The java memory usage continues to rise by about 2,000 per second, even while the game is paused. Once the number passes over 1,000,000 (around one gigabyte), the game stops declaring that there is not enough memory given to java to continue running, and that I must restart the game.
While I'm all for traps(especially ones that reset themselves like this), if I was out to steal something and died this way I'd become really determined to find another way in.
The mob cage doesn't directly contain the code for spawning the mobs, instead, "return new TileEntityMobSpawner();", so I go to that file. It has the mob creation code, but that doesn't help me when my issue is that it requires worldobj. Well tileentitymobspawner extends from tileentity, which contains "public World worldObj;" which I assume is where worldobj comes from.
While inserting that code in the same spot of the file that it exists in titleentity, into my custom block's file removes the compiling errors, when it comes time to run that code ingame it crashes.
tl;dr, inserting the definition of worldobj into my block file lets it compile, but the mob creation code causes a crash.
So I've been using the MCP for a few days, messing around. Since there is no documentation yet, finding code that I need can be a pain, so I have two questions.
Firstly, how do I spawn a creature at a spot, from within a custom block's code? (It seems to require reference of something called worldobj, but since java can only extend one file at a time, and block files extend from block, I cannot use worldobj?)
Second, how do I get the xyz co-ordinates of where the player is looking?
Before the retarded controversy gets started like it did on the disquis comments on the blog post, I will clarify.
ALPHA buyers get EVERY version of the game free, forever and such.
BETA buyers get free updates UP UNTIL FULL RELEASE DAY of the whole game, after that they only get bug fixes free and POTENTIALLY have to buy other updates that add items and such. (DLC?)
Beta buyers might still get other free updates like alpha buyers after the full release, if Notch meant this statement about alpha/beta-buying difference, as a legal-covering-his-ass-just-in-case.
The java memory usage continues to rise by about 2,000 per second, even while the game is paused. Once the number passes over 1,000,000 (around one gigabyte), the game stops declaring that there is not enough memory given to java to continue running, and that I must restart the game.
Memory leak?
Where would I do that on an ATI card?
annoying dots on sand and water
crash after a few minutes
EntityEgg entityegg = new EntityEgg(world, i, j, k);
but not a creeper in the same way...
one workaround is to just change what the egg spawns, but I'd really like to do it right. Anyone?
While inserting that code in the same spot of the file that it exists in titleentity, into my custom block's file removes the compiling errors, when it comes time to run that code ingame it crashes.
tl;dr, inserting the definition of worldobj into my block file lets it compile, but the mob creation code causes a crash.
EntityChicken entitychicken = new EntityChicken(worldObj);
entitychicken.setLocationAndAngles(i, j, k, 1, 0.0F);
The best information I can get from the crash log thing is that third line having something to do with a 'null pointer exception'.
Firstly, how do I spawn a creature at a spot, from within a custom block's code? (It seems to require reference of something called worldobj, but since java can only extend one file at a time, and block files extend from block, I cannot use worldobj?)
Second, how do I get the xyz co-ordinates of where the player is looking?
thanks for any help
ALPHA buyers get EVERY version of the game free, forever and such.
BETA buyers get free updates UP UNTIL FULL RELEASE DAY of the whole game, after that they only get bug fixes free and POTENTIALLY have to buy other updates that add items and such. (DLC?)
Beta buyers might still get other free updates like alpha buyers after the full release, if Notch meant this statement about alpha/beta-buying difference, as a legal-covering-his-ass-just-in-case.
Didn't see an existing thread.
I'm trying to keep mine underground lol