• 3

    posted a message on To everyone who says "stop complaining"

    Feedback is constructive. It suggests what works, what doesn't quite work, and what could use improvement.

    What most of these "complainers" are doing is not providing constructive feedback, but instead throwing ridiculous, over-dramatic, emotional temper tantrums.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on The Bad Potions...
    Throw bad potions like eggs. This way you can load them into dispensers and create custom, poisoned traps.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Outrageous bans!
    In Minecraft Classic (Before there even WAS an SMP), I was going around a server I was fond of, cleaning it of any unsightly Nazi insignia and penii. One of these Penises was depicted spraying a stream of white wool blocks onto a Megaman sprite someone had made. Apparently, this particular blocky penis had belonged to a particular OP, and he was none too pleased that I had deftly removed said penis, leaving the Megaman intact, of course.

    Poof, banned.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Why did notch even add hunger?
    Quote from anthony5008

    Its to hard for pvp servers if you run it takes your health bar down to 0 is like littealy a minute and if you have singleplayer command and you use fly and doubletap while flying it takes 2 seconds then your dead? WTF atleast make it 30 minutes running because pigs are to hard to find and chicken the food if you eat raw poisons you and you have no time to cook it because youd be dead by then so WTF.. Ive played minecraft for 3 years I loved SMP since it started and I get this bull ****? **** I might quit now I'm so pissed off.

    Minecraft has not even existed for three years. "Cave Game" was merely a twinkle in Notch's eye just two years ago. And multiplayer in any incarnation had it's original test release in June of 2009. Survival Multiplayer only had it's original test release barely over one year ago in June of 2010, and this was the earliest time that a PVP server could have been created. SMP wasn't even available to the public until August of 2010.

    So take your ******** elsewhere. We don't need it here. There's enough of it to go around already.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Gentlemen, light your torches and sharpen your pitchforks, there's an RPG abrewin'...
    I don't know about many of you here. (Judging my the poll, I'm assuming that about 18% of you will disagree with this.) But I did not buy Minecraft for what it IS. (As of August 2010.) I bought Minecraft for what I thought it could BECOME. And these additions are right in the area of what I always hoped Minecraft would be.

    Since childhood, I've had an image in my mind of what I believed would be my perfect game. The game I've always wanted to play, but never could because it did not exist. Minecraft is the closest thing to that game I have ever seen, and each step forward it takes brings it closer to that dream.

    Go forth Notch, Jeb, the rest of the Mojang bunch. Fulfill your vision for Minecraft. The nay-sayers are vocal, sure, but the votes do not lie. The overwhelming majority of community members are FOR these changes.

    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on Enchantments have problems
    Make no assumptions on a game you are not developing. And make no judgments on game mechanics you haven't actually played with yet.

    It's cool to speculate and all that, but none of us know the real specifics of how it's actually going to work.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 6

    posted a message on Studies in Animal Husbandry
    I find the most difficult part of raising animals for your own personal consumption are the other players present in a SMP server.

    First, the immediate vicinity is typically completely devoid of animals, as everyone has already slaughtered every pig, cow, sheep, and chicken within a two kilometer radius. Yes, even the sheep. Many players still seem to fail to grasp the concept of shears.

    To remedy this, one must stock up on wheat, then travel far and wide. When one does find an animal, it's quite the task luring it back to where you need it, and you must often dig stairs in order to allow the little guy up some of the more difficult terrain.

    Then there is the problem of storage. You need a secure area, well lit to prevent mob spawning. You might build a kind of barn, or just fence off a field. I find that mobs have a hard time going through doors and gates, so I usually knock out a hole in the wall or fence to lure them in, then replace those blocks.

    Say you've managed to get a few animals, you've started to breed them, and multiply them. This is all well and good, until you log in one day to find your pigs missing. Turns out one of the lazier, less creative players murdered them and ate their flesh raw. The very same player who won't stop whining about how stupid the hunger system is.

    Or you log in to discover a large hole in the side of your barn, the animals wandering about aimlessly, some missing entirely. Another player allowed a creeper to explode next to it, and they failed to plug the resulting hole, letting out all your hard work.

    Of course, these problems are not present when playing single player.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 2

    posted a message on Potions make me want to rage quit.
    Breeding is still in it's very early stages. Later versions could feature eggs (For all animals, including cows and such. O_o.) Baby animals that take time to grow up, etc.

    Besides how is it easier than the way it was before? I never used to have any issues with animal scarcity in the past. Now, if I don't create something to corral them in, plant some wheat, and herd a few animals together in order to create a sustainable supply, I quickly find that I have a serious problem with animal scarcity.

    Also, successfully breeding animals does not equal game-win. It does, however, equal a steady supply of meat, wool, and hides. At least until someone on SMP lets a creeper blow a chunk out of your corral and let all your animals out.

    Also, these features are coming on very, very rapidly. You can't possibly expect such early, pre-released features to be perfectly balanced right out the door. Get them out first, then you can worry about tweaking the details to make it feel just right.

    Enjoy testing these early features. Some companies wouldn't let you do so as early as these guys do.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Official 1.0 release bug thread.
    Bug: Broken wolf spawn.
    Details: Wolves spawn in too great a numbers. (Probably the same bug as the sheep spawning bug above.) I counted 10 wolves in a "pack" near where I spawned in SSP.
    System: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Why the fu- I don't even...
    Haters gonna hate. I, for one, am not going to let random whiners on some forum ruin my enjoyment of this excellent update, to an already excellent game. I'm too busy constantly repairing creeper damage to my little SMP village to bother with these irritating, self-important children.

    And sniping mobs from my windmill tower is VERY satisfying now. Thank you 1.8, and those responsible for it's creation.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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