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    posted a message on Puddles of goo. New Mob!
    My new mob idea is the puddle of goo.

    It dissolves metal and stone. It takes up a three by three block at first. When it has dissolved eight blocks, it expands to a four by four area. After four additional blocks, it splits into two smaller puddles. They can change shape to crawl through small spaces. When they dissolve an ore, they leave whatever it dropped intact. Sort of like a furnace. A very dangerous furnace. Here are the dissolve times.

    Gravel: 2 seconds
    Cobblestone: 4 seconds
    Smooth Stone: 8 seconds
    Iron ore: 8 seconds (leaves iron behind)
    Gold ore: 12 seconds (leaves gold behind)
    Diamond ore: 16 seconds (leaves diamond behind)
    Redstone ore: 16 seconds (leaves redstone dust behind)
    Iron door: 16 seconds (leaves three iron behind)
    Minecart/storage minecart: 16 seconds (leaves three iron behind (and chest if it is a storage minecart))
    Powered minecart: 24 seconds (leaves three iron behind)
    Iron block: 32 seconds (leaves six iron behind)
    Gold block: 64 seconds (leaves six gold behind)
    Diamond block: 96 seconds (leaves six diamond behind)

    Puddles spawn very rarely, usually in caves. If a puddle of goo sees a mob (including you) from four blocks away, it will chase the mob, and try to dissolve it. If it touches the mob, the mob takes two hearts of damage per second.

    There are two ways to effectively get rid of them.

    1: Pour water on them. They dilute in water. After six seconds, they disappear completely. They leave nothing behind when you kill them like this.

    2: Scoop them up with a wooden bowl. It may take several tries, and you may need to get too close, but it's worth it. If you manage to scoop them up, you get a bowl of goo. You can store a bowl of goo in a wooden area. You can use it for traps, or simply for dissolving ores. It flows between the speed of lava and water and spreads eight blocks. Anything that touches goo takes one heart of damage every second.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Paltins, Groduks, and Bitnis
    Okay. I gave Paltins the ability to pick up dropped objects.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on NecroCraft
    The slowing ghost should use mud from the Nether.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Paltins, Groduks, and Bitnis
    Quote from awopcxet »
    why dirt?
    i will it drop enchanted dirt who are stronger

    It drops dirt because it's made of dirt. Like I said, it doesn't do much.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Batteries would be cool, :D
    Okay. With the addition of lanterns, this is actually a pretty good idea (albeit, an unoriginal one). I think it should cost about the same as a lantern to make, and provide two. As soon as we see what lanterns are made of, I can give a fuller review (or you could provide another example).
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Setting a block in front of you
    Quote from tylertaco »
    alread a way to prevent this.
    instead of running you hold SHIFT and move to the edge you go slow but this is a great way to build roofs for tall buildings because you can be at the tip of the ledge then place the block.
    try it

    Did you even read the full post?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Hell-Creeper
    What do they drop?

    Originality: 5/5 Never seen this before.
    Depth: 5/5 It's a creeper. It sets things on fire. What's not to get?
    Balance: 5/5 It's not as though it can be worse than the ghast. Hell is already half on fire.
    Another angle: 5/5 SSSssssss...

    Total: 20/20 This idea gets a diamond!


    :stone: :VV: :VV: :VV: :VV: :VV: :VV: :VV: :stone:
    :stone: :stone: :VV: :VV: :VV: :VV: :VV: :stone: :stone:
    :stone: :VV: :VV: :VV: :VV: :VV: :SSSS: :stone: :stone:
    :stone: :stone: :stone: :VV: :VV: :VV: :VV: :stone: :stone:
    :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone:
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Batteries would be cool, :D
    I can't give a full review without some examples. Post at least one thing you would use a battery for so I can give a full review.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Paltins, Groduks, and Bitnis
    Quote from Jstratter »
    I love your ideas! They are extremely original, and I think they'd add some flair and variety to the game. The Paltins should definitely do something, like destroying the block it's jumping on as you said. Also, I suggest you change the name of this thread to "Paltins, Groduks, and Bitnis" without the quotations. That way people know that they are seperate names (I was kind of confused by it).

