- BlueDrache
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Member for 14 years and 25 days
Last active Fri, Jul, 13 2018 04:55:56
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AriusPrime posted a message on OptiFine HD (FPS Boost, Dynamic Lights, Shaders and much more)When Portal P=particals are set to off Nether portals still emit particals same with the End portal... I'd like this fixed I posted this three times now.Posted in: Minecraft Mods -
Syfaro posted a message on [Launcher] Magic Launcher 1.3.4 (mods, options, profiles, news)yesyesyesyesyesyesPosted in: Minecraft Tools
That is awesome.
Edit: looking back on this post, how did I get 4 rep?
Edit 2: 17 rep? wat?
Edit 3: I'm not even sure...
Edit 4: Popular? really?
Edit 5: ...
Edit 6: I don't even know any more. -
Risugami posted a message on Risugami's Mods - Updated.Everything updated for 1.6.2. The mods directory will now be located in the same directory as minecraft jar, unless the default game directory is changed, where it will act like it had on older versions.Posted in: Minecraft Mods
Read this entire post. All of it. Downloading the mods means you agree to the disclaimer. You can skip the FAQ, but if you have an issue, consult it first, before consulting us. If you have an issue answered in the FAQ or this post itself, we won't help you. At all. We reserve the right to ignore dumbasses who do not pay attention to the big bold text. Completely and utterly, ignore them. To all of you who are good boys and girls, I suggest you ignore them too, should they post.
Modding now has its own IRC channel on esper.net, #risucraft.
Disclaimer: These mods require altering minecraft.jar, and SMP may not work with these mods installed. Some of these mods add new content, do not load worlds with this new content if the respective mod is not installed. I am not responsible for any damage done to your computer, worlds, or your copy of Minecraft. That said, backup your worlds and bin folder!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is ModLoader? -A: http://tiny.cc/PAIN Q: Where is ModLoader? -A: http://tiny.cc/PAIN Q: How do I install ModLoader? -A: http://tiny.cc/PAIN Q: Why did you link me that image? -A: Because you can't read. What part of "read this whole post" did you not understand? Q: Why does my game freeze on the loading screen? -A: The most likely answer is you forgot to delete META-INF, or your archive tool didn't want to delete it. Q: Why does my game black screen? -A: There are a number of reasons this could happen, the most likely is that you're trying to play alpha through the browser. Mods don't work with the browser version. I do not care about black screens. Get me the error log. Follow the instructions under the "Linux / Other" download on www.minecraft.net. This applies to all OS. Q: Do these mods work with [older version]? -A: No, they are designed for Minecraft 1.6.2. Q: The AudioMod description hurt my head, is there some kind of readme that explains it in better detail? -A: Not yet, so, in the meantime, feel free to contact me about it in IRC, and I will help. Q: How come 7z throws out "Not implemented" OR WinRAR gives me an error when I try to add stuff to the jar? -A: Update 7-Zip or close Minecraft. Q: How do I uninstall the mods? -A: You restore from a backup of minecraft.jar, and in case you didn't back it up, delete the version file in the bin folder, and Minecraft will redownload everything. Q: What does input == null mean? -A: You failed to read instructions, try again... Q: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ...? -A: You failed to read instructions, try again... Q: java.lang.SecurityException: SHA1 digest error ...? -A: You failed to read instructions, try again... Q: java.util.zip.ZipException: invalid entry size? -A: Stop using that bad program and get a real one! Like 7-Zip or WinRAR! Q: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file? -A: Update java. On mac? Too bad. Q: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: ______ : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 -A: Either get JRE 7 or tell mod creator to not use JDK 7. Q: How can I best contact you? -A: In the channel #risucraft, on the esper.net IRC. Q: What if this FAQ doesn't solve my problem or answer my question? -A: Then you can post, or contact us, preferably on IRC.
New Launcher
1) Run the latest launcher and download 1.6.2
2) Go to %appdata%/.minecraft/versions
3) Copy the directory named 1.6.2 and paste as 1.6.2ML(you may name however you please, but everything must match) so there are now two copies.
4) Enter new directory and rename the jar and json files to match the directory.
5) Open the json file in your prefered Notepad program and change:
"id": "1.6.2",
to"id": "1.6.2ML",
6) Now with the jar you should do the steps below under Windows starting at number 3.
Old Launcher
1) Open up %appdata%, if you don't know how to do this, start>run, then type in %appdata%
2) Browse to .minecraft/bin
3) Open up minecraft.jar with WinRAR or 7zip.
