Thank you to everyone for your interest in applying as a Guard and Chat Mod! We appreciate everyone's willingness to help the server out in their own way. This is only the first round of applications, so if your application was not accepted this time around, don't worry! We will be continuing to hire more Guards and Chat Mods continually as we keep growing; so re-apply when the time comes!
The following Guard Applications have been ACCEPTED:
IGN: ProtectAndServe
IGN: brandflakes98 alt
IGN: Indydc
IGN: MetroNoobin
IGN: Runoff
IGN: Crucium
IGN: eziram
The following Chat Mod Applications have been ACCEPTED:
IGN: Sheeps
IGN: LoksuPoksu
IGN: gkidedabeast
IGN: brandflakes98
Congratulations to all who were accepted, PM myself or theeggroll on Discord for further instructions. Again, if you were not accepted, don't fret! We're always looking to add onto our team. Thanks to everyone who applied, and keep an eye out for the next announcement in Discord!
Chat Mod and Guard Applications have been posted! If you're interested in either, please submit your application below! We will be accepting applications over this coming weekend.
Killion Detention Center is a direct remake of the first classic prison server.
Do YOU have what it takes to survive and escape?
Here you will get to create your own prison experience, whether you commit to a life of crime, join a gang with a group of friends and work together, or do honest labor to get yourself out of prison. The choice is yours! Once free, you can become whoever you want in the world; whether you become a trader, a farmer, a wealthy entrepreneur, a die hard PvPer, or all of the above! Come see what Killion has to offer!
- Clans
- Player run economy
- 1.8 PvP integrated into 1.18.2
- PvP capture points
- PvP tournaments/events
- Custom balance of minecraft features
- Pstone land protection
- Raiding/griefing
Community votes and community decisions will be held periodically to help determine the direction of the server, as well as changes to balance and suggestions. We want to hear your feedback so that we can incorporate things into the game that people truly want. We also have content updates, events, and holiday decorating planned for the future, we cannot wait to show everyone what we have in store over the coming years!
Server Rules
No Hacked Clients
No Duping
No use of bugs of exploits
No lag switches
No X-ray
No abusing PStones
No Block Glitching
No flying contraptions through the use of slime or honey
No Conduct Detrimental to the Server (to be determined at the discretion of an admin)
Chat Rules
No racism, homophobia, sexual harassment or hate speech of any kind
No spamming (4+ lines)
No extreme toxicity (this will be judged on a case by case basis and is up to the discretion of the staff member who sees it)
Limit use of general merchant related messages to every couple of minutes
Be polite to staff members
Limit talk of sexual activities
No political arguments (the whole government sucks, arguing about which one you think sucks less is not going to accomplish anything)
No solicitation of other servers
Extreme cases of rule violation will result in a permanent ban at the discretion of an admin. Account unlocks are no longer available for purchase.
Custom Server Balance
In an effort to retain the flavor of the type of RP server we are trying to create, several changes have been made to base Minecraft features. Our goal has been to disable/change as little as possible. Here is a list of those changes, and why. This will be subject to change based on feedback from the community, and our monitoring of what is, and is not balanced within the server's economy.
Anvils - Anvils are available to all players as they are an essential part of Minecraft, Minecraft PvP, and overall server experience. Enjoy
Villagers - Villagers in current Minecraft are extremely powerful. You can set up iron farms that can generate several stacks of iron ingots per hour, you can get infinite level 30 books with minor grinding, you can create auto farms, and get access to infinite emeralds, diamond tools/armor, as well as arrows. Because villagers are such an important part of playing modern Minecraft, villager spawn eggs will be purchasable with in-game currency once you hit free, and those eggs will be usable anywhere on the map. All villagers will be vanilla with the exception of Librarians. Librarians are explained below since they are getting a complete rework
Librarians - Upon launch, librarians will be fully disabled. However, our current plans to enable them in a balanced way are below.
