Apparently, right now the rare and valuable enchantments that everyone wants are above level 25+.
I was leveling against monsters at night and I noticed that the higher your level the more XP it takes to reach the next. I know that this is a cliche RPG style idea, but I don't think this works well within minecraft for three reasons.
1) Unlike many RPGs, monster difficulty (and therefore XP drops) does not increase as you progress in levels in minecraft.
2) When you die you will likely lose all of your XP, again unlike typical RPGs.
3) Death in minecraft is very, very random more often then not. (creeper from the cave ceiling anyone?)
Basically, as it is now the only (reliable and non-life wasting) way to obtain high enough levels for the awesome enchantments is to make a massive mob farm that funnels mobs to a point where you can slash their legs without the risk of getting killed and even doing that it may take a while to reach say, level 40. (Even worse because the enchanting system is random you might get nothing you were hoping for)
So my proposal is basically make all levels be worth the same amount of experience. This allows for people who are not interested in making mobs farms an actual chance of obtaining these high levels before the suffering random death and would make it so people with mobs farms don't have to spend so much time standing in one place slashing things in the shins.
If it stays as it is right now I fear many of the high level enchanted items may fall under too awesome to use.
- BloodFreak
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Last active Mon, Mar, 18 2013 20:59:57
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darthmaulerX posted a message on Leveling needs adjusting?Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion -
Dakota2063 posted a message on Enchanter room (best layout for enchanter)if you place bookshelves in the corner, you can get even higher then that.Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion -
drakhl posted a message on Enderdragons can now be spawned in Pre-release 4Check out this thread on reddit to get the class files to spawn the dragons.Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
The_Dark posted a message on Does Minecraft need an ocean update before release?As is, Minecraft is a wonderfully full world. In terms of exploration, there's a lot to see. The surface is teeming with cows, pigs, sheep, chicken, and wolves, in addition to all the farming options, stunning biome diversity, and. The darkness of night is populated with zombies, skeletons, spiders, creepers, and endermen, so many of which are already iconic in their own right. Underground, there are vast cave systems, water and lava flows, dungeons, strongholds, and abandoned mine shafts to be found, each populated with all of the above mobs in addition to silverfish and cave spiders to spice up the world. In the nether, there are four unique and somewhat terrifying mobs, in addition to some remarkably unique, fun, and malleable terrain. These are all likely to see further updates as well in the near future, especially with the addition of NPC interaction and boss mobs. And the oceans... well... there's... hmm... squid?Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
I've heard many players as of late generate a world in the middle of the ocean, with nothing but vast, empty stretches of water before them and maybe even a total absence of trees. While this may make for an interesting survival map, mostly it just prompts me to hit "Create New World" in a heartbeat. As of right now, all you can do is catch fish, take your tiny rowboat out for a spin, and look for some squid to get you black ink. Of those, fish are just another form of food and can be found in any old pond, there's a lot more to see while boating in rivers, and not only do squid spawn awkwardly, but black wool can be found naturally on black sheep. That leaves oceans as a massive blank spot on the map with no unique features.
The depth of the oceans are a cool feature of the landscape, but as of right now, they serve no purpose. Given that the ocean biome is a relatively recent introduction, I'd normally give it time, but with the full release of Minecraft on the horizon, it feels like a remarkably unfinished feature, and a point that's going to get a lot of negative feedback in reviews.
Your thoughts? Should this take precedent over random additions like the mushroom biomes? -
Mystify posted a message on Long forgotten attributesNow, keep in mind that he said this years ago, so it may not have any current relevance, but Notch said he wanted to make it so gold and wood were enchant-able, and other materials weren't. Or at least, not to the same degree of potency.Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
The rational behind this was for several reasons.
First, wood and gold are more magical materials. wood because it was living, and gold because, well, its gold.
