• 0

    posted a message on Legends of Aekran | Kinda like DnD!

    I have posted Legends of Aekran on the Spacebattles forum. You can find it right here.

    Outpost Defenders is up there, too.

    Farewell, Minecraft forum. We'll miss you.

    Posted in: Forum Games
  • 0

    posted a message on Outpost Defenders: Retribution | Assassinating the assassin

    I've posted Outpost Defenders on the Spacebattles forum, and it's awaiting moderation before it becomes publicly visible. Once it goes public, I'll post a link to the thread here.

    Legends of Aekran will be ported soon.

    Edit: Outpost Defenders is publicly visible on Spacebattles now. Right here.

    Posted in: Forum Games
  • 0

    posted a message on Outpost Defenders: Retribution | Assassinating the assassin

    I forgot to mention this in my last post, but updates for the game itself will be delayed while I port everything over. I'll work as quickly as I can to get everything up and running ASAP.

    Also important: emblems as a system might have to be sacrificed, because I think there's a hard limit of ten images per post over on Spacebattles. Titles can stick around, though, so I'll just lean more into those.

    Posted in: Forum Games
  • 0

    posted a message on Legends of Aekran | Kinda like DnD!

    No update today due to some important news.

    Important announcement about the games' future:

    Well, as you all know, the forum is being archived. We're all sad to see it go, but that's how the cookie crumbles, unfortunately.

    I'm currently in the process of adapting all the formatting for my games to suit their new home: the roleplaying board on the Spacebattles forum. Thanks to algot for the suggestion.

    My account name over there is Exoskeletal65. It's completely free to make an account. Share your usernames with me so I can carry your stats over easily.

    The gameplay mechanics won't change, just the place you'll find the games themselves.

    I'll share links to the games' threads when I've posted them. I hope I'll see you all there!

    Posted in: Forum Games
  • 0

    posted a message on Outpost Defenders: Retribution | Assassinating the assassin

    Important announcement about the games' future:

    Well, as you all know, the forum is being archived. We're all sad to see it go, but that's how the cookie crumbles, unfortunately.

    I'm currently in the process of adapting all the formatting for my games to suit their new home: the roleplaying board on the Spacebattles forum. Thanks to algot for the suggestion.

    My account name over there is Exoskeletal65. It's completely free to make an account. Share your usernames with me so I can carry your stats over easily.

    The gameplay mechanics won't change, just the place you'll find the games themselves.

    I'll share links to the games' threads when I've posted them. I hope I'll see you all there!

    Posted in: Forum Games
  • 0

    posted a message on Legends of Aekran | Kinda like DnD!
    Quote from BaconBusterYT»

    I focus Wind Waltz for...let's go 4 turns, then dropkick Gregory with the might of a storm.

    You give yourself Wind Waltz for 4 turns, then dropkick Gregory!

    Gregory's evasion roll: 13.

    Your roll: 8.

    Your attack misses. You gain 5 XP.

    Quote from GoldHero101»

    “Naughty! Didn’t they teach you manners?” I grab a Switch Axe from hammerspace and perform a Zero Sum Discharge.

    You perform a zero sum discharge.

    Gregory's evasion roll: -1 (critical failure!)

    Your roll: 14.

    Your crit roll: 13 (failed).

    You land a strong hit, dealing 48 damage to him! You gain 30 XP!

    ==[Ally action]==

    Morgan delivers a searing uppercut.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 18 (critical success!)

    Morgan's roll: 17.

    The physical blow misses, but a few stray flames singe Gregory for 9 damage. Morgan gains 6 XP.

    ==[Enemy action]==

    Gregory takes 10 bleed damage, then sends a wave of water in Zephil's direction.

    Zephil's evasion roll: 14.

    Gregory's roll: 8.

    He misses.

    He then tries to blast Seymour with pressurized water.

    Seymour's evasion roll: 25 (critical success!)

    Gregory's roll: 16.

    He never even had a chance to hit.

    Quote from Stickcrafter»

    I make another attempt at slicing Gregory's legs.

    You slice at Gregory's legs again.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 12.
    Your roll: 12.

    You hit him for 28 damage and reinstate his bleeding. You gain 18 XP.

    ==[Ally action]==

    Junia shoots Gregory in the kneecap.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 16.

    Junia's roll: 3.

    She misses horribly. She gains 5 XP.

    Alessandra tries to stab Gregory in the leg.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 6.

    Alessandra's roll: 9.

    Alessandra's crit roll: 12 (failed).

    She deals 21 damage.

    ==[Turn 8]==

    Everyone recovers 13 HP from Regeneratos Ballad.

    Alessandra curses at Gregory in Semilean. He curses back.

    Turn order:

    Zephil: >>

    Gregory: >>>

    The Crafter: >>

    Seymour: >>

    Morgan: >>

    Connor: >>

    Junia: >>

    Alessandra: >>


    image source: here.

    Gregory the Fire Resistant (class: human)
    [HP|===== ===== ===== ===== ===== | ===== ===== ===== ===== =====] 217/700
    Status effects: Marked for Death (takes 25% more damage from all sources for 1 turn), Frigid (suffers -2 to non-crit rolls for 1 turn), Bleeding (takes 10 damage every turn for 3 turns)
    Exiled from Semiland for heretical summoning acts. Controls the power of an antediluvian horror.

    Points of interest:

    Dock (the rarely used port of travel in Frostfall)

    Black fortress (Gregory's hidden fortress) [Everyone is here]

    Party (well rested for 10 turns):

    Zephil Solstrider, Bard [Level 7 Bard|==========] 443/450 XP

    [HP|==========] 72/72 | [Mana|==========] 41/50 | Tune points: 3 | Active auras: Regeneratos Ballad +1, Limerick of the Guard | Equip load: 11/35 (medium encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Lute +1] [Right weapon: Ballad of Two] [Helmet: Bard's cap +1] [Chestplate: Iron trimmed coat +1] [Gauntlets: Hard leather gloves +1] [Boots: Bard's boots +1]

    Status effects: Breaking Limits (gains +20 HP and +2 to all attributes for the rest of the battle)

    Bardic Tunes III (passive)

    Gain access to a Tune Gauge, which fuels musical auras. You can switch auras as a minor action, and start with 1 TP (Tune Point). Each Aura has a different TP cost, so choose wisely. The TP does not get consumed, so the effects are typically weaker than just using a skill. Also allows you to fuel into an aura to enhance its effects.

    Regeneratos Ballad: 1 TP

    Each party member recovers (1 x D4 + Zephil's persuasion score divided by 10) HP each combat turn.

    Hercules' Sonnet: 1 TP

    Each party member gets a +2 to their attack rolls. NOTE: Does not have any effect if they critical fail or succeed.

    Anthem of Blood: 1 TP

    All attacks from the party (including Zephil's) have an additional 10% chance to inflict bleeding.

    Limerick of the Guard: 1 TP

    Each party member gets a +2 to their evasion rolls. NOTE: Does not have any effect if they critical fail or succeed.

    Breaking Limits (passive)

    "Breaking limits as only a true warrior of light could." During boss fights, you transcend your limits by gaining +2 to all attributes and +20 HP for the duration of the battle.

    Flaming Flat (active: costs 20 mana)

    Fire a flaming projectile with enhanced accuracy, dealing 24 fire damage with +2 to its accuracy roll.

    Carry capacity: 14.96/65

    Gold: 275


    >Lute +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Ballad of Two (weight: 2) (value: 35)


    >Bard's cap +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Bard's boots +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Iron trimmed coat +1 (weight: 2) (value: 45)

    >Hard leather gloves +1 (weight: 1) (value: 40)


    >Healing potion (weight: 0.25) (value: 10)

    >Medicinal herbs x3 (weight: 0.3 [0.1 each]) (value: 75 [25 each])

    >Manslayer oil (weight: 0.1) (value: 30)

    >Ancient artifact (weight: 1) (value: 250)

    >Shipping manifest (weight: 0) (quest item)

    >List of names (weight: 0) (quest item)

    >Letter to "Ghost" (weight: 0) (quest item)

    >Escape rope (weight: 1) (value: 35)

    >Bandage x6 (weight: 1.2 [0.2 each]) (value: 60 [10 each])

    >Antidote x6 (weight: 1.2 [0.2 each]) (value: 60 [10 each])

    >Soaked book (weight: 1) (value: 5)

    >Broken dagger (weight: 1) (value: 2)

    >Robotic coolant x2 (weight: 2 [1 each]) (value: 40 [20 each])

    >Shark tooth x5 (weight: 1 [0.2 each]) (value: 10 [2 each])

    HP: 52

    Mana: 50 (regen: 10)

    Speed: 5

    Spell slots: 3

    Physical resistance: 6

    Elemental resistance: 5

    Vitality status resistance: 11

    Endurance status resistance: 10

    Persuasion score: 40

    Impact defense: 0 +8

    Slash defense: 0 +12

    Puncture defense: 0 +9

    Water defense: 0

    Fire defense: 0 +3

    Earth defense: 0 +3

    Wind defense: 0 +3

    Ice defense: 0

    Electric defense: 0

    Toxic defense: 0

    Magic defense: 0 +10

    Light defense: 0 +8

    Dark defense: 0 +3

    Vitality: 5
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 4
    Strength: 2
    Dexterity: 5
    Intelligence: 5
    Faith: 5
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 8

    Magic: 6
    Hydromancy: 3
    Pyromancy: 3
    Geomancy: 3
    Aeromancy: 4
    Cryomancy: 3
    Electromancy: 3
    Necromancy: 3
    Polymancy: 3
    Light magic: 4
    Dark magic: 2

    Seymour Hogsworth, Rogue [Level 7 Rogue|==========] 190/450 XP

    [HP|==========] 61/61 | [Mana|==========] 16/40 | Equip load: 10/40 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Silver plated pistol] [Right weapon: Katana] [Helmet: Rogue's scarf +1] [Chestplate: Iron trimmed coat +1] [Gauntlets: Rogue's gloves +1] [Boots: Steel tipped boots]

    Status effects: Wind Waltz (gains +3 to evasion rolls for 3 turns)

    Have At You! II (active: costs 15 mana)
    When used, target a single enemy, and deal 33% more damage towards them for 3 turns. While active, both you and your target enemy deal 25% less damage towards anyone other than each other. If the target dies early, can swap to a new enemy for the remainder of the duration.

    Wind Waltz II (active: costs X mana)
    By channeling wind magic throughout the body, temporarily gain +3 to evasion rolls. Duration is 1 turn for every 6 mana spent. Also passively grants +1 to evasion rolls against enemies targeted by Have At You!. Also improves dancing skill, for reasons unknown.

    Ice Wall (active: costs 15 mana)
    Instantly create a barrier of ice, granting you 20 block.

    Firebolt II (active: costs 20 mana)
    Fire a flaming projectile with enhanced accuracy, dealing 30 fire damage with +2 to its accuracy roll.

    Carry capacity: 16/70

    Gold: 356


    >Katana (weight: 3) (value: 50)

    >Silver plated pistol (weight: 2) (value: 25)


    >Rogue's scarf +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Rogue's gloves +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Iron trimmed coat +1 (weight: 2) (value: 45)

    >Steel tipped boots (weight: 1) (value: 30)


    >Crimson x4 (weight: 2 [0.5 each]) (value: 100 [25 each])

    >Loaded dice (weight: 1) (value: 20)

    HP: 61
    Mana: 40 (regen: 13)
    Speed: 6
    Spell slots: 2
    Physical resistance: 7
    Elemental resistance: 3
    Vitality status resistance: 12
    Endurance status resistance: 10
    Persuasion score: 25

    Impact defense: 0 +8

    Slash defense: 0 +17

    Puncture defense: 0 +9

    Water defense: 0

    Fire defense: 3

    Earth defense: 3

    Wind defense: 3

    Ice defense: 0

    Electric defense: 0

    Toxic defense: 0

    Magic defense: 3

    Light defense: 3

    Dark defense: 3

    Vitality: 5
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 4
    Strength: 2
    Dexterity: 9
    Intelligence: 5
    Faith: 3
    Luck: 5
    Charisma: 5

    Magic: 2
    Hydromancy: 2
    Pyromancy: 3
    Geomancy: 1
    Aeromancy: 3
    Cryomancy: 2
    Electromancy: 2
    Necromancy: 2
    Polymancy: 2
    Light magic: 2
    Dark magic: 2

    The Crafter, Knight [Level 7 Knight|==========] 191/450 XP

    [HP|==========] 92/92 | [Mana|==========] 52/52 | Equip load: 20/56 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Shield +1] [Right weapon: Leg of Lagavulin +1] [Helmet: Black iron helmet] [Chestplate: Black iron chestplate] [Gauntlets: Knight's gauntlets +1] [Boots: Black iron leggings]

    Status effects: None

    Armor Breaker (active: costs 15 mana)
    Perform an attack that deals double damage to enemy block. If the target has no block, this ability causes them to take 10% more damage from physical attacks for 3 turns.

    Counter (passive)
    When surviving an enemy attack, immediately hit back with a regular attack. Counter attacks cannot critically hit.

    Carry capacity: 20.45/100

    Gold: 375


    >Shield +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Leg of Lagavulin +1 (weight: 4) (value: 70)

    >The Crafter's Mark (weight: 2) (value: 20)


    >Knight's gauntlets +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Black iron helmet (weight: 3) (value: 40)

    >Black iron chestplate (weight: 6) (value: 40)

    >Black iron leggings (weight: 3) (value: 30)


    >Healing potion x5 (weight: 1.25 [0.25 each]) (value: 50 [10 each])

    >Medicinal herbs x17 (weight: 1.7 [0.1 each]) (value: 425 [25 each])

    >Potion base x10 (weight: 1 [0.1 each]) (value: 100 [10 each])

    >Blue orchid x10 (weight: 1 [0.1 each]) (value: 150 [15 each])

    >Northstar flower x5 (weight: 0.5 [0.1 each]) (value: 60 [15 each])

    >Torch x5 (weight: 2.5 [0.5 each]) (value: 35 [7 each])

    >Loaded dice (weight: 1) (value: 20)

    >Firewood (weight: 2) (value: 40)

    >Crimson (weight: 0.5) (value: 30)

    >Bottle of Semilean Red wine (weight: 1) (value: 50)

    Potion recipes:

    >Minor healing potion

    Requirements: 1 potion base, 2 medicinal herbs

    >Minor mana potion

    Requirements: 1 potion base, 2 blue orchids

    >Night vision potion

    Requirements: 1 potion base, 2 northstar flowers

    HP: 92
    Mana: 52 (regen: 10)
    Speed: 4
    Spell slots: 4
    Physical resistance: 22
    Elemental resistance: 11
    Vitality status resistance: 29
    Endurance status resistance: 31
    Persuasion score: 15

    Impact defense: 0 +15

    Slash defense: 0 +15

    Puncture defense: 0 +15

    Water defense: 0 +6

    Fire defense: 0 +15

    Earth defense: 0 +9

    Wind defense: 0 +9

    Ice defense: 0 +6

    Electric defense: 0 +6

    Toxic defense: 0 +9

    Magic defense: 0 +9

    Light defense: 0 +13

    Dark defense: 0 +16

    Vitality: 9
    Endurance: 9
    Attunement: 6
    Strength: 5
    Dexterity: 4
    Intelligence: 3
    Faith: 3
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 3

    Magic: 2
    Hydromancy: 2
    Pyromancy: 2
    Geomancy: 3
    Aeromancy: 2
    Cryomancy: 2
    Electromancy: 2
    Necromancy: 2
    Polymancy: 2
    Light magic: 3
    Dark magic: 1

    Connor, Sorcerer [Level 6 Sorcerer|==========] 301/400 XP

    [HP|==========] 45/45 | [Mana|==========] 21/89 | Equip load: 9.5/35 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Wizard staff +1] [Right weapon: The Jagged Edge] [Helmet: Wizard hat] [Chestplate: Sorcerer's robes] [Gauntlets: Sorcerer's gloves] [Boots: Sorcerer's boots]

    Status effects: none

    Arcane Missiles (active: costs 6x1.25 mana)
    Fires bolts of arcane energy at enemies, with each having its own target. They deal 11 magic damage when they hit. Mana cost increases for every projectile fired.

    Frostfire (active: costs 25 mana)
    Fires a bolt of frost and flame that burns a target for 15 damage, then subsequently freezes them, dealing 10 damage and reducing their non-crit rolls by 2 for 2 turns.

    Lightning Storm III (active: costs 25 mana)
    Call down a lightning storm from above, dealing 20 electric damage to all enemies.

    Ice Wall (active: costs 15 mana)
    Instantly create a barrier of ice, granting you 20 block.

    Firebolt (active: costs 20 mana)
    Fire a flaming projectile with enhanced accuracy, dealing 24 fire damage with +2 to its accuracy roll.

    Carry capacity: 26/65

    Gold: 305


    >Wizard staff (weight: 2) (value: 10)

    >Wizard staff +1 (weight: 2) (value: 12)

    >Brigand's knife (weight: 2) (value: 13)

    >Golden dagger (weight: 1) (value: 60)

    >The Jagged Edge (weight: 1.5) (value: 70)

    >The Master Key (weight: 1.5) (value: 70)


    >Wizard hat (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Sorcerer's robes (weight: 2) (value: 10)

    >Sorcerer's gloves (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Sorcerer's boots (weight: 2) (value: 10)

    >Iron trimmed coat (weight: 2) (value: 35)


    >Eye of Lagavulin (weight: 1) (value: 40)

    >Lagavulin shell fragment x10 (weight: 5 [0.5 each]) (value: 100 [10 each])

    >Healing potion x3 (weight: 0.75 [0.25 each]) (value: 30 [10 each])

    >Salvaged circuitry (weight: 0.25) (value: 40)

    >Damaged battery (weight: 1) (value: 20)

    >Crimson x2 (weight: 1 [0.5 each]) (value: 60 [30 each])

    HP: 45
    Mana: 89 (regen: 10)
    Speed: 4
    Spell slots: 4
    Physical resistance: 5
    Elemental resistance: 23
    Vitality status resistance: 15
    Endurance status resistance: 15
    Persuasion score: 15

    Impact defense: 0 +2

    Slash defense: 0 +4

    Puncture defense: 0 +2

    Water defense: 0 +3

    Fire defense: 0 +5

    Earth defense: 0 +5

    Wind defense: 0 +5

    Ice defense: 0 +3

    Electric defense: 0 +3

    Toxic defense: 0 +3

    Magic defense: 0 +8

    Light defense: 0 +5

    Dark defense: 0 +5

    Vitality: 4
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 10
    Strength: 3
    Dexterity: 3
    Intelligence: 7
    Faith: 4
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 3

    Magic: 6
    Hydromancy: 4
    Pyromancy: 4
    Geomancy: 4
    Aeromancy: 4
    Cryomancy: 4
    Electromancy: 4
    Necromancy: 4
    Polymancy: 4
    Light magic: 4
    Dark magic: 3

    Morgan, Reformed Thief [Level 6 Bounty Hunter|==========] 77/400 XP

    [HP|==========] 45/45 | [Mana|==========] 25/40 | Equip load: 13/45 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Axe] [Right weapon: Barbed spear] [Helmet: Bounty hunter's mask] [Chestplate: Bounty hunter's tunic] [Gauntlets: Bounty hunter's gloves] [Boots: Bounty hunter's boots]

    Status effects: None

    Mark for Death II (active: costs 15 mana)

    Mark a target for death, causing them to take 25% more damage from all sources for 3 turns.

    Searing Uppercut (active: costs 20 mana)

    Deliver a flame-infused uppercut, dealing 12 impact damage and 14 fire damage, with a greatly improved chance to stagger the target.

    Carry capacity: 15/95

    Gold: 300


    >Axe (weight: 3) (value: 10)

    >Axe (weight: 3) (value: 10)

    >Barbed spear (weight: 3) (value: 30)


    >Bounty hunter's mask (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Bounty hunter's tunic (weight: 3) (value: 10)

    >Bounty hunter's gloves (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Bounty hunter's boots (weight: 2) (value: 10)


    >Ancient artifact (weight: 1) (value: 250)

    >Bottle of Semilean White wine (weight: 1) (value: 50)

    HP: 45
    Mana: 40 (regen: 10)
    Speed: 5
    Spell slots: 2
    Physical resistance: 11
    Elemental resistance: 13
    Vitality status resistance: 17
    Endurance status resistance: 16
    Persuasion score: 15

    Impact defense: 0 +5

    Slash defense: 0 +5

    Puncture defense: 0 +5

    Water defense: 0

    Fire defense: 0

    Earth defense: 0

    Wind defense: 0

    Ice defense: 0

    Electric defense: 0

    Toxic defense: 0

    Magic defense: 0

    Light defense: 0

    Dark defense: 0

    Vitality: 5
    Endurance: 5
    Attunement: 5
    Strength: 6
    Dexterity: 6
    Intelligence: 4
    Faith: 3
    Luck: 4
    Charisma: 3

    Magic: 3
    Hydromancy: 2
    Pyromancy: 4
    Geomancy: 3
    Aeromancy: 3
    Cryomancy: 3
    Electromancy: 3
    Necromancy: 2
    Polymancy: 3
    Light magic: 2
    Dark magic: 2

    Junia, Cleric [Level 6 Cleric|==========] 147/400 XP

    [HP|==========] 40/40 | [Mana|==========] 46/53 | Equip load: 11/30 (medium encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Holy scriptures] [Right weapon: Silver plated pistol] [Helmet: Cleric's hood] [Chestplate: Rogue's longcoat +1] [Gauntlets: White gloves] [Boots: Rogue's boots +1]

    Status effects: None

    Divine Grace (active: costs 15 mana)

    Heal a target with divine power, restoring 22% of their HP.

    Divine Comfort (active: costs 25 mana)

    Soothe all allies with divine power, restoring 11% HP to everyone.

    Carry capacity: 11/60

    Gold: 250


    >Holy scriptures (weight: 2) (value: 10)

    Silver plated pistol (weight: 2) (value: 25)


    >Cleric's hood (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Cleric's robes (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >White gloves (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Cleric's boots (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Rogue's longcoat +1 (weight: 2) (value: 13)

    >Rogue's boots +1 (weight: 1) (value: 13)

    HP: 40
    Mana: 53 (regen: 12)
    Speed: 4
    Spell slots: 3
    Physical resistance: 5
    Elemental resistance: 10
    Vitality status resistance: 10
    Endurance status resistance: 10
    Persuasion score: 10

    Impact defense: 0 +2

    Slash defense: 0 +6

    Puncture defense: 0 +2

    Water defense: 0 +2

    Fire defense: 0 +2

    Earth defense: 0 +2

    Wind defense: 0 +2

    Ice defense: 0 +2

    Electric defense: 0 +2

    Toxic defense: 0 +2

    Magic defense: 0 +4

    Light defense: 0 +6

    Dark defense: 0 +6

    Vitality: 4
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 7
    Strength: 3
    Dexterity: 3
    Intelligence: 6
    Faith: 10
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 3

    Magic: 5
    Hydromancy: 3
    Pyromancy: 2
    Geomancy: 2
    Aeromancy: 3
    Cryomancy: 3
    Electromancy: 2
    Necromancy: 1
    Polymancy: 2
    Light magic: 6
    Dark magic: 1

    Alessandra of Semiland, Seer of Ironhaven [Level 5 Sorcerer]

    [HP|==========] 45/45 | [Mana|==========] 68/68 | Equip load: 5/35 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Seer's gauntlet] [Right weapon: Bronze dagger] [Helmet: Seer's hood] [Chestplate: Seer's robes] [Gauntlets: None] [Boots: Seer's boots]

    Status effects: None

    Defensive Ward (active: costs 25 mana)

    Project a magical barrier that blocks incoming enemy attacks and has 70 HP.

    Protect (active: costs 25 mana)

    Shield a single ally, granting them 30 block.

    Pride of Semiland (passive)

    Deals 50% more damage to Gregory the Fire Resistant, as well as his summons.

    Carry capacity: 5/65

    Gold: 150


    >Seer's gauntlet (weight: 1) (value: 100)

    >Bronze dagger (weight: 1) (value: 15)


    >Seer's hood (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Seer's robes (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Seer's boots (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    HP: 45
    Mana: 60 (regen: 13)
    Speed: 4
    Spell slots: 3
    Physical resistance: 5
    Elemental resistance: 15
    Vitality status resistance: 15
    Endurance status resistance: 15
    Persuasion score: 25

    Impact defense: 0 +3

    Slash defense: 0 +3

    Puncture defense: 0 +3

    Water defense: 0 +6

    Fire defense: 0 +6

    Earth defense: 0 +6

    Wind defense: 0 +6

    Ice defense: 0 +6

    Electric defense: 0 +6

    Toxic defense: 0 +6

    Magic defense: 0 +9

    Light defense: 0 +6

    Dark defense: 0 +6

    Vitality: 4
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 7
    Strength: 2
    Dexterity: 2
    Intelligence: 8
    Faith: 4
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 5

    Magic: 8
    Hydromancy: 4
    Pyromancy: 4
    Geomancy: 4
    Aeromancy: 4
    Cryomancy: 4
    Electromancy: 4
    Necromancy: 4
    Polymancy: 4
    Light magic: 4
    Dark magic: 3

    >Silver plated pistol (weight: 2) (value: 25)

    >Engraved knife (weight: 2) (value: 35)

    >Engraved knife (weight: 2) (value: 35)

    >Engraved knife (weight: 2) (value: 35)

    >Katana +1 (weight: 3) (value: 60)

    >"Zweilander +1 (weight: 5) (value: 110)

    >Student's greatsword (weight: 3) (value: 10)

    >Cutlass (weight: 2) (value: 20)

    >Caustic Caroline (weight: 1.5) (value: 100)

    >Toxic Tracy (weight: 1.5) (value: 100)

    >Whip +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Bard's garb +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Bard's gloves +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Leather mask (weight: 1) (value: 13)

    >Potion creation starter kit (weight: 2) (value: 50)

    Current location:


    Current quests:

    ==[Old Hatreds]==

    Gregory resides in the snowy region of Frostfall, a location inhabited by very few people. The region is expansive, but the seer, Alessandra, assured you that Gregory's fortress would be easy to spot. You venture forth into the frozen wasteland in search of Alessandra's lifelong rival.

    You arrived at Gregory's black fortress. Alessandra and Gregory's confrontation resulted in him conjuring forth living beings made of snow. He disappeared into the fortress, leaving you alone with his artificial constructs.

    With the Snowbound defeated, you continued your pursuit of Gregory.

    After searching Gregory's fortress, you cornered the wizard himself. You engage him in battle, intending to make him answer for his crimes.

    [√] Locate Gregory's fortress

    [√] Defeat the Snowbound

    [√] Find Gregory

    [ ] Defeat Gregory the Fire Resistant

    ==[Magical Artifacts]==
    You happened upon a mysterious fellow in the sewers of Acrus, carrying an unusual relic. He mentioned that there are two other relics somewhere in Aekran that, when brought together, would lead their holder to an ancient ruin filled with unimaginable treasures. You decided to keep that in mind, just in case.

    Turns out that mysterious fellow was a power hungry megalomaniac known as Geralt of Nivea, and the story he told was only partially true. Whoever holds all of the relics will apparently gain an incredible power, enough to make taking over the Aekranian empire a very real possibility. You prevented Geralt from obtaining more of the relics, and even relieved him of one of them. One relic remains unaccounted for.
    [2/3] Obtain the three relics

    ==[Haunting Visions]==
    You were presented with a strange vision one night before you fell asleep. You don't know why, you don't know the meaning of the image, and y̭͙̹̱̥͉̕ͅo̝͈̥͉̦̜͝u̵̫̻̩͓̖ ̬̘̫̩͖ͅd̯͓̟͇̼̤o͍̜͇͕̦ṉ̬̰͓'̲̹̰͙̤̟t̫̰̞̥̟ ̗̱r̰̘̝̬̰͡ec̯̙̦o̡g͉͠n̪̹̼̮i̘̦̙͇͖̯z̳̻͈͇ͅe̹͟ ̼̤̥͔t̝̭͍̞̻͕͔h̸͍̜ę̖̩̭͚̻̞̝ ̴ḇ̡̙̩̼̹̪o̥͇̺̞͈d̜̪̠͕̻͔͝i͍͙͠e̳̳͓̞͉s̶̙͚ ͚̥ͅi̡͖̠̠ṉ͖̠ ̴͚̥̱ţ̩̘̯he̞͕̰ ҉wa̷̠̘͉͖̹̞̤t̝̠̬̯͓̩e̜̩̤̯̺͔̕r̗͖̖̳̩̺͠.̡̦̩. You decided to get some help from someone more with more knowledge on this subject. Ironhaven was your next stop.

    According to the Seer, you are being hunted by an eldritch horror named Kar-nthal the Formless. Apparently, it's trying to drive you insane so it can easily "assimilate" you. The seer is willing to help you track it down, but she needs some supplies. She's given you a list of what you'll need.

    You brought the seer the herbs and elixirs she needs, as well as resupplying her with sparkling water. She still requires the heart of an eldritch creature. Any enemy classified as eldritch should do.

    With an eldritch being's heart in hand, you should be able to track Kar-nthal the Formless. Return to the seer when you have an opportunity.
    [√] Visit the seer at Ironhaven
    [√] Obtain the herbs and elixirs
    [√] Obtain a case of sparkling water
    [√] Obtain the heart of an eldritch beast
    [ ] Return to the seer

    ==[An Imperial Contract]==

    The emperor of Aekran has contacted you directly. He has requested your presence in Acrus, the capital city of Aekran. You're unsure of what the emperor is asking of you, but completing a contract for him would not only pay well, but would also vastly improve your reputation. On your way to Acrus, however, you were ambushed by unknown assailants. You'll have to get through them before you can get to Acrus.

    Your meeting with the emperor was interesting. He informed you of an unusual rumor of monstrous sea creatures attacking people and dragging them into the sea, never to be seen again. He has asked you to investigate this matter and, if the rumors are true, put a stop to it.

    You engaged a bizarre sea creature in combat and have slain it. Whatever it is, it doesn't seem like a naturally occurring creature. This thing was created by someone, somehow. Not only that, but you encountered a ghost wearing sunglasses that wants you dead. You have decided to tell the emperor what happened on the shore.

    The emperor directed you toward the town of Ironhaven. A seer lives there, and she should be able to help you deal with the sunglasses-wearing ghost.

    On the way to Acrus, you were attacked by a group of brigands intending to rob you. One of them managed to escape, but he dropped what appears to be an identification badge depicting a hawk impaled with two swords. Judging by the fact that they have matching badges, they may be an organized faction. There may be value in learning more about them.

    Apparently, these bandits are been lurking around Acrus for some time. One of the city guards mentioned one of them being detained. You might be able to use your reputation to question the bandit and learn more.

    You cleared out the hideout in Acrus, with the brigand cell leader in tow. In a strange turn of events, some mysterious humanoid bear creature got loose in the building and laid waste to everyone inside. Additionally, it seems to have expressed interest in hunting you down at some point in the future.

    You cleared out the hideout along the country road. You learned that this particular band of brigands is a major Crimson dealer in this part of Aekran, and that they hired a hitman to deal with some of their major enemies. All you know about this hitman is that he goes by the name of Ghost.

    The last hideout was massacred by the strange bear creature. However, there was a survivor. He pointed you in the direction of the brigand leader's hideout. Apparently, it's along the outskirts of Ironhaven. You set off, hoping he hasn't relocated recently.

    You stormed the brigands' hideout and eliminated their leader. The assassin, Ghost, clumsily fell to his death. Though this particular band of brigands still has cells operating in other regions of Aekran, their efforts have been effectively crippled.

    ==[The Seer of Ironhaven]==
    Monstrous sea creatures do exist, and that appear to be lead by a ghost that wears sunglasses and speaks like a surfer dude. Honestly, it's not the weirdest thing that's happened to you on a job. The ghost is likely being summoned and controlled by a sorcerer somewhere in Aekran, and stopping them would more than likely dispel the spirit and destroy the sea monsters. In order to track down this malevolent sorcerer, the emperor has informed you of a seer in Ironhaven who should be able to help you. To get to Ironhaven, however, you'll need to obtain a boat.

    You arrived in Ironhaven without incident. Your next priority would be to visit the seer.

    The seer informed you that the sunglasses wearing spirit was summoned by a heretical mage known as Gregory. The only way to seal the spirit away is to stop Gregory, but to do so, you'll need to track him down. The seer pointed you in the direction of several creatures Gregory has summoned. Apparently, eliminating them and collecting whatever they leave behind will allow you to pinpoint his location. You set off, prepared for combat.

    You fought and defeated Krab, Cracker of Shells, and obtained its soul. Three foes remained before you could track Gregory down.

    It was a long fight, but you destroyed Mechacrab, the Cyborg Crustacean. Its core belonged to you now. Only two targets left.

    In a rather decisive battle, you slayed Crabbell, Ringer of the Tides and obtained a magical image of its bell. One target remains.

    You have vanquished all four of Gregory's champions. The seer should be able to help you locate him using the relics you obtained from them.

    You returned the remnants of Gregory's champions to the seer. After you assisted her in dealing with a group of assassins, she began to focus her magical power to locate the heretical mage, Gregory. It will take some time for her to finish, so you have been left with some free time.

    After a brief moment to yourself, the seer has located Gregory.

    The seer chose to accompany you on your quest to defeat Gregory. She tracked the heretical mage to the desolate region of Frostfall. You set off immediately, ready for whatever may lie ahead.

    Your attributes determine your stats. You can increase your attributes by leveling up, equipping powerful gear, and by utilizing training halls in towns. Your basic attributes determine your basic stats, while your magic attributes affect your ability to wield different types of magic. You get one skill point whenever you level up, which can be spent to increase any attribute.

    Here is a list of all attributes.

    =====[Basic attributes]=====

    Vitality determines your max HP and your resistance to certain status effects and damage types.
    Max HP
    Physical damage resistances
    Multiple status resistances, including bleed, frost, and poison

    Endurance determines your damage resistance, equip load, and speed, as well as your resistance to certain status effects.
    Damage resistances
    Max equip load
    Multiple status resistances, including stagger, vulnerability, and burn

    Attunement determines your max mana and the number of spell slots available, as well as your resistance to certain types of magic.
    Max mana
    Number of spell slots
    Elemental damage resistances

    Strength determines the effectiveness of certain weapon types, your maximum carry capacity, and your ability to win clashes.
    Effectiveness of strength-scaling weapons
    Maximum inventory capacity
    Effectiveness in clashes

    Dexterity determines the effectiveness of certain weapon types, your ability to evade attacks, and your ability to land critical hits.
    Effectiveness of dexterity-scaling weapons
    Evasion dice rolls
    Critical hit dice rolls

    Intelligence determines the effectiveness of certain spells, your mana regeneration, and the effectiveness of certain relics.
    Effectiveness of intelligence-scaling magic and weapons
    Effectiveness of intelligence-scaling relics
    Mana regeneration rate

    Faith determines the effectiveness of certain spells, the healing you receive, and the effectiveness of certain relics.
    Effectiveness of faith-scaling magic and weapons
    Effectiveness of faith-scaling relics
    Healing received

    Luck influences your ability to succeed in nearly all aspects by rigging the dice in your favor.
    All dice rolls

    Charisma determines your ability to persuade others, as well as your buy and sell prices at shops.
    Persuasion ability
    Buying prices at shops
    Selling prices at shops

    =====[Magic stats]=====

    Your basic knowledge of magic. It primarily affects basic magic spells, but has a slight influence on all other types of magic.

    Your knowledge of water magic. Water-based spells are highly versatile and can be used in offensive and defensive roles.

    Your knowledge of fire magic. Fire-based spells are primarily offensive, dealing high damage and immolating targets.

    Your knowledge of earth magic. Earth-based spells have strong defensive capabilities, while also being useful attacks.

    Your knowledge of wind magic. Wind-based spells can be used in several ways, from enhancing mobility to breaking the enemy's formation.

    Your knowledge of ice magic. Ice-based spells can take the form of powerful attacks or inexorable
    defensive wards.

    Your knowledge of lightning magic. Lightning-based spells have excellent attack power, and synergize well with water magic.

    Your knowledge of necromancy. Necromancers are able to reanimate the dead, as well as create deadly
    poisons and toxins.

    Your knowledge of shapeshifting magic. Polymorphs are highly respected in combat for their adaptability and quick thinking.

    ==[Light magic]==
    Your knowledge of light magic. Light-based spells are primarily used to ward off demonic creatures and heal wounds.

    ==[Dark magic]==
    Your knowledge of dark magic. Darkness-based spells are a seldom used type of magic, as their use is forbidden in several parts of the world.

    Your stats are an indication of how powerful you are. You want them to be as high as possible. Your stats primarily increase as you level up your attributes, though there are other means of enhancing your stats.

    Here is a list of all stats.


    Your hit points. These decrease as you take damage. If you run out of HP, you get KO'd.

    ==[Damage resistances]==

    Damage resistances indicate a percentage reduction to the damage you take. Most resistances are divided into the various damage types. One point of damage resistance reduces incoming damage by 1%.


    Defenses indicate a static reduction to the damage you take. Most defenses are divided into the various damage types. One point of defense reduces incoming damage by one point.

    ==[Status resistances]==

    Status resistances indicate your ability to resist status effects applied to you. Status resistances are divided into vitality status resistance and endurance status resistance. Higher status resistance reduces the chance of you being afflicted with a status effect, as well as the potency of the status effect if you do get afflicted.

    ==[Equip load]==

    Your equip load measures how heavy your equipped gear can be. As you get closer to the maximum, your evasion rolls will be lowered, and if you go over your maximum equip load, you won't be able to evade attacks at all.


    Speed determines when in each turn you'll be able to take your action. Raising your speed will allow you take your actions sooner in the turn.


    Mana is used to cast spells and use active abilities. You regenerate some of your mana every turn.

    ==[Inventory capacity]==

    Your carrying capacity determines how many items you can carry on your person. Heavier items take up more space. This is a separate stat from equip load, so having a full inventory won't affect your ability to dodge.

    ==[Persuasion score]==

    Persuasion score is your ability to talk your way into getting what you want. There are several factors that influence persuasion score, most notably your charisma attribute. Higher persuasion score makes it easier to win people over with words alone.

    Weapon proficiencies indicate a higher level of skill in utilizing certain weapon types. If you use a weapon type you're proficient with, the weapon's stats will be enhanced in various ways. There are two ways to obtain weapon proficiencies: class selection, and undergoing weapon training. Every class has their own set of weapon proficiencies, but you can become proficient with other weapon types by finding weapon masters willing to teach you, at which point you'll begin a personal side quest to become proficient in a new weapon type.

    Every turn in combat, each player gets to take a major action and a minor action. Major actions are things like attacking enemies, healing allies, and using items. Minor actions are things like searching containers, talking to people, and looking around. If you choose to take a minor action, your major action will be slightly weakened, so there's value in only taking a major action. You can also take two minor actions at once, if you so choose.

    The order in which units take their turn is determined by their speed and the results of a dice roll. Your turn priority is your speed + (1 x D6). Units with the highest turn priority go first, and units with the lowest go last. Turn order will be listed on every update. If a player doesn't take their action in an update, their action that turn will be skipped.

    When a player's HP reaches zero, they get knocked out. KO'd players can only perform minor actions, and therefor can't heal allies or attack enemies. Players cannot be KO'd outside of combat.

    KO'd players will automatically be revived with 10% of their max HP at the end of combat. There are other means of reviving players in the middle of battle, though they require abilities, items, or particularly effective healing attempts.

    The damage players inflict is dependent on the strength of their weapon, the result of their attack dice rolls, and the creativity of their attack. Your weapon's attack stat is the minimum amount of damage the weapon can deal, assuming you get an average dice roll and perform a basic attack. Putting more effort and creativity into your attacks increases the damage of your attack, up to double your weapon's attack stat. High dice rolls can further enhance your damage.

    Blocking can be performed as a minor action. Doing so will grant you an amount of block that depends on your weapons' defensive value and the outcome of a dice roll. Block functions as damage absorption; you'll lose block before you lose HP.

    Whenever you perform something significant, you gain XP. When you gain enough XP, you level up. Leveling up allows you to enhance your attributes and, occasionally, learn a new ability. You can learn a new ability every 5 levels. There is no level cap.

    Every 5 levels grants you the ability to learn a new ability. When this happens, you can create your own ability to obtain. Do note that the ability's strength must be reasonable for your current level, and if your ability is too strong, it may have to be nerfed. It's also recommended that your abilities thematically fit with your class, as this will make them stronger.

    There are also preset abilities that can be learned throughout the game, at various sources. You can mix these in with your custom abilities to create a build that works perfectly for you.

    There are several types of damage, all of which have their strengths and weaknesses. Each damage type also has an associated status effect that will occasionally be inflicted when damage of that type is dealt.

    Here is a list of all damage types.

    Impact: inflicted by bludgeoning weapons. Can occasionally stagger an enemy, hindering their accuracy and evasion.

    Slash: inflicted by blades. Can occasionally cause enemies to bleed.

    Puncture: inflicted by thrusting weapons and projectiles. Can occasionally weaken an enemy, reducing their damage output.

    Water: inflicted by hydromancy and water-infused weapons. Can occasionally douse the target in water, making them vulnerable to electricity.

    Fire: inflicted by pyromancy and fire-infused weapons. Can occasionally light the target on fire.

    Earth: inflicted by geomancy and earth-infused weapons. Can occasionally shatter an enemy's defenses, leaving them vulnerable.

    Wind: inflicted by aeromancy and wind-infused weapons. Can occasionally disarm the target, weakening them or forcing them to grab their weapon.

    Ice: inflicted by cryomancy and ice-infused weapons. Can occasionally freeze the target.

    Electric: inflicted by electromancy and lightning-infused weapons. Can occasionally electrify the target, which also shocks nearby enemies.

    Toxic: inflicted by poisons. Can occasionally poison the target.

    Magic: inflicted by magic. Can occasionally hex the target, making them more vulnerable to status effects.

    Light: inflicted by light magic. Can occasionally blind the target, or severely damage eldritch creatures.

    Dark: inflicted by dark magic. Can occasionally corrupt the target, which can frequently lead to an early demise.

    You can look around at any time. Doing so can allow you to find items, notice interesting people, and get your bearings. Looking around counts as a minor action in combat.

    Heavier equipment can increase your level of encumbrance, which can impact your evasion.

    If you are below 30% of your max equip load, you'll gain +1 to your evasion dice rolls.

    If you're between 30% and 60%, your evasion won't be impacted at all.

    If you're over 60%, you'll gain -1 to your evasion rolls.

    If you're over 100%, you won't be able to dodge attacks at all.

    You slowly heal over time when out of combat. You can accelerate the process with items or abilities. Using items or abilities will also allow you to heal in the middle of combat.

    Sometimes, you'll get to choose what to say to people. You can say whatever you want, but be ready to deal with the consequences of your words.

    Enemies can be classified as human, beast, or eldritch. Some perks and abilities may affect different classes differently, but that's about it.

    You gain skill points whenever you level up. You can use them to increase your attributes and magic skills, or to upgrade your abilities.

    If you run out of HP, you are KO'd for the rest of combat, or until someone revives you. While KO'd, you can only perform minor actions. KO'd players will automatically be revived after combat.

    KO'd players can be revived in combat with certain items and abilities, or a high roll on a healing action. If a healing action isn't particularly powerful, it'll have no effect on a KO'd player. Players are typically revived with 25% of their HP.

    An item's perk points depends on its rarity. Uncommon items have 1, rare items have 2, legendary items have 3, and mythical and primeval items have 5. Uncommon perks require 1 point, rare ones require 2, legendary ones require 3, and primeval ones require 4.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Outpost Defenders: Retribution | Assassinating the assassin
    Quote from Algot120»

    I learn inversion two, this is done by playing the game eversion. I also ´"learn" ammo synthesis, as in I build a smal portable machine that can be conected to my ACM and is an ammo synthesis machine. improve built, no wait that makes no sense improve self repair by swaping the nannobots that repair my structures from the inside with the new beter nannobots that replace them in the shop and train my agility by doing amazing parcour jumps around the entire base while building new structural suport to prevent this base from faling appart in the future. convince the lisharon inc med medical personel to train agility. and tinker with my vortex generator to make it a bit better.

    I also inject a singel drop of a very weak poison into my blood stream to slightly hurt myself and set my damage type to poison.

    I then vote for Blood Anvil with internet comunity and Callback

    By the way, will you update this game every day now or still only every other day

    You learn and upgrade Inversion, upgrade Self Repair and Vortex Generator, learn Ammo Synthesis, and learn Agility II!

    Your upgraded abilities gain the following enhancements:

    Inversion II: can also target allies.

    Self Repair II: constructions regenerate 10% HP per turn.

    Vortex Projector II: also deals a small amount of damage.

    +Votes. You switch your weapon's damage type to toxic.

    Probably still every other day, since I'll be using the other day to work on some of my other projects. No details on them yet, though.

    Quote from BaconBusterYT»

    Balanced level up for now. Let's go Outpost Defenders, Overwhelming Force.

    +3 HP, +1 ATK, +1 heal, +votes!

    Quote from Stickcrafter»

    Outpost Defenders, Curse of the Unknown.

    I upgrade my ATK.

    +Votes, +2 ATK!

    Quote from GoldHero101»

    Outpost Defenders, Item Rain. Despite popular fact, I’m gonna save XP for a level up.


    Quote from Winkins»

    Fidgeting at the base, I look at mission and Algot's want to try the Blood Anvil.

    "I t-think it's about time w-we tried Blood Anvil? a-at least as a reference?"

    I promptly follow with Algot's vote and vote Blood Anvil.

    Curiously, I look at the Forbidden Technique that has been unlocked for General ranked soldiers.

    "I-I guess I'll be t-taking a lot of training..."

    *Will be buying more stuff from the training center and counting cost in an another post*


    Quote from Algot120»

    are there yugioh cards in the card packs we can buy or only made up cards

    I craft a time strife and combine it with my gathering storm to create the temporal storm

    So far, I've been pulling cards from Slay the Spire. I'll probably be expanding to other games, though.

    You spend a total of 3,500 materials to craft a Time's Strife and combine it with your weapon.

    Quote from Player_Miner»

    LVL up ATK, Ammo Synthesis, Emergency Stim.

    Also, new modifier?:

    Hyperdeath (MAJOR): Attacks often land as critical hits.

    And... perhaps a new item?

    Unstable Seeking Singularity Launcher (2 uses, $???): Fires a singularity at an enemy which absorbs half the damage they would receive, whilst dealing damage equal to 1/8th the damage it absorbed to the victim, increasing the damage absorbed by an equal amount. Explodes when either the target dies or after 2 turns, dealing damage equal to double the damage absorbed to the target (if they aren’t dead) and any other enemies that are too close relative to the explosion power. Cannot be used if there is already a singularity active.

    +2 ATK! You learn Ammo Synthesis and Emergency Stim!

    Hyperdeath added to the list.

    Research accepted.

    Quote from Winkins»

    Pulling out a clipboard I take note of the training available and the somehow quantified Experienced and start making note which training courses I should take.

    Available EXP: 1931 XP

    The training I'm taking:

      • Existing Ability Upgrades:
        • Crackshot I -> III = 300 XP (Even if this is a starting ability, it's still an ability. Thus, can be upgraded)
        • Skullcracker I -> III = 300 XP
        • Deadly Crits I -> III = 300 XP
        • Total = 900 XP

      • Buying New Abilities, Perks and Upgrades:
        • Forbidden Technique I -> III = 550 XP
        • Scavenger Perk = 200 XP
        • Holy Mantle Perk = 200 XP
        • Total = 950

    • Total EXP used = 1850 XP
    • Leaving = 1931 XP - 1850 XP = 81 XP

    What happens after the calculating of the training expenditure was a looooong training montage to invoke Passive benefits.

    You learn all of those abilities!

    Your upgrades grant the following benefits:
    Crackshot III: your attacks ignore 15 evasion instead of 10.
    Skullcracker III: Headshot deals 25% more damage instead of 15%.
    Deadly Crits III: critical hits deal 35% more damage instead of 25%.
    Forbidden Technique II: reduces the risk of harming yourself or your allies.
    Forbidden Technique III: reduces any damage you may inflict to yourself or your allies.

    You also obtain Scavenger and Holy Mantle, and learn and upgrade the Forbidden Technique.
    Quote from Algot120»

    We need your vote

    BioShock_Rules Incomprehensebly sharp is not sharp enough

    How much sharper can I get, brother?

    Most players voted for Outpost Defender difficulty. RNG decides the active modifiers are Item Rain, Callback, and Overwhelming Force.

    XSlayer: Let's check out that meeting.

    Mission 9: Eavesdropping

    Date: August 25th, 2031

    Time: 18:43:22

    Location: Washington D.C., United States

    Mission objective: Gather information about the Talons' next move


    Fast and Brutal: Wipe out an enemy squad in a single turn, 3 times.

    Shadows Die Twice: Trick an enemy into thinking you have died.

    Easy Listening: Eavesdrop on three conversations, not including the meeting.

    No Witnesses: Leave no witnesses to your presence.

    You stalk your way onto the grounds of the old base. Talon banners hang on the walls.

    Stickcrafter: I gotta say, I'm not a fan of the new decor.

    McKnight: No one is. The meeting is being held in the command center, so make your way there.

    Bacon: Got it. Going all sneaky again...

    McKnight: Actually, feel free to kill as many of them as you like. Just be careful. You don't want the whole place on high alert.

    You move forward, encountering a passing patrol.

    Stealth is mostly optional in this mission. Just don't make too much noise.


    BioShock_Rules, the Omega [Medic, Level 16] [XP: 480/1,300] [85 accuracy | 5 evasion]

    [+|==========] 106/106 [Weapon: Eden's Soul (Shrapnel Launcher)] [Armor: Armor of Thorns] [Trinket: Medkit] [ATK| 18] [Heal| 26+5] [Rage: 0/8]

    [E|==========] 60/60 [Items| Golden Syringe (1 turn)] [SUPER| Ubercharge: 0/120]

    [Critical Heal] [Medical Grenade: 25] [Bleed Me Dry: 25] [Mutual Aid] [Healing Field: 35] [Revive: 35] [Cure: 30] [Stun Strike: 30] [Perk: Aggression] [Perk: Healing Factor] [Perk: Sustain]

    Gold, Timekeeper [Assault Gunner, Level 19] [XP: 1,126/1,600] [97 accuracy | 5 evasion] [(2)Time Charge: 11%]

    [+|===|=======] 154/154 {Venomdrive armor: 0/300} [Weapon: True Keeper of Time: Ragnarok] [Armor: Overly Protective Munitions Vest] [Trinket: Aimbot Glasses w/ Warlock Bond] [ATK| 33] [Heal| 22] [Rage: 0/8]

    [E|==========] 120/120 [Items| Flamethrower (1/7), Endermite Shotgun (4/5), Ancient Potion (2/3), Anti Air Artillery Battery (1/2), Shredder Saw (5/7), Chemikaliewerfer (5/7), Energy Injector (1/1), Shrapnel Launcher, Flak Jacket, Medical Armor, Distortion Field, Laser Sight, Exploded Rocket (x2), Libra Charm, Three of Coins, Bowl of Nails, Hallownest Seal] [SUPER| Stormtrance: 0/160]

    [Lock and Load] [Fatal Shot: 35] [Omnishot: 45] [Suppress: 25] [Concussive Shot: 25] [Bleeder] [Deadly Crits] [Dazing Fire] [Perk: Fully Loaded] [Perk: Scavenger] [Perk: Scrounger] [Warp: 35] [Anger Management: Ready] [Energy Bolt: 40] [Enhanced Battery III] [Conditioning III] [Agility I] [Health Recovery III] [Zero In III] [Total Immunity] [Minor Regen]

    BaconBusterYT, the Dragon Slayer [Specialist, Level 23] [XP: 1,153/2,600] [95 accuracy | 20 evasion]

    [+|==========] 114/114 [Weapon: Dragon Knight's Arms] [Armor: Lightweight Conduit] [Trinket: Egg] [ATK| 33] [Heal| 22] [Rage: 0/8]

    [E|==========] 145/145 [Items| Sunlight Spear (2/3), Charcoal Pine Resin (2/3), Razor Wire (1/1), Burst Rifle, Matador 64, Outbreak Prime, WAR Suit, Eyeglasses, Distortion Field, Instructional Booklet, Medkit, Handful of Shrapnel, Blind Rage, Curved Horn, Sharp Plug] [SUPER| Power Surge: 0/140]

    [Electric Burst III: 20] [Snapfreeze: 25] [Rapid Recharge] [Grapple II: 20] [Psychosis: 30] [Imprecation II] [Replicate: 35] [Doppelganger: 40] [Lightning Charge: 30] [Perk: Energetic] [Perk: Skilled] [Perk: Rechargeable Battery] [Perk: Heartbreaker] [Agility II] [Enhanced Battery III] [Cure: 30]

    Stickcrafter, the Omega [Assault Gunner, Level 22] [XP: 898/2,400] [90 accuracy | 10 evasion]

    [+|==========] 147/147 [Weapon: The Prime Reanimator] [Armor: Resplendently Bony Capacitor] [Trinket: Instructional Booklet] [ATK| 55] [Heal| 11] [Rage: 0/8]

    [E|==========] 165/165 [Items| Beehive (1/3), Seeker Drone (1/1), Twisted Funnel (1/1), Repair Kit (ready), Healing Drone (1/1), SVD Stealth Sniper (4/5), Precision Rifle, Marksman Rifle, MS34 Shieldbreaker, Custom Zap Rifle, Double Barrel Shotgun, Leecher, Conduit Armor, Medical Armor, Hideous Armor, FTL Rig, Instructional Booklet, Libra Charm] [SUPER| Bullet Storm: 0/130]

    [Lock and Load] [Critical Shot: 20] [Armor Breaker] [Suppress: 25] [Concussive Shot: 25] [Bleeder] [Dazing Fire] [Bullet Hell: 35] [Stun Strike: 30] [Flashbang: 25] [Idiot Ball: 35] [Mark for Death: 45] [Perk: Vitality] [Perk: Aggression] [Perk: Overclock] [Skilled] [Agility II] [Conditioning III] [Enhanced Battery III] [Deadshot III] [Zero In]

    Gen Winkins [Sharpshooter, Level 25] [XP: 81/10,000] [110+25 accuracy | 0 evasion]

    [+|==========] 143/143 {holy mantle} {Armor: 50/50} [Weapon: Executioner] [Armor: Mask of the Marksman] [Trinket: Portable Generator] [ATK| 73] [Heal| 18] [Rage: 0/8]

    [E|==========] 145/145 [Items| Mimic Beacon (2/2), Clockwork Souvenir (1/2), Mesh Mine (2/2), EMP Grenade (1/1), Repair Kit (ready), Flamethrower (2/4), Carbine, Burst Rifle, Heavy Pistol, Thunder Railgun, Overly Protective Armor, Instructional Booklet (x2), Medkit, Bowl of Nails, Egg, Hallownest Seal] [SUPER| Aimbot: 0/135]

    [Crackshot III] [Headshot III: 20] [Piercing Shot III: 25] [Quickdraw II: 25] [Trickshot II: 25] [Point Blank II: 25] [Eagle Eyes: 30] [Faceoff III: 35] [Clutch Shot II: 35] [Skullcracker III] [Fan Fire II: 35] [Deadly Crits III] [Firefly] [Unshakable Focus] [Critboost III: 35] [Energy Drain III: Ready] [Perk: Skilled] [Perk: Rechargeable Battery] [Perk: Scrounger] [Perk: Heartbreaker] [Perk: Jack of All Trades] [Perk: Scavenger] [Perk: Holy Mantle] [Enhanced Battery III] [Regenerative Battery II] [Conditioning III] [Arc Soul II: 30] [Warp III: 35] [Idiot Ball II: 35] [Inversion II: 25] [Stun Strike II: 30] [Forbidden Technique III: 145] [Health Recovery III] [Zero In III] [Blessing of the Marksman]

    BGen Player_Miner [Assault Gunner, Level 22] [XP: 178/2,200] [90+5 accuracy | 10 evasion]

    [+|==========] 152/152 {Armor: 50/50} [Weapon: Seeking Electrosapper] [Armor: The Inexorable Reaper] [Trinket: Hudlenses] [ATK| 56] [Heal| 16] [Rage: 0/8]

    [E|==========] 120/120 [Items| Feint Shot (3/7), Air Breaker Pistol (7/7), Serpent Suit] [SUPER| Bullet Storm: 0/150]

    [Lock and Load] [Critical Shot: 20] [Trishot: 25] [Fleche II: 30] [Bleeder] [Concussive Shot: 25] [Dazing Fire] [Bullet Hell: 35] [Perk: Skilled] [Perk: Fully Loaded] [Perk: Scrounger] [Perk: Furious] [Conditioning III] [Agility II] [Zero In II] [Inversion II: 25] [Energy Drain II: Ready] [Ammo Synthesis: 25] [Emergency Stim: 40, 1/1] [Deadshot III] [Life Steal] [Overkill] [Blessing of the Blood Knight] [Critical Resistance I]

    XSlayer300, the Alpha [Specialist, Level 19] [XP: 1,335/1,600] [80 accuracy | 0 evasion]

    [+|==========] 104/104 [Weapon: Eden's Shotgun (+Deathslayer's Blade)] [Armor: Armor of Boundless Light] [Trinket: Strange Coin] [ATK| 36] [Heal| 20] [Rage: 0/8]

    [E|==========] 180/180 [Items| Data Card (1/1), Golden Syringe (ready), Lifeline Package (1/1), Grenade Launcher, Incendiary Shotgun, Piercing Railgun, Capacitor armor, Distortion Field] [SUPER| Power Surge: 0/140]

    [Electric Burst II: 20] [Snapfreeze: 25] [Rapid Recharge] [Grapple: 25] [Sensory Overload: 30] [Imprecation] [Intensity] [Flay: 35] [Zero In] [Regenerative Battery II] [Enhanced Battery] [Deadshot II] [Emergency Stim: 40, 1/1] [Energy Bolt: 40] [Armor Phase: 35] [Angel of Light: Ready] [Perk: Energetic] [Perk: Rechargeable Battery] [Perk: Immune System]

    Algot120, Pure Vessel [Engineer, Level 15] [XP: 242/1,200] [80 accuracy | 10 evasion] [(0)Time Charge: 0%]

    [+|==========] 90/90 {Armor: 10/10} [Weapon: The Temporal Storm (toxic)] [Armor: Blessed Cloak of Magic Resistance] [Trinket: Rusted Wrench] [ATK| 22] [Heal| 12] [Rage: 0/8]

    [E|==========] 85/85 [Items| None] [SUPER| Overdrive: 0/130]

    [Micro Turret II: 25] [Shield Projector II: 25] [Improved Tech] [Built to Last] [Vortex Projector II: 30] [Self Repair II] [Energy Drain: Ready] [Critboost: 35] [Arc Soul: 30] [Warp: 35] [Stun Strike: 30] [Cure: 30] [Energy Shield: 30] [Energy Wall: 35] [Energy Bolt: 40] [Inversion II: 25] [Ammo Synthesis: 25] [Health Recovery I] [Regenerative Battery I] [Zero In] [Agility II] [Blaster Launcher: 1/1] [Perk: Energetic] [Perk: Fully Loaded] [Perk: Scrounger]


    Gunner [Level 20 | 89 accuracy | 9 evasion]
    [HP: 87/87] [Resistances: 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0]

    [Frag Grenade II: 1/1] [Suppression] [Oil Grenade: 2/2]

    Lone Shadow gunner [Level 22 | 90 accuracy | 10 evasion]

    [HP: 93/93] [Resistances: 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0]

    [Poison Fists] [Bad Camera: Ready]

    Sniper [Level 22 | 100 accuracy | 0 evasion]

    [HP: 32/32] [Resistances: 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0]

    [Deadeye II] [Incapacitate: Ready] [Precision Shot: Ready]

    Shockstorm grenadier [Level 23 | 86 accuracy | 11 evasion]

    [HP: 79/79] [Resistances: 0| 5| 0| 20| 10| 0| 0]

    [Explosive Payload II] [Armor Shredder] [Shellshock] [Electrifying]

    Grenadier [Level 23 | 86 accuracy | 11 evasion]

    [HP: 79/79] [Resistances: 0| 5| 0| 0| 10| 0| 0]

    [Explosive Payload II] [Armor Shredder] [Shellshock]

    Assassin [Level 23 | 96 accuracy | 31 evasion]

    [HP: 52/52] [Resistances: 0| 0| 0| 0| -10| 0| 0]

    [Sharpened Blade II] [Critical Strike: 2/2] [Sawtooth Knife: 3/3]


    Algot's healing turret [HP: 60/60]

    Zeus Exclusion Zone 4X [HP: 100/100] {Guarded by Stickcrafter}

    Algot's shield projector [HP: 210/210] [Occupied spaces: 1/3] [XSlayer]

    Siege's fire reinforced shield [HP: 600/600] {Spaces occupied: 1/3} [Gold]

    Spanish Inquisition radio [HP: 50/50] {Guarded by Miner}

    Spectral assassin [HP: 25/25 | 25/25]

    [Shadow Blend: no] [Act First] [Preparation] [Breach: Ready] [Time Warp: Ready] [Backstab: Ready] [Skip Turn]

    Lisharon Inc medical personnel [HP: 126/126] {Turns until tea: 3}

    Camp [HP: 450/450] {Provides space for 1 large construction}

    Bank [HP: 400/400] {Generates $50 every turn}

    Recycler [HP: 349/350] {Converts enemy and ally HP into extra money and materials when they die} {+5 evasion}


    Modifiers (+15% XP earned): {Overwhelming Force} {Callback} {Item Rain}

    Bag of items [Fiend Fire (1), After Image (1), Trip (1), Quick Slash (1), Neutralize (1), Bandage Up (1/1), Leg Sweep (1/1), Glacier (1/1), Battle Trance (3/3), Acrobatics (3/3), Zap (3/3), Transmutation (3/3), Rip and Tear (3/3), Smoke Grenade (1/1), Repair Kit (ready), Shield (103/103), Wraith Form (1/1), Strike (1/1), Good Instincts (1/1), Tempest (1/1), Metallicize (1/1)]

    Bag of weapons [Zap Rifle (x2), Heavy Rifle (x2), Burst Rifle (x2), Precision Rifle, Carbine, Marksman Rifle, Grenade Launcher (x2), MS34 Shieldbreaker, M11 AIR (x4), Incendiary Shotgun, Seeker Rifle (x2), Railgun, Broadsword (x2), Big Stick, Eden's Soul, Pure Nail (∞), Arashi (∞)]

    Bag of armor [Conduit Armor (x2), Flak Jacket (x4), Ballistic Vest, Capacitor armor (x2), Absurdly Heavy Armor (x2), Munitions Vest (x3), Armor of Thorns (x2), Marksman Visor (x3), Armor of Bone, No Armor, Irradiated Armor, Wings of Sacred Dawn, FTL Rig, Slightly Worried Armor, Armored Armor, Hunter Cloak, Titan Mark]

    Bag of trinkets [Instructional Booklet (x2), Distortion Field (2), Exploded Rocket, Aim Assist, Medkit, Handful of Shrapnel (x2), Salt Shaker, Strange Coin (x4), Three of Coins (x2), Occult Charm]

    Bag of future alteration [Empty]


    [ ] Find an entrance


    Fast and Brutal: 0/3

    Shadows Die Twice: 0/1

    Easy Listening: 0/3

    No Witnesses: Valid

    Money: $26,804

    Materials: 1,922


    AA Missiles [$300 | 2 uses]: Basic AA missiles that deal 12 damage to a single target. Can optionally spend an action locking onto a target, which grants perfect accuracy. Deals 50% more damage to airborne targets.

