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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Zedrik»

    I harvested a small magical forest and got three saplings from five silver wood trees. Three trees gave me four saplings. Those four gave two saplings. Those two gave me zero. I have a hard time believing a farm of silver wood is feasible. It wasn't in TC4 either. Which sucks because I've not been able to find more.

    For some reason, an axe of the stream with fortune 3 seems to give me a net income of saplings, along with making leaf clean-up easy. Maybe you could try that and see if you have better luck with it. And just use the axe on the wood, don't bother breaking the leaf blocks with it.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on OptiFine HD (FPS Boost, Dynamic Lights, Shaders and much more)
    Quote from AidilHakim»

    Is there any Optifine 1.8.8 that we can use on forge?Because Im not kinda understand..sorry..just straight to the point..maybe links or something,.

    Forge itself is currently only for 1.8 and not 1.8.8, as there is only MCP for 1.8 right now. So, it's not physically possible for Optifine 1.8.8 to be compatible with forge.

    Assuming you are using Minecraft 1.8, Optifine 1.8.0 D5 is compatible with Forge 1521. If you are willing to lose your world, etc., Preview Optifine 1.8.0 F8 (posted here a few days ago) is supposedly compatible with Forge 1543.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Keeping Inventory - Tired of losing all those diamonds?
    Quote from Wouter11234»

    ./gamerule keepInventory true

    Quote from Silly511»

    Please do not post anything about "but you can just do /gamerule keepInventory true".

    Anyway, I don't know how many times I've had to enter in these rules on new worlds. Thanks for releasing this.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Underground/caves mods?

    Just as a heads up, -don't- use elemental caves, until (if at all) it gets rewritten in the future to not chew up system resources so much. http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2091830-modjam-4-elemental-caves-vanilla-cave-system

    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on NATURA
    Quote from Dee_Twenty»

    While I haven't tried it in 1.7.10 yet, unless things have changed since 1.6.4 then no, lumber axes don't work on bloodwood trees due to the way the lumber axe detects whether or not it's chopping away at a tree. As far as the lumber axe is concerned a tree is a bunch of logs with leaf blocks surrounding the top, whereas a bloodwood tree the leaves are at the bottom, thus it's not a tree according to the lumber axe.

    Thanks for an actual response. I had messed around with putting leaves at the top before asking here, but couldn't get it to work. Maybe I just need to put more at the sides to get it to work.
    Quote from TooDAMNMuch»

    common sense was the reason.
    the answer to your question as you've already seen:
    no, it's a pretty bare bones tree chopping algorithm and only works upwards.

    How is it common sense? The in-game mechanics for how exactly this particular tool works aren't listed in the OP's of either TiC or Natura, or any of their in-game manuals. And the answer to my question was given by someone else who posted after your post, and not by you, so kindly get off your high horse.

    On top of that, I already know about treecapitator, MFR, and Forestry. I'm trying not to add any more large scale mods to my setup that I will only be using one tiny mechanic of, or simple one-off mods like treecapitator that feel out of place with everything else, which is why I specifically asked if the TiC lumber axe is usable here.

    You are literally being a snarky jerkoff for no reason, and your posts serve absolutely no purpose in this discussion other than to irritate.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on NATURA
    Quote from TooDAMNMuch»

    *cough* you know mods such as treecapitator already provide a more realistic behavior of tree chopping, even without a lumber axe *cough*, right?
    also pretty sure it works just fine on every tree except the gimungous redwoods, those are nuke-removal methods far as i can tell.

    Thanks, but I didn't ask about treecapitator, did I? I asked specifically if a TiC lumber axe could work. If I asked for mods that could handle this, then okay. But I didn't. I can search the forums for that myself, you know.

    Also, there is literally no reason for *cough* emoting there.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on NATURA
    Has anybody gotten a TiC lumber axe to cut down bloodwood trees all at once? I can occasionally get one column of the 2x2 stack cut down by starting at the bottom of the tree, but I still have to manually cut down the rest of the trunk in chunks.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on ChickenBones Mods
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Hor-Addle Mod [1.7.2]
    No downloads, no clicks :/
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Tinkers Construct
    Quote from JakeCWolf

    Wanted to make a quick suggestion, have you considered making nuggets castable with the casting table? We can cast ingots which is lovely, but partial ingots in our smelteries is a serious pain in the flank, I think I speak for more then myself when I say that.
    You can make any of the three liquid tanks and pour out the leftovers into that. That's what I do whenever blood gets into the smeltery. Whenever you need to get it back out, you can stick a faucet onto the placed liquid tank and pour it back.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on NATURA
    Quote from Rider_of_War

    At first I was like "ooo best worldgen ever! cake for days! no more having to make food farms!"

    But then, when starting to rebuild my portal (it didn't gen nether-side), delight turned to anguish as the cake is indestructible (and uneatable) even in creative (world gen is normal w/out Natura).

    Well, you didn't think that you would really get to have your cake and eat it too, did you?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Tinkers Construct
    Quote from SMB64
    ... the Cutlass is the only one of the 3 that is available both through NEI and NBT-editing ...
    The cutlass is already in the game. You have to find the mold for it though, you can't just make it. I think you were supposed to find it in a TiC building in a village randomly, but I never did, so I can't say that for sure.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Mad at forge...
    Quote from FriendlyCreeper4

    Not only that, if you upgraded your Minecraft it would always crash, making you have to reinstall it.
    To put the world's largest salt block on that gash, you couldn't get rid of mods at all. Once again, you had to reinstall Minecraft, get your ModLoader (since that's the only thing people used back then, why'd it die?) installed, then go again from there. It was extremely tedious.
    It died because forge started doing more and modloader didn't really attempt to keep up.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Tinkers Construct
    Quote from KaySea

    Could you take out the gravel ores? They don't really make sense to me. Other than that, GREAT mod. :)
    You could also take them out yourself, for yourself only, without requiring coding effort to remove a feature that others might like. Check the end of your TC config file for "worldgen disabler", and set the generate surface ores fields from true to false.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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