This would make stone->iron->diamond the "mundane" progression, with more uses and base power
and wood->gold the enchanted progression, with less durability and uses but magical effects
It was unclear if diamond could also be enchanted, which would make it the unified tier above both of them
The second reason is that it would make wood and gold useful tiers. The wood tier has long been mostly worthless, with 3 uses of a wood pick practically the only use it sees. This has lead people to label it as pointless. This would reverse that, making wooden tools a cheap, maintainable source of enchanted effects.
Now, this theory is supported by 2 facts.
Fact 1: Zombie pigmen now drop gold nuggets. This is suggestive that notch is going to add in a new use of gold to match this new supply.
Fact 2: in his enchantment table picture, he is using a gold sword. If all tiers were equally viable to enchant, gold would be one of the last things you would consider enchanting. If it is better at it, then that becomes a rational choice. -
tb87670 posted a message on To put a stop to this animal breeding discussionI ran my father's beef cattle farm for 3 years solid, and raised poultry (mostly chickens) for 17 years since I was little. I have experience on animals, and I'm shocked how uneducated the general populace is of the general workings and mechanics of animal breeding (pun intended :smile.gif: )Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
I see lots of people saying they are sick about the animal inbreeding, posting all 'incest incest zarrgarble rage QQ__' and then saying this system sucks. First, this is likely a placeholder system in place so the animal breeding can be further refined. Gotta walk before you run, so this simple breeding system is easy to make and get up for further work from Mojang.
Next, animal inbreeding. It happens more than half the time. You see, we got Angus, Simmental, Shorthorns, Longhorns, Herefords, Jersey cows, and the list goes on for hundreds of breeds of cattle. Wanna know how they are made? Take a few cows you like a lot, like a certain color. You breed them. If you like offspring, breed that with one of the parents to keep those exact traits. Weed out or sell (in this case for beef) offspring with traits you don't like, after a few generations you got a large herd of cattle that will keep true to traits when breeding. That is how EVERY breed starts, dogs, chickens, rabbits, all animals breeds as we know it today are products of selective inbreeding.
Further, there is one guy in Tennessee. Mules are typically sterile, but this one time he had a female and her son breed and actually make a purebred mule. Decade later he's got a herd of purebred mules that can actually breed, what geneticists said was an impossibility but nature found it's way.
From my personal experience and my input as an ex-industrial farmer: inbreeding was done only once because one year we had nothing but female heifers born. 1st generation inbreeding I never seen negative results, 2nd generation (the bulls daughter's daughter) I saw an 8% birth defect rate, compared to the typical 3-5%. These are just statistics from my farm and not representative of worldwide statistics.
To the point, it makes me sad how people are comparing these virtual animals to incest and making a big nerd rage about it. Animals have no morals, a bull will stick every cow he can and not worry who it is. That same bull you could pet on the head one day could also kill you the next day if you walk or talk slightly different from a cold. Animals are not people, and lack major cognitive thinking skills. Please don't uplift animals with human morals. -
the_raptor posted a message on Major world generation bugThank you op for your incredibly detailed yet concise explanation of the issue you are experiencing. Your post narrowed down the problem so well that it will be mere moments before this bug is fixed.Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion -
renadi posted a message on Potions and Distillation - 1.9-pre4 Reference Guide(Pics/Videos/Information!)Posted in: 1.0 Update DiscussionQuote from Captain Crazy
I'm just waiting until I can weaponize poison potions. Like, poison arrows.
Yeah, if this was added I'd love a way to mask potion effects and apply potions to weapons, not just poisons either xD maybe you could even apply them to staves of some kind, or sticks and becoming a support character, whack someone with your stick doing 1 damage but insta-healing/HOT for more. or buffs haha, speed stick! -
Satharis posted a message on Potions and Distillation - 1.9-pre4 Reference Guide(Pics/Videos/Information!)Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion[b] Potions & Distillation [/b]
Potion/Brewing thread to the max. Most of the information here is from my experiments, some of the good people from #risucraft, and a few forum snippets.
New layout courtesy of OCD Solaria poking.
[b]♦ The Future of Brewing ♦[/b]
So [b]Jeb [/b]hopped on IRC for a bit, gave us a few tidbits about the new potion system. Below are some of the important bits.