In an effort to make them still accessible to players, all librarians will be available for purchase within a special part of the shop in free. Each Librarian you can purchase comes with a specific enchantment trade available. Players will be able to choose what enchantment they purchase through that librarian, and those trades will be available once every 14 hours. The enchantments available will be level 20 enchantments, that will be 1-2 tiers below the maximum enchantment level for that specific enchantment. All enchantments will be available for purchase, including mending. The librarians with the stronger enchantments will cost more in-game currency than the less useful enchantments with the goal in mind to make them as balanced as possible. In the event this still proves to be too strong, changes will be made and we will make sure to refund players depending on the severity of the changes. The reason for this nerf is twofold. The first reason being that we don’t want gear to be easily accessible within just a few minutes of work, to still give PvPers a feeling of accomplishment when they win a fight and get a full set of gear, as well as keeping P4 sets valuable enough that people aren’t just willing to waste them for no reason. Gear being valuable keeps the stakes high in PvP. The second reason is that lots of players choose to use spawners for their double use of earning in game currency, as well as enchanting and repairing.
Shulker boxes - Shulker boxes are incredibly powerful. With these, an entire inventory on a player can be worth 27 single chests of items. That being said, we do not want to disable them entirely since they are very cool to use. The medium that we came up with was to limit one shulker box per inventory. Whether that is the player inventory, a chest, enderchest, or bank chest. This enabled shulkers to still be used, but without them being incredibly OP.
Slime/Honey blocks - these will be enabled for now. That being said, if too many players are making flying machines or generating lag with too many complex machines around these blocks, they will need to be disabled. Also, slime blocks have been added to B-Block dirt mine to allow players access to slimeballs.
End Crystals - End Crystals are extremely powerful group fight weapons. They are powerful enough to kill entire groups of players all at once. For this reason, we are going to start out by disabling them. If there comes a point where they would make sense with the server balance, we can evaluate them and they can potentially be re-enabled.
Chorus Fruit - Chorus Fruit has been disabled due to possibilities with block glitching.
Nametags - Nametags have been disabled for one reason; Iron farms. Infinite iron is, unfortunately, far too strong within the scope of the server's economy. Iron is essential to the economy of the prison ranks, and allowing free players to AFK and earn double chests of iron blocks in only a few hours would require a massive, massive nerf on iron ingot prices, which would be unfair to the prisoners. Overall, iron farms would just be too powerful for the economy balance that we are looking for on the server, so we have had to disable nametags entirely.
Perks include the following:
$10,000-$30,000 In-Game Money
Special Premium Shop with better prices
Premium Log Mine
Cow & Chicken Farms
Enderchest Access
Ability to store another Shulker Box in your Enderchest
Spawners - View a list of purchasable mob spawners at the Store Page
Donations are always appreciated. If you are having a good time and want to financially support the server so that more time can be dedicated towards adding new features, growing the server, and overall upkeep and maintenance, feel free to drop a donation. Donations will be posted in the Freeville bank, and the top 2 donations of all time will be posted permanently in the same place, as well as C-Spawn when players first join. To anyone that donates or purchases any of the in game features, our appreciation cannot be understated. You guys allow us to be able to dedicate more time to the server, and have additional resources available to grow things and develop new features and make this a better experience for anyone new who joins. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much, we hope we make it worth your while, and we hope you have a great time!
Guard & Chat Mod Applications:
We are always hiring new guards! If you would like to play your part and protect the incoming prisoners from themselves, copy & paste the application format and fill your application out below!
In-game Name: What is your timezone(GMT)?: What time can you guard? (Ex: 1PM-4PM)?: How long have you played on Killion?: What is your current rank (Block)?: Do you have experience with prison servers?: Do you have experience guarding?:
Have you read ALL of the server rules, both guard and prisoner?: What makes you the best guard applicant?:
Chat Mods play a major part in helping keep the community a fun, safe place to game in while also being a resource for players if they have any questions. Must be Free+ Rank to apply.
