- Botinha93
- Curse Premium
Member for 11 years, 10 months, and 24 days
Last active Sat, Jul, 23 2016 13:59:39
- 50 Total Posts
- 13 Thanks
CosmicDan posted a message on Problem with Minecraft CodeLol @ the Mac elitism... PC's that "doesn't do anything" just means "too complicated and too much freedom for most Mac users"Posted in: Modification Development -
CosmicDan posted a message on Structure Spawning Mod. How do I make my own?I've plugged this concept before, but if it were me I would write my own helper that reads plain-text files and processes them as setBlock commands. Such a schematic would look something like this:Posted in: Modification Development
[level0] wwwww w w d w w w wwwww [level1] (some more stuff, level2, etc...) [key] w=minecraft:planks d=minecraft:wooden_door (so on)
Text-parsing in Java is quite easy; however I'm not sure how this would work with obfuscation.
EDIT: Forum sucks, the "w w" lines are supposed to be white-spaced evenly to match a 5x5 square. -
TheBearGames posted a message on ScientificAlchemy - A mod about Alchemy, a bit of Magic and a bit of Science! (Update! Version 1.3 is out)Looks like an interesting mod, will play around with it once i finish work.Posted in: Minecraft Mods
I've made a mod spotlight video for your mod, if you like it, I would appreciate you featuring it in your original post. I will be making the second part tonight, going over the rest.
- Part 1 - Machines
- Part 2 - Magic and Alchemy
I did come across a few issues mainly with the Deuterium Synthesiser and Solar Furnace. The deuterium synthesiser wouldn't generate anything even when surrounded by water and the Solar furnace caused my game to crash when anything was piped into it.
If I may make a suggestion, an interface with more of the machines would be useful, particularly with the Electronic Matter Collector, to inform you when it is gathering ores.
Apart from that I really enjoyed your mod! -
TheBearGames posted a message on ScientificAlchemy - A mod about Alchemy, a bit of Magic and a bit of Science! (Update! Version 1.3 is out)I would recommend it, I can see this cropping up in Mod Packs in the futurePosted in: Minecraft Mods -
bacon_avenger posted a message on [Linux Server] lxMine a complete linux for hosting minecraftNo, no FTP server, or at least make it an SFTP server, or stick with SSH/SCP.Posted in: Server Support and Administration
No one who is serious about running a server on a *NIX platform is going to use straight FTP.
Wampp doesn't exist for *NIX. Wampp is a port of the Linux "Application Stack", aka LAMP (Linux-Apahe-MySQL-PHP).
You also list this as having "Basic aplications", but your screenshots show that it has a lot more than just the basics (X windows for starters, and a web browser).
And an honest suggestion: Spell check your post. I'm honestly not trying to be a jerk or anything here, but a lot of people are going to see this and judge your ability based on your post. -
Shawn_Vudoo posted a message on [Linux Server] lxMine a complete linux for hosting minecraftFrom the pictures it looks like you may not have included an FTP server, I would suggest adding this and putting it into the same menu as the drop down for bukkit, tekkit, webserver as well so people could easily configure it.Posted in: Server Support and Administration
It may also be worth having the browser come with default bookmarks to the various minecraft sites, like http://bukkit.org/ for super simple use. - To post a comment, please login.
The 2 methods go in to your tileentity and you call it when the referred tileentity needs an update, like:
boolean wasupdated=false;
... do stuff and set the test...
if (wasupdated=true){
worldObj.markBlockForUpdate(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord);
NBTTagCompound nbtTag = new NBTTagCompound(); //create a new ntb tag
this.writeToNBT(nbtTag); //save call the wirite method on the new nbttag
return new S35PacketUpdateTileEntity(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord, 1, nbtTag); //create and send the packet
public void onDataPacket(NetworkManager net, S35PacketUpdateTileEntity packet) {
readFromNBT(packet.func_148857_g()); // call the read method on the packet recived