[04:26] <Satharis> guess they totally nerfed potions if there's really 8700-14500 current unique potions
[04:30] <+jeb> Satharis: i removed duplicate potions and potions that can't be made in less than 6 steps
[04:31] <@Risugami> so 1.9 official will keep this overcomplex system? some of us enjoy this lol
[04:33] <@Risugami> I think most of us want an input queue with a preview, in a gui
[04:34] <+jeb> Risugami: i'm not sure... i've remade the brewing stuff with a GUI
[04:35] <+jeb> but it's still annoying since you can have many potions that look the same, but can't be stacked because of hidden auxValue differences
[05:00] <+jeb> i'm not planning to do more potion effects or types, because i want potions to have their specific range of uses
[05:01] <+jeb> i mean, i don't want to make an explosive potion, because in that case it would make more sense to simply add a hand grenade
[05:02] <Satharis> jeb if you don't mind me asking, is there any plan to umm.. weaponize potions somehow? or are the negative effects just to hurt the user in exchange for the buff?
[05:02] <Satharis> that's been kind of a point of contempt
[05:03] <+jeb> the initial idea of the negative buffs was simply to make it harder to create a "clean" potion
[05:03] <+jeb> but in the long term these potions could be used for other things
[b]◘ Videos[/b]
Below I've linked a few videos on the topic of brewing, thanks to the video authors for their work!
[b]Pixel's Guide to Potions[/b] - by MrPixelTech
[b]Comprehensive Potions Tutorial - Potions 101 - Minecraft 1.9[/b] - by ShaunStatic
[b]Minecraft 1.9 Prerelease 3 POTION BREWERY TUTORIAL[/b] - by Jyizzle
[b]◘ Brewing Stands[/b]
Brewing stands are the new block for potion brewing, similar to a furnace at first glance, they feature similar mixing techniques to the old cauldron system.
Brewing stands are crafted on a workbench, simply place three cobblestone as a base, then a Blaze Rod in the middle!
Brewing stands have different visual states, they can be loaded with up to three different potion vials. The sprite changes to reflect this.
Brewing stands have a GUI similar to a furnace. You can place up to three potion bottles on the stand in total, one per slot.
Brewing stands operate without any fuel, when a proper ingredient is added the stand instantly begins distilling the ingredient, once the bar fills, any potions in the bottom slots are effected by the ingredient.
[b]◘ Basic Distillation[/b]
The actual process of distilling potions is a simple yet complex art.
Starting off, you must craft some empty potion bottles to brew with. Glass bottles are made with the simple recipe of a bucket or bowl, but using glass!
Next, fill your glass bottles with water, a simple right click on any body of water will work.
Finally, It's time to start distilling! Place a "base" ingredient in to start, base ingredients are listed below. As the ingredient burns away you will notice the arrow on the right slowly fill, once it reaches the bottom, the ingredient will vanish and the effect will be added to your potion.
Here you can see the effect of burning away some Nether Wart to create a base potion. Keep in mind, base ingredients(except for fermented spider eye) don't add any effects! You have to keep on using your stand and add more ingredients!
You can keep adding ingredients to your potion to change it's effects. But, keep in mind! Ingredients can only be added at certain times, the key to building your potion up is using different combinations to create more effects. That's all there really is to basic distilling!
[b]◘ Potion Ingredients[/b]
Below is a complete list of all the ingredients that may be used in potion distillation.
[b]NOTE:[/b] Below I've marked each reagent with a set of tags, below is a key of each term and what it means in regards to the reagent's effects.