In-game Name:
In-game Rank:
How long have you played on Killion?:
Have you ever been muted or banned?:
If so, why and for how long?:
Why do you believe you’re suitable for the Moderation role, and what makes you the best candidate?:
Extra Information:
PStones and Free Protection:
Upon reaching free, you can enter into the vast, somewhat normal world of Minecraft. From there, you can build to your hearts desire, mine for resources, build houses, or bases with your friends. The hardest part of this is that this is a competitive environment with griefing and PvP allowed, therefore most bases would likely be raided and or griefed. To prevent your base getting griefed, pstones, or protection stones, will be the main source of making sure your base does not get destroyed or looted. To place a pstone, you start out by typing “/ps on” and placing the corresponding block of the pstone you would like to place. Once placed, you can shift+right click on the pstone block with a diamond hoe to enabled drawing mode, and then click on pre-placed blocks in the dimensions that you want your pstone to cover. From there, click back on the pstone with the diamond hoe, and the shape of the protection will be set. Make sure to type “/ps off” as soon as you are done! Prices for pstones are as follows
**T1 Protection -** Protects an area from being broken or raided
**Price:** $175,000
**Block:** Diamond Block
**Size:** 1,331 blocks / 11x11x11
**Limit:** 3
**T2 Protection - **Protects an area from being broken or raided
**Price: **$365,000
**Block:** Lapis Block
**Size: **1,331 blocks / 11x11x11
**Limit: 2**
**T3 Protection - **Protects an area from being broken or raided
**Price: **$700,000
**Block: **Obsidian
**Size: **2,197 blocks / 13x13x13
**Limit: **1
**T1 Use Protector - **Prevents players from using your levers, buttons, pressure plates or opening your doors
**Price:** $30,000
**Block:** Iron Block
**Limit: **2
Place the item whose use you want protected on top of the block
**T2 Use Protector -** Prevents players from using your levers, buttons, pressure plates or opening your doors
**Price: **$45,000
**Block: **Gold Block
**Limit:** 2
Place the item whose use you want protected on top of the block
**Proximity Snitch** **-** Sends a notification to you when a player runs through your defined field
**Price:** $250,000
**Block:** Note Block
**Size:** 7x7x7 / 343 blocks
**Limit:** 2
Prison Staff & Prison Roles
Sr Warden - Unobtainable. This is reserved for the server owner(s)
Warden - A support administrator. Players can potentially make their way to this rank through contributing to the community on a massive scale, as well as through an application to be reviewed by existing wardens
Developer - Developers help build the future of the server as well as keeping it running smoothly, functional, safe and exciting to play on!
Builder/Contributor - Players that have contributed to the creation of the server, whether through building, testing, or other important aspects of helping the server and community thrive.
Chat Mod - Chat Mods help moderate the chat and issue mutes for not following the rules, but their most important responsibility is being a resource for the community and being able to answer any questions that may arise. Must be Free+ to apply
Guards - Guards are meant to protect the prisoners from the dangers of the prison, as well as enforce the prison rules. Players can obtain this rank
through an application, and can achieve promotions within the guard ranks. Guard ranks are C, B, A, and Sr
I'm fourteen, turning fifteen in January, though I am more mature then most of the fourteen year olds you'll meet.
Arizona. We have our own special little timezone, considering we're the only state that doesn't go into daylight savings at this time of the year. But most of the year, MST -7 Hours
What time are you most often on?-
I'm mostly on after school from Monday-Friday for around 6 hours, and on weekends I can be on for over 12.
When did you first play Minecraft, how often do you play? -
I got my account in early Alpha, stopped using it for a while, came back in early Beta, stopped again, and came back in Beta 1.7.3 and haven't stopped since. I play from an average of eight or so hours a day, excluding little breaks here and there for dinner, food, etc.
Have you ever been banned or temp banned on another server? -
I was once temp-banned for admin disrespect after they abused their powers to destroy my base I had been building up for weeks. Other then that, nothing. I've checked mcbans, too and nothing there.
What is your previous experience in any type of moderation? -
Well my first and main one I use. Killion Detention Center. I'm sure someone remembers that. Back when it had 275/275 of its players at all times, I was a loved Chat Moderator. I was quick to act, I always helped players out in chat, even with the chat flying past. I have been admin on other small servers, too, such as CaliCraft. Those servers are all shut down/on the verge of shutting down, so I would be willing to resign if I still had the position and the servers weren't either offline or destroyed. And I'm not a moderator/Admin anymore because I simply quit/the server went down. I wasn't ever fired or demoted, I've always gotten on good terms with the owners.
Do you fully understand the concept to our faction servers and can provide players with basic useful information when required , as well as basic Minecraft information ?
I understand factions to a large extent. I don't know any of the behind the scenes stuff for it, because I don't code. But I know the commands, how to use them right, etc. I can provide players with any information they need, whether it be simple minecraft mechanics, or something server-side. I am experienced in helping players out, too, considering I was a chat mod on a bustling server that always had new players needed assistance.
How many hours can you contribute per day? -
I can put in around 5 or so hours a day, give four or five more on the weekends. I mainly play in the afternoon on weekdays, but on weekends it really varies, but I average around 9-10 hours a day on Minecraft on weekends.
