Looking for some good, clean, multiplayer fun? Look somewhere else. This map is designed to be a competitive, grief-friendly race-to-the-finish. Fight, explore, find hidden treasures, and make your castle impenetrable before your opponents can steal your flag!
Screenshots: Flip the switch to begin!
Your castle starts as a blank canvas for your genius trapping skills
Your (nearly) impenetrable base. Comes fully organized, missing rules.
Back Door. Perfect.
Beacons provide reference for wandering teammates, as well as a small buff.
There are many concealed secrets for those who want to be OP, just don't tip your opponents off to their locations!
Roof snipe. 'Nuff said.
Hidden veins reward the diligent (and well equipped )
The view that the Ref. gets to see
Features: -Designed for up to 21 players (10 Players X 2 Teams + 1 Referee) -Many Secret areas (Not finished) -Hidden chests and veins of valuable ore
-Native support for griefing. In fact, it's encouraged!
Recommended Gameplay: -Play on normal or hard
-At least one head must be within the bounds of the castle at all times, placed on top of obsidian.
-Teams are allowed to grief any way they can think. Set traps, spawn monsters (with provided eggs), surround their head with lava, etc.
-Team HQ's may or may not be off limits
-A team wins when they set the opponent's head on an obsidian block inside their HQ
-Players encouraged to adventure and gather resources
Other hints:
-The space in front of a castle is cleared 15 blocks for traps and mines
-Most treasure is guarded
-Most of the special areas are between the two castles, outside the walls
-Castles are vulnerable to undermining
-For every move the opponent makes, there is a counter
-Spying can lead to discovery of what the opponent has found
-Those item frames are for maps that you make
-The two castles are near identical
To do: -Create more hidden locations -Balance hidden ore distribution -Gather feedback
hi not to be mean but here are some recomdations u should think of doing
1:if you don't want it to make it op don't add a new stuctures to all biomes and make them smaller u should 1 or the other
2:Nethermore that is changing he nether to much just make a new demision 3: the timber mod just ask the guy that made treecapatator to mess with the settings a bit 4: the lightning daminsion ask the guy that made the apacalips mod to just make it a new damnision 5: MOST OF ALL DONT JUST TAKE PEOPLES STUFF AWAY ITS THERE CODE ASK FIRST MOST MODDERS LIKE ME WON'T WANT TO HELP IF YOU DO THAT.
1)sorry, but how is that OP? The mod would add the small chance to generate a larger variety of structures, and make biomes slightly smaller, so that it would be easier to explore. It would add the excitement of adventure, but not really give mass amounts of any item.
2)That would kinda be redundant, and possibly harder. I want to work with already existing resources.
3-5)I'M NOT JUST STEALING CODING. I put the source links in as a reference. I would ask permission once a modder needs the coding, so that some of the basic concept and coding could be used.
Sorry if this all sounds kinda forceful (rude, etc.), I'm just kinda trying to get a point across.
Added concept art section and hid the (long) list of mods. Made (even better looking) banner and separate development forum. I've started leaning java and have done some experimenting with Techne.Also planning to aggressively look for modders as soon as the 1.4 update comes out, with the modding API.
I believe there is a plugin that respawns items in chests. If it works with dispensers, you could have a pressure plate that activates a dispenser behind a one-way iron door.
Please excuse that guy- he says he's Indonesian. Also, I don't have any ideas right now. but we should try to keep this thread up there until MC 1.4. comes out, with the mod API
Flip the switch to begin!
Your castle starts as a blank canvas for your genius trapping skills
-Designed for up to 21 players (10 Players X 2 Teams + 1 Referee)
-Many Secret areas (Not finished)
-Hidden chests and veins of valuable ore
-Native support for griefing. In fact, it's encouraged!
Recommended Gameplay:
-Play on normal or hard
-At least one head must be within the bounds of the castle at all times, placed on top of obsidian.
-Teams are allowed to grief any way they can think. Set traps, spawn monsters (with provided eggs), surround their head with lava, etc.
-Team HQ's may or may not be off limits
-A team wins when they set the opponent's head on an obsidian block inside their HQ
-Players encouraged to adventure and gather resources
Other hints:
-The space in front of a castle is cleared 15 blocks for traps and mines
-Most treasure is guarded
-Most of the special areas are between the two castles, outside the walls
-Castles are vulnerable to undermining
-For every move the opponent makes, there is a counter
-Spying can lead to discovery of what the opponent has found
-Those item frames are for maps that you make
-The two castles are near identical
To do:
-Create more hidden locations
-Balance hidden ore distribution
-Gather feedback
Download: Here
or Here
You can now register here if you want to help with the mod! Soon enough I'll have to move this thread to WIP
1)sorry, but how is that OP? The mod would add the small chance to generate a larger variety of structures, and make biomes slightly smaller, so that it would be easier to explore. It would add the excitement of adventure, but not really give mass amounts of any item.
2)That would kinda be redundant, and possibly harder. I want to work with already existing resources.
3-5)I'M NOT JUST STEALING CODING. I put the source links in as a reference. I would ask permission once a modder needs the coding, so that some of the basic concept and coding could be used.
Sorry if this all sounds kinda forceful (rude, etc.), I'm just kinda trying to get a point across.