    Thanks! And how do I change the title?

    Quote from redux06790 »
    I like the idea of a small mob that does something annoying but it couldnt be detrimental to gameplay, maybe they can be like mine creepers and just blow up or OMG I just thought of this, they can be a night spawn, and they glow. When you kill them they can drop some sort of "glow powder" which could then be used to make underwater lights or something

    They only drop dirt. Sorry.

    Quote from Jstratter »
    Quote from redux06790 »
    I dont think Paltins should destroy blocks, they would just end up being called the "Griefer Mob" and Notch would Know better. I like the idea of them eating torches. Low impact but still very frustrating.

    No, eating torches would make it so that other mobs could spawn there, and that would just be horrible. Maybe they could only spawn in light, and they occasionally place a torch?

    How about a compromise. They can displace dirt blocks, but only dirt, and not often. (By displace, I mean that they can pick up a dirt block and move it.) Or maybe they can pick up dropped objects, which is annoying if you want gunpowder, so you kill a creeper, but the paltin gets the gunpowder instead.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Paltins, Groduks, and Bitnis
    How about if the paltin slowly destroys the block that it's jumping on? (Maybe it takes ten seconds.)
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Paltins, Groduks, and Bitnis
    No responses? I'd like some feedback.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Power Tools
    Originality: 0/5 I've seen this too many times.
    Depth: 0/5 One and a fifth lines of text. Not long enough.
    Balance: 0/5 This would make the game to easy.
    Another angle 0/5 It's not going to happen.

    Total score: 0/20 This idea gets a dirt block.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Paltins, Groduks, and Bitnis
    The dirt trio, as I call them. Or the MAMs (Minor Annoyance Mobs). This 1x1x1 creeps spawn near large patches of dirt, and don't really do much except annoy or surprise you. When killed they have roughly a 10% chance of dropping a dirt block.

    NOTE: All of these mobs have the same texture as dirt. I just substituted with brown instead for these images.

    The Paltin:

    These are very annoying mobs. They spawn near large, reasonably flat patches of dirt. They spawn in groups of 10-20 and they just bounce around near their spawn point until you kill them. Shovels destroy them best. One hit from a stone shovel should kill them. Paltins have the ability to pick up dropped objects.

    The Groduk:

    These mobs actually have some merit. They spawn alone, and they wander until they find a place where the dirt elevates one meter. They then stand next to the wall, and sit, indistinguishable from dirt except for two small eyes. When you step on them, they jump up three meters, throwing the player (or whatever stepped on them) up four to five meters. They take falling damage, and the Groduk just gets up and walks away. They take five hits with a stone shovel, but with a hoe, you can actually plant wheat on them! If you attack them with a shovel, they just slowly get up and walk away, as if you are just pestering them, and not killing them.

    The Bitni:

    As soon as these mobs spawn, they start to slide. They slowly lose dirt while sliding, until they disappear. The don't take much to kill. Three hits with a stone shovel when it's full, One hit with a wooden shovel when it's near gone. They lose all their dirt in about a minute.

    So. What do you think of the dirt trio? I may add more.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Oceancraft
    Quote from qwertyz »

    Quote from Blablah99 »
    Quote from qwertyz »
    If anybody is capable of doing graphics for this thread.. could you do it as a favor?

    I find from experience if a thread has some pretty pictures along with it, people tend to post more often, but I lack artistic skill. =/

    I can do some graphics. No guarantees. What do you want?

    I really have no idea XD

    I something related with this in some way would be nice. Graphics tend to make people post more, so I wanted some, though I really have no idea what to put.

    Okay. I'll try to make some fish and plants.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Oceancraft
    Quote from qwertyz »
    If anybody is capable of doing graphics for this thread.. could you do it as a favor?

    I find from experience if a thread has some pretty pictures along with it, people tend to post more often, but I lack artistic skill. =/

    I can do some graphics. No guarantees. What do you want?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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