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    posted a message on What are good things to put in your signature?
    Adding banners are good, either from mods/suggestions you support or just your name even.

    Keep it clean, and make it look nice, bold using big font sizes isn't very good looking.
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
  • 0

    posted a message on I cant play minecraft with windows 7
    Quote from ExplodingViper»
    Im not running Windows XP im running windows 7 i think i set it to run on compatible with windows xp and i have the latest java installed

    From what I gathered, here are some ideas.

    1. Turn off Windows XP compatibility then, see if that will change anything.

    2. According to this, it may be a problem with your video card drivers.Check what brand your card is and update accordingly

    3. Updating to 1.7.10 or latest Minecraft is something you should do as well, especially how you are running 1.7.4.

    Quote from archibalde1»
    17.4 has that problem you need to uptade you'r minecraft to 1.8 or buy a new minecraft.

    You don't need to buy a new minecraft account for updating.
    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on What do you do on a Snow Day?
    Well, I would be questioning why a sub-tropical city is getting snow.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Does Low HDD Space Mean Slower Installing?
    The sounds you are hearing is like the hard drive "writing" onto the disk hence the noises, although it becomes more noticeable from the old age of the Hard drives and I would recommend replacing them soon, besides the fact that you are only running with 330GB of storage, of which will fill up quickly if you plan on downloading anymore games in the short future.

    At an age of 8 years old, that hard drive will surely die off shortly as well.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
  • 0

    posted a message on Windows 10 Compatability
    Quote from BC_Programming»

    For what exactly?

    I was curious about the "6.1, 6.2 etc." part, as I would of thought they would go up one whole number each time like 5, 6, 7 and 8. What you said is very interesting, so thanks for that :P
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Windows 10 Compatability
    Quote from BC_Programming»

    Actually, the linked reddit post? That is absolute nonsense. It would seem the person posting does possibly does not work at Microsoft, as I would expect far better. Version information is not retrieved as a string. refer to the GetVersionEx() function; it retrieves OS version information as Major, Minor, revision, and Build. Windows Vista was 6.0. Windows 7 was 6.1, and Windows 8/8.1 is 6.3 (8 might be 6.2; but 8.1 is 6.3). Windows 10 is version 6.4.
    These are the functions used to determine the version. There is no Version info function that returns a string in the Win32 API.

    Any proof/source on this?
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Let pics tell your game?

    Always wanted to get into EVE, subscription always moved me away from it but I like the idea of it and all.
    Posted in: General Gaming
  • 1

    posted a message on LINUX Sucks :(
    Clearly a rookie. Linux is not for the inexperienced as it usually requires a lot more work than just installing the OS. Once you understand the OS, lots of potential comes from it.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Nvidia's 980
    Quote from _Xiae»
    Loooking gooood.

    Think i'll pick one up next pay day.

    Pick me one up while you are at it? Damn you are your money :P

    Card looks good, It's a tempting switch from AMD to Nvidia but I'm going to wait for now.. jppk1 has a somewhat valid point.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
  • 0

    posted a message on How to report marriland forums to police?
    Firstly, MCF admins can't do anything about anything outside of MCF.

    Secondly, it seems a large portion of this story is incorrect. Besides the fact you are telling us that your brother wears shorts to bed (why?), admins would not ever ban you for no reason, you would of have to done something to make them ban you. Not to mention alt accounts is ban evading.
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
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    posted a message on Will I Be Fine Running Future Games?
    Absolutely Fine. CPU will last you years on end and the GPU will keep you 30-60FPS for a good time.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
  • 0

    posted a message on Old stuff
    Looks good, don't really like the characters but the scenery looks good.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Screenshots of DDOS Threat
    Quote from _Xiae»
    Oh, Minecraft kids. Y u so crazy. He had a higher percentage of miss-spelled words than correct words. Quite an achievement. *claps*

    In other news, this post is utterly pointless. This is an Off-Topic section (Ie, for non-Minecraft related threads),

    How the forums are going, this will be what OT will become. Minecraft related.
    Quote from Epicositys»
    Don't worry unless you get messages from Anonymous.

    That's implying that Anonymous would bother with a kid.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on what happened to politics in off-topic?
    It was removed since we aren't allowed to have political discussions. As they aren't "Family Friendly

    (Sorry Citric, I've usually agreed with how you changed OT but if you want to get rid of PPNS, why not get rid of OT. I posted there since the people of MCF had good opinions and it's bloody annoying to get introduced into a new forum.)

    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
  • 1

    posted a message on Ice Bucket Challenge flawed?
    The Ice bucket challenge did just how the person who started wanted it. It has raised MASSIVE awareness and has raised so much money.

    Most people I know have been challenged (and did it). They all mentioned ALS some saying where to donate and more. Even mentioning ALS is help as it is. So many people didn't know anything about ALS before this challenge (Honestly, I was one) and this has raised so much awareness.

    There is nothing wrong with this challenge. It has done what it was made for. The world knows about ALS now, but there is more than ALS in this world that is causing grief.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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