    Stun Lance [$600 | 3 uses]: Deals (ATK x 1.3) damage and has a 25% chance to stun or disorient the target.

    Shade Soul [$600 | 2 uses]: Fire a weaponized dark spirit, dealing (ATK x 1.25) damage as pure damage.

    SAM Turret [$1,100 | 80 HP]: Deploy a surface-to-air missile turret that automatically targets airborne enemies and deals 25 damage to them. Does nothing to grounded enemies.

    Flamethrower [$100 | 4 uses]: Deals (ATK x 1.25) as fire damage, and has a 30% chance to ignite the target.
    Random Bomb Generator [$150 | 1 use]: Randomly generate a number between 1 and 6. That many bombs will be thrown at random targets.
    SVD Stealth Sniper [$250 | 4 uses]: Deals 15 damage and has a 10% chance to land a headshot that instantly kills normal enemies. Headshots deal double damage to bosses and master level enemies.
    Yellow Ray [$400 | 1 use]: Instantly destroys an enemy. Any armor they were carrying will be dropped and equipped by the user. Only stuns bosses, and against master enemies, halves their current HP.
    Chemikaliewerfer [$250 | 4 uses]: Deals 10 damage and damages the target for a third of your ATK stat every turn for 3 turns. Never misses.
    Endermite Shotgun [$600 | 2 uses]: Fires Ender pearls, causing the user to teleport rapidly, giving every enemy a 40% chance of being distracted and damaged for the user's ATK stat. Afterwards, deals (ATK x 1.5) damage to a random enemy.
    The Debilitating Dagger [$900 | 3 uses]: Deals (ATK x 0.5) damage and permanently disables a selected ability. Deals 5 extra damage when disabling an ability. Disabling lasts for 2 turns on master enemies, and 1 turn for bosses. Only has a 50% chance to disable abilities on master enemies and bosses.
    Mobile Minigun Turret [$1,250 | 4 uses]: When purchased, spends a turn deploying itself. Afterwards, can be used by all players to deal (ATK x 1.2) damage to up to three targets in a line. Must be redeployed every wave, unless the team's location doesn't change between waves.
    Atom Bomb [$6,000 | 1 use]: Deals (ATK x 7) damage to all enemies, with damage reducing as targets get further away from the original target. Minimum damage is (ATK x 4). Survivors have a 20% chance to be afflicted by fallout, which deals 5 damage to them every turn for 3 turns.
    Shredder Saw [$400 | 3 uses]: When used with an attack, the attack will deal half damage to health, but deal double damage to armor and shields.

    Grenade Launcher Attachment [$850 | 3 uses]: Can be used to deal (ATK x 2) damage to a primary target along with (ATK x 0.5) damage to both nearby targets.

    Building Hating Rocket Propelled Sledge [$750 | 3 uses]: A sledgehammer imbued with the building hatred of fallen construction workers. Deals (ATK x 6) damage to enemy buildings, but can't damage anything else.

    Zantankuto Sword [$450 | 5 uses]: Deals 20 damage and instantly breaks enemy armor. However, cannot land critical hits, and prevents the use of other items until broken or given away.

    Anti Air Artillery Battery [$600 | 2 uses]: Deals (ATK x 0.5) damage to ground units, but deals (ATK x 3) damage to aircraft.

    Freezethrower [$100 | 4 uses]: Deals (ATK x 1.25) as ice damage, and has a 30% chance to freeze the target.

    Berserker Stimulant [$4,000 | 1 use]: Immediately charge your super and unleash it simultaneously. Your super's effectiveness is doubled, and it stores whatever charge your super already had and grants it to you immediately. When used, your rage resets to 0, and you lose 30% of your HP. Requires a full turn to use, meaning you cannot perform any other actions for the entire turn. If the super is single target, the target is chosen at random. Can only be used on yourself.

    Subtleknife [$700 | 3 uses]: An incomprehensibly sharp knife that allows your attacks to ignore armor.

    Unstable Seeking Singularity Launcher [$1,400 | 2 uses]: Fires a singularity at an enemy, which absorbs half of the damage the enemy would receive, while dealing 1/8th of its total absorbed damage to the target, while increasing its damage by an equal amount. Explodes when the target dies or after 2 turns, dealing its absorbed damage to the target and any nearby enemies. Cannot be used if there is an active singularity.

    Combat Armor [$150 | 50 HP]: Provides 50 armor that absorbs 50% of incoming damage until broken.
    Clockwork Souvenir [$400 | 2 uses]: When held, negative status effects you obtain will be dispelled immediately, consuming one use of this item.
    Shield [$125 | Variable HP]: Assume a defensive stance at the start of the next turn. While defending, all incoming damage is absorbed by the shield. HP is 75% of the team's average HP.
    Portable Cover [$90 | 1 use]: Creates a piece of average cover that can be used by either side.
    Venomdrive Armor [$850 | Variable HP]: Starts off providing no armor. When taking toxic damage, 40% of the damage dealt becomes HP for the armor, which provides 50% damage protection. Max armor is 300. While the user is poisoned, the status effect is converted into the Poisonous ability, allowing them to inflict poison with their attacks. Grants the option to generate your own poison, at the cost of (poison level2 x 2) HP.
    Zap Field [$500 | 1 use]: For 2 turns, players and allies gain a defensive field that deals electric damage to attackers. Damage depends on the user's ATK stat.
    Portable Rampart [$500 | 1 use]: Deploys a piece of decent cover that can only be used by the side that deploys it.

    Redlight Redirector [$750 | 2 uses]: Set up a portal in front of an enemy, causing their attacks to be redirect to a random enemy for 1.25x damage.

    Feint Shot [$400 | 5 uses]: When held, gain a 10% chance to interrupt any enemy action and deal a flat 10 physical damage to them.

    Guts Headband [$350 | 1 use]: When held, the wearer has a 20% chance to survive lethal damage with 1 HP, even if they only have 1 HP. Breaks after taking effect. Does not work against status effects and instant kill moves.

    Armor Pack [$500 | 1 use]: Grants armor to an ally equal to 33% of their max HP.

    Artifact Potion [$350 | 1 use]: Negates the next debuff you would receive.

    Buffer Potion [$600 | 1 use]: Prevents the next instance of HP loss you would suffer. Won't be consumed if you fully block the HP loss.

    Flashbang [$200 | 1 use]: Blinds an enemy, drastically reducing their accuracy.

    Medkit [$200 | 1 use]: Restore (heal x 2) HP to an ally.

    Nano Shot [$450 | 1 use]: Immediately gain a flat 5 HP, then regenerate 15% of your HP every turn for 3 turns.

    Emergency Flare [$1,500 | 1 use]: After a 1 turn delay, call in two random hired mercenaries as reinforcements. They will depart after the mission ends.

    Cure-All Serum [$350 | 1 use]: Cures all negative status effects.

    Life Orb [$1,000 | 50 HP]: Deploy a rejuvenating orb that steadily heals all players for 3 turns or until it is destroyed.

    Blind Grenade [$400 | 1 use]: Blind a single enemy, crippling their accuracy.

    Splash Potion of Healing [$90 | 1 use]: Throw to perform a minimum effectiveness heal to a primary target and both nearby targets.
    Smoke Grenade [$75 | 1 use]: Reduces an enemy's accuracy by 30.
    Essence of Life [$750 | 1 use]: Restores 10 HP and grants the target health regen for 3 turns. If the target is killed/KO'd during the regen, they will be revived with 10% of their max HP, and the effect ends.
    Potion of Invisibility [$600 | 1 use]: Turn a target invisible. While invisible, you can't be attacked or detected in stealth missions, and your next attack's damage is doubled. Cannot attack and use the potion at the same time.
    Poutine Gun [$500 | 3 uses]: Sticks a target in place, reducing their evasion by (evasion x 0.75) and giving them a 35% chance of not being able to attack on their turn.
    Smarter Nanobots [$850 | 3 uses]: Can be used to heal a target for 10% of their max HP every turn for 3 turns, while giving immunity to negative status effects for the duration. Cannot repair armor. Alternatively, can be used to damage a target for 10% of their max HP every turn for 4 turns.
    Worldedit Permissions [$650 | 1 use]: Edit a piece of cover or a hazard into existence. Lasts until the team moves to a new location.
    Mass Dispel [$1,500 | 1 use]: Disables the abilities of ALL non-boss enemies.

    Homing Endspeed Imbue [$600 | 1 use]: Grants perfect accuracy for 2 turns.

    Time Warp [$800 | 1 use]: Grant an ally the ability to perform two actions in one post this turn.

    Ender Mines [$4,000 | 1 use]: Set up a minefield that adds a 20% chance for any enemy attacks to fail for the rest of the mission. Does not affect bosses.

    Lifepowder [$2,500 | 3 uses]: Heals all allies for your minimum heal. Can be used multiple times in one turn. Cannot gain extra uses.

    Repair Kit [$750 | ∞ uses]: Can be used to repair mechanical allies as well as armor, for (heal x 3) HP. Only restores (heal x 0.5) HP to organic allies. Has a cooldown of 2 turns.

    Golden Syringe [$1,000 | ∞ uses]: Can be used to heal organic allies for (heal x 2) HP + 3 turns of minor HP regen. Cannot be used on inorganic entities. Has a cooldown of 2 turns.

    Life Normalizer [$1,500 | 1 use]: Heals all friendly units for 20% of their average max HP, then distributes their HP so everyone has approximately the same percentage of HP. Can also be used on enemies without healing them.

    Energy Injector [$1,000 | 1 use]: Restores 50% of your max energy.

    Data Card [$100 | 1 use]: Potentially secures an enemy's data bank entry.

    Care Package [$300 | 1 use]: Airdrops a random item.

    Stinging Bolt [$600 | 2 uses]: Afflicts an enemy with severe pain, reducing their accuracy and evasion temporarily.

    Dragon Tank [$1,250 | 125 HP]: Summons a friendly dragon tank equipped with an LMG and a flamethrower. Automatically fires at enemies with the LMG for modest damage. Flamethrower requires manual use and must reload every 4 uses, but deals high fire damage and has a chance to light enemies on fire.
    EFLN [$75 | 1 use]: Throw to completely destroy ALL cover in the area, which will prevent players and enemies from using it.
    Card Pack [$125 | 1 use]: Gain 5 cards, each with their own effects.
    Portable Pitfall [$120 | 1 use]: Use to put an enemy into stasis for 2 turns. Enemies in stasis can't perform actions but can't be targeted. The effect will automatically end if the targeted enemy is the last one alive.
    Creeper Spawn Egg [$125 | 1 use]: Throw to spawn a creeper. After the enemy's turn, it will explode and damage the targeted enemy and both nearby enemies.
    Ammo Pack [$350 | 4 uses]: Can be used to restore uses to an item. Can be used multiple times at once.
    Laser Drone [$650 | 40 HP]: Deploys a drone equipped with a laser beam that deals 10 damage and has a 25% chance to pierce the target, hitting the next listed one.
    Crit-a-Cola [$750 | 1 use]: When used, your next attack is guaranteed to be a critical hit. However, you can't attack or heal on the same turn you use it, and if you get KO'd before you get to attack, the boost is wasted. Can only be used on yourself.

    Proxy Slimesling [$500 | 1 use]: Launches an enemy into next Sunday, which manifests itself as launching them to the next wave. Cannot be used on the final wave of a mission.

    Mob Pirates [$1,250 | 1 use]: Summon third party entities for the next 3 waves that are hostile to all units.

    Capture Ball [$750 | 1 use]: If an enemy has below 20% HP, they can be captured and made a permanent addition to the team. However, they will not be healed. This also has a chance to secure the enemy's data bank entry.

    First Wave Thief [HP: 70 | ATK: 9]: $650
    "I'm sure they won't notice if they're missing a few things here and there..."

    [Passive] Pickpocket: Attacks steal $25 from enemies.

    [Passive] Loot: Enemies damaged by the thief have their item drop rate increased by 10%, and they are more likely to drop high tier items.

    First Wave Shredder [HP: 110 | ATK: 8]: $1,100

    "Attack, attack, attack!"

    [Passive] Shred: Attacks reduce enemy physical resistance by 15%. This can stack.

    [Passive] Focus: Successive attacks against the same target deal 50% extra damage.

    [Active] Implosion: Deal 8 + (20% of target's max HP) damage. 4 turn cooldown.

    First Wave Executioner [HP: 89] [ATK: 13]: $1,200

    "Rip and tear."

    [Passive] Blood Rage: Attacks deal a percentage of missing enemy HP as bonus damage.

    [Passive] Glory: When the executioner directly kills an enemy, he regenerates 30 HP over 3 turns.

    [Active] Deny Healing: Deal 4 + 4 damage to an enemy and reduce any healing they receive by 50% for 3 turns. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Execute: If a target has less than 30% of their HP, attempt to kill them. No cooldown if successful. 5 turn cooldown.

    Gunner Mercenary [HP: 75] [ATK: 15]: $1,200

    "Nothing in the world a few rounds can't solve."

    [Passive] Numbed Senses: Taking damage reduces damage taken by 20% and increases damage dealt by 30%. Does not stack.

    [Active] Frag Grenade: Deal (ATK x 2) damage to two different enemies. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Immobilize: Deals (ATK x 1.6) damage and restricts melee attacks and abilities, while also reducing the target's evasion to 0. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Suppress: Reduce enemy accuracy by 30 and fire upon them if they take an action. 3 turn cooldown.

    Pyrotech Mercenary [HP: 60] [ATK: 12]: $1,200

    "Things are heating up. Quite literally."

    [Passive] Incendiary Rounds: Basic attacks have a 30% chance to ignite the target, and deal 30% more damage to burning enemies.

    [Active] Mass Ignite: Set all enemies on fire for 3 turns. 6 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Flare Bomb: Deal (ATK x 2.5) damage to two different enemies. Deals (ATK x 3) damage to burning enemies. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Expose Oneself: Double all damage dealt, but reduce evasion to 0 and increase damage taken by 30% for 3 turns. 5 turn cooldown.

    Cryotech Mercenary [HP: 60] [ATK: 12]: $1,200

    "I'm a blizzard personified."

    [Passive] Fragile Glass: Basic attacks have a 30% chance to reduce enemy resistances by 30% and freeze the enemy.

    [Active] Shatter Bolt: Deals (ATK x 2.7) damage and ignores armor. 2 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Nitrogen Bomb: Deals (ATK x 1.8) damage to two different enemies, and freezes them for 2 turns. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Thermal Transfer: Sap heat from two different enemies, dealing (ATK x 1.8) damage and shielding two allies for the damage dealt for a turn. 6 turn cooldown.

    Shocktech Mercenary [HP: 60] [ATK: 12]: $1,200

    "All the strength of a lightning storm."

    [Passive] Reflexes: Dodging an attack triggers a counterattack that deals (ATK x 0.8) damage.

    [Active] Shockwave: Deals damage to all enemies, with a 30% chance to silence each one. Can land critical hits. 6 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Light Speed: Quadruples evasion and multiplies crit chance by 1.5 for 2 turns. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Taser Shot: Deal (ATK x 2.7) damage and paralyze the enemy for 2 turns. Can land critical hits. 4 turn cooldown.

    Grenadier Mercenary [HP: 60] [ATK: 10]: $1,200

    "Outcome: train go boom."

    [Passive] Explosive Payload II: Attacks deal 50% damage to nearby enemies.

    [Active] Exploding Sawblade: Fire an exploding sawblade that ignores 50% of the target's explosive resistance and deals (ATK x 2.5) damage. Deals damage twice: once to health and once to armor. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Burrowing Shredder: Launch a special projectile that deals massive damage to cover and deals double damage to targets in cover if said cover is destroyed. Deals (ATK x 3) damage. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Cluster Bomb: Deals (ATK x 1.3) damage to three enemies. Next turn, deals (ATK x 0.4) damage to all enemies. 5 turn cooldown.

    Chemtech Mercenary [HP: 60] [ATK: 10]: $1,200

    "I could tell you what's in the canister, but then I'd have to kill you."

    [Passive] Toxic Shot: Highly accurate. Basic attacks have a 25% chance to poison the enemy.

    [Active] Anesthetic: Poison a target for (target's evasion) damage every turn for 4 turns. Also reduces the target's damage and healing output by 50%. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Global Biohazard Virus: Deploys a zombie virus that deals (ATK x 0.2 + enemy evasion x 0.5) damage every turn for 3 turns, spreading among all enemies over time. Killing an enemy while they are infected will turn them into a zombie. 7 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Adjusted Chemical: Deploy a cloud over two allies or enemies. For allies, it restores (target's ATK x 0.75 + target's evasion x 0.75) every turn for 2 turns. For enemies, it damages them for the same amount, and the same duration. 3 turn cooldown.

    Mercenary Arcanist [HP: 40] [ATK: 6]: $1,200

    "I have done more than stare into the abyss. We... aid each other now."

    [Passive] Adaptive Cycle: Gains 25 resistance to the last damage type taken.

    [Active] Decay: Deal (ATK + 10% of target's HP) damage to a target over the course of three turns, and reduce the target's healing received by 70%. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Freedom: Provide (ATK x 4) shields to self or an ally for 3 turns, and grant health regen for the duration of the shield. Also dispels a negative status effect. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Terrify: Deal (ATK) damage to a target and stun them for 1-2 turns, and makes them twice as vulnerable to damage over time abilities. 4 turn cooldown.

    Mirror Knight [HP: 140] [ATK: 22]: $2,500

    "I come from the year 2295. And I can easily say, 2030 sucks."

    [Passive] Mirror Armor: Immune to electric damage. Has a 25% chance to reflect electric attacks back at the attacker.

    [Active] Teleslash: Deal (ATK x 1.5) damage to a single enemy. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Electro Bolt: Deal (ATK x 2) damage to a single enemy and dispel a positive status effect. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Pulsator Blast: A highly accurate attack that deals (ATK x 2) arcane damage and immobilizes the target. 5 turn cooldown.

    [SUPER] Blade Discharge: Deal (ATK x 1.8) damage to up to five enemies, then become weakened for a turn. 5 turn charge time.

    Elemental Juggernaut [HP: 140] [ATK: 18]: $2,500

    "I'd say this trial by fire is going well."

    [Passive] Status Application: Attacks apply a random status effect, and the elemental juggernaut gains immunity to that status effect for the duration of the effect.

    [Active] Wrath: A "basic attack" that deals (ATK x 0.7) damage to up to five enemies. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Taunt: Gain 30% resistance to all damage and become a target for the enemies. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Berserk: Gain +30% crit chance, +30% damage, and +30% armor piercing for 2 turns. 5 turn cooldown.

    [SUPER] Elemental: Gain 140 shields, double the potency of inflicted status effects, and regenerate (ATK x 0.5) HP every turn. 5 turn charge time.

    Flamethrower Trooper [HP: 75] [ATK: 15]: $2,250

    "Death is the best CC."

    [Passive] Flamethrower: Basic attacks ignite enemies for (ATK x 3) damage over the course of 3 turns.

    [Passive] Hazardous Fire: Getting attacks deals (ATK) damage to the attacker and has a chance to ignite them.

    [Active] Oil Grenade: Reduces fire resistance by 30, slows the enemy, and causes any fire damage to ignite the enemy. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Flare bomb: Deals (ATK x 2.5) damage to two different enemies, or (ATK x 3) damage to burning targets. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Fire Blast: Deals (ATK x 2) damage to 4 different enemies. Has a 30% chance to stun each enemy. 5 turn cooldown.

    [SUPER] Deflagaration: Unleash a massive flame, dealing (ATK x 3) damage to two enemies over the course of 3 turns and ignite them. Abilities used on burning enemies set nearby enemies on fire. 7 turn charge time.

    Freezethrower Trooper [HP: 75] [ATK: 15]: $2,250

    "Just close your eyes. You'll be dead before you know it."

    [Passive] Freezethrower: Basic attacks freeze enemies for a turn.

    [Passive] Stun Resist: Has a 90% chance to resist stuns, freezes, immobilization, or other disabling effects.

    [Active] Shatter Bolt: Deals (ATK x 2.7) damage and pierces armor. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Nitrogen Bomb: Deals (ATK x 1.8) damage to two different enemies and freezes them. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Ice Spike: Deals (ATK x 0.3) damage to all enemies, with increased crit chance and 50% extra armor piercing. 5 turn cooldown.

    [SUPER] Avalanche: Deal (ATK x 2) to three enemies, with increased crit chance and armor piercing on frozen targets. 7 turn charge time.

    Outpost Sniper [HP: 45] [ATK: 20]: $2,250

    "I'm the real outpost defender here!"

    [Passive] Vantage Point: Not being attacked grants +50% ATK for the next turn.

    [Passive] Conduit: Receives double benefit from healing and accuracy boosts. Gains 20% increased effectiveness from crit chance boosts.

    [Passive] Adrenaline: Can survive lethal damage with 1 HP, once.

    [Active] Immobilize: An attack that deals (ATK x 1.8) damage and reduces evasion to 0 and restricts melee attacks. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Piercing Shot: An attack that penetrates and hits the next listed enemy. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Searing Shot: An attack that sets the target on fire and removes one use of a random ability or drains a secondary resource by 30%. 5 turn cooldown.

    Outpost Destroyer [HP: 60] [ATK: 20]: $3,000

    "A rookie practices until he gets it right. I practice until I can't get it wrong."

    [Passive] Annihilation: Kills increase ATK by 10%. Assists increase ATK by 5%.

    [Passive] Spellweave: Using an ability increases basic attack damage by 50% and applies Essence Drain, dealing arcane damage over time and draining the enemy's secondary resources.

    [Active] Mega Shatter Bolt: Deals (ATK x 4) armor piercing damage. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Airstrike: Deals (ATK x 2) damage to 3 targets. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Molten Bomb: Deals (ATK x 1.5) damage to up to 4 targets, lights them on fire, and slows them down. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Resonating Shock: Deals (ATK x 2) damage to all enemies, with a 5% chance to stun them and a 20% chance to weaken them. 7 turn cooldown.

    Spectral Assassin [HP: 25 / 25] [ATK: 20]: $3,000

    "Half human, half ghost, and as deadly as it gets."

    [Passive] Half a Ghost: HP is split between 50% normal HP and 50% arcane only HP.

    [Passive] Shadow Blend: Skipping a turn allows the spectral assassin to become invisible. While invisible, the next attack performed will deal 50% extra damage.

    [Passive] Act First: Performs actions before the enemy turn. Has a 20% chance to perform two actions in one turn.

    [Passive] Preparation: Cannot take damage from the enemy the spectral assassin attacks. Can still receive negative status effects from that enemy.

    [Active] Breach: Deal (ATK x 1.25) damage and stun the target. Deals 30% extra damage to enemies with less HP than the spectral assassin. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Time Warp: Deal (ATK x 1.3) damage and give the spectral assassin and the target an extra action. If the target has less HP than the spectral assassin, also weakens them. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Backstab: Deal (ATK x 2) damage. Deals 50% more damage to enemies suffering from a status effect. Causes severe bleeding if the target has less HP than this unit. 6 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Skip Turn: Pass this turn, gaining Shadow Blend. No cooldown.

    Nanoengineer [HP: 50] [ATK: 30]: $3,500

    "Nanobots, son!"

    [Passive] Nanobots: Performing basic attacks or abilities, and getting hit spawns nanobots. They attack enemies over time, heal allies over time, and can replicate. The effectiveness of their actions is 10% ATK.

    [Passive] Sa-BOT-age: When the nanoengineer is killed, spawn 20 nanobots. Enemies killed while affected by nanobots will release additional nanobots.

    [Active] Package Drop: Release 10 nanobots. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Helping Hand: Help players build structures, weapons, and other things. 1 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Build Turret: Consume 5 nanobots to build a turret. Does not end the nanoengineer's turn.

    [Active] Build Shield Generator: Consume 5 nanobots to build a shield generator with (ATK x 2) shield strength that serves as cover. Does not end the nanoengineer's turn.

    [Active] Self Replicate: Consume 20 nanobots to create a duplicate nanoengineer. Does not end the nanoengineer's turn.

    Outpost Berserker [HP: 80] [ATK: 25]: $4,000

    "I will break you!"

    [Passive] Counter: When attacked, has a 25% chance to gain an extra action. This can stack.

    [Passive] Payback: Gains ATK boosts depending on how much HP the berserker is missing.

    [Passive] Critical Chain: Critical hits increase the next attack's crit chance by 60%. Consecutive crits don't stack chance increases, but will continue the chain.

    [Active] Blood Mirror: Reflect 60% of damage taken for 3 turns. 5 turn cooldown. Critical casts increase damage protection.

    [Active] Lifechain Strike: Deal (ATK x 1.4) damage and drain the target's life over time. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] True Slam: Deal (ATK) armor piercing damage. Highly accurate. 2 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Quick Strike: Deal (ATK x 0.8) damage. Has a 75% chance to not count as an action. Highly accurate. 2 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Rage: Increase all damage dealt by 30% and gain a 30% increase in critical hit chance for 4 turns. For the duration of rage, critical hits cause bleeding and have a 20% chance to slow the target. Also grants immunity to damage over time status effects. 6 turn cooldown.

    Blood Anvil Soldier [HP: 80] [ATK: 20]: $5,000

    "I was forged by Blood Anvil. I am the best of the best."

    [Passive] Barrier: Taking damage has a 25% chance to grant a barrier that grants invincibility for 2 turns.

    [Passive] Adrenaline: Can survive lethal damage with 1 HP, once.

    [Active] Recovery: Remove all weakening or defense reducing status effects, and gain immunity to damage over time for 3 turns. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Static Field: Deploy a potent electromagnetic generator that sets evasion to 0, grants invincibility, and reflects all attacks back for 2 turns. Blood Anvil soldier will be frozen for the duration of the effect. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Photonic Blast: Blast 4 targets with (ATK x 1.3) damage and a 40% chance to blind the target. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Hydro Cannon: Blast a target with water, dealing (ATK x 1.25) damage and knocking them into hazards. Has double the standard critical hit chance. Critical hits reduce the cooldown of all abilities. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Fortifying Heal: Heal up to 4 allies for (ATK x 1.25) HP, reduce their damage taken by 30% for 3 turns, and dispel a negative status effect. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Sun Beam: Deal (ATK x 5) damage and ignite the target. Deals 25% more damage to unarmored targets. 6 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Frozen Rockets: Fire three highly accurate nitrogen-filled rockets, dealing (ATK) damage to three targets and freezing them. 5 turn cooldown.

    Lisharon Inc Medical Personnel [HP: Variable] [ATK: 10]: $1,000

    "An incision here, an amputation there... Lisharon would be proud."

    [Passive] Delicious Tea: Every three turns, will brew tea instead of attacking or healing.

    [Active] Heal: Restore 15 HP to an ally and grant them three turns of HP regeneration. No cooldown.

    [Active] Attack: Deal (ATK) damage to a target and inflict a random status effect. No cooldown.

    Spanish Inquisition Radio [HP: 50] [ATK: 7]: $750

    "No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!"

    [Passive] Inquisition: Comes with five cardinals of the ever-unexpected Spanish Inquisition.

    [Active] Fan Out: The five cardinals each attack a different enemy, dealing (ATK) damage with a 20% chance to deal double damage. No cooldown.

    [Active] Beatdown: The five cardinals attack the same enemy, dealing (ATK) damage to them five times, with a 20% chance to stun the target. No cooldown.

    Demolisher [HP: 10] [Armor: 240] [ATK: 20]: $5,000

    "Kill. Maim. Destroy."

    [Passive] Slow Deconstruction: Deals double damage to buildings.

    [Passive] Steadfast: Cannot be stunned.

    [Passive] Hexagonite: Permanently gains 10 armor every turn. Takes 30% less damage from critical hits.

    [Active] Force Field: Provide 1,000 shields to an ally or self, for 3 turns. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Drill Strike: Deal (ATK x 1.5) damage. Deals 50% more damage to armor. 2 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Burndown: Deal (ATK x 1.5) fire damage. For the next 2 turns, the target will take 8 extra fire damage from all attacks. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Demolish: Deal (ATK x 2) damage and gain an increase in damage output for 3 turns. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Wreck: Deal (ATK x 0.5) damage and cause the target to take 50% more damage next turn. 3 turn cooldown.

    Decimator [HP: 100] [ATK: 10]: $5,000

    "Don't believe in yourself. Believe in me!"

    [Passive] Annihilation: Getting a kill or assist permanently increases damage output by 2.

    [Passive] Glory: Getting a kill restores 30% of missing HP.

    [Passive] Inspiration: Getting a kill increases all players' damage by 15% for the next turn.

    [Passive] Healing Presence II: All allies regenerate 15% of their HP each turn.

    [Active] Decimate: Deal (ATK + 10% target's HP) damage to 3 enemies and reduce the healing they receive for 1 turn. 1 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Empower: Restore (ATK) HP to a target, cure a negative status effect, and increase their damage by 50% for 1 attack. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Cripple: Deal (ATK x 0.7) damage and reduce the target's evasion by 70%. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Flak Cannon: Deal (ATK x 1.25) damage. Deals 30% more damage to airborne targets. Cannot crit. 1 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Shatter Bolt: Deal (ATK x 2.7) damage as armor piercing ice damage. 3 turn cooldown.

    [SUPER] Destroy: Deal (ATK x 9) physical damage. 8 turn charge time.

    Lyncher [HP: 50] [Shields: 10] [ATK: 25]: $5,000

    "I'll get it done, nice and quiet."

    [Passive] Target Marker: All actions mark targets. Marked targets take 20% extra damage, and attacking them heals the attacker for 15% of their HP.

    [Passive] Fear of Death: Killing an enemy intimidates all enemies with less HP than the Lyncher.

    [Passive] Counter: Counter enemy attacks by dealing (ATK x 0.8) damage.

    [Active] Death Mark: Mark an enemy for death, making them unable to evade attacks and increasing the damage they take by 30%.

    [Active] Ice Barrage: Hit 3 enemies for (ATK) ice damage and slow them down. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Fire Barrage: Hit 3 enemies for (ATK) fire damage and light them on fire. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Analysis: Scan three enemies, causing them to take 20% more damage for 3 turns. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Stun Slash: Deal (ATK x 0.3) and stun the target for 2 turns. Deals 30% more damage to unarmored targets. 5 turn cooldown.

    [SUPER] Unleash Hell: Become airborne, gain 25 evasion, and temporarily summon three devastator drones that deal (ATK x 0.5) damage and can inflict bleeding to unarmored targets.

    Zeus Exclusion Zone 4X [HP: 100] [ATK: 25]: $1,500

    "Activating obliteration protocols."

    [Active] Rain Fire: Target up to four enemies every turn, dealing (ATK) damage to them.

    [Passive] Focus Fire: If there are less than four enemies left, can target the same enemy more than once.

    [Passive] Complicated Deployment: You must spend your turn deploying the Zeus Exclusion Zone to activate it.

    [Passive] Needs Attention: Only one Zeus Exclusion Zone can be active at once.

    Common weapon: Costs 500 materials.

    Burst Rifle
    Burst-fire assault rifle. Simple, but effective.
    +1 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Has a 30% chance to hit twice, with the second hit having -10 accuracy

    Marksman Rifle
    Semi-automatic rifle. Accurate and deadly.
    +2 ATK
    100 accuracy

    Revolvers are always cooler.
    +5 ATK
    80 accuracy

    Rapid fire assault weapon. Good for close range engagements.
    +0 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Can target four enemies instead of three

    Heavy Rifle
    High impact rifle. Well suited for stronger targets.
    +0 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Increases damage cap (7x ATK instead of 5x)

    Heavy Pistol
    High impact sidearm. Packs a decent punch for its size.
    +2 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Critical hits deal 10% more damage

    Grenade Launcher
    Standard issue explosive weapon. Effective at crowd control.
    +4 ATK
    80 accuracy
    Deals 20% damage to nearby targets.

    Precision Rifle
    Highly accurate rifle. Deals high damage to a single target.
    +4 ATK
    100 accuracy
    Can only hit one enemy at a time

    Zap Rifle

    Standard factory made zap rifle.

    +1 ATK

    85 accuracy

    Has a 25% chance to zap another enemy

    Uncommon weapon: Costs 1,000 materials.

    MS34 Shieldbreaker
    A powerful assault rifle designed to punch through enemy armor.
    +2 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Deals 15% more damage through armor

    A high output SMG that favors fire rate over all else.
    +0 ATK
    80 accuracy
    Can target six enemies instead of three

    Incendiary Shotgun
    A standard issue shotgun, modified to shoot flaming buckshot.
    +3 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Deals fire damage
    Attacks have a 20% chance to ignite target

    A heavy rifle designed to fire metal rods, heated to a white hot temperature.
    +5 ATK
    95 accuracy

    M11 AIR
    High impact anti-infantry rifle. Good for keeping standard enemies in check.
    +3 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Can suppress a single enemy, reducing their accuracy

    Seeker Rifle
    Prototype scouting device that outlines targets.
    +1 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Hitting an enemy scans them, increasing their damage taken by 10%

    Shrapnel Launcher
    A basic grenade launcher, modified to shoot shards of jagged metal.
    +2 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Attacks have a 25% chance to cause bleeding

    Jammer Gun
    A semi-automatic rifle that fires electromagnetic ammunition.
    +1 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Deals 25% more damage to robotic enemies

    Rare weapon: Costs 1,500 materials.

    Actually a giant bee stinger.
    +4 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Deals 5% more damage through armor
    Has a 25% chance to poison target

    Double Barrel Shotgun
    This is my boomstick!
    +6 ATK
    80 accuracy
    Deals 10% more damage to enemy armor
    Has a 15% chance to hit a random nearby enemy

    Panic Knife
    Everybody stay calm.
    +5 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Critical hits deal 20% more damage
    Automatically attack enemies that hit you with reduced damage

    I fight for honor, not with honor!
    +5 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Has a 20% chance to cause bleeding
    While held, you deal more damage with environmental hazards

    Giant Syringe
    I just need a blood sample...
    +5 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Reduces target's damage output
    Has a 15% chance to cause target to panic

    Dragonslayer's Spear
    Once belonged to a warrior who was one half of a terrifying duo.
    +5 ATK
    95 accuracy
    Has a 25% chance to galvanize target
    Can perform a powerful impaling attack that costs 30 energy

    M6 Carnifex
    Given to you by an alien doctor as a token of good faith.
    +7 ATK
    80 accuracy
    Deals 10% more damage through armor
    Deals 10% more damage to armor

    To rend one's enemies is to see them not as equals, but objects: hollow of spirit and meaning.
    +5 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Deals toxic damage
    Inflicts minor poisoning

    Custom Zap Rifle

    More added shock than your regular rifle.

    +2 ATK

    85 accuracy

    Has a 25% chance to zap another enemy

    Has a 10% chance to stun an enemy

    Piercing Railgun

    Fires hypercharged metal rods that will also chain a lightning bolt to additional enemy

    +2 ATK

    96 accuracy

    Will always hit 2 enemies

    Secondary attack will deal 70-120% ATK as electric damage

    Legendary weapon: Costs 2,000 materials.

    Matador 64
    A sickeningly powerful weapon that once terrorized many a battlefield.
    +9 ATK
    80 accuracy
    Deals 10% more damage through armor

    Big Stick
    Speak softly...
    +4 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Deals 15% more damage to armor
    Has a 20% chance to stun or confuse enemies

    Book of Insults
    Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names leave psychological wounds that never heal.
    +3 ATK
    105 accuracy
    Has a 25% chance to ignore armor
    Has a 10% chance to demoralize the target

    Steel Dragon
    Laser beams. Laser beams everywhere.
    +0 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Always hits at least two enemies at once
    Can target six enemies instead of just three

    The enemies lose their lives, and you get to keep yours. Win-win.
    +3 ATK
    85 accuracy
    40% of damage dealt is returned to you as health
    Critical hits heal you for 65% of the damage dealt

    Sorcerer's Staff
    What problem can't be solved with magic?
    +3 ATK
    80 accuracy
    Inflicts a random status condition

    Eden's Soul
    Becomes a random weapon every mission

    The Young Wolf's Howl
    "To the first of the new Iron Lords." - Lord Saladin
    +4 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Causes target to take more damage from all sources

    Zap Rifle Cannon

    When you want more of a shocking splash...

    +4 ATK

    80 accuracy

    Has a 40% chance to zap up to four enemies

    Has a 10% chance to stun an enemy

    Mythical weapon: Costs 2,500 materials.

    Deathslayer's Blade
    A sword forged in human blood. You can barely make out the "359" etched into the blade.
    +10 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Critical hits deal 2.5x damage instead of 2x
    Kills with this weapon temporarily grant +5 ATK
    Kills with this weapon heal you for 5% of your max HP

    Biotic Rifle
    Kill enemies or heal allies? Why not both?
    +4 ATK
    95 accuracy
    This weapon heals allies when used on them
    Ignores enemy armor

    Let's just skip judge and jury.
    +9 ATK
    110 accuracy
    +10% critical hit chance
    +25% damage dealt to enemies with less than half health (less than 25% HP for bosses)
    Kills with this weapon grant +15 accuracy for your next attack

    Unpaid Debt
    You owe me.
    +7 ATK
    85 accuracy
    The lower your HP is, the more damage this weapon deals
    Has a 25% chance to stun the target if they just attacked you

    The Reanimator
    Their loss is your gain.
    +3 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Killing an enemy reanimates them into a temporary ally
    Reanimated enemies deal more damage

    The Gathering Storm
    Unleash its wrath.
    +5 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Taking damage changes this weapon's damage type to match that of the attack that hit you
    Has a 20% chance to inflict a status condition that matches your current damage type

    Outbreak Prime
    "I've done the math. When you pull the trigger, one plus one equals zero. Every time." - Shiro-4
    +4 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Dealing damage has a 25% chance to spawn a swarm of SIVA mites
    Kills with this weapon spawn a swarm of SIVA mites

    Time's Strife
    The assault rifle of a Timekeeper. A very dangerous weapons in good hands.
    +7 ATK
    110 accuracy
    If the wielder is KO'd, they may use a Time Charge to resurrect.
    The wielder may also use a Time Charge to revive an ally or fully heal their wounds.
    If the whole party is wiped, the wielder can use 3 Time Charges to revive the whole party.
    Time charges are built with creative time attacks.

    Thunder Clap

    A clap of actual thunder was molded into this rifle.

    +11 ATK

    90 accuracy

    Always hits two enemies

    Has a 10% chance to stun an enemy

    Common armor: Costs 500 materials.

    Ballistic Vest
    Basic vest designed to resist incoming bullets.
    +10 HP
    +10 physical resistance

    Fireproof Plating
    Plated armor designed to resist high temperatures.
    +10 HP
    +10 fire resistance

    Insulated Armor
    Insulated to protect against extreme cold.
    +10 HP
    +10 ice resistance

    Conduit Armor
    Armor resistant to high voltage.
    +10 HP
    +10 electric resistance

    Flak Jacket
    Basic armor that resists explosions.
    +10 HP
    +10 explosive resistance

    Gas Mask
    Standard issue gas mask that protects against toxic gases.
    +10 HP
    +10 toxic resistance

    Wizard Robes
    I put on my robe and wizard hat.
    +10 HP
    +10 arcane resistance

    Uncommon armor: Costs 1,000 materials.

    Armor of Thorns
    Armor coated in a thick patch of thorns. Said to be worn by a member of the Darkwraiths.
    +10 HP
    Enemies that attack you take 10 physical damage

    Ridiculously Heavy Armor
    Provides great protection, but is absurdly heavy. How do you even wear it?
    +25 HP
    +5 to all resistances
    Any attack directed at you is guaranteed to hit

    Capacitor Armor
    Comes with two rechargeable battery packs.
    +20 max energy
    +10 energy regen per turn

    Medical Armor
    Armor equipped with a regeneration module that rapidly heals your wounds.
    Regenerate 5% of your max HP every turn

    Marksman Visor
    A modified visor that highlights enemies and tracks their movements.
    +10 accuracy

    Munitions Vest
    Has plenty of extra pockets to store ammunition.
    +5 HP
    Gives all items an extra use

    Lightweight Armor
    Lighter armor that provides greater mobility.
    +5 HP
    +10 evasion

    Rare armor: Costs 1,500 materials.

    Irradiated Armor
    It's probably safe...
    +5 HP
    Enemies that attack you receive radiation poisoning

    Serpent Suit
    Somehow linked to ice.
    +5 ice resistance
    Gives you one use of the Frostbite ability, allowing you to freeze an enemy

    Wings of Sacred Dawn
    There will come a day when the light will never fade.
    +10 HP
    Gives you the Angel of Light ability, allowing you to become airborne for a turn

    Armor of Bone
    The most metal of attire.
    +10 HP
    Has a 40% chance to unnerve a random enemy every wave

    Armor of Shadow
    You merely adopted the darkness.
    +10 evasion
    Enemies will not target you until you attack or are the last player standing

    Hideous Armor
    It looks absolutely disgusting.
    +5 HP
    -1 max rage (allows you to enrage quicker)

    No Armor
    What are you thinking?
    -10 HP
    Has a 25% chance to confuse a random enemy every wave

    Legendary armor: Costs 2,000 materials.

    WAR Suit
    Used to liberate earth from an oppressive alien rule.
    +10 HP
    +10 armor
    Gives you the Blaster Launcher ability, allowing you to fire a powerful explosive

    Fortified Armor
    Designed to protect all the weak points.
    +15 HP
    Enemies that attack you have a lower critical hit chance
    Enemy critical hits against you deal less damage

    Templar Armor
    Feel the power of the Templars.
    +10 HP
    +5 evasion
    Gives you the Rend ability, allowing you to perform a powerful melee attack

    Armored Armor
    Armor armored with more armor!
    +10 HP
    +50 armor

    Eden's Blessing
    Your future shines brighter.
    Turns into a random piece of armor every mission

    FTL Rig
    Best rig.
    +10 evasion
    Gives you the Phase Shift ability, allowing you to avoid damage by shifting into another dimension

    Overly Protective Armor
    It worries about you.
    +15 HP
    Makes you immune to all status effects, positive or negative

    Mythical armor: Costs 2,500 materials.

    Armor of the Blood Knight
    The crimson sigil on the front may or may not be painted in blood.
    +15 HP
    Dealing damage returns 10% of the damage dealt to you as health
    Killing an enemy with excessive damage has a 15% chance to deal the extra damage to a random
    When equipped as Assault Gunner: +10% ATK, and every kill has a 10% chance to instantly max your

    Robes of the Healer
    These robes radiate with a powerful medicating energy.
    +10 HP
    +10 healing
    Healing an ally grants them health regeneration (stacks with Medic's Invigorate ability)
    When equipped as Medic: +10% healing, and converts your super into a powerful healing move that
    affects all allies

    Mask of the Marksman
    This mask was worn by a legendary marksman who never missed his mark.
    +10 HP
    +15 accuracy
    +5% critical hit chance
    When equipped as Sniper: +10 accuracy, and critical hits deal 50% more damage

    Crest of the Defender
    A powerful knight once bore this crest. Legends say his allies never knew harm.
    +25 HP
    +25 armor
    +5 to all resistances
    When equipped as Tank: +10 to all resistances, and taking damage while guarding an ally charges
    your super

    Armor of Turrets
    You are your own defense network.
    +10 HP
    Fires at a random enemy every turn, dealing (ATK x 0.5) damage to them
    Fires at enemies that attack you, dealing (ATK x 0.5) damage to them
    When equipped as Engineer: Your turrets can fire two shots, each dealing 75% of their normal

    Armor of Boundless Light
    There are some flames that even the darkness cannot contain.
    +10 HP
    +25 max energy
    +15 energy regeneration
    Using an ability has a 20% chance to cost half energy
    When equipped as Specialist: +15 max energy, and allows you to use your super early for a large energy cost

    Titan Mark
    At close quarters, a fist is better than any gun.
    +15 HP
    +25 armor
    Replaces your super with Fist of Havoc, a powerful attack that damages multiple enemies

    Hunter Cloak
    Tell the warlocks your cloak is frabjous. They respect words they don't understand.
    +10 HP
    +10 evasion
    Replaces your super with the Golden Gun, a deadly attack that can target up to three enemies

    Warlock Bond
    Those who have stared into the void are not bound by the laws of space and time.
    +5 HP
    Restores 5 HP to you every turn
    Replaces your super with Stormtrance, which temporarily allows you to perform multiple electric attacks in a single turn

    Common trinket: Costs 500 materials.

    Prescription glasses. You may or may not actually need them.
    +5 accuracy

    Distortion Field
    Experimental device that distorts the area around you.
    +5 evasion

    Instructional Booklet
    "Bullets go into the enemies, not you." - Excerpt from Incredibly Obvious Advice Monthly
    +10% XP gain

    Exploded Rocket
    Casing from a used rocket. The RPG kind, not the spacefaring kind.
    +15% damage dealt to airborne enemies

    Laser Sight
    Really just a laser pointer taped to your gun.
    +3% critical hit chance

    Uncommon trinket: Costs 1,000 materials.

    Blind Rage
    Blind to damage
    Taking damage makes you less likely to be targeted again for the rest of that turn

    Portable Generator
    Perfect for emergency situations when you need power.
    Activating your super restores 50% of your max energy

    Handful of Shrapnel
    Why are you collecting shrapnel?
    Attacks have a 5% chance to cause bleeding

    Made with repurposed snake venom.
    +5 healing

    Aim Assist
    Now you can use a controller.
    Missing an attack gives you +10 accuracy for your next attack. Does not stack multiple times.

    Rare trinket: Costs 1,500 materials.

    Occult Charm
    Glows with an unnatural power.
    Your attacks deal 50% normal damage and 50% arcane damage

    Three of Coins
    Sold by a creepy hooded guy with tentacles coming from his face.
    Killing a boss has a 5% chance to drop a mythical item

    Libra Charm
    You feel balanced.
    Balances your stats by raising low ones and lowering high ones

    Salt Shaker
    You feel enraged.
    Taking damage has a 25% chance to give +2 rage instead of +1

    Strange Coin
    This unusual coin is warm to the touch and vibrates gently in your hand.
    +3% mythical drop rate

    Legendary trinket: Costs 2,000 materials.

    Curved Horn
    DMG up
    +5 ATK

    Hallownest Seal
    Another one?
    Enemies you kill have a 25% chance to drop additional materials

    RNG is slightly weighted in your favor

    Bowl of Nails
    No milk.
    Attacking has a 5% chance to cause enemies to panic

    Inversion Device
    Distorts the area around itself.
    All status effects applied to you are inverted

    Mythical trinket: costs 2,500 materials.

    Scorched Assault Rifle
    This burned rifle still radiates with an incredible power.
    +4 ATK
    When equipped as Assault Gunner: Activating your super temporarily grants you +6 ATK

    Orb of Harmony
    Pass into the Iris.
    +6 healing
    When equipped as Medic: Allows you to target an ally with the orb, healing them for 2% of their
    max HP every turn

    15x Scope
    Found in a crate that fell from the sky.
    +10 accuracy
    When equipped as Sniper: +6% critical hit chance

    Cracked Shield
    It kinda works...
    +5 to all defenses
    When equipped as Tank: +25% critical hit resistance

    Rusted Wrench
    Scavenged from Talos I.
    Your critical hits deal less damage but stun enemies
    When equipped as Engineer: Your constructions have higher stats

    Sharp Plug
    Charge with blood.
    +15 max energy
    When equipped as Specialist: When out of energy, using abilities will drain your health

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Legends of Aekran | Kinda like DnD!
    Quote from BaconBusterYT»

    Man, those status effects are really piling up the pain. I add to the pain with a deadly slash.

    You slash at Gregory.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 13.

    Your roll: 1 (critical failure!)

    Gregory deflects your attack and prepares a follow up.

    Your saving roll: 16 (success).

    You dodge his counter attack. You gain 5 XP.

    Quote from GoldHero101»

    “FLAMING FLAT!” I weave a flaming flat and throw it right at gregory.

    You blast Gregory with a flaming flat!

    Gregory's evasion roll: 15.

    Your roll: 4.

    He sidesteps it. You gain 5 XP.

    ==[Enemy action]==

    Gregory takes 10 bleed damage, then generates an orb of water around himself, gaining 25 block.

    He then attempts to trap Zephil in a bubble.

    Zephil's evasion roll: 18.

    Gregory's roll: 16.

    Zephil manages to escape it.

    Quote from Stickcrafter»

    I attempt to slice at Gregory's legs.

    You sweep the leg.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 1 (critical failure!)

    Your roll: 1 (critical failure!)

    Gregory moves to counter you, and you both get hit at the same time. Neither of you take any damage, but it's mildly amusing. You gain 5 XP.

    ==[Ally action]==

    Alessandra tries to stab Gregory in the leg.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 15.

    Alessandra's roll: 9.

    She misses.

    Quote from Player_Miner»

    Gues it’s time for some FROSTFIRE! YEAYEAYEA- *cough* I got caught up in something there, didn’t I?

    You hit Gregory with a Frostfire!

    Gregory's evasion roll: 2.

    Your roll: 6.

    Your crit roll: 2 (failed).

    You burn him for 15 damage, then freeze him for 24 damage and leave him frigid! You gain 25 XP!

    ==[Turn 7]==

    Everyone recovers 11 HP from Regeneratos Ballad.

    "Well, I had something planned for this part," Gregory says, "but somebody had to go and destroy my generator. So I guess I'll just keep doing what I've been doing..."

    Gregory crosses his arms like a disappointed parent.

    Turn order:

    Seymour: >>

    Zephil: >>

    Morgan: >>

    Gregory: >>>

    The Crafter: >>

    Junia: >>

    Alessandra: >>

    Connor: >>


    image source: here.

    Gregory the Fire Resistant (class: human)
    [HP|===== ===== ===== ===== ===== | ===== ===== ===== ===== =====] 333/700
    Status effects: Physical Vulnerability (takes 10% more damage from physical attacks for 1 turn), Weakened (deals 25% less damage for 1 turn), Bleeding (takes 10 damage every turn for 1 turn), Marked for Death (takes 25% more damage from all sources for 2 turns), Frigid (suffers -2 to non-crit rolls for 2 turns)
    Exiled from Semiland for heretical summoning acts. Controls the power of an antediluvian horror.

    Points of interest:

    Dock (the rarely used port of travel in Frostfall)

    Black fortress (Gregory's hidden fortress) [Everyone is here]

    Party (well rested for 11 turns):

    Zephil Solstrider, Bard [Level 7 Bard|==========] 413/450 XP

    [HP|==========] 60/72 | [Mana|==========] 30/50 | Tune points: 3 | Active auras: Regeneratos Ballad +1, Limerick of the Guard | Equip load: 11/35 (medium encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Lute +1] [Right weapon: Ballad of Two] [Helmet: Bard's cap +1] [Chestplate: Iron trimmed coat +1] [Gauntlets: Hard leather gloves +1] [Boots: Bard's boots +1]

    Status effects: Breaking Limits (gains +20 HP and +2 to all attributes for the rest of the battle)

    Bardic Tunes III (passive)

    Gain access to a Tune Gauge, which fuels musical auras. You can switch auras as a minor action, and start with 1 TP (Tune Point). Each Aura has a different TP cost, so choose wisely. The TP does not get consumed, so the effects are typically weaker than just using a skill. Also allows you to fuel into an aura to enhance its effects.

    Regeneratos Ballad: 1 TP

    Each party member recovers (1 x D4 + Zephil's persuasion score divided by 10) HP each combat turn.

    Hercules' Sonnet: 1 TP

    Each party member gets a +2 to their attack rolls. NOTE: Does not have any effect if they critical fail or succeed.

    Anthem of Blood: 1 TP

    All attacks from the party (including Zephil's) have an additional 10% chance to inflict bleeding.

    Limerick of the Guard: 1 TP

    Each party member gets a +2 to their evasion rolls. NOTE: Does not have any effect if they critical fail or succeed.

    Breaking Limits (passive)

    "Breaking limits as only a true warrior of light could." During boss fights, you transcend your limits by gaining +2 to all attributes and +20 HP for the duration of the battle.

    Flaming Flat (active: costs 20 mana)

    Fire a flaming projectile with enhanced accuracy, dealing 24 fire damage with +2 to its accuracy roll.