4) Drag and drop the necessary files into the jar.
5) Delete the META-INF folder in the jar.
6) Run Minecraft, enjoy!
1) Go to Applications>Utilities and open terminal.
2) Type in the following, line by line:
cd ~ mkdir mctmp cd mctmp jar xf ~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar
3) Outside of terminal, copy all the files and folders into the mctmp directory.
4) Back inside terminal, type in the following:
rm META-INF/MOJANG_C.* jar uf ~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar ./ cd .. rm -rf mctmp
5) Run Minecraft, enjoy!
If you're feeling generous, feel free to donate! Or if you'd rather not spend your own money, you may click the Adfly links below and wait 5 seconds, then skip the ad.The Mods
Click Here
Dropbox Index
ModLoader 1.6.2
A mod, kind of like a mod manager, that stops conflicts with mods that alter rendering, recipes, add entities, gui, smeltables or fuel. If you're a modder, feel free to decompile this and learn how to make mods work with it. Inherit BaseMod and override any methods as necessary. The mod's main class file should be prefixed with 'mod_'. Read the Javadoc for information on methods available.
Download (Adfly) Download (Direct) Decompile Fixes MCP Mapping Javadoc Old Versions
Elemental Arrows 1.6.2
The Elemental Arrows mod adds four new types of arrows; explosive arrows, fire arrows, ice arrows, and a joke weapon, egg arrows.. They are crafted the same way as normal arrows, but the head is replaced based on the element; gunpowder for explosive, coal for fire, snowball for ice, and egg for, well, egg. Crafting an explosive arrow only gives you one arrow, and it explodes upon impact. Crafting a fire arrow gives you one arrow, that will ignite stuff upon impact. Crafting an ice arrow gives you one arrow, that will freeze water into ice, lava springs into obsidian, put out fire, and break torches. Egg arrows spawn chickens upon impact with the ground, but there's a secret too. Lightning arrows strike lightning where ever they hit, use diamond in recipe. Homing bow recipe is same layout as regular bow, but diamond instead of sticks. Requires ModLoader 1.6.2.
Download (Adfly) Download (Direct) Old Versions
More Stackables 1.6.2
This mod makes saddles, doors, and signs up to 8 in a stack, minecarts and boats up to 4 in a stack. This is great for storage and for using workbenches, chests, or furnaces, as you no longer consume your food! Requires ModLoader 1.6.2.
Download (Adfly) Download (Direct) Old Versions
Sign Tags 1.6.2
Type [time] into a sign, and it will show the current time. You can also type [x], [y], or [z] and find the current position of the sign in regards to that axis. [a|b] is a redstone input function for signs, where text replacing 'a' will be shown when the sign is powered, otherwise 'b' is shown. Type [light], and it will show you the current light level of the sign's position. [biome], [temp], [humid] each tell you the biome you're in, the temperature of that area, and the humidity of that area, respectively. [temp], [humid] will no longer function in Nether.
Download (Adfly) Download (Direct) Old Versions
Death Chest 1.6.2
When you die, if you have a chest in your inventory, it will be placed where you die, or in the closest available spot. The chest will be filled with as many items as possible. Items stored in the crafting slot are still lost, as usual, and any excess that won't fit in the chest will be dropped.
Download (Adfly) Download (Direct) Old Versions
AudioMod 1.6.2(Not updated for now)
AudioMod is an upgrade of sorts, and a modder's utility. Included in this mod is CodecIBXM, created by Paul at www.paulscode.com, who is the creator of the sound system used in Minecraft. It allows Minecraft to play (in addition to ogg, wav, and mus files), xm, s3m, and mod files. The only readily available feature of this mod is the ability to add new music, however, it adds support for modders to add new records and sound effects. There is a slight increase in load time when using this mod. Using this, you can also use custom sounds, alongside the originals. Custom music and sound goes into the resources folder, music in mod/music. Custom sounds go into mod/sound. For example, if I were to add a new footstep sound effect to stone, I'd put the new stone1.ogg in mod/sound/step. In game, the new sound would occasionally be played, alongside the originals. Custom sounds for things like the menu click and water do not always work, at the moment.
Download (Adfly) Download (Direct) Old Versions
Floodgate 1.6.2
Floodgate block can be used as either a floodgate, allowing toggleable water and lava falls, or as a trapdoor. When you place the floodgate control block, it will place a gate in front of the control block in the direction you are facing. Applying redstone power to this will remove the gate. Use the control block to open the GUI where you can place supporting blocks that will replace how the gate looks. Requires ModLoader 1.6.2.