What advice would you give someone who had to deal with people younger than them? -
Well, I am a bit young myself, but I have a very high maturity level and a voice of a 20 year old, but when I assumed staff positions, I was always dealing with people who were either a genuine ten year old, or someone who was trying to troll and screw with the staff. If the person is actually young, I help them in any way possible (that is allowed, of course) I try to make sure they have a good time on the server, because I don't like when younger kids get hurt, physically or emotionally. I pretty much go out of my way to help them, and make the server a fun enviornment for them to play in.
How would you handle a situation that got out of control ?
I'm used to the state of mind where whenever someone starts getting into an argument, I give them a fair warning that they'll get muted if they keep it up. I know from personal experience arguing can lead from 2 people to 20, and I don't want 20 people spamming the server with useless nonsense that no one needs to see. So if they keep it up after that, I will simply temporarily mute them. They go at it again after the mute is up, a perm mute. Really not that hard to do, but when it comes down to it most people won't do it.
Do you have Skype? -
I sure do, and whenever I'm on my computer, skype is open and in another monitor.
Anything else we should know? -
I'm a great person to get to know, have a great sense of humor, and am pretty pumped to hopefully be working with you guys!
Previous Experience (Plugins/Builds/Servers Administrated on): I've had my own server and i've been moderator/admin on many sucessfull servers, i know how to handle both players and serverside errors, i can handle a good amount of pressure so i can multitask at a good speed. Why do you Want this Position?: I have a lot of spare time to play minecraft in and i dont have much to do so im looking for a challenge that is worth the "stress level" im on
How much time do you have to help per day?: 5-7 Extra Information: I have no job (Extra time) I dont have a busy familiy (Extra Time) im a livestreamer with 58 followers atm im growing from day to day.
IGN:hunto88Age:14 almost 15Timezone:PacificSkype:huntothefarlanderDesired Position:Admin or anything available besides coderPrevious Experience (Plugins/Builds/Servers Administrated on):I used to be a co-owner on a server called skyworld till it shut down D:Why do you Want this Position?:Because I have experience and you are looking for staff.How much time do you have to help per day?: Every Day if Necessary unless i am going to a friends house or something. Extra Information: I am Responsible and Mature, I can Deal with situations where people rage. If someone does something that won't get them banned ill handle it and they will still want to come back to the server.
Accepted for Moderator, I will add you on skype and talk to you. Congratulations!
Name: HunterIGN:Vampiric_HunterAge:16Timezone:EST Pacific(Canada) Position:Co-Owner/Admin( the "/" is or)Previous Experience (Plugins/Builds/Servers Administrated on): TerraMC(Dev) Galaxy Realm (Mod) FlexCraft(Admin) ScarCraft(admin) razorcraft(admin) Why do you Want this Position?: To help out and make this server the best it can be,i have played since alpha of minecraft,so I would like to make every server I go on the best it can be.How much time do you have to help per day?: 4-6 Hours( Maybe more)Extra Information: NothingI really hope you will consider my application,and thanks for reading.
Accepted for moderator. I will start you off at Moderator, and if you do good enough, you'll get Administrator.
IGN:KeyCandyAge:15Timezone:SingaporeSkype:karlyne333Desired Position:head admin/adminPrevious Experience (Plugins/Builds/Servers Administrated on):I have been a co owner and admins before in different servers and i have gotten lots of experience from them so i may can help you with your server Why do you Want this Position?:I want to make lots of friend in the server and i want to be a good friend with the owner so i may can learn more stuff from him! I also want to help the server as best as i can and i can also build good stuffs for the server How much time do you have to help per day?: 5-6 hours everydayExtra Information:Well em i am also a good builder that can help you i will promise to advertise the server everyday when it is lauched
Pending, please edit this so we know which servers you have administrated on.