    Carry capacity: 14.96/65

    Gold: 275


    >Lute +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Ballad of Two (weight: 2) (value: 35)


    >Bard's cap +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Bard's boots +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Iron trimmed coat +1 (weight: 2) (value: 45)

    >Hard leather gloves +1 (weight: 1) (value: 40)


    >Healing potion (weight: 0.25) (value: 10)

    >Medicinal herbs x3 (weight: 0.3 [0.1 each]) (value: 75 [25 each])

    >Manslayer oil (weight: 0.1) (value: 30)

    >Ancient artifact (weight: 1) (value: 250)

    >Shipping manifest (weight: 0) (quest item)

    >List of names (weight: 0) (quest item)

    >Letter to "Ghost" (weight: 0) (quest item)

    >Escape rope (weight: 1) (value: 35)

    >Bandage x6 (weight: 1.2 [0.2 each]) (value: 60 [10 each])

    >Antidote x6 (weight: 1.2 [0.2 each]) (value: 60 [10 each])

    >Soaked book (weight: 1) (value: 5)

    >Broken dagger (weight: 1) (value: 2)

    >Robotic coolant x2 (weight: 2 [1 each]) (value: 40 [20 each])

    >Shark tooth x5 (weight: 1 [0.2 each]) (value: 10 [2 each])

    HP: 52

    Mana: 50 (regen: 10)

    Speed: 5

    Spell slots: 3

    Physical resistance: 6

    Elemental resistance: 5

    Vitality status resistance: 11

    Endurance status resistance: 10

    Persuasion score: 40

    Impact defense: 0 +8

    Slash defense: 0 +12

    Puncture defense: 0 +9

    Water defense: 0

    Fire defense: 0 +3

    Earth defense: 0 +3

    Wind defense: 0 +3

    Ice defense: 0

    Electric defense: 0

    Toxic defense: 0

    Magic defense: 0 +10

    Light defense: 0 +8

    Dark defense: 0 +3

    Vitality: 5
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 4
    Strength: 2
    Dexterity: 5
    Intelligence: 5
    Faith: 5
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 8

    Magic: 6
    Hydromancy: 3
    Pyromancy: 3
    Geomancy: 3
    Aeromancy: 4
    Cryomancy: 3
    Electromancy: 3
    Necromancy: 3
    Polymancy: 3
    Light magic: 4
    Dark magic: 2

    Seymour Hogsworth, Rogue [Level 7 Rogue|==========] 185/450 XP

    [HP|==========] 61/61 | [Mana|==========] 40/40 | Equip load: 10/40 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Silver plated pistol] [Right weapon: Katana] [Helmet: Rogue's scarf +1] [Chestplate: Iron trimmed coat +1] [Gauntlets: Rogue's gloves +1] [Boots: Steel tipped boots]

    Status effects: None

    Have At You! II (active: costs 15 mana)
    When used, target a single enemy, and deal 33% more damage towards them for 3 turns. While active, both you and your target enemy deal 25% less damage towards anyone other than each other. If the target dies early, can swap to a new enemy for the remainder of the duration.

    Wind Waltz II (active: costs X mana)
    By channeling wind magic throughout the body, temporarily gain +3 to evasion rolls. Duration is 1 turn for every 6 mana spent. Also passively grants +1 to evasion rolls against enemies targeted by Have At You!. Also improves dancing skill, for reasons unknown.

    Ice Wall (active: costs 15 mana)
    Instantly create a barrier of ice, granting you 20 block.

    Firebolt II (active: costs 20 mana)
    Fire a flaming projectile with enhanced accuracy, dealing 30 fire damage with +2 to its accuracy roll.

    Carry capacity: 16/70

    Gold: 356


    >Katana (weight: 3) (value: 50)

    >Silver plated pistol (weight: 2) (value: 25)


    >Rogue's scarf +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Rogue's gloves +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Iron trimmed coat +1 (weight: 2) (value: 45)

    >Steel tipped boots (weight: 1) (value: 30)


    >Crimson x4 (weight: 2 [0.5 each]) (value: 100 [25 each])

    >Loaded dice (weight: 1) (value: 20)

    HP: 61
    Mana: 40 (regen: 13)
    Speed: 6
    Spell slots: 2
    Physical resistance: 7
    Elemental resistance: 3
    Vitality status resistance: 12
    Endurance status resistance: 10
    Persuasion score: 25

    Impact defense: 0 +8

    Slash defense: 0 +17

    Puncture defense: 0 +9

    Water defense: 0

    Fire defense: 3

    Earth defense: 3

    Wind defense: 3

    Ice defense: 0

    Electric defense: 0

    Toxic defense: 0

    Magic defense: 3

    Light defense: 3

    Dark defense: 3

    Vitality: 5
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 4
    Strength: 2
    Dexterity: 9
    Intelligence: 5
    Faith: 3
    Luck: 5
    Charisma: 5

    Magic: 2
    Hydromancy: 2
    Pyromancy: 3
    Geomancy: 1
    Aeromancy: 3
    Cryomancy: 2
    Electromancy: 2
    Necromancy: 2
    Polymancy: 2
    Light magic: 2
    Dark magic: 2

    The Crafter, Knight [Level 7 Knight|==========] 173/450 XP

    [HP|==========] 92/92 | [Mana|==========] 47/52 | Equip load: 20/56 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Shield +1] [Right weapon: Leg of Lagavulin +1] [Helmet: Black iron helmet] [Chestplate: Black iron chestplate] [Gauntlets: Knight's gauntlets +1] [Boots: Black iron leggings]

    Status effects: None

    Armor Breaker (active: costs 15 mana)
    Perform an attack that deals double damage to enemy block. If the target has no block, this ability causes them to take 10% more damage from physical attacks for 3 turns.

    Counter (passive)
    When surviving an enemy attack, immediately hit back with a regular attack. Counter attacks cannot critically hit.

    Carry capacity: 20.45/100

    Gold: 375


    >Shield +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Leg of Lagavulin +1 (weight: 4) (value: 70)

    >The Crafter's Mark (weight: 2) (value: 20)


    >Knight's gauntlets +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Black iron helmet (weight: 3) (value: 40)

    >Black iron chestplate (weight: 6) (value: 40)

    >Black iron leggings (weight: 3) (value: 30)


    >Healing potion x5 (weight: 1.25 [0.25 each]) (value: 50 [10 each])

    >Medicinal herbs x17 (weight: 1.7 [0.1 each]) (value: 425 [25 each])

    >Potion base x10 (weight: 1 [0.1 each]) (value: 100 [10 each])

    >Blue orchid x10 (weight: 1 [0.1 each]) (value: 150 [15 each])

    >Northstar flower x5 (weight: 0.5 [0.1 each]) (value: 60 [15 each])

    >Torch x5 (weight: 2.5 [0.5 each]) (value: 35 [7 each])

    >Loaded dice (weight: 1) (value: 20)

    >Firewood (weight: 2) (value: 40)

    >Crimson (weight: 0.5) (value: 30)

    >Bottle of Semilean Red wine (weight: 1) (value: 50)

    Potion recipes:

    >Minor healing potion

    Requirements: 1 potion base, 2 medicinal herbs

    >Minor mana potion

    Requirements: 1 potion base, 2 blue orchids

    >Night vision potion

    Requirements: 1 potion base, 2 northstar flowers

    HP: 92
    Mana: 52 (regen: 10)
    Speed: 4
    Spell slots: 4
    Physical resistance: 22
    Elemental resistance: 11
    Vitality status resistance: 29
    Endurance status resistance: 31
    Persuasion score: 15

    Impact defense: 0 +15

    Slash defense: 0 +15

    Puncture defense: 0 +15

    Water defense: 0 +6

    Fire defense: 0 +15

    Earth defense: 0 +9

    Wind defense: 0 +9

    Ice defense: 0 +6

    Electric defense: 0 +6

    Toxic defense: 0 +9

    Magic defense: 0 +9

    Light defense: 0 +13

    Dark defense: 0 +16

    Vitality: 9
    Endurance: 9
    Attunement: 6
    Strength: 5
    Dexterity: 4
    Intelligence: 3
    Faith: 3
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 3

    Magic: 2
    Hydromancy: 2
    Pyromancy: 2
    Geomancy: 3
    Aeromancy: 2
    Cryomancy: 2
    Electromancy: 2
    Necromancy: 2
    Polymancy: 2
    Light magic: 3
    Dark magic: 1

    Connor, Sorcerer [Level 6 Sorcerer|==========] 301/400 XP

    [HP|==========] 45/45 | [Mana|==========] 21/89 | Equip load: 9.5/35 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Wizard staff +1] [Right weapon: The Jagged Edge] [Helmet: Wizard hat] [Chestplate: Sorcerer's robes] [Gauntlets: Sorcerer's gloves] [Boots: Sorcerer's boots]

    Status effects: none

    Arcane Missiles (active: costs 6x1.25 mana)
    Fires bolts of arcane energy at enemies, with each having its own target. They deal 11 magic damage when they hit. Mana cost increases for every projectile fired.

    Frostfire (active: costs 25 mana)
    Fires a bolt of frost and flame that burns a target for 15 damage, then subsequently freezes them, dealing 10 damage and reducing their non-crit rolls by 2 for 2 turns.

    Lightning Storm III (active: costs 25 mana)
    Call down a lightning storm from above, dealing 20 electric damage to all enemies.

    Ice Wall (active: costs 15 mana)
    Instantly create a barrier of ice, granting you 20 block.

    Firebolt (active: costs 20 mana)
    Fire a flaming projectile with enhanced accuracy, dealing 24 fire damage with +2 to its accuracy roll.

    Carry capacity: 26/65

    Gold: 305


    >Wizard staff (weight: 2) (value: 10)

    >Wizard staff +1 (weight: 2) (value: 12)

    >Brigand's knife (weight: 2) (value: 13)

    >Golden dagger (weight: 1) (value: 60)

    >The Jagged Edge (weight: 1.5) (value: 70)

    >The Master Key (weight: 1.5) (value: 70)


    >Wizard hat (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Sorcerer's robes (weight: 2) (value: 10)

    >Sorcerer's gloves (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Sorcerer's boots (weight: 2) (value: 10)

    >Iron trimmed coat (weight: 2) (value: 35)


    >Eye of Lagavulin (weight: 1) (value: 40)

    >Lagavulin shell fragment x10 (weight: 5 [0.5 each]) (value: 100 [10 each])

    >Healing potion x3 (weight: 0.75 [0.25 each]) (value: 30 [10 each])

    >Salvaged circuitry (weight: 0.25) (value: 40)

    >Damaged battery (weight: 1) (value: 20)

    >Crimson x2 (weight: 1 [0.5 each]) (value: 60 [30 each])

    HP: 45
    Mana: 89 (regen: 10)
    Speed: 4
    Spell slots: 4
    Physical resistance: 5
    Elemental resistance: 23
    Vitality status resistance: 15
    Endurance status resistance: 15
    Persuasion score: 15

    Impact defense: 0 +2

    Slash defense: 0 +4

    Puncture defense: 0 +2

    Water defense: 0 +3

    Fire defense: 0 +5

    Earth defense: 0 +5

    Wind defense: 0 +5

    Ice defense: 0 +3

    Electric defense: 0 +3

    Toxic defense: 0 +3

    Magic defense: 0 +8

    Light defense: 0 +5

    Dark defense: 0 +5

    Vitality: 4
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 10
    Strength: 3
    Dexterity: 3
    Intelligence: 7
    Faith: 4
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 3

    Magic: 6
    Hydromancy: 4
    Pyromancy: 4
    Geomancy: 4
    Aeromancy: 4
    Cryomancy: 4
    Electromancy: 4
    Necromancy: 4
    Polymancy: 4
    Light magic: 4
    Dark magic: 3

    Morgan, Reformed Thief [Level 6 Bounty Hunter|==========] 71/400 XP

    [HP|==========] 37/45 | [Mana|==========] 35/40 | Equip load: 13/45 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Axe] [Right weapon: Barbed spear] [Helmet: Bounty hunter's mask] [Chestplate: Bounty hunter's tunic] [Gauntlets: Bounty hunter's gloves] [Boots: Bounty hunter's boots]

    Status effects: None

    Mark for Death II (active: costs 15 mana)

    Mark a target for death, causing them to take 25% more damage from all sources for 3 turns.

    Searing Uppercut (active: costs 20 mana)

    Deliver a flame-infused uppercut, dealing 12 impact damage and 14 fire damage, with a greatly improved chance to stagger the target.

    Carry capacity: 15/95

    Gold: 300


    >Axe (weight: 3) (value: 10)

    >Axe (weight: 3) (value: 10)

    >Barbed spear (weight: 3) (value: 30)


    >Bounty hunter's mask (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Bounty hunter's tunic (weight: 3) (value: 10)

    >Bounty hunter's gloves (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Bounty hunter's boots (weight: 2) (value: 10)


    >Ancient artifact (weight: 1) (value: 250)

    >Bottle of Semilean White wine (weight: 1) (value: 50)

    HP: 45
    Mana: 40 (regen: 10)
    Speed: 5
    Spell slots: 2
    Physical resistance: 11
    Elemental resistance: 13
    Vitality status resistance: 17
    Endurance status resistance: 16
    Persuasion score: 15

    Impact defense: 0 +5

    Slash defense: 0 +5

    Puncture defense: 0 +5

    Water defense: 0

    Fire defense: 0

    Earth defense: 0

    Wind defense: 0

    Ice defense: 0

    Electric defense: 0

    Toxic defense: 0

    Magic defense: 0

    Light defense: 0

    Dark defense: 0

    Vitality: 5
    Endurance: 5
    Attunement: 5
    Strength: 6
    Dexterity: 6
    Intelligence: 4
    Faith: 3
    Luck: 4
    Charisma: 3

    Magic: 3
    Hydromancy: 2
    Pyromancy: 4
    Geomancy: 3
    Aeromancy: 3
    Cryomancy: 3
    Electromancy: 3
    Necromancy: 2
    Polymancy: 3
    Light magic: 2
    Dark magic: 2

    Junia, Cleric [Level 6 Cleric|==========] 142/400 XP

    [HP|==========] 40/40 | [Mana|==========] 46/53 | Equip load: 11/30 (medium encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Holy scriptures] [Right weapon: Silver plated pistol] [Helmet: Cleric's hood] [Chestplate: Rogue's longcoat +1] [Gauntlets: White gloves] [Boots: Rogue's boots +1]

    Status effects: None

    Divine Grace (active: costs 15 mana)

    Heal a target with divine power, restoring 22% of their HP.

    Divine Comfort (active: costs 25 mana)

    Soothe all allies with divine power, restoring 11% HP to everyone.

    Carry capacity: 11/60

    Gold: 250


    >Holy scriptures (weight: 2) (value: 10)

    Silver plated pistol (weight: 2) (value: 25)


    >Cleric's hood (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Cleric's robes (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >White gloves (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Cleric's boots (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Rogue's longcoat +1 (weight: 2) (value: 13)

    >Rogue's boots +1 (weight: 1) (value: 13)

    HP: 40
    Mana: 53 (regen: 12)
    Speed: 4
    Spell slots: 3
    Physical resistance: 5
    Elemental resistance: 10
    Vitality status resistance: 10
    Endurance status resistance: 10
    Persuasion score: 10

    Impact defense: 0 +2

    Slash defense: 0 +6

    Puncture defense: 0 +2

    Water defense: 0 +2

    Fire defense: 0 +2

    Earth defense: 0 +2

    Wind defense: 0 +2

    Ice defense: 0 +2

    Electric defense: 0 +2

    Toxic defense: 0 +2

    Magic defense: 0 +4

    Light defense: 0 +6

    Dark defense: 0 +6

    Vitality: 4
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 7
    Strength: 3
    Dexterity: 3
    Intelligence: 6
    Faith: 10
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 3

    Magic: 5
    Hydromancy: 3
    Pyromancy: 2
    Geomancy: 2
    Aeromancy: 3
    Cryomancy: 3
    Electromancy: 2
    Necromancy: 1
    Polymancy: 2
    Light magic: 6
    Dark magic: 1

    Alessandra of Semiland, Seer of Ironhaven [Level 5 Sorcerer]

    [HP|==========] 45/45 | [Mana|==========] 68/68 | Equip load: 5/35 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Seer's gauntlet] [Right weapon: Bronze dagger] [Helmet: Seer's hood] [Chestplate: Seer's robes] [Gauntlets: None] [Boots: Seer's boots]

    Status effects: None

    Defensive Ward (active: costs 25 mana)

    Project a magical barrier that blocks incoming enemy attacks and has 70 HP.

    Protect (active: costs 25 mana)

    Shield a single ally, granting them 30 block.

    Pride of Semiland (passive)

    Deals 50% more damage to Gregory the Fire Resistant, as well as his summons.

    Carry capacity: 5/65

    Gold: 150


    >Seer's gauntlet (weight: 1) (value: 100)

    >Bronze dagger (weight: 1) (value: 15)


    >Seer's hood (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Seer's robes (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Seer's boots (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    HP: 45
    Mana: 60 (regen: 13)
    Speed: 4
    Spell slots: 3
    Physical resistance: 5
    Elemental resistance: 15
    Vitality status resistance: 15
    Endurance status resistance: 15
    Persuasion score: 25

    Impact defense: 0 +3

    Slash defense: 0 +3

    Puncture defense: 0 +3

    Water defense: 0 +6

    Fire defense: 0 +6

    Earth defense: 0 +6

    Wind defense: 0 +6

    Ice defense: 0 +6

    Electric defense: 0 +6

    Toxic defense: 0 +6

    Magic defense: 0 +9

    Light defense: 0 +6

    Dark defense: 0 +6

    Vitality: 4
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 7
    Strength: 2
    Dexterity: 2
    Intelligence: 8
    Faith: 4
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 5

    Magic: 8
    Hydromancy: 4
    Pyromancy: 4
    Geomancy: 4
    Aeromancy: 4
    Cryomancy: 4
    Electromancy: 4
    Necromancy: 4
    Polymancy: 4
    Light magic: 4
    Dark magic: 3

    >Silver plated pistol (weight: 2) (value: 25)

    >Engraved knife (weight: 2) (value: 35)

    >Engraved knife (weight: 2) (value: 35)

    >Engraved knife (weight: 2) (value: 35)

    >Katana +1 (weight: 3) (value: 60)

    >"Zweilander +1 (weight: 5) (value: 110)

    >Student's greatsword (weight: 3) (value: 10)

    >Cutlass (weight: 2) (value: 20)

    >Caustic Caroline (weight: 1.5) (value: 100)

    >Toxic Tracy (weight: 1.5) (value: 100)

    >Whip +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Bard's garb +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Bard's gloves +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Leather mask (weight: 1) (value: 13)

    >Potion creation starter kit (weight: 2) (value: 50)

    Current location:


    Current quests:

    ==[Old Hatreds]==

    Gregory resides in the snowy region of Frostfall, a location inhabited by very few people. The region is expansive, but the seer, Alessandra, assured you that Gregory's fortress would be easy to spot. You venture forth into the frozen wasteland in search of Alessandra's lifelong rival.

    You arrived at Gregory's black fortress. Alessandra and Gregory's confrontation resulted in him conjuring forth living beings made of snow. He disappeared into the fortress, leaving you alone with his artificial constructs.

    With the Snowbound defeated, you continued your pursuit of Gregory.

    After searching Gregory's fortress, you cornered the wizard himself. You engage him in battle, intending to make him answer for his crimes.

    [√] Locate Gregory's fortress

    [√] Defeat the Snowbound

    [√] Find Gregory

    [ ] Defeat Gregory the Fire Resistant

    ==[Magical Artifacts]==
    You happened upon a mysterious fellow in the sewers of Acrus, carrying an unusual relic. He mentioned that there are two other relics somewhere in Aekran that, when brought together, would lead their holder to an ancient ruin filled with unimaginable treasures. You decided to keep that in mind, just in case.

    Turns out that mysterious fellow was a power hungry megalomaniac known as Geralt of Nivea, and the story he told was only partially true. Whoever holds all of the relics will apparently gain an incredible power, enough to make taking over the Aekranian empire a very real possibility. You prevented Geralt from obtaining more of the relics, and even relieved him of one of them. One relic remains unaccounted for.
    [2/3] Obtain the three relics

    ==[Haunting Visions]==
    You were presented with a strange vision one night before you fell asleep. You don't know why, you don't know the meaning of the image, and y̭͙̹̱̥͉̕ͅo̝͈̥͉̦̜͝u̵̫̻̩͓̖ ̬̘̫̩͖ͅd̯͓̟͇̼̤o͍̜͇͕̦ṉ̬̰͓'̲̹̰͙̤̟t̫̰̞̥̟ ̗̱r̰̘̝̬̰͡ec̯̙̦o̡g͉͠n̪̹̼̮i̘̦̙͇͖̯z̳̻͈͇ͅe̹͟ ̼̤̥͔t̝̭͍̞̻͕͔h̸͍̜ę̖̩̭͚̻̞̝ ̴ḇ̡̙̩̼̹̪o̥͇̺̞͈d̜̪̠͕̻͔͝i͍͙͠e̳̳͓̞͉s̶̙͚ ͚̥ͅi̡͖̠̠ṉ͖̠ ̴͚̥̱ţ̩̘̯he̞͕̰ ҉wa̷̠̘͉͖̹̞̤t̝̠̬̯͓̩e̜̩̤̯̺͔̕r̗͖̖̳̩̺͠.̡̦̩. You decided to get some help from someone more with more knowledge on this subject. Ironhaven was your next stop.

    According to the Seer, you are being hunted by an eldritch horror named Kar-nthal the Formless. Apparently, it's trying to drive you insane so it can easily "assimilate" you. The seer is willing to help you track it down, but she needs some supplies. She's given you a list of what you'll need.

    You brought the seer the herbs and elixirs she needs, as well as resupplying her with sparkling water. She still requires the heart of an eldritch creature. Any enemy classified as eldritch should do.

    With an eldritch being's heart in hand, you should be able to track Kar-nthal the Formless. Return to the seer when you have an opportunity.
    [√] Visit the seer at Ironhaven
    [√] Obtain the herbs and elixirs
    [√] Obtain a case of sparkling water
    [√] Obtain the heart of an eldritch beast
    [ ] Return to the seer

    ==[An Imperial Contract]==

    The emperor of Aekran has contacted you directly. He has requested your presence in Acrus, the capital city of Aekran. You're unsure of what the emperor is asking of you, but completing a contract for him would not only pay well, but would also vastly improve your reputation. On your way to Acrus, however, you were ambushed by unknown assailants. You'll have to get through them before you can get to Acrus.

    Your meeting with the emperor was interesting. He informed you of an unusual rumor of monstrous sea creatures attacking people and dragging them into the sea, never to be seen again. He has asked you to investigate this matter and, if the rumors are true, put a stop to it.

    You engaged a bizarre sea creature in combat and have slain it. Whatever it is, it doesn't seem like a naturally occurring creature. This thing was created by someone, somehow. Not only that, but you encountered a ghost wearing sunglasses that wants you dead. You have decided to tell the emperor what happened on the shore.

    The emperor directed you toward the town of Ironhaven. A seer lives there, and she should be able to help you deal with the sunglasses-wearing ghost.

    On the way to Acrus, you were attacked by a group of brigands intending to rob you. One of them managed to escape, but he dropped what appears to be an identification badge depicting a hawk impaled with two swords. Judging by the fact that they have matching badges, they may be an organized faction. There may be value in learning more about them.

    Apparently, these bandits are been lurking around Acrus for some time. One of the city guards mentioned one of them being detained. You might be able to use your reputation to question the bandit and learn more.

    You cleared out the hideout in Acrus, with the brigand cell leader in tow. In a strange turn of events, some mysterious humanoid bear creature got loose in the building and laid waste to everyone inside. Additionally, it seems to have expressed interest in hunting you down at some point in the future.

    You cleared out the hideout along the country road. You learned that this particular band of brigands is a major Crimson dealer in this part of Aekran, and that they hired a hitman to deal with some of their major enemies. All you know about this hitman is that he goes by the name of Ghost.

    The last hideout was massacred by the strange bear creature. However, there was a survivor. He pointed you in the direction of the brigand leader's hideout. Apparently, it's along the outskirts of Ironhaven. You set off, hoping he hasn't relocated recently.

    You stormed the brigands' hideout and eliminated their leader. The assassin, Ghost, clumsily fell to his death. Though this particular band of brigands still has cells operating in other regions of Aekran, their efforts have been effectively crippled.

    ==[The Seer of Ironhaven]==
    Monstrous sea creatures do exist, and that appear to be lead by a ghost that wears sunglasses and speaks like a surfer dude. Honestly, it's not the weirdest thing that's happened to you on a job. The ghost is likely being summoned and controlled by a sorcerer somewhere in Aekran, and stopping them would more than likely dispel the spirit and destroy the sea monsters. In order to track down this malevolent sorcerer, the emperor has informed you of a seer in Ironhaven who should be able to help you. To get to Ironhaven, however, you'll need to obtain a boat.

    You arrived in Ironhaven without incident. Your next priority would be to visit the seer.

    The seer informed you that the sunglasses wearing spirit was summoned by a heretical mage known as Gregory. The only way to seal the spirit away is to stop Gregory, but to do so, you'll need to track him down. The seer pointed you in the direction of several creatures Gregory has summoned. Apparently, eliminating them and collecting whatever they leave behind will allow you to pinpoint his location. You set off, prepared for combat.

    You fought and defeated Krab, Cracker of Shells, and obtained its soul. Three foes remained before you could track Gregory down.

    It was a long fight, but you destroyed Mechacrab, the Cyborg Crustacean. Its core belonged to you now. Only two targets left.

    In a rather decisive battle, you slayed Crabbell, Ringer of the Tides and obtained a magical image of its bell. One target remains.

    You have vanquished all four of Gregory's champions. The seer should be able to help you locate him using the relics you obtained from them.

    You returned the remnants of Gregory's champions to the seer. After you assisted her in dealing with a group of assassins, she began to focus her magical power to locate the heretical mage, Gregory. It will take some time for her to finish, so you have been left with some free time.

    After a brief moment to yourself, the seer has located Gregory.

    The seer chose to accompany you on your quest to defeat Gregory. She tracked the heretical mage to the desolate region of Frostfall. You set off immediately, ready for whatever may lie ahead.

    Your attributes determine your stats. You can increase your attributes by leveling up, equipping powerful gear, and by utilizing training halls in towns. Your basic attributes determine your basic stats, while your magic attributes affect your ability to wield different types of magic. You get one skill point whenever you level up, which can be spent to increase any attribute.

    Here is a list of all attributes.

    =====[Basic attributes]=====

    Vitality determines your max HP and your resistance to certain status effects and damage types.
    Max HP
    Physical damage resistances
    Multiple status resistances, including bleed, frost, and poison

    Endurance determines your damage resistance, equip load, and speed, as well as your resistance to certain status effects.
    Damage resistances
    Max equip load
    Multiple status resistances, including stagger, vulnerability, and burn

    Attunement determines your max mana and the number of spell slots available, as well as your resistance to certain types of magic.
    Max mana
    Number of spell slots
    Elemental damage resistances

    Strength determines the effectiveness of certain weapon types, your maximum carry capacity, and your ability to win clashes.
    Effectiveness of strength-scaling weapons
    Maximum inventory capacity
    Effectiveness in clashes

    Dexterity determines the effectiveness of certain weapon types, your ability to evade attacks, and your ability to land critical hits.
    Effectiveness of dexterity-scaling weapons
    Evasion dice rolls
    Critical hit dice rolls

    Intelligence determines the effectiveness of certain spells, your mana regeneration, and the effectiveness of certain relics.
    Effectiveness of intelligence-scaling magic and weapons
    Effectiveness of intelligence-scaling relics
    Mana regeneration rate

    Faith determines the effectiveness of certain spells, the healing you receive, and the effectiveness of certain relics.
    Effectiveness of faith-scaling magic and weapons
    Effectiveness of faith-scaling relics
    Healing received

    Luck influences your ability to succeed in nearly all aspects by rigging the dice in your favor.
    All dice rolls

    Charisma determines your ability to persuade others, as well as your buy and sell prices at shops.
    Persuasion ability
    Buying prices at shops
    Selling prices at shops

    =====[Magic stats]=====

    Your basic knowledge of magic. It primarily affects basic magic spells, but has a slight influence on all other types of magic.

    Your knowledge of water magic. Water-based spells are highly versatile and can be used in offensive and defensive roles.

    Your knowledge of fire magic. Fire-based spells are primarily offensive, dealing high damage and immolating targets.

    Your knowledge of earth magic. Earth-based spells have strong defensive capabilities, while also being useful attacks.

    Your knowledge of wind magic. Wind-based spells can be used in several ways, from enhancing mobility to breaking the enemy's formation.

    Your knowledge of ice magic. Ice-based spells can take the form of powerful attacks or inexorable
    defensive wards.

    Your knowledge of lightning magic. Lightning-based spells have excellent attack power, and synergize well with water magic.

    Your knowledge of necromancy. Necromancers are able to reanimate the dead, as well as create deadly
    poisons and toxins.

    Your knowledge of shapeshifting magic. Polymorphs are highly respected in combat for their adaptability and quick thinking.

    ==[Light magic]==
    Your knowledge of light magic. Light-based spells are primarily used to ward off demonic creatures and heal wounds.

    ==[Dark magic]==
    Your knowledge of dark magic. Darkness-based spells are a seldom used type of magic, as their use is forbidden in several parts of the world.

    Your stats are an indication of how powerful you are. You want them to be as high as possible. Your stats primarily increase as you level up your attributes, though there are other means of enhancing your stats.

    Here is a list of all stats.


    Your hit points. These decrease as you take damage. If you run out of HP, you get KO'd.

    ==[Damage resistances]==

    Damage resistances indicate a percentage reduction to the damage you take. Most resistances are divided into the various damage types. One point of damage resistance reduces incoming damage by 1%.


    Defenses indicate a static reduction to the damage you take. Most defenses are divided into the various damage types. One point of defense reduces incoming damage by one point.

    ==[Status resistances]==

    Status resistances indicate your ability to resist status effects applied to you. Status resistances are divided into vitality status resistance and endurance status resistance. Higher status resistance reduces the chance of you being afflicted with a status effect, as well as the potency of the status effect if you do get afflicted.

    ==[Equip load]==

    Your equip load measures how heavy your equipped gear can be. As you get closer to the maximum, your evasion rolls will be lowered, and if you go over your maximum equip load, you won't be able to evade attacks at all.


    Speed determines when in each turn you'll be able to take your action. Raising your speed will allow you take your actions sooner in the turn.


    Mana is used to cast spells and use active abilities. You regenerate some of your mana every turn.

    ==[Inventory capacity]==

    Your carrying capacity determines how many items you can carry on your person. Heavier items take up more space. This is a separate stat from equip load, so having a full inventory won't affect your ability to dodge.

    ==[Persuasion score]==

    Persuasion score is your ability to talk your way into getting what you want. There are several factors that influence persuasion score, most notably your charisma attribute. Higher persuasion score makes it easier to win people over with words alone.

    Weapon proficiencies indicate a higher level of skill in utilizing certain weapon types. If you use a weapon type you're proficient with, the weapon's stats will be enhanced in various ways. There are two ways to obtain weapon proficiencies: class selection, and undergoing weapon training. Every class has their own set of weapon proficiencies, but you can become proficient with other weapon types by finding weapon masters willing to teach you, at which point you'll begin a personal side quest to become proficient in a new weapon type.

    Every turn in combat, each player gets to take a major action and a minor action. Major actions are things like attacking enemies, healing allies, and using items. Minor actions are things like searching containers, talking to people, and looking around. If you choose to take a minor action, your major action will be slightly weakened, so there's value in only taking a major action. You can also take two minor actions at once, if you so choose.

    The order in which units take their turn is determined by their speed and the results of a dice roll. Your turn priority is your speed + (1 x D6). Units with the highest turn priority go first, and units with the lowest go last. Turn order will be listed on every update. If a player doesn't take their action in an update, their action that turn will be skipped.

    When a player's HP reaches zero, they get knocked out. KO'd players can only perform minor actions, and therefor can't heal allies or attack enemies. Players cannot be KO'd outside of combat.

    KO'd players will automatically be revived with 10% of their max HP at the end of combat. There are other means of reviving players in the middle of battle, though they require abilities, items, or particularly effective healing attempts.

    The damage players inflict is dependent on the strength of their weapon, the result of their attack dice rolls, and the creativity of their attack. Your weapon's attack stat is the minimum amount of damage the weapon can deal, assuming you get an average dice roll and perform a basic attack. Putting more effort and creativity into your attacks increases the damage of your attack, up to double your weapon's attack stat. High dice rolls can further enhance your damage.

    Blocking can be performed as a minor action. Doing so will grant you an amount of block that depends on your weapons' defensive value and the outcome of a dice roll. Block functions as damage absorption; you'll lose block before you lose HP.

    Whenever you perform something significant, you gain XP. When you gain enough XP, you level up. Leveling up allows you to enhance your attributes and, occasionally, learn a new ability. You can learn a new ability every 5 levels. There is no level cap.

    Every 5 levels grants you the ability to learn a new ability. When this happens, you can create your own ability to obtain. Do note that the ability's strength must be reasonable for your current level, and if your ability is too strong, it may have to be nerfed. It's also recommended that your abilities thematically fit with your class, as this will make them stronger.

    There are also preset abilities that can be learned throughout the game, at various sources. You can mix these in with your custom abilities to create a build that works perfectly for you.

    There are several types of damage, all of which have their strengths and weaknesses. Each damage type also has an associated status effect that will occasionally be inflicted when damage of that type is dealt.

    Here is a list of all damage types.

    Impact: inflicted by bludgeoning weapons. Can occasionally stagger an enemy, hindering their accuracy and evasion.

    Slash: inflicted by blades. Can occasionally cause enemies to bleed.

    Puncture: inflicted by thrusting weapons and projectiles. Can occasionally weaken an enemy, reducing their damage output.

    Water: inflicted by hydromancy and water-infused weapons. Can occasionally douse the target in water, making them vulnerable to electricity.

    Fire: inflicted by pyromancy and fire-infused weapons. Can occasionally light the target on fire.

    Earth: inflicted by geomancy and earth-infused weapons. Can occasionally shatter an enemy's defenses, leaving them vulnerable.

    Wind: inflicted by aeromancy and wind-infused weapons. Can occasionally disarm the target, weakening them or forcing them to grab their weapon.

    Ice: inflicted by cryomancy and ice-infused weapons. Can occasionally freeze the target.

    Electric: inflicted by electromancy and lightning-infused weapons. Can occasionally electrify the target, which also shocks nearby enemies.

    Toxic: inflicted by poisons. Can occasionally poison the target.

    Magic: inflicted by magic. Can occasionally hex the target, making them more vulnerable to status effects.

    Light: inflicted by light magic. Can occasionally blind the target, or severely damage eldritch creatures.

    Dark: inflicted by dark magic. Can occasionally corrupt the target, which can frequently lead to an early demise.

    You can look around at any time. Doing so can allow you to find items, notice interesting people, and get your bearings. Looking around counts as a minor action in combat.

    Heavier equipment can increase your level of encumbrance, which can impact your evasion.

    If you are below 30% of your max equip load, you'll gain +1 to your evasion dice rolls.

    If you're between 30% and 60%, your evasion won't be impacted at all.

    If you're over 60%, you'll gain -1 to your evasion rolls.

    If you're over 100%, you won't be able to dodge attacks at all.

    You slowly heal over time when out of combat. You can accelerate the process with items or abilities. Using items or abilities will also allow you to heal in the middle of combat.

    Sometimes, you'll get to choose what to say to people. You can say whatever you want, but be ready to deal with the consequences of your words.

    Enemies can be classified as human, beast, or eldritch. Some perks and abilities may affect different classes differently, but that's about it.

    You gain skill points whenever you level up. You can use them to increase your attributes and magic skills, or to upgrade your abilities.

    If you run out of HP, you are KO'd for the rest of combat, or until someone revives you. While KO'd, you can only perform minor actions. KO'd players will automatically be revived after combat.

    KO'd players can be revived in combat with certain items and abilities, or a high roll on a healing action. If a healing action isn't particularly powerful, it'll have no effect on a KO'd player. Players are typically revived with 25% of their HP.

    An item's perk points depends on its rarity. Uncommon items have 1, rare items have 2, legendary items have 3, and mythical and primeval items have 5. Uncommon perks require 1 point, rare ones require 2, legendary ones require 3, and primeval ones require 4.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Legends of Aekran | Kinda like DnD!
    Quote from BaconBusterYT»

    That was a strong hit...luckily, I was able to react fast enough to block the worse of it. Time for retaliation!

    Seems like the Leg is just sitting there. Channeling Wind Waltz for a turn, I quickly rush to grab it and smack the Shade with it before throwing it back to Crafter so he can quickly act.

    You give yourself a turn of Wind Waltz, then grab the Crafter's weapon and hit Gregory with it.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 7.

    Your roll: 11.

    Your crit roll: 11 (failed).

    You deal 21 damage, then throw the weapon back to the Crafter. You gain 14 XP.

    Quote from Stickcrafter»

    "Oh, dangit!"

    I go get the Leg of Lagavulin back, then I attempt an Armor Breaker on the water-spraying thing on Gregory helmet.

    With your weapon back in hand, you deliver an armor breaker to the water generator.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 8.

    Your roll: 13.

    Your crit roll: 10 (failed).

    You hit him for 22 damage and leave him vulnerable. The generator has a dent in it. You gain 14 XP.

    ==[Ally action]==

    Junia tries to line up a shot on the water generator.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 5.

    Junia's roll: 14.

    Junia's crit roll: 9 (failed).

    She deals 14 damage and weakens Gregory, as well as damaging the generator a bit. She gains 9 XP.

    Alessandra charges at Gregory, bringing her dagger down in an overhead attack.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 11.

    Alessandra's roll: 17.

    Alessandra's crit roll: 13 (failed).

    She deals 19 damage and inflicts bleeding. Parts of the generator begin to flake off.

    Quote from GoldHero101»

    "Awwww stuff it." I will attempt to destroy the water creation machine

    You swing at the water generator.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 2.

    Your roll: 20 (critical success!)

    Your crit roll: 5 (failed).

    You slice right through the generator, dispelling Gregory's water field and dealing 33 damage to him! You gain 21 XP!

    ==[Enemy action]==

    "What? No!" Gregory shouts angrily. He curses at Zephil in Semilean, takes 10 bleed damage, and fires a blast of water at him.

    Zephil's evasion roll: 8.

    Gregory's roll: 18.

    Gregory's crit roll: 6 (failed).

    He hits for 17 damage.

    Gregory then channels the water on the floor into a large sphere, and hurls it at Morgan.

    Morgan's evasion roll: 1 (critical failure!)

    Gregory's roll: 17.

    Gregory's crit roll: 20 (critical success!)

    The projectile slams into Morgan, sending him flying back into a wall. He takes 41 damage and gets staggered.

    Quote from Player_Miner»

    Arcane Missiles x4?

    You blast Gregory with four arcane missiles.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 19.
    Your roll: 5.

    He deflects them with his own magic power. You gain 5 XP.

    ==[Ally action]==

    Morgan groans in pain, then marks Gregory.

    ==[Turn 6]==

    Everyone recovers 13 HP from Regeneratos Ballad.

    Gregory looks forlorn.

    ==[Ally action]==

    Junia casts Divine Grace on Morgan, healing him for 9 HP. She gains 6 XP.

    Morgan pierces Gregory with his spear.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 14.

    Morgan's roll: 14.

    Morgan's crit roll: 14 (failed).

    Morgan deals 8 damage. He gains 5 XP.

    Turn order:

    Junia: >

    Morgan: >

    Seymour: >>

    Zephil: >>

    Gregory: >>>

    The Crafter: >>

    Alessandra: >>

    Connor: >>


    image source: here.

    Gregory the Fire Resistant (class: human)
    [HP|===== ===== ===== ===== ===== | ===== ===== ===== ===== =====] 357/700
    Status effects: Physical Vulnerability (takes 10% more damage from physical attacks for 2 turns), Weakened (deals 25% less damage for 2 turns), Bleeding (takes 10 damage every turn for 2 turns), Marked for Death (takes 25% more damage from all sources for 3 turns)
    Exiled from Semiland for heretical summoning acts. Controls the power of an antediluvian horror.

    Points of interest:

    Dock (the rarely used port of travel in Frostfall)

    Black fortress (Gregory's hidden fortress) [Everyone is here]

    Party (well rested for 12 turns):

    Zephil Solstrider, Bard [Level 7 Bard|==========] 408/450 XP

    [HP|==========] 49/72 | [Mana|==========] 50/50 | Tune points: 3 | Active auras: Regeneratos Ballad +1, Limerick of the Guard | Equip load: 11/35 (medium encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Lute +1] [Right weapon: Ballad of Two] [Helmet: Bard's cap +1] [Chestplate: Iron trimmed coat +1] [Gauntlets: Hard leather gloves +1] [Boots: Bard's boots +1]

    Status effects: Breaking Limits (gains +20 HP and +2 to all attributes for the rest of the battle)

    Bardic Tunes III (passive)

    Gain access to a Tune Gauge, which fuels musical auras. You can switch auras as a minor action, and start with 1 TP (Tune Point). Each Aura has a different TP cost, so choose wisely. The TP does not get consumed, so the effects are typically weaker than just using a skill. Also allows you to fuel into an aura to enhance its effects.

    Regeneratos Ballad: 1 TP

    Each party member recovers (1 x D4 + Zephil's persuasion score divided by 10) HP each combat turn.

    Hercules' Sonnet: 1 TP

    Each party member gets a +2 to their attack rolls. NOTE: Does not have any effect if they critical fail or succeed.

    Anthem of Blood: 1 TP

    All attacks from the party (including Zephil's) have an additional 10% chance to inflict bleeding.

    Limerick of the Guard: 1 TP

    Each party member gets a +2 to their evasion rolls. NOTE: Does not have any effect if they critical fail or succeed.

    Breaking Limits (passive)

    "Breaking limits as only a true warrior of light could." During boss fights, you transcend your limits by gaining +2 to all attributes and +20 HP for the duration of the battle.

    Flaming Flat (active: costs 20 mana)

    Fire a flaming projectile with enhanced accuracy, dealing 24 fire damage with +2 to its accuracy roll.

    Carry capacity: 14.96/65

    Gold: 275


    >Lute +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Ballad of Two (weight: 2) (value: 35)


    >Bard's cap +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Bard's boots +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Iron trimmed coat +1 (weight: 2) (value: 45)

    >Hard leather gloves +1 (weight: 1) (value: 40)


    >Healing potion (weight: 0.25) (value: 10)

    >Medicinal herbs x3 (weight: 0.3 [0.1 each]) (value: 75 [25 each])

    >Manslayer oil (weight: 0.1) (value: 30)

    >Ancient artifact (weight: 1) (value: 250)

    >Shipping manifest (weight: 0) (quest item)

    >List of names (weight: 0) (quest item)

    >Letter to "Ghost" (weight: 0) (quest item)

    >Escape rope (weight: 1) (value: 35)

    >Bandage x6 (weight: 1.2 [0.2 each]) (value: 60 [10 each])

    >Antidote x6 (weight: 1.2 [0.2 each]) (value: 60 [10 each])

    >Soaked book (weight: 1) (value: 5)

    >Broken dagger (weight: 1) (value: 2)

    >Robotic coolant x2 (weight: 2 [1 each]) (value: 40 [20 each])

    >Shark tooth x5 (weight: 1 [0.2 each]) (value: 10 [2 each])

    HP: 52

    Mana: 50 (regen: 10)

    Speed: 5

    Spell slots: 3

    Physical resistance: 6

    Elemental resistance: 5

    Vitality status resistance: 11

    Endurance status resistance: 10

    Persuasion score: 40

    Impact defense: 0 +8

    Slash defense: 0 +12

    Puncture defense: 0 +9

    Water defense: 0

    Fire defense: 0 +3

    Earth defense: 0 +3

    Wind defense: 0 +3

    Ice defense: 0

    Electric defense: 0

    Toxic defense: 0

    Magic defense: 0 +10

    Light defense: 0 +8

    Dark defense: 0 +3

    Vitality: 5
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 4
    Strength: 2
    Dexterity: 5
    Intelligence: 5
    Faith: 5
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 8

    Magic: 6
    Hydromancy: 3
    Pyromancy: 3
    Geomancy: 3
    Aeromancy: 4
    Cryomancy: 3
    Electromancy: 3
    Necromancy: 3
    Polymancy: 3
    Light magic: 4
    Dark magic: 2

    Seymour Hogsworth, Rogue [Level 7 Rogue|==========] 180/450 XP

    [HP|==========] 61/61 | [Mana|==========] 34/40 | Equip load: 10/40 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Silver plated pistol] [Right weapon: Katana] [Helmet: Rogue's scarf +1] [Chestplate: Iron trimmed coat +1] [Gauntlets: Rogue's gloves +1] [Boots: Steel tipped boots]

    Status effects: Wind Waltz (gains +3 to evasion rolls for 1 turn)

    Have At You! II (active: costs 15 mana)
    When used, target a single enemy, and deal 33% more damage towards them for 3 turns. While active, both you and your target enemy deal 25% less damage towards anyone other than each other. If the target dies early, can swap to a new enemy for the remainder of the duration.

    Wind Waltz II (active: costs X mana)
    By channeling wind magic throughout the body, temporarily gain +3 to evasion rolls. Duration is 1 turn for every 6 mana spent. Also passively grants +1 to evasion rolls against enemies targeted by Have At You!. Also improves dancing skill, for reasons unknown.

    Ice Wall (active: costs 15 mana)
    Instantly create a barrier of ice, granting you 20 block.

    Firebolt II (active: costs 20 mana)
    Fire a flaming projectile with enhanced accuracy, dealing 30 fire damage with +2 to its accuracy roll.

    Carry capacity: 16/70

    Gold: 356


    >Katana (weight: 3) (value: 50)

    >Silver plated pistol (weight: 2) (value: 25)


    >Rogue's scarf +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Rogue's gloves +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Iron trimmed coat +1 (weight: 2) (value: 45)

    >Steel tipped boots (weight: 1) (value: 30)


    >Crimson x4 (weight: 2 [0.5 each]) (value: 100 [25 each])

    >Loaded dice (weight: 1) (value: 20)

    HP: 61
    Mana: 40 (regen: 13)
    Speed: 6
    Spell slots: 2
    Physical resistance: 7
    Elemental resistance: 3
    Vitality status resistance: 12
    Endurance status resistance: 10
    Persuasion score: 25

    Impact defense: 0 +8

    Slash defense: 0 +17

    Puncture defense: 0 +9

    Water defense: 0

    Fire defense: 3

    Earth defense: 3

    Wind defense: 3

    Ice defense: 0

    Electric defense: 0

    Toxic defense: 0

    Magic defense: 3

    Light defense: 3

    Dark defense: 3

    Vitality: 5
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 4
    Strength: 2
    Dexterity: 9
    Intelligence: 5
    Faith: 3
    Luck: 5
    Charisma: 5

    Magic: 2
    Hydromancy: 2
    Pyromancy: 3
    Geomancy: 1
    Aeromancy: 3
    Cryomancy: 2
    Electromancy: 2
    Necromancy: 2
    Polymancy: 2
    Light magic: 2
    Dark magic: 2

    The Crafter, Knight [Level 7 Knight|==========] 168/450 XP

    [HP|==========] 92/92 | [Mana|==========] 37/52 | Equip load: 20/56 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Shield +1] [Right weapon: Leg of Lagavulin +1] [Helmet: Black iron helmet] [Chestplate: Black iron chestplate] [Gauntlets: Knight's gauntlets +1] [Boots: Black iron leggings]

    Status effects: None

    Armor Breaker (active: costs 15 mana)
    Perform an attack that deals double damage to enemy block. If the target has no block, this ability causes them to take 10% more damage from physical attacks for 3 turns.

    Counter (passive)
    When surviving an enemy attack, immediately hit back with a regular attack. Counter attacks cannot critically hit.

    Carry capacity: 20.45/100

    Gold: 375


    >Shield +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Leg of Lagavulin +1 (weight: 4) (value: 70)

    >The Crafter's Mark (weight: 2) (value: 20)


    >Knight's gauntlets +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Black iron helmet (weight: 3) (value: 40)

    >Black iron chestplate (weight: 6) (value: 40)

    >Black iron leggings (weight: 3) (value: 30)


    >Healing potion x5 (weight: 1.25 [0.25 each]) (value: 50 [10 each])

    >Medicinal herbs x17 (weight: 1.7 [0.1 each]) (value: 425 [25 each])

    >Potion base x10 (weight: 1 [0.1 each]) (value: 100 [10 each])

    >Blue orchid x10 (weight: 1 [0.1 each]) (value: 150 [15 each])

    >Northstar flower x5 (weight: 0.5 [0.1 each]) (value: 60 [15 each])

    >Torch x5 (weight: 2.5 [0.5 each]) (value: 35 [7 each])

    >Loaded dice (weight: 1) (value: 20)

    >Firewood (weight: 2) (value: 40)

    >Crimson (weight: 0.5) (value: 30)

    >Bottle of Semilean Red wine (weight: 1) (value: 50)

    Potion recipes:

    >Minor healing potion

    Requirements: 1 potion base, 2 medicinal herbs

    >Minor mana potion

    Requirements: 1 potion base, 2 blue orchids

    >Night vision potion

    Requirements: 1 potion base, 2 northstar flowers

    HP: 92
    Mana: 52 (regen: 10)
    Speed: 4
    Spell slots: 4
    Physical resistance: 22
    Elemental resistance: 11
    Vitality status resistance: 29
    Endurance status resistance: 31
    Persuasion score: 15

    Impact defense: 0 +15

    Slash defense: 0 +15

    Puncture defense: 0 +15

    Water defense: 0 +6

    Fire defense: 0 +15

    Earth defense: 0 +9

    Wind defense: 0 +9

    Ice defense: 0 +6

    Electric defense: 0 +6

    Toxic defense: 0 +9

    Magic defense: 0 +9

    Light defense: 0 +13

    Dark defense: 0 +16

    Vitality: 9
    Endurance: 9
    Attunement: 6
    Strength: 5
    Dexterity: 4
    Intelligence: 3
    Faith: 3
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 3

    Magic: 2
    Hydromancy: 2
    Pyromancy: 2
    Geomancy: 3
    Aeromancy: 2
    Cryomancy: 2
    Electromancy: 2
    Necromancy: 2
    Polymancy: 2
    Light magic: 3
    Dark magic: 1

    Connor, Sorcerer [Level 6 Sorcerer|==========] 276/400 XP

    [HP|==========] 45/45 | [Mana|==========] 36/89 | Equip load: 9.5/35 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Wizard staff +1] [Right weapon: The Jagged Edge] [Helmet: Wizard hat] [Chestplate: Sorcerer's robes] [Gauntlets: Sorcerer's gloves] [Boots: Sorcerer's boots]

    Status effects: none

    Arcane Missiles (active: costs 6x1.25 mana)
    Fires bolts of arcane energy at enemies, with each having its own target. They deal 11 magic damage when they hit. Mana cost increases for every projectile fired.

    Frostfire (active: costs 25 mana)
    Fires a bolt of frost and flame that burns a target for 15 damage, then subsequently freezes them, dealing 10 damage and reducing their non-crit rolls by 2 for 2 turns.

    Lightning Storm III (active: costs 25 mana)
    Call down a lightning storm from above, dealing 20 electric damage to all enemies.

    Ice Wall (active: costs 15 mana)
    Instantly create a barrier of ice, granting you 20 block.

    Firebolt (active: costs 20 mana)
    Fire a flaming projectile with enhanced accuracy, dealing 24 fire damage with +2 to its accuracy roll.

    Carry capacity: 26/65

    Gold: 305


    >Wizard staff (weight: 2) (value: 10)

    >Wizard staff +1 (weight: 2) (value: 12)

    >Brigand's knife (weight: 2) (value: 13)

    >Golden dagger (weight: 1) (value: 60)

    >The Jagged Edge (weight: 1.5) (value: 70)

    >The Master Key (weight: 1.5) (value: 70)


    >Wizard hat (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Sorcerer's robes (weight: 2) (value: 10)

    >Sorcerer's gloves (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Sorcerer's boots (weight: 2) (value: 10)

    >Iron trimmed coat (weight: 2) (value: 35)


    >Eye of Lagavulin (weight: 1) (value: 40)

    >Lagavulin shell fragment x10 (weight: 5 [0.5 each]) (value: 100 [10 each])

    >Healing potion x3 (weight: 0.75 [0.25 each]) (value: 30 [10 each])

    >Salvaged circuitry (weight: 0.25) (value: 40)

    >Damaged battery (weight: 1) (value: 20)

    >Crimson x2 (weight: 1 [0.5 each]) (value: 60 [30 each])

    HP: 45
    Mana: 89 (regen: 10)
    Speed: 4
    Spell slots: 4
    Physical resistance: 5
    Elemental resistance: 23
    Vitality status resistance: 15
    Endurance status resistance: 15
    Persuasion score: 15

    Impact defense: 0 +2

    Slash defense: 0 +4

    Puncture defense: 0 +2

    Water defense: 0 +3

    Fire defense: 0 +5

    Earth defense: 0 +5

    Wind defense: 0 +5

    Ice defense: 0 +3

    Electric defense: 0 +3

    Toxic defense: 0 +3

    Magic defense: 0 +8

    Light defense: 0 +5

    Dark defense: 0 +5

    Vitality: 4
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 10
    Strength: 3
    Dexterity: 3
    Intelligence: 7
    Faith: 4
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 3

    Magic: 6
    Hydromancy: 4
    Pyromancy: 4
    Geomancy: 4
    Aeromancy: 4
    Cryomancy: 4
    Electromancy: 4
    Necromancy: 4
    Polymancy: 4
    Light magic: 4
    Dark magic: 3

    Morgan, Reformed Thief [Level 6 Bounty Hunter|==========] 71/400 XP

    [HP|==========] 26/45 | [Mana|==========] 35/40 | Equip load: 13/45 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Axe] [Right weapon: Barbed spear] [Helmet: Bounty hunter's mask] [Chestplate: Bounty hunter's tunic] [Gauntlets: Bounty hunter's gloves] [Boots: Bounty hunter's boots]

    Status effects: None

    Mark for Death II (active: costs 15 mana)

    Mark a target for death, causing them to take 25% more damage from all sources for 3 turns.

    Searing Uppercut (active: costs 20 mana)

    Deliver a flame-infused uppercut, dealing 12 impact damage and 14 fire damage, with a greatly improved chance to stagger the target.

    Carry capacity: 15/95

    Gold: 300


    >Axe (weight: 3) (value: 10)

    >Axe (weight: 3) (value: 10)

    >Barbed spear (weight: 3) (value: 30)


    >Bounty hunter's mask (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Bounty hunter's tunic (weight: 3) (value: 10)

    >Bounty hunter's gloves (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Bounty hunter's boots (weight: 2) (value: 10)


    >Ancient artifact (weight: 1) (value: 250)

    >Bottle of Semilean White wine (weight: 1) (value: 50)

    HP: 45
    Mana: 40 (regen: 10)
    Speed: 5
    Spell slots: 2
    Physical resistance: 11
    Elemental resistance: 13
    Vitality status resistance: 17
    Endurance status resistance: 16
    Persuasion score: 15

    Impact defense: 0 +5

    Slash defense: 0 +5

    Puncture defense: 0 +5

    Water defense: 0

    Fire defense: 0

    Earth defense: 0

    Wind defense: 0

    Ice defense: 0

    Electric defense: 0

    Toxic defense: 0

    Magic defense: 0

    Light defense: 0

    Dark defense: 0

    Vitality: 5
    Endurance: 5
    Attunement: 5
    Strength: 6
    Dexterity: 6
    Intelligence: 4
    Faith: 3
    Luck: 4
    Charisma: 3

    Magic: 3
    Hydromancy: 2
    Pyromancy: 4
    Geomancy: 3
    Aeromancy: 3
    Cryomancy: 3
    Electromancy: 3
    Necromancy: 2
    Polymancy: 3
    Light magic: 2
    Dark magic: 2

    Junia, Cleric [Level 6 Cleric|==========] 142/400 XP

    [HP|==========] 40/40 | [Mana|==========] 46/53 | Equip load: 11/30 (medium encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Holy scriptures] [Right weapon: Silver plated pistol] [Helmet: Cleric's hood] [Chestplate: Rogue's longcoat +1] [Gauntlets: White gloves] [Boots: Rogue's boots +1]

    Status effects: None

    Divine Grace (active: costs 15 mana)

    Heal a target with divine power, restoring 22% of their HP.

    Divine Comfort (active: costs 25 mana)

    Soothe all allies with divine power, restoring 11% HP to everyone.

    Carry capacity: 11/60

    Gold: 250


    >Holy scriptures (weight: 2) (value: 10)

    Silver plated pistol (weight: 2) (value: 25)


    >Cleric's hood (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Cleric's robes (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >White gloves (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Cleric's boots (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Rogue's longcoat +1 (weight: 2) (value: 13)

    >Rogue's boots +1 (weight: 1) (value: 13)

    HP: 40
    Mana: 53 (regen: 12)
    Speed: 4
    Spell slots: 3
    Physical resistance: 5
    Elemental resistance: 10
    Vitality status resistance: 10
    Endurance status resistance: 10
    Persuasion score: 10

    Impact defense: 0 +2

    Slash defense: 0 +6

    Puncture defense: 0 +2

    Water defense: 0 +2

    Fire defense: 0 +2

    Earth defense: 0 +2

    Wind defense: 0 +2

    Ice defense: 0 +2

    Electric defense: 0 +2

    Toxic defense: 0 +2

    Magic defense: 0 +4

    Light defense: 0 +6

    Dark defense: 0 +6

    Vitality: 4
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 7
    Strength: 3
    Dexterity: 3
    Intelligence: 6
    Faith: 10
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 3

    Magic: 5
    Hydromancy: 3
    Pyromancy: 2
    Geomancy: 2
    Aeromancy: 3
    Cryomancy: 3
    Electromancy: 2
    Necromancy: 1
    Polymancy: 2
    Light magic: 6
    Dark magic: 1

    Alessandra of Semiland, Seer of Ironhaven [Level 5 Sorcerer]

    [HP|==========] 45/45 | [Mana|==========] 68/68 | Equip load: 5/35 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Seer's gauntlet] [Right weapon: Bronze dagger] [Helmet: Seer's hood] [Chestplate: Seer's robes] [Gauntlets: None] [Boots: Seer's boots]

    Status effects: None

    Defensive Ward (active: costs 25 mana)

    Project a magical barrier that blocks incoming enemy attacks and has 70 HP.

    Protect (active: costs 25 mana)

    Shield a single ally, granting them 30 block.