The recipe:
Whereis redstone.
Download (Adfly) Download (Direct) Old Versions
Spawner GUI 1.6.2
Adds a GUI to all mob spawners, that will allow you to pick what mob to spawn. I also reallowed mining spawners. You can disable spawners with redstone aswell. Should be compatible with all mobs, but don't expect the mobs with special spawn conditions to work everywhere. Animals require grass, Monsters require darkness, Slimes require being in their special chunks, and 0-16 depth. Requires ModLoader 1.6.2.
Download (Adfly) Download (Direct) Old Versions
Block Distortion 1.6.2
This mod is just an experiment. Everything that is 3D (Mostly noticeable on blocks) has a random distortion. Known issues include: Clouds randomize as they move across the sky, held items look rather odd, and GUI elements may be screwed up. I don't recommend using this mod long.
Download (Adfly) Download (Direct) Old Versions
Griefer Creepers 1.6.2
This mod changes how creepers attack. Instead of blowing itself up, It will disappear and launcher 100 arrows straight into the air, which will rain down on the landscape. These arrows will be 25% fire arrows, 75% explosive arrows..
Download (Adfly) Download (Direct) Old Versions
Recipe Book 1.6.2
This item when used opens up a GUI of every recipe that can be done. The items can not be touched, but you can read tool tip. Left click moves to next recipe. Right click moves to previous recipe. The recipe for recipe book is 1 book, 1 ink sac. It's a shapeless recipe. Requires ModLoader 1.6.2.
Download (Adfly) Download (Direct) Old Versions
Shelf 1.6.2
Ever wanted to store your items in a way you can see them? Here you go. This block allows you to add up to 9 items to it and the items you put in are shown in the world. Requires ModLoader 1.6.2.
Recipe is:
Download (Adfly) Download (Direct) Old Versions
Biosphere 1.6.2
This is a new generator. You may select this generator in More World Options when creating world. In this generator, the world is made up of massive spheres with glass domes. Inside these spheres are random biomes. There is a random chance of a lake being placed in the center of each sphere. Usually water, but rarely lava. Bordering this lake you will find sand for water, or gravel for lava. Connecting each sphere is a wooden bridge with fence rail. Beside each sphere is a smaller sphere, which is where you will find diamond and lapis lazuli. These ores only occur here, the others are equally spread throughout the spheres. The cave generator used here is a modified Nether cave generator, where like on the surface, will generate lava below a certain level. if this lava reaches the outside, an obsidian wall will be made to hold it in. Many options can be changed in ".minecraft/config/Biosphere.cfg". Requires ModLoader 1.6.2.
Download (Adfly) Download (Direct) Old Versions
Armor Stand 1.6.2
This block will give you a place to show off your armor. Just place the block and right click on the platform. You can choose from a selection of skins to hold your armor, as well as have it stare at you, constantly. You may also change the texture of platform by putting block in the last slot. Known issues include: placing a block inside of dummy, standing on its head, possible inability for mobs to path around it. Recipe is 3 solid stone blocks along bottom, with 2 sticks in the middle. Requires ModLoader 1.6.2.
Download (Adfly) Download (Direct) Old Versions
More mods to come!
Withnothing posted a message on Notch Considered for Time 100 Poll, Needs Your VotesYeah...notch is amazing, but there are so many people who deserve it more than him. Most influential person? NahhhPosted in: Minecraft News -
Jexus posted a message on Would you be able to eat water-melon or just for farming purposesPosted in: Survival Mode
Don't forget the kool-aid -
Kira posted a message on Why Your RPG Ideas Will Not Work For MinecraftWhy Your RPG Ideas Will Not Work For MinecraftPosted in: Suggestions
Bookmark this Topic
One of the most popular gamestyles as of yet are RPGs, which are filled with many innovative gameplay mechanics that allow for different avenues of play to be implemented into a game. The problem with it, is that RPGs are a completely different game style than a building Sandbox. Since there is no linear storyline to follow, and no primary goals to follow, you can't implement an entirely new gaming style into minecraft without running into problems or inheriting the glaring flaws of the RPG genre itself. Not only that, there are hundreds of different RPGs and all of them have glaring flaws, and there is no core system to build off of that could particularly suit Minecraft and not run without conflicts. Not only that, many people are vehemently against RPG-like themes being implemented into Minecraft at all due to it's restrictive nature. For now I shall evaluate the reasonings behind why certain elements of an RPG could not work correctly in Minecraft:
Other than herding players into niche roles that only benefit from doing certain things, or only being good at certain things, adding classes to the game restricts the players to having to make choices on whether or not to be a builder, a fighter, a farmer, a miner, or other minecraft related "chores". In Minecraft, you should be able to do anything you want, in the best way, regardless of something you choose to benefit this. The only reason classes are added to RPGs is to create a sense of difference between characters and to fit the "role" part of roleplaying (similar to healers, attackers, defenders, leaders etc.). It also balances out the group so everyone isn't a godly arcane swordweilding assassin with perfect defense and the ability to revive everyone with one word. Since Minecraft is primarily a single player game with one player, you would be playing a role in a group that doesn't exist or matters. This would only make sense on Multiplayer, but make you rely on others for help when you should have the ability to do everything yourself, without the need of others.
