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    posted a message on [Editing]Buffalo/Savanna/Grass/Hide/Workcart
    I like the idea of the buffalo, but maybe the thick hide would be confusing. I'd love to see buffalo charging across the field while watching. That could be a problem though. The workcart is a logical idea, which I like. I think the savannah grass would be cool, but collecting it would be tedious. Would you cultivate it or just place it. Would you have to craft it like glowstone?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on TheOnes is now Blocktopia
    Quote from spacedot »
    Quote from Omniguy »

    Really? From what I've noticed, mods are picked because they are mature and able to do what is right. I only go on the Build server so I don't know about the other servers, though.

    Well that's not what I saw a couple of days ago on the lava server. But this mod may have been different from the rest.

    One bad staff member ruins a server for some people. My advice is to get proof and then show someone who outranks the op. The heads of Blocktopia are reasonable, after all. It's certainly more constructive than complaining.
    Posted in: Classic - Creative Mode
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    posted a message on CTF Server Software Giveaway
    LG got the most votes and would use it better. And I'm not being "buthurt". Just raising a valid point that i feel needs to be raised. Of course, Jacob says what goes, but i feel that an error shouldn't keep 2 contestants from getting it.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on CTF Server Software Giveaway
    Well aware of that, mon ami. But it is a valid point.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on CTF Server Software Giveaway
    Wait, If oyu pre-promised a copy, then why did you have a competition?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on CTF Server Software Giveaway
    I was including staff and management.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on CTF Server Software Giveaway
    Yes, and it IS a very impressive server. I'm not denying that. I am simply saying, that a server centered on custom games would use the CTF code better.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on CTF Server Software Giveaway
    Like i said, I didn't mean to start a flame war. I'm merely saying that a server that has experience with unique game modes would handle the coding and such better than people who only run build servers. And we aren't a bunch of blabbering idiots. As far as I'm concerned you spend more time on our servers then we spend on yours, mon ami. But I'm not starting a flame war, so don't feed the fire. Thanks.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on CTF Server Software Giveaway
    D3 is big, popular, and nice and all. But they don't have the kind of real community that The One's servers have. The One's also has complex servers with arguably better coding, not to set off a war. A Lava Survival Server, the only one of its kind, except a pirated one by kaitou. Also a Zombie Survival Server, also the only one of its kind. The One's specializes in unique game modes involving pretty complex coding. So i think that it should go where it will do the most good. D3 is a build server, and it would work best for a communty that does well with diverse game modes and adaptability.[/argue]
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on CTF Server Software Giveaway
    I wish to throw my obscure and extremely insignificant voice behind the massive chorus calling for LG. Through my long time at TheOne's Lava Survival, LG has been, while full of 'tough-love', fair and levelheaded, much more than your average person or any given op on Minecraft.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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