    Pride of Semiland (passive)

    Deals 50% more damage to Gregory the Fire Resistant, as well as his summons.

    Carry capacity: 5/65

    Gold: 150


    >Seer's gauntlet (weight: 1) (value: 100)

    >Bronze dagger (weight: 1) (value: 15)


    >Seer's hood (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Seer's robes (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Seer's boots (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    HP: 45
    Mana: 60 (regen: 13)
    Speed: 4
    Spell slots: 3
    Physical resistance: 5
    Elemental resistance: 15
    Vitality status resistance: 15
    Endurance status resistance: 15
    Persuasion score: 25

    Impact defense: 0 +3

    Slash defense: 0 +3

    Puncture defense: 0 +3

    Water defense: 0 +6

    Fire defense: 0 +6

    Earth defense: 0 +6

    Wind defense: 0 +6

    Ice defense: 0 +6

    Electric defense: 0 +6

    Toxic defense: 0 +6

    Magic defense: 0 +9

    Light defense: 0 +6

    Dark defense: 0 +6

    Vitality: 4
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 7
    Strength: 2
    Dexterity: 2
    Intelligence: 8
    Faith: 4
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 5

    Magic: 8
    Hydromancy: 4
    Pyromancy: 4
    Geomancy: 4
    Aeromancy: 4
    Cryomancy: 4
    Electromancy: 4
    Necromancy: 4
    Polymancy: 4
    Light magic: 4
    Dark magic: 3

    >Silver plated pistol (weight: 2) (value: 25)

    >Engraved knife (weight: 2) (value: 35)

    >Engraved knife (weight: 2) (value: 35)

    >Engraved knife (weight: 2) (value: 35)

    >Katana +1 (weight: 3) (value: 60)

    >"Zweilander +1 (weight: 5) (value: 110)

    >Student's greatsword (weight: 3) (value: 10)

    >Cutlass (weight: 2) (value: 20)

    >Caustic Caroline (weight: 1.5) (value: 100)

    >Toxic Tracy (weight: 1.5) (value: 100)

    >Whip +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Bard's garb +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Bard's gloves +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Leather mask (weight: 1) (value: 13)

    >Potion creation starter kit (weight: 2) (value: 50)

    Current location:


    Current quests:

    ==[Old Hatreds]==

    Gregory resides in the snowy region of Frostfall, a location inhabited by very few people. The region is expansive, but the seer, Alessandra, assured you that Gregory's fortress would be easy to spot. You venture forth into the frozen wasteland in search of Alessandra's lifelong rival.

    You arrived at Gregory's black fortress. Alessandra and Gregory's confrontation resulted in him conjuring forth living beings made of snow. He disappeared into the fortress, leaving you alone with his artificial constructs.

    With the Snowbound defeated, you continued your pursuit of Gregory.

    After searching Gregory's fortress, you cornered the wizard himself. You engage him in battle, intending to make him answer for his crimes.

    [√] Locate Gregory's fortress

    [√] Defeat the Snowbound

    [√] Find Gregory

    [ ] Defeat Gregory the Fire Resistant

    ==[Magical Artifacts]==
    You happened upon a mysterious fellow in the sewers of Acrus, carrying an unusual relic. He mentioned that there are two other relics somewhere in Aekran that, when brought together, would lead their holder to an ancient ruin filled with unimaginable treasures. You decided to keep that in mind, just in case.

    Turns out that mysterious fellow was a power hungry megalomaniac known as Geralt of Nivea, and the story he told was only partially true. Whoever holds all of the relics will apparently gain an incredible power, enough to make taking over the Aekranian empire a very real possibility. You prevented Geralt from obtaining more of the relics, and even relieved him of one of them. One relic remains unaccounted for.
    [2/3] Obtain the three relics

    ==[Haunting Visions]==
    You were presented with a strange vision one night before you fell asleep. You don't know why, you don't know the meaning of the image, and y̭͙̹̱̥͉̕ͅo̝͈̥͉̦̜͝u̵̫̻̩͓̖ ̬̘̫̩͖ͅd̯͓̟͇̼̤o͍̜͇͕̦ṉ̬̰͓'̲̹̰͙̤̟t̫̰̞̥̟ ̗̱r̰̘̝̬̰͡ec̯̙̦o̡g͉͠n̪̹̼̮i̘̦̙͇͖̯z̳̻͈͇ͅe̹͟ ̼̤̥͔t̝̭͍̞̻͕͔h̸͍̜ę̖̩̭͚̻̞̝ ̴ḇ̡̙̩̼̹̪o̥͇̺̞͈d̜̪̠͕̻͔͝i͍͙͠e̳̳͓̞͉s̶̙͚ ͚̥ͅi̡͖̠̠ṉ͖̠ ̴͚̥̱ţ̩̘̯he̞͕̰ ҉wa̷̠̘͉͖̹̞̤t̝̠̬̯͓̩e̜̩̤̯̺͔̕r̗͖̖̳̩̺͠.̡̦̩. You decided to get some help from someone more with more knowledge on this subject. Ironhaven was your next stop.

    According to the Seer, you are being hunted by an eldritch horror named Kar-nthal the Formless. Apparently, it's trying to drive you insane so it can easily "assimilate" you. The seer is willing to help you track it down, but she needs some supplies. She's given you a list of what you'll need.

    You brought the seer the herbs and elixirs she needs, as well as resupplying her with sparkling water. She still requires the heart of an eldritch creature. Any enemy classified as eldritch should do.

    With an eldritch being's heart in hand, you should be able to track Kar-nthal the Formless. Return to the seer when you have an opportunity.
    [√] Visit the seer at Ironhaven
    [√] Obtain the herbs and elixirs
    [√] Obtain a case of sparkling water
    [√] Obtain the heart of an eldritch beast
    [ ] Return to the seer

    ==[An Imperial Contract]==

    The emperor of Aekran has contacted you directly. He has requested your presence in Acrus, the capital city of Aekran. You're unsure of what the emperor is asking of you, but completing a contract for him would not only pay well, but would also vastly improve your reputation. On your way to Acrus, however, you were ambushed by unknown assailants. You'll have to get through them before you can get to Acrus.

    Your meeting with the emperor was interesting. He informed you of an unusual rumor of monstrous sea creatures attacking people and dragging them into the sea, never to be seen again. He has asked you to investigate this matter and, if the rumors are true, put a stop to it.

    You engaged a bizarre sea creature in combat and have slain it. Whatever it is, it doesn't seem like a naturally occurring creature. This thing was created by someone, somehow. Not only that, but you encountered a ghost wearing sunglasses that wants you dead. You have decided to tell the emperor what happened on the shore.

    The emperor directed you toward the town of Ironhaven. A seer lives there, and she should be able to help you deal with the sunglasses-wearing ghost.

    On the way to Acrus, you were attacked by a group of brigands intending to rob you. One of them managed to escape, but he dropped what appears to be an identification badge depicting a hawk impaled with two swords. Judging by the fact that they have matching badges, they may be an organized faction. There may be value in learning more about them.

    Apparently, these bandits are been lurking around Acrus for some time. One of the city guards mentioned one of them being detained. You might be able to use your reputation to question the bandit and learn more.

    You cleared out the hideout in Acrus, with the brigand cell leader in tow. In a strange turn of events, some mysterious humanoid bear creature got loose in the building and laid waste to everyone inside. Additionally, it seems to have expressed interest in hunting you down at some point in the future.

    You cleared out the hideout along the country road. You learned that this particular band of brigands is a major Crimson dealer in this part of Aekran, and that they hired a hitman to deal with some of their major enemies. All you know about this hitman is that he goes by the name of Ghost.

    The last hideout was massacred by the strange bear creature. However, there was a survivor. He pointed you in the direction of the brigand leader's hideout. Apparently, it's along the outskirts of Ironhaven. You set off, hoping he hasn't relocated recently.

    You stormed the brigands' hideout and eliminated their leader. The assassin, Ghost, clumsily fell to his death. Though this particular band of brigands still has cells operating in other regions of Aekran, their efforts have been effectively crippled.

    ==[The Seer of Ironhaven]==
    Monstrous sea creatures do exist, and that appear to be lead by a ghost that wears sunglasses and speaks like a surfer dude. Honestly, it's not the weirdest thing that's happened to you on a job. The ghost is likely being summoned and controlled by a sorcerer somewhere in Aekran, and stopping them would more than likely dispel the spirit and destroy the sea monsters. In order to track down this malevolent sorcerer, the emperor has informed you of a seer in Ironhaven who should be able to help you. To get to Ironhaven, however, you'll need to obtain a boat.

    You arrived in Ironhaven without incident. Your next priority would be to visit the seer.

    The seer informed you that the sunglasses wearing spirit was summoned by a heretical mage known as Gregory. The only way to seal the spirit away is to stop Gregory, but to do so, you'll need to track him down. The seer pointed you in the direction of several creatures Gregory has summoned. Apparently, eliminating them and collecting whatever they leave behind will allow you to pinpoint his location. You set off, prepared for combat.

    You fought and defeated Krab, Cracker of Shells, and obtained its soul. Three foes remained before you could track Gregory down.

    It was a long fight, but you destroyed Mechacrab, the Cyborg Crustacean. Its core belonged to you now. Only two targets left.

    In a rather decisive battle, you slayed Crabbell, Ringer of the Tides and obtained a magical image of its bell. One target remains.

    You have vanquished all four of Gregory's champions. The seer should be able to help you locate him using the relics you obtained from them.

    You returned the remnants of Gregory's champions to the seer. After you assisted her in dealing with a group of assassins, she began to focus her magical power to locate the heretical mage, Gregory. It will take some time for her to finish, so you have been left with some free time.

    After a brief moment to yourself, the seer has located Gregory.

    The seer chose to accompany you on your quest to defeat Gregory. She tracked the heretical mage to the desolate region of Frostfall. You set off immediately, ready for whatever may lie ahead.

    Your attributes determine your stats. You can increase your attributes by leveling up, equipping powerful gear, and by utilizing training halls in towns. Your basic attributes determine your basic stats, while your magic attributes affect your ability to wield different types of magic. You get one skill point whenever you level up, which can be spent to increase any attribute.

    Here is a list of all attributes.

    =====[Basic attributes]=====

    Vitality determines your max HP and your resistance to certain status effects and damage types.
    Max HP
    Physical damage resistances
    Multiple status resistances, including bleed, frost, and poison

    Endurance determines your damage resistance, equip load, and speed, as well as your resistance to certain status effects.
    Damage resistances
    Max equip load
    Multiple status resistances, including stagger, vulnerability, and burn

    Attunement determines your max mana and the number of spell slots available, as well as your resistance to certain types of magic.
    Max mana
    Number of spell slots
    Elemental damage resistances

    Strength determines the effectiveness of certain weapon types, your maximum carry capacity, and your ability to win clashes.
    Effectiveness of strength-scaling weapons
    Maximum inventory capacity
    Effectiveness in clashes

    Dexterity determines the effectiveness of certain weapon types, your ability to evade attacks, and your ability to land critical hits.
    Effectiveness of dexterity-scaling weapons
    Evasion dice rolls
    Critical hit dice rolls

    Intelligence determines the effectiveness of certain spells, your mana regeneration, and the effectiveness of certain relics.
    Effectiveness of intelligence-scaling magic and weapons
    Effectiveness of intelligence-scaling relics
    Mana regeneration rate

    Faith determines the effectiveness of certain spells, the healing you receive, and the effectiveness of certain relics.
    Effectiveness of faith-scaling magic and weapons
    Effectiveness of faith-scaling relics
    Healing received

    Luck influences your ability to succeed in nearly all aspects by rigging the dice in your favor.
    All dice rolls

    Charisma determines your ability to persuade others, as well as your buy and sell prices at shops.
    Persuasion ability
    Buying prices at shops
    Selling prices at shops

    =====[Magic stats]=====

    Your basic knowledge of magic. It primarily affects basic magic spells, but has a slight influence on all other types of magic.

    Your knowledge of water magic. Water-based spells are highly versatile and can be used in offensive and defensive roles.

    Your knowledge of fire magic. Fire-based spells are primarily offensive, dealing high damage and immolating targets.

    Your knowledge of earth magic. Earth-based spells have strong defensive capabilities, while also being useful attacks.

    Your knowledge of wind magic. Wind-based spells can be used in several ways, from enhancing mobility to breaking the enemy's formation.

    Your knowledge of ice magic. Ice-based spells can take the form of powerful attacks or inexorable
    defensive wards.

    Your knowledge of lightning magic. Lightning-based spells have excellent attack power, and synergize well with water magic.

    Your knowledge of necromancy. Necromancers are able to reanimate the dead, as well as create deadly
    poisons and toxins.

    Your knowledge of shapeshifting magic. Polymorphs are highly respected in combat for their adaptability and quick thinking.

    ==[Light magic]==
    Your knowledge of light magic. Light-based spells are primarily used to ward off demonic creatures and heal wounds.

    ==[Dark magic]==
    Your knowledge of dark magic. Darkness-based spells are a seldom used type of magic, as their use is forbidden in several parts of the world.

    Your stats are an indication of how powerful you are. You want them to be as high as possible. Your stats primarily increase as you level up your attributes, though there are other means of enhancing your stats.

    Here is a list of all stats.


    Your hit points. These decrease as you take damage. If you run out of HP, you get KO'd.

    ==[Damage resistances]==

    Damage resistances indicate a percentage reduction to the damage you take. Most resistances are divided into the various damage types. One point of damage resistance reduces incoming damage by 1%.


    Defenses indicate a static reduction to the damage you take. Most defenses are divided into the various damage types. One point of defense reduces incoming damage by one point.

    ==[Status resistances]==

    Status resistances indicate your ability to resist status effects applied to you. Status resistances are divided into vitality status resistance and endurance status resistance. Higher status resistance reduces the chance of you being afflicted with a status effect, as well as the potency of the status effect if you do get afflicted.

    ==[Equip load]==

    Your equip load measures how heavy your equipped gear can be. As you get closer to the maximum, your evasion rolls will be lowered, and if you go over your maximum equip load, you won't be able to evade attacks at all.


    Speed determines when in each turn you'll be able to take your action. Raising your speed will allow you take your actions sooner in the turn.


    Mana is used to cast spells and use active abilities. You regenerate some of your mana every turn.

    ==[Inventory capacity]==

    Your carrying capacity determines how many items you can carry on your person. Heavier items take up more space. This is a separate stat from equip load, so having a full inventory won't affect your ability to dodge.

    ==[Persuasion score]==

    Persuasion score is your ability to talk your way into getting what you want. There are several factors that influence persuasion score, most notably your charisma attribute. Higher persuasion score makes it easier to win people over with words alone.

    Weapon proficiencies indicate a higher level of skill in utilizing certain weapon types. If you use a weapon type you're proficient with, the weapon's stats will be enhanced in various ways. There are two ways to obtain weapon proficiencies: class selection, and undergoing weapon training. Every class has their own set of weapon proficiencies, but you can become proficient with other weapon types by finding weapon masters willing to teach you, at which point you'll begin a personal side quest to become proficient in a new weapon type.

    Every turn in combat, each player gets to take a major action and a minor action. Major actions are things like attacking enemies, healing allies, and using items. Minor actions are things like searching containers, talking to people, and looking around. If you choose to take a minor action, your major action will be slightly weakened, so there's value in only taking a major action. You can also take two minor actions at once, if you so choose.

    The order in which units take their turn is determined by their speed and the results of a dice roll. Your turn priority is your speed + (1 x D6). Units with the highest turn priority go first, and units with the lowest go last. Turn order will be listed on every update. If a player doesn't take their action in an update, their action that turn will be skipped.

    When a player's HP reaches zero, they get knocked out. KO'd players can only perform minor actions, and therefor can't heal allies or attack enemies. Players cannot be KO'd outside of combat.

    KO'd players will automatically be revived with 10% of their max HP at the end of combat. There are other means of reviving players in the middle of battle, though they require abilities, items, or particularly effective healing attempts.

    The damage players inflict is dependent on the strength of their weapon, the result of their attack dice rolls, and the creativity of their attack. Your weapon's attack stat is the minimum amount of damage the weapon can deal, assuming you get an average dice roll and perform a basic attack. Putting more effort and creativity into your attacks increases the damage of your attack, up to double your weapon's attack stat. High dice rolls can further enhance your damage.

    Blocking can be performed as a minor action. Doing so will grant you an amount of block that depends on your weapons' defensive value and the outcome of a dice roll. Block functions as damage absorption; you'll lose block before you lose HP.

    Whenever you perform something significant, you gain XP. When you gain enough XP, you level up. Leveling up allows you to enhance your attributes and, occasionally, learn a new ability. You can learn a new ability every 5 levels. There is no level cap.

    Every 5 levels grants you the ability to learn a new ability. When this happens, you can create your own ability to obtain. Do note that the ability's strength must be reasonable for your current level, and if your ability is too strong, it may have to be nerfed. It's also recommended that your abilities thematically fit with your class, as this will make them stronger.

    There are also preset abilities that can be learned throughout the game, at various sources. You can mix these in with your custom abilities to create a build that works perfectly for you.

    There are several types of damage, all of which have their strengths and weaknesses. Each damage type also has an associated status effect that will occasionally be inflicted when damage of that type is dealt.

    Here is a list of all damage types.

    Impact: inflicted by bludgeoning weapons. Can occasionally stagger an enemy, hindering their accuracy and evasion.

    Slash: inflicted by blades. Can occasionally cause enemies to bleed.

    Puncture: inflicted by thrusting weapons and projectiles. Can occasionally weaken an enemy, reducing their damage output.

    Water: inflicted by hydromancy and water-infused weapons. Can occasionally douse the target in water, making them vulnerable to electricity.

    Fire: inflicted by pyromancy and fire-infused weapons. Can occasionally light the target on fire.

    Earth: inflicted by geomancy and earth-infused weapons. Can occasionally shatter an enemy's defenses, leaving them vulnerable.

    Wind: inflicted by aeromancy and wind-infused weapons. Can occasionally disarm the target, weakening them or forcing them to grab their weapon.

    Ice: inflicted by cryomancy and ice-infused weapons. Can occasionally freeze the target.

    Electric: inflicted by electromancy and lightning-infused weapons. Can occasionally electrify the target, which also shocks nearby enemies.

    Toxic: inflicted by poisons. Can occasionally poison the target.

    Magic: inflicted by magic. Can occasionally hex the target, making them more vulnerable to status effects.

    Light: inflicted by light magic. Can occasionally blind the target, or severely damage eldritch creatures.

    Dark: inflicted by dark magic. Can occasionally corrupt the target, which can frequently lead to an early demise.

    You can look around at any time. Doing so can allow you to find items, notice interesting people, and get your bearings. Looking around counts as a minor action in combat.

    Heavier equipment can increase your level of encumbrance, which can impact your evasion.

    If you are below 30% of your max equip load, you'll gain +1 to your evasion dice rolls.

    If you're between 30% and 60%, your evasion won't be impacted at all.

    If you're over 60%, you'll gain -1 to your evasion rolls.

    If you're over 100%, you won't be able to dodge attacks at all.

    You slowly heal over time when out of combat. You can accelerate the process with items or abilities. Using items or abilities will also allow you to heal in the middle of combat.

    Sometimes, you'll get to choose what to say to people. You can say whatever you want, but be ready to deal with the consequences of your words.

    Enemies can be classified as human, beast, or eldritch. Some perks and abilities may affect different classes differently, but that's about it.

    You gain skill points whenever you level up. You can use them to increase your attributes and magic skills, or to upgrade your abilities.

    If you run out of HP, you are KO'd for the rest of combat, or until someone revives you. While KO'd, you can only perform minor actions. KO'd players will automatically be revived after combat.

    KO'd players can be revived in combat with certain items and abilities, or a high roll on a healing action. If a healing action isn't particularly powerful, it'll have no effect on a KO'd player. Players are typically revived with 25% of their HP.

    An item's perk points depends on its rarity. Uncommon items have 1, rare items have 2, legendary items have 3, and mythical and primeval items have 5. Uncommon perks require 1 point, rare ones require 2, legendary ones require 3, and primeval ones require 4.
    Posted in: Forum Games
  • 0

    posted a message on Outpost Defenders: Retribution | Assassinating the assassin
    Quote from GoldHero101»

    I infuse Fatal Shot into a ton of knives. Knife Storm commences, heading towards dat voidkeeper.

    You throw a barrage of fatal shot powered blades at the riftkeeper, dealing 93 damage to it! It survives because of psionic sustain, and gains a shield for the rest of the player turn! +60 XP!

    Quote from Winkins»

    I grimace at the lost of Thermo, he's been a long time ally...

    With that, I prepare for this round with a new purchase of armor, holding my old beaten armor for a later attack.

    Catching the tomahawk which was making it flight back to me after lopping the Voidwitch's head. I recharge the electric effect and boomerang it for another Headshot victim, the Riftkeeper.

    We'll miss you, thermoshadow.

    You buy a new set of armor, and hold onto your old armor. Since the riftkeeper is immune right now, the tomahawk rebounds into the omega berserker, dealing 81 damage to her. +61 XP.

    ==[Berserker aggression]==

    The berserker throws a punch at Miner, but misses.

    Quote from Algot120»

    I craft a WAR suit and a the gathering storm combine the War suit with our wizard robe to create a blessed [oMR (meaning a blessed cloak of magic resistance (obviously)) equip said blessed [oMR equip my gathering storm use the magical power granted by my blessed [oMR to revive the licharon ink medical personel who died a few turns ago which for some reason costs the same as hiring a new one hire a spectral assasin equip the rusted wrench question how an egg makes a person more lucky ask OOCly if it is a northernlion reference and build a turret that shoots splash potions of healing at allies to heal them

    "good thing we had so many materials, otherwise I would not be able to make this good equipment"

    You spend 4,500 materials to craft a WAR suit and a Gathering Storm, spend 700 materials to add a wizard robe to the WAR suit, hire a new Lisharon Inc medical personnel as well as a spectral assassin, equip the rusted wrench, and build a turret that shoots healing potions!

    Yes, the lucky egg is a Northernlion reference. Let's go.

    Quote from Winkins»

    I pull out a used Flamethrower from the Bag of holding and pull out my near broken armor. With a good helping of limited reality bending powers, I freeze time for a good 5 seconds so that I can wrap the near useless broken armor around the berserker's head.

    Time was up and it resumes, at the end the time stop, I had enough time to wield the Flamethrower to spew flames towards the berserker's head to melt the armor into slags of metal. Which is exactly what I done after I enchanted the flames with Headshot.

    You wrap your old armor around the berserker's head, take a flamethrower, and burn the berserker with a headshot-infused flamethrower, dealing 112 damage! +84 XP!

    ==[Berserker aggression]==

    The berserker flails in Gold's direction, but doesn't hit anything.

    Quote from Player_Miner»

    I zap the Riftkeeper. If they’re already dead, then I use Omni-Break to nullify the berserker’s resistances.

    You reduce the berserker's resistances this turn! +16 XP!

    Quote from BaconBusterYT»

    I toss a grenade to the berserker. "Here, hold this."

    She's not that dumb, and throw it right back at me. However, the motion of the moving grenade triggered the motion-sensitive laser tripwires that I set up by traveling back in time to before we got here and set them up without anyone looking. Those tripwires activate a microwave, which heats up a ball of tin foil the point of combustion, which sets off a fire alarm nearby that turns on the sprinklers. The water from the sprinklers waters a plant that I just threw on the ground, and since the soil here is extra rich (because aliens) the plant grows fast enough to intercept the grenade in midair, where the overexagerrated whiplash motion hurls it right back at the berserker's face, primed to explode. Ka-boom.

    Oh yeah, Surge action. I bonk her on the head to boot.

    The plant throws the grenade at the berserker, dealing 44 damage! You then hit her over the head, finishing her off! +106 XP! She drops 215 materials, $150, and a trinket! The riftkeeper's shield vanishes!

    Instructional Booklet [common]
    "Bullets go into the enemies, not you." - Excerpt from Incredibly Obvious Advice Monthly
    +10% XP gain

    Quote from XSlayer300»

    Basically I'm running out of creative attacks, so basically the Berserker omega is forced to punch himself in the face because there are no enemies.

    [insert 5 lines of sample text here]

    The riftkeeper punches itself with the arms it doesn't have, and dies trying to understand how! +60 XP! It drops 268 materials and $200!

    Quote from BaconBusterYT»

    "C'mon, XSlayer, creativity is easy! Observe."

    I throw a *reads notes*...lobster covered in *throws dart*...kerosene at the *rolls dice*...Riftkeeper. It spontaneously *checks crystal ball*...deionizes, dealing...I think that's electrical damage, right?

    "See, piece of cake...oh wait, Surge action."

    I force feed said piece of cake to the berserker. Shame she has an allergy specifically to cakes.

    Yeah, that's basically creativity distilled.

    Quote from Stickcrafter»

    I toss an Idiot Ball at the Berserker Omega.

    Quote from Algot120»

    I add headlines to the bag of holding, each holding the type of stuff it mentions under it

    You add the ability to easily sort the bag of holding.

    Quote from XSlayer300»

    "Oh yeah, thanks."

    I play football with the enemy, just so I thought I was defeated, I activate a pitfall which the enemy falls down and gets blown up by a lot of cakes. If that is not going to happen, I'm going to eat my celebratory cake.

    You enjoy a celebratory cake. It delicious enough to heal you for 20 HP. +12 XP.

    Quote from Player_Miner»

    Holy Nova Count: Err

    Quote from Stickcrafter»

    I blast the Riftkeeper with my Prime Reanimator.

    Quote from BaconBusterYT»

    I throw two biotic grenades around the field that either hit enemies for toxic damage or, if they're all dead, hit teammates for healing.

    Everyone gets healed for a total of 8 HP. +73 XP.

    Quote from Algot120»

    I shoot the weakest enemy, or heal bacon if there are none

    You heal Bacon for 12 HP. +7 XP.

    Boss defeated! +60 XP to all players!

    The assassin appears one last time, mortally wounded. She staggers toward you, her sword pointed in your direction.

    Chosen assassin: [through labored breaths] You fought well, humans...

    She collapses to her knees.

    Chosen assassin: May you claim this world... for your own!

    She drives her sword into her abdomen, slicing it open. She falls to the floor, lifeless. Behind her, the sarcophagus detonates in a purple blast of energy.

    Winkins takes the opportunity to relieve her of her shotgun and the grenade on her belt.

    Winkins: I-is that everything?

    McKnight: We're not picking up any additional contacts. Scanners are clear.

    Stickcrafter: Then let's go.

    Mission complete!

    +$1,250 and 125 XP from mission completion!

    KO'd players: 0 | +50

    Operations completed: 0/0 | +200

    Collectibles found: 0/0 | +150

    Turns taken: 12 | +30

    Overall performance: Gold | +50

    Difficulty bonus: Outpost Defender | +50

    Total score: [==|==|====|====|====] 530

    Rank: S

    +$1,000 and 75 XP!

    Top 3 players:

    1. Winkins: 3,286 XP earned

    2. Stickcrafter: 1,891 XP earned

    3. Bacon: 1,478 XP earned

    Stickcrafter earned a decoration!

    Exemplar: Place in the top 3 players 5 times.

    You arrive at the base, the assassin's gear in hand.

    McKnight: Excellent work out there, team. I'm not sure what they were planning, but it definitely wouldn't have been a good thing.

    McKnight takes the grenade and the shotgun.

    McKnight: We'll get to work reverse engineering these right away.

    ==[Achievement completed!]==

    A Rival Silenced: Defeat the Chosen Assassin.

    A new weapon has been added to the bag of holding! It exists in infinite quantities!

    Arashi [unique]
    The Chosen assassin's failsafe weapon. In close quarters it is no less dangerous than her sword.
    +7 ATK
    95 accuracy
    Missed attacks will still deal 3 damage
    Increases critical hit chance by 10%

    A new support item is available in the shop!

    New title and emblem unlocked! They can be equipped by everyone.

    War of the Chosen


    Choose a difficulty!

    Mission 9: Eavesdropping
    Difficulty: =====-----
    Reward: $1,200 and 120 XP
    With the Talons taking over our base, we've been forced to relocate. Some major players are holding a meeting at our old base. Sneak in there and see if you can find any useful information.

    Recruit: 0 votes

    Weak enemies appear in fewer numbers. You're probably gonna win.

    Soldier: 0 votes

    The default difficulty. With good gear and tactics, you will prevail.

    Warrior: 0 votes

    Stronger enemies will challenge you. You'll need to work together to triumph.

    Outpost Defender: 0 votes [chosen last mission]

    The enemy will brutalize you. Make sure you're ready.

    {Requires one modifier}

    Blood Anvil: 0 votes

    You are not good enough for Blood Anvil!

    {Requires two modifiers}

    Modifiers (vote for these on higher difficulties):

    All enemies are higher level.

    Curse of the Unknown
    Player health bars are hidden.

    Small Arms
    Physical damage from all sources is increased. Other damage types are weakened.

    Searing Flames
    Fire damage from all sources is increased. Other damage types are weakened.

    Deep Freeze
    Ice damage from all sources is increased. Other damage types are weakened.

    Arc Burn
    Electric damage from all sources is increased. Other damage types are weakened.

    Grenade Spam
    Explosive damage from all sources is increased. Other damage types are weakened.

    Internet Community
    Toxic damage from all sources is increased. Other damage types are weakened.

    Source Infused
    Arcane damage from all sources is increased. Other damage types are weakened.

    Purchase Limit
    Players can only purchase a limited number of shop items within the mission.

    Destiny 2 Raids
    XP earned during the mission is not applied until the end of the mission.

    Player abilities use less energy, and their supers charge faster. Enemies gain infinite uses of their abilities.

    The Chosen One
    Every wave, a random enemy gains a massive stat bonus.

    Overwhelming Force
    More enemies appear.

    Mechanized Infantry
    Enemy squads are reinforced with additional robotic units.

    Close Air Support
    Enemy squads are reinforced with additional airborne units.

    Power Conservation
    Abilities have a cooldown in addition to their energy cost.

    Enemies have a higher chance to be master level enemies.

    Enemy attacks are twice as likely to critically hit.

    No Escape
    An unkillable enemy will pursue the team throughout the mission.

    A timer counts down to [redacted].

    Conventional Warfare
    Abilities are weakened and energy regen is reduced, but basic attacks are strengthened.

    Every two turns, a random damage type is focused, increasing that damage type's effectiveness from all sources while reducing the effectiveness of other damage types.

    Fading Light
    As the mission goes on, players will grow weaker and weaker, eventually dying.

    Occult Power
    Abilities' energy cost is reduced by 25%. However, that 25% is replaced with an equivalent HP cost.

    Enemies from previous games appear.


    Reality grows incomprehensible.


    At the start of the mission, a random number of modifiers is activated for a random number of turns. New modifiers are chosen when the previous batch expires.

    Death From Above

    Every turn, random objects fall on random units, dealing damage to them and hindering them in various ways.

    Item Rain

    Items continuously rain from the sky for any unit on either side to use.

    Ailment Roulette

    Every 3 turns, all players receive a random status effect. These effects ignore immunities, but can be cured. Mutually exclusive with Chaos.

    Disease Curse

    Players cannot be healed by any means. Allies can still be healed normally.

    Pulsating Death

    All entities take 5 damage after performing an action. This cannot be prevented.

    =====LEVEL 3

    Conditioning [passive]
    Your extreme conditioning allows you to sustain more injury.
    Level 1: +10 max HP. Costs 50 XP.
    Level 2: +10 max HP. Costs 75 XP.
    Level 3: +10 max HP. Costs 100 XP.

    Enhanced Battery [passive]
    Improves the power of your ACM battery.
    Level 1: +15 max energy. Costs 60 XP.
    Level 2: +15 max energy. Costs 90 XP.
    Level 3: +15 max energy. Costs 120 XP.

    Agility [passive]
    Mobility training enhances your dodging capabilities.
    Level 1: +5 evasion. Costs 60 XP.
    Level 2: +5 evasion. Costs 100 XP.

    =====LEVEL 5

    Class Change [passive]

    Change your class. You will retain your level. Costs all XP.

    Respec [passive]
    Respec your abilities and perks. Costs 50 XP.

    Ability Upgrade [passive]
    Upgrade one of your abilities to a stronger version of itself.
    Upgrades an ability to level 2, or upgrade a level 2 ability to level 3. Level 2 upgrade costs 100 XP. Level 3 upgrade costs 200 XP.

    Flashbang [active]
    Throw a flashbang that blinds a target for 2 turns. Costs 25 energy.
    Costs 75 XP.

    Energy Shield [active]
    Create an ablative shield that gives you +30 damage resistance for one attack. Costs 30 energy.
    Costs 90 XP.

    Cure [active]
    Give yourself a refreshing burst of energy that cures negative status effects on a target. Costs 30 energy.
    Costs 100 XP.

    =====LEVEL 8

    Regenerative Battery [passive]
    Improves your energy regeneration.
    Level 1: +5 energy regeneration per turn. Costs 75 XP.
    Level 2: +5 energy regeneration per turn. Costs 110 XP.

    Critboost [active]
    For 2 turns, you gain enhanced precision targeting, increasing your chance to critically hit by 10%. Costs 35 energy.
    Costs 120 XP.

    Stun Strike [active]
    Perform a non-damaging attack that stuns your target for 1 action, with a 25% chance to stun them for 2 actions. Costs 30 energy.
    Costs 110 XP.

    =====LEVEL 10

    Armor Phase [active]
    Temporarily shift an enemy's armor into another dimension, rendering it useless for 2 turns. Costs 35 energy.
    Costs 90 XP.

    Idiot Ball [active]
    Toss an enemy the idiot ball, draining their basic knowledge for 2 turns. Costs 35 energy.
    Costs 140 XP.

    Energy Drain [active]
    Drain energy from a target, causing them to lose a use of a random ability and giving you 30 energy. 3 turn cooldown.
    Costs 100 XP.

    Inversion [active]
    Invert the effects of all status effects on you, causing them to inflict their opposite effects. Costs 25 energy.
    Costs 80 XP.

    =====LEVEL 12

    Arc Soul [active]
    Grant yourself of a teammate an arc soul that lasts for 3 turns and provides assistance in combat. Costs 30 energy.
    Costs 90 XP.

    Warp [active]
    Warp an enemy with mysterious energies, dealing (ATK x1.25) damage and dealing massive damage to armor. Costs 35 energy.
    Costs 140 XP.

    =====LEVEL 15

    Health Recovery [passive]
    Allows you to partially recover from wounds.
    Level 1: After 2 turns of avoiding damage, regenerate 5 HP per turn. Regen stops when at 20% of max HP. Costs 60 XP.
    Level 2: Raises regen cap to 25% of max HP. Costs 80 XP.
    Level 3: Lowers delay to 1 turn. Costs 160 XP.

    Additional Ability [passive]
    Advanced training allows you to select another ability from your class.
    Gain an ability from your class. Costs 150 XP.

    Anger Management [active]
    Sacrifice your rage you gain HP. 1 rage equals 10 HP restored. Costs no energy.
    Costs 75 XP.

    =====LEVEL 18

    Zero In [passive]
    Attacking an enemy grants you +10 accuracy and +5% critical hit chance against that enemy.
    Costs 80 XP.

    Energy Wall [active]
    Create a wall of solid energy that provides average cover. Wall fades away after 2 turns. Costs 35 energy.
    Costs 75 XP.

    Energy Bolt [active]
    Fire a bolt of pure energy that deals (ATK) damage as pure damage, allowing it to ignore armor and resistances. Costs 40 energy.
    Costs 90 XP.

    =====LEVEL 20

    Deadshot [passive]
    Rigorous firearm training increases your attack stat.
    Level 1: +3 ATK. Costs 60 XP.
    Level 2: +3 ATK. Costs 100 XP.
    Level 3: +4 ATK. Costs 140 XP.

    Additional Perk [passive]
    Elite level training allows you to select another perk.
    Gain another perk. Costs 200 XP.

    Mark For Death [active]
    Mark an enemy for death, causing them to take 30% more damage for 2 turns. Costs 45 energy.
    Costs 100 XP.

    =====LEVEL 22

    Ammo Synthesis [active]
    Synthesize an extra use for any item. Costs 25 energy.
    Costs 90 XP.

    Emergency Stim [active]
    Give yourself a quick boost that restores you to 50% HP and causes your next attack to deal 25% more damage. Costs 40 energy and can only be used once per mission.
    Costs 120 XP.

    =====LEVEL 24

    Electric Blast [active]
    Generate a surge of electricity that hits all enemies and deals 10% of their max HP as electric
    damage. Costs 55 energy.
    Costs 140 XP.

    Void Conduit [active]
    Trap an enemy in a void conduit, preventing them from taking actions and transferring their health
    to you. Costs 50 energy.
    Costs 160 XP.

    =====LEVEL 25

    Forbidden Technique [active]
    [redacted]. Costs all energy.
    Costs 250 XP.

    Bacon + Winkins [bonk] Berserker omega

    XSlayer + Stickcrafter + Miner + Bacon + Gold [self punch] Riftkeeper


    BioShock_Rules, the Omega [Medic, Level 16] [XP: 480/1,300] [85 accuracy | 5 evasion]

    [+|==========] 106/106 [Weapon: Eden's Soul (Shrapnel Launcher)] [Armor: Armor of Thorns] [Trinket: Medkit] [ATK| 18] [Heal| 26+5] [Rage: 0/8]

    [E|==========] 60/60 [Items| Golden Syringe (1 turn)] [SUPER| Ubercharge: 0/120]

    [Critical Heal] [Medical Grenade: 25] [Bleed Me Dry: 25] [Mutual Aid] [Healing Field: 35] [Revive: 35] [Cure: 30] [Stun Strike: 30] [Perk: Aggression] [Perk: Healing Factor] [Perk: Sustain]

    Gold, Timekeeper [Assault Gunner, Level 19] [XP: 1,126/1,600] [97 accuracy | 5 evasion] [(2)Time Charge: 11%]

    [+|===|=======] 154/154 {Venomdrive armor: 0/300} [Weapon: True Keeper of Time: Ragnarok] [Armor: Overly Protective Munitions Vest] [Trinket: Aimbot Glasses w/ Warlock Bond] [ATK| 33] [Heal| 22] [Rage: 0/8]

    [E|==========] 120/120 [Items| Flamethrower (1/7), Endermite Shotgun (4/5), Ancient Potion (2/3), Anti Air Artillery Battery (1/2), Shredder Saw (5/7), Chemikaliewerfer (5/7), Energy Injector (1/1), Shrapnel Launcher, Flak Jacket, Medical Armor, Distortion Field, Laser Sight, Exploded Rocket (x2), Libra Charm, Three of Coins, Bowl of Nails, Hallownest Seal] [SUPER| Stormtrance: 0/160]

    [Lock and Load] [Fatal Shot: 35] [Omnishot: 45] [Suppress: 25] [Concussive Shot: 25] [Bleeder] [Deadly Crits] [Dazing Fire] [Perk: Fully Loaded] [Perk: Scavenger] [Perk: Scrounger] [Warp: 35] [Anger Management: Ready] [Energy Bolt: 40] [Enhanced Battery III] [Conditioning III] [Agility I] [Health Recovery III] [Zero In III] [Total Immunity] [Minor Regen]

    BaconBusterYT, the Dragon Slayer [Specialist, Level 22] [XP: 3,553/2,400] [95 accuracy | 20 evasion] {Level up available}

    [+|==========] 111/111 [Weapon: Dragon Knight's Arms] [Armor: Lightweight Conduit] [Trinket: Egg] [ATK| 32] [Heal| 21] [Rage: 0/8]

    [E|==========] 145/145 [Items| Sunlight Spear (2/3), Charcoal Pine Resin (2/3), Razor Wire (1/1), Burst Rifle, Matador 64, Outbreak Prime, WAR Suit, Eyeglasses, Distortion Field, Instructional Booklet, Medkit, Handful of Shrapnel, Blind Rage, Curved Horn, Sharp Plug] [SUPER| Power Surge: 0/140]

    [Electric Burst III: 20] [Snapfreeze: 25] [Rapid Recharge] [Grapple II: 20] [Psychosis: 30] [Imprecation II] [Replicate: 35] [Doppelganger: 40] [Lightning Charge: 30] [Perk: Energetic] [Perk: Skilled] [Perk: Rechargeable Battery] [Perk: Heartbreaker] [Agility II] [Enhanced Battery III] [Cure: 30]

    Stickcrafter, the Omega [Assault Gunner, Level 21] [XP: 3,098/2,200] [90 accuracy | 10 evasion] {Level up available}

    [+|==========] 147/147 [Weapon: The Prime Reanimator] [Armor: Resplendently Bony Capacitor] [Trinket: Instructional Booklet] [ATK| 53] [Heal| 11] [Rage: 0/8]

    [E|==========] 165/165 [Items| Beehive (1/3), Seeker Drone (1/1), Twisted Funnel (1/1), Repair Kit (ready), Healing Drone (1/1), SVD Stealth Sniper (4/5), Precision Rifle, Marksman Rifle, MS34 Shieldbreaker, Custom Zap Rifle, Double Barrel Shotgun, Leecher, Conduit Armor, Medical Armor, Hideous Armor, FTL Rig, Instructional Booklet, Libra Charm] [SUPER| Bullet Storm: 0/130]

    [Lock and Load] [Critical Shot: 20] [Armor Breaker] [Suppress: 25] [Concussive Shot: 25] [Bleeder] [Dazing Fire] [Bullet Hell: 35] [Stun Strike: 30] [Flashbang: 25] [Idiot Ball: 35] [Mark for Death: 45] [Perk: Vitality] [Perk: Aggression] [Perk: Overclock] [Skilled] [Agility II] [Conditioning III] [Enhanced Battery III] [Deadshot III] [Zero In]

    Gen Winkins [Sharpshooter, Level 25] [XP: 1,931/10,000] [110+25 accuracy | 0 evasion]

    [+|==========] 143/143 {Armor: 50/50} [Weapon: Executioner] [Armor: Mask of the Marksman] [Trinket: Portable Generator] [ATK| 73] [Heal| 18] [Rage: 0/8]

    [E|==========] 145/145 [Items| Mimic Beacon (2/2), Clockwork Souvenir (1/2), Mesh Mine (2/2), EMP Grenade (1/1), Repair Kit (ready), Flamethrower (2/4), Carbine, Burst Rifle, Heavy Pistol, Thunder Railgun, Overly Protective Armor, Instructional Booklet (x2), Medkit, Bowl of Nails, Egg, Hallownest Seal] [SUPER| Aimbot: 0/135]

    [Crackshot] [Headshot III: 20] [Piercing Shot III: 25] [Quickdraw II: 25] [Trickshot II: 25] [Point Blank II: 25] [Eagle Eyes: 30] [Faceoff III: 35] [Clutch Shot II: 35] [Skullcracker] [Fan Fire II: 35] [Deadly Crits] [Firefly] [Unshakable Focus] [Critboost III: 35] [Energy Drain III: Ready] [Perk: Skilled] [Perk: Rechargeable Battery] [Perk: Scrounger] [Perk: Heartbreaker] [Perk: Jack of All Trades] [Enhanced Battery III] [Regenerative Battery II] [Conditioning III] [Arc Soul II: 30] [Warp III: 35] [Idiot Ball II: 35] [Inversion II: 25] [Stun Strike II: 30] [Health Recovery III] [Zero In III] [Blessing of the Marksman]

    Col Player_Miner [Assault Gunner, Level 21] [XP: 2,618/2,200] [90+5 accuracy | 10 evasion]

    [+|==========] 152/152 {Armor: 50/50} [Weapon: Seeking Electrosapper] [Armor: The Inexorable Reaper] [Trinket: Hudlenses] [ATK| 54] [Heal| 16] [Rage: 0/8]

    [E|==========] 120/120 [Items| Feint Shot (3/7), Air Breaker Pistol (7/7), Serpent Suit] [SUPER| Bullet Storm: 0/150]

    [Lock and Load] [Critical Shot: 20] [Trishot: 25] [Fleche II: 30] [Bleeder] [Concussive Shot: 25] [Dazing Fire] [Bullet Hell: 35] [Perk: Skilled] [Perk: Fully Loaded] [Perk: Scrounger] [Perk: Furious] [Conditioning III] [Agility II] [Zero In II] [Inversion II: 25] [Energy Drain II: Ready] [Deadshot III] [Life Steal] [Overkill] [Blessing of the Blood Knight] [Critical Resistance I]

    XSlayer300, the Alpha [Specialist, Level 19] [XP: 1,335/1,600] [80 accuracy | 0 evasion]

    [+|==========] 104/104 [Weapon: Eden's Shotgun (+Deathslayer's Blade)] [Armor: Armor of Boundless Light] [Trinket: Strange Coin] [ATK| 36] [Heal| 20] [Rage: 0/8]

    [E|==========] 180/180 [Items| Data Card (1/1), Golden Syringe (ready), Lifeline Package (1/1), Grenade Launcher, Incendiary Shotgun, Piercing Railgun, Capacitor armor, Distortion Field] [SUPER| Power Surge: 0/140]

    [Electric Burst II: 20] [Snapfreeze: 25] [Rapid Recharge] [Grapple: 25] [Sensory Overload: 30] [Imprecation] [Intensity] [Flay: 35] [Zero In] [Regenerative Battery II] [Enhanced Battery] [Deadshot II] [Emergency Stim: 40, 1/1] [Energy Bolt: 40] [Armor Phase: 35] [Angel of Light: Ready] [Perk: Energetic] [Perk: Rechargeable Battery] [Perk: Immune System]

    Algot120, Pure Vessel [Engineer, Level 15] [XP: 872/1,200] [80 accuracy | 0 evasion]

    [+|==========] 90/90 {Armor: 10/10} [Weapon: The Gathering Storm (kinetic)] [Armor: Blessed Cloak of Magic Resistance] [Trinket: Rusted Wrench] [ATK| 22] [Heal| 12] [Rage: 0/8]

    [E|==========] 85/85 [Items| None] [SUPER| Overdrive: 0/130]

    [Micro Turret II: 25] [Shield Projector II: 25] [Improved Tech] [Built to Last] [Vortex Generator] [Self Repair] [Energy Drain: Ready] [Critboost: 35] [Arc Soul: 30] [Warp: 35] [Stun Strike: 30] [Cure: 30] [Energy Shield: 30] [Energy Wall: 35] [Energy Bolt: 40] [Health Recovery I] [Regenerative Battery I] [Zero In] [Blaster Launcher: 1/1] [Perk: Energetic] [Perk: Fully Loaded] [Perk: Scrounger]




    Algot's healing turret [HP: 60/60]

    Zeus Exclusion Zone 4X [HP: 100/100] {Guarded by Stickcrafter}

    Algot's shield projector [HP: 210/210] [Occupied spaces: 1/3] [XSlayer]

    Siege's fire reinforced shield [HP: 600/600] {Spaces occupied: 1/3} [Gold]

    Spanish Inquisition radio [HP: 50/50] {Guarded by Miner}

    Spectral assassin [HP: 25/25 | 25/25]

    [Shadow Blend: no] [Act First] [Preparation] [Breach: Ready] [Time Warp: Ready] [Backstab: Ready] [Skip Turn]

    Lisharon Inc medical personnel [HP: 126/126] {Turns until tea: 3}

    Camp [HP: 450/450] {Provides space for 1 large construction}

    Bank [HP: 400/400] {Generates $50 every turn}

    Recycler [HP: 349/350] {Converts enemy and ally HP into extra money and materials when they die} {+5 evasion}


    Bag of items [Fiend Fire (1), After Image (1), Trip (1), Quick Slash (1), Neutralize (1), Bandage Up (1/1), Leg Sweep (1/1), Glacier (1/1), Battle Trance (3/3), Acrobatics (3/3), Zap (3/3), Transmutation (3/3), Rip and Tear (3/3), Smoke Grenade (1/1), Repair Kit (ready), Shield (103/103), Wraith Form (1/1), Strike (1/1), Good Instincts (1/1), Tempest (1/1), Metallicize (1/1)]

    Bag of weapons [Zap Rifle (x2), Heavy Rifle (x2), Burst Rifle (x2), Precision Rifle, Carbine, Marksman Rifle, Grenade Launcher (x2), MS34 Shieldbreaker, M11 AIR (x4), Incendiary Shotgun, Seeker Rifle (x2), Railgun, Broadsword (x2), Big Stick, Eden's Soul, Pure Nail (∞), Arashi (∞)]

    Bag of armor [Conduit Armor (x2), Flak Jacket (x4), Ballistic Vest, Capacitor armor (x2), Absurdly Heavy Armor (x2), Munitions Vest (x3), Armor of Thorns (x2), Marksman Visor (x3), Armor of Bone, No Armor, Irradiated Armor, Wings of Sacred Dawn, FTL Rig, Slightly Worried Armor, Armored Armor, Hunter Cloak, Titan Mark]

    Bag of trinkets [Instructional Booklet (x2), Distortion Field (2), Exploded Rocket, Aim Assist, Medkit, Handful of Shrapnel (x2), Salt Shaker, Strange Coin (x4), Three of Coins (x2), Occult Charm]

    Bag of future alteration [Empty]





    Money: $26,804

    Materials: 5,422


    AA Missiles [$300 | 2 uses]: Basic AA missiles that deal 12 damage to a single target. Can optionally spend an action locking onto a target, which grants perfect accuracy. Deals 50% more damage to airborne targets.

    Stun Lance [$600 | 3 uses]: Deals (ATK x 1.3) damage and has a 25% chance to stun or disorient the target.

    Shade Soul [$600 | 2 uses]: Fire a weaponized dark spirit, dealing (ATK x 1.25) damage as pure damage.

    SAM Turret [$1,100 | 80 HP]: Deploy a surface-to-air missile turret that automatically targets airborne enemies and deals 25 damage to them. Does nothing to grounded enemies.

    Flamethrower [$100 | 4 uses]: Deals (ATK x 1.25) as fire damage, and has a 30% chance to ignite the target.
    Random Bomb Generator [$150 | 1 use]: Randomly generate a number between 1 and 6. That many bombs will be thrown at random targets.
    SVD Stealth Sniper [$250 | 4 uses]: Deals 15 damage and has a 10% chance to land a headshot that instantly kills normal enemies. Headshots deal double damage to bosses and master level enemies.
    Yellow Ray [$400 | 1 use]: Instantly destroys an enemy. Any armor they were carrying will be dropped and equipped by the user. Only stuns bosses, and against master enemies, halves their current HP.
    Chemikaliewerfer [$250 | 4 uses]: Deals 10 damage and damages the target for a third of your ATK stat every turn for 3 turns. Never misses.
    Endermite Shotgun [$600 | 2 uses]: Fires Ender pearls, causing the user to teleport rapidly, giving every enemy a 40% chance of being distracted and damaged for the user's ATK stat. Afterwards, deals (ATK x 1.5) damage to a random enemy.
    The Debilitating Dagger [$900 | 3 uses]: Deals (ATK x 0.5) damage and permanently disables a selected ability. Deals 5 extra damage when disabling an ability. Disabling lasts for 2 turns on master enemies, and 1 turn for bosses. Only has a 50% chance to disable abilities on master enemies and bosses.
    Mobile Minigun Turret [$1,250 | 4 uses]: When purchased, spends a turn deploying itself. Afterwards, can be used by all players to deal (ATK x 1.2) damage to up to three targets in a line. Must be redeployed every wave, unless the team's location doesn't change between waves.
    Atom Bomb [$6,000 | 1 use]: Deals (ATK x 7) damage to all enemies, with damage reducing as targets get further away from the original target. Minimum damage is (ATK x 4). Survivors have a 20% chance to be afflicted by fallout, which deals 5 damage to them every turn for 3 turns.
    Shredder Saw [$400 | 3 uses]: When used with an attack, the attack will deal half damage to health, but deal double damage to armor and shields.

    Grenade Launcher Attachment [$850 | 3 uses]: Can be used to deal (ATK x 2) damage to a primary target along with (ATK x 0.5) damage to both nearby targets.

    Building Hating Rocket Propelled Sledge [$750 | 3 uses]: A sledgehammer imbued with the building hatred of fallen construction workers. Deals (ATK x 6) damage to enemy buildings, but can't damage anything else.

    Zantankuto Sword [$450 | 5 uses]: Deals 20 damage and instantly breaks enemy armor. However, cannot land critical hits, and prevents the use of other items until broken or given away.

    Anti Air Artillery Battery [$600 | 2 uses]: Deals (ATK x 0.5) damage to ground units, but deals (ATK x 3) damage to aircraft.

    Freezethrower [$100 | 4 uses]: Deals (ATK x 1.25) as ice damage, and has a 30% chance to freeze the target.

    Berserker Stimulant [$4,000 | 1 use]: Immediately charge your super and unleash it simultaneously. Your super's effectiveness is doubled, and it stores whatever charge your super already had and grants it to you immediately. When used, your rage resets to 0, and you lose 30% of your HP. Requires a full turn to use, meaning you cannot perform any other actions for the entire turn. If the super is single target, the target is chosen at random. Can only be used on yourself.

    Subtleknife [$700 | 3 uses]: An incomprehensibly sharp knife that allows your attacks to ignore armor.

    Combat Armor [$150 | 50 HP]: Provides 50 armor that absorbs 50% of incoming damage until broken.
    Clockwork Souvenir [$400 | 2 uses]: When held, negative status effects you obtain will be dispelled immediately, consuming one use of this item.
    Shield [$125 | Variable HP]: Assume a defensive stance at the start of the next turn. While defending, all incoming damage is absorbed by the shield. HP is 75% of the team's average HP.
    Portable Cover [$90 | 1 use]: Creates a piece of average cover that can be used by either side.
    Venomdrive Armor [$850 | Variable HP]: Starts off providing no armor. When taking toxic damage, 40% of the damage dealt becomes HP for the armor, which provides 50% damage protection. Max armor is 300. While the user is poisoned, the status effect is converted into the Poisonous ability, allowing them to inflict poison with their attacks. Grants the option to generate your own poison, at the cost of (poison level2 x 2) HP.
    Zap Field [$500 | 1 use]: For 2 turns, players and allies gain a defensive field that deals electric damage to attackers. Damage depends on the user's ATK stat.
    Portable Rampart [$500 | 1 use]: Deploys a piece of decent cover that can only be used by the side that deploys it.

    Redlight Redirector [$750 | 2 uses]: Set up a portal in front of an enemy, causing their attacks to be redirect to a random enemy for 1.25x damage.

    Feint Shot [$400 | 5 uses]: When held, gain a 10% chance to interrupt any enemy action and deal a flat 10 physical damage to them.

    Guts Headband [$350 | 1 use]: When held, the wearer has a 20% chance to survive lethal damage with 1 HP, even if they only have 1 HP. Breaks after taking effect. Does not work against status effects and instant kill moves.

    Armor Pack [$500 | 1 use]: Grants armor to an ally equal to 33% of their max HP.

    Artifact Potion [$350 | 1 use]: Negates the next debuff you would receive.

    Buffer Potion [$600 | 1 use]: Prevents the next instance of HP loss you would suffer. Won't be consumed if you fully block the HP loss.

    Flashbang [$200 | 1 use]: Blinds an enemy, drastically reducing their accuracy.

    Medkit [$200 | 1 use]: Restore (heal x 2) HP to an ally.

    Nano Shot [$450 | 1 use]: Immediately gain a flat 5 HP, then regenerate 15% of your HP every turn for 3 turns.

    Emergency Flare [$1,500 | 1 use]: After a 1 turn delay, call in two random hired mercenaries as reinforcements. They will depart after the mission ends.

    Cure-All Serum [$350 | 1 use]: Cures all negative status effects.

    Life Orb [$1,000 | 50 HP]: Deploy a rejuvenating orb that steadily heals all players for 3 turns or until it is destroyed.

    Blind Grenade [$400 | 1 use]: Blind a single enemy, crippling their accuracy.

    Splash Potion of Healing [$90 | 1 use]: Throw to perform a minimum effectiveness heal to a primary target and both nearby targets.
    Smoke Grenade [$75 | 1 use]: Reduces an enemy's accuracy by 30.
    Essence of Life [$750 | 1 use]: Restores 10 HP and grants the target health regen for 3 turns. If the target is killed/KO'd during the regen, they will be revived with 10% of their max HP, and the effect ends.
    Potion of Invisibility [$600 | 1 use]: Turn a target invisible. While invisible, you can't be attacked or detected in stealth missions, and your next attack's damage is doubled. Cannot attack and use the potion at the same time.
    Poutine Gun [$500 | 3 uses]: Sticks a target in place, reducing their evasion by (evasion x 0.75) and giving them a 35% chance of not being able to attack on their turn.
    Smarter Nanobots [$850 | 3 uses]: Can be used to heal a target for 10% of their max HP every turn for 3 turns, while giving immunity to negative status effects for the duration. Cannot repair armor. Alternatively, can be used to damage a target for 10% of their max HP every turn for 4 turns.
    Worldedit Permissions [$650 | 1 use]: Edit a piece of cover or a hazard into existence. Lasts until the team moves to a new location.
    Mass Dispel [$1,500 | 1 use]: Disables the abilities of ALL non-boss enemies.

    Homing Endspeed Imbue [$600 | 1 use]: Grants perfect accuracy for 2 turns.

    Time Warp [$800 | 1 use]: Grant an ally the ability to perform two actions in one post this turn.

    Ender Mines [$4,000 | 1 use]: Set up a minefield that adds a 20% chance for any enemy attacks to fail for the rest of the mission. Does not affect bosses.

    Lifepowder [$2,500 | 3 uses]: Heals all allies for your minimum heal. Can be used multiple times in one turn. Cannot gain extra uses.

    Repair Kit [$750 | ∞ uses]: Can be used to repair mechanical allies as well as armor, for (heal x 3) HP. Only restores (heal x 0.5) HP to organic allies. Has a cooldown of 2 turns.

    Golden Syringe [$1,000 | ∞ uses]: Can be used to heal organic allies for (heal x 2) HP + 3 turns of minor HP regen. Cannot be used on inorganic entities. Has a cooldown of 2 turns.

    Life Normalizer [$1,500 | 1 use]: Heals all friendly units for 20% of their average max HP, then distributes their HP so everyone has approximately the same percentage of HP. Can also be used on enemies without healing them.

