
Sound Fix Mod (Sound changes in the vertical direction...small effect)
[Minecraft 1.2.5]
[Minecraft 1.2.4]
[Minecraft 1.2.3]
[Minecraft 1.1]
[Minecraft 1.1 compatible AudioMod]
[Minecraft 1.1 for comparison (Activate only while hold down the L-Ctrl)]
back to the old color of the swampland
[Minecraft 1.2.5]
[Minecraft 1.2.4]
[Minecraft 1.2.3]
[Minecraft 1.1]
[Minecraft 1.0.0]
I'm not good at English,
so,,, If I make mistakes in my English,please pardon me.
Please tell me corrections of the menu
Please write it in Japanese if you understand Japanese.
I would appreciate you informing me of any questions, comments or requests you may have.
I may implement it
- To post a comment, please login.