TL;DR: Why would you choose to only be good at a few things, when you should be good at everything?
The main problem with cities, merchant areas and towns is the fact that nobody will ever agree on the system that should be chosen, and the flaws that come with them. How big are they? What are they made from? Who inhabits it? What are the laws? What is the currency? What are the rules? Why is it important? There are so many variables that needed to be thought of before even considering cities being able to spawn in Minecraft. Why survive when you could just go into this city, with plenty of vendors and prebuilt buildings to hide in when the mobs come? Build a bed there and then you will be set forever (although you don't have to do this, you could just blow up the city). This would cause a lot of things to be enforced when implemented due to the difficulty of managing a city that isn't just filled with pigs and cows. Having a giant city or fort filled with humans that don't do anything when you kill them, or form tribal moblike societies tends to be inhuman and a bit derpy when not worked out well. If it is too simple, there isn't much to enjoy. If it is too advanced, it takes up way more of the game than it needs to, if it isn't the main point of a "survival" game to begin with. You should be the one to make cities, not have them ready to enter as soon as you start up.
TL;DR: Civilization is MORE than just cities, shops and people.
NPCs and Humans
Players will always demand for them to be more realistic than the mobs we have now, which means they will have to walk around, talk and do menial tasks. This also tends to lead to portions of the game being dedicated to a group of villagers doing things that have no importance of the game and are there just for flavor. Why add such a complicated NPC with advanced behaviors and humanism if all it is there for is to be killed or to make a town area more realistic? Humans are extremely diverse beings that are hard to simulate in a video game for cutting edge realism. It isn't weird to see a sheep wander aimlessly, bleat and ignore you. To have a human walk around aimlessly, make noise and ignore you is naturally strange to you. What if you want to talk to them? Does this mean speech and communication will have to be added into the game? When you are not in a game with a story, what could they possibly tell you that would be of any marginal importance? Certain NPCs also should not be the only avenue to be able to make essential actions in the game either, you should be able to do things by yourself efficiently without requiring having to run over to the NPC everyday to make an action and then leave again. Add some kind of communication option to the NPCs and you will end up encountering Cleverbot variants, or just a bunch of humans constantly saying Hi to you or repeating a phrase you've heard a million other times. The only way this could work is by adding as few NPCs to the game as possible, but we know how lonely and boring that ends up to be.
TL;DR: Adding Human-like Humans to the Game would take too much effort, and no matter how hard you try, they would either have to be inhuman mutes or drones for labor and activities, and it still wouldn't be human enough.
Experience Points
Since the implementation of an EXP system would be useless without some benefits and restrictions, the only way to make this beneficial at all is if you do tedious amounts of work in order to increase your EXP to continue your progress towards your next goal. What is your goal in Minecraft? Nothing, you can do whatever you wish. There is no linear story or goal to go after. You don't HAVE to mine obsidian, you dont HAVE to find diamond, you don't HAVE to explore, you dont HAVE to craft special items, you don't even HAVE to fight mobs. You can do whatever you wish, at any given time, when you want to. Don't want to mine anymore? Make a farm. Don't want to farm? fish. Don't want to fish? Fight mobs. You shouldn't have to do tedious amounts of pointless labor to unlock a certain portion of the game. The only limitation should be the ones that are in the game right now, finding the things you are looking for and collecting them. Regardless of the theming, you should be able to do everything in the best way regardless if you spent time mining for hours or farming wheat, and not have to put up with ******** to get to what you want.
TL;DR: Don't force people to do things that wastes their time when they could be using that time to getting things done already.
