Name: Patty
In-Game Name: BlarghCake
Skype: None
Age: not comfortable to tell
How long have you played minecraft: since 1.5.2
Why do you want to join us: I've been looking for an RP server for a VERY long time, and I'm glad to find this! I also enjoy playing games similar to city RPs.
1. Why do you want to join the server?
I'm new with MCPC, and I am looking for servers to join that's not very well known and vanilla. 2. Have you ever played on a private server?
Yes. 3. Age
Sorry, I'm not comfortable telling anyone my age unless I know them well 4. MC IGN
BlarghCake 5. Do yo accept the rules?
6. Do you have Ventrillo?
Nope. :/ 7. Have you ever been banned / why?
Never banned 8. Do you like creepers? (explosion damage is on)
Not really, but I can handle them anyway so I don't mind. Realy insyre little brother
2.i ban pika cause he is flying n his using mods
3.i didnt screw up the server i saw someone i know his IGN someone opped him n i tried to kill him n ban him but xotek ban me first n now his deopped n i op him back while he deop me first n i use my brother(Instyre) account to op him(xotek) n so he ban me all of my account so i was sad n u all dont believe me ;( ;( ;( i was just helping u know
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-1im crying n dont ever ask me something N IM GONNA RATE THIS SERVER LOW!
Jesus Christ, Zack.
1. Instyre would've defended you and unbanned you if you were really his brother, I mean come on he's your family!
2. You didn't have any proof, and you should've informed the admins about it first before banning straight away.
3. Can you use more formal English? I can't understand what you are saying and if your first language is English you must be ashamed.
Ever since you denied that time when you opped that "hacker" and griefed with him, I never trusted you. You're better off banned if you lie a lot, act so immature, and why rate this server low when YOU are the one at fault?!
P.S. How old are you again?
IGN: BlarghCake
Reason I play MC: I love to build and play SMP with friends
Real Name: Jocelyn (call me jo/blargh, though)
Reason I want to join: I enjoy playing SMP with others, and I'm looking for kind friends that are mature
IGN: BlarghCake
Age: (prefer not to tell)
Skype: blargh.cake
Maturity (1-10): 6-7
Funniness (1-10): 5-6 maybe???
Kindness: (1-10): 7
Friendliness (1-10): 8-9
Age: 12
Where I come from: Canada
Age: 12
I am quite mature
In-Game Name: BlarghCake
Skype: None
Age: not comfortable to tell
How long have you played minecraft: since 1.5.2
Why do you want to join us: I've been looking for an RP server for a VERY long time, and I'm glad to find this! I also enjoy playing games similar to city RPs.
Build History: Helped server owners build tons of stuff
I'm new with MCPC, and I am looking for servers to join that's not very well known and vanilla.
2. Have you ever played on a private server?
3. Age
Sorry, I'm not comfortable telling anyone my age unless I know them well
5. Do yo accept the rules?
6. Do you have Ventrillo?
Nope. :/
7. Have you ever been banned / why?
Never banned
8. Do you like creepers? (explosion damage is on)
Not really, but I can handle them anyway so I don't mind.
1. Instyre would've defended you and unbanned you if you were really his brother, I mean come on he's your family!
2. You didn't have any proof, and you should've informed the admins about it first before banning straight away.
3. Can you use more formal English? I can't understand what you are saying and if your first language is English you must be ashamed.
Ever since you denied that time when you opped that "hacker" and griefed with him, I never trusted you. You're better off banned if you lie a lot, act so immature, and why rate this server low when YOU are the one at fault?!
P.S. How old are you again?