I am looking for some voice actors to help me create a really epic Minecraft series.
Its called.. (Tumtumtumtum) Cow and Chicken!
Bassicly what this series is all about, is it is about a cow and a chicken which embark on an
epic journey through a newly generated world, only in this world, there is no player.
Something went wrong with the player spawning and all the mobs are going crazy trying to become the new ruler of the world.
I need the following roles:
Cow - open
Chicken - Me
Squid - open
Pig - open
Villager - taken
Various Evil Mobs - open
All actors need to be atleast 15, and (preferably) upload a sample of their voices while applying.
If you want a higher chance of being picked, you can subscribe to my new Youtube channel (you dont necessarily have to), its fresh, and Cow and Chicken is going to be the first series uploaded.
Are you in the US: yes Age:20 Do you have a skype?:yes Do you have a mic?:yes Can you record?:no Are you easy to work with?:yes Will you bring creativity to the channel?:yes
Can i have your Skype, im looking for a partner too
I am playing Minecraft for about 3 years now, with some breaks in between. (1 huge break).
But i recently started playing and i am looking for a partner too. If you need to know anything about Minecraft, i could most likely tell you.
I will turn 16 this year and im male. So maybe we could have fun and make videos, i started a new Youtube channel too. Im not really shy so maybe i could help you with that!
Adding a new villager is pretty easy.. as long as your not making them do anythign crazy. I actually made my own over the past couple days, i dont use forge however but this is what i did. (The reason why mine took a couple days is because i made him an archer so there was a lot more modding that i had to do rather than just making a new guy to buy stuff from)
In the EntityVillager file theres a few fields you need to change. To start off in the function "public String getTexture()" you need to add a new case for your new villager type so it can find the texture for your villager, remember that case number bcuz thats the number that will your new villagers proffession number throughout the rest of the code.
Next in the function "private void addDefaultEquipmentAndRecipies(int par1)". This is where you will set what your new villager sells, go down to where the switch statement starts "switch (this.getProfession())" and using the same number you did in getTexture() add a new case for yours and add the merchant items like it does above (i havent quite looked at exactly how the addMerchantItem and addBlacksmithItem functions work but i think it explains them in a comment above the actual function within the code.. and its pretty self explanitory if you just read over the code. At the very bottom of the file there is also a villager stock list / blacksmith selling list, you also have to put the items you used down here (if theyre not already there) to work in conjunction with the addDefaultEquipmentAndRecipes, addMerchantItem, and addBlacksmithItem.
Finally in the "public void initCreature()" function you should just see one line "this.setProffession(this.worldObj.rand.nextInt(5)); This function sets a random proffession when a new villager is spawned. Just to be clear the rand.nextInt(5) means its picking a random number between 0-4, not 0-5 or 1-5. So if you made your new villager proffession to be number 5 then you would need the number 6 in rand.nextInt(6)
Never mind! i found out blacksmith means buying and merchant means selling.
Adding a new villager is pretty easy.. as long as your not making them do anythign crazy. I actually made my own over the past couple days, i dont use forge however but this is what i did. (The reason why mine took a couple days is because i made him an archer so there was a lot more modding that i had to do rather than just making a new guy to buy stuff from)
In the EntityVillager file theres a few fields you need to change. To start off in the function "public String getTexture()" you need to add a new case for your new villager type so it can find the texture for your villager, remember that case number bcuz thats the number that will your new villagers proffession number throughout the rest of the code.
Next in the function "private void addDefaultEquipmentAndRecipies(int par1)". This is where you will set what your new villager sells, go down to where the switch statement starts "switch (this.getProfession())" and using the same number you did in getTexture() add a new case for yours and add the merchant items like it does above (i havent quite looked at exactly how the addMerchantItem and addBlacksmithItem functions work but i think it explains them in a comment above the actual function within the code.. and its pretty self explanitory if you just read over the code. At the very bottom of the file there is also a villager stock list / blacksmith selling list, you also have to put the items you used down here (if theyre not already there) to work in conjunction with the addDefaultEquipmentAndRecipes, addMerchantItem, and addBlacksmithItem.
Finally in the "public void initCreature()" function you should just see one line "this.setProffession(this.worldObj.rand.nextInt(5)); This function sets a random proffession when a new villager is spawned. Just to be clear the rand.nextInt(5) means its picking a random number between 0-4, not 0-5 or 1-5. So if you made your new villager proffession to be number 5 then you would need the number 6 in rand.nextInt(6)
I still dont get it, what to add to the addmerchantitem and addblacksmithitem cases?
I mean, does blacksmithitem mean selling? and merchant mean buying?
I need some help with adding new buildings into Minecraft.
I am a pretty expirienced modder, although i never really looked into adding structures.
So i need to add this building to the world generator, BUT i need it to be part of a village, like a church,house,blacksmith etc.
I have tried looking into the code but i still cant figure it out.
Please help me with this, im desperate.
Putt Psn down below, age, microphone and how often you are on.
I am looking for some voice actors to help me create a really epic Minecraft series.
Its called.. (Tumtumtumtum) Cow and Chicken!
Bassicly what this series is all about, is it is about a cow and a chicken which embark on an
epic journey through a newly generated world, only in this world, there is no player.
Something went wrong with the player spawning and all the mobs are going crazy trying to become the new ruler of the world.
I need the following roles:
Cow - open
Chicken - Me
Squid - open
Pig - open
Villager - taken
Various Evil Mobs - open
All actors need to be atleast 15, and (preferably) upload a sample of their voices while applying.
If you want a higher chance of being picked, you can subscribe to my new Youtube channel (you dont necessarily have to), its fresh, and Cow and Chicken is going to be the first series uploaded.
Voice: (low, average, high) Be honest, i am not afraid to reject somebody because of their voice.
What role would you like?: (You can also say ''I dont really care'' so one will be picked for you)
Thanks already, Bobiking6
Can i have your Skype, im looking for a partner too
Hi there,
I am playing Minecraft for about 3 years now, with some breaks in between. (1 huge break).
But i recently started playing and i am looking for a partner too. If you need to know anything about Minecraft, i could most likely tell you.
I will turn 16 this year and im male. So maybe we could have fun and make videos, i started a new Youtube channel too. Im not really shy so maybe i could help you with that!
My Skype: bob.ellis
working on it now. should be done pretty soon.
Never mind! i found out blacksmith means buying and merchant means selling.
I still dont get it, what to add to the addmerchantitem and addblacksmithitem cases?
I mean, does blacksmithitem mean selling? and merchant mean buying?
I am a pretty expirienced modder, although i never really looked into adding structures.
So i need to add this building to the world generator, BUT i need it to be part of a village, like a church,house,blacksmith etc.
I have tried looking into the code but i still cant figure it out.
Please help me with this, im desperate.
Dude why do you keep responding on peoples messages?
Your not the one they want an answer from.