    Energy Injector [$1,000 | 1 use]: Restores 50% of your max energy.

    Data Card [$100 | 1 use]: Potentially secures an enemy's data bank entry.

    Care Package [$300 | 1 use]: Airdrops a random item.

    Stinging Bolt [$600 | 2 uses]: Afflicts an enemy with severe pain, reducing their accuracy and evasion temporarily.

    Dragon Tank [$1,250 | 125 HP]: Summons a friendly dragon tank equipped with an LMG and a flamethrower. Automatically fires at enemies with the LMG for modest damage. Flamethrower requires manual use and must reload every 4 uses, but deals high fire damage and has a chance to light enemies on fire.
    EFLN [$75 | 1 use]: Throw to completely destroy ALL cover in the area, which will prevent players and enemies from using it.
    Card Pack [$125 | 1 use]: Gain 5 cards, each with their own effects.
    Portable Pitfall [$120 | 1 use]: Use to put an enemy into stasis for 2 turns. Enemies in stasis can't perform actions but can't be targeted. The effect will automatically end if the targeted enemy is the last one alive.
    Creeper Spawn Egg [$125 | 1 use]: Throw to spawn a creeper. After the enemy's turn, it will explode and damage the targeted enemy and both nearby enemies.
    Ammo Pack [$350 | 4 uses]: Can be used to restore uses to an item. Can be used multiple times at once.
    Laser Drone [$650 | 40 HP]: Deploys a drone equipped with a laser beam that deals 10 damage and has a 25% chance to pierce the target, hitting the next listed one.
    Crit-a-Cola [$750 | 1 use]: When used, your next attack is guaranteed to be a critical hit. However, you can't attack or heal on the same turn you use it, and if you get KO'd before you get to attack, the boost is wasted. Can only be used on yourself.

    Proxy Slimesling [$500 | 1 use]: Launches an enemy into next Sunday, which manifests itself as launching them to the next wave. Cannot be used on the final wave of a mission.

    Mob Pirates [$1,250 | 1 use]: Summon third party entities for the next 3 waves that are hostile to all units.

    Capture Ball [$750 | 1 use]: If an enemy has below 20% HP, they can be captured and made a permanent addition to the team. However, they will not be healed. This also has a chance to secure the enemy's data bank entry.

    First Wave Thief [HP: 70 | ATK: 9]: $650
    "I'm sure they won't notice if they're missing a few things here and there..."

    [Passive] Pickpocket: Attacks steal $25 from enemies.

    [Passive] Loot: Enemies damaged by the thief have their item drop rate increased by 10%, and they are more likely to drop high tier items.

    First Wave Shredder [HP: 110 | ATK: 8]: $1,100

    "Attack, attack, attack!"

    [Passive] Shred: Attacks reduce enemy physical resistance by 15%. This can stack.

    [Passive] Focus: Successive attacks against the same target deal 50% extra damage.

    [Active] Implosion: Deal 8 + (20% of target's max HP) damage. 4 turn cooldown.

    First Wave Executioner [HP: 89] [ATK: 13]: $1,200

    "Rip and tear."

    [Passive] Blood Rage: Attacks deal a percentage of missing enemy HP as bonus damage.

    [Passive] Glory: When the executioner directly kills an enemy, he regenerates 30 HP over 3 turns.

    [Active] Deny Healing: Deal 4 + 4 damage to an enemy and reduce any healing they receive by 50% for 3 turns. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Execute: If a target has less than 30% of their HP, attempt to kill them. No cooldown if successful. 5 turn cooldown.

    Gunner Mercenary [HP: 75] [ATK: 15]: $1,200

    "Nothing in the world a few rounds can't solve."

    [Passive] Numbed Senses: Taking damage reduces damage taken by 20% and increases damage dealt by 30%. Does not stack.

    [Active] Frag Grenade: Deal (ATK x 2) damage to two different enemies. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Immobilize: Deals (ATK x 1.6) damage and restricts melee attacks and abilities, while also reducing the target's evasion to 0. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Suppress: Reduce enemy accuracy by 30 and fire upon them if they take an action. 3 turn cooldown.

    Pyrotech Mercenary [HP: 60] [ATK: 12]: $1,200

    "Things are heating up. Quite literally."

    [Passive] Incendiary Rounds: Basic attacks have a 30% chance to ignite the target, and deal 30% more damage to burning enemies.

    [Active] Mass Ignite: Set all enemies on fire for 3 turns. 6 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Flare Bomb: Deal (ATK x 2.5) damage to two different enemies. Deals (ATK x 3) damage to burning enemies. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Expose Oneself: Double all damage dealt, but reduce evasion to 0 and increase damage taken by 30% for 3 turns. 5 turn cooldown.

    Cryotech Mercenary [HP: 60] [ATK: 12]: $1,200

    "I'm a blizzard personified."

    [Passive] Fragile Glass: Basic attacks have a 30% chance to reduce enemy resistances by 30% and freeze the enemy.

    [Active] Shatter Bolt: Deals (ATK x 2.7) damage and ignores armor. 2 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Nitrogen Bomb: Deals (ATK x 1.8) damage to two different enemies, and freezes them for 2 turns. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Thermal Transfer: Sap heat from two different enemies, dealing (ATK x 1.8) damage and shielding two allies for the damage dealt for a turn. 6 turn cooldown.

    Shocktech Mercenary [HP: 60] [ATK: 12]: $1,200

    "All the strength of a lightning storm."

    [Passive] Reflexes: Dodging an attack triggers a counterattack that deals (ATK x 0.8) damage.

    [Active] Shockwave: Deals damage to all enemies, with a 30% chance to silence each one. Can land critical hits. 6 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Light Speed: Quadruples evasion and multiplies crit chance by 1.5 for 2 turns. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Taser Shot: Deal (ATK x 2.7) damage and paralyze the enemy for 2 turns. Can land critical hits. 4 turn cooldown.

    Grenadier Mercenary [HP: 60] [ATK: 10]: $1,200

    "Outcome: train go boom."

    [Passive] Explosive Payload II: Attacks deal 50% damage to nearby enemies.

    [Active] Exploding Sawblade: Fire an exploding sawblade that ignores 50% of the target's explosive resistance and deals (ATK x 2.5) damage. Deals damage twice: once to health and once to armor. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Burrowing Shredder: Launch a special projectile that deals massive damage to cover and deals double damage to targets in cover if said cover is destroyed. Deals (ATK x 3) damage. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Cluster Bomb: Deals (ATK x 1.3) damage to three enemies. Next turn, deals (ATK x 0.4) damage to all enemies. 5 turn cooldown.

    Chemtech Mercenary [HP: 60] [ATK: 10]: $1,200

    "I could tell you what's in the canister, but then I'd have to kill you."

    [Passive] Toxic Shot: Highly accurate. Basic attacks have a 25% chance to poison the enemy.

    [Active] Anesthetic: Poison a target for (target's evasion) damage every turn for 4 turns. Also reduces the target's damage and healing output by 50%. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Global Biohazard Virus: Deploys a zombie virus that deals (ATK x 0.2 + enemy evasion x 0.5) damage every turn for 3 turns, spreading among all enemies over time. Killing an enemy while they are infected will turn them into a zombie. 7 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Adjusted Chemical: Deploy a cloud over two allies or enemies. For allies, it restores (target's ATK x 0.75 + target's evasion x 0.75) every turn for 2 turns. For enemies, it damages them for the same amount, and the same duration. 3 turn cooldown.

    Mercenary Arcanist [HP: 40] [ATK: 6]: $1,200

    "I have done more than stare into the abyss. We... aid each other now."

    [Passive] Adaptive Cycle: Gains 25 resistance to the last damage type taken.

    [Active] Decay: Deal (ATK + 10% of target's HP) damage to a target over the course of three turns, and reduce the target's healing received by 70%. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Freedom: Provide (ATK x 4) shields to self or an ally for 3 turns, and grant health regen for the duration of the shield. Also dispels a negative status effect. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Terrify: Deal (ATK) damage to a target and stun them for 1-2 turns, and makes them twice as vulnerable to damage over time abilities. 4 turn cooldown.

    Mirror Knight [HP: 140] [ATK: 22]: $2,500

    "I come from the year 2295. And I can easily say, 2030 sucks."

    [Passive] Mirror Armor: Immune to electric damage. Has a 25% chance to reflect electric attacks back at the attacker.

    [Active] Teleslash: Deal (ATK x 1.5) damage to a single enemy. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Electro Bolt: Deal (ATK x 2) damage to a single enemy and dispel a positive status effect. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Pulsator Blast: A highly accurate attack that deals (ATK x 2) arcane damage and immobilizes the target. 5 turn cooldown.

    [SUPER] Blade Discharge: Deal (ATK x 1.8) damage to up to five enemies, then become weakened for a turn. 5 turn charge time.

    Elemental Juggernaut [HP: 140] [ATK: 18]: $2,500

    "I'd say this trial by fire is going well."

    [Passive] Status Application: Attacks apply a random status effect, and the elemental juggernaut gains immunity to that status effect for the duration of the effect.

    [Active] Wrath: A "basic attack" that deals (ATK x 0.7) damage to up to five enemies. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Taunt: Gain 30% resistance to all damage and become a target for the enemies. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Berserk: Gain +30% crit chance, +30% damage, and +30% armor piercing for 2 turns. 5 turn cooldown.

    [SUPER] Elemental: Gain 140 shields, double the potency of inflicted status effects, and regenerate (ATK x 0.5) HP every turn. 5 turn charge time.

    Flamethrower Trooper [HP: 75] [ATK: 15]: $2,250

    "Death is the best CC."

    [Passive] Flamethrower: Basic attacks ignite enemies for (ATK x 3) damage over the course of 3 turns.

    [Passive] Hazardous Fire: Getting attacks deals (ATK) damage to the attacker and has a chance to ignite them.

    [Active] Oil Grenade: Reduces fire resistance by 30, slows the enemy, and causes any fire damage to ignite the enemy. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Flare bomb: Deals (ATK x 2.5) damage to two different enemies, or (ATK x 3) damage to burning targets. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Fire Blast: Deals (ATK x 2) damage to 4 different enemies. Has a 30% chance to stun each enemy. 5 turn cooldown.

    [SUPER] Deflagaration: Unleash a massive flame, dealing (ATK x 3) damage to two enemies over the course of 3 turns and ignite them. Abilities used on burning enemies set nearby enemies on fire. 7 turn charge time.

    Freezethrower Trooper [HP: 75] [ATK: 15]: $2,250

    "Just close your eyes. You'll be dead before you know it."

    [Passive] Freezethrower: Basic attacks freeze enemies for a turn.

    [Passive] Stun Resist: Has a 90% chance to resist stuns, freezes, immobilization, or other disabling effects.

    [Active] Shatter Bolt: Deals (ATK x 2.7) damage and pierces armor. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Nitrogen Bomb: Deals (ATK x 1.8) damage to two different enemies and freezes them. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Ice Spike: Deals (ATK x 0.3) damage to all enemies, with increased crit chance and 50% extra armor piercing. 5 turn cooldown.

    [SUPER] Avalanche: Deal (ATK x 2) to three enemies, with increased crit chance and armor piercing on frozen targets. 7 turn charge time.

    Outpost Sniper [HP: 45] [ATK: 20]: $2,250

    "I'm the real outpost defender here!"

    [Passive] Vantage Point: Not being attacked grants +50% ATK for the next turn.

    [Passive] Conduit: Receives double benefit from healing and accuracy boosts. Gains 20% increased effectiveness from crit chance boosts.

    [Passive] Adrenaline: Can survive lethal damage with 1 HP, once.

    [Active] Immobilize: An attack that deals (ATK x 1.8) damage and reduces evasion to 0 and restricts melee attacks. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Piercing Shot: An attack that penetrates and hits the next listed enemy. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Searing Shot: An attack that sets the target on fire and removes one use of a random ability or drains a secondary resource by 30%. 5 turn cooldown.

    Outpost Destroyer [HP: 60] [ATK: 20]: $3,000

    "A rookie practices until he gets it right. I practice until I can't get it wrong."

    [Passive] Annihilation: Kills increase ATK by 10%. Assists increase ATK by 5%.

    [Passive] Spellweave: Using an ability increases basic attack damage by 50% and applies Essence Drain, dealing arcane damage over time and draining the enemy's secondary resources.

    [Active] Mega Shatter Bolt: Deals (ATK x 4) armor piercing damage. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Airstrike: Deals (ATK x 2) damage to 3 targets. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Molten Bomb: Deals (ATK x 1.5) damage to up to 4 targets, lights them on fire, and slows them down. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Resonating Shock: Deals (ATK x 2) damage to all enemies, with a 5% chance to stun them and a 20% chance to weaken them. 7 turn cooldown.

    Spectral Assassin [HP: 25 / 25] [ATK: 20]: $3,000

    "Half human, half ghost, and as deadly as it gets."

    [Passive] Half a Ghost: HP is split between 50% normal HP and 50% arcane only HP.

    [Passive] Shadow Blend: Skipping a turn allows the spectral assassin to become invisible. While invisible, the next attack performed will deal 50% extra damage.

    [Passive] Act First: Performs actions before the enemy turn. Has a 20% chance to perform two actions in one turn.

    [Passive] Preparation: Cannot take damage from the enemy the spectral assassin attacks. Can still receive negative status effects from that enemy.

    [Active] Breach: Deal (ATK x 1.25) damage and stun the target. Deals 30% extra damage to enemies with less HP than the spectral assassin. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Time Warp: Deal (ATK x 1.3) damage and give the spectral assassin and the target an extra action. If the target has less HP than the spectral assassin, also weakens them. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Backstab: Deal (ATK x 2) damage. Deals 50% more damage to enemies suffering from a status effect. Causes severe bleeding if the target has less HP than this unit. 6 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Skip Turn: Pass this turn, gaining Shadow Blend. No cooldown.

    Nanoengineer [HP: 50] [ATK: 30]: $3,500

    "Nanobots, son!"

    [Passive] Nanobots: Performing basic attacks or abilities, and getting hit spawns nanobots. They attack enemies over time, heal allies over time, and can replicate. The effectiveness of their actions is 10% ATK.

    [Passive] Sa-BOT-age: When the nanoengineer is killed, spawn 20 nanobots. Enemies killed while affected by nanobots will release additional nanobots.

    [Active] Package Drop: Release 10 nanobots. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Helping Hand: Help players build structures, weapons, and other things. 1 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Build Turret: Consume 5 nanobots to build a turret. Does not end the nanoengineer's turn.

    [Active] Build Shield Generator: Consume 5 nanobots to build a shield generator with (ATK x 2) shield strength that serves as cover. Does not end the nanoengineer's turn.

    [Active] Self Replicate: Consume 20 nanobots to create a duplicate nanoengineer. Does not end the nanoengineer's turn.

    Outpost Berserker [HP: 80] [ATK: 25]: $4,000

    "I will break you!"

    [Passive] Counter: When attacked, has a 25% chance to gain an extra action. This can stack.

    [Passive] Payback: Gains ATK boosts depending on how much HP the berserker is missing.

    [Passive] Critical Chain: Critical hits increase the next attack's crit chance by 60%. Consecutive crits don't stack chance increases, but will continue the chain.

    [Active] Blood Mirror: Reflect 60% of damage taken for 3 turns. 5 turn cooldown. Critical casts increase damage protection.

    [Active] Lifechain Strike: Deal (ATK x 1.4) damage and drain the target's life over time. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] True Slam: Deal (ATK) armor piercing damage. Highly accurate. 2 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Quick Strike: Deal (ATK x 0.8) damage. Has a 75% chance to not count as an action. Highly accurate. 2 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Rage: Increase all damage dealt by 30% and gain a 30% increase in critical hit chance for 4 turns. For the duration of rage, critical hits cause bleeding and have a 20% chance to slow the target. Also grants immunity to damage over time status effects. 6 turn cooldown.

    Blood Anvil Soldier [HP: 80] [ATK: 20]: $5,000

    "I was forged by Blood Anvil. I am the best of the best."

    [Passive] Barrier: Taking damage has a 25% chance to grant a barrier that grants invincibility for 2 turns.

    [Passive] Adrenaline: Can survive lethal damage with 1 HP, once.

    [Active] Recovery: Remove all weakening or defense reducing status effects, and gain immunity to damage over time for 3 turns. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Static Field: Deploy a potent electromagnetic generator that sets evasion to 0, grants invincibility, and reflects all attacks back for 2 turns. Blood Anvil soldier will be frozen for the duration of the effect. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Photonic Blast: Blast 4 targets with (ATK x 1.3) damage and a 40% chance to blind the target. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Hydro Cannon: Blast a target with water, dealing (ATK x 1.25) damage and knocking them into hazards. Has double the standard critical hit chance. Critical hits reduce the cooldown of all abilities. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Fortifying Heal: Heal up to 4 allies for (ATK x 1.25) HP, reduce their damage taken by 30% for 3 turns, and dispel a negative status effect. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Sun Beam: Deal (ATK x 5) damage and ignite the target. Deals 25% more damage to unarmored targets. 6 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Frozen Rockets: Fire three highly accurate nitrogen-filled rockets, dealing (ATK) damage to three targets and freezing them. 5 turn cooldown.

    Lisharon Inc Medical Personnel [HP: Variable] [ATK: 10]: $1,000

    "An incision here, an amputation there... Lisharon would be proud."

    [Passive] Delicious Tea: Every three turns, will brew tea instead of attacking or healing.

    [Active] Heal: Restore 15 HP to an ally and grant them three turns of HP regeneration. No cooldown.

    [Active] Attack: Deal (ATK) damage to a target and inflict a random status effect. No cooldown.

    Spanish Inquisition Radio [HP: 50] [ATK: 7]: $750

    "No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!"

    [Passive] Inquisition: Comes with five cardinals of the ever-unexpected Spanish Inquisition.

    [Active] Fan Out: The five cardinals each attack a different enemy, dealing (ATK) damage with a 20% chance to deal double damage. No cooldown.

    [Active] Beatdown: The five cardinals attack the same enemy, dealing (ATK) damage to them five times, with a 20% chance to stun the target. No cooldown.

    Demolisher [HP: 10] [Armor: 240] [ATK: 20]: $5,000

    "Kill. Maim. Destroy."

    [Passive] Slow Deconstruction: Deals double damage to buildings.

    [Passive] Steadfast: Cannot be stunned.

    [Passive] Hexagonite: Permanently gains 10 armor every turn. Takes 30% less damage from critical hits.

    [Active] Force Field: Provide 1,000 shields to an ally or self, for 3 turns. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Drill Strike: Deal (ATK x 1.5) damage. Deals 50% more damage to armor. 2 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Burndown: Deal (ATK x 1.5) fire damage. For the next 2 turns, the target will take 8 extra fire damage from all attacks. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Demolish: Deal (ATK x 2) damage and gain an increase in damage output for 3 turns. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Wreck: Deal (ATK x 0.5) damage and cause the target to take 50% more damage next turn. 3 turn cooldown.

    Decimator [HP: 100] [ATK: 10]: $5,000

    "Don't believe in yourself. Believe in me!"

    [Passive] Annihilation: Getting a kill or assist permanently increases damage output by 2.

    [Passive] Glory: Getting a kill restores 30% of missing HP.

    [Passive] Inspiration: Getting a kill increases all players' damage by 15% for the next turn.

    [Passive] Healing Presence II: All allies regenerate 15% of their HP each turn.

    [Active] Decimate: Deal (ATK + 10% target's HP) damage to 3 enemies and reduce the healing they receive for 1 turn. 1 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Empower: Restore (ATK) HP to a target, cure a negative status effect, and increase their damage by 50% for 1 attack. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Cripple: Deal (ATK x 0.7) damage and reduce the target's evasion by 70%. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Flak Cannon: Deal (ATK x 1.25) damage. Deals 30% more damage to airborne targets. Cannot crit. 1 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Shatter Bolt: Deal (ATK x 2.7) damage as armor piercing ice damage. 3 turn cooldown.

    [SUPER] Destroy: Deal (ATK x 9) physical damage. 8 turn charge time.

    Lyncher [HP: 50] [Shields: 10] [ATK: 25]: $5,000

    "I'll get it done, nice and quiet."

    [Passive] Target Marker: All actions mark targets. Marked targets take 20% extra damage, and attacking them heals the attacker for 15% of their HP.

    [Passive] Fear of Death: Killing an enemy intimidates all enemies with less HP than the Lyncher.

    [Passive] Counter: Counter enemy attacks by dealing (ATK x 0.8) damage.

    [Active] Death Mark: Mark an enemy for death, making them unable to evade attacks and increasing the damage they take by 30%.

    [Active] Ice Barrage: Hit 3 enemies for (ATK) ice damage and slow them down. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Fire Barrage: Hit 3 enemies for (ATK) fire damage and light them on fire. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Analysis: Scan three enemies, causing them to take 20% more damage for 3 turns. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Stun Slash: Deal (ATK x 0.3) and stun the target for 2 turns. Deals 30% more damage to unarmored targets. 5 turn cooldown.

    [SUPER] Unleash Hell: Become airborne, gain 25 evasion, and temporarily summon three devastator drones that deal (ATK x 0.5) damage and can inflict bleeding to unarmored targets.

    Zeus Exclusion Zone 4X [HP: 100] [ATK: 25]: $1,500

    "Activating obliteration protocols."

    [Active] Rain Fire: Target up to four enemies every turn, dealing (ATK) damage to them.

    [Passive] Focus Fire: If there are less than four enemies left, can target the same enemy more than once.

    [Passive] Complicated Deployment: You must spend your turn deploying the Zeus Exclusion Zone to activate it.

    [Passive] Needs Attention: Only one Zeus Exclusion Zone can be active at once.

    Common weapon: Costs 500 materials.

    Burst Rifle
    Burst-fire assault rifle. Simple, but effective.
    +1 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Has a 30% chance to hit twice, with the second hit having -10 accuracy

    Marksman Rifle
    Semi-automatic rifle. Accurate and deadly.
    +2 ATK
    100 accuracy

    Revolvers are always cooler.
    +5 ATK
    80 accuracy

    Rapid fire assault weapon. Good for close range engagements.
    +0 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Can target four enemies instead of three

    Heavy Rifle
    High impact rifle. Well suited for stronger targets.
    +0 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Increases damage cap (7x ATK instead of 5x)

    Heavy Pistol
    High impact sidearm. Packs a decent punch for its size.
    +2 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Critical hits deal 10% more damage

    Grenade Launcher
    Standard issue explosive weapon. Effective at crowd control.
    +4 ATK
    80 accuracy
    Deals 20% damage to nearby targets.

    Precision Rifle
    Highly accurate rifle. Deals high damage to a single target.
    +4 ATK
    100 accuracy
    Can only hit one enemy at a time

    Zap Rifle

    Standard factory made zap rifle.

    +1 ATK

    85 accuracy

    Has a 25% chance to zap another enemy

    Uncommon weapon: Costs 1,000 materials.

    MS34 Shieldbreaker
    A powerful assault rifle designed to punch through enemy armor.
    +2 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Deals 15% more damage through armor

    A high output SMG that favors fire rate over all else.
    +0 ATK
    80 accuracy
    Can target six enemies instead of three

    Incendiary Shotgun
    A standard issue shotgun, modified to shoot flaming buckshot.
    +3 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Deals fire damage
    Attacks have a 20% chance to ignite target

    A heavy rifle designed to fire metal rods, heated to a white hot temperature.
    +5 ATK
    95 accuracy

    M11 AIR
    High impact anti-infantry rifle. Good for keeping standard enemies in check.
    +3 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Can suppress a single enemy, reducing their accuracy

    Seeker Rifle
    Prototype scouting device that outlines targets.
    +1 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Hitting an enemy scans them, increasing their damage taken by 10%

    Shrapnel Launcher
    A basic grenade launcher, modified to shoot shards of jagged metal.
    +2 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Attacks have a 25% chance to cause bleeding

    Jammer Gun
    A semi-automatic rifle that fires electromagnetic ammunition.
    +1 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Deals 25% more damage to robotic enemies

    Rare weapon: Costs 1,500 materials.

    Actually a giant bee stinger.
    +4 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Deals 5% more damage through armor
    Has a 25% chance to poison target

    Double Barrel Shotgun
    This is my boomstick!
    +6 ATK
    80 accuracy
    Deals 10% more damage to enemy armor
    Has a 15% chance to hit a random nearby enemy

    Panic Knife
    Everybody stay calm.
    +5 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Critical hits deal 20% more damage
    Automatically attack enemies that hit you with reduced damage

    I fight for honor, not with honor!
    +5 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Has a 20% chance to cause bleeding
    While held, you deal more damage with environmental hazards

    Giant Syringe
    I just need a blood sample...
    +5 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Reduces target's damage output
    Has a 15% chance to cause target to panic

    Dragonslayer's Spear
    Once belonged to a warrior who was one half of a terrifying duo.
    +5 ATK
    95 accuracy
    Has a 25% chance to galvanize target
    Can perform a powerful impaling attack that costs 30 energy

    M6 Carnifex
    Given to you by an alien doctor as a token of good faith.
    +7 ATK
    80 accuracy
    Deals 10% more damage through armor
    Deals 10% more damage to armor

    To rend one's enemies is to see them not as equals, but objects: hollow of spirit and meaning.
    +5 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Deals toxic damage
    Inflicts minor poisoning

    Custom Zap Rifle

    More added shock than your regular rifle.

    +2 ATK

    85 accuracy

    Has a 25% chance to zap another enemy

    Has a 10% chance to stun an enemy

    Piercing Railgun

    Fires hypercharged metal rods that will also chain a lightning bolt to additional enemy

    +2 ATK

    96 accuracy

    Will always hit 2 enemies

    Secondary attack will deal 70-120% ATK as electric damage

    Legendary weapon: Costs 2,000 materials.

    Matador 64
    A sickeningly powerful weapon that once terrorized many a battlefield.
    +9 ATK
    80 accuracy
    Deals 10% more damage through armor

    Big Stick
    Speak softly...
    +4 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Deals 15% more damage to armor
    Has a 20% chance to stun or confuse enemies

    Book of Insults
    Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names leave psychological wounds that never heal.
    +3 ATK
    105 accuracy
    Has a 25% chance to ignore armor
    Has a 10% chance to demoralize the target

    Steel Dragon
    Laser beams. Laser beams everywhere.
    +0 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Always hits at least two enemies at once
    Can target six enemies instead of just three

    The enemies lose their lives, and you get to keep yours. Win-win.
    +3 ATK
    85 accuracy
    40% of damage dealt is returned to you as health
    Critical hits heal you for 65% of the damage dealt

    Sorcerer's Staff
    What problem can't be solved with magic?
    +3 ATK
    80 accuracy
    Inflicts a random status condition

    Eden's Soul
    Becomes a random weapon every mission

    The Young Wolf's Howl
    "To the first of the new Iron Lords." - Lord Saladin
    +4 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Causes target to take more damage from all sources

    Zap Rifle Cannon

    When you want more of a shocking splash...

    +4 ATK

    80 accuracy

    Has a 40% chance to zap up to four enemies

    Has a 10% chance to stun an enemy

    Mythical weapon: Costs 2,500 materials.

    Deathslayer's Blade
    A sword forged in human blood. You can barely make out the "359" etched into the blade.
    +10 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Critical hits deal 2.5x damage instead of 2x
    Kills with this weapon temporarily grant +5 ATK
    Kills with this weapon heal you for 5% of your max HP

    Biotic Rifle
    Kill enemies or heal allies? Why not both?
    +4 ATK
    95 accuracy
    This weapon heals allies when used on them
    Ignores enemy armor

    Let's just skip judge and jury.
    +9 ATK
    110 accuracy
    +10% critical hit chance
    +25% damage dealt to enemies with less than half health (less than 25% HP for bosses)
    Kills with this weapon grant +15 accuracy for your next attack

    Unpaid Debt
    You owe me.
    +7 ATK
    85 accuracy
    The lower your HP is, the more damage this weapon deals
    Has a 25% chance to stun the target if they just attacked you

    The Reanimator
    Their loss is your gain.
    +3 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Killing an enemy reanimates them into a temporary ally
    Reanimated enemies deal more damage

    The Gathering Storm
    Unleash its wrath.
    +5 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Taking damage changes this weapon's damage type to match that of the attack that hit you
    Has a 20% chance to inflict a status condition that matches your current damage type

    Outbreak Prime
    "I've done the math. When you pull the trigger, one plus one equals zero. Every time." - Shiro-4
    +4 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Dealing damage has a 25% chance to spawn a swarm of SIVA mites
    Kills with this weapon spawn a swarm of SIVA mites

    Time's Strife
    The assault rifle of a Timekeeper. A very dangerous weapons in good hands.
    +7 ATK
    110 accuracy
    If the wielder is KO'd, they may use a Time Charge to resurrect.
    The wielder may also use a Time Charge to revive an ally or fully heal their wounds.
    If the whole party is wiped, the wielder can use 3 Time Charges to revive the whole party.
    Time charges are built with creative time attacks.

    Thunder Clap

    A clap of actual thunder was molded into this rifle.

    +11 ATK

    90 accuracy

    Always hits two enemies

    Has a 10% chance to stun an enemy

    Common armor: Costs 500 materials.

    Ballistic Vest
    Basic vest designed to resist incoming bullets.
    +10 HP
    +10 physical resistance

    Fireproof Plating
    Plated armor designed to resist high temperatures.
    +10 HP
    +10 fire resistance

    Insulated Armor
    Insulated to protect against extreme cold.
    +10 HP
    +10 ice resistance

    Conduit Armor
    Armor resistant to high voltage.
    +10 HP
    +10 electric resistance

    Flak Jacket
    Basic armor that resists explosions.
    +10 HP
    +10 explosive resistance

    Gas Mask
    Standard issue gas mask that protects against toxic gases.
    +10 HP
    +10 toxic resistance

    Wizard Robes
    I put on my robe and wizard hat.
    +10 HP
    +10 arcane resistance

    Uncommon armor: Costs 1,000 materials.

    Armor of Thorns
    Armor coated in a thick patch of thorns. Said to be worn by a member of the Darkwraiths.
    +10 HP
    Enemies that attack you take 10 physical damage

    Ridiculously Heavy Armor
    Provides great protection, but is absurdly heavy. How do you even wear it?
    +25 HP
    +5 to all resistances
    Any attack directed at you is guaranteed to hit

    Capacitor Armor
    Comes with two rechargeable battery packs.
    +20 max energy
    +10 energy regen per turn

    Medical Armor
    Armor equipped with a regeneration module that rapidly heals your wounds.
    Regenerate 5% of your max HP every turn

    Marksman Visor
    A modified visor that highlights enemies and tracks their movements.
    +10 accuracy

    Munitions Vest
    Has plenty of extra pockets to store ammunition.
    +5 HP
    Gives all items an extra use

    Lightweight Armor
    Lighter armor that provides greater mobility.
    +5 HP
    +10 evasion

    Rare armor: Costs 1,500 materials.

    Irradiated Armor
    It's probably safe...
    +5 HP
    Enemies that attack you receive radiation poisoning

    Serpent Suit
    Somehow linked to ice.
    +5 ice resistance
    Gives you one use of the Frostbite ability, allowing you to freeze an enemy

    Wings of Sacred Dawn
    There will come a day when the light will never fade.
    +10 HP
    Gives you the Angel of Light ability, allowing you to become airborne for a turn

    Armor of Bone
    The most metal of attire.
    +10 HP
    Has a 40% chance to unnerve a random enemy every wave

    Armor of Shadow
    You merely adopted the darkness.
    +10 evasion
    Enemies will not target you until you attack or are the last player standing

    Hideous Armor
    It looks absolutely disgusting.
    +5 HP
    -1 max rage (allows you to enrage quicker)

    No Armor
    What are you thinking?
    -10 HP
    Has a 25% chance to confuse a random enemy every wave

    Legendary armor: Costs 2,000 materials.

    WAR Suit
    Used to liberate earth from an oppressive alien rule.
    +10 HP
    +10 armor
    Gives you the Blaster Launcher ability, allowing you to fire a powerful explosive

    Fortified Armor
    Designed to protect all the weak points.
    +15 HP
    Enemies that attack you have a lower critical hit chance
    Enemy critical hits against you deal less damage

    Templar Armor
    Feel the power of the Templars.
    +10 HP
    +5 evasion
    Gives you the Rend ability, allowing you to perform a powerful melee attack

    Armored Armor
    Armor armored with more armor!
    +10 HP
    +50 armor

    Eden's Blessing
    Your future shines brighter.
    Turns into a random piece of armor every mission

    FTL Rig
    Best rig.
    +10 evasion
    Gives you the Phase Shift ability, allowing you to avoid damage by shifting into another dimension

    Overly Protective Armor
    It worries about you.
    +15 HP
    Makes you immune to all status effects, positive or negative

    Mythical armor: Costs 2,500 materials.

    Armor of the Blood Knight
    The crimson sigil on the front may or may not be painted in blood.
    +15 HP
    Dealing damage returns 10% of the damage dealt to you as health
    Killing an enemy with excessive damage has a 15% chance to deal the extra damage to a random
    When equipped as Assault Gunner: +10% ATK, and every kill has a 10% chance to instantly max your

    Robes of the Healer
    These robes radiate with a powerful medicating energy.
    +10 HP
    +10 healing
    Healing an ally grants them health regeneration (stacks with Medic's Invigorate ability)
    When equipped as Medic: +10% healing, and converts your super into a powerful healing move that
    affects all allies

    Mask of the Marksman
    This mask was worn by a legendary marksman who never missed his mark.
    +10 HP
    +15 accuracy
    +5% critical hit chance
    When equipped as Sniper: +10 accuracy, and critical hits deal 50% more damage

    Crest of the Defender
    A powerful knight once bore this crest. Legends say his allies never knew harm.
    +25 HP
    +25 armor
    +5 to all resistances
    When equipped as Tank: +10 to all resistances, and taking damage while guarding an ally charges
    your super

    Armor of Turrets
    You are your own defense network.
    +10 HP
    Fires at a random enemy every turn, dealing (ATK x 0.5) damage to them
    Fires at enemies that attack you, dealing (ATK x 0.5) damage to them
    When equipped as Engineer: Your turrets can fire two shots, each dealing 75% of their normal

    Armor of Boundless Light
    There are some flames that even the darkness cannot contain.
    +10 HP
    +25 max energy
    +15 energy regeneration
    Using an ability has a 20% chance to cost half energy
    When equipped as Specialist: +15 max energy, and allows you to use your super early for a large energy cost

    Titan Mark
    At close quarters, a fist is better than any gun.
    +15 HP
    +25 armor
    Replaces your super with Fist of Havoc, a powerful attack that damages multiple enemies

    Hunter Cloak
    Tell the warlocks your cloak is frabjous. They respect words they don't understand.
    +10 HP
    +10 evasion
    Replaces your super with the Golden Gun, a deadly attack that can target up to three enemies

    Warlock Bond
    Those who have stared into the void are not bound by the laws of space and time.
    +5 HP
    Restores 5 HP to you every turn
    Replaces your super with Stormtrance, which temporarily allows you to perform multiple electric attacks in a single turn

    Common trinket: Costs 500 materials.

    Prescription glasses. You may or may not actually need them.
    +5 accuracy

    Distortion Field
    Experimental device that distorts the area around you.
    +5 evasion

    Instructional Booklet
    "Bullets go into the enemies, not you." - Excerpt from Incredibly Obvious Advice Monthly
    +10% XP gain

    Exploded Rocket
    Casing from a used rocket. The RPG kind, not the spacefaring kind.
    +15% damage dealt to airborne enemies

    Laser Sight
    Really just a laser pointer taped to your gun.
    +3% critical hit chance

    Uncommon trinket: Costs 1,000 materials.

    Blind Rage
    Blind to damage
    Taking damage makes you less likely to be targeted again for the rest of that turn

    Portable Generator
    Perfect for emergency situations when you need power.
    Activating your super restores 50% of your max energy

    Handful of Shrapnel
    Why are you collecting shrapnel?
    Attacks have a 5% chance to cause bleeding

    Made with repurposed snake venom.
    +5 healing

    Aim Assist
    Now you can use a controller.
    Missing an attack gives you +10 accuracy for your next attack. Does not stack multiple times.

    Rare trinket: Costs 1,500 materials.

    Occult Charm
    Glows with an unnatural power.
    Your attacks deal 50% normal damage and 50% arcane damage

    Three of Coins
    Sold by a creepy hooded guy with tentacles coming from his face.
    Killing a boss has a 5% chance to drop a mythical item

    Libra Charm
    You feel balanced.
    Balances your stats by raising low ones and lowering high ones

    Salt Shaker
    You feel enraged.
    Taking damage has a 25% chance to give +2 rage instead of +1

    Strange Coin
    This unusual coin is warm to the touch and vibrates gently in your hand.
    +3% mythical drop rate

    Legendary trinket: Costs 2,000 materials.

    Curved Horn
    DMG up
    +5 ATK

    Hallownest Seal
    Another one?
    Enemies you kill have a 25% chance to drop additional materials

    RNG is slightly weighted in your favor

    Bowl of Nails
    No milk.
    Attacking has a 5% chance to cause enemies to panic

    Inversion Device
    Distorts the area around itself.
    All status effects applied to you are inverted

    Mythical trinket: costs 2,500 materials.

    Scorched Assault Rifle
    This burned rifle still radiates with an incredible power.
    +4 ATK
    When equipped as Assault Gunner: Activating your super temporarily grants you +6 ATK

    Orb of Harmony
    Pass into the Iris.
    +6 healing
    When equipped as Medic: Allows you to target an ally with the orb, healing them for 2% of their
    max HP every turn

    15x Scope
    Found in a crate that fell from the sky.
    +10 accuracy
    When equipped as Sniper: +6% critical hit chance

    Cracked Shield
    It kinda works...
    +5 to all defenses
    When equipped as Tank: +25% critical hit resistance

    Rusted Wrench
    Scavenged from Talos I.
    Your critical hits deal less damage but stun enemies
    When equipped as Engineer: Your constructions have higher stats

    Sharp Plug
    Charge with blood.
    +15 max energy
    When equipped as Specialist: When out of energy, using abilities will drain your health

    Posted in: Forum Games
  • 0

    posted a message on Legends of Aekran | Kinda like DnD!
    Quote from GoldHero101»

    I'll attempt to worsen his bleeding again.

    You dig into Gregory's wounds with your sword.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 14.

    Your roll: 6.

    He manages to fight you off. You gain 5 XP.

    ==[Ally action]==

    Junia takes a shot at Gregory's shade.

    Shade's evasion roll: 19.

    Junia's roll: 15.

    She grazes it for 6 damage. She gains 4 XP.

    Quote from BaconBusterYT»

    "Well, that was embarrassing."

    The shade comically shrugs and nods before I shoot it through the sternum.

    You shoot the shade in the chest.

    Shade's evasion roll: 18.
    Your roll: 14.

    You hit for 16 damage. You gain 10 XP.

    ==[Ally action]==

    Alessandra stabs Gregory in the chest.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 4.

    Alessandra's roll: 15.

    Alessandra's crit roll: 6 (failed).

    She hits for 30 damage.

    Morgan skewers Gregory with his spear.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 13.

    Morgan's roll: 9.

    It's more of a minor stab, and it only deals 5 damage. Morgan gains 4 XP.

    Quote from Stickcrafter»

    I gouge into the Shade's wounds with my sword, worsening its bleeding.

    You gouge into the shade's wounds.

    Shade's evasion roll: 20 (critical success!)
    Your roll: 16.

    It bends its form in an unnatural way to move around your weapon. You gain 5 XP.

    ==[Enemy action]==

    Gregory takes 13 bleed damage, then tries to club Alessandra over the head with his cannon.

    Alessandra's evasion roll: 17.

    Gregory's roll: 20 (critical success!)

    Gregory's crit roll: 4 (failed).

    He lands a decisive blow, dealing 21 damage and staggering her.

    He follows up by blasting Zephil with his cannon.

    Zephil's evasion roll: 20 (critical success!)

    Gregory's roll: 3.

    Zephil raises his sword to deflect the blast, and in doing so, imbues his weapon with aquatic power temporarily!

    Quote from Player_Miner»

    *notices Gregory channeling something* Oh, no you don’t! DISRUPTION BOLT!

    You loose a magical bolt to disrupt Gregory.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 16.

    Your roll: 14.

    You interrupt his incantation. You gain 5 XP.

    ==[Enemy action]==

    The shade takes 10 bleed damage, then delivers a water-infused palm strike to Seymour.

    Seymour's evasion roll: 20.

    Shade's roll: 20 (critical success!)

    Shade's crit roll: 18 (success).

    Seymour absorbs the brunt of the hit, but still takes 14 damage.

    ==[Turn 4]==

    Everyone recovers 14 HP from Regeneratos Ballad.

    Moisture is the essence of wetness.

    ==[Ally action]==

    Junia casts Divine Grace of Alessandra, healing her for 9 HP. Junia gains 6 XP.

    Morgan tries to skewer Gregory again.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 20 (critical success!)

    Morgan's roll: 9.

    Gregory stomps down on the spear in a well timed mikiri counter. Morgan recovers and gains 5 XP.

    Quote from Stickcrafter»

    I rip open the Shade's wounds even further.

    You rip into the shade's wounds.

    Shade's evasion roll: 17.

    Your roll: 1 (critical failure!)

    It grabs your weapon and attempts to pull it from your grasp.

    Your saving roll: 1 (critical failure!)

    The shade disarms you and smacks you across the face with your weapon's pommel, then tosses it aside. You take 2 damage and must reclaim your weapon. You gain 5 XP.

    You attempt a counter attack.

    Shade's evasion roll: 3.

    Your roll: 8.

    You deliver a right cross to the throat, dealing 6 damage. You gain 4 XP.

    ==[Enemy action]==

    Gregory infuses his shade with dark power, enhancing its stats and slightly healing it.

    He then blasts Zephil with pressurized water.

    Zephil's evasion roll: 8.

    Gregory's roll: 18.

    Gregory's crit roll: 20 (critical success!)

    The blast hits Zephil with the force of a bullet, dealing 30 damage.

    Quote from GoldHero101»

    Another worsening of the bleeding. He's gonna need thousands of stitches after I'm done with him.

    He's no longer bleeding, so you attempt to restart it by digging your sword into him.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 20 (critical success!)

    Your roll: 5.

    He makes his aqua field generator emit a radial blast of water that throws you back. You take no damage and gain 5 XP.

    ==[Ally action]==

    Alessandra briefly wonders how these turns ended up being so cursed, and attempts to stab Gregory again.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 10.

    Alessandra's roll: 8.

    She deals 15 damage.

    ==[Enemy action]==

    The shade takes 10 bleed damage, then shoots pressurized water from its hands at Seymour.

    Seymour's evasion roll: 16.

    Shade's roll: 10.

    Seymour dodges.

    Quote from Player_Miner»

    I summon some lightning clouds to smite my enemies.

    You call upon a lightning storm!

    Enemies' collective evasion roll: 7.

    Your roll: 5.

    You hit Gregory and the shade for 28 damage each! This kills the shade! You gain 30 XP, and everyone else gains 13 XP!

    ==[Turn 5]==

    Everyone recovers 11 HP from Regeneratos Ballad.

    And wetness is the essence of beauty.

    Turn order:

    Seymour: >>

    The Crafter: >>

    Junia: >>

    Alessandra: >>

    Zephil: >>

    Gregory: >>>

    Connor: >>

    Morgan: >>


    image source: here.

    Gregory the Fire Resistant (class: human)
    [HP|===== ===== ===== ===== ===== | ===== ===== ===== ===== =====] 484/700
    Status effects: Aqua Field (immune to fire damage)
    Exiled from Semiland for heretical summoning acts. Controls the power of an antediluvian horror.


    Leg of Lagavulin +1 (belongs to the Crafter)

    Points of interest:

    Dock (the rarely used port of travel in Frostfall)

    Black fortress (Gregory's hidden fortress) [Everyone is here]

    Party (well rested for 13 turns):

    Zephil Solstrider, Bard [Level 7 Bard|==========] 387/450 XP

    [HP|==========] 53/72 | [Mana|==========] 50/50 | Tune points: 3 | Active auras: Regeneratos Ballad +1, Limerick of the Guard | Equip load: 11/35 (medium encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Lute +1] [Right weapon: Ballad of Two] [Helmet: Bard's cap +1] [Chestplate: Iron trimmed coat +1] [Gauntlets: Hard leather gloves +1] [Boots: Bard's boots +1]

    Status effects: Breaking Limits (gains +20 HP and +2 to all attributes for the rest of the battle), Aquatically Imbued (deals 15% extra water damage for 1 turn)

    Bardic Tunes III (passive)

    Gain access to a Tune Gauge, which fuels musical auras. You can switch auras as a minor action, and start with 1 TP (Tune Point). Each Aura has a different TP cost, so choose wisely. The TP does not get consumed, so the effects are typically weaker than just using a skill. Also allows you to fuel into an aura to enhance its effects.

    Regeneratos Ballad: 1 TP

    Each party member recovers (1 x D4 + Zephil's persuasion score divided by 10) HP each combat turn.

    Hercules' Sonnet: 1 TP

    Each party member gets a +2 to their attack rolls. NOTE: Does not have any effect if they critical fail or succeed.

    Anthem of Blood: 1 TP

    All attacks from the party (including Zephil's) have an additional 10% chance to inflict bleeding.

    Limerick of the Guard: 1 TP

    Each party member gets a +2 to their evasion rolls. NOTE: Does not have any effect if they critical fail or succeed.

    Breaking Limits (passive)

    "Breaking limits as only a true warrior of light could." During boss fights, you transcend your limits by gaining +2 to all attributes and +20 HP for the duration of the battle.

    Flaming Flat (active: costs 20 mana)

    Fire a flaming projectile with enhanced accuracy, dealing 24 fire damage with +2 to its accuracy roll.

    Carry capacity: 14.96/65

    Gold: 275


    >Lute +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Ballad of Two (weight: 2) (value: 35)


    >Bard's cap +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Bard's boots +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Iron trimmed coat +1 (weight: 2) (value: 45)

    >Hard leather gloves +1 (weight: 1) (value: 40)


    >Healing potion (weight: 0.25) (value: 10)

    >Medicinal herbs x3 (weight: 0.3 [0.1 each]) (value: 75 [25 each])

    >Manslayer oil (weight: 0.1) (value: 30)

    >Ancient artifact (weight: 1) (value: 250)

    >Shipping manifest (weight: 0) (quest item)

    >List of names (weight: 0) (quest item)

    >Letter to "Ghost" (weight: 0) (quest item)

    >Escape rope (weight: 1) (value: 35)

    >Bandage x6 (weight: 1.2 [0.2 each]) (value: 60 [10 each])

    >Antidote x6 (weight: 1.2 [0.2 each]) (value: 60 [10 each])

    >Soaked book (weight: 1) (value: 5)

    >Broken dagger (weight: 1) (value: 2)

    >Robotic coolant x2 (weight: 2 [1 each]) (value: 40 [20 each])

    >Shark tooth x5 (weight: 1 [0.2 each]) (value: 10 [2 each])

    HP: 52

    Mana: 50 (regen: 10)

    Speed: 5

    Spell slots: 3

    Physical resistance: 6

    Elemental resistance: 5

    Vitality status resistance: 11

    Endurance status resistance: 10

    Persuasion score: 40

    Impact defense: 0 +8

    Slash defense: 0 +12

    Puncture defense: 0 +9

    Water defense: 0

    Fire defense: 0 +3

    Earth defense: 0 +3

    Wind defense: 0 +3

    Ice defense: 0

    Electric defense: 0

    Toxic defense: 0

    Magic defense: 0 +10

    Light defense: 0 +8

    Dark defense: 0 +3

    Vitality: 5
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 4
    Strength: 2
    Dexterity: 5
    Intelligence: 5
    Faith: 5
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 8

    Magic: 6
    Hydromancy: 3
    Pyromancy: 3
    Geomancy: 3
    Aeromancy: 4
    Cryomancy: 3
    Electromancy: 3
    Necromancy: 3
    Polymancy: 3
    Light magic: 4
    Dark magic: 2

    Seymour Hogsworth, Rogue [Level 7 Rogue|==========] 166/450 XP

    [HP|==========] 61/61 | [Mana|==========] 40/40 | Equip load: 10/40 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Silver plated pistol] [Right weapon: Katana] [Helmet: Rogue's scarf +1] [Chestplate: Iron trimmed coat +1] [Gauntlets: Rogue's gloves +1] [Boots: Steel tipped boots]

    Status effects: None

    Have At You! II (active: costs 15 mana)
    When used, target a single enemy, and deal 33% more damage towards them for 3 turns. While active, both you and your target enemy deal 25% less damage towards anyone other than each other. If the target dies early, can swap to a new enemy for the remainder of the duration.

    Wind Waltz II (active: costs X mana)
    By channeling wind magic throughout the body, temporarily gain +3 to evasion rolls. Duration is 1 turn for every 6 mana spent. Also passively grants +1 to evasion rolls against enemies targeted by Have At You!. Also improves dancing skill, for reasons unknown.

    Ice Wall (active: costs 15 mana)
    Instantly create a barrier of ice, granting you 20 block.

    Firebolt II (active: costs 20 mana)
    Fire a flaming projectile with enhanced accuracy, dealing 30 fire damage with +2 to its accuracy roll.

    Carry capacity: 16/70

    Gold: 356


    >Katana (weight: 3) (value: 50)

    >Silver plated pistol (weight: 2) (value: 25)


    >Rogue's scarf +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Rogue's gloves +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Iron trimmed coat +1 (weight: 2) (value: 45)

    >Steel tipped boots (weight: 1) (value: 30)


    >Crimson x4 (weight: 2 [0.5 each]) (value: 100 [25 each])

    >Loaded dice (weight: 1) (value: 20)

    HP: 61
    Mana: 40 (regen: 13)
    Speed: 6
    Spell slots: 2
    Physical resistance: 7
    Elemental resistance: 3
    Vitality status resistance: 12
    Endurance status resistance: 10
    Persuasion score: 25

    Impact defense: 0 +8

    Slash defense: 0 +17

    Puncture defense: 0 +9

    Water defense: 0

    Fire defense: 3

    Earth defense: 3

    Wind defense: 3

    Ice defense: 0

    Electric defense: 0

    Toxic defense: 0

    Magic defense: 3

    Light defense: 3

    Dark defense: 3

    Vitality: 5
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 4
    Strength: 2
    Dexterity: 9
    Intelligence: 5
    Faith: 3
    Luck: 5
    Charisma: 5

    Magic: 2
    Hydromancy: 2
    Pyromancy: 3
    Geomancy: 1
    Aeromancy: 3
    Cryomancy: 2
    Electromancy: 2
    Necromancy: 2
    Polymancy: 2
    Light magic: 2
    Dark magic: 2

    The Crafter, Knight [Level 7 Knight|==========] 154/450 XP

    [HP|==========] 92/92 | [Mana|==========] 52/52 | Equip load: 20/56 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Shield +1] [Right weapon: Fist] [Helmet: Black iron helmet] [Chestplate: Black iron chestplate] [Gauntlets: Knight's gauntlets +1] [Boots: Black iron leggings]

    Status effects: None

    Armor Breaker (active: costs 15 mana)
    Perform an attack that deals double damage to enemy block. If the target has no block, this ability causes them to take 10% more damage from physical attacks for 3 turns.

    Counter (passive)
    When surviving an enemy attack, immediately hit back with a regular attack. Counter attacks cannot critically hit.

    Carry capacity: 20.45/100

    Gold: 375


    >Shield +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Leg of Lagavulin +1 (weight: 4) (value: 70)

    >The Crafter's Mark (weight: 2) (value: 20)


    >Knight's gauntlets +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Black iron helmet (weight: 3) (value: 40)

    >Black iron chestplate (weight: 6) (value: 40)

    >Black iron leggings (weight: 3) (value: 30)


    >Healing potion x5 (weight: 1.25 [0.25 each]) (value: 50 [10 each])

    >Medicinal herbs x17 (weight: 1.7 [0.1 each]) (value: 425 [25 each])

    >Potion base x10 (weight: 1 [0.1 each]) (value: 100 [10 each])

    >Blue orchid x10 (weight: 1 [0.1 each]) (value: 150 [15 each])

    >Northstar flower x5 (weight: 0.5 [0.1 each]) (value: 60 [15 each])

    >Torch x5 (weight: 2.5 [0.5 each]) (value: 35 [7 each])

    >Loaded dice (weight: 1) (value: 20)

    >Firewood (weight: 2) (value: 40)

    >Crimson (weight: 0.5) (value: 30)

    >Bottle of Semilean Red wine (weight: 1) (value: 50)

    Potion recipes:

    >Minor healing potion

    Requirements: 1 potion base, 2 medicinal herbs

    >Minor mana potion

    Requirements: 1 potion base, 2 blue orchids

    >Night vision potion

    Requirements: 1 potion base, 2 northstar flowers

    HP: 92
    Mana: 52 (regen: 10)
    Speed: 4
    Spell slots: 4
    Physical resistance: 22
    Elemental resistance: 11
    Vitality status resistance: 29
    Endurance status resistance: 31
    Persuasion score: 15

    Impact defense: 0 +15

    Slash defense: 0 +15

    Puncture defense: 0 +15

    Water defense: 0 +6

    Fire defense: 0 +15

    Earth defense: 0 +9

    Wind defense: 0 +9

    Ice defense: 0 +6

    Electric defense: 0 +6

    Toxic defense: 0 +9

    Magic defense: 0 +9

    Light defense: 0 +13

    Dark defense: 0 +16

    Vitality: 9
    Endurance: 9
    Attunement: 6
    Strength: 5
    Dexterity: 4
    Intelligence: 3
    Faith: 3
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 3

    Magic: 2
    Hydromancy: 2
    Pyromancy: 2
    Geomancy: 3
    Aeromancy: 2
    Cryomancy: 2
    Electromancy: 2
    Necromancy: 2
    Polymancy: 2
    Light magic: 3
    Dark magic: 1

    Connor, Sorcerer [Level 6 Sorcerer|==========] 276/400 XP

    [HP|==========] 45/45 | [Mana|==========] 64/89 | Equip load: 9.5/35 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Wizard staff +1] [Right weapon: The Jagged Edge] [Helmet: Wizard hat] [Chestplate: Sorcerer's robes] [Gauntlets: Sorcerer's gloves] [Boots: Sorcerer's boots]

    Status effects: none

    Arcane Missiles (active: costs 6x1.25 mana)
    Fires bolts of arcane energy at enemies, with each having its own target. They deal 11 magic damage when they hit. Mana cost increases for every projectile fired.

    Frostfire (active: costs 25 mana)
    Fires a bolt of frost and flame that burns a target for 15 damage, then subsequently freezes them, dealing 10 damage and reducing their non-crit rolls by 2 for 2 turns.

    Lightning Storm III (active: costs 25 mana)
    Call down a lightning storm from above, dealing 20 electric damage to all enemies.

    Ice Wall (active: costs 15 mana)
    Instantly create a barrier of ice, granting you 20 block.

    Firebolt (active: costs 20 mana)
    Fire a flaming projectile with enhanced accuracy, dealing 24 fire damage with +2 to its accuracy roll.

    Carry capacity: 26/65

    Gold: 305


    >Wizard staff (weight: 2) (value: 10)

    >Wizard staff +1 (weight: 2) (value: 12)

    >Brigand's knife (weight: 2) (value: 13)

    >Golden dagger (weight: 1) (value: 60)

    >The Jagged Edge (weight: 1.5) (value: 70)

    >The Master Key (weight: 1.5) (value: 70)


    >Wizard hat (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Sorcerer's robes (weight: 2) (value: 10)

    >Sorcerer's gloves (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Sorcerer's boots (weight: 2) (value: 10)

    >Iron trimmed coat (weight: 2) (value: 35)


    >Eye of Lagavulin (weight: 1) (value: 40)

    >Lagavulin shell fragment x10 (weight: 5 [0.5 each]) (value: 100 [10 each])

    >Healing potion x3 (weight: 0.75 [0.25 each]) (value: 30 [10 each])

    >Salvaged circuitry (weight: 0.25) (value: 40)

    >Damaged battery (weight: 1) (value: 20)

    >Crimson x2 (weight: 1 [0.5 each]) (value: 60 [30 each])

    HP: 45
    Mana: 89 (regen: 10)
    Speed: 4
    Spell slots: 4
    Physical resistance: 5
    Elemental resistance: 23
    Vitality status resistance: 15
    Endurance status resistance: 15
    Persuasion score: 15

    Impact defense: 0 +2

    Slash defense: 0 +4

    Puncture defense: 0 +2

    Water defense: 0 +3

    Fire defense: 0 +5

    Earth defense: 0 +5

    Wind defense: 0 +5

    Ice defense: 0 +3

    Electric defense: 0 +3

    Toxic defense: 0 +3

    Magic defense: 0 +8

    Light defense: 0 +5

    Dark defense: 0 +5

    Vitality: 4
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 10
    Strength: 3
    Dexterity: 3
    Intelligence: 7
    Faith: 4
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 3

    Magic: 6
    Hydromancy: 4
    Pyromancy: 4
    Geomancy: 4
    Aeromancy: 4
    Cryomancy: 4
    Electromancy: 4
    Necromancy: 4
    Polymancy: 4
    Light magic: 4
    Dark magic: 3

    Morgan, Reformed Thief [Level 6 Bounty Hunter|==========] 66/400 XP

    [HP|==========] 45/45 | [Mana|==========] 40/40 | Equip load: 13/45 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Axe] [Right weapon: Barbed spear] [Helmet: Bounty hunter's mask] [Chestplate: Bounty hunter's tunic] [Gauntlets: Bounty hunter's gloves] [Boots: Bounty hunter's boots]

    Status effects: none

    Mark for Death II (active: costs 15 mana)

    Mark a target for death, causing them to take 25% more damage from all sources for 3 turns.

    Searing Uppercut (active: costs 20 mana)

    Deliver a flame-infused uppercut, dealing 12 impact damage and 14 fire damage, with a greatly improved chance to stagger the target.

