Out Of Character: IGN?: CrapMuffin98 Age: 14 Sex (Optional): male Have You Read All The Rules?: yes Why Us?: recommended by Squid4680 How Have You Found About Us?: Squid4680 RolePlaying Experiance?: squid4680's skyrim server as a mod, tomian empire,
In Character: Name: Erik Smirnov Age: 26 Sex: male Personality: technology expert, and a good leader. very good at making friends, but sometimes too ambitious. Race: Human SubRace: Nerd BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): 50 years ago, the vault Erik's father lived in, Vault 74, was opened. However, there was a group of vault dwellers who believed firmly that any journey to the surface would be a sure suicide mission. They went mutinous, killing the vault overseer, and took control of the vault for themselves. At first, the kept the others in for their own safety. But as time passed, they grew abusive of their power, ruling with an iron fist, and punishing harshly any who dared to question them, or do anything against them. After 15 years of their reign of terror, Erik's father and a friend managed to organize an escape effort. He and 50 others accquired weapons the vault leaders had kept secret for so long, and made a run for the gate. In this attempt, 8 of them died, most at the edge of the gate. As the gate was closing, Erik's father's best friend was shot in the back. He dragged him under just in the nick of time, and the man got his first and only glimpse at the outside world, before he died.
9 years later, The group of escapees had found a suitable place (as suitable as any place in the wasteland could ever be, that is) to build a town, and settled down, trying to recreate a normal life. It was at this time that Erik was born. He had a good bringing up, for their town was reasonably prosperous, as well as led by his father. He grew up hearing stories of the vault, but only of the earlier years, when his father was young. Whenever Erik wanted to hear about the vault opening, or what happened following, his father would hastily change the subject, and Erik would let it go. Despite the huge time gap in the stories, between vault life, and how they had come out here and built a town, Erik loved the stories. He especially loved to hear about the technology. He knew the vault his father had lived in had held more than most. Maps to old world bombs, hidden away, maybe still active, and blueprints for things that, in the hands of the right person, could be used to massively improve wasteland life, and for other things that could lead one to great power. But whenever Erik asked about journeying to the vault, to reclaim this treasure trove of knowledge, his father cautioned him strongly against it, and he left the topic well alone, for a time.
As Erik grew, he tinkered with bits and pieces of things, taking apart weapons and stimpaks to see how they worked, messing around with computers, and when he was 17, he actually went so far as to (with a little help) restore a small nearby hydro-electric power plant from pre-war times, to a certain extent, and provide the town with a little electricity, though not nearly as much as it would have provided when it was built. However, all his life, the need to know exactly what happened when his father's vault opened grew and grew, and he brought it up more and more. Finally, when he was 21, he at last persuaded his father to tell him. He told Erik everything, from the day the vault opened, to the day of the escape.
Despite his father's warnings, Erik gathered a small group of followers and prepared to leave. Not long after, they set off into the wasteland. After a long journey, they arrived at the vault, and took a few days to rest, preparing for the inevitable fight that lay before them. When they were fully ready for the attack, they steeled themselves, then, using a terminal outside the vault which Erik had hacked into, they opened the vault. They managed to fight their way through the guards at the gate, but everything went wrong from there. Their forces were scattered in an onslaught of vault guards, outnumbering them nearly two to one, and with a much more organized fighting force.
Erik and a couple of others escaped the fray of battle, into the tunnels of the vault. With some difficulty, they reached what was formerly the overseer's office without detection, and broke in. The man inside, who had organized the initial takeover, hadn't been in a real fight in years, and he panicked. Erik stood aside, and let him escape. While Erik hacked the vault's computer system to ensure he had control when the battle ended, his men were barely holding up. However, when their leader entered the gate room, and saw the fight, he ordered his men to leave the vault. He escaped with the remainder of his force, leaving the vault, and the few still surviving vault dwellers, under Erik's command.
Once the chaos of the battle had ended, Erik gathered up everyone who was left. Almost everyone in the vault had escaped or been killed, leaving only a handful of survivors from the vault. Erik had his remaining force escort them back to his home town, and went back to the overseer's office. To Erik's dismay, the valuable information once stored in the vault, for the most part, was destroyed, or ruined beyond usefulness. Almost all the blueprints were ruined, and all but a couple of maps. He left them secure in the vault, knowing they were worthless in their current state. Some time later, his men, and a few vault dwellers who elected to come back, returned. Erik left a close friend of his temporarily in charge, and left for some time, to wander the wasteland, and see what was out there, vowing if ever he saw the man who imprisoned his father's vault to kill him. In addition to this, he vowed one day to return to the slave camps he had seen, and liberate them, much as he liberated the people of Vault 74. He searched for technology, sometimes allying himself with the brotherhood, and on occasion returning to his vault. He hoped one day for his small group in vault 74 to become a power in the Russian wasteland, like the Brotherhood. As he continues to grow in power, he has hopes that Erik Smirnov will become a name known all across the wasteland.