IGN: GoldenWalker14 Age: 13 (turning 14 tomorrow on the 12th) Timezone: Pacific Skype: dustin_letson Desired Position: Admin or Mod (would prefer admin but mod would be ok) Previous Experience (Plugins/Builds/Servers Administrated on): I have some experience with certain plugins but I have never had my own server or had the permission to edit plugins on a server, and I had admin on one dedicated server which shut down a few months ago and I had mod on happy hunger games server but sadly got demoted due to a misunderstanding with the owner, long story, but I would happily talk about it on a later time. Why do you Want this Position?: I have never got to be admin on a server and I would love a spot as admin How much time do you have to help per day?: Certain days I have an hour or 2 and on other I have 5 or more hours (depends on how much homework, or sports practices, etc.. Extra Information: If you don't accept me for either of these spots, I would still LOVE to come play on the server (sadly I cant donate because the server I got demoted on I spent 250 dollars and then it got wasted when I got demoted and I have experience on people cussing or raging and will take care of it, where they will still come on the server, and not banning them Thanks for reading GoldenWalker14
Skype: shadowuknown (I am aware that it is incorrectly spelled)
Desired Position: Honestly, I just want to play on the server, maybe as sort of a tester and give some feedback on certain things within the jail. If this is not an available thing, I guess I would like to help out with the construction of the jail so I suppose that puts me under the application of Builder.
Previous Experience (Plugins/Builds/Servers Administrated on): I've helped out with building on other servers. But, problems would always occur. For ex. Owner couldn't afford to pay for server hosting or they just gave up.
Why do you Want this Position?: As I mentioned earlier, I just want to play, so that's why I mostly just want to be some sort of tester for the map.
How much time do you have to help per day?: I really don't know, to be quite honest. It varies, but when I do come on, I'm usually going to stay for a good while.
ok thank you, Do you have an estimated time for the server to be up?
Hey there,
I estimate the server to release in about 3 weeks, depending on how good staff & coders I get, and how much time we're able to inspect into the server.
Hello, I am xChet, and I have recently bought a dedicated server, and am making it a prison server. I am developing the sever with my friend and Co-Owner, drocks07.
The server will have several ranks:
Co-Owner: drocks07
Owner: xChet
Here's the application to help out!
Desired Position:
Previous Experience (Plugins/Builds/Servers Administrated on):
Why do you Want this Position?:
How much time do you have to help per day?:
Extra Information:
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask on the forum page!
IGN: xChet Position: Administrator Age: 15 Skype (Mandatory): bigryano Experience: Chat Moderator on Killion Detention Center, Admin/Co-Owner on CaliCraft, and Mod and Admin on plenty more servers that I can't seem to recall. Time Zone: UTC-7:00 Arizona What can you do? Like I said, I have tons of previous experience, and I think that can come in handy when we need better moderation/administration. I can train helpers/mods/admins, and I can work with anyone I am having to work with. I am really good with plugins (just not coding them), such as Essentials, Towny, Factions, and the works. I would sincerely work with the excellent team of Builders, designers, and staff. Any Previous Work (If You Want to be builder): N/A(Not applying for builder) How many hours do you play? I play at least 3 every day, so at least 15 hours a week
Oh, those lazy coders! How dare they have day jobs and personal lives and all those other silly things that keep them away from finishing Optifine 1.7.2 just for you!
You sir, are a legend. Finally someone who understand common sense.
It makes me cry with happy remembrance, chuckle, and smile at all the good times I've had on Killion. I hate to go, but if I get banned for completely horrible and terrible reasons to get banned, I think I have to go.
Q: Will I be buying an account unlock?
A: No. I have already wasted enough money in this server to get banned for it.
Q: Will I be coming in on my alt?
A: Yes, every 3 weeks at the least. I'll drop in to say hi.
Got more questions? PM me and I'll put it with the question and answer on the thread.
A little over 2 years ago, I joined Killion, completely clueless. I remember the exact way I got out of C, when it was 15k to get out. I'd already earned around 7.6k within one night, and a friend of mine, tom6903, donated me that last amount of money, and I was so grateful. Then I got to B Block, and I'd already earned around 17k in the dirt mine the day I became a Guard. I retired at A-Guard, and I still remember Detrinex's "whoopsie doodle" like it was yesterday. Anyway, like I said, I retired at A-Guard, and recieved A Rank. Then, MissDigger donated me 65k to get out of A, and by that time, I was a Donor, and I earned a lot in the log mine, then CakeRaider helped me out of Elite, and I was finally a free man.