    Carry capacity: 15/95

    Gold: 300


    >Axe (weight: 3) (value: 10)

    >Axe (weight: 3) (value: 10)

    >Barbed spear (weight: 3) (value: 30)


    >Bounty hunter's mask (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Bounty hunter's tunic (weight: 3) (value: 10)

    >Bounty hunter's gloves (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Bounty hunter's boots (weight: 2) (value: 10)


    >Ancient artifact (weight: 1) (value: 250)

    >Bottle of Semilean White wine (weight: 1) (value: 50)

    HP: 45
    Mana: 40 (regen: 10)
    Speed: 5
    Spell slots: 2
    Physical resistance: 11
    Elemental resistance: 13
    Vitality status resistance: 17
    Endurance status resistance: 16
    Persuasion score: 15

    Impact defense: 0 +5

    Slash defense: 0 +5

    Puncture defense: 0 +5

    Water defense: 0

    Fire defense: 0

    Earth defense: 0

    Wind defense: 0

    Ice defense: 0

    Electric defense: 0

    Toxic defense: 0

    Magic defense: 0

    Light defense: 0

    Dark defense: 0

    Vitality: 5
    Endurance: 5
    Attunement: 5
    Strength: 6
    Dexterity: 6
    Intelligence: 4
    Faith: 3
    Luck: 4
    Charisma: 3

    Magic: 3
    Hydromancy: 2
    Pyromancy: 4
    Geomancy: 3
    Aeromancy: 3
    Cryomancy: 3
    Electromancy: 3
    Necromancy: 2
    Polymancy: 3
    Light magic: 2
    Dark magic: 2

    Junia, Cleric [Level 6 Cleric|==========] 127/400 XP

    [HP|==========] 40/40 | [Mana|==========] 37/53 | Equip load: 11/30 (medium encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Holy scriptures] [Right weapon: Silver plated pistol] [Helmet: Cleric's hood] [Chestplate: Rogue's longcoat +1] [Gauntlets: White gloves] [Boots: Rogue's boots +1]

    Status effects: None

    Divine Grace (active: costs 15 mana)

    Heal a target with divine power, restoring 22% of their HP.

    Divine Comfort (active: costs 25 mana)

    Soothe all allies with divine power, restoring 11% HP to everyone.

    Carry capacity: 11/60

    Gold: 250


    >Holy scriptures (weight: 2) (value: 10)

    Silver plated pistol (weight: 2) (value: 25)


    >Cleric's hood (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Cleric's robes (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >White gloves (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Cleric's boots (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Rogue's longcoat +1 (weight: 2) (value: 13)

    >Rogue's boots +1 (weight: 1) (value: 13)

    HP: 40
    Mana: 53 (regen: 12)
    Speed: 4
    Spell slots: 3
    Physical resistance: 5
    Elemental resistance: 10
    Vitality status resistance: 10
    Endurance status resistance: 10
    Persuasion score: 10

    Impact defense: 0 +2

    Slash defense: 0 +6

    Puncture defense: 0 +2

    Water defense: 0 +2

    Fire defense: 0 +2

    Earth defense: 0 +2

    Wind defense: 0 +2

    Ice defense: 0 +2

    Electric defense: 0 +2

    Toxic defense: 0 +2

    Magic defense: 0 +4

    Light defense: 0 +6

    Dark defense: 0 +6

    Vitality: 4
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 7
    Strength: 3
    Dexterity: 3
    Intelligence: 6
    Faith: 10
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 3

    Magic: 5
    Hydromancy: 3
    Pyromancy: 2
    Geomancy: 2
    Aeromancy: 3
    Cryomancy: 3
    Electromancy: 2
    Necromancy: 1
    Polymancy: 2
    Light magic: 6
    Dark magic: 1

    Alessandra of Semiland, Seer of Ironhaven [Level 5 Sorcerer]

    [HP|==========] 45/45 | [Mana|==========] 57/68 | Equip load: 5/35 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Seer's gauntlet] [Right weapon: Bronze dagger] [Helmet: Seer's hood] [Chestplate: Seer's robes] [Gauntlets: None] [Boots: Seer's boots]

    Status effects: Staggered (suffers -1 to accuracy and evasion rolls for 1 turns)

    Defensive Ward (active: costs 25 mana)

    Project a magical barrier that blocks incoming enemy attacks and has 70 HP.

    Protect (active: costs 25 mana)

    Shield a single ally, granting them 30 block.

    Pride of Semiland (passive)

    Deals 50% more damage to Gregory the Fire Resistant, as well as his summons.

    Carry capacity: 5/65

    Gold: 150


    >Seer's gauntlet (weight: 1) (value: 100)

    >Bronze dagger (weight: 1) (value: 15)


    >Seer's hood (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Seer's robes (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Seer's boots (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    HP: 45
    Mana: 60 (regen: 13)
    Speed: 4
    Spell slots: 3
    Physical resistance: 5
    Elemental resistance: 15
    Vitality status resistance: 15
    Endurance status resistance: 15
    Persuasion score: 25

    Impact defense: 0 +3

    Slash defense: 0 +3

    Puncture defense: 0 +3

    Water defense: 0 +6

    Fire defense: 0 +6

    Earth defense: 0 +6

    Wind defense: 0 +6

    Ice defense: 0 +6

    Electric defense: 0 +6

    Toxic defense: 0 +6

    Magic defense: 0 +9

    Light defense: 0 +6

    Dark defense: 0 +6

    Vitality: 4
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 7
    Strength: 2
    Dexterity: 2
    Intelligence: 8
    Faith: 4
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 5

    Magic: 8
    Hydromancy: 4
    Pyromancy: 4
    Geomancy: 4
    Aeromancy: 4
    Cryomancy: 4
    Electromancy: 4
    Necromancy: 4
    Polymancy: 4
    Light magic: 4
    Dark magic: 3

    >Silver plated pistol (weight: 2) (value: 25)

    >Engraved knife (weight: 2) (value: 35)

    >Engraved knife (weight: 2) (value: 35)

    >Engraved knife (weight: 2) (value: 35)

    >Katana +1 (weight: 3) (value: 60)

    >"Zweilander +1 (weight: 5) (value: 110)

    >Student's greatsword (weight: 3) (value: 10)

    >Cutlass (weight: 2) (value: 20)

    >Caustic Caroline (weight: 1.5) (value: 100)

    >Toxic Tracy (weight: 1.5) (value: 100)

    >Whip +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Bard's garb +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Bard's gloves +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Leather mask (weight: 1) (value: 13)

    >Potion creation starter kit (weight: 2) (value: 50)

    Current location:


    Current quests:

    ==[Old Hatreds]==

    Gregory resides in the snowy region of Frostfall, a location inhabited by very few people. The region is expansive, but the seer, Alessandra, assured you that Gregory's fortress would be easy to spot. You venture forth into the frozen wasteland in search of Alessandra's lifelong rival.

    You arrived at Gregory's black fortress. Alessandra and Gregory's confrontation resulted in him conjuring forth living beings made of snow. He disappeared into the fortress, leaving you alone with his artificial constructs.

    With the Snowbound defeated, you continued your pursuit of Gregory.

    After searching Gregory's fortress, you cornered the wizard himself. You engage him in battle, intending to make him answer for his crimes.

    [√] Locate Gregory's fortress

    [√] Defeat the Snowbound

    [√] Find Gregory

    [ ] Defeat Gregory the Fire Resistant

    ==[Magical Artifacts]==
    You happened upon a mysterious fellow in the sewers of Acrus, carrying an unusual relic. He mentioned that there are two other relics somewhere in Aekran that, when brought together, would lead their holder to an ancient ruin filled with unimaginable treasures. You decided to keep that in mind, just in case.

    Turns out that mysterious fellow was a power hungry megalomaniac known as Geralt of Nivea, and the story he told was only partially true. Whoever holds all of the relics will apparently gain an incredible power, enough to make taking over the Aekranian empire a very real possibility. You prevented Geralt from obtaining more of the relics, and even relieved him of one of them. One relic remains unaccounted for.
    [2/3] Obtain the three relics

    ==[Haunting Visions]==
    You were presented with a strange vision one night before you fell asleep. You don't know why, you don't know the meaning of the image, and y̭͙̹̱̥͉̕ͅo̝͈̥͉̦̜͝u̵̫̻̩͓̖ ̬̘̫̩͖ͅd̯͓̟͇̼̤o͍̜͇͕̦ṉ̬̰͓'̲̹̰͙̤̟t̫̰̞̥̟ ̗̱r̰̘̝̬̰͡ec̯̙̦o̡g͉͠n̪̹̼̮i̘̦̙͇͖̯z̳̻͈͇ͅe̹͟ ̼̤̥͔t̝̭͍̞̻͕͔h̸͍̜ę̖̩̭͚̻̞̝ ̴ḇ̡̙̩̼̹̪o̥͇̺̞͈d̜̪̠͕̻͔͝i͍͙͠e̳̳͓̞͉s̶̙͚ ͚̥ͅi̡͖̠̠ṉ͖̠ ̴͚̥̱ţ̩̘̯he̞͕̰ ҉wa̷̠̘͉͖̹̞̤t̝̠̬̯͓̩e̜̩̤̯̺͔̕r̗͖̖̳̩̺͠.̡̦̩. You decided to get some help from someone more with more knowledge on this subject. Ironhaven was your next stop.

    According to the Seer, you are being hunted by an eldritch horror named Kar-nthal the Formless. Apparently, it's trying to drive you insane so it can easily "assimilate" you. The seer is willing to help you track it down, but she needs some supplies. She's given you a list of what you'll need.

    You brought the seer the herbs and elixirs she needs, as well as resupplying her with sparkling water. She still requires the heart of an eldritch creature. Any enemy classified as eldritch should do.

    With an eldritch being's heart in hand, you should be able to track Kar-nthal the Formless. Return to the seer when you have an opportunity.
    [√] Visit the seer at Ironhaven
    [√] Obtain the herbs and elixirs
    [√] Obtain a case of sparkling water
    [√] Obtain the heart of an eldritch beast
    [ ] Return to the seer

    ==[An Imperial Contract]==

    The emperor of Aekran has contacted you directly. He has requested your presence in Acrus, the capital city of Aekran. You're unsure of what the emperor is asking of you, but completing a contract for him would not only pay well, but would also vastly improve your reputation. On your way to Acrus, however, you were ambushed by unknown assailants. You'll have to get through them before you can get to Acrus.

    Your meeting with the emperor was interesting. He informed you of an unusual rumor of monstrous sea creatures attacking people and dragging them into the sea, never to be seen again. He has asked you to investigate this matter and, if the rumors are true, put a stop to it.

    You engaged a bizarre sea creature in combat and have slain it. Whatever it is, it doesn't seem like a naturally occurring creature. This thing was created by someone, somehow. Not only that, but you encountered a ghost wearing sunglasses that wants you dead. You have decided to tell the emperor what happened on the shore.

    The emperor directed you toward the town of Ironhaven. A seer lives there, and she should be able to help you deal with the sunglasses-wearing ghost.

    On the way to Acrus, you were attacked by a group of brigands intending to rob you. One of them managed to escape, but he dropped what appears to be an identification badge depicting a hawk impaled with two swords. Judging by the fact that they have matching badges, they may be an organized faction. There may be value in learning more about them.

    Apparently, these bandits are been lurking around Acrus for some time. One of the city guards mentioned one of them being detained. You might be able to use your reputation to question the bandit and learn more.

    You cleared out the hideout in Acrus, with the brigand cell leader in tow. In a strange turn of events, some mysterious humanoid bear creature got loose in the building and laid waste to everyone inside. Additionally, it seems to have expressed interest in hunting you down at some point in the future.

    You cleared out the hideout along the country road. You learned that this particular band of brigands is a major Crimson dealer in this part of Aekran, and that they hired a hitman to deal with some of their major enemies. All you know about this hitman is that he goes by the name of Ghost.

    The last hideout was massacred by the strange bear creature. However, there was a survivor. He pointed you in the direction of the brigand leader's hideout. Apparently, it's along the outskirts of Ironhaven. You set off, hoping he hasn't relocated recently.

    You stormed the brigands' hideout and eliminated their leader. The assassin, Ghost, clumsily fell to his death. Though this particular band of brigands still has cells operating in other regions of Aekran, their efforts have been effectively crippled.

    ==[The Seer of Ironhaven]==
    Monstrous sea creatures do exist, and that appear to be lead by a ghost that wears sunglasses and speaks like a surfer dude. Honestly, it's not the weirdest thing that's happened to you on a job. The ghost is likely being summoned and controlled by a sorcerer somewhere in Aekran, and stopping them would more than likely dispel the spirit and destroy the sea monsters. In order to track down this malevolent sorcerer, the emperor has informed you of a seer in Ironhaven who should be able to help you. To get to Ironhaven, however, you'll need to obtain a boat.

    You arrived in Ironhaven without incident. Your next priority would be to visit the seer.

    The seer informed you that the sunglasses wearing spirit was summoned by a heretical mage known as Gregory. The only way to seal the spirit away is to stop Gregory, but to do so, you'll need to track him down. The seer pointed you in the direction of several creatures Gregory has summoned. Apparently, eliminating them and collecting whatever they leave behind will allow you to pinpoint his location. You set off, prepared for combat.

    You fought and defeated Krab, Cracker of Shells, and obtained its soul. Three foes remained before you could track Gregory down.

    It was a long fight, but you destroyed Mechacrab, the Cyborg Crustacean. Its core belonged to you now. Only two targets left.

    In a rather decisive battle, you slayed Crabbell, Ringer of the Tides and obtained a magical image of its bell. One target remains.

    You have vanquished all four of Gregory's champions. The seer should be able to help you locate him using the relics you obtained from them.

    You returned the remnants of Gregory's champions to the seer. After you assisted her in dealing with a group of assassins, she began to focus her magical power to locate the heretical mage, Gregory. It will take some time for her to finish, so you have been left with some free time.

    After a brief moment to yourself, the seer has located Gregory.

    The seer chose to accompany you on your quest to defeat Gregory. She tracked the heretical mage to the desolate region of Frostfall. You set off immediately, ready for whatever may lie ahead.

    Your attributes determine your stats. You can increase your attributes by leveling up, equipping powerful gear, and by utilizing training halls in towns. Your basic attributes determine your basic stats, while your magic attributes affect your ability to wield different types of magic. You get one skill point whenever you level up, which can be spent to increase any attribute.

    Here is a list of all attributes.

    =====[Basic attributes]=====

    Vitality determines your max HP and your resistance to certain status effects and damage types.
    Max HP
    Physical damage resistances
    Multiple status resistances, including bleed, frost, and poison

    Endurance determines your damage resistance, equip load, and speed, as well as your resistance to certain status effects.
    Damage resistances
    Max equip load
    Multiple status resistances, including stagger, vulnerability, and burn

    Attunement determines your max mana and the number of spell slots available, as well as your resistance to certain types of magic.
    Max mana
    Number of spell slots
    Elemental damage resistances

    Strength determines the effectiveness of certain weapon types, your maximum carry capacity, and your ability to win clashes.
    Effectiveness of strength-scaling weapons
    Maximum inventory capacity
    Effectiveness in clashes

    Dexterity determines the effectiveness of certain weapon types, your ability to evade attacks, and your ability to land critical hits.
    Effectiveness of dexterity-scaling weapons
    Evasion dice rolls
    Critical hit dice rolls

    Intelligence determines the effectiveness of certain spells, your mana regeneration, and the effectiveness of certain relics.
    Effectiveness of intelligence-scaling magic and weapons
    Effectiveness of intelligence-scaling relics
    Mana regeneration rate

    Faith determines the effectiveness of certain spells, the healing you receive, and the effectiveness of certain relics.
    Effectiveness of faith-scaling magic and weapons
    Effectiveness of faith-scaling relics
    Healing received

    Luck influences your ability to succeed in nearly all aspects by rigging the dice in your favor.
    All dice rolls

    Charisma determines your ability to persuade others, as well as your buy and sell prices at shops.
    Persuasion ability
    Buying prices at shops
    Selling prices at shops

    =====[Magic stats]=====

    Your basic knowledge of magic. It primarily affects basic magic spells, but has a slight influence on all other types of magic.

    Your knowledge of water magic. Water-based spells are highly versatile and can be used in offensive and defensive roles.

    Your knowledge of fire magic. Fire-based spells are primarily offensive, dealing high damage and immolating targets.

    Your knowledge of earth magic. Earth-based spells have strong defensive capabilities, while also being useful attacks.

    Your knowledge of wind magic. Wind-based spells can be used in several ways, from enhancing mobility to breaking the enemy's formation.

    Your knowledge of ice magic. Ice-based spells can take the form of powerful attacks or inexorable
    defensive wards.

    Your knowledge of lightning magic. Lightning-based spells have excellent attack power, and synergize well with water magic.

    Your knowledge of necromancy. Necromancers are able to reanimate the dead, as well as create deadly
    poisons and toxins.

    Your knowledge of shapeshifting magic. Polymorphs are highly respected in combat for their adaptability and quick thinking.

    ==[Light magic]==
    Your knowledge of light magic. Light-based spells are primarily used to ward off demonic creatures and heal wounds.

    ==[Dark magic]==
    Your knowledge of dark magic. Darkness-based spells are a seldom used type of magic, as their use is forbidden in several parts of the world.

    Your stats are an indication of how powerful you are. You want them to be as high as possible. Your stats primarily increase as you level up your attributes, though there are other means of enhancing your stats.

    Here is a list of all stats.


    Your hit points. These decrease as you take damage. If you run out of HP, you get KO'd.

    ==[Damage resistances]==

    Damage resistances indicate a percentage reduction to the damage you take. Most resistances are divided into the various damage types. One point of damage resistance reduces incoming damage by 1%.


    Defenses indicate a static reduction to the damage you take. Most defenses are divided into the various damage types. One point of defense reduces incoming damage by one point.

    ==[Status resistances]==

    Status resistances indicate your ability to resist status effects applied to you. Status resistances are divided into vitality status resistance and endurance status resistance. Higher status resistance reduces the chance of you being afflicted with a status effect, as well as the potency of the status effect if you do get afflicted.

    ==[Equip load]==

    Your equip load measures how heavy your equipped gear can be. As you get closer to the maximum, your evasion rolls will be lowered, and if you go over your maximum equip load, you won't be able to evade attacks at all.


    Speed determines when in each turn you'll be able to take your action. Raising your speed will allow you take your actions sooner in the turn.


    Mana is used to cast spells and use active abilities. You regenerate some of your mana every turn.

    ==[Inventory capacity]==

    Your carrying capacity determines how many items you can carry on your person. Heavier items take up more space. This is a separate stat from equip load, so having a full inventory won't affect your ability to dodge.

    ==[Persuasion score]==

    Persuasion score is your ability to talk your way into getting what you want. There are several factors that influence persuasion score, most notably your charisma attribute. Higher persuasion score makes it easier to win people over with words alone.

    Weapon proficiencies indicate a higher level of skill in utilizing certain weapon types. If you use a weapon type you're proficient with, the weapon's stats will be enhanced in various ways. There are two ways to obtain weapon proficiencies: class selection, and undergoing weapon training. Every class has their own set of weapon proficiencies, but you can become proficient with other weapon types by finding weapon masters willing to teach you, at which point you'll begin a personal side quest to become proficient in a new weapon type.

    Every turn in combat, each player gets to take a major action and a minor action. Major actions are things like attacking enemies, healing allies, and using items. Minor actions are things like searching containers, talking to people, and looking around. If you choose to take a minor action, your major action will be slightly weakened, so there's value in only taking a major action. You can also take two minor actions at once, if you so choose.

    The order in which units take their turn is determined by their speed and the results of a dice roll. Your turn priority is your speed + (1 x D6). Units with the highest turn priority go first, and units with the lowest go last. Turn order will be listed on every update. If a player doesn't take their action in an update, their action that turn will be skipped.

    When a player's HP reaches zero, they get knocked out. KO'd players can only perform minor actions, and therefor can't heal allies or attack enemies. Players cannot be KO'd outside of combat.

    KO'd players will automatically be revived with 10% of their max HP at the end of combat. There are other means of reviving players in the middle of battle, though they require abilities, items, or particularly effective healing attempts.

    The damage players inflict is dependent on the strength of their weapon, the result of their attack dice rolls, and the creativity of their attack. Your weapon's attack stat is the minimum amount of damage the weapon can deal, assuming you get an average dice roll and perform a basic attack. Putting more effort and creativity into your attacks increases the damage of your attack, up to double your weapon's attack stat. High dice rolls can further enhance your damage.

    Blocking can be performed as a minor action. Doing so will grant you an amount of block that depends on your weapons' defensive value and the outcome of a dice roll. Block functions as damage absorption; you'll lose block before you lose HP.

    Whenever you perform something significant, you gain XP. When you gain enough XP, you level up. Leveling up allows you to enhance your attributes and, occasionally, learn a new ability. You can learn a new ability every 5 levels. There is no level cap.

    Every 5 levels grants you the ability to learn a new ability. When this happens, you can create your own ability to obtain. Do note that the ability's strength must be reasonable for your current level, and if your ability is too strong, it may have to be nerfed. It's also recommended that your abilities thematically fit with your class, as this will make them stronger.

    There are also preset abilities that can be learned throughout the game, at various sources. You can mix these in with your custom abilities to create a build that works perfectly for you.

    There are several types of damage, all of which have their strengths and weaknesses. Each damage type also has an associated status effect that will occasionally be inflicted when damage of that type is dealt.

    Here is a list of all damage types.

    Impact: inflicted by bludgeoning weapons. Can occasionally stagger an enemy, hindering their accuracy and evasion.

    Slash: inflicted by blades. Can occasionally cause enemies to bleed.

    Puncture: inflicted by thrusting weapons and projectiles. Can occasionally weaken an enemy, reducing their damage output.

    Water: inflicted by hydromancy and water-infused weapons. Can occasionally douse the target in water, making them vulnerable to electricity.

    Fire: inflicted by pyromancy and fire-infused weapons. Can occasionally light the target on fire.

    Earth: inflicted by geomancy and earth-infused weapons. Can occasionally shatter an enemy's defenses, leaving them vulnerable.

    Wind: inflicted by aeromancy and wind-infused weapons. Can occasionally disarm the target, weakening them or forcing them to grab their weapon.

    Ice: inflicted by cryomancy and ice-infused weapons. Can occasionally freeze the target.

    Electric: inflicted by electromancy and lightning-infused weapons. Can occasionally electrify the target, which also shocks nearby enemies.

    Toxic: inflicted by poisons. Can occasionally poison the target.

    Magic: inflicted by magic. Can occasionally hex the target, making them more vulnerable to status effects.

    Light: inflicted by light magic. Can occasionally blind the target, or severely damage eldritch creatures.

    Dark: inflicted by dark magic. Can occasionally corrupt the target, which can frequently lead to an early demise.

    You can look around at any time. Doing so can allow you to find items, notice interesting people, and get your bearings. Looking around counts as a minor action in combat.

    Heavier equipment can increase your level of encumbrance, which can impact your evasion.

    If you are below 30% of your max equip load, you'll gain +1 to your evasion dice rolls.

    If you're between 30% and 60%, your evasion won't be impacted at all.

    If you're over 60%, you'll gain -1 to your evasion rolls.

    If you're over 100%, you won't be able to dodge attacks at all.

    You slowly heal over time when out of combat. You can accelerate the process with items or abilities. Using items or abilities will also allow you to heal in the middle of combat.

    Sometimes, you'll get to choose what to say to people. You can say whatever you want, but be ready to deal with the consequences of your words.

    Enemies can be classified as human, beast, or eldritch. Some perks and abilities may affect different classes differently, but that's about it.

    You gain skill points whenever you level up. You can use them to increase your attributes and magic skills, or to upgrade your abilities.

    If you run out of HP, you are KO'd for the rest of combat, or until someone revives you. While KO'd, you can only perform minor actions. KO'd players will automatically be revived after combat.

    KO'd players can be revived in combat with certain items and abilities, or a high roll on a healing action. If a healing action isn't particularly powerful, it'll have no effect on a KO'd player. Players are typically revived with 25% of their HP.

    An item's perk points depends on its rarity. Uncommon items have 1, rare items have 2, legendary items have 3, and mythical and primeval items have 5. Uncommon perks require 1 point, rare ones require 2, legendary ones require 3, and primeval ones require 4.
    Posted in: Forum Games
  • 0

    posted a message on Legends of Aekran | Kinda like DnD!

    Sorry, but I won’t be able to update the game today. I’ll be able to do it tomorrow.

    Feel free to take another turn’s worth of actions in the meantime.

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Outpost Defenders: Retribution | Assassinating the assassin
    Quote from GoldHero101»

    "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" I grab a bulldozer and throw it onto the Voidwitch. I infuse my fists with Fatal Shot and start punching ontop- you know what, have a video of what I do.

    Regardless of how you throw it, this witch gets beat up gud.

    You infuse your fists with fatal shot power, and pummel the hell out of the assassin, dealing 129 damage to her! +78 XP!

    Quote from Stickcrafter»

    I buy and use a Crit-a-Cola.

    You buy a crit-a-cola and use it!

    Quote from Player_Miner»

    I fire a Trishot of Splitting Rounds to achieve a Trishot of Trishots.

    You spend extra energy to divide your Trishot, allowing you to deal 18 damage to all enemies except the riftkeeper! +103 XP!

    The venator spits into two copies of itself.

    ==[Prime reaction]==

    The sectopod prime fires at the thermoshadow, dealing 40 damage.

    Quote from Algot120»

    I show up and steal the woidwitchs wanishing winds ability,

    "I'd rather you don't do that please"

    Welcome back, brother!

    You make the assassin unable to use Vanishing Winds this turn! +12 XP!

    Some advice: you might want to grab some gear from the bag of holding.

    Quote from Winkins»

    Sniper does a job, spotting the assassin and goes for the Headshot.

    You crack the assassin through the skull, dealing more than enough damage to kill her twice over! +215 XP!

    Quote from Algot120»

    I propose a new item.


    X uses ???$

    a realy realy Realy REALY REALY REALY REALY REALY REALY REALY REALY REALY REALY! sharp (like seriously it is like infinitely sharp or something (that is not an exagregation(Realy it's not))) sharp enough to cut throug LITERALLY ANYTHING (that is not an exagregation either) even the fabric of space time (I'm not making this up). ignores armour completely due to cuting throgh it like an infiniteley warm yet somehow still solid knife through butter(even if said armour is made of THIS-MATTERIAL-IS-INDESTRUCTIBLE-BECAUSE-THE-GAME-MASTER-SAYS-SO-IUM (for real(this is no joke))) if used to attack, mainly usefull for creating portals to other realities (by cuting straight through the fabric of spacetime) did I mention it is realy sharp

    Research accepted.

    Quote from BaconBusterYT»

    "It's 'WRYYYYYYYY' you uncultured pleb!"

    I turn to Madron as I proc Power Surge.

    "See, that's the problem with you narcissistic villain types. You never consider the possibility of your foes, especially 'puny humans', being able to stand up to you until it's too late. Why do you think yourself so high and mighty when you've clearly seen what we can do even before we reached this point?"

    As I'm saying this, I'm focusing all the Electric Bursts I can into the palm of my hand.

    "But on the other hand, overconfidence makes for an easy opponent. So with that said..."

    Suddenly, I wavedash to the front of the Voidwitch in the blink of an eye. Reflexively, she moves to block my focused Burst, only to catch a surprise knee to the stomach. Stunned and off guard, the last thing she hears is the crackle of electricity before my charged-up palm hits her face.

    You activate Power Surge, deliver your speech, and attack the riftkeeper. Your knee deals 29 damage, and your electrically powered palm strike deals a total of 156 damage and galvanizes it, chaining 18 damage to the gatekeeper and the heavy BIO trooper, chaining even further to deal 9 damage to the armored viper! +173 XP!

    Quote from Winkins»

    Looking into breaking the two sectoids left on the field, I ready myself with a Piercing Shot and take out an Electrical-tipped Ballista Bolt. Carefully handling I load it into my Executioner-transformed ballista and watch it fly as it electrocutes and pierces through the Sectoids.

    You blast both sectopods with a piercing shot, annihilating both of them! +265 XP! Together, they drop 399 materials and $280!

    Quote from BaconBusterYT»

    I drop the Moonlight Greatsword on the Venator from an unnecessarily high altitude, which consumes both Surge actions for both physical and arcane damage. Yeet.

    You deliver a plunging attack with the Moonlight Greatsword, killing a venator! +99 XP!

    Quote from Winkins»

    The Executioner, being constantly changed into a different shape for the past few turns, finds itself turn into a tomahawk. Once again, being in the grasp of its owner is then charged with an electrical current that focuses on its axe head before being tomahawked towards the Venator for a Headshot.

    You headshot the venator with your tomahawk shaped weapon, killing it! +210 XP! It drops 151 materials and $80!

    Quote from XSlayer300»

    I blast the weakest enemy with my Eden's Shotgun before closing in and stabbing the enemy with it.

    You shoot the gatekeeper, but miss!

    Quote from Stickcrafter»

    I then buy and use a Berserker Stimulant.


    You buy a berserker stimulant and fly into a terrifying rage, dealing 159 damage to all enemies! This kills the gatekeeper! +564 XP! It drops 219 materials and $100! You lose 30% HP!

    Quote from Player_Miner»

    I’m a firin’ ma lazor! *PEW*

    You shoot the riftkeeper, but miss!
    Quote from BaconBusterYT»

    If the Voidwitch is still somehow NOT DEAD YET...then I throw her into a garbage disposal located somewhere in universe #07. Her or some other poor enemy if she's dead. While that's happening another poor sap catches a cold.

    You send the riftkeeper to the garbage disposal, critting it for 41 damage! Meanwhile, the armored viper catches a cold and gets poisoned. +46 XP.

    My action: I glue any of Stickcrafter's broken bones back together, healing him for 31 HP.

    ==[Enemy turn]==

    The sectopods' cores detonate, dealing a total of 60 damage to Winkins.

    The riftkeeper takes 21 DoT of varying types, then opens a medium rift. A single omega berserker emerges.

    The BIO trooper takes damage over time, and collapses to the ground. He survives due to sustain.

    The armored viper takes 17 DoT, then tries and fails to bind Bacon.

    ==[Ally turn]==

    The exclusion zone bombards the enemies, missing the riftkeeper but hitting the other enemies for 25 damage. This kills the BIO trooper and the armored viper. Together, they drop 320 materials, $120, and a trinket that goes into the bag of holding.

    ==[Berserker aggression]==

    The omega berserker charges after the thermoshadow and crushes its skull. It perishes.

    The cardinals attack every enemy, missing the riftkeeper but dealing 6 damage to the omega berserker.

    ==[Berserker aggression]==

    The omega berserker swings her fist at Winkins, but misses.

    Stickcrafter regenerates 5 HP.

    The assassin's body disappears in a column of light. The sarcophagus cracks further.

    Winkins + Bacon + Miner [piercing shot] Sectopod prime

    Winkins + XSlayer + Bacon + Miner [piercing shot] Sectopod - Double kill!

    Bacon [Moonlight Greatsword] Venator

    Winkins + Miner [headshot] Venator

    Stickcrafter + Bacon + Winkins + Miner + XSlayer [Berserker Storm] Gatekeeper

    Zeus Exclusion Zone + Bacon + Miner + Stickcrafter [annihilation protocol] Heavy BIO Trooper

    Zeus Exclusion Zone + Miner + Bacon + Stickcrafter [annihilation protocol] Armored viper

    Berserker omega [crushing fist] Thermoshadow

    Handful of Shrapnel [uncommon]

    Why are you collecting shrapnel?
    Attacks have a 5% chance to cause bleeding


    BioShock_Rules, the Omega [Medic, Level 16] [XP: 220/1,300] [85 accuracy | 5 evasion]

    [+|==========] 78/106 [Weapon: Eden's Soul (Shrapnel Launcher)] [Armor: Armor of Thorns] [Trinket: Medkit] [ATK| 18] [Heal| 26+5] [Rage: 1/8]

    [E|==========] 60/60 [Items| Golden Syringe (2 turns)] [SUPER| Ubercharge: 120/120]

    [Critical Heal] [Medical Grenade: 25] [Bleed Me Dry: 25] [Mutual Aid] [Healing Field: 35] [Revive: 35] [Cure: 30] [Stun Strike: 30] [Perk: Aggression] [Perk: Healing Factor] [Perk: Sustain]

    Gold, Timekeeper [Assault Gunner, Level 19] [XP: 784/1,600] [97 accuracy | 5 evasion] [(2)Time Charge: 10%] {Enraged for 1 attack}

    [+|===|=======] 154/154 {Venomdrive armor: 0/300} [Weapon: True Keeper of Time: Ragnarok] [Armor: Overly Protective Munitions Vest] [Trinket: Aimbot Glasses w/ Warlock Bond] [ATK| 33] [Heal| 22] [Rage: 8/8]

    [E|==========] 45/120 [Items| Flamethrower (1/7), Endermite Shotgun (4/5), Ancient Potion (2/3), Anti Air Artillery Battery (1/2), Shredder Saw (5/7), Chemikaliewerfer (5/7), Energy Injector (1/1), Shrapnel Launcher, Flak Jacket, Medical Armor, Distortion Field, Laser Sight, Exploded Rocket (x2), Libra Charm, Three of Coins, Bowl of Nails, Hallownest Seal] [SUPER| Stormtrance: 79/160]

    [Lock and Load] [Fatal Shot: 35] [Omnishot: 45] [Suppress: 25] [Concussive Shot: 25] [Bleeder] [Deadly Crits] [Dazing Fire] [Perk: Fully Loaded] [Perk: Scavenger] [Perk: Scrounger] [Warp: 35] [Anger Management: Ready] [Energy Bolt: 40] [Enhanced Battery III] [Conditioning III] [Agility I] [Health Recovery III] [Zero In III] [Total Immunity] [Minor Regen]

    BaconBusterYT, the Dragon Slayer [Specialist, Level 22] [XP: 3,086/2,400] [95 accuracy | 20 evasion] {Power Surge for 2 turns}

    [+|==========] 86/111 [Weapon: Dragon Knight's Arms] [Armor: Lightweight Conduit] [Trinket: Egg] [ATK| 32] [Heal| 21] [Rage: 0/8]

    [E|==========] 43/145 [Items| Sunlight Spear (2/3), Charcoal Pine Resin (2/3), Razor Wire (1/1), Burst Rifle, Matador 64, Outbreak Prime, WAR Suit, Eyeglasses, Distortion Field, Medkit, Handful of Shrapnel, Blind Rage, Curved Horn, Sharp Plug] [SUPER| Power Surge: 140/140]

    [Electric Burst III: 20] [Snapfreeze: 25] [Rapid Recharge] [Grapple II: 20] [Psychosis: 30] [Imprecation II] [Replicate: 35] [Doppelganger: 40] [Lightning Charge: 30] [Perk: Energetic] [Perk: Skilled] [Perk: Rechargeable Battery] [Perk: Heartbreaker] [Agility II] [Enhanced Battery III] [Cure: 30]

    Stickcrafter, the Omega [Assault Gunner, Level 21] [XP: 2,808/2,200] [90 accuracy | 10 evasion] {Minor regen for 1 turn} {Level up available}

    [+|==========] 67/147 [Weapon: The Prime Reanimator] [Armor: Resplendently Bony Capacitor] [Trinket: Instructional Booklet] [ATK| 53] [Heal| 11] [Rage: 0/8]

    [E|==========] 165/165 [Items| Beehive (1/3), Seeker Drone (1/1), Twisted Funnel (1/1), Repair Kit (ready), Healing Drone (1/1), SVD Stealth Sniper (4/5), Precision Rifle, Marksman Rifle, MS34 Shieldbreaker, Custom Zap Rifle, Double Barrel Shotgun, Leecher, Conduit Armor, Medical Armor, Hideous Armor, FTL Rig, Instructional Booklet, Libra Charm] [SUPER| Bullet Storm: 63/130]

    [Lock and Load] [Critical Shot: 20] [Armor Breaker] [Suppress: 25] [Concussive Shot: 25] [Bleeder] [Dazing Fire] [Bullet Hell: 35] [Stun Strike: 30] [Flashbang: 25] [Idiot Ball: 35] [Mark for Death: 45] [Perk: Vitality] [Perk: Aggression] [Perk: Overclock] [Skilled] [Agility II] [Conditioning III] [Enhanced Battery III] [Deadshot III] [Zero In]

    Gen Winkins [Sharpshooter, Level 25] [XP: 1,498/10,000] [110+25 accuracy | 0 evasion]

    [+|==========] 41/143 {Armor: 2/50} [Weapon: Executioner] [Armor: Mask of the Marksman] [Trinket: Portable Generator] [ATK| 73] [Heal| 18] [Rage: 3/8]

    [E|==========] 115/145 [Items| Mimic Beacon (2/2), Clockwork Souvenir (1/2), Mesh Mine (2/2), EMP Grenade (1/1), Repair Kit (ready) Carbine, Burst Rifle, Heavy Pistol, Thunder Railgun, Overly Protective Armor, Instructional Booklet (x2), Medkit, Bowl of Nails, Egg, Hallownest Seal] [SUPER| Aimbot: 0/135]

    [Crackshot] [Headshot III: 20] [Piercing Shot III: 25] [Quickdraw II: 25] [Trickshot II: 25] [Point Blank II: 25] [Eagle Eyes: 30] [Faceoff III: 35] [Clutch Shot II: 35] [Skullcracker] [Fan Fire II: 35] [Deadly Crits] [Firefly] [Unshakable Focus] [Critboost III: 35] [Energy Drain III: Ready] [Perk: Skilled] [Perk: Rechargeable Battery] [Perk: Scrounger] [Perk: Heartbreaker] [Perk: Jack of All Trades] [Enhanced Battery III] [Regenerative Battery II] [Conditioning III] [Arc Soul II: 30] [Warp III: 35] [Idiot Ball II: 35] [Inversion II: 25] [Stun Strike II: 30] [Health Recovery III] [Zero In III] [Blessing of the Marksman]

    Col Player_Miner [Assault Gunner, Level 21] [XP: 2,312/2,200] [90+5 accuracy | 10 evasion]

    [+|==========] 74/152 {Armor: 0/50} [Weapon: Seeking Electrosapper] [Armor: The Inexorable Reaper] [Trinket: Hudlenses] [ATK| 54] [Heal| 16] [Rage: 3/8]

    [E|==========] 100/120 [Items| Feint Shot (3/7), Air Breaker Pistol (7/7), Serpent Suit] [SUPER| Bullet Storm: 137/150]

    [Lock and Load] [Critical Shot: 20] [Trishot: 25] [Fleche II: 30] [Bleeder] [Concussive Shot: 25] [Dazing Fire] [Bullet Hell: 35] [Perk: Skilled] [Perk: Fully Loaded] [Perk: Scrounger] [Perk: Furious] [Conditioning III] [Agility II] [Zero In II] [Inversion II: 25] [Energy Drain II: Ready] [Deadshot III] [Life Steal] [Overkill] [Blessing of the Blood Knight] [Critical Resistance I]

    XSlayer300, the Alpha [Specialist, Level 19] [XP: 1,003/1,600] [80 accuracy | 0 evasion]

    [+|==========] 79/104 [Weapon: Eden's Shotgun (+Deathslayer's Blade)] [Armor: Armor of Boundless Light] [Trinket: Strange Coin] [ATK| 36] [Heal| 20] [Rage: 4/8]

    [E|==========] 180/180 [Items| Data Card (1/1), Golden Syringe (ready), Lifeline Package (1/1), Grenade Launcher, Incendiary Shotgun, Piercing Railgun, Capacitor armor, Distortion Field] [SUPER| Power Surge: 77/140]

    [Electric Burst II: 20] [Snapfreeze: 25] [Rapid Recharge] [Grapple: 25] [Sensory Overload: 30] [Imprecation] [Intensity] [Flay: 35] [Zero In] [Regenerative Battery II] [Enhanced Battery] [Deadshot II] [Emergency Stim: 40, 1/1] [Energy Bolt: 40] [Armor Phase: 35] [Angel of Light: Ready] [Perk: Energetic] [Perk: Rechargeable Battery] [Perk: Immune System]

    Algot120, Pure Vessel [Engineer, Level 15] [XP: 612/1,200] [80 accuracy | 0 evasion]

    [+|==========] 80/80 [Weapon: Submachine Gun] [Armor: Basic armor] [Trinket: None] [ATK| 17] [Heal| 12] [Rage: 0/8]

    [E|==========] 85/85 [Items| None] [SUPER| Overdrive: 0/130]

    [Micro Turret II: 25] [Shield Projector II: 25] [Improved Tech] [Built to Last] [Vortex Generator] [Self Repair] [Energy Drain: Ready] [Critboost: 35] [Arc Soul: 30] [Warp: 35] [Stun Strike: 30] [Cure: 30] [Energy Shield: 30] [Energy Wall: 35] [Energy Bolt: 40] [Health Recovery I] [Regenerative Battery I] [Zero In] [Perk: Energetic] [Perk: Fully Loaded] [Perk: Scrounger]


    Riftkeeper [Level 30 | 80 accuracy | 25 evasion] {Bleeding for 1 turn} {Burning for 2 turns} {Galvanized for 2 turns}

    [HP: 94/400] [Resistances: 20| 15| 15| -10| 10| 10| 30]

    [Small Rift: Ready] [Medium Rift: 4 turns] [Large Rift: 4 turns] [Psionic Sustain]

    Berserker omega [Level 30 | 75 accuracy | 0 evasion]

    [HP: 265/300] [Resistances: 15| 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| 10]

    [Omega War Cry: Ready] [Devastating Punch: Ready] [Plasma Quake: Ready] [Berserker Aggression]


    Mobile minigun turret [Ammo: 1/4]

    Zeus Exclusion Zone 4X [HP: 100/100] {Guarded by Stickcrafter}

    Algot's shield projector [HP: 210/210] [Occupied spaces: 1/3] [XSlayer]

    Siege's fire reinforced shield [HP: 600/600] {Spaces occupied: 1/3} [Gold]

    Spanish Inquisition radio [HP: 50/50] {Guarded by Miner}

    Camp [HP: 450/450] {Provides space for 1 large construction}

    Bank [HP: 400/400] {Generates $50 every turn}

    Recycler [HP: 349/350] {Converts enemy and ally HP into extra money and materials when they die} {+5 evasion}


    Modifiers: Callback

    Bag of holding [Fiend Fire (1), After Image (1), Trip (1), Quick Slash (1), Neutralize (1), Bandage Up (1/1), Leg Sweep (1/1), Glacier (1/1), Battle Trance (3/3), Acrobatics (3/3), Zap (3/3), Transmutation (3/3), Rip and Tear (3/3), Smoke Grenade (1/1), Repair Kit (ready), Shield (103/103), Wraith Form (1/1), Strike (1/1), Good Instincts (1/1), Tempest (1/1), Metallicize (1/1), Flamethrower (3/4), Zap Rifle (x2), Heavy Rifle (x2), Burst Rifle (x2), Precision Rifle, Carbine, Marksman Rifle, Grenade Launcher (x2), MS34 Shieldbreaker, M11 AIR (x4), Incendiary Shotgun, Seeker Rifle (x2), Railgun, Broadsword (x2), Big Stick, Eden's Soul, Pure Nail (∞), Conduit Armor (x2), Flak Jacket (x4), Ballistic Vest, Wizard Robes, Capacitor armor (x2), Absurdly Heavy Armor (x2), Munitions Vest (x3), Armor of Thorns (x2), Marksman Visor (x3), Armor of Bone, No Armor, Irradiated Armor, Wings of Sacred Dawn, FTL Rig, Slightly Worried Armor, Armored Armor, Hunter Cloak, Titan Mark, Instructional Booklet (x2), Distortion Field (2), Exploded Rocket, Aim Assist, Medkit, Handful of Shrapnel (x2), Salt Shaker, Strange Coin (x4), Three of Coins (x2), Occult Charm, Rusted Wrench]

    Bag of future alteration [Empty]


    [X] Locate the ascension chamber

    [X] Activate the teleporter

    [X] Investigate the object

    [X] Defeat the assassin

    [X] Destroy the assassin's sarcophagus

    [ ] Finish the enemies



    Money: $28,354

    Materials: 10,139


    AA Missiles [$300 | 2 uses]: Basic AA missiles that deal 12 damage to a single target. Can optionally spend an action locking onto a target, which grants perfect accuracy. Deals 50% more damage to airborne targets.

    Stun Lance [$600 | 3 uses]: Deals (ATK x 1.3) damage and has a 25% chance to stun or disorient the target.

    Shade Soul [$600 | 2 uses]: Fire a weaponized dark spirit, dealing (ATK x 1.25) damage as pure damage.

    SAM Turret [$1,100 | 80 HP]: Deploy a surface-to-air missile turret that automatically targets airborne enemies and deals 25 damage to them. Does nothing to grounded enemies.

    Flamethrower [$100 | 4 uses]: Deals (ATK x 1.25) as fire damage, and has a 30% chance to ignite the target.
    Random Bomb Generator [$150 | 1 use]: Randomly generate a number between 1 and 6. That many bombs will be thrown at random targets.
    SVD Stealth Sniper [$250 | 4 uses]: Deals 15 damage and has a 10% chance to land a headshot that instantly kills normal enemies. Headshots deal double damage to bosses and master level enemies.
    Yellow Ray [$400 | 1 use]: Instantly destroys an enemy. Any armor they were carrying will be dropped and equipped by the user. Only stuns bosses, and against master enemies, halves their current HP.
    Chemikaliewerfer [$250 | 4 uses]: Deals 10 damage and damages the target for a third of your ATK stat every turn for 3 turns. Never misses.
    Endermite Shotgun [$600 | 2 uses]: Fires Ender pearls, causing the user to teleport rapidly, giving every enemy a 40% chance of being distracted and damaged for the user's ATK stat. Afterwards, deals (ATK x 1.5) damage to a random enemy.
    The Debilitating Dagger [$900 | 3 uses]: Deals (ATK x 0.5) damage and permanently disables a selected ability. Deals 5 extra damage when disabling an ability. Disabling lasts for 2 turns on master enemies, and 1 turn for bosses. Only has a 50% chance to disable abilities on master enemies and bosses.
    Mobile Minigun Turret [$1,250 | 4 uses]: When purchased, spends a turn deploying itself. Afterwards, can be used by all players to deal (ATK x 1.2) damage to up to three targets in a line. Must be redeployed every wave, unless the team's location doesn't change between waves.
    Atom Bomb [$6,000 | 1 use] (sold out for 1 mission): Deals (ATK x 7) damage to all enemies, with damage reducing as targets get further away from the original target. Minimum damage is (ATK x 4). Survivors have a 20% chance to be afflicted by fallout, which deals 5 damage to them every turn for 3 turns.
    Shredder Saw [$400 | 3 uses]: When used with an attack, the attack will deal half damage to health, but deal double damage to armor and shields.

    Grenade Launcher Attachment [$850 | 3 uses]: Can be used to deal (ATK x 2) damage to a primary target along with (ATK x 0.5) damage to both nearby targets.

    Building Hating Rocket Propelled Sledge [$750 | 3 uses]: A sledgehammer imbued with the building hatred of fallen construction workers. Deals (ATK x 6) damage to enemy buildings, but can't damage anything else.

    Zantankuto Sword [$450 | 5 uses]: Deals 20 damage and instantly breaks enemy armor. However, cannot land critical hits, and prevents the use of other items until broken or given away.

    Anti Air Artillery Battery [$600 | 2 uses]: Deals (ATK x 0.5) damage to ground units, but deals (ATK x 3) damage to aircraft.

    Freezethrower [$100 | 4 uses]: Deals (ATK x 1.25) as ice damage, and has a 30% chance to freeze the target.

    Berserker Stimulant [$4,000 | 1 use]: Immediately charge your super and unleash it simultaneously. Your super's effectiveness is doubled, and it stores whatever charge your super already had and grants it to you immediately. When used, your rage resets to 0, and you lose 30% of your HP. Requires a full turn to use, meaning you cannot perform any other actions for the entire turn. If the super is single target, the target is chosen at random. Can only be used on yourself.

    Subtleknife [$700 | 3 uses]: An incomprehensibly sharp knife that allows your attacks to ignore armor.

    Combat Armor [$150 | 50 HP]: Provides 50 armor that absorbs 50% of incoming damage until broken.
    Clockwork Souvenir [$400 | 2 uses]: When held, negative status effects you obtain will be dispelled immediately, consuming one use of this item.
    Shield [$125 | Variable HP]: Assume a defensive stance at the start of the next turn. While defending, all incoming damage is absorbed by the shield. HP is 75% of the team's average HP.
    Portable Cover [$90 | 1 use]: Creates a piece of average cover that can be used by either side.
    Venomdrive Armor [$850 | Variable HP]: Starts off providing no armor. When taking toxic damage, 40% of the damage dealt becomes HP for the armor, which provides 50% damage protection. Max armor is 300. While the user is poisoned, the status effect is converted into the Poisonous ability, allowing them to inflict poison with their attacks. Grants the option to generate your own poison, at the cost of (poison level2 x 2) HP.
    Zap Field [$500 | 1 use]: For 2 turns, players and allies gain a defensive field that deals electric damage to attackers. Damage depends on the user's ATK stat.
    Portable Rampart [$500 | 1 use]: Deploys a piece of decent cover that can only be used by the side that deploys it.

    Redlight Redirector [$750 | 2 uses]: Set up a portal in front of an enemy, causing their attacks to be redirect to a random enemy for 1.25x damage.

    Feint Shot [$400 | 5 uses]: When held, gain a 10% chance to interrupt any enemy action and deal a flat 10 physical damage to them.

    Guts Headband [$350 | 1 use]: When held, the wearer has a 20% chance to survive lethal damage with 1 HP, even if they only have 1 HP. Breaks after taking effect. Does not work against status effects and instant kill moves.

    Armor Pack [$500 | 1 use]: Grants armor to an ally equal to 33% of their max HP.

    Artifact Potion [$350 | 1 use]: Negates the next debuff you would receive.

    Buffer Potion [$600 | 1 use]: Prevents the next instance of HP loss you would suffer. Won't be consumed if you fully block the HP loss.

    Flashbang [$200 | 1 use]: Blinds an enemy, drastically reducing their accuracy.

    Medkit [$200 | 1 use]: Restore (heal x 2) HP to an ally.

    Nano Shot [$450 | 1 use]: Immediately gain a flat 5 HP, then regenerate 15% of your HP every turn for 3 turns.

    Emergency Flare [$1,500 | 1 use]: After a 1 turn delay, call in two random hired mercenaries as reinforcements. They will depart after the mission ends.

    Cure-All Serum [$350 | 1 use]: Cures all negative status effects.

    Life Orb [$1,000 | 50 HP]: Deploy a rejuvenating orb that steadily heals all players for 3 turns or until it is destroyed.

    Splash Potion of Healing [$90 | 1 use]: Throw to perform a minimum effectiveness heal to a primary target and both nearby targets.
    Smoke Grenade [$75 | 1 use]: Reduces an enemy's accuracy by 30.
    Essence of Life [$750 | 1 use]: Restores 10 HP and grants the target health regen for 3 turns. If the target is killed/KO'd during the regen, they will be revived with 10% of their max HP, and the effect ends.
    Potion of Invisibility [$600 | 1 use]: Turn a target invisible. While invisible, you can't be attacked or detected in stealth missions, and your next attack's damage is doubled. Cannot attack and use the potion at the same time.
    Poutine Gun [$500 | 3 uses]: Sticks a target in place, reducing their evasion by (evasion x 0.75) and giving them a 35% chance of not being able to attack on their turn.
    Smarter Nanobots [$850 | 3 uses]: Can be used to heal a target for 10% of their max HP every turn for 3 turns, while giving immunity to negative status effects for the duration. Cannot repair armor. Alternatively, can be used to damage a target for 10% of their max HP every turn for 4 turns.
    Worldedit Permissions [$650 | 1 use]: Edit a piece of cover or a hazard into existence. Lasts until the team moves to a new location.
    Mass Dispel [$1,500 | 1 use]: Disables the abilities of ALL non-boss enemies.

    Homing Endspeed Imbue [$600 | 1 use]: Grants perfect accuracy for 2 turns.

    Time Warp [$800 | 1 use]: Grant an ally the ability to perform two actions in one post this turn.

    Ender Mines [$4,000 | 1 use]: Set up a minefield that adds a 20% chance for any enemy attacks to fail for the rest of the mission. Does not affect bosses.

    Lifepowder [$2,500 | 3 uses]: Heals all allies for your minimum heal. Can be used multiple times in one turn. Cannot gain extra uses.

    Repair Kit [$750 | ∞ uses]: Can be used to repair mechanical allies as well as armor, for (heal x 3) HP. Only restores (heal x 0.5) HP to organic allies. Has a cooldown of 2 turns.

    Golden Syringe [$1,000 | ∞ uses]: Can be used to heal organic allies for (heal x 2) HP + 3 turns of minor HP regen. Cannot be used on inorganic entities. Has a cooldown of 2 turns.

    Life Normalizer [$1,500 | 1 use]: Heals all friendly units for 20% of their average max HP, then distributes their HP so everyone has approximately the same percentage of HP. Can also be used on enemies without healing them.

    Energy Injector [$1,000 | 1 use]: Restores 50% of your max energy.

    Data Card [$100 | 1 use]: Potentially secures an enemy's data bank entry.

    Care Package [$300 | 1 use]: Airdrops a random item.

    Stinging Bolt [$600 | 2 uses]: Afflicts an enemy with severe pain, reducing their accuracy and evasion temporarily.

    Dragon Tank [$1,250 | 125 HP]: Summons a friendly dragon tank equipped with an LMG and a flamethrower. Automatically fires at enemies with the LMG for modest damage. Flamethrower requires manual use and must reload every 4 uses, but deals high fire damage and has a chance to light enemies on fire.
    EFLN [$75 | 1 use]: Throw to completely destroy ALL cover in the area, which will prevent players and enemies from using it.
    Card Pack [$125 | 1 use]: Gain 5 cards, each with their own effects.
    Portable Pitfall [$120 | 1 use]: Use to put an enemy into stasis for 2 turns. Enemies in stasis can't perform actions but can't be targeted. The effect will automatically end if the targeted enemy is the last one alive.
    Creeper Spawn Egg [$125 | 1 use]: Throw to spawn a creeper. After the enemy's turn, it will explode and damage the targeted enemy and both nearby enemies.
    Ammo Pack [$350 | 4 uses]: Can be used to restore uses to an item. Can be used multiple times at once.
    Laser Drone [$650 | 40 HP]: Deploys a drone equipped with a laser beam that deals 10 damage and has a 25% chance to pierce the target, hitting the next listed one.
    Crit-a-Cola [$750 | 1 use]: When used, your next attack is guaranteed to be a critical hit. However, you can't attack or heal on the same turn you use it, and if you get KO'd before you get to attack, the boost is wasted. Can only be used on yourself.

    Proxy Slimesling [$500 | 1 use]: Launches an enemy into next Sunday, which manifests itself as launching them to the next wave. Cannot be used on the final wave of a mission.

    Mob Pirates [$1,250 | 1 use]: Summon third party entities for the next 3 waves that are hostile to all units.

    Capture Ball [$750 | 1 use]: If an enemy has below 20% HP, they can be captured and made a permanent addition to the team. However, they will not be healed. This also has a chance to secure the enemy's data bank entry.

    First Wave Thief [HP: 70 | ATK: 9]: $650
    "I'm sure they won't notice if they're missing a few things here and there..."

    [Passive] Pickpocket: Attacks steal $25 from enemies.

    [Passive] Loot: Enemies damaged by the thief have their item drop rate increased by 10%, and they are more likely to drop high tier items.

    First Wave Shredder [HP: 110 | ATK: 8]: $1,100

    "Attack, attack, attack!"

    [Passive] Shred: Attacks reduce enemy physical resistance by 15%. This can stack.

    [Passive] Focus: Successive attacks against the same target deal 50% extra damage.

    [Active] Implosion: Deal 8 + (20% of target's max HP) damage. 4 turn cooldown.

    First Wave Executioner [HP: 89] [ATK: 13]: $1,200

    "Rip and tear."

    [Passive] Blood Rage: Attacks deal a percentage of missing enemy HP as bonus damage.

    [Passive] Glory: When the executioner directly kills an enemy, he regenerates 30 HP over 3 turns.

    [Active] Deny Healing: Deal 4 + 4 damage to an enemy and reduce any healing they receive by 50% for 3 turns. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Execute: If a target has less than 30% of their HP, attempt to kill them. No cooldown if successful. 5 turn cooldown.

    Gunner Mercenary [HP: 75] [ATK: 15]: $1,200

    "Nothing in the world a few rounds can't solve."

    [Passive] Numbed Senses: Taking damage reduces damage taken by 20% and increases damage dealt by 30%. Does not stack.

    [Active] Frag Grenade: Deal (ATK x 2) damage to two different enemies. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Immobilize: Deals (ATK x 1.6) damage and restricts melee attacks and abilities, while also reducing the target's evasion to 0. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Suppress: Reduce enemy accuracy by 30 and fire upon them if they take an action. 3 turn cooldown.

    Pyrotech Mercenary [HP: 60] [ATK: 12]: $1,200

    "Things are heating up. Quite literally."

    [Passive] Incendiary Rounds: Basic attacks have a 30% chance to ignite the target, and deal 30% more damage to burning enemies.

    [Active] Mass Ignite: Set all enemies on fire for 3 turns. 6 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Flare Bomb: Deal (ATK x 2.5) damage to two different enemies. Deals (ATK x 3) damage to burning enemies. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Expose Oneself: Double all damage dealt, but reduce evasion to 0 and increase damage taken by 30% for 3 turns. 5 turn cooldown.

    Cryotech Mercenary [HP: 60] [ATK: 12]: $1,200

    "I'm a blizzard personified."

    [Passive] Fragile Glass: Basic attacks have a 30% chance to reduce enemy resistances by 30% and freeze the enemy.

    [Active] Shatter Bolt: Deals (ATK x 2.7) damage and ignores armor. 2 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Nitrogen Bomb: Deals (ATK x 1.8) damage to two different enemies, and freezes them for 2 turns. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Thermal Transfer: Sap heat from two different enemies, dealing (ATK x 1.8) damage and shielding two allies for the damage dealt for a turn. 6 turn cooldown.