I hope I get accepted! Also, I apologize for the new faction application being too early.
Out Of Character: IGN?: CrapMuffin98 Age: 14 Sex (Optional): male Have You Read All The Rules?: yes Why Us?: recommended by Squid4680 How Have You Found About Us?: Squid4680 RolePlaying Experiance?: squid4680's skyrim server as a mod, tomian empire,
In Character: Name: Erik Smirnov Age: 28 Sex: male Personality: technology expert, and a good leader, but overly ambitious Race: Human SubRace: Nerd BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): Erik was raised in a small town in the North, led by his father, who told him stories of his days in the vault, as an engineer. Erik became interested more and more in the technology from the vault, but specifically in powerful pre-war weapons. When he turned 18, he left the town with a small following, headed for the vault. Once there, they not only accquired valuable resources, but discovered maps and blueprints to pre-war technologies. Armed with this knowledge, they began looking for weapons and materials from the vault, and dedicated themselves to both mastering all technologies they could, and gaining power through control of powerful pre-war weapons. Erik has worked with the brotherhood multiple times, and seeks a permanent alliance with them.
*New Faction Leader Application: Out Of Character Name: CrapMuffin98 Have You Made A Whitelist Application: yes Was That Whitelist Application Accepted: pending Are You Active On The Forums: new member
Faction Name: The Vault Warriors Why This Faction Should Exist: This faction is an important part of Erik Smirnov's backstory, as well as a valuable addition to the server. With their obsession over Atomic Weapons, they hold certain interesting elements of the "church of atom" from fallout 3, but they also are similar to the brotherhood, in their search for technology and power. Additionally, if allied to the brotherhood, they could represent a combination that would add depth to interactions between the various factions. How Active Can You Be On The Server: almost everyday most weeks, only weekends on some.
IGN?: CrapMuffin98
Age: 14
Sex (Optional): male
Have You Read All The Rules?: yes
Why Us?: recommended by Squid4680
How Have You Found About Us?: Squid4680
RolePlaying Experiance?: squid4680's skyrim server as a mod, tomian empire,
In Character:
Name: Erik Smirnov
Age: 26
Sex: male
Personality: technology expert, and a good leader. very good at making friends, but sometimes too ambitious.
Race: Human
SubRace: Nerd
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): 50 years ago, the vault Erik's father lived in, Vault 74, was opened. However, there was a group of vault dwellers who believed firmly that any journey to the surface would be a sure suicide mission. They went mutinous, killing the vault overseer, and took control of the vault for themselves. At first, the kept the others in for their own safety. But as time passed, they grew abusive of their power, ruling with an iron fist, and punishing harshly any who dared to question them, or do anything against them. After 15 years of their reign of terror, Erik's father and a friend managed to organize an escape effort. He and 50 others accquired weapons the vault leaders had kept secret for so long, and made a run for the gate. In this attempt, 8 of them died, most at the edge of the gate. As the gate was closing, Erik's father's best friend was shot in the back. He dragged him under just in the nick of time, and the man got his first and only glimpse at the outside world, before he died.
9 years later, The group of escapees had found a suitable place (as suitable as any place in the wasteland could ever be, that is) to build a town, and settled down, trying to recreate a normal life. It was at this time that Erik was born. He had a good bringing up, for their town was reasonably prosperous, as well as led by his father. He grew up hearing stories of the vault, but only of the earlier years, when his father was young. Whenever Erik wanted to hear about the vault opening, or what happened following, his father would hastily change the subject, and Erik would let it go. Despite the huge time gap in the stories, between vault life, and how they had come out here and built a town, Erik loved the stories. He especially loved to hear about the technology. He knew the vault his father had lived in had held more than most. Maps to old world bombs, hidden away, maybe still active, and blueprints for things that, in the hands of the right person, could be used to massively improve wasteland life, and for other things that could lead one to great power. But whenever Erik asked about journeying to the vault, to reclaim this treasure trove of knowledge, his father cautioned him strongly against it, and he left the topic well alone, for a time.
