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    posted a message on What Has Been Your Longest Project/Build On Minecraft?
    Spent a year building a pyramid from level 100 to bedrock. The digging was complete when I found out the pyramid was bigger than I though it was after replacing some 1.3 chucks with 1.72 chunks.

    There is a glass pyramid under construction over the ocean with a base that is 110 blocks across. A Nether brick pyramid will be constructed next. There are perfectly flat and straight roads up to 10 kilometers long connecting other parts of the world

    The stone half slabs are where the sunlight reaches the ground through the skylights.

    One of the villages

    A small farm

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Personality Quiz: What Minecraft mob are you?
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on What is your greatest fear in Minecraft?

    That bats will turn evil and push all players into lava on New Years.... JEEEEEB! :iapprove:

    Chickens already do that.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Game issue or am I just unlucky?
    You were just unlucky.

    I have seen only one desert temple and it had some light but not enough to prevent mobs from spawning. There were multiple entrances for the mobs to get in. The first thing I did was quickly light up the temple and seal off the entrances.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Anyone know a cricket (sport) game map?
    Were you looking for something like this?

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on The Furnaces! ~[A new concept of furnaces]~
    I am not sure if anyone else is having this problem but I am seeing a lot of HTML tags in your post which makes it hard to read. I am seeing the HTML source code in places.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on I DONT LIKE MOJANG
    Creepers are just greif machines. I think a sandbox game, a game about BUILDING should not have a walking bomb that ­s up hours and hours of work. Mojang how would you like it if i walked into your office and deleted all the files off of your systems? Its like spending hours and hours doing something and suddenly its gone. Its frusterating and annoying.

    The simple solution is to switch to peaceful mode or build a wall and fill the area inside the walls with torches. I have built huge construction projects on hard without seeing any creepers at my construction site. No Creepers or Zombies are around when the place is lit up.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Improving ladders.
    Quote from Lightning31

    I think these should be rope ladders:
    @ @ / /
    / / / vs / / /
    @ @ / /

    The second option is standard ladders, while the first option is rope ladders. @ = string; / = sticks

    EDIT: The rope ladder recipe yields 6 ladders, and they can not be placed on solid blocks

    I like the rope ladder idea.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Regenerating Wilderness
    Quote from StalePhish

    While decent in theory, it would ruin a lot of builds. I would be absolutely ed if I had cleared out a big field and suddenly plants started appearing in it that I had to constantly go and chop down.

    Does the game currently have the ability to tell which blocks are naturally generated or tell if the player placed or modified a block? With this nothing will be generated in your field.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Anvils, Repair the item that Repairs YOUR items.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Mysterious Black Shadow
    I have seen those shadow areas. You can stand right next to the shadow and it will still be totally dark. Move one block closer and it lights up with normal lighting.

    Sticking a single torch in the dark area usually gets rid of the problem.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Nether Fortress help please
    Quote from JackofAges

    If you don't like to cheat, then finding a nether fortress is not easy. If you don't spawn right beside one, then it's very hard to find. I would say that you should equip yourself with nether appropriate gear and use cobblestone as breadcrumbs to find your way back.

    Nether Fortresses aren't that hard to find. Nether Fortresses usually form in columns along the Z axis which is North/South so you could travel a long way without ever seeing a fortress. Try searching a few hundred blocks mostly along the X axis which is East/West. Also try searching around Y =60. If you are searching too low then you can go under the fortresses and if you are searching too high you could go over the fortresses.

    Those big lava lakes are helpful in finding a fortress. Look for faint dark lines which indicate a fortress in the distance.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Creating a village Questions
    How many doors do you have?

    You need about 3.2 valid doors for for each villager. Since you have five villagers then you have at least 17 valid doors.

    You need to add more doors to the village.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Slime help please
    I have seen the medium slimes climb up ladders so the big ones would probably be able to climb. I have the ladders go through a one block opening to stop them.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on First thing you said when you saw minecraft
    The first images I saw had slimes in them and I though it was a kids game.

    Several months later a women at a party showed me what should built in the game and I bought the game and got hooked on it.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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