if port forwarding doesn't work, try exposing the pc direct to the internet, the modem and router should have this opt, you expose, on the modem , the router and on the router your pc
thanks Shawn_Vudoo for the idea i will included an FTP server, the browser already has bookmarks add to it, to the bukkit site, tekkit, and minecraft.net
if the plugin that you want to link with computercraft store database on files, you can create synbolic links to the folder of the database and create a lua program that reads the files and edit it, else if it is mysql, them you shoud use some lua library (assuming that is possible on computercraft to add library) like the one in this site http://www.keplerproject.org/luasql/examples.html, connect on mysql and edit the database
Coming tomorrow, (or today) a new version, with less ram use, less cpu consuming, less disk space consuming, fixed some bugs, wallpapers now restore upon boot, a network monitor qui, more intuitive "meters" on side, cairodock have been substituted by wbar and some more minor changes.
Image (iso) now have only 450mb and on my tests it used only 65mb of ram! (tested in qemu, on a acer 5733 8gb ram, on a pentium 3 512mb ram and on a core 2 quad 4gb ram, )
please coment about bugs and features that you guys think would be cool to have in it
I called it wampp for easy understanding , my ideia was to make it simple so any one can use it
I will list what i call basic aplications
about the spell ... you are not a jerk. nice of you to point it, sorry , i will check , thank you a lot for the reply
i will included an FTP server, the browser already has bookmarks add to it, to the bukkit site, tekkit, and minecraft.net
I come to you people of the internet, to speak about a linux distro that is dedicated to minecraft serve
*Basic Aplications
File explorer (Thunar)
Browser (Firefox)
Text Editor (Gedit)
Network Manager
Terminal Emulators (Gnome Terminal)
Wallpaper and Themes Manager
Synaptics + ubuntu repository
*Xampp (http://www.apachefri...g/en/xampp.html)
*Bukkit and tekkit servers
Start Server
Seting memory
Start on Ramdisk
*It's easy to use
*Low ram consuming.
*For advanced or basic users
Old version
Screen Shots
if you have some ideas , tell me in this thread!!!!
Download Link
Image (iso) now have only 450mb and on my tests it used only 65mb of ram! (tested in qemu, on a acer 5733 8gb ram, on a pentium 3 512mb ram and on a core 2 quad 4gb ram, )
please coment about bugs and features that you guys think would be cool to have in it
Download Link
thank you for the time!