I was in many clans, all of them which I do not wish to state again, and then "Prestige" came out. I wasted 1,265,000 on it, never getting farther than Blaze. (lol) I led a clan of my own, Chet Mawds, for a while, and in my opinion, it was semi-successful, with many great allies at that time, such as MooLa, VTX, SUN, DEPL, and so on and so forth. I eventually shut the clan down, as I did not like the feel of running a clan, I'd rather be in a clan than lead it. Probably the clan I liked being in the most would have to be VTX. I loved their community and all the jazz.
Jono1325: Man, skype with you every day. Helped me start Chet Mawds by helping me set up a farm, and eventually becoming leader in it. I love talking and hanging out with you. You were one of my 3 favorite players. Talk to you on skype.
Ptigers13: Helped me out a lot. Let me use your spawners. Overall an awesome guy. You were One of my 3 favorite players
ctobiasrogers/Ctrogers: You little richie you Always looked up to you, have a great time skyping with you, gave me so much money . You were One of my 3 favorite players
astrospeedyj and NeonBurrito_: Love ya both, you guys always got mixed up in my mind, lol. Always confused you two for another. #Shya
conormcnub: I remember you and me in the original 2 member Chet Mawds, while you were on conormcneill. I will always remember our first time exploring and finding this little abandoned mine.
Wardens: Had a great time messing around with you guys. Thanks for helping manage my favorite server
Markillion & Starzy: I had a grea time talking with you and playing on your guys' server. Thanks for running the best server ever.
Did I forget you? PM me your name if you think I forgot you!
Thank you to everyone for your interest in applying as a Guard and Chat Mod! We appreciate everyone's willingness to help the server out in their own way. This is only the first round of applications, so if your application was not accepted this time around, don't worry! We will be continuing to hire more Guards and Chat Mods continually as we keep growing; so re-apply when the time comes!
Congratulations to all who were accepted, PM myself or theeggroll on Discord for further instructions. Again, if you were not accepted, don't fret! We're always looking to add onto our team. Thanks to everyone who applied, and keep an eye out for the next announcement in Discord!
Chat Mod and Guard Applications have been posted! If you're interested in either, please submit your application below! We will be accepting applications over this coming weekend.
Here you will get to create your own prison experience, whether you commit to a life of crime, join a gang with a group of friends and work together, or do honest labor to get yourself out of prison. The choice is yours! Once free, you can become whoever you want in the world; whether you become a trader, a farmer, a wealthy entrepreneur, a die hard PvPer, or all of the above! Come see what Killion has to offer!
- Clans
- Player run economy
- 1.8 PvP integrated into 1.18.2
- PvP capture points
- PvP tournaments/events
- Custom balance of minecraft features
- Pstone land protection
- Raiding/griefing
Community votes and community decisions will be held periodically to help determine the direction of the server, as well as changes to balance and suggestions. We want to hear your feedback so that we can incorporate things into the game that people truly want. We also have content updates, events, and holiday decorating planned for the future, we cannot wait to show everyone what we have in store over the coming years!
Extreme cases of rule violation will result in a permanent ban at the discretion of an admin. Account unlocks are no longer available for purchase.
In an effort to retain the flavor of the type of RP server we are trying to create, several changes have been made to base Minecraft features. Our goal has been to disable/change as little as possible. Here is a list of those changes, and why. This will be subject to change based on feedback from the community, and our monitoring of what is, and is not balanced within the server's economy.
Anvils - Anvils are available to all players as they are an essential part of Minecraft, Minecraft PvP, and overall server experience. Enjoy
Villagers - Villagers in current Minecraft are extremely powerful. You can set up iron farms that can generate several stacks of iron ingots per hour, you can get infinite level 30 books with minor grinding, you can create auto farms, and get access to infinite emeralds, diamond tools/armor, as well as arrows. Because villagers are such an important part of playing modern Minecraft, villager spawn eggs will be purchasable with in-game currency once you hit free, and those eggs will be usable anywhere on the map. All villagers will be vanilla with the exception of Librarians. Librarians are explained below since they are getting a complete rework
Librarians - Upon launch, librarians will be fully disabled. However, our current plans to enable them in a balanced way are below.