Aside from the fact that Minecraft already has a strategy/balance formula put into it that can be worked on a player to player basis, levelling would serve absolutely no purpose in Minecraft unless you were forced to start off weak and unable to do certain actions as soon as you start. The obvious glare with this, is that it will force you to do have to collect EXP to level up and "earn" the ability to do certain actions that you should already know how to do and have the ability to do. It would be an unneeded system that will prove to either restrict gameplay by herding the player into the EXP rush to get enough levels to survive mob attacks or build special items, or it would be an annoyance rather than a grace. It woul also introduce the most hated of practices, Grinding. Now that there are levels to be gained, looks like you will have to spend time levelling up and wasting time.
TL;DR: A design system made to control gameplay hours and halt immediate progress in the game would only serve to annoy players who DON'T want anything to do with it.
Tier Limitations
The problem with almost every RPG is the fact that a lot of items are added, that are only used until something better comes along. You use the beginner item for awhile, then buy the other item that's a few points stronger or has better stats, and you do this a few more times until you reach the highest tier of items you want. The problem is, what the hell do you do with all of the obsolete items? Wooden Pickaxes face this same problem, since their limited ore collection and slow mining speed make them completely inferior to Stone Pickaxes, which will probably be the tier you will remain in for the rest of the game. Most of the time, you only need ONE Wooden Pickaxe to get 18+ Stone Pickaxes, and then the rest of the time you stay with Stone. Think about all of the other useless tiers that will be implemented with this system. The great thing about Minecraft is that every item you have has some marginal use. If it is not an ingredient, it is a catalyst for another block (Dyes, Coal, Buttons), or has a use of it's own (Redstone Dust). Nearly every item has a role, and is not restricted to being constantly outclassed by better items every change that comes along.
TL;DR: Now that I have the best items, I now notice there is a lot of useless inferior **** in the game that I will never need to use ever again.
The main point of currency is to make a mainstream system that can be used to control the trading of goods and defining value of materials for sale, and to discourage bartering for items of equal value. Adding money to Minecraft would serve to restrict the ability to comfortably obtain items on a regular basis, and make an unneeded barrier and chore to collect enough money to get an item they need to obtain. Then comes the problem of defining how much an item is worth to certain players. Is Obsidian worth more than Diamond? How much would Dirt cost? Saplings? Wood? Sand? Since the uses vary by different items, and not everyone wants items for the same reasons (some people want Lapis Lazuli for dye, rather than Lapis Blocks, and others want Diamond for Armor, rather than Tools). You would either come to a point of the game where you are constantly hoarding items to sell, or struggling to buy the simplest of items and have to find precious minerals for them. This would also begin to discourage mining and building items yourself if you could, you know, just buy them?
TL;DR: Game is too easy when I'm rich, and too hard when I am poor. Why mine it when I can buy it?
Pointless Stats
Stats that are employed into the game for realism and limitations are generally annoying and bad, especially for a game that is not based around realism. Hunger and Health are reasonable for a survival game, but Encumberance, Sanity, Mana, Fun, Bladder, Ergonomics, Demeanor, Karma Dexterity, Charisma and plenty of other stats are utterly pointless in Minecraft, and only serve to employ "infinite stat boosting mode" similar to where you try to improve every stat you have to the maximum for no reason than to have it at max level, even if it doesn't directly benefit your playing style. Adding too much stats to the game that do only a few little things clutter up the stat screen and cause too many counting problems to work with, and tend to fatten the amount of research needed to know how to properly manage your character.
TL;DR: There are too many stats to manage, and I feel the need to pointlessly max all of them out!
Repetitive Inventory
Some people like the idea of adding Halberds, Katanas, Guisarmes, Batteaxes, Swords, Longswords, Shamshirs, Broadaxes, Scythes, Kamas, Franciscas, Maces, Warhammers, Gudendags, Scimitars, Spears, Lances, Javelins, Pikes, Longspears, Hookswords, Knives, Krisses, Chainswords, Morningstars, Tetsubos, Billyclubs, Truncheons, Bayonets, Odachis, Zanpakutos, Zweihanders, ******* Swords, Great Swords, Doublescythes, Rippers, Chainsaw Blades, Chain Axes, Whips, Spiked Chains, Throwing Hammers, Rapiers, Mauls, Greathammers, Augerhammers, War Picks, War Clubs, Rods and all other sorts of weapons to the game, but the problem comes with making them all different. Since they would all work in generally the same way (they are all melee weapons after all) how would you make them different besides pushing them into a gigantic weapon stat directory, and even then, what's the point of it all when the only things that make them different are recipes, damage and attack speed, and small unimportant tweaks? It gets very convulted and eerily similar when all of the different melees are only stat-swapped versions of the sword. It would be like adding a Bucket that only grabs water, a Bucket that only grabs milk, and a bucket that only grabs Lava, or a bucket that can get water or lava, but not milk, and a bucket that can get milk and water, but not lava. In the end, what's the point?