[b]BASE: Base ingredients are primer ingredients required to start your potion, at least one of them must be added to your potion before any other ingredient![/b]
[b]EXTENDER: Extenders, such as Glowstone Dust and Redstone Dust, amplify the effect of a potion, they either increase the potency of the potion or extend the time the effect lasts for. Keep in mind! Extenders counteract each other![/b]
[b]Nether Wart[BASE][/b]
Effect: Neutral base.[b]Fermented Spider Eye[BASE][/b]
Effect: Weakness.[b]Glowstone Dust[BASE|EXTENDER][/b]
Effect: Extender, raises the potency of effects on a potion, Instant Health I->II.[/b][b]Redstone Dust[BASE|EXTENDER][/b]
Effect: Extender, raises the duration of effects on a potion, Weakness I(1:30)->(3:00.)[/b][b]Blaze Powder[/b]
Effect: Strength.[b]Ghast Tears[/b]
Effect: Instant Health.[b]Magma Cream[/b]
Effect: Fire Resistance.[b]Spider Eye[/b]
Effect: Poison.[b]Sugar[/b]
Effect: Speed.
[b]NOTE: Extenders counteract each other and reverse the effect![/b]
[b]◘ Potion Effects[/b](Edited a bit, original is courtesy of Mouzi)-semi outdated
This is a list of all the physical effects that potions may cause to a player.
Most potions feature varying effect levels, listed as I, II, or III, level IV+ potions are only obtainable through code editing or an item editor.
ID Code name In-game name Description 1 moveSpeed Speed Movement speed increases. 2 moveSlowdown Slowness Movement speed decreases. 3 digSpeed Haste Mining speed increases. 4 digSlowDown Mining Fatigue Mining speed decreases. 5 damageBoost Strength Damage dealt increases. 6 heal Instant Health Instant health as the name implies. 7 harm Instant Damage Instant damage, also as the name implies. 8 jump Jump Boost Increases jump height, level I: 1.75 blocks, level II: 2.5 blocks, level III: 3.25 blocks and you will take a bit of fall damage. 9 confusion Nausea Screen goes wavy, makes walking difficult. 10 regeneration Regeneration Regenerates health(used on Golden apples.) 11 resistance Resistance Reduces damage received(unconfirmed to work on all damage types.) 12 fireResistance Fire Resistance Fire immunity, you will still catch fire, you can also dive in lava (you can not drown in it either). 13 waterBreathing Water Breathing Infinite breath, bubbles still appear but will not decrease. 14 invisibility Invisibility Does not seem to do anything as of now, mobs still attack and no visual change(broken.) 15 blindness Blindness Similar to the bedrock fog, you only see black after a few blocks. 16 nightVision Night Vision Totally and utterly broken, as per jeb. 17 hunger Hunger Food bar decreases faster than normal. 18 weakness Weakness Reduces damage you deal to enemies. 19 poison Poison Ticking damage, used by spiders.
[b]◘ Technical Trickery[/b]-outdated
Due to popular request I'll be listing a little technical information about the potion code.
[b]Potion ID's[/b]
First off is a list of every possible potion and their effects, another fun thing made by Risugami. Keep in mind generating a combination list of ingredients for these potions is significantly more challenging(and computational intensive.) Link is here.
[b]Fun Facts[/b]
- There is 32,767 different physical potion objects possible, combos to create duplicates of the same potions number more in the billions.
- Nether Wart is special, specifically it calls method g.
