• 4

    posted a message on Enchanter room (best layout for enchanter)

    I've seen a lot of people asking what was the best way to get higher tier spell.
    Must of the time people just surround the table with bookcase, but that can become a problem if you want lower tier spell. I came up with a solution that's not too complex in order to change the level really fast.

    This is my first video including voice, I'm French (Qc) so my accent is pretty strong :biggrin.gif:
    Hope you guys enjoy it.

    watch in 1080p :wink.gif:

    Little modification I made, adding bookcase in the corner increase the average level and the max too.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Silk touch works on spawners
    Best book layout:

    :Diamond: = table

    Layer 1:
    :: :bookshelf: :bookshelf: :bookshelf: ::
    :bookshelf: :: :: :: :bookshelf:
    :bookshelf: :: :: :: :bookshelf:
    :bookshelf: :: :: :: :bookshelf:
    :: :bookshelf: :bookshelf: :bookshelf: ::

    layer 2:
    :: :bookshelf: :bookshelf: :bookshelf: ::
    :bookshelf: :: :: :: :bookshelf:
    :bookshelf: :: :Diamond: :: :bookshelf:
    :bookshelf: :: :: :: :bookshelf:
    :: :bookshelf: :bookshelf: :bookshelf: ::

    :: :bookshelf: :bookshelf: :bookshelf: ::
    :bookshelf: :: :: :: :bookshelf:
    :bookshelf: :: :: :: :bookshelf:
    :bookshelf: :: :: :: :bookshelf:
    :: :bookshelf: :bookshelf: :bookshelf: ::

    The table is floating in the air and will get contact from from book 1 block away, same level, 1 down or 1 lower.

    that equal to 36 bookcases should be the max.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on in all honesty ender is less usefull than nether when it started
    may i remind people that weren't there when the nether came out that the update of the nether is coming only in 1.9

    I can understand the Op saying he doesn't want the same happening twice.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Poll: Cauldron or brewing stand
    Quote from ImtehQ

    the stand is ok, if its not make the same way as a flower :RFlower:

    wait what?... i don't even...
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Poll: Cauldron or brewing stand
    Quote from Crunchy Shadow

    It wasnt even implemented yet. I don't see why people care so much.

    because people act before it's too late!
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 8

    posted a message on Poll: Cauldron or brewing stand
    Quote from Shasharala

    Polling about something that has already been changed: "A quick discussion with @notch led me in on a new way of doing the potion brewing. Cauldron is out..." @jeb_

    is probably going to turn out to be quite futile.

    We were not given an option to tell Mojang what we wanted. They have changed it. They're not 'going to change it'.
    It is changed already.

    Cauldron is out. (In fact, cauldron was never in. Players had to install a mod to use the cauldron. )

    I must completely disagree with that statement!
    We are in beta and the opinion of players is very important. Even if it is futile we can still tell our opinion.
    Some feature were confirm by Notch, but later change because of the community response.

    I like cauldron better, it's easier to see the color of the potion than on a small stand.
    This may change, but still. What's your opinion not thinking about Jeb post? Do you like stand or cauldron better and why?
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 9

    posted a message on What the 1.8 and 1.9 update feel like to me
    Imagine a game as a good meal. You get the bread with some soup at the start, after that you get the main course and you finish up with the desert.

    With all the added contents in 1.8 and 1.9 it's like if Mojang is trying to serve us all of them at once even though there not completed.

    what should have happen:

    The entrée: Could have being the sprinting system, with the exp feature. (A perfect soup, that is not too complex, but good)

    The meal: Could have been the NPC along with the village and mineshaft. (Beef with honey sauce, a little bit to salty)

    The dessert: Could have been the stronghold and all the other details. (The cake would not be a lie)

    Split them into 3 update and voila you got a good meal.

    what really happen:

    The entrée: Sprinting system, with beautiful green ball that fill a useless bar. (A soup that as clearly been water down)

    The meal: NPC that are still in test stage, even in the real 1.9 they will probably have minimum interaction if any, village that still spawn in weird place, mineshaft that doesn't bring that much use and still problem with there spawning. (Beef is a little bit overcook, you can still taste it, but someone drop the salt box on it)

    The dessert: Empty stronghold, useless thing and bugs. (You get told the cake is in the back alley next to "that" dark spot)

    boom serve that all under 3 minutes, do you want a fries with that?

    I hope you guys understand what I'm trying to say. If Mojang would focus on ONE thing at a time and deliver it, it would contain less bug and be way more fun. They keep adding incomplete stuff and I know some people will say well he split the update into pieces.

    Well he should have split it like a real meal and not give me a bag of pre-made soup with hot water, a living cow with an hammer and a copy of portal 1.

    /end of rant

    ADD freaking new ores, it's been more than a year since we had an ore that was USEFUL in crafting. Hint: MINEcraft(last ore introduce is redstone, if you don't count the useless lapis)

    /real end of rant

    edit: French is my main language, I'm sorry if the grammar is bothering you :wink.gif:
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Endermen are not scary (like I was promised)
    How to make Enderman scary (list of idea)

    1. Make it so they turn aggressive after you look in there general direction for 5sec (meaning that with out an Ender pearl you can't see an Enderman on the side of your screen for more than 5sec). Having the player to look straight at them is ridiculous. A slow turning animation would make it creepy.

    2. Make it so they try to grab you and teleport you around. Imagine getting grab and send up in the air or even under ground where you can't see anything.

    3. I know zombie sound is a placeholder, but I'm hoping for whisper noise.

    4. Make your screen darker as they get near. (50% less dark with Ender pearl)

    Quick list of idea.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Giant mushroom need a nerf (explication)
    Giant mushroom right now are one of the best source of food. Get 1 normal mushroom put 1 bonemeal on it and get a giant one.
    Break the giant one and get like 10 mushroom back :ohmy.gif:

    Point is i hope you won't be able to use bonemeal on mushroom, farming them in a dark room is slow and take building space. Putting 1 bonemeal on it is too fast and ruin farming. I'm I the only one who thinks that?

    Btw I'm back on the forum after all this month.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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