As Erik grew, he tinkered with bits and pieces of things, taking apart weapons and stimpaks to see how they worked, messing around with computers, and when he was 17, he actually went so far as to (with a little help) restore a small nearby hydro-electric power plant from pre-war times, to a certain extent, and provide the town with a little electricity, though not nearly as much as it would have provided when it was built. However, all his life, the need to know exactly what happened when his father's vault opened grew and grew, and he brought it up more and more. Finally, when he was 21, he at last persuaded his father to tell him. He told Erik everything, from the day the vault opened, to the day of the escape.
Despite his father's warnings, Erik gathered a small group of followers and prepared to leave. Not long after, they set off into the wasteland. After a long journey, they arrived at the vault, and took a few days to rest, preparing for the inevitable fight that lay before them. When they were fully ready for the attack, they steeled themselves, then, using a terminal outside the vault which Erik had hacked into, they opened the vault. They managed to fight their way through the guards at the gate, but everything went wrong from there. Their forces were scattered in an onslaught of vault guards, outnumbering them nearly two to one, and with a much more organized fighting force.
Erik and a couple of others escaped the fray of battle, into the tunnels of the vault. With some difficulty, they reached what was formerly the overseer's office without detection, and broke in. The man inside, who had organized the initial takeover, hadn't been in a real fight in years, and he panicked. Erik stood aside, and let him escape. While Erik hacked the vault's computer system to ensure he had control when the battle ended, his men were barely holding up. However, when their leader entered the gate room, and saw the fight, he ordered his men to leave the vault. He escaped with the remainder of his force, leaving the vault, and the few still surviving vault dwellers, under Erik's command.
Once the chaos of the battle had ended, Erik gathered up everyone who was left. Almost everyone in the vault had escaped or been killed, leaving only a handful of survivors from the vault. Erik had his remaining force escort them back to his home town, and went back to the overseer's office. To Erik's dismay, the valuable information once stored in the vault, for the most part, was destroyed, or ruined beyond usefulness. Almost all the blueprints were ruined, and all but a couple of maps. He left them secure in the vault, knowing they were worthless in their current state. Some time later, his men, and a few vault dwellers who elected to come back, returned. Erik left a close friend of his temporarily in charge, and left for some time, to wander the wasteland, and see what was out there, vowing if ever he saw the man who imprisoned his father's vault to kill him. In addition to this, he vowed one day to return to the slave camps he had seen, and liberate them, much as he liberated the people of Vault 74. He searched for technology, sometimes allying himself with the brotherhood, and on occasion returning to his vault. He hoped one day for his small group in vault 74 to become a power in the Russian wasteland, like the Brotherhood. As he continues to grow in power, he has hopes that Erik Smirnov will become a name known all across the wasteland.
I hope I get accepted! Also, I apologize for the new faction application being too early.
IGN?: CrapMuffin98
Age: 14
Sex (Optional): male
Have You Read All The Rules?: yes
Why Us?: recommended by Squid4680
How Have You Found About Us?: Squid4680
RolePlaying Experiance?: squid4680's skyrim server as a mod, tomian empire,
In Character:
Name: Erik Smirnov
Age: 28
Sex: male
Personality: technology expert, and a good leader, but overly ambitious
Race: Human
SubRace: Nerd
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): Erik was raised in a small town in the North, led by his father, who told him stories of his days in the vault, as an engineer. Erik became interested more and more in the technology from the vault, but specifically in powerful pre-war weapons. When he turned 18, he left the town with a small following, headed for the vault. Once there, they not only accquired valuable resources, but discovered maps and blueprints to pre-war technologies. Armed with this knowledge, they began looking for weapons and materials from the vault, and dedicated themselves to both mastering all technologies they could, and gaining power through control of powerful pre-war weapons. Erik has worked with the brotherhood multiple times, and seeks a permanent alliance with them.
*New Faction Leader Application:
Out Of Character Name: CrapMuffin98
Have You Made A Whitelist Application: yes
Was That Whitelist Application Accepted: pending
Are You Active On The Forums: new member
Faction Name: The Vault Warriors
Why This Faction Should Exist: This faction is an important part of Erik Smirnov's backstory, as well as a valuable addition to the server. With their obsession over Atomic Weapons, they hold certain interesting elements of the "church of atom" from fallout 3, but they also are similar to the brotherhood, in their search for technology and power. Additionally, if allied to the brotherhood, they could represent a combination that would add depth to interactions between the various factions.
How Active Can You Be On The Server: almost everyday most weeks, only weekends on some.