//Starts here input and output is current metadata public static int g(int metadata) { if((metadata & 1) != 0) metadata = e(metadata); return f(metadata); } public static int e(int metadata) { if((metadata & 1) == 0) return metadata; int pos; for(pos = 14; (metadata & 1 << pos) == 0 && pos >= 0; pos--); if(pos < 2 || (metadata & 1 << pos - 1) != 0) return metadata; if(pos >= 0) metadata &= ~(1 << pos); metadata <<= 1; if(pos >= 0) { metadata |= 1 << pos; metadata |= 1 << pos - 1; } return metadata & 0x7fff; } public static int f(int metadata) { int pos; for(pos = 14; (metadata & 1 << pos) == 0 && pos >= 0; pos--); if(pos >= 0) metadata &= ~(1 << pos); int outNumber = 0; for(int modifiedMetadata = metadata; modifiedMetadata != outNumber;) { modifiedMetadata = metadata; outNumber = 0; for(int bit = 0; bit < 15; bit++) { boolean hasBitsNearby = bitSetModulo(metadata, bit); if(hasBitsNearby) { if(!bitSetModulo(metadata, bit + 1) && bitSetModulo(metadata, bit + 2)) hasBitsNearby = false; else if(!bitSetModulo(metadata, bit - 1) && bitSetModulo(metadata, bit - 2)) hasBitsNearby = false; } else { hasBitsNearby = bitSetModulo(metadata, bit - 1) && bitSetModulo(metadata, bit + 1); } if(hasBitsNearby) outNumber |= 1 << bit; } metadata = outNumber; } if(pos >= 0) outNumber |= 1 << pos; return outNumber & 0x7fff; } private static boolean bitSetModulo(int number, int bit) { return (number & 1 << bit % 15) != 0; } private static boolean bitSet(int number, int bit) { return (number & 1 << bit) != 0; } private static int bitSetInt(int number, int bit) { return bitSet(number, bit) ? 1 : 0; }
[b]Ye Olde Potion F.A.Q.[/b]
[b]Read these before asking anything.[/b]
[b]Q: How do I get brewing stands!?![/b]
-A: Craft them on a workbench! The recipe is listed above, but, the short version is, three cobblestone on the bottom, then a Blaze Rod in the middle!
[b]Q: How many potions are there?[/b]
-A: We aren't sure of the max amount any more, Jeb has tweeted that in pre-release there is only something like 150 potions until they add every ingredient in, at which point there will be over 2500. Early reports seem to show these may not be every ingredient in the list, or potions were trimmed down much more, it seems to be rather challenging to even get 150 combos right now.
[b]Q: Do you have a list of every potion?[/b]
-A: Not at the moment, this may change soon.
[b]Q: Are these brewing stands the final version?[/b]
-A: I'm assuming not, for the reasons listed above, but I haven't been able to get any comments by Jeb(he's very busy!) That said, the issue is up in the air at the moment, it is a PRE-RELEASE, so they likely have changes to be made before final release.
[b]Q: Do you really talk to Jeb?[/b]
-A: Sometimes, yes, he does talk to some people on IRC but he is a very busy person thus I only rarely get to ask him questions regarding releases. I don't wish to come off as rude either, he already gets followed around like a movie star would, much the same as Notch.
[b]◘ Old Cauldron Mod Download[/b]
This mod is outdated, pre-release 2 only! If you still have this version you're welcome to try cauldrons out, links are still below! Simple edit that adds cauldrons into the game as a craftable potion brewing block.
Below I've linked two versions, one is _303's original mod I was given, which gives 64 cauldrons for one dirt block(good for creative mode or testing purposes!) I also linked an alternate version by OgreSean, this alternate version gives one cauldron in exchange for solid stone(perfect for players that want a more realistic version of the cauldron to use in gameplay.)
[b]Install Directions:[/b] Download either mod file archive, open them and you'll see a few .class files. Open your minecraft.jar with winRar or a similar program and overwrite the class files with the edited ones. Finish up by deleting the META-INF folder in the minecraft.jar, then simply run the game.
[b]Crafting:[/b] To craft the cauldrons, put one dirt block in the crafting grid to receive a 64 stack. OgreSean's version requires solid stone placed in the same pattern as a furnace to obtain one cauldron.
[b]Mod Versions[/b]
[b]_303 64 Stack Version[/b]: Here
[b]OgreSean Alternate Version[/b]: Here
-Keep in mind, both mods only work with 1.9 Pre_2!
-Props to _303 for showing the cauldrons to me originally.
[b]Will add more information as I find it![/b]
(PS: Sorry about stretching images in the thread, spoiler tags seem to break the auto-resize!)
Blablah99 posted a message on What the 1.8 and 1.9 update feel like to mePosted in: 1.0 Update DiscussionQuote from Benislav
Some of the spelling and grammar turned me off quite a bit, (a desert is a biome in Minecraft, dessert is the meal you were trying to reference) and most, if not all, of your complaints have been brought up time and time again.