In an effort to make them still accessible to players, all librarians will be available for purchase within a special part of the shop in free. Each Librarian you can purchase comes with a specific enchantment trade available. Players will be able to choose what enchantment they purchase through that librarian, and those trades will be available once every 14 hours. The enchantments available will be level 20 enchantments, that will be 1-2 tiers below the maximum enchantment level for that specific enchantment. All enchantments will be available for purchase, including mending. The librarians with the stronger enchantments will cost more in-game currency than the less useful enchantments with the goal in mind to make them as balanced as possible. In the event this still proves to be too strong, changes will be made and we will make sure to refund players depending on the severity of the changes. The reason for this nerf is twofold. The first reason being that we don’t want gear to be easily accessible within just a few minutes of work, to still give PvPers a feeling of accomplishment when they win a fight and get a full set of gear, as well as keeping P4 sets valuable enough that people aren’t just willing to waste them for no reason. Gear being valuable keeps the stakes high in PvP. The second reason is that lots of players choose to use spawners for their double use of earning in game currency, as well as enchanting and repairing.
Shulker boxes - Shulker boxes are incredibly powerful. With these, an entire inventory on a player can be worth 27 single chests of items. That being said, we do not want to disable them entirely since they are very cool to use. The medium that we came up with was to limit one shulker box per inventory. Whether that is the player inventory, a chest, enderchest, or bank chest. This enabled shulkers to still be used, but without them being incredibly OP.
Slime/Honey blocks - these will be enabled for now. That being said, if too many players are making flying machines or generating lag with too many complex machines around these blocks, they will need to be disabled. Also, slime blocks have been added to B-Block dirt mine to allow players access to slimeballs.
End Crystals - End Crystals are extremely powerful group fight weapons. They are powerful enough to kill entire groups of players all at once. For this reason, we are going to start out by disabling them. If there comes a point where they would make sense with the server balance, we can evaluate them and they can potentially be re-enabled.
Chorus Fruit - Chorus Fruit has been disabled due to possibilities with block glitching.
Nametags - Nametags have been disabled for one reason; Iron farms. Infinite iron is, unfortunately, far too strong within the scope of the server's economy. Iron is essential to the economy of the prison ranks, and allowing free players to AFK and earn double chests of iron blocks in only a few hours would require a massive, massive nerf on iron ingot prices, which would be unfair to the prisoners. Overall, iron farms would just be too powerful for the economy balance that we are looking for on the server, so we have had to disable nametags entirely.
Perks include the following:
Check out the Store Page
Spawners - View a list of purchasable mob spawners at the Store Page
Donations are always appreciated. If you are having a good time and want to financially support the server so that more time can be dedicated towards adding new features, growing the server, and overall upkeep and maintenance, feel free to drop a donation. Donations will be posted in the Freeville bank, and the top 2 donations of all time will be posted permanently in the same place, as well as C-Spawn when players first join. To anyone that donates or purchases any of the in game features, our appreciation cannot be understated. You guys allow us to be able to dedicate more time to the server, and have additional resources available to grow things and develop new features and make this a better experience for anyone new who joins. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much, we hope we make it worth your while, and we hope you have a great time!
In-game Name:
What is your timezone(GMT)?:
What time can you guard? (Ex: 1PM-4PM)?:
How long have you played on Killion?:
What is your current rank (Block)?:
Do you have experience with prison servers?:
Do you have experience guarding?:
Have you read ALL of the server rules, both guard and prisoner?:
What makes you the best guard applicant?:
In-game Name:
In-game Rank:
How long have you played on Killion?:
Have you ever been muted or banned?:
If so, why and for how long?:
Why do you believe you’re suitable for the Moderation role, and what makes you the best candidate?:
Extra Information:
Upon reaching free, you can enter into the vast, somewhat normal world of Minecraft. From there, you can build to your hearts desire, mine for resources, build houses, or bases with your friends. The hardest part of this is that this is a competitive environment with griefing and PvP allowed, therefore most bases would likely be raided and or griefed. To prevent your base getting griefed, pstones, or protection stones, will be the main source of making sure your base does not get destroyed or looted. To place a pstone, you start out by typing “/ps on” and placing the corresponding block of the pstone you would like to place. Once placed, you can shift+right click on the pstone block with a diamond hoe to enabled drawing mode, and then click on pre-placed blocks in the dimensions that you want your pstone to cover. From there, click back on the pstone with the diamond hoe, and the shape of the protection will be set. Make sure to type “/ps off” as soon as you are done! Prices for pstones are as follows