    Shocktech Mercenary [HP: 60] [ATK: 12]: $1,200

    "All the strength of a lightning storm."

    [Passive] Reflexes: Dodging an attack triggers a counterattack that deals (ATK x 0.8) damage.

    [Active] Shockwave: Deals damage to all enemies, with a 30% chance to silence each one. Can land critical hits. 6 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Light Speed: Quadruples evasion and multiplies crit chance by 1.5 for 2 turns. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Taser Shot: Deal (ATK x 2.7) damage and paralyze the enemy for 2 turns. Can land critical hits. 4 turn cooldown.

    Grenadier Mercenary [HP: 60] [ATK: 10]: $1,200

    "Outcome: train go boom."

    [Passive] Explosive Payload II: Attacks deal 50% damage to nearby enemies.

    [Active] Exploding Sawblade: Fire an exploding sawblade that ignores 50% of the target's explosive resistance and deals (ATK x 2.5) damage. Deals damage twice: once to health and once to armor. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Burrowing Shredder: Launch a special projectile that deals massive damage to cover and deals double damage to targets in cover if said cover is destroyed. Deals (ATK x 3) damage. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Cluster Bomb: Deals (ATK x 1.3) damage to three enemies. Next turn, deals (ATK x 0.4) damage to all enemies. 5 turn cooldown.

    Chemtech Mercenary [HP: 60] [ATK: 10]: $1,200

    "I could tell you what's in the canister, but then I'd have to kill you."

    [Passive] Toxic Shot: Highly accurate. Basic attacks have a 25% chance to poison the enemy.

    [Active] Anesthetic: Poison a target for (target's evasion) damage every turn for 4 turns. Also reduces the target's damage and healing output by 50%. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Global Biohazard Virus: Deploys a zombie virus that deals (ATK x 0.2 + enemy evasion x 0.5) damage every turn for 3 turns, spreading among all enemies over time. Killing an enemy while they are infected will turn them into a zombie. 7 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Adjusted Chemical: Deploy a cloud over two allies or enemies. For allies, it restores (target's ATK x 0.75 + target's evasion x 0.75) every turn for 2 turns. For enemies, it damages them for the same amount, and the same duration. 3 turn cooldown.

    Mercenary Arcanist [HP: 40] [ATK: 6]: $1,200

    "I have done more than stare into the abyss. We... aid each other now."

    [Passive] Adaptive Cycle: Gains 25 resistance to the last damage type taken.

    [Active] Decay: Deal (ATK + 10% of target's HP) damage to a target over the course of three turns, and reduce the target's healing received by 70%. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Freedom: Provide (ATK x 4) shields to self or an ally for 3 turns, and grant health regen for the duration of the shield. Also dispels a negative status effect. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Terrify: Deal (ATK) damage to a target and stun them for 1-2 turns, and makes them twice as vulnerable to damage over time abilities. 4 turn cooldown.

    Mirror Knight [HP: 140] [ATK: 22]: $2,500

    "I come from the year 2295. And I can easily say, 2030 sucks."

    [Passive] Mirror Armor: Immune to electric damage. Has a 25% chance to reflect electric attacks back at the attacker.

    [Active] Teleslash: Deal (ATK x 1.5) damage to a single enemy. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Electro Bolt: Deal (ATK x 2) damage to a single enemy and dispel a positive status effect. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Pulsator Blast: A highly accurate attack that deals (ATK x 2) arcane damage and immobilizes the target. 5 turn cooldown.

    [SUPER] Blade Discharge: Deal (ATK x 1.8) damage to up to five enemies, then become weakened for a turn. 5 turn charge time.

    Elemental Juggernaut [HP: 140] [ATK: 18]: $2,500

    "I'd say this trial by fire is going well."

    [Passive] Status Application: Attacks apply a random status effect, and the elemental juggernaut gains immunity to that status effect for the duration of the effect.

    [Active] Wrath: A "basic attack" that deals (ATK x 0.7) damage to up to five enemies. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Taunt: Gain 30% resistance to all damage and become a target for the enemies. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Berserk: Gain +30% crit chance, +30% damage, and +30% armor piercing for 2 turns. 5 turn cooldown.

    [SUPER] Elemental: Gain 140 shields, double the potency of inflicted status effects, and regenerate (ATK x 0.5) HP every turn. 5 turn charge time.

    Flamethrower Trooper [HP: 75] [ATK: 15]: $2,250

    "Death is the best CC."

    [Passive] Flamethrower: Basic attacks ignite enemies for (ATK x 3) damage over the course of 3 turns.

    [Passive] Hazardous Fire: Getting attacks deals (ATK) damage to the attacker and has a chance to ignite them.

    [Active] Oil Grenade: Reduces fire resistance by 30, slows the enemy, and causes any fire damage to ignite the enemy. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Flare bomb: Deals (ATK x 2.5) damage to two different enemies, or (ATK x 3) damage to burning targets. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Fire Blast: Deals (ATK x 2) damage to 4 different enemies. Has a 30% chance to stun each enemy. 5 turn cooldown.

    [SUPER] Deflagaration: Unleash a massive flame, dealing (ATK x 3) damage to two enemies over the course of 3 turns and ignite them. Abilities used on burning enemies set nearby enemies on fire. 7 turn charge time.

    Freezethrower Trooper [HP: 75] [ATK: 15]: $2,250

    "Just close your eyes. You'll be dead before you know it."

    [Passive] Freezethrower: Basic attacks freeze enemies for a turn.

    [Passive] Stun Resist: Has a 90% chance to resist stuns, freezes, immobilization, or other disabling effects.

    [Active] Shatter Bolt: Deals (ATK x 2.7) damage and pierces armor. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Nitrogen Bomb: Deals (ATK x 1.8) damage to two different enemies and freezes them. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Ice Spike: Deals (ATK x 0.3) damage to all enemies, with increased crit chance and 50% extra armor piercing. 5 turn cooldown.

    [SUPER] Avalanche: Deal (ATK x 2) to three enemies, with increased crit chance and armor piercing on frozen targets. 7 turn charge time.

    Outpost Sniper [HP: 45] [ATK: 20]: $2,250

    "I'm the real outpost defender here!"

    [Passive] Vantage Point: Not being attacked grants +50% ATK for the next turn.

    [Passive] Conduit: Receives double benefit from healing and accuracy boosts. Gains 20% increased effectiveness from crit chance boosts.

    [Passive] Adrenaline: Can survive lethal damage with 1 HP, once.

    [Active] Immobilize: An attack that deals (ATK x 1.8) damage and reduces evasion to 0 and restricts melee attacks. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Piercing Shot: An attack that penetrates and hits the next listed enemy. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Searing Shot: An attack that sets the target on fire and removes one use of a random ability or drains a secondary resource by 30%. 5 turn cooldown.

    Outpost Destroyer [HP: 60] [ATK: 20]: $3,000

    "A rookie practices until he gets it right. I practice until I can't get it wrong."

    [Passive] Annihilation: Kills increase ATK by 10%. Assists increase ATK by 5%.

    [Passive] Spellweave: Using an ability increases basic attack damage by 50% and applies Essence Drain, dealing arcane damage over time and draining the enemy's secondary resources.

    [Active] Mega Shatter Bolt: Deals (ATK x 4) armor piercing damage. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Airstrike: Deals (ATK x 2) damage to 3 targets. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Molten Bomb: Deals (ATK x 1.5) damage to up to 4 targets, lights them on fire, and slows them down. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Resonating Shock: Deals (ATK x 2) damage to all enemies, with a 5% chance to stun them and a 20% chance to weaken them. 7 turn cooldown.

    Spectral Assassin [HP: 25 / 25] [ATK: 20]: $3,000

    "Half human, half ghost, and as deadly as it gets."

    [Passive] Half a Ghost: HP is split between 50% normal HP and 50% arcane only HP.

    [Passive] Shadow Blend: Skipping a turn allows the spectral assassin to become invisible. While invisible, the next attack performed will deal 50% extra damage.

    [Passive] Act First: Performs actions before the enemy turn. Has a 20% chance to perform two actions in one turn.

    [Passive] Preparation: Cannot take damage from the enemy the spectral assassin attacks. Can still receive negative status effects from that enemy.

    [Active] Breach: Deal (ATK x 1.25) damage and stun the target. Deals 30% extra damage to enemies with less HP than the spectral assassin. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Time Warp: Deal (ATK x 1.3) damage and give the spectral assassin and the target an extra action. If the target has less HP than the spectral assassin, also weakens them. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Backstab: Deal (ATK x 2) damage. Deals 50% more damage to enemies suffering from a status effect. Causes severe bleeding if the target has less HP than this unit. 6 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Skip Turn: Pass this turn, gaining Shadow Blend. No cooldown.

    Nanoengineer [HP: 50] [ATK: 30]: $3,500

    "Nanobots, son!"

    [Passive] Nanobots: Performing basic attacks or abilities, and getting hit spawns nanobots. They attack enemies over time, heal allies over time, and can replicate. The effectiveness of their actions is 10% ATK.

    [Passive] Sa-BOT-age: When the nanoengineer is killed, spawn 20 nanobots. Enemies killed while affected by nanobots will release additional nanobots.

    [Active] Package Drop: Release 10 nanobots. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Helping Hand: Help players build structures, weapons, and other things. 1 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Build Turret: Consume 5 nanobots to build a turret. Does not end the nanoengineer's turn.

    [Active] Build Shield Generator: Consume 5 nanobots to build a shield generator with (ATK x 2) shield strength that serves as cover. Does not end the nanoengineer's turn.

    [Active] Self Replicate: Consume 20 nanobots to create a duplicate nanoengineer. Does not end the nanoengineer's turn.

    Outpost Berserker [HP: 80] [ATK: 25]: $4,000

    "I will break you!"

    [Passive] Counter: When attacked, has a 25% chance to gain an extra action. This can stack.

    [Passive] Payback: Gains ATK boosts depending on how much HP the berserker is missing.

    [Passive] Critical Chain: Critical hits increase the next attack's crit chance by 60%. Consecutive crits don't stack chance increases, but will continue the chain.

    [Active] Blood Mirror: Reflect 60% of damage taken for 3 turns. 5 turn cooldown. Critical casts increase damage protection.

    [Active] Lifechain Strike: Deal (ATK x 1.4) damage and drain the target's life over time. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] True Slam: Deal (ATK) armor piercing damage. Highly accurate. 2 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Quick Strike: Deal (ATK x 0.8) damage. Has a 75% chance to not count as an action. Highly accurate. 2 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Rage: Increase all damage dealt by 30% and gain a 30% increase in critical hit chance for 4 turns. For the duration of rage, critical hits cause bleeding and have a 20% chance to slow the target. Also grants immunity to damage over time status effects. 6 turn cooldown.

    Blood Anvil Soldier [HP: 80] [ATK: 20]: $5,000

    "I was forged by Blood Anvil. I am the best of the best."

    [Passive] Barrier: Taking damage has a 25% chance to grant a barrier that grants invincibility for 2 turns.

    [Passive] Adrenaline: Can survive lethal damage with 1 HP, once.

    [Active] Recovery: Remove all weakening or defense reducing status effects, and gain immunity to damage over time for 3 turns. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Static Field: Deploy a potent electromagnetic generator that sets evasion to 0, grants invincibility, and reflects all attacks back for 2 turns. Blood Anvil soldier will be frozen for the duration of the effect. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Photonic Blast: Blast 4 targets with (ATK x 1.3) damage and a 40% chance to blind the target. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Hydro Cannon: Blast a target with water, dealing (ATK x 1.25) damage and knocking them into hazards. Has double the standard critical hit chance. Critical hits reduce the cooldown of all abilities. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Fortifying Heal: Heal up to 4 allies for (ATK x 1.25) HP, reduce their damage taken by 30% for 3 turns, and dispel a negative status effect. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Sun Beam: Deal (ATK x 5) damage and ignite the target. Deals 25% more damage to unarmored targets. 6 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Frozen Rockets: Fire three highly accurate nitrogen-filled rockets, dealing (ATK) damage to three targets and freezing them. 5 turn cooldown.

    Lisharon Inc Medical Personnel [HP: Variable] [ATK: 10]: $1,000

    "An incision here, an amputation there... Lisharon would be proud."

    [Passive] Delicious Tea: Every three turns, will brew tea instead of attacking or healing.

    [Active] Heal: Restore 15 HP to an ally and grant them three turns of HP regeneration. No cooldown.

    [Active] Attack: Deal (ATK) damage to a target and inflict a random status effect. No cooldown.

    Spanish Inquisition Radio [HP: 50] [ATK: 7]: $750

    "No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!"

    [Passive] Inquisition: Comes with five cardinals of the ever-unexpected Spanish Inquisition.

    [Active] Fan Out: The five cardinals each attack a different enemy, dealing (ATK) damage with a 20% chance to deal double damage. No cooldown.

    [Active] Beatdown: The five cardinals attack the same enemy, dealing (ATK) damage to them five times, with a 20% chance to stun the target. No cooldown.

    Demolisher [HP: 10] [Armor: 240] [ATK: 20]: $5,000

    "Kill. Maim. Destroy."

    [Passive] Slow Deconstruction: Deals double damage to buildings.

    [Passive] Steadfast: Cannot be stunned.

    [Passive] Hexagonite: Permanently gains 10 armor every turn. Takes 30% less damage from critical hits.

    [Active] Force Field: Provide 1,000 shields to an ally or self, for 3 turns. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Drill Strike: Deal (ATK x 1.5) damage. Deals 50% more damage to armor. 2 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Burndown: Deal (ATK x 1.5) fire damage. For the next 2 turns, the target will take 8 extra fire damage from all attacks. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Demolish: Deal (ATK x 2) damage and gain an increase in damage output for 3 turns. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Wreck: Deal (ATK x 0.5) damage and cause the target to take 50% more damage next turn. 3 turn cooldown.

    Decimator [HP: 100] [ATK: 10]: $5,000

    "Don't believe in yourself. Believe in me!"

    [Passive] Annihilation: Getting a kill or assist permanently increases damage output by 2.

    [Passive] Glory: Getting a kill restores 30% of missing HP.

    [Passive] Inspiration: Getting a kill increases all players' damage by 15% for the next turn.

    [Passive] Healing Presence II: All allies regenerate 15% of their HP each turn.

    [Active] Decimate: Deal (ATK + 10% target's HP) damage to 3 enemies and reduce the healing they receive for 1 turn. 1 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Empower: Restore (ATK) HP to a target, cure a negative status effect, and increase their damage by 50% for 1 attack. 4 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Cripple: Deal (ATK x 0.7) damage and reduce the target's evasion by 70%. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Flak Cannon: Deal (ATK x 1.25) damage. Deals 30% more damage to airborne targets. Cannot crit. 1 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Shatter Bolt: Deal (ATK x 2.7) damage as armor piercing ice damage. 3 turn cooldown.

    [SUPER] Destroy: Deal (ATK x 9) physical damage. 8 turn charge time.

    Lyncher [HP: 50] [Shields: 10] [ATK: 25]: $5,000

    "I'll get it done, nice and quiet."

    [Passive] Target Marker: All actions mark targets. Marked targets take 20% extra damage, and attacking them heals the attacker for 15% of their HP.

    [Passive] Fear of Death: Killing an enemy intimidates all enemies with less HP than the Lyncher.

    [Passive] Counter: Counter enemy attacks by dealing (ATK x 0.8) damage.

    [Active] Death Mark: Mark an enemy for death, making them unable to evade attacks and increasing the damage they take by 30%.

    [Active] Ice Barrage: Hit 3 enemies for (ATK) ice damage and slow them down. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Fire Barrage: Hit 3 enemies for (ATK) fire damage and light them on fire. 3 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Analysis: Scan three enemies, causing them to take 20% more damage for 3 turns. 5 turn cooldown.

    [Active] Stun Slash: Deal (ATK x 0.3) and stun the target for 2 turns. Deals 30% more damage to unarmored targets. 5 turn cooldown.

    [SUPER] Unleash Hell: Become airborne, gain 25 evasion, and temporarily summon three devastator drones that deal (ATK x 0.5) damage and can inflict bleeding to unarmored targets.

    Zeus Exclusion Zone 4X [HP: 100] [ATK: 25]: $1,500

    "Activating obliteration protocols."

    [Active] Rain Fire: Target up to four enemies every turn, dealing (ATK) damage to them.

    [Passive] Focus Fire: If there are less than four enemies left, can target the same enemy more than once.

    [Passive] Complicated Deployment: You must spend your turn deploying the Zeus Exclusion Zone to activate it.

    [Passive] Needs Attention: Only one Zeus Exclusion Zone can be active at once.

    Common weapon: Costs 500 materials.

    Burst Rifle
    Burst-fire assault rifle. Simple, but effective.
    +1 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Has a 30% chance to hit twice, with the second hit having -10 accuracy

    Marksman Rifle
    Semi-automatic rifle. Accurate and deadly.
    +2 ATK
    100 accuracy

    Revolvers are always cooler.
    +5 ATK
    80 accuracy

    Rapid fire assault weapon. Good for close range engagements.
    +0 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Can target four enemies instead of three

    Heavy Rifle
    High impact rifle. Well suited for stronger targets.
    +0 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Increases damage cap (7x ATK instead of 5x)

    Heavy Pistol
    High impact sidearm. Packs a decent punch for its size.
    +2 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Critical hits deal 10% more damage

    Grenade Launcher
    Standard issue explosive weapon. Effective at crowd control.
    +4 ATK
    80 accuracy
    Deals 20% damage to nearby targets.

    Precision Rifle
    Highly accurate rifle. Deals high damage to a single target.
    +4 ATK
    100 accuracy
    Can only hit one enemy at a time

    Zap Rifle

    Standard factory made zap rifle.

    +1 ATK

    85 accuracy

    Has a 25% chance to zap another enemy

    Uncommon weapon: Costs 1,000 materials.

    MS34 Shieldbreaker
    A powerful assault rifle designed to punch through enemy armor.
    +2 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Deals 15% more damage through armor

    A high output SMG that favors fire rate over all else.
    +0 ATK
    80 accuracy
    Can target six enemies instead of three

    Incendiary Shotgun
    A standard issue shotgun, modified to shoot flaming buckshot.
    +3 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Deals fire damage
    Attacks have a 20% chance to ignite target

    A heavy rifle designed to fire metal rods, heated to a white hot temperature.
    +5 ATK
    95 accuracy

    M11 AIR
    High impact anti-infantry rifle. Good for keeping standard enemies in check.
    +3 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Can suppress a single enemy, reducing their accuracy

    Seeker Rifle
    Prototype scouting device that outlines targets.
    +1 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Hitting an enemy scans them, increasing their damage taken by 10%

    Shrapnel Launcher
    A basic grenade launcher, modified to shoot shards of jagged metal.
    +2 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Attacks have a 25% chance to cause bleeding

    Jammer Gun
    A semi-automatic rifle that fires electromagnetic ammunition.
    +1 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Deals 25% more damage to robotic enemies

    Rare weapon: Costs 1,500 materials.

    Actually a giant bee stinger.
    +4 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Deals 5% more damage through armor
    Has a 25% chance to poison target

    Double Barrel Shotgun
    This is my boomstick!
    +6 ATK
    80 accuracy
    Deals 10% more damage to enemy armor
    Has a 15% chance to hit a random nearby enemy

    Panic Knife
    Everybody stay calm.
    +5 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Critical hits deal 20% more damage
    Automatically attack enemies that hit you with reduced damage

    I fight for honor, not with honor!
    +5 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Has a 20% chance to cause bleeding
    While held, you deal more damage with environmental hazards

    Giant Syringe
    I just need a blood sample...
    +5 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Reduces target's damage output
    Has a 15% chance to cause target to panic

    Dragonslayer's Spear
    Once belonged to a warrior who was one half of a terrifying duo.
    +5 ATK
    95 accuracy
    Has a 25% chance to galvanize target
    Can perform a powerful impaling attack that costs 30 energy

    M6 Carnifex
    Given to you by an alien doctor as a token of good faith.
    +7 ATK
    80 accuracy
    Deals 10% more damage through armor
    Deals 10% more damage to armor

    To rend one's enemies is to see them not as equals, but objects: hollow of spirit and meaning.
    +5 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Deals toxic damage
    Inflicts minor poisoning

    Custom Zap Rifle

    More added shock than your regular rifle.

    +2 ATK

    85 accuracy

    Has a 25% chance to zap another enemy

    Has a 10% chance to stun an enemy

    Piercing Railgun

    Fires hypercharged metal rods that will also chain a lightning bolt to additional enemy

    +2 ATK

    96 accuracy

    Will always hit 2 enemies

    Secondary attack will deal 70-120% ATK as electric damage

    Legendary weapon: Costs 2,000 materials.

    Matador 64
    A sickeningly powerful weapon that once terrorized many a battlefield.
    +9 ATK
    80 accuracy
    Deals 10% more damage through armor

    Big Stick
    Speak softly...
    +4 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Deals 15% more damage to armor
    Has a 20% chance to stun or confuse enemies

    Book of Insults
    Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names leave psychological wounds that never heal.
    +3 ATK
    105 accuracy
    Has a 25% chance to ignore armor
    Has a 10% chance to demoralize the target

    Steel Dragon
    Laser beams. Laser beams everywhere.
    +0 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Always hits at least two enemies at once
    Can target six enemies instead of just three

    The enemies lose their lives, and you get to keep yours. Win-win.
    +3 ATK
    85 accuracy
    40% of damage dealt is returned to you as health
    Critical hits heal you for 65% of the damage dealt

    Sorcerer's Staff
    What problem can't be solved with magic?
    +3 ATK
    80 accuracy
    Inflicts a random status condition

    Eden's Soul
    Becomes a random weapon every mission

    The Young Wolf's Howl
    "To the first of the new Iron Lords." - Lord Saladin
    +4 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Causes target to take more damage from all sources

    Zap Rifle Cannon

    When you want more of a shocking splash...

    +4 ATK

    80 accuracy

    Has a 40% chance to zap up to four enemies

    Has a 10% chance to stun an enemy

    Mythical weapon: Costs 2,500 materials.

    Deathslayer's Blade
    A sword forged in human blood. You can barely make out the "359" etched into the blade.
    +10 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Critical hits deal 2.5x damage instead of 2x
    Kills with this weapon temporarily grant +5 ATK
    Kills with this weapon heal you for 5% of your max HP

    Biotic Rifle
    Kill enemies or heal allies? Why not both?
    +4 ATK
    95 accuracy
    This weapon heals allies when used on them
    Ignores enemy armor

    Let's just skip judge and jury.
    +9 ATK
    110 accuracy
    +10% critical hit chance
    +25% damage dealt to enemies with less than half health (less than 25% HP for bosses)
    Kills with this weapon grant +15 accuracy for your next attack

    Unpaid Debt
    You owe me.
    +7 ATK
    85 accuracy
    The lower your HP is, the more damage this weapon deals
    Has a 25% chance to stun the target if they just attacked you

    The Reanimator
    Their loss is your gain.
    +3 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Killing an enemy reanimates them into a temporary ally
    Reanimated enemies deal more damage

    The Gathering Storm
    Unleash its wrath.
    +5 ATK
    90 accuracy
    Taking damage changes this weapon's damage type to match that of the attack that hit you
    Has a 20% chance to inflict a status condition that matches your current damage type

    Outbreak Prime
    "I've done the math. When you pull the trigger, one plus one equals zero. Every time." - Shiro-4
    +4 ATK
    85 accuracy
    Dealing damage has a 25% chance to spawn a swarm of SIVA mites
    Kills with this weapon spawn a swarm of SIVA mites

    Time's Strife
    The assault rifle of a Timekeeper. A very dangerous weapons in good hands.
    +7 ATK
    110 accuracy
    If the wielder is KO'd, they may use a Time Charge to resurrect.
    The wielder may also use a Time Charge to revive an ally or fully heal their wounds.
    If the whole party is wiped, the wielder can use 3 Time Charges to revive the whole party.
    Time charges are built with creative time attacks.

    Thunder Clap

    A clap of actual thunder was molded into this rifle.

    +11 ATK

    90 accuracy

    Always hits two enemies

    Has a 10% chance to stun an enemy

    Common armor: Costs 500 materials.

    Ballistic Vest
    Basic vest designed to resist incoming bullets.
    +10 HP
    +10 physical resistance

    Fireproof Plating
    Plated armor designed to resist high temperatures.
    +10 HP
    +10 fire resistance

    Insulated Armor
    Insulated to protect against extreme cold.
    +10 HP
    +10 ice resistance

    Conduit Armor
    Armor resistant to high voltage.
    +10 HP
    +10 electric resistance

    Flak Jacket
    Basic armor that resists explosions.
    +10 HP
    +10 explosive resistance

    Gas Mask
    Standard issue gas mask that protects against toxic gases.
    +10 HP
    +10 toxic resistance

    Wizard Robes
    I put on my robe and wizard hat.
    +10 HP
    +10 arcane resistance

    Uncommon armor: Costs 1,000 materials.

    Armor of Thorns
    Armor coated in a thick patch of thorns. Said to be worn by a member of the Darkwraiths.
    +10 HP
    Enemies that attack you take 10 physical damage

    Ridiculously Heavy Armor
    Provides great protection, but is absurdly heavy. How do you even wear it?
    +25 HP
    +5 to all resistances
    Any attack directed at you is guaranteed to hit

    Capacitor Armor
    Comes with two rechargeable battery packs.
    +20 max energy
    +10 energy regen per turn

    Medical Armor
    Armor equipped with a regeneration module that rapidly heals your wounds.
    Regenerate 5% of your max HP every turn

    Marksman Visor
    A modified visor that highlights enemies and tracks their movements.
    +10 accuracy

    Munitions Vest
    Has plenty of extra pockets to store ammunition.
    +5 HP
    Gives all items an extra use

    Lightweight Armor
    Lighter armor that provides greater mobility.
    +5 HP
    +10 evasion

    Rare armor: Costs 1,500 materials.

    Irradiated Armor
    It's probably safe...
    +5 HP
    Enemies that attack you receive radiation poisoning

    Serpent Suit
    Somehow linked to ice.
    +5 ice resistance
    Gives you one use of the Frostbite ability, allowing you to freeze an enemy

    Wings of Sacred Dawn
    There will come a day when the light will never fade.
    +10 HP
    Gives you the Angel of Light ability, allowing you to become airborne for a turn

    Armor of Bone
    The most metal of attire.
    +10 HP
    Has a 40% chance to unnerve a random enemy every wave

    Armor of Shadow
    You merely adopted the darkness.
    +10 evasion
    Enemies will not target you until you attack or are the last player standing

    Hideous Armor
    It looks absolutely disgusting.
    +5 HP
    -1 max rage (allows you to enrage quicker)

    No Armor
    What are you thinking?
    -10 HP
    Has a 25% chance to confuse a random enemy every wave

    Legendary armor: Costs 2,000 materials.

    WAR Suit
    Used to liberate earth from an oppressive alien rule.
    +10 HP
    +10 armor
    Gives you the Blaster Launcher ability, allowing you to fire a powerful explosive

    Fortified Armor
    Designed to protect all the weak points.
    +15 HP
    Enemies that attack you have a lower critical hit chance
    Enemy critical hits against you deal less damage

    Templar Armor
    Feel the power of the Templars.
    +10 HP
    +5 evasion
    Gives you the Rend ability, allowing you to perform a powerful melee attack

    Armored Armor
    Armor armored with more armor!
    +10 HP
    +50 armor

    Eden's Blessing
    Your future shines brighter.
    Turns into a random piece of armor every mission

    FTL Rig
    Best rig.
    +10 evasion
    Gives you the Phase Shift ability, allowing you to avoid damage by shifting into another dimension

    Overly Protective Armor
    It worries about you.
    +15 HP
    Makes you immune to all status effects, positive or negative

    Mythical armor: Costs 2,500 materials.

    Armor of the Blood Knight
    The crimson sigil on the front may or may not be painted in blood.
    +15 HP
    Dealing damage returns 10% of the damage dealt to you as health
    Killing an enemy with excessive damage has a 15% chance to deal the extra damage to a random
    When equipped as Assault Gunner: +10% ATK, and every kill has a 10% chance to instantly max your

    Robes of the Healer
    These robes radiate with a powerful medicating energy.
    +10 HP
    +10 healing
    Healing an ally grants them health regeneration (stacks with Medic's Invigorate ability)
    When equipped as Medic: +10% healing, and converts your super into a powerful healing move that
    affects all allies

    Mask of the Marksman
    This mask was worn by a legendary marksman who never missed his mark.
    +10 HP
    +15 accuracy
    +5% critical hit chance
    When equipped as Sniper: +10 accuracy, and critical hits deal 50% more damage

    Crest of the Defender
    A powerful knight once bore this crest. Legends say his allies never knew harm.
    +25 HP
    +25 armor
    +5 to all resistances
    When equipped as Tank: +10 to all resistances, and taking damage while guarding an ally charges
    your super

    Armor of Turrets
    You are your own defense network.
    +10 HP
    Fires at a random enemy every turn, dealing (ATK x 0.5) damage to them
    Fires at enemies that attack you, dealing (ATK x 0.5) damage to them
    When equipped as Engineer: Your turrets can fire two shots, each dealing 75% of their normal

    Armor of Boundless Light
    There are some flames that even the darkness cannot contain.
    +10 HP
    +25 max energy
    +15 energy regeneration
    Using an ability has a 20% chance to cost half energy
    When equipped as Specialist: +15 max energy, and allows you to use your super early for a large energy cost

    Titan Mark
    At close quarters, a fist is better than any gun.
    +15 HP
    +25 armor
    Replaces your super with Fist of Havoc, a powerful attack that damages multiple enemies

    Hunter Cloak
    Tell the warlocks your cloak is frabjous. They respect words they don't understand.
    +10 HP
    +10 evasion
    Replaces your super with the Golden Gun, a deadly attack that can target up to three enemies

    Warlock Bond
    Those who have stared into the void are not bound by the laws of space and time.
    +5 HP
    Restores 5 HP to you every turn
    Replaces your super with Stormtrance, which temporarily allows you to perform multiple electric attacks in a single turn

    Common trinket: Costs 500 materials.

    Prescription glasses. You may or may not actually need them.
    +5 accuracy

    Distortion Field
    Experimental device that distorts the area around you.
    +5 evasion

    Instructional Booklet
    "Bullets go into the enemies, not you." - Excerpt from Incredibly Obvious Advice Monthly
    +10% XP gain

    Exploded Rocket
    Casing from a used rocket. The RPG kind, not the spacefaring kind.
    +15% damage dealt to airborne enemies

    Laser Sight
    Really just a laser pointer taped to your gun.
    +3% critical hit chance

    Uncommon trinket: Costs 1,000 materials.

    Blind Rage
    Blind to damage
    Taking damage makes you less likely to be targeted again for the rest of that turn

    Portable Generator
    Perfect for emergency situations when you need power.
    Activating your super restores 50% of your max energy

    Handful of Shrapnel
    Why are you collecting shrapnel?
    Attacks have a 5% chance to cause bleeding

    Made with repurposed snake venom.
    +5 healing

    Aim Assist
    Now you can use a controller.
    Missing an attack gives you +10 accuracy for your next attack. Does not stack multiple times.

    Rare trinket: Costs 1,500 materials.

    Occult Charm
    Glows with an unnatural power.
    Your attacks deal 50% normal damage and 50% arcane damage

    Three of Coins
    Sold by a creepy hooded guy with tentacles coming from his face.
    Killing a boss has a 5% chance to drop a mythical item

    Libra Charm
    You feel balanced.
    Balances your stats by raising low ones and lowering high ones

    Salt Shaker
    You feel enraged.
    Taking damage has a 25% chance to give +2 rage instead of +1

    Strange Coin
    This unusual coin is warm to the touch and vibrates gently in your hand.
    +3% mythical drop rate

    Legendary trinket: Costs 2,000 materials.

    Curved Horn
    DMG up
    +5 ATK

    Hallownest Seal
    Another one?
    Enemies you kill have a 25% chance to drop additional materials

    RNG is slightly weighted in your favor

    Bowl of Nails
    No milk.
    Attacking has a 5% chance to cause enemies to panic

    Inversion Device
    Distorts the area around itself.
    All status effects applied to you are inverted

    Mythical trinket: costs 2,500 materials.

    Scorched Assault Rifle
    This burned rifle still radiates with an incredible power.
    +4 ATK
    When equipped as Assault Gunner: Activating your super temporarily grants you +6 ATK

    Orb of Harmony
    Pass into the Iris.
    +6 healing
    When equipped as Medic: Allows you to target an ally with the orb, healing them for 2% of their
    max HP every turn

    15x Scope
    Found in a crate that fell from the sky.
    +10 accuracy
    When equipped as Sniper: +6% critical hit chance

    Cracked Shield
    It kinda works...
    +5 to all defenses
    When equipped as Tank: +25% critical hit resistance

    Rusted Wrench
    Scavenged from Talos I.
    Your critical hits deal less damage but stun enemies
    When equipped as Engineer: Your constructions have higher stats

    Sharp Plug
    Charge with blood.
    +15 max energy
    When equipped as Specialist: When out of energy, using abilities will drain your health

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Legends of Aekran | Kinda like DnD!
    Quote from BaconBusterYT»

    "I'll take down the Shade, you all focus Gregory! Now...have at you!"

    Targeting the Shade, I stab at its face.

    You activate Have at You, and stab the shade in the face!

    Shade's evasion roll: 18.

    Your roll: 4.

    You miss completely. You gain 5 XP.

    ==[Ally action]==

    Junia attempts to blind the shade.

    Shade's evasion roll: 8.

    Junia's roll: 17.

    The shade is temporarily blinded. Junia gains 6 XP.

    ==[Enemy action]==

    Gregory takes 13 bleed damage, then blasts the defensive ward with pressurized water.

    Gregory's roll: 1 (critical failure!)

    The water rebounds off of the ward and blasts Gregory in the face, dealing 18 damage to him.

    Frustrated, Gregory decides to bash the ward with his water cannon.

    Gregory's roll: 5.

    He deals 18 damage.

    Quote from GoldHero101»

    "Or we could bleed him to death, that works too." I attempt to slice into his wounds and make them significantly worse.

    You slice into Gregory's wounds to worsen them.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 1 (critical failure!)

    Your roll: 1 (critical failure!)

    You move to attack Gregory, but notice he appears to be winding up a counter attack. You block, and so does he. Whenever either of you make a move, you block again. This goes on for a full minute. You gain 5 XP.

    ==[Ally action]==

    Alessandra casts Protect on Seymour, giving him 30 block.

    Quote from Player_Miner»

    I summon a pillar of ice that launches the Shade of Gregory at Gregory.

    You create a pillar of ice under the shade.

    Shade's evasion roll: 10.

    Your roll: 13.

    Your crit roll: 5 (failed).

    The shade gets launched into Gregory, and both take 5 damage. You gain 6 XP.

    Quote from Stickcrafter»

    "We need to make sure his doppelgangers don't get the jump on us while we are focused on him."

    I slice at the Shade.

    You slice at the shade.

    Shade's evasion roll: 4.

    Your roll: 17.

    Your crit roll: 13 (failed).

    You deal 28 damage, inflict bleeding, and stun it! You gain 18 XP!

    ==[Enemy action]==

    The shade takes 10 bleed damage and recovers from its stun.

    ==[Ally action]==

    Morgan thrusts his spear into Gregory.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 19.

    Morgan's roll: 5.

    He misses completely. He gains 5 XP.

    ==[Turn 3]==

    Alessandra's defensive ward fades.

    Gregory mumbles incantations in Semilean.

    Turn order:

    Zephil: >>

    Junia: >>

    Seymour: >>

    Alessandra: >>

    Morgan: >>

    The Crafter: >>

    Gregory: >>>

    Connor: >>

    Shade of Gregory: >>


    image source: here.

    Gregory the Fire Resistant (class: human)
    [HP|===== ===== ===== ===== ===== | ===== ===== ===== ===== =====] 575/700
    Status effects: Aqua Field (immune to fire damage), Bleeding (takes 13 damage every turn for 1 turn), Physical Vulnerability (takes 10% more damage from physical sources for 2 turns), Blinded (suffers -2 to accuracy rolls for 1 turn), Marked for Death (takes 25% more damage from all sources for 2 turns)
    Exiled from Semiland for heretical summoning acts. Controls the power of an antediluvian horror.

    Shade of Gregory [Level 5 | Human]

    [HP| 47/90] [Mana| 50/50]

    Status effects: Have at You, Seymour! (deals 25% less damage to everyone except Seymour for 3 turns), Blinded (suffers -2 to accuracy rolls for 1 turn), Bleeding (takes 10 damage every turn for 2 turns)

    Points of interest:

    Dock (the rarely used port of travel in Frostfall)

    Black fortress (Gregory's hidden fortress) [Everyone is here]

    Party (well rested for 14 turns):

    Zephil Solstrider, Bard [Level 7 Bard|==========] 364/450 XP

    [HP|==========] 72/72 | [Mana|==========] 50/50 | Tune points: 3 | Active auras: Regeneratos Ballad +1, Limerick of the Guard | Equip load: 11/35 (medium encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Lute +1] [Right weapon: Ballad of Two] [Helmet: Bard's cap +1] [Chestplate: Iron trimmed coat +1] [Gauntlets: Hard leather gloves +1] [Boots: Bard's boots +1]

    Status effects: Breaking Limits (gains +20 HP and +2 to all attributes for the rest of the battle)

    Bardic Tunes III (passive)

    Gain access to a Tune Gauge, which fuels musical auras. You can switch auras as a minor action, and start with 1 TP (Tune Point). Each Aura has a different TP cost, so choose wisely. The TP does not get consumed, so the effects are typically weaker than just using a skill. Also allows you to fuel into an aura to enhance its effects.

    Regeneratos Ballad: 1 TP

    Each party member recovers (1 x D4 + Zephil's persuasion score divided by 10) HP each combat turn.

    Hercules' Sonnet: 1 TP

    Each party member gets a +2 to their attack rolls. NOTE: Does not have any effect if they critical fail or succeed.

    Anthem of Blood: 1 TP

    All attacks from the party (including Zephil's) have an additional 10% chance to inflict bleeding.

    Limerick of the Guard: 1 TP

    Each party member gets a +2 to their evasion rolls. NOTE: Does not have any effect if they critical fail or succeed.

    Breaking Limits (passive)

    "Breaking limits as only a true warrior of light could." During boss fights, you transcend your limits by gaining +2 to all attributes and +20 HP for the duration of the battle.

    Flaming Flat (active: costs 20 mana)

    Fire a flaming projectile with enhanced accuracy, dealing 24 fire damage with +2 to its accuracy roll.

    Carry capacity: 14.96/65

    Gold: 275


    >Lute +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Ballad of Two (weight: 2) (value: 35)


    >Bard's cap +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Bard's boots +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Iron trimmed coat +1 (weight: 2) (value: 45)

    >Hard leather gloves +1 (weight: 1) (value: 40)


    >Healing potion (weight: 0.25) (value: 10)

    >Medicinal herbs x3 (weight: 0.3 [0.1 each]) (value: 75 [25 each])

    >Manslayer oil (weight: 0.1) (value: 30)

    >Ancient artifact (weight: 1) (value: 250)

    >Shipping manifest (weight: 0) (quest item)

    >List of names (weight: 0) (quest item)

    >Letter to "Ghost" (weight: 0) (quest item)

    >Escape rope (weight: 1) (value: 35)

    >Bandage x6 (weight: 1.2 [0.2 each]) (value: 60 [10 each])

    >Antidote x6 (weight: 1.2 [0.2 each]) (value: 60 [10 each])

    >Soaked book (weight: 1) (value: 5)

    >Broken dagger (weight: 1) (value: 2)

    >Robotic coolant x2 (weight: 2 [1 each]) (value: 40 [20 each])

    >Shark tooth x5 (weight: 1 [0.2 each]) (value: 10 [2 each])

    HP: 52

    Mana: 50 (regen: 10)

    Speed: 5

    Spell slots: 3

    Physical resistance: 6

    Elemental resistance: 5

    Vitality status resistance: 11

    Endurance status resistance: 10

    Persuasion score: 40

    Impact defense: 0 +8

    Slash defense: 0 +12

    Puncture defense: 0 +9

    Water defense: 0

    Fire defense: 0 +3

    Earth defense: 0 +3

    Wind defense: 0 +3

    Ice defense: 0

    Electric defense: 0

    Toxic defense: 0

    Magic defense: 0 +10

    Light defense: 0 +8

    Dark defense: 0 +3

    Vitality: 5
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 4
    Strength: 2
    Dexterity: 5
    Intelligence: 5
    Faith: 5
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 8

    Magic: 6
    Hydromancy: 3
    Pyromancy: 3
    Geomancy: 3
    Aeromancy: 4
    Cryomancy: 3
    Electromancy: 3
    Necromancy: 3
    Polymancy: 3
    Light magic: 4
    Dark magic: 2

    Seymour Hogsworth, Rogue [Level 7 Rogue|==========] 143/450 XP

    [HP|==========] 61/61 {block: 30} | [Mana|==========] 25/40 | Equip load: 10/40 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Silver plated pistol] [Right weapon: Katana] [Helmet: Rogue's scarf +1] [Chestplate: Iron trimmed coat +1] [Gauntlets: Rogue's gloves +1] [Boots: Steel tipped boots]

    Status effects: Have at You, Shade of Gregory! (deals 33% more damage to shade of Gregory and 25% less damage to other targets for 2 turns)

    Have At You! II (active: costs 15 mana)
    When used, target a single enemy, and deal 33% more damage towards them for 3 turns. While active, both you and your target enemy deal 25% less damage towards anyone other than each other. If the target dies early, can swap to a new enemy for the remainder of the duration.

    Wind Waltz II (active: costs X mana)
    By channeling wind magic throughout the body, temporarily gain +3 to evasion rolls. Duration is 1 turn for every 6 mana spent. Also passively grants +1 to evasion rolls against enemies targeted by Have At You!. Also improves dancing skill, for reasons unknown.

    Ice Wall (active: costs 15 mana)
    Instantly create a barrier of ice, granting you 20 block.

    Firebolt II (active: costs 20 mana)
    Fire a flaming projectile with enhanced accuracy, dealing 30 fire damage with +2 to its accuracy roll.

    Carry capacity: 16/70

    Gold: 356


    >Katana (weight: 3) (value: 50)

    >Silver plated pistol (weight: 2) (value: 25)


    >Rogue's scarf +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Rogue's gloves +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Iron trimmed coat +1 (weight: 2) (value: 45)

    >Steel tipped boots (weight: 1) (value: 30)


    >Crimson x4 (weight: 2 [0.5 each]) (value: 100 [25 each])

    >Loaded dice (weight: 1) (value: 20)

    HP: 61
    Mana: 40 (regen: 13)
    Speed: 6
    Spell slots: 2
    Physical resistance: 7
    Elemental resistance: 3
    Vitality status resistance: 12
    Endurance status resistance: 10
    Persuasion score: 25

    Impact defense: 0 +8

    Slash defense: 0 +17

    Puncture defense: 0 +9

    Water defense: 0

    Fire defense: 3

    Earth defense: 3

    Wind defense: 3

    Ice defense: 0

    Electric defense: 0

    Toxic defense: 0

    Magic defense: 3

    Light defense: 3

    Dark defense: 3

    Vitality: 5
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 4
    Strength: 2
    Dexterity: 9
    Intelligence: 5
    Faith: 3
    Luck: 5
    Charisma: 5

    Magic: 2
    Hydromancy: 2
    Pyromancy: 3
    Geomancy: 1
    Aeromancy: 3
    Cryomancy: 2
    Electromancy: 2
    Necromancy: 2
    Polymancy: 2
    Light magic: 2
    Dark magic: 2

    The Crafter, Knight [Level 7 Knight|==========] 127/450 XP

    [HP|==========] 92/92 | [Mana|==========] 47/52 | Equip load: 20/56 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Shield +1] [Right weapon: Leg of Lagavulin +1] [Helmet: Black iron helmet] [Chestplate: Black iron chestplate] [Gauntlets: Knight's gauntlets +1] [Boots: Black iron leggings]

    Status effects: None

    Armor Breaker (active: costs 15 mana)
    Perform an attack that deals double damage to enemy block. If the target has no block, this ability causes them to take 10% more damage from physical attacks for 3 turns.

    Counter (passive)
    When surviving an enemy attack, immediately hit back with a regular attack. Counter attacks cannot critically hit.

    Carry capacity: 20.45/100

    Gold: 375


    >Shield +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Leg of Lagavulin +1 (weight: 4) (value: 70)

    >The Crafter's Mark (weight: 2) (value: 20)


    >Knight's gauntlets +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Black iron helmet (weight: 3) (value: 40)

    >Black iron chestplate (weight: 6) (value: 40)

    >Black iron leggings (weight: 3) (value: 30)


    >Healing potion x5 (weight: 1.25 [0.25 each]) (value: 50 [10 each])

    >Medicinal herbs x17 (weight: 1.7 [0.1 each]) (value: 425 [25 each])

    >Potion base x10 (weight: 1 [0.1 each]) (value: 100 [10 each])

    >Blue orchid x10 (weight: 1 [0.1 each]) (value: 150 [15 each])

    >Northstar flower x5 (weight: 0.5 [0.1 each]) (value: 60 [15 each])

    >Torch x5 (weight: 2.5 [0.5 each]) (value: 35 [7 each])

    >Loaded dice (weight: 1) (value: 20)

    >Firewood (weight: 2) (value: 40)

    >Crimson (weight: 0.5) (value: 30)

    >Bottle of Semilean Red wine (weight: 1) (value: 50)

    Potion recipes:

    >Minor healing potion

    Requirements: 1 potion base, 2 medicinal herbs

    >Minor mana potion

    Requirements: 1 potion base, 2 blue orchids

    >Night vision potion

    Requirements: 1 potion base, 2 northstar flowers

    HP: 92
    Mana: 52 (regen: 10)
    Speed: 4
    Spell slots: 4
    Physical resistance: 22
    Elemental resistance: 11
    Vitality status resistance: 29
    Endurance status resistance: 31
    Persuasion score: 15

    Impact defense: 0 +15

    Slash defense: 0 +15

    Puncture defense: 0 +15

    Water defense: 0 +6

    Fire defense: 0 +15

    Earth defense: 0 +9

    Wind defense: 0 +9

    Ice defense: 0 +6

    Electric defense: 0 +6

    Toxic defense: 0 +9

    Magic defense: 0 +9

    Light defense: 0 +13

    Dark defense: 0 +16

    Vitality: 9
    Endurance: 9
    Attunement: 6
    Strength: 5
    Dexterity: 4
    Intelligence: 3
    Faith: 3
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 3

    Magic: 2
    Hydromancy: 2
    Pyromancy: 2
    Geomancy: 3
    Aeromancy: 2
    Cryomancy: 2
    Electromancy: 2
    Necromancy: 2
    Polymancy: 2
    Light magic: 3
    Dark magic: 1

    Connor, Sorcerer [Level 6 Sorcerer|==========] 241/400 XP

    [HP|==========] 45/45 | [Mana|==========] 89/89 | Equip load: 9.5/35 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Wizard staff +1] [Right weapon: The Jagged Edge] [Helmet: Wizard hat] [Chestplate: Sorcerer's robes] [Gauntlets: Sorcerer's gloves] [Boots: Sorcerer's boots]

    Status effects: none

    Arcane Missiles (active: costs 6x1.25 mana)
    Fires bolts of arcane energy at enemies, with each having its own target. They deal 11 magic damage when they hit. Mana cost increases for every projectile fired.

    Frostfire (active: costs 25 mana)
    Fires a bolt of frost and flame that burns a target for 15 damage, then subsequently freezes them, dealing 10 damage and reducing their non-crit rolls by 2 for 2 turns.

    Lightning Storm III (active: costs 25 mana)
    Call down a lightning storm from above, dealing 20 electric damage to all enemies.

    Ice Wall (active: costs 15 mana)
    Instantly create a barrier of ice, granting you 20 block.

    Firebolt (active: costs 20 mana)
    Fire a flaming projectile with enhanced accuracy, dealing 24 fire damage with +2 to its accuracy roll.

    Carry capacity: 26/65

    Gold: 305


    >Wizard staff (weight: 2) (value: 10)

    >Wizard staff +1 (weight: 2) (value: 12)

    >Brigand's knife (weight: 2) (value: 13)

    >Golden dagger (weight: 1) (value: 60)

    >The Jagged Edge (weight: 1.5) (value: 70)

    >The Master Key (weight: 1.5) (value: 70)


    >Wizard hat (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Sorcerer's robes (weight: 2) (value: 10)

    >Sorcerer's gloves (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Sorcerer's boots (weight: 2) (value: 10)

    >Iron trimmed coat (weight: 2) (value: 35)


    >Eye of Lagavulin (weight: 1) (value: 40)

    >Lagavulin shell fragment x10 (weight: 5 [0.5 each]) (value: 100 [10 each])

    >Healing potion x3 (weight: 0.75 [0.25 each]) (value: 30 [10 each])

    >Salvaged circuitry (weight: 0.25) (value: 40)

    >Damaged battery (weight: 1) (value: 20)

    >Crimson x2 (weight: 1 [0.5 each]) (value: 60 [30 each])

    HP: 45
    Mana: 89 (regen: 10)
    Speed: 4
    Spell slots: 4
    Physical resistance: 5
    Elemental resistance: 23
    Vitality status resistance: 15
    Endurance status resistance: 15
    Persuasion score: 15

    Impact defense: 0 +2

    Slash defense: 0 +4

    Puncture defense: 0 +2

    Water defense: 0 +3

    Fire defense: 0 +5

    Earth defense: 0 +5

    Wind defense: 0 +5

    Ice defense: 0 +3

    Electric defense: 0 +3

    Toxic defense: 0 +3

    Magic defense: 0 +8

    Light defense: 0 +5

    Dark defense: 0 +5

    Vitality: 4
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 10
    Strength: 3
    Dexterity: 3
    Intelligence: 7
    Faith: 4
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 3

    Magic: 6
    Hydromancy: 4
    Pyromancy: 4
    Geomancy: 4
    Aeromancy: 4
    Cryomancy: 4
    Electromancy: 4
    Necromancy: 4
    Polymancy: 4
    Light magic: 4
    Dark magic: 3

    Morgan, Reformed Thief [Level 6 Bounty Hunter|==========] 44/400 XP

    [HP|==========] 45/45 | [Mana|==========] 35/40 | Equip load: 13/45 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Axe] [Right weapon: Barbed spear] [Helmet: Bounty hunter's mask] [Chestplate: Bounty hunter's tunic] [Gauntlets: Bounty hunter's gloves] [Boots: Bounty hunter's boots]

    Status effects: none

    Mark for Death II (active: costs 15 mana)

    Mark a target for death, causing them to take 25% more damage from all sources for 3 turns.

    Searing Uppercut (active: costs 20 mana)

    Deliver a flame-infused uppercut, dealing 12 impact damage and 14 fire damage, with a greatly improved chance to stagger the target.

    Carry capacity: 15/95

    Gold: 300


    >Axe (weight: 3) (value: 10)

    >Axe (weight: 3) (value: 10)

    >Barbed spear (weight: 3) (value: 30)


    >Bounty hunter's mask (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Bounty hunter's tunic (weight: 3) (value: 10)

    >Bounty hunter's gloves (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Bounty hunter's boots (weight: 2) (value: 10)


    >Ancient artifact (weight: 1) (value: 250)

    >Bottle of Semilean White wine (weight: 1) (value: 50)

    HP: 45
    Mana: 40 (regen: 10)
    Speed: 5
    Spell slots: 2
    Physical resistance: 11
    Elemental resistance: 13
    Vitality status resistance: 17
    Endurance status resistance: 16
    Persuasion score: 15

    Impact defense: 0 +5

    Slash defense: 0 +5

    Puncture defense: 0 +5

    Water defense: 0

    Fire defense: 0

    Earth defense: 0

    Wind defense: 0

    Ice defense: 0

    Electric defense: 0

    Toxic defense: 0

    Magic defense: 0

    Light defense: 0

    Dark defense: 0

    Vitality: 5
    Endurance: 5
    Attunement: 5
    Strength: 6
    Dexterity: 6
    Intelligence: 4
    Faith: 3
    Luck: 4
    Charisma: 3

    Magic: 3
    Hydromancy: 2
    Pyromancy: 4
    Geomancy: 3
    Aeromancy: 3
    Cryomancy: 3
    Electromancy: 3
    Necromancy: 2
    Polymancy: 3
    Light magic: 2
    Dark magic: 2

    Junia, Cleric [Level 6 Cleric|==========] 104/400 XP

    [HP|==========] 40/40 | [Mana|==========] 52/53 | Equip load: 11/30 (medium encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Holy scriptures] [Right weapon: Silver plated pistol] [Helmet: Cleric's hood] [Chestplate: Rogue's longcoat +1] [Gauntlets: White gloves] [Boots: Rogue's boots +1]

    Status effects: None

    Divine Grace (active: costs 15 mana)

    Heal a target with divine power, restoring 22% of their HP.

    Divine Comfort (active: costs 25 mana)

    Soothe all allies with divine power, restoring 11% HP to everyone.

    Carry capacity: 11/60

    Gold: 250


    >Holy scriptures (weight: 2) (value: 10)

    Silver plated pistol (weight: 2) (value: 25)


    >Cleric's hood (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Cleric's robes (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >White gloves (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Cleric's boots (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Rogue's longcoat +1 (weight: 2) (value: 13)

    >Rogue's boots +1 (weight: 1) (value: 13)

    HP: 40
    Mana: 53 (regen: 12)
    Speed: 4
    Spell slots: 3
    Physical resistance: 5
    Elemental resistance: 10
    Vitality status resistance: 10
    Endurance status resistance: 10
    Persuasion score: 10

    Impact defense: 0 +2

    Slash defense: 0 +6

    Puncture defense: 0 +2

    Water defense: 0 +2

    Fire defense: 0 +2

    Earth defense: 0 +2

    Wind defense: 0 +2

    Ice defense: 0 +2

    Electric defense: 0 +2

    Toxic defense: 0 +2

    Magic defense: 0 +4

    Light defense: 0 +6

    Dark defense: 0 +6

    Vitality: 4
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 7
    Strength: 3
    Dexterity: 3
    Intelligence: 6
    Faith: 10
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 3

    Magic: 5
    Hydromancy: 3
    Pyromancy: 2
    Geomancy: 2
    Aeromancy: 3
    Cryomancy: 3
    Electromancy: 2
    Necromancy: 1
    Polymancy: 2
    Light magic: 6
    Dark magic: 1

    Alessandra of Semiland, Seer of Ironhaven [Level 5 Sorcerer]

    [HP|==========] 45/45 | [Mana|==========] 31/68 | Equip load: 5/35 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Seer's gauntlet] [Right weapon: Bronze dagger] [Helmet: Seer's hood] [Chestplate: Seer's robes] [Gauntlets: None] [Boots: Seer's boots]

    Status effects: None

    Defensive Ward (active: costs 25 mana)

    Project a magical barrier that blocks incoming enemy attacks and has 70 HP.

    Protect (active: costs 25 mana)

    Shield a single ally, granting them 30 block.

    Pride of Semiland (passive)

    Deals 50% more damage to Gregory the Fire Resistant, as well as his summons.

    Carry capacity: 5/65

    Gold: 150


    >Seer's gauntlet (weight: 1) (value: 100)

    >Bronze dagger (weight: 1) (value: 15)


    >Seer's hood (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Seer's robes (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Seer's boots (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    HP: 45
    Mana: 60 (regen: 13)
    Speed: 4
    Spell slots: 3
    Physical resistance: 5
    Elemental resistance: 15
    Vitality status resistance: 15
    Endurance status resistance: 15
    Persuasion score: 25

    Impact defense: 0 +3

    Slash defense: 0 +3

    Puncture defense: 0 +3

    Water defense: 0 +6

    Fire defense: 0 +6

    Earth defense: 0 +6

    Wind defense: 0 +6

    Ice defense: 0 +6

    Electric defense: 0 +6

    Toxic defense: 0 +6

    Magic defense: 0 +9

    Light defense: 0 +6

    Dark defense: 0 +6

    Vitality: 4
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 7
    Strength: 2
    Dexterity: 2
    Intelligence: 8
    Faith: 4
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 5

    Magic: 8
    Hydromancy: 4
    Pyromancy: 4
    Geomancy: 4
    Aeromancy: 4
    Cryomancy: 4
    Electromancy: 4
    Necromancy: 4
    Polymancy: 4
    Light magic: 4
    Dark magic: 3

    >Silver plated pistol (weight: 2) (value: 25)

    >Engraved knife (weight: 2) (value: 35)

    >Engraved knife (weight: 2) (value: 35)

    >Engraved knife (weight: 2) (value: 35)

    >Katana +1 (weight: 3) (value: 60)

    >"Zweilander +1 (weight: 5) (value: 110)

    >Student's greatsword (weight: 3) (value: 10)

    >Cutlass (weight: 2) (value: 20)

    >Caustic Caroline (weight: 1.5) (value: 100)

    >Toxic Tracy (weight: 1.5) (value: 100)

    >Whip +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Bard's garb +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Bard's gloves +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Leather mask (weight: 1) (value: 13)

    >Potion creation starter kit (weight: 2) (value: 50)

    Current location:


    Current quests:

    ==[Old Hatreds]==

    Gregory resides in the snowy region of Frostfall, a location inhabited by very few people. The region is expansive, but the seer, Alessandra, assured you that Gregory's fortress would be easy to spot. You venture forth into the frozen wasteland in search of Alessandra's lifelong rival.

    You arrived at Gregory's black fortress. Alessandra and Gregory's confrontation resulted in him conjuring forth living beings made of snow. He disappeared into the fortress, leaving you alone with his artificial constructs.

    With the Snowbound defeated, you continued your pursuit of Gregory.

    After searching Gregory's fortress, you cornered the wizard himself. You engage him in battle, intending to make him answer for his crimes.

    [√] Locate Gregory's fortress

    [√] Defeat the Snowbound

    [√] Find Gregory

    [ ] Defeat Gregory the Fire Resistant

    ==[Magical Artifacts]==
    You happened upon a mysterious fellow in the sewers of Acrus, carrying an unusual relic. He mentioned that there are two other relics somewhere in Aekran that, when brought together, would lead their holder to an ancient ruin filled with unimaginable treasures. You decided to keep that in mind, just in case.