TL;DR: All the "different" weapons aren't that different, all the new items are weaker,faster, long-reaching, complicated or stronger versions of something that already exists.
Possible Solutions to Addressing RPG Implementation Problems:
No Limitations, Improvements Only - That way that you don't have to have your progress impeded by a couple of levels or stats, and you can do whatever you set out to do without grinding for experience. This would also mean that continuous work could possibly have benefits (ergo example: Mining with Stone Tools makes you mine things faster with said stone tools for awhile, Fishing a lot increases the likeliness of a fish being caught). This would be a nice improvement, without all of the restrictions and encumbrance that the regular system applies to the game.
Expansion on Smaller Areas of the Game - Since Minecraft has a lot of different activities to do, expanding on more of the more simpler activities (such as fishing, farming, and ranching) that do not have more dedicated to it and are heavily dwarfed by much larger portions of the game can greatly benefit from the implementation of more rewards or more diversity.
Combat Improvement - Most people find more of a thrill from the combat part of the RPG games, since a lot of them dedicate a lot of their gameplay to the combat aspect. Currently Minecraft has 3 main combat styles: Ranged (Dispensers, TNT cannons and Bows), Melee (Swords and Tier-based Tools) and Area Based (Lava, TNT-Mines and Cactus Traps). Adding more world-based diversity amongst the different kinds of combat that can be used will aid others in enjoying the game beyond what can be used now, and allow for more creative defenses and traps to be made and help move most battle styles out of the "Melee Only" categories. Leave Weapon based Paper-Rock-Scissors and Archetype Metabattling to other games. Since Minecraft allows you to create and modify the world around you to suit you, the world should be able to become your weapon as well.
Secondary Implementation - Minecraft should not work around the RPG implementation, the RPG implementation should work around Minecraft. Converting, changing or removing parts of the game to suit the engine may cause many problems and radical backlash against the implementation of the RPG system, but if the additions simply act as a layer that is put onto the game that will tweak a few things without radically taking over the game, more people who are normally against RPGs can see that it's not as bad as they hope, and people who don't know what an RPG is can easier understand how the game works without having to constantly remember actions from another game to see if they are doing something correctly.
Improvements, Comments and Suggestions are Welcome. Hopefully this will help future RPG thread makers learn the annoying flaws of RPGs and make a thread without them, and hopefully this actually gets read because it seems like this place is a lake, and everyone here has the attention span of a goldfish and never seem to read anything but what they say. There are some mods out there that have worked with these flaws in mind and attempted to avert them (Such as Humans+), and hopefully, there will be more mods and additions to the game that employ good RPG themes without carrying over the needless ******** that slows the game down to a halt and implements pointless limitations that nobody likes.
Also, try to not reply to ONLY the tl;dr versions.
FNugget posted a message on Locked ChestsWhen you make a Chest, you can put any item you want in the middle of the formula. This makes a Chest which requires you to equip the same item type and right click with it in order to open the Chest, instead of just freely opening. This way you can have community shared items (wheat,seeds,dirt,etc) and personal items (d-d-d-diamonds!) while in multiplayer survival.Posted in: Suggestions
It also leaves open the possibility to steal given the burglar has enough time to try to find the right "key" item.
It also avoids having to individually ID blocks as belonging to a certain player, which is a lot of code to handle. - To post a comment, please login.
When they stop with the rapid release of onesy-twosy bugfixes crap. honestly, I think they do this to raise a middle finger to the modders.
Just chalk it up to a move by Mojang because the kid exercised his right to say "no".
Uh ... last I checked it's not 100% done, therefore not updated. Period.
Delete Minecraft.exe
Download minecraft.exe from mojang website
Run minecraft.exe to replace .minecraft/bin
Play like a bawzzzz
If you can't download minecraft.exe from mojang website, please pay for it first.
... So make like Kevin Costner.
Even though his point, though incorrectly delivered, is completely on-topic? Sounds like you'd make a perfect politician. Ignore anything that doesn't fit your world view.
And as an aside, has anyone really noticed a common theme in the suggestion threads?
"I don't like X ... let's make an optional toggle."
Typical answers:
"It's beta ... man up ... don't mess with my game ... you'll take away from the spirit of the game ... use a mod ... "
Are you ****ing high?