It's all subjective, and I'm not sure what you're getting at by comparing with what you expected it to be with what it is and has been. I'm not saying you're "wrong", nor am I saying I disagree with you, but I don't see what this post is meant to accomplish.
Also, past tense. Use it, perhaps?
Would people give the grammar a rest? She did say that she's French, so her english isn't perfect. Besides. She's a lot better (and more reasonable) than most people on the internet. - To post a comment, please login.
I've seen a lot of people asking what was the best way to get higher tier spell.
Must of the time people just surround the table with bookcase, but that can become a problem if you want lower tier spell. I came up with a solution that's not too complex in order to change the level really fast.
This is my first video including voice, I'm French (Qc) so my accent is pretty strong :biggrin.gif:
Hope you guys enjoy it.
watch in 1080p :wink.gif:
Little modification I made, adding bookcase in the corner increase the average level and the max too.
Layer 1:
layer 2:
The table is floating in the air and will get contact from from book 1 block away, same level, 1 down or 1 lower.
that equal to 36 bookcases should be the max.
I can understand the Op saying he doesn't want the same happening twice.
wait what?... i don't even...
because people act before it's too late!
I must completely disagree with that statement!
We are in beta and the opinion of players is very important. Even if it is futile we can still tell our opinion.
Some feature were confirm by Notch, but later change because of the community response.
I like cauldron better, it's easier to see the color of the potion than on a small stand.
This may change, but still. What's your opinion not thinking about Jeb post? Do you like stand or cauldron better and why?
With all the added contents in 1.8 and 1.9 it's like if Mojang is trying to serve us all of them at once even though there not completed.
what should have happen:
The entrée: Could have being the sprinting system, with the exp feature. (A perfect soup, that is not too complex, but good)
The meal: Could have been the NPC along with the village and mineshaft. (Beef with honey sauce, a little bit to salty)
The dessert: Could have been the stronghold and all the other details. (The cake would not be a lie)
Split them into 3 update and voila you got a good meal.
what really happen:
The entrée: Sprinting system, with beautiful green ball that fill a useless bar. (A soup that as clearly been water down)
The meal: NPC that are still in test stage, even in the real 1.9 they will probably have minimum interaction if any, village that still spawn in weird place, mineshaft that doesn't bring that much use and still problem with there spawning. (Beef is a little bit overcook, you can still taste it, but someone drop the salt box on it)
The dessert: Empty stronghold, useless thing and bugs. (You get told the cake is in the back alley next to "that" dark spot)
boom serve that all under 3 minutes, do you want a fries with that?
I hope you guys understand what I'm trying to say. If Mojang would focus on ONE thing at a time and deliver it, it would contain less bug and be way more fun. They keep adding incomplete stuff and I know some people will say well he split the update into pieces.
Well he should have split it like a real meal and not give me a bag of pre-made soup with hot water, a living cow with an hammer and a copy of portal 1.
/end of rant
ADD freaking new ores, it's been more than a year since we had an ore that was USEFUL in crafting. Hint: MINEcraft(last ore introduce is redstone, if you don't count the useless lapis)
/real end of rant
edit: French is my main language, I'm sorry if the grammar is bothering you :wink.gif:
1. Make it so they turn aggressive after you look in there general direction for 5sec (meaning that with out an Ender pearl you can't see an Enderman on the side of your screen for more than 5sec). Having the player to look straight at them is ridiculous. A slow turning animation would make it creepy.
2. Make it so they try to grab you and teleport you around. Imagine getting grab and send up in the air or even under ground where you can't see anything.
3. I know zombie sound is a placeholder, but I'm hoping for whisper noise.
4. Make your screen darker as they get near. (50% less dark with Ender pearl)
Quick list of idea.
Break the giant one and get like 10 mushroom back :ohmy.gif:
Point is i hope you won't be able to use bonemeal on mushroom, farming them in a dark room is slow and take building space. Putting 1 bonemeal on it is too fast and ruin farming. I'm I the only one who thinks that?
Btw I'm back on the forum after all this month.