    Turns out that mysterious fellow was a power hungry megalomaniac known as Geralt of Nivea, and the story he told was only partially true. Whoever holds all of the relics will apparently gain an incredible power, enough to make taking over the Aekranian empire a very real possibility. You prevented Geralt from obtaining more of the relics, and even relieved him of one of them. One relic remains unaccounted for.
    [2/3] Obtain the three relics

    ==[Haunting Visions]==
    You were presented with a strange vision one night before you fell asleep. You don't know why, you don't know the meaning of the image, and y̭͙̹̱̥͉̕ͅo̝͈̥͉̦̜͝u̵̫̻̩͓̖ ̬̘̫̩͖ͅd̯͓̟͇̼̤o͍̜͇͕̦ṉ̬̰͓'̲̹̰͙̤̟t̫̰̞̥̟ ̗̱r̰̘̝̬̰͡ec̯̙̦o̡g͉͠n̪̹̼̮i̘̦̙͇͖̯z̳̻͈͇ͅe̹͟ ̼̤̥͔t̝̭͍̞̻͕͔h̸͍̜ę̖̩̭͚̻̞̝ ̴ḇ̡̙̩̼̹̪o̥͇̺̞͈d̜̪̠͕̻͔͝i͍͙͠e̳̳͓̞͉s̶̙͚ ͚̥ͅi̡͖̠̠ṉ͖̠ ̴͚̥̱ţ̩̘̯he̞͕̰ ҉wa̷̠̘͉͖̹̞̤t̝̠̬̯͓̩e̜̩̤̯̺͔̕r̗͖̖̳̩̺͠.̡̦̩. You decided to get some help from someone more with more knowledge on this subject. Ironhaven was your next stop.

    According to the Seer, you are being hunted by an eldritch horror named Kar-nthal the Formless. Apparently, it's trying to drive you insane so it can easily "assimilate" you. The seer is willing to help you track it down, but she needs some supplies. She's given you a list of what you'll need.

    You brought the seer the herbs and elixirs she needs, as well as resupplying her with sparkling water. She still requires the heart of an eldritch creature. Any enemy classified as eldritch should do.

    With an eldritch being's heart in hand, you should be able to track Kar-nthal the Formless. Return to the seer when you have an opportunity.
    [√] Visit the seer at Ironhaven
    [√] Obtain the herbs and elixirs
    [√] Obtain a case of sparkling water
    [√] Obtain the heart of an eldritch beast
    [ ] Return to the seer

    ==[An Imperial Contract]==

    The emperor of Aekran has contacted you directly. He has requested your presence in Acrus, the capital city of Aekran. You're unsure of what the emperor is asking of you, but completing a contract for him would not only pay well, but would also vastly improve your reputation. On your way to Acrus, however, you were ambushed by unknown assailants. You'll have to get through them before you can get to Acrus.

    Your meeting with the emperor was interesting. He informed you of an unusual rumor of monstrous sea creatures attacking people and dragging them into the sea, never to be seen again. He has asked you to investigate this matter and, if the rumors are true, put a stop to it.

    You engaged a bizarre sea creature in combat and have slain it. Whatever it is, it doesn't seem like a naturally occurring creature. This thing was created by someone, somehow. Not only that, but you encountered a ghost wearing sunglasses that wants you dead. You have decided to tell the emperor what happened on the shore.

    The emperor directed you toward the town of Ironhaven. A seer lives there, and she should be able to help you deal with the sunglasses-wearing ghost.

    On the way to Acrus, you were attacked by a group of brigands intending to rob you. One of them managed to escape, but he dropped what appears to be an identification badge depicting a hawk impaled with two swords. Judging by the fact that they have matching badges, they may be an organized faction. There may be value in learning more about them.

    Apparently, these bandits are been lurking around Acrus for some time. One of the city guards mentioned one of them being detained. You might be able to use your reputation to question the bandit and learn more.

    You cleared out the hideout in Acrus, with the brigand cell leader in tow. In a strange turn of events, some mysterious humanoid bear creature got loose in the building and laid waste to everyone inside. Additionally, it seems to have expressed interest in hunting you down at some point in the future.

    You cleared out the hideout along the country road. You learned that this particular band of brigands is a major Crimson dealer in this part of Aekran, and that they hired a hitman to deal with some of their major enemies. All you know about this hitman is that he goes by the name of Ghost.

    The last hideout was massacred by the strange bear creature. However, there was a survivor. He pointed you in the direction of the brigand leader's hideout. Apparently, it's along the outskirts of Ironhaven. You set off, hoping he hasn't relocated recently.

    You stormed the brigands' hideout and eliminated their leader. The assassin, Ghost, clumsily fell to his death. Though this particular band of brigands still has cells operating in other regions of Aekran, their efforts have been effectively crippled.

    ==[The Seer of Ironhaven]==
    Monstrous sea creatures do exist, and that appear to be lead by a ghost that wears sunglasses and speaks like a surfer dude. Honestly, it's not the weirdest thing that's happened to you on a job. The ghost is likely being summoned and controlled by a sorcerer somewhere in Aekran, and stopping them would more than likely dispel the spirit and destroy the sea monsters. In order to track down this malevolent sorcerer, the emperor has informed you of a seer in Ironhaven who should be able to help you. To get to Ironhaven, however, you'll need to obtain a boat.

    You arrived in Ironhaven without incident. Your next priority would be to visit the seer.

    The seer informed you that the sunglasses wearing spirit was summoned by a heretical mage known as Gregory. The only way to seal the spirit away is to stop Gregory, but to do so, you'll need to track him down. The seer pointed you in the direction of several creatures Gregory has summoned. Apparently, eliminating them and collecting whatever they leave behind will allow you to pinpoint his location. You set off, prepared for combat.

    You fought and defeated Krab, Cracker of Shells, and obtained its soul. Three foes remained before you could track Gregory down.

    It was a long fight, but you destroyed Mechacrab, the Cyborg Crustacean. Its core belonged to you now. Only two targets left.

    In a rather decisive battle, you slayed Crabbell, Ringer of the Tides and obtained a magical image of its bell. One target remains.

    You have vanquished all four of Gregory's champions. The seer should be able to help you locate him using the relics you obtained from them.

    You returned the remnants of Gregory's champions to the seer. After you assisted her in dealing with a group of assassins, she began to focus her magical power to locate the heretical mage, Gregory. It will take some time for her to finish, so you have been left with some free time.

    After a brief moment to yourself, the seer has located Gregory.

    The seer chose to accompany you on your quest to defeat Gregory. She tracked the heretical mage to the desolate region of Frostfall. You set off immediately, ready for whatever may lie ahead.

    Your attributes determine your stats. You can increase your attributes by leveling up, equipping powerful gear, and by utilizing training halls in towns. Your basic attributes determine your basic stats, while your magic attributes affect your ability to wield different types of magic. You get one skill point whenever you level up, which can be spent to increase any attribute.

    Here is a list of all attributes.

    =====[Basic attributes]=====

    Vitality determines your max HP and your resistance to certain status effects and damage types.
    Max HP
    Physical damage resistances
    Multiple status resistances, including bleed, frost, and poison

    Endurance determines your damage resistance, equip load, and speed, as well as your resistance to certain status effects.
    Damage resistances
    Max equip load
    Multiple status resistances, including stagger, vulnerability, and burn

    Attunement determines your max mana and the number of spell slots available, as well as your resistance to certain types of magic.
    Max mana
    Number of spell slots
    Elemental damage resistances

    Strength determines the effectiveness of certain weapon types, your maximum carry capacity, and your ability to win clashes.
    Effectiveness of strength-scaling weapons
    Maximum inventory capacity
    Effectiveness in clashes

    Dexterity determines the effectiveness of certain weapon types, your ability to evade attacks, and your ability to land critical hits.
    Effectiveness of dexterity-scaling weapons
    Evasion dice rolls
    Critical hit dice rolls

    Intelligence determines the effectiveness of certain spells, your mana regeneration, and the effectiveness of certain relics.
    Effectiveness of intelligence-scaling magic and weapons
    Effectiveness of intelligence-scaling relics
    Mana regeneration rate

    Faith determines the effectiveness of certain spells, the healing you receive, and the effectiveness of certain relics.
    Effectiveness of faith-scaling magic and weapons
    Effectiveness of faith-scaling relics
    Healing received

    Luck influences your ability to succeed in nearly all aspects by rigging the dice in your favor.
    All dice rolls

    Charisma determines your ability to persuade others, as well as your buy and sell prices at shops.
    Persuasion ability
    Buying prices at shops
    Selling prices at shops

    =====[Magic stats]=====

    Your basic knowledge of magic. It primarily affects basic magic spells, but has a slight influence on all other types of magic.

    Your knowledge of water magic. Water-based spells are highly versatile and can be used in offensive and defensive roles.

    Your knowledge of fire magic. Fire-based spells are primarily offensive, dealing high damage and immolating targets.

    Your knowledge of earth magic. Earth-based spells have strong defensive capabilities, while also being useful attacks.

    Your knowledge of wind magic. Wind-based spells can be used in several ways, from enhancing mobility to breaking the enemy's formation.

    Your knowledge of ice magic. Ice-based spells can take the form of powerful attacks or inexorable
    defensive wards.

    Your knowledge of lightning magic. Lightning-based spells have excellent attack power, and synergize well with water magic.

    Your knowledge of necromancy. Necromancers are able to reanimate the dead, as well as create deadly
    poisons and toxins.

    Your knowledge of shapeshifting magic. Polymorphs are highly respected in combat for their adaptability and quick thinking.

    ==[Light magic]==
    Your knowledge of light magic. Light-based spells are primarily used to ward off demonic creatures and heal wounds.

    ==[Dark magic]==
    Your knowledge of dark magic. Darkness-based spells are a seldom used type of magic, as their use is forbidden in several parts of the world.

    Your stats are an indication of how powerful you are. You want them to be as high as possible. Your stats primarily increase as you level up your attributes, though there are other means of enhancing your stats.

    Here is a list of all stats.


    Your hit points. These decrease as you take damage. If you run out of HP, you get KO'd.

    ==[Damage resistances]==

    Damage resistances indicate a percentage reduction to the damage you take. Most resistances are divided into the various damage types. One point of damage resistance reduces incoming damage by 1%.


    Defenses indicate a static reduction to the damage you take. Most defenses are divided into the various damage types. One point of defense reduces incoming damage by one point.

    ==[Status resistances]==

    Status resistances indicate your ability to resist status effects applied to you. Status resistances are divided into vitality status resistance and endurance status resistance. Higher status resistance reduces the chance of you being afflicted with a status effect, as well as the potency of the status effect if you do get afflicted.

    ==[Equip load]==

    Your equip load measures how heavy your equipped gear can be. As you get closer to the maximum, your evasion rolls will be lowered, and if you go over your maximum equip load, you won't be able to evade attacks at all.


    Speed determines when in each turn you'll be able to take your action. Raising your speed will allow you take your actions sooner in the turn.


    Mana is used to cast spells and use active abilities. You regenerate some of your mana every turn.

    ==[Inventory capacity]==

    Your carrying capacity determines how many items you can carry on your person. Heavier items take up more space. This is a separate stat from equip load, so having a full inventory won't affect your ability to dodge.

    ==[Persuasion score]==

    Persuasion score is your ability to talk your way into getting what you want. There are several factors that influence persuasion score, most notably your charisma attribute. Higher persuasion score makes it easier to win people over with words alone.

    Weapon proficiencies indicate a higher level of skill in utilizing certain weapon types. If you use a weapon type you're proficient with, the weapon's stats will be enhanced in various ways. There are two ways to obtain weapon proficiencies: class selection, and undergoing weapon training. Every class has their own set of weapon proficiencies, but you can become proficient with other weapon types by finding weapon masters willing to teach you, at which point you'll begin a personal side quest to become proficient in a new weapon type.

    Every turn in combat, each player gets to take a major action and a minor action. Major actions are things like attacking enemies, healing allies, and using items. Minor actions are things like searching containers, talking to people, and looking around. If you choose to take a minor action, your major action will be slightly weakened, so there's value in only taking a major action. You can also take two minor actions at once, if you so choose.

    The order in which units take their turn is determined by their speed and the results of a dice roll. Your turn priority is your speed + (1 x D6). Units with the highest turn priority go first, and units with the lowest go last. Turn order will be listed on every update. If a player doesn't take their action in an update, their action that turn will be skipped.

    When a player's HP reaches zero, they get knocked out. KO'd players can only perform minor actions, and therefor can't heal allies or attack enemies. Players cannot be KO'd outside of combat.

    KO'd players will automatically be revived with 10% of their max HP at the end of combat. There are other means of reviving players in the middle of battle, though they require abilities, items, or particularly effective healing attempts.

    The damage players inflict is dependent on the strength of their weapon, the result of their attack dice rolls, and the creativity of their attack. Your weapon's attack stat is the minimum amount of damage the weapon can deal, assuming you get an average dice roll and perform a basic attack. Putting more effort and creativity into your attacks increases the damage of your attack, up to double your weapon's attack stat. High dice rolls can further enhance your damage.

    Blocking can be performed as a minor action. Doing so will grant you an amount of block that depends on your weapons' defensive value and the outcome of a dice roll. Block functions as damage absorption; you'll lose block before you lose HP.

    Whenever you perform something significant, you gain XP. When you gain enough XP, you level up. Leveling up allows you to enhance your attributes and, occasionally, learn a new ability. You can learn a new ability every 5 levels. There is no level cap.

    Every 5 levels grants you the ability to learn a new ability. When this happens, you can create your own ability to obtain. Do note that the ability's strength must be reasonable for your current level, and if your ability is too strong, it may have to be nerfed. It's also recommended that your abilities thematically fit with your class, as this will make them stronger.

    There are also preset abilities that can be learned throughout the game, at various sources. You can mix these in with your custom abilities to create a build that works perfectly for you.

    There are several types of damage, all of which have their strengths and weaknesses. Each damage type also has an associated status effect that will occasionally be inflicted when damage of that type is dealt.

    Here is a list of all damage types.

    Impact: inflicted by bludgeoning weapons. Can occasionally stagger an enemy, hindering their accuracy and evasion.

    Slash: inflicted by blades. Can occasionally cause enemies to bleed.

    Puncture: inflicted by thrusting weapons and projectiles. Can occasionally weaken an enemy, reducing their damage output.

    Water: inflicted by hydromancy and water-infused weapons. Can occasionally douse the target in water, making them vulnerable to electricity.

    Fire: inflicted by pyromancy and fire-infused weapons. Can occasionally light the target on fire.

    Earth: inflicted by geomancy and earth-infused weapons. Can occasionally shatter an enemy's defenses, leaving them vulnerable.

    Wind: inflicted by aeromancy and wind-infused weapons. Can occasionally disarm the target, weakening them or forcing them to grab their weapon.

    Ice: inflicted by cryomancy and ice-infused weapons. Can occasionally freeze the target.

    Electric: inflicted by electromancy and lightning-infused weapons. Can occasionally electrify the target, which also shocks nearby enemies.

    Toxic: inflicted by poisons. Can occasionally poison the target.

    Magic: inflicted by magic. Can occasionally hex the target, making them more vulnerable to status effects.

    Light: inflicted by light magic. Can occasionally blind the target, or severely damage eldritch creatures.

    Dark: inflicted by dark magic. Can occasionally corrupt the target, which can frequently lead to an early demise.

    You can look around at any time. Doing so can allow you to find items, notice interesting people, and get your bearings. Looking around counts as a minor action in combat.

    Heavier equipment can increase your level of encumbrance, which can impact your evasion.

    If you are below 30% of your max equip load, you'll gain +1 to your evasion dice rolls.

    If you're between 30% and 60%, your evasion won't be impacted at all.

    If you're over 60%, you'll gain -1 to your evasion rolls.

    If you're over 100%, you won't be able to dodge attacks at all.

    You slowly heal over time when out of combat. You can accelerate the process with items or abilities. Using items or abilities will also allow you to heal in the middle of combat.

    Sometimes, you'll get to choose what to say to people. You can say whatever you want, but be ready to deal with the consequences of your words.

    Enemies can be classified as human, beast, or eldritch. Some perks and abilities may affect different classes differently, but that's about it.

    You gain skill points whenever you level up. You can use them to increase your attributes and magic skills, or to upgrade your abilities.

    If you run out of HP, you are KO'd for the rest of combat, or until someone revives you. While KO'd, you can only perform minor actions. KO'd players will automatically be revived after combat.

    KO'd players can be revived in combat with certain items and abilities, or a high roll on a healing action. If a healing action isn't particularly powerful, it'll have no effect on a KO'd player. Players are typically revived with 25% of their HP.

    An item's perk points depends on its rarity. Uncommon items have 1, rare items have 2, legendary items have 3, and mythical and primeval items have 5. Uncommon perks require 1 point, rare ones require 2, legendary ones require 3, and primeval ones require 4.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Legends of Aekran | Kinda like DnD!
    Quote from BaconBusterYT»

    I feel out Gregory with a safe cut. Last time I got cocky I got my ribcage stomped on, so...

    You cautiously slice at Gregory.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 9.

    Your roll: 6.

    Your slice only deals 14 damage, but you don't get countered in any way. You gain 9 XP.

    Quote from GoldHero101»

    "Immune to fire eh? Let's see if we can't FIX THAT!" I slice at the machine causing the fire resist, attempting to disable it.

    You slice at the source of Gregory's aqua field.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 16.

    Your roll: 15.

    You miss the machine, but you still deal 20 damage to him and inflict bleeding! You gain 13 XP!

    ==[Enemy action]==

    Gregory takes 10 bleed damage, then creates a spectral image of himself. Then, he sprays highly pressurized water at the Crafter.

    The Crafter's evasion roll: 19.

    Gregory's roll: 7.

    The Crafter dodges easily.

    The Crafter delivers a counter attack.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 3.

    The Crafter's roll: 17.

    He hits for 25 damage. He gains 16 XP.

    ==[Ally action]==

    Alessandra creates a defensive ward.

    Quote from Stickcrafter»

    "That's a lot of water." I make a note about Gregory. "Which means he should be weak against electricity."

    I strike Gregory over his helmet with an Armor Breaker.

    You bash Gregory over the head with an armor breaker.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 19.
    Your roll: 17.

    You land an edge hit, dealing 18 damage, making him vulnerable, and worsening his bleeding! You gain 11 XP!

    ==[Ally action]==

    Junia attempts to blind Gregory with a bright flash of light.

    Gregory's evasion roll: 1 (critical failure!)

    Junia's roll: 15.

    The flash burns his eyes, harshly impacting his accuracy.

    Morgan marks Gregory for death.

    ==[Turn 2]==

    Smells like rain.

    Alessandra's defensive ward: 70/70 HP

    Turn order:

    Seymour: >>

    Junia: >>

    Gregory: >>>

    Zephil: >>

    Alessandra: >>

    Connor: >>

    The Crafter: >>

    Shade of Gregory: >>

    Morgan: >>


    image source: here.

    Gregory the Fire Resistant (class: human)
    [HP|===== ===== ===== ===== ===== | ===== ===== ===== ===== =====] 613/700
    Status effects: Aqua Field (immune to fire damage), Bleeding (takes 13 damage every turn for 2 turns), Physical Vulnerability (takes 10% more damage from physical sources for 3 turns), Blinded (suffers -2 to accuracy rolls for 2 turns), Marked for Death (takes 25% more damage from all sources for 3 turns)
    Exiled from Semiland for heretical summoning acts. Controls the power of an antediluvian horror.

    Shade of Gregory [Level 5 | Human]

    [HP| 90/90] [Mana| 50/50]

    Status effects: none

    Points of interest:

    Dock (the rarely used port of travel in Frostfall)

    Black fortress (Gregory's hidden fortress) [Everyone is here]

    Party (well rested for 15 turns):

    Zephil Solstrider, Bard [Level 7 Bard|==========] 359/450 XP

    [HP|==========] 72/72 | [Mana|==========] 50/50 | Tune points: 3 | Active auras: Regeneratos Ballad +1, Limerick of the Guard | Equip load: 11/35 (medium encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Lute +1] [Right weapon: Ballad of Two] [Helmet: Bard's cap +1] [Chestplate: Iron trimmed coat +1] [Gauntlets: Hard leather gloves +1] [Boots: Bard's boots +1]

    Status effects: Breaking Limits (gains +20 HP and +2 to all attributes for the rest of the battle)

    Bardic Tunes III (passive)

    Gain access to a Tune Gauge, which fuels musical auras. You can switch auras as a minor action, and start with 1 TP (Tune Point). Each Aura has a different TP cost, so choose wisely. The TP does not get consumed, so the effects are typically weaker than just using a skill. Also allows you to fuel into an aura to enhance its effects.

    Regeneratos Ballad: 1 TP

    Each party member recovers (1 x D4 + Zephil's persuasion score divided by 10) HP each combat turn.

    Hercules' Sonnet: 1 TP

    Each party member gets a +2 to their attack rolls. NOTE: Does not have any effect if they critical fail or succeed.

    Anthem of Blood: 1 TP

    All attacks from the party (including Zephil's) have an additional 10% chance to inflict bleeding.

    Limerick of the Guard: 1 TP

    Each party member gets a +2 to their evasion rolls. NOTE: Does not have any effect if they critical fail or succeed.

    Breaking Limits (passive)

    "Breaking limits as only a true warrior of light could." During boss fights, you transcend your limits by gaining +2 to all attributes and +20 HP for the duration of the battle.

    Flaming Flat (active: costs 20 mana)

    Fire a flaming projectile with enhanced accuracy, dealing 24 fire damage with +2 to its accuracy roll.

    Carry capacity: 14.96/65

    Gold: 275


    >Lute +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Ballad of Two (weight: 2) (value: 35)


    >Bard's cap +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Bard's boots +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Iron trimmed coat +1 (weight: 2) (value: 45)

    >Hard leather gloves +1 (weight: 1) (value: 40)


    >Healing potion (weight: 0.25) (value: 10)

    >Medicinal herbs x3 (weight: 0.3 [0.1 each]) (value: 75 [25 each])

    >Manslayer oil (weight: 0.1) (value: 30)

    >Ancient artifact (weight: 1) (value: 250)

    >Shipping manifest (weight: 0) (quest item)

    >List of names (weight: 0) (quest item)

    >Letter to "Ghost" (weight: 0) (quest item)

    >Escape rope (weight: 1) (value: 35)

    >Bandage x6 (weight: 1.2 [0.2 each]) (value: 60 [10 each])

    >Antidote x6 (weight: 1.2 [0.2 each]) (value: 60 [10 each])

    >Soaked book (weight: 1) (value: 5)

    >Broken dagger (weight: 1) (value: 2)

    >Robotic coolant x2 (weight: 2 [1 each]) (value: 40 [20 each])

    >Shark tooth x5 (weight: 1 [0.2 each]) (value: 10 [2 each])

    HP: 52

    Mana: 50 (regen: 10)

    Speed: 5

    Spell slots: 3

    Physical resistance: 6

    Elemental resistance: 5

    Vitality status resistance: 11

    Endurance status resistance: 10

    Persuasion score: 40

    Impact defense: 0 +8

    Slash defense: 0 +12

    Puncture defense: 0 +9

    Water defense: 0

    Fire defense: 0 +3

    Earth defense: 0 +3

    Wind defense: 0 +3

    Ice defense: 0

    Electric defense: 0

    Toxic defense: 0

    Magic defense: 0 +10

    Light defense: 0 +8

    Dark defense: 0 +3

    Vitality: 5
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 4
    Strength: 2
    Dexterity: 5
    Intelligence: 5
    Faith: 5
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 8

    Magic: 6
    Hydromancy: 3
    Pyromancy: 3
    Geomancy: 3
    Aeromancy: 4
    Cryomancy: 3
    Electromancy: 3
    Necromancy: 3
    Polymancy: 3
    Light magic: 4
    Dark magic: 2

    Seymour Hogsworth, Rogue [Level 7 Rogue|==========] 138/450 XP

    [HP|==========] 61/61 | [Mana|==========] 40/40 | Equip load: 10/40 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Silver plated pistol] [Right weapon: Katana] [Helmet: Rogue's scarf +1] [Chestplate: Iron trimmed coat +1] [Gauntlets: Rogue's gloves +1] [Boots: Steel tipped boots]

    Status effects: None

    Have At You! II (active: costs 15 mana)
    When used, target a single enemy, and deal 33% more damage towards them for 3 turns. While active, both you and your target enemy deal 25% less damage towards anyone other than each other. If the target dies early, can swap to a new enemy for the remainder of the duration.

    Wind Waltz II (active: costs X mana)
    By channeling wind magic throughout the body, temporarily gain +3 to evasion rolls. Duration is 1 turn for every 6 mana spent. Also passively grants +1 to evasion rolls against enemies targeted by Have At You!. Also improves dancing skill, for reasons unknown.

    Ice Wall (active: costs 15 mana)
    Instantly create a barrier of ice, granting you 20 block.

    Firebolt II (active: costs 20 mana)
    Fire a flaming projectile with enhanced accuracy, dealing 30 fire damage with +2 to its accuracy roll.

    Carry capacity: 16/70

    Gold: 356


    >Katana (weight: 3) (value: 50)

    >Silver plated pistol (weight: 2) (value: 25)


    >Rogue's scarf +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Rogue's gloves +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Iron trimmed coat +1 (weight: 2) (value: 45)

    >Steel tipped boots (weight: 1) (value: 30)


    >Crimson x4 (weight: 2 [0.5 each]) (value: 100 [25 each])

    >Loaded dice (weight: 1) (value: 20)

    HP: 61
    Mana: 40 (regen: 13)
    Speed: 6
    Spell slots: 2
    Physical resistance: 7
    Elemental resistance: 3
    Vitality status resistance: 12
    Endurance status resistance: 10
    Persuasion score: 25

    Impact defense: 0 +8

    Slash defense: 0 +17

    Puncture defense: 0 +9

    Water defense: 0

    Fire defense: 3

    Earth defense: 3

    Wind defense: 3

    Ice defense: 0

    Electric defense: 0

    Toxic defense: 0

    Magic defense: 3

    Light defense: 3

    Dark defense: 3

    Vitality: 5
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 4
    Strength: 2
    Dexterity: 9
    Intelligence: 5
    Faith: 3
    Luck: 5
    Charisma: 5

    Magic: 2
    Hydromancy: 2
    Pyromancy: 3
    Geomancy: 1
    Aeromancy: 3
    Cryomancy: 2
    Electromancy: 2
    Necromancy: 2
    Polymancy: 2
    Light magic: 2
    Dark magic: 2

    The Crafter, Knight [Level 7 Knight|==========] 109/450 XP

    [HP|==========] 92/92 | [Mana|==========] 37/52 | Equip load: 20/56 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Shield +1] [Right weapon: Leg of Lagavulin +1] [Helmet: Black iron helmet] [Chestplate: Black iron chestplate] [Gauntlets: Knight's gauntlets +1] [Boots: Black iron leggings]

    Status effects: None

    Armor Breaker (active: costs 15 mana)
    Perform an attack that deals double damage to enemy block. If the target has no block, this ability causes them to take 10% more damage from physical attacks for 3 turns.

    Counter (passive)
    When surviving an enemy attack, immediately hit back with a regular attack. Counter attacks cannot critically hit.

    Carry capacity: 20.45/100

    Gold: 375


    >Shield +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Leg of Lagavulin +1 (weight: 4) (value: 70)

    >The Crafter's Mark (weight: 2) (value: 20)


    >Knight's gauntlets +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Black iron helmet (weight: 3) (value: 40)

    >Black iron chestplate (weight: 6) (value: 40)

    >Black iron leggings (weight: 3) (value: 30)


    >Healing potion x5 (weight: 1.25 [0.25 each]) (value: 50 [10 each])

    >Medicinal herbs x17 (weight: 1.7 [0.1 each]) (value: 425 [25 each])

    >Potion base x10 (weight: 1 [0.1 each]) (value: 100 [10 each])

    >Blue orchid x10 (weight: 1 [0.1 each]) (value: 150 [15 each])

    >Northstar flower x5 (weight: 0.5 [0.1 each]) (value: 60 [15 each])

    >Torch x5 (weight: 2.5 [0.5 each]) (value: 35 [7 each])

    >Loaded dice (weight: 1) (value: 20)

    >Firewood (weight: 2) (value: 40)

    >Crimson (weight: 0.5) (value: 30)

    >Bottle of Semilean Red wine (weight: 1) (value: 50)

    Potion recipes:

    >Minor healing potion

    Requirements: 1 potion base, 2 medicinal herbs

    >Minor mana potion

    Requirements: 1 potion base, 2 blue orchids

    >Night vision potion

    Requirements: 1 potion base, 2 northstar flowers

    HP: 92
    Mana: 52 (regen: 10)
    Speed: 4
    Spell slots: 4
    Physical resistance: 22
    Elemental resistance: 11
    Vitality status resistance: 29
    Endurance status resistance: 31
    Persuasion score: 15

    Impact defense: 0 +15

    Slash defense: 0 +15

    Puncture defense: 0 +15

    Water defense: 0 +6

    Fire defense: 0 +15

    Earth defense: 0 +9

    Wind defense: 0 +9

    Ice defense: 0 +6

    Electric defense: 0 +6

    Toxic defense: 0 +9

    Magic defense: 0 +9

    Light defense: 0 +13

    Dark defense: 0 +16

    Vitality: 9
    Endurance: 9
    Attunement: 6
    Strength: 5
    Dexterity: 4
    Intelligence: 3
    Faith: 3
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 3

    Magic: 2
    Hydromancy: 2
    Pyromancy: 2
    Geomancy: 3
    Aeromancy: 2
    Cryomancy: 2
    Electromancy: 2
    Necromancy: 2
    Polymancy: 2
    Light magic: 3
    Dark magic: 1

    Connor, Sorcerer [Level 6 Sorcerer|==========] 235/400 XP

    [HP|==========] 45/45 | [Mana|==========] 89/89 | Equip load: 9.5/35 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Wizard staff +1] [Right weapon: The Jagged Edge] [Helmet: Wizard hat] [Chestplate: Sorcerer's robes] [Gauntlets: Sorcerer's gloves] [Boots: Sorcerer's boots]

    Status effects: none

    Arcane Missiles (active: costs 6x1.25 mana)
    Fires bolts of arcane energy at enemies, with each having its own target. They deal 11 magic damage when they hit. Mana cost increases for every projectile fired.

    Frostfire (active: costs 25 mana)
    Fires a bolt of frost and flame that burns a target for 15 damage, then subsequently freezes them, dealing 10 damage and reducing their non-crit rolls by 2 for 2 turns.

    Lightning Storm III (active: costs 25 mana)
    Call down a lightning storm from above, dealing 20 electric damage to all enemies.

    Ice Wall (active: costs 15 mana)
    Instantly create a barrier of ice, granting you 20 block.

    Firebolt (active: costs 20 mana)
    Fire a flaming projectile with enhanced accuracy, dealing 24 fire damage with +2 to its accuracy roll.

    Carry capacity: 26/65

    Gold: 305


    >Wizard staff (weight: 2) (value: 10)

    >Wizard staff +1 (weight: 2) (value: 12)

    >Brigand's knife (weight: 2) (value: 13)

    >Golden dagger (weight: 1) (value: 60)

    >The Jagged Edge (weight: 1.5) (value: 70)

    >The Master Key (weight: 1.5) (value: 70)


    >Wizard hat (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Sorcerer's robes (weight: 2) (value: 10)

    >Sorcerer's gloves (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Sorcerer's boots (weight: 2) (value: 10)

    >Iron trimmed coat (weight: 2) (value: 35)


    >Eye of Lagavulin (weight: 1) (value: 40)

    >Lagavulin shell fragment x10 (weight: 5 [0.5 each]) (value: 100 [10 each])

    >Healing potion x3 (weight: 0.75 [0.25 each]) (value: 30 [10 each])

    >Salvaged circuitry (weight: 0.25) (value: 40)

    >Damaged battery (weight: 1) (value: 20)

    >Crimson x2 (weight: 1 [0.5 each]) (value: 60 [30 each])

    HP: 45
    Mana: 89 (regen: 10)
    Speed: 4
    Spell slots: 4
    Physical resistance: 5
    Elemental resistance: 23
    Vitality status resistance: 15
    Endurance status resistance: 15
    Persuasion score: 15

    Impact defense: 0 +2

    Slash defense: 0 +4

    Puncture defense: 0 +2

    Water defense: 0 +3

    Fire defense: 0 +5

    Earth defense: 0 +5

    Wind defense: 0 +5

    Ice defense: 0 +3

    Electric defense: 0 +3

    Toxic defense: 0 +3

    Magic defense: 0 +8

    Light defense: 0 +5

    Dark defense: 0 +5

    Vitality: 4
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 10
    Strength: 3
    Dexterity: 3
    Intelligence: 7
    Faith: 4
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 3

    Magic: 6
    Hydromancy: 4
    Pyromancy: 4
    Geomancy: 4
    Aeromancy: 4
    Cryomancy: 4
    Electromancy: 4
    Necromancy: 4
    Polymancy: 4
    Light magic: 4
    Dark magic: 3

    Morgan, Reformed Thief [Level 6 Bounty Hunter|==========] 39/400 XP

    [HP|==========] 45/45 | [Mana|==========] 25/40 | Equip load: 13/45 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Axe] [Right weapon: Barbed spear] [Helmet: Bounty hunter's mask] [Chestplate: Bounty hunter's tunic] [Gauntlets: Bounty hunter's gloves] [Boots: Bounty hunter's boots]

    Status effects: none

    Mark for Death II (active: costs 15 mana)

    Mark a target for death, causing them to take 25% more damage from all sources for 3 turns.

    Searing Uppercut (active: costs 20 mana)

    Deliver a flame-infused uppercut, dealing 12 impact damage and 14 fire damage, with a greatly improved chance to stagger the target.

    Carry capacity: 15/95

    Gold: 300


    >Axe (weight: 3) (value: 10)

    >Axe (weight: 3) (value: 10)

    >Barbed spear (weight: 3) (value: 30)


    >Bounty hunter's mask (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Bounty hunter's tunic (weight: 3) (value: 10)

    >Bounty hunter's gloves (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Bounty hunter's boots (weight: 2) (value: 10)


    >Ancient artifact (weight: 1) (value: 250)

    >Bottle of Semilean White wine (weight: 1) (value: 50)

    HP: 45
    Mana: 40 (regen: 10)
    Speed: 5
    Spell slots: 2
    Physical resistance: 11
    Elemental resistance: 13
    Vitality status resistance: 17
    Endurance status resistance: 16
    Persuasion score: 15

    Impact defense: 0 +5

    Slash defense: 0 +5

    Puncture defense: 0 +5

    Water defense: 0

    Fire defense: 0

    Earth defense: 0

    Wind defense: 0

    Ice defense: 0

    Electric defense: 0

    Toxic defense: 0

    Magic defense: 0

    Light defense: 0

    Dark defense: 0

    Vitality: 5
    Endurance: 5
    Attunement: 5
    Strength: 6
    Dexterity: 6
    Intelligence: 4
    Faith: 3
    Luck: 4
    Charisma: 3

    Magic: 3
    Hydromancy: 2
    Pyromancy: 4
    Geomancy: 3
    Aeromancy: 3
    Cryomancy: 3
    Electromancy: 3
    Necromancy: 2
    Polymancy: 3
    Light magic: 2
    Dark magic: 2

    Junia, Cleric [Level 6 Cleric|==========] 98/400 XP

    [HP|==========] 40/40 | [Mana|==========] 52/53 | Equip load: 11/30 (medium encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Holy scriptures] [Right weapon: Silver plated pistol] [Helmet: Cleric's hood] [Chestplate: Rogue's longcoat +1] [Gauntlets: White gloves] [Boots: Rogue's boots +1]

    Status effects: None

    Divine Grace (active: costs 15 mana)

    Heal a target with divine power, restoring 22% of their HP.

    Divine Comfort (active: costs 25 mana)

    Soothe all allies with divine power, restoring 11% HP to everyone.

    Carry capacity: 11/60

    Gold: 250


    >Holy scriptures (weight: 2) (value: 10)

    Silver plated pistol (weight: 2) (value: 25)


    >Cleric's hood (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Cleric's robes (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >White gloves (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Cleric's boots (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Rogue's longcoat +1 (weight: 2) (value: 13)

    >Rogue's boots +1 (weight: 1) (value: 13)

    HP: 40
    Mana: 53 (regen: 12)
    Speed: 4
    Spell slots: 3
    Physical resistance: 5
    Elemental resistance: 10
    Vitality status resistance: 10
    Endurance status resistance: 10
    Persuasion score: 10

    Impact defense: 0 +2

    Slash defense: 0 +6

    Puncture defense: 0 +2

    Water defense: 0 +2

    Fire defense: 0 +2

    Earth defense: 0 +2

    Wind defense: 0 +2

    Ice defense: 0 +2

    Electric defense: 0 +2

    Toxic defense: 0 +2

    Magic defense: 0 +4

    Light defense: 0 +6

    Dark defense: 0 +6

    Vitality: 4
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 7
    Strength: 3
    Dexterity: 3
    Intelligence: 6
    Faith: 10
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 3

    Magic: 5
    Hydromancy: 3
    Pyromancy: 2
    Geomancy: 2
    Aeromancy: 3
    Cryomancy: 3
    Electromancy: 2
    Necromancy: 1
    Polymancy: 2
    Light magic: 6
    Dark magic: 1

    Alessandra of Semiland, Seer of Ironhaven [Level 5 Sorcerer]

    [HP|==========] 45/45 | [Mana|==========] 43/68 | Equip load: 5/35 (low encumbrance)

    [Left weapon: Seer's gauntlet] [Right weapon: Bronze dagger] [Helmet: Seer's hood] [Chestplate: Seer's robes] [Gauntlets: None] [Boots: Seer's boots]

    Status effects: None

    Defensive Ward (active: costs 25 mana)

    Project a magical barrier that blocks incoming enemy attacks and has 70 HP.

    Protect (active: costs 25 mana)

    Shield a single ally, granting them 30 block.

    Pride of Semiland (passive)

    Deals 50% more damage to Gregory the Fire Resistant, as well as his summons.

    Carry capacity: 5/65

    Gold: 150


    >Seer's gauntlet (weight: 1) (value: 100)

    >Bronze dagger (weight: 1) (value: 15)


    >Seer's hood (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Seer's robes (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    >Seer's boots (weight: 1) (value: 10)

    HP: 45
    Mana: 60 (regen: 13)
    Speed: 4
    Spell slots: 3
    Physical resistance: 5
    Elemental resistance: 15
    Vitality status resistance: 15
    Endurance status resistance: 15
    Persuasion score: 25

    Impact defense: 0 +3

    Slash defense: 0 +3

    Puncture defense: 0 +3

    Water defense: 0 +6

    Fire defense: 0 +6

    Earth defense: 0 +6

    Wind defense: 0 +6

    Ice defense: 0 +6

    Electric defense: 0 +6

    Toxic defense: 0 +6

    Magic defense: 0 +9

    Light defense: 0 +6

    Dark defense: 0 +6

    Vitality: 4
    Endurance: 3
    Attunement: 7
    Strength: 2
    Dexterity: 2
    Intelligence: 8
    Faith: 4
    Luck: 3
    Charisma: 5

    Magic: 8
    Hydromancy: 4
    Pyromancy: 4
    Geomancy: 4
    Aeromancy: 4
    Cryomancy: 4
    Electromancy: 4
    Necromancy: 4
    Polymancy: 4
    Light magic: 4
    Dark magic: 3

    >Silver plated pistol (weight: 2) (value: 25)

    >Engraved knife (weight: 2) (value: 35)

    >Engraved knife (weight: 2) (value: 35)

    >Engraved knife (weight: 2) (value: 35)

    >Katana +1 (weight: 3) (value: 60)

    >"Zweilander +1 (weight: 5) (value: 110)

    >Student's greatsword (weight: 3) (value: 10)

    >Cutlass (weight: 2) (value: 20)

    >Caustic Caroline (weight: 1.5) (value: 100)

    >Toxic Tracy (weight: 1.5) (value: 100)

    >Whip +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Bard's garb +1 (weight: 2) (value: 15)

    >Bard's gloves +1 (weight: 1) (value: 15)

    >Leather mask (weight: 1) (value: 13)

    >Potion creation starter kit (weight: 2) (value: 50)

    Current location:


    Current quests:

    ==[Old Hatreds]==

    Gregory resides in the snowy region of Frostfall, a location inhabited by very few people. The region is expansive, but the seer, Alessandra, assured you that Gregory's fortress would be easy to spot. You venture forth into the frozen wasteland in search of Alessandra's lifelong rival.

    You arrived at Gregory's black fortress. Alessandra and Gregory's confrontation resulted in him conjuring forth living beings made of snow. He disappeared into the fortress, leaving you alone with his artificial constructs.

    With the Snowbound defeated, you continued your pursuit of Gregory.

    After searching Gregory's fortress, you cornered the wizard himself. You engage him in battle, intending to make him answer for his crimes.

    [√] Locate Gregory's fortress

    [√] Defeat the Snowbound

    [√] Find Gregory

    [ ] Defeat Gregory the Fire Resistant

    ==[Magical Artifacts]==
    You happened upon a mysterious fellow in the sewers of Acrus, carrying an unusual relic. He mentioned that there are two other relics somewhere in Aekran that, when brought together, would lead their holder to an ancient ruin filled with unimaginable treasures. You decided to keep that in mind, just in case.

    Turns out that mysterious fellow was a power hungry megalomaniac known as Geralt of Nivea, and the story he told was only partially true. Whoever holds all of the relics will apparently gain an incredible power, enough to make taking over the Aekranian empire a very real possibility. You prevented Geralt from obtaining more of the relics, and even relieved him of one of them. One relic remains unaccounted for.
    [2/3] Obtain the three relics

    ==[Haunting Visions]==
    You were presented with a strange vision one night before you fell asleep. You don't know why, you don't know the meaning of the image, and y̭͙̹̱̥͉̕ͅo̝͈̥͉̦̜͝u̵̫̻̩͓̖ ̬̘̫̩͖ͅd̯͓̟͇̼̤o͍̜͇͕̦ṉ̬̰͓'̲̹̰͙̤̟t̫̰̞̥̟ ̗̱r̰̘̝̬̰͡ec̯̙̦o̡g͉͠n̪̹̼̮i̘̦̙͇͖̯z̳̻͈͇ͅe̹͟ ̼̤̥͔t̝̭͍̞̻͕͔h̸͍̜ę̖̩̭͚̻̞̝ ̴ḇ̡̙̩̼̹̪o̥͇̺̞͈d̜̪̠͕̻͔͝i͍͙͠e̳̳͓̞͉s̶̙͚ ͚̥ͅi̡͖̠̠ṉ͖̠ ̴͚̥̱ţ̩̘̯he̞͕̰ ҉wa̷̠̘͉͖̹̞̤t̝̠̬̯͓̩e̜̩̤̯̺͔̕r̗͖̖̳̩̺͠.̡̦̩. You decided to get some help from someone more with more knowledge on this subject. Ironhaven was your next stop.

    According to the Seer, you are being hunted by an eldritch horror named Kar-nthal the Formless. Apparently, it's trying to drive you insane so it can easily "assimilate" you. The seer is willing to help you track it down, but she needs some supplies. She's given you a list of what you'll need.

    You brought the seer the herbs and elixirs she needs, as well as resupplying her with sparkling water. She still requires the heart of an eldritch creature. Any enemy classified as eldritch should do.

    With an eldritch being's heart in hand, you should be able to track Kar-nthal the Formless. Return to the seer when you have an opportunity.
    [√] Visit the seer at Ironhaven
    [√] Obtain the herbs and elixirs
    [√] Obtain a case of sparkling water
    [√] Obtain the heart of an eldritch beast
    [ ] Return to the seer

    ==[An Imperial Contract]==

    The emperor of Aekran has contacted you directly. He has requested your presence in Acrus, the capital city of Aekran. You're unsure of what the emperor is asking of you, but completing a contract for him would not only pay well, but would also vastly improve your reputation. On your way to Acrus, however, you were ambushed by unknown assailants. You'll have to get through them before you can get to Acrus.

    Your meeting with the emperor was interesting. He informed you of an unusual rumor of monstrous sea creatures attacking people and dragging them into the sea, never to be seen again. He has asked you to investigate this matter and, if the rumors are true, put a stop to it.

    You engaged a bizarre sea creature in combat and have slain it. Whatever it is, it doesn't seem like a naturally occurring creature. This thing was created by someone, somehow. Not only that, but you encountered a ghost wearing sunglasses that wants you dead. You have decided to tell the emperor what happened on the shore.

    The emperor directed you toward the town of Ironhaven. A seer lives there, and she should be able to help you deal with the sunglasses-wearing ghost.

    On the way to Acrus, you were attacked by a group of brigands intending to rob you. One of them managed to escape, but he dropped what appears to be an identification badge depicting a hawk impaled with two swords. Judging by the fact that they have matching badges, they may be an organized faction. There may be value in learning more about them.

    Apparently, these bandits are been lurking around Acrus for some time. One of the city guards mentioned one of them being detained. You might be able to use your reputation to question the bandit and learn more.

    You cleared out the hideout in Acrus, with the brigand cell leader in tow. In a strange turn of events, some mysterious humanoid bear creature got loose in the building and laid waste to everyone inside. Additionally, it seems to have expressed interest in hunting you down at some point in the future.

    You cleared out the hideout along the country road. You learned that this particular band of brigands is a major Crimson dealer in this part of Aekran, and that they hired a hitman to deal with some of their major enemies. All you know about this hitman is that he goes by the name of Ghost.

    The last hideout was massacred by the strange bear creature. However, there was a survivor. He pointed you in the direction of the brigand leader's hideout. Apparently, it's along the outskirts of Ironhaven. You set off, hoping he hasn't relocated recently.

    You stormed the brigands' hideout and eliminated their leader. The assassin, Ghost, clumsily fell to his death. Though this particular band of brigands still has cells operating in other regions of Aekran, their efforts have been effectively crippled.

    ==[The Seer of Ironhaven]==
    Monstrous sea creatures do exist, and that appear to be lead by a ghost that wears sunglasses and speaks like a surfer dude. Honestly, it's not the weirdest thing that's happened to you on a job. The ghost is likely being summoned and controlled by a sorcerer somewhere in Aekran, and stopping them would more than likely dispel the spirit and destroy the sea monsters. In order to track down this malevolent sorcerer, the emperor has informed you of a seer in Ironhaven who should be able to help you. To get to Ironhaven, however, you'll need to obtain a boat.

    You arrived in Ironhaven without incident. Your next priority would be to visit the seer.

    The seer informed you that the sunglasses wearing spirit was summoned by a heretical mage known as Gregory. The only way to seal the spirit away is to stop Gregory, but to do so, you'll need to track him down. The seer pointed you in the direction of several creatures Gregory has summoned. Apparently, eliminating them and collecting whatever they leave behind will allow you to pinpoint his location. You set off, prepared for combat.

    You fought and defeated Krab, Cracker of Shells, and obtained its soul. Three foes remained before you could track Gregory down.

    It was a long fight, but you destroyed Mechacrab, the Cyborg Crustacean. Its core belonged to you now. Only two targets left.

    In a rather decisive battle, you slayed Crabbell, Ringer of the Tides and obtained a magical image of its bell. One target remains.

    You have vanquished all four of Gregory's champions. The seer should be able to help you locate him using the relics you obtained from them.

    You returned the remnants of Gregory's champions to the seer. After you assisted her in dealing with a group of assassins, she began to focus her magical power to locate the heretical mage, Gregory. It will take some time for her to finish, so you have been left with some free time.

    After a brief moment to yourself, the seer has located Gregory.

    The seer chose to accompany you on your quest to defeat Gregory. She tracked the heretical mage to the desolate region of Frostfall. You set off immediately, ready for whatever may lie ahead.

    Your attributes determine your stats. You can increase your attributes by leveling up, equipping powerful gear, and by utilizing training halls in towns. Your basic attributes determine your basic stats, while your magic attributes affect your ability to wield different types of magic. You get one skill point whenever you level up, which can be spent to increase any attribute.

    Here is a list of all attributes.

    =====[Basic attributes]=====

    Vitality determines your max HP and your resistance to certain status effects and damage types.
    Max HP
    Physical damage resistances
    Multiple status resistances, including bleed, frost, and poison

    Endurance determines your damage resistance, equip load, and speed, as well as your resistance to certain status effects.
    Damage resistances
    Max equip load
    Multiple status resistances, including stagger, vulnerability, and burn

    Attunement determines your max mana and the number of spell slots available, as well as your resistance to certain types of magic.
    Max mana
    Number of spell slots
    Elemental damage resistances

    Strength determines the effectiveness of certain weapon types, your maximum carry capacity, and your ability to win clashes.
    Effectiveness of strength-scaling weapons
    Maximum inventory capacity
    Effectiveness in clashes

    Dexterity determines the effectiveness of certain weapon types, your ability to evade attacks, and your ability to land critical hits.
    Effectiveness of dexterity-scaling weapons
    Evasion dice rolls
    Critical hit dice rolls

    Intelligence determines the effectiveness of certain spells, your mana regeneration, and the effectiveness of certain relics.
    Effectiveness of intelligence-scaling magic and weapons
    Effectiveness of intelligence-scaling relics
    Mana regeneration rate

    Faith determines the effectiveness of certain spells, the healing you receive, and the effectiveness of certain relics.
    Effectiveness of faith-scaling magic and weapons
    Effectiveness of faith-scaling relics
    Healing received

    Luck influences your ability to succeed in nearly all aspects by rigging the dice in your favor.
    All dice rolls

    Charisma determines your ability to persuade others, as well as your buy and sell prices at shops.
    Persuasion ability
    Buying prices at shops
    Selling prices at shops

    =====[Magic stats]=====

    Your basic knowledge of magic. It primarily affects basic magic spells, but has a slight influence on all other types of magic.

    Your knowledge of water magic. Water-based spells are highly versatile and can be used in offensive and defensive roles.

    Your knowledge of fire magic. Fire-based spells are primarily offensive, dealing high damage and immolating targets.

    Your knowledge of earth magic. Earth-based spells have strong defensive capabilities, while also being useful attacks.

    Your knowledge of wind magic. Wind-based spells can be used in several ways, from enhancing mobility to breaking the enemy's formation.

    Your knowledge of ice magic. Ice-based spells can take the form of powerful attacks or inexorable
    defensive wards.

    Your knowledge of lightning magic. Lightning-based spells have excellent attack power, and synergize well with water magic.

    Your knowledge of necromancy. Necromancers are able to reanimate the dead, as well as create deadly
    poisons and toxins.

    Your knowledge of shapeshifting magic. Polymorphs are highly respected in combat for their adaptability and quick thinking.

    ==[Light magic]==
    Your knowledge of light magic. Light-based spells are primarily used to ward off demonic creatures and heal wounds.

    ==[Dark magic]==
    Your knowledge of dark magic. Darkness-based spells are a seldom used type of magic, as their use is forbidden in several parts of the world.

    Your stats are an indication of how powerful you are. You want them to be as high as possible. Your stats primarily increase as you level up your attributes, though there are other means of enhancing your stats.

    Here is a list of all stats.


    Your hit points. These decrease as you take damage. If you run out of HP, you get KO'd.

    ==[Damage resistances]==

    Damage resistances indicate a percentage reduction to the damage you take. Most resistances are divided into the various damage types. One point of damage resistance reduces incoming damage by 1%.


    Defenses indicate a static reduction to the damage you take. Most defenses are divided into the various damage types. One point of defense reduces incoming damage by one point.

    ==[Status resistances]==

    Status resistances indicate your ability to resist status effects applied to you. Status resistances are divided into vitality status resistance and endurance status resistance. Higher status resistance reduces the chance of you being afflicted with a status effect, as well as the potency of the status effect if you do get afflicted.

    ==[Equip load]==

    Your equip load measures how heavy your equipped gear can be. As you get closer to the maximum, your evasion rolls will be lowered, and if you go over your maximum equip load, you won't be able to evade attacks at all.


    Speed determines when in each turn you'll be able to take your action. Raising your speed will allow you take your actions sooner in the turn.


    Mana is used to cast spells and use active abilities. You regenerate some of your mana every turn.

    ==[Inventory capacity]==

    Your carrying capacity determines how many items you can carry on your person. Heavier items take up more space. This is a separate stat from equip load, so having a full inventory won't affect your ability to dodge.

    ==[Persuasion score]==

    Persuasion score is your ability to talk your way into getting what you want. There are several factors that influence persuasion score, most notably your charisma attribute. Higher persuasion score makes it easier to win people over with words alone.

    Weapon proficiencies indicate a higher level of skill in utilizing certain weapon types. If you use a weapon type you're proficient with, the weapon's stats will be enhanced in various ways. There are two ways to obtain weapon proficiencies: class selection, and undergoing weapon training. Every class has their own set of weapon proficiencies, but you can become proficient with other weapon types by finding weapon masters willing to teach you, at which point you'll begin a personal side quest to become proficient in a new weapon type.

    Every turn in combat, each player gets to take a major action and a minor action. Major actions are things like attacking enemies, healing allies, and using items. Minor actions are things like searching containers, talking to people, and looking around. If you choose to take a minor action, your major action will be slightly weakened, so there's value in only taking a major action. You can also take two minor actions at once, if you so choose.

    The order in which units take their turn is determined by their speed and the results of a dice roll. Your turn priority is your speed + (1 x D6). Units with the highest turn priority go first, and units with the lowest go last. Turn order will be listed on every update. If a player doesn't take their action in an update, their action that turn will be skipped.

    When a player's HP reaches zero, they get knocked out. KO'd players can only perform minor actions, and therefor can't heal allies or attack enemies. Players cannot be KO'd outside of combat.

    KO'd players will automatically be revived with 10% of their max HP at the end of combat. There are other means of reviving players in the middle of battle, though they require abilities, items, or particularly effective healing attempts.

    The damage players inflict is dependent on the strength of their weapon, the result of their attack dice rolls, and the creativity of their attack. Your weapon's attack stat is the minimum amount of damage the weapon can deal, assuming you get an average dice roll and perform a basic attack. Putting more effort and creativity into your attacks increases the damage of your attack, up to double your weapon's attack stat. High dice rolls can further enhance your damage.

    Blocking can be performed as a minor action. Doing so will grant you an amount of block that depends on your weapons' defensive value and the outcome of a dice roll. Block functions as damage absorption; you'll lose block before you lose HP.

    Whenever you perform something significant, you gain XP. When you gain enough XP, you level up. Leveling up allows you to enhance your attributes and, occasionally, learn a new ability. You can learn a new ability every 5 levels. There is no level cap.

    Every 5 levels grants you the ability to learn a new ability. When this happens, you can create your own ability to obtain. Do note that the ability's strength must be reasonable for your current level, and if your ability is too strong, it may have to be nerfed. It's also recommended that your abilities thematically fit with your class, as this will make them stronger.

    There are also preset abilities that can be learned throughout the game, at various sources. You can mix these in with your custom abilities to create a build that works perfectly for you.

    There are several types of damage, all of which have their strengths and weaknesses. Each damage type also has an associated status effect that will occasionally be inflicted when damage of that type is dealt.

    Here is a list of all damage types.

    Impact: inflicted by bludgeoning weapons. Can occasionally stagger an enemy, hindering their accuracy and evasion.

    Slash: inflicted by blades. Can occasionally cause enemies to bleed.

    Puncture: inflicted by thrusting weapons and projectiles. Can occasionally weaken an enemy, reducing their damage output.

    Water: inflicted by hydromancy and water-infused weapons. Can occasionally douse the target in water, making them vulnerable to electricity.

    Fire: inflicted by pyromancy and fire-infused weapons. Can occasionally light the target on fire.

    Earth: inflicted by geomancy and earth-infused weapons. Can occasionally shatter an enemy's defenses, leaving them vulnerable.

    Wind: inflicted by aeromancy and wind-infused weapons. Can occasionally disarm the target, weakening them or forcing them to grab their weapon.

    Ice: inflicted by cryomancy and ice-infused weapons. Can occasionally freeze the target.

    Electric: inflicted by electromancy and lightning-infused weapons. Can occasionally electrify the target, which also shocks nearby enemies.

    Toxic: inflicted by poisons. Can occasionally poison the target.

    Magic: inflicted by magic. Can occasionally hex the target, making them more vulnerable to status effects.

    Light: inflicted by light magic. Can occasionally blind the target, or severely damage eldritch creatures.

    Dark: inflicted by dark magic. Can occasionally corrupt the target, which can frequently lead to an early demise.

    You can look around at any time. Doing so can allow you to find items, notice interesting people, and get your bearings. Looking around counts as a minor action in combat.

    Heavier equipment can increase your level of encumbrance, which can impact your evasion.

    If you are below 30% of your max equip load, you'll gain +1 to your evasion dice rolls.

    If you're between 30% and 60%, your evasion won't be impacted at all.

    If you're over 60%, you'll gain -1 to your evasion rolls.

    If you're over 100%, you won't be able to dodge attacks at all.

    You slowly heal over time when out of combat. You can accelerate the process with items or abilities. Using items or abilities will also allow you to heal in the middle of combat.

    Sometimes, you'll get to choose what to say to people. You can say whatever you want, but be ready to deal with the consequences of your words.

    Enemies can be classified as human, beast, or eldritch. Some perks and abilities may affect different classes differently, but that's about it.

    You gain skill points whenever you level up. You can use them to increase your attributes and magic skills, or to upgrade your abilities.

    If you run out of HP, you are KO'd for the rest of combat, or until someone revives you. While KO'd, you can only perform minor actions. KO'd players will automatically be revived after combat.

    KO'd players can be revived in combat with certain items and abilities, or a high roll on a healing action. If a healing action isn't particularly powerful, it'll have no effect on a KO'd player. Players are typically revived with 25% of their HP.

    An item's perk points depends on its rarity. Uncommon items have 1, rare items have 2, legendary items have 3, and mythical and primeval items have 5. Uncommon perks require 1 point, rare ones require 2, legendary ones require 3, and primeval ones require 4.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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