Narrator goes, "Soi soi soi!"
- Bumber
- Registered Member
Member for 13 years, 8 months, and 2 days
Last active Thu, Nov, 23 2017 20:10:50
- 5,017 Total Posts
- 565 Thanks
Jan 3, 2013Bumber posted a message on Snapshot 13w01a Available for Testing!Disadvantages of the Hopper over the Allocator:Posted in: News
- Can't filter
- No redstone control
- Works only downwards
Dec 20, 2012Bumber posted a message on 1.4.6 Update is Released!The default resolution setting is a nice surprise. Finally I can play with a medium-sized window.Posted in: News
Dec 13, 2012Bumber posted a message on 12w50a Snapshot Ready for Testing!You can now use Ctrl+Q to drop stacks of items. Would've though that would be worth mentioning. Now I can drop stacks of junk from my hotbar without opening my inventory.Posted in: News
May 18, 2012Bumber posted a message on Minecraft News - Community Contests & Broken Records!For a second there I thought "broken records" was referring to the record "11".Posted in: News
Dec 26, 2011Bumber posted a message on Minicraft - Mining Made Easy, Deceptively Engaging ConceptWhy is it that the boss does way less damage than the normal monsters? I got killed by a black slime during the boss fight.Posted in: News
Sep 1, 2011Bumber posted a message on 1.8 Updates: Textures Released!Posted in: NewsQuote from BumberHere's my take on the new textures:
- Smooth Stone Brick
- Iron Bars
- Mossy Stone Brick
- Cracked Stone Brick
- Pumpkin/Melon Stem (Unconnected)
- Giant Red Mushroom Top
- Giant Brown Mushroom Top
- Pumpkin/Melon Stem (Connected)
- Watermelon Side
- Watermelon Top
- Giant Red Mushroom Stalk
- Giant Brown Mushroom Stalk
- Vines
- Glass Fence Top
- Footprints(?)
- City Border
- City Border Corner
- Another Border(?)
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Melon Seeds
- Rotten Flesh
- Bow Animation
- Raw Beef
- Steak (Old Porkchop Texture)
- Watermelon Slice
- Bow Animation
- Raw Chicken
- Cooked Chicken
- Bow Animation
Aug 22, 2011Bumber posted a message on An Interview With Jeb!Not much new here. This is pretty much just a summary of what we already know.Posted in: News
- We've already been told about the new meats (chicken, lamb, and beef.)
- Villages are optional, but it's not like that's really needed as you can just destroy them.
- Survival mode as we know it is going to be gone with all these new changes. It will probably be more modular with the player being able to pick and choose features.
- XP bar was already confirmed. It resets each death and you can pretty much ignore it if you want. We still don't know what levels will actually affect. Probably optional.
- Jeb refused to comment on the new NPCs.
- We did learn about hunger bar's health restoration/loss. Still assuming this to be optional (referring to previous "realistic difficulty" mentions.)
- We already knew about sprinting and dungeons.
Jul 29, 2011Bumber posted a message on Digital Diamond: MineopolyPosted in: News
I checked the explaination video and it works in a roulette fashion. What ever the clock happens to be on when the button is pressed is the number rolled. It is effectively random so long as the players don't know what number the clock is on.Quote from TwisTeD_SnakeZ
This is amazing work nice job. Is there a video link to the randomizer? by any chance because that would be usfull if it did randomize each time and not just have set values each time.
Jul 28, 2011Bumber posted a message on Digital Diamond: MineopolyPosted in: News
I was thinking Nether, but this is better.Quote from Avod Rashod
The Void - for the jail
The "go to the Void" space should be Herobrine. -
Jul 20, 2011Bumber posted a message on 1.8 Updates: Taller Worlds, Delicious FoodsPosted in: News
You must have missed the news posted 9 minutes before your post. It's experience.
It levels very quickly, but resets when you die.
I'm probably going to have the Unreal Tournament "Killing Spree" announcements stuck in my head while playing. I just know it. -
Jul 19, 2011Bumber posted a message on 1.8 Updates: Taller Worlds, Delicious FoodsPosted in: News
How is fatigue different from stamina?Quote from Black_myst
Everyone has been talking about the 'mystery' bar being exp or stamina, or the new armor bar, here's what I think:
It's a fatigue bar! -
Jul 19, 2011Bumber posted a message on 1.8 Updates: Taller Worlds, Delicious FoodsLooks like health, hunger, and experience. Perhaps armor will go above or on top of health?Posted in: News
Jun 28, 2011Bumber posted a message on Plugins: Big BrotherPosted in: NewsDoes it come with a free room 101?
To reform griefers before banning them? - To post a comment, please login.
Posting to watch.
If you find a solution, post it here:
It wouldn't make much of a difference. Blocks are blocks regardless of how you group them. You'd be stopped waiting for an entire 16xNx16 chunk to load instead of several 16x16x16 ones.
Using Firefox+adblock. Issue still persists when I disable adblock for the site. I haven't tried disabling the plugin itself.
It's been an issue for a long time, but I thought it was just me since nobody else ever complained. I can't open more than a handful of tabs at once without my CPU maxing out and the browser locking up. Even with only a single tab, the typing response is terrible. My computer's getting on in years, but there's no reason for a forum to be so resource demanding. I can use plenty of other forums reasonably well.
Between this and numerous other issues that have persisted since the forum move, I dread coming back here even once a week to check on the few threads I follow. Eventually I might not bother at all.
Have you considered:
Maybe you should do the same?
Posting to Watch. Good to see someone's continuing work on something that Mojang themselves should be doing.
I can almost guarantee I thought a lot harder about it than you.
But please, do go on. Give us your expert advice. While you're at it, why don't you go make a mod and show us how much of your own time and effort you're willing to put behind your statements?
Turning all light green is easy. Turning some light green isn't.
It's intentional to preserve how light currently works in Minecraft. This way you can know something is above you. Ignoring it would have been easier, but is bad if you have stuff like really tall caves in your world. (Sun goes on, sun goes off.)
Is it even spotlight-worthy yet? It's still basically unplayable with the current bugs and lack of terrain decoration (trees, etc.) Any attention would only be negative.
At least the decoration issue is almost fixed, if only that gravel issue could be sorted out.
Potentially unrelated bug:
Sometimes text switches between gray and black when editing. See edits 1&4 of this post:
(Only moderators and myself can check, I assume.)
If you're talking about the entire forums, sure. This particular thread has an unusually large portion of long active members and moderators.
Another year? There should be plenty of years left. It's just that anyone close has been posting constantly for at least 4 years and most users will start to lose interest and wind down or quit before then.
Being the 2049th post in this thread, most of them by different users, 99.9% seems about right. That's 1 in 1000.
An example.
More and more whitespace keeps getting added after quotes in my posts with each edit. There's an regular space, then each edit adds a newline. Just thought I would add that on top of all the other bugs quotes are having.