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    posted a message on Complex discussion: Heraldry

    I can see where you are coming from. I think the main problem is not with the amount of world development someone can get into a world, and the limitations that arise because of that, because minecraft is such an open world. People can build their own castles. I think perhaps it might work out better if the mod on such a server made a couple castles, smaller castles, and camps for people to inhabit as clans. This means that the smaller clans just starting out inhabit the camps, etc. This causes people to gravitate together from the beginning.

    Anywho, back to the main problem. I think the main problem is that of age. As minecraft is the popular game amongst the younger kids, many times these younger kids don't have the attention span to keep up their role play, and as such they decide to just jump at the most prestigious kingdom, or whatever. This wouldn't happen in real life, because a kingdom one's built really matters to them, and they don't want to see their friends be absorbed by another.

    I think a server that implemented this system with 14 and older people would have some success. Then the issue becomes keeping the right balance of intrigue and just playing a game.

    All that to say, plugins I think would limit the roleplaying capability in the way that it'd unbalance the balance just mentioned. It'd be tough to find the middle ground, but I think possible.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on How do i convince my parents to get me minecraft??

    Guys, guys, guys.

    What you don't realize is that the killing of poor defenseless animals later influences their behaviour. The actions in a cuboid world directly translate into real life, especially with the zombies and other fake mobs.


    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Youtube collab

    Hi there! I'd love to do a collab, but I'd like to know how old you are.

    I'll PM you my skype.

    Posted in: Let's Plays Help
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