**T1 Protection -** Protects an area from being broken or raided
**Price:** $175,000
**Block:** Diamond Block
**Size:** 1,331 blocks / 11x11x11
**Limit:** 3
**T2 Protection - **Protects an area from being broken or raided
**Price: **$365,000
**Block:** Lapis Block
**Size: **1,331 blocks / 11x11x11
**Limit: 2**
**T3 Protection - **Protects an area from being broken or raided
**Price: **$700,000
**Block: **Obsidian
**Size: **2,197 blocks / 13x13x13
**Limit: **1
**T1 Use Protector - **Prevents players from using your levers, buttons, pressure plates or opening your doors
**Price:** $30,000
**Block:** Iron Block
**Limit: **2
Place the item whose use you want protected on top of the block
**T2 Use Protector -** Prevents players from using your levers, buttons, pressure plates or opening your doors
**Price: **$45,000
**Block: **Gold Block
**Limit:** 2
Place the item whose use you want protected on top of the block
**Proximity Snitch** **-** Sends a notification to you when a player runs through your defined field
**Price:** $250,000
**Block:** Note Block
**Size:** 7x7x7 / 343 blocks
**Limit:** 2
Sr Warden - Unobtainable. This is reserved for the server owner(s)
Warden - A support administrator. Players can potentially make their way to this rank through contributing to the community on a massive scale, as well as through an application to be reviewed by existing wardens
Developer - Developers help build the future of the server as well as keeping it running smoothly, functional, safe and exciting to play on!
Builder/Contributor - Players that have contributed to the creation of the server, whether through building, testing, or other important aspects of helping the server and community thrive.
Chat Mod - Chat Mods help moderate the chat and issue mutes for not following the rules, but their most important responsibility is being a resource for the community and being able to answer any questions that may arise. Must be Free+ to apply
Guards - Guards are meant to protect the prisoners from the dangers of the prison, as well as enforce the prison rules. Players can obtain this rank
through an application, and can achieve promotions within the guard ranks. Guard ranks are C, B, A, and Sr
Premium, Spawners & More: Store Page
Great server, awesome factions.
I read the format.
What time are you most often on?-
When did you first play Minecraft, how often do you play? -
Have you ever been banned or temp banned on another server? -
What is your previous experience in any type of moderation? -
Do you fully understand the concept to our faction servers and can provide players with basic useful information when required , as well as basic Minecraft information ?
How many hours can you contribute per day? -
What advice would you give someone who had to deal with people younger than them? -
How would you handle a situation that got out of control ?
Do you have Skype? -
Anything else we should know? -
Do you know any coding?(Java,HTML,C++)
Accepted for moderator, I'll add you on skype
Accepted for Moderator, I will add you on skype and talk to you. Congratulations!
Accepted for moderator. I will start you off at Moderator, and if you do good enough, you'll get Administrator.
Pending, please edit this so we know which servers you have administrated on.
Congratulations, accepted for Admin!
Accepted for Builder/Tester
I will wait 20 more minutes, then I will go over all the applications, so I'll have positions ready in 30 minutes.
Keep applying and good luck!
Hey there,
I estimate the server to release in about 3 weeks, depending on how good staff & coders I get, and how much time we're able to inspect into the server.
Everyone else, I will get to you within an hour.
Yes, you are applying for them. If you would like, you can feel free to donate!
The server will have several ranks:
Co-Owner: drocks07
Owner: xChet
Here's the application to help out!
Desired Position:
Previous Experience (Plugins/Builds/Servers Administrated on):
Why do you Want this Position?:
How much time do you have to help per day?:
Extra Information:
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask on the forum page!
Position: Administrator
Age: 15
Skype (Mandatory): bigryano
Experience: Chat Moderator on Killion Detention Center, Admin/Co-Owner on CaliCraft, and Mod and Admin on plenty more servers that I can't seem to recall.
Time Zone: UTC-7:00 Arizona
What can you do? Like I said, I have tons of previous experience, and I think that can come in handy when we need better moderation/administration. I can train helpers/mods/admins, and I can work with anyone I am having to work with. I am really good with plugins (just not coding them), such as Essentials, Towny, Factions, and the works. I would sincerely work with the excellent team of Builders, designers, and staff.
Any Previous Work (If You Want to be builder): N/A(Not applying for builder)
How many hours do you play? I play at least 3 every day, so at least 15 hours a week
Thanks for considering, have a nice day,
You sir, are a legend. Finally someone who understand common sense.