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    posted a message on Lets see your characters!
    Star Trek'n!

    I've just finished by new Trek skin, James T. Kirk.


    Here's my Picard, too.

    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on glass shards
    9 shards for a new bloc, but each block drops one shard? That way it's diminishing returns so you still have to be careful.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Barrels?
    Love for barrels.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on JurassiCraft [Update:Quetzacoatlus]
    I like all of the new blocks and their functions.

    I like all of the mammoth.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Aether(Anti-Nether Realm) Current Topic: New Nether
    I'm surprised it wasn't listed in the OP, and the thread is too long to check every post, so here's my idea.

    Darkwood Sword:

    We can already make wood swords, and swets can't be hurt normally, but darkwood freezes stuff, and swets are vulnerable to cold. Thus, darkwood swords.

    Darkwood swords do wood sword damage to all Aether (including swets) and normal creatures. Bonus damage is done against Nether creatures (because darkwood absorbs heat and nether creatures are used to a very hot environment), bringing it to steel or diamond strength against those foes. The darkwood sword minimally reduces all illumination centered on the player, if programing allows.

    Darkwood Armor:

    Has leather strength against normal attacks but diamond like strength against Guardian beams, and protects strongly against direct fire and lava damage, but not explosive damage.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Sledgehammer for Moving Blocks Down
    We can build up, and crouch lets us build out, but we still cannot build down or underneath from above. I doubt hanging upside down from ledges will be added, so to fix the problem, I suggest the addition of a sledgehammer.

    You hit a block with a hammer, the block moves away from the face you hit, if there is an empty space to move into. It can be exploited as an elevator going down, but that's a minor issue. I envision it letting me build underneath my skyway without having to build a ridiculous column from underneath. I would also use it to add an extra layer to other platforms from underneath, without working out from a cliff face. Being able to place a block on the level which you are standing, and hitting the block forward, rather than down, also allows a limited moving shield effect when in very hostile territory, such as the Nether.

    This also allows hitting blocks upward from below. This is not particularly useful, since short columns of sand or dirt aren't hard to build and disassemble. Where it might be most useful is where a player placed, perhaps a roof, a space too low. Or, maybe a Nether portal is two by two, instead of two by three. Either way, it lets you move the blocks without breaking them down and placing them again. However, this aspect is only useful if hammering blocks into new positions takes less time than breaking them down and moving them. It should be balanced so hammering is easier for very short distances, as apposed to breaking objects down for long distance movement.

    Perhaps hammering blocks would take a quarter the strokes to move a block as it does to pick a block apart. This could also lead to needing hammers of various materials for the various blocks, for efficient movement, thanks to better materials making for fewer strokes. Instead of the block not moving, or getting destroyed by using too low a hammer, it could take more hits to move the block. Maybe a steel sledgehammer would move an obsidian block one space in half as many strokes as it takes to break an obsidian block with a diamond pick, and a diamond sledgehammer would do it in a quarter the strokes. That would make short movements highly efficient with the sledgehammer, and long movements highly inefficient.

    Over all, the sledgehammer would be correcting structural mistakes that would otherwise involve lots of, or expensive, deconstruction, or time consuming and dangerous framing.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on In-Game Tutorial/Record Keeping: Journal
    Quote from Volgaviche »
    It has been confirmed that a tutorial will be added to the game, so don't worry about that. Even when you first log in you can see the, not yet usable, tutorial option.

    I honestly forgot the tut level button, however, this can be taken as a suggestion against a conventional tutorial. Instead, using the tutorial button would activate the Tome journal mode. Playing normally turns the journal entries off, but leaves you with a master Tome.
    Quote from Alexor »

    I'm actually having trouble, cynic that I am, nailing down any firm criticisms for this one: My only qualm is that it should be possible to make books other than this tome, and write in those, should you wish to do so. That, and the question of where the tome goes when you die, are my only comments: Other than that, this seems to be a fairly solid idea to implement the long-sought tutorial mode.

    I like that. Playing in normal mode could mean not getting a Tome, and having to make various lesser books from basic books. One could be the Journal, for entries and automatic dating, an Index for searching books in a Google like manner, and a Death Log which counts how many times you died, and perhaps how you died. These could be useful alongside the Tome by offering expanded capabilities. Google search as apposed to fixed topic search, times died and why, instead of only times dead. Maybe day and moon phase, instead of only day.

    Where the Tome goes, well it's magic, like those cursed objects you cannot get rid of no matter how hard you try. With the T key, I was thinking it would just disappear and appear as needed. It's really a part of you and can't really be separated. Maybe it goes to hell, or a pocket dimension.

    Rather than old ones appearing on a shelf, it should actually be the same Tome with a higher number each time you die.

    My original idea was that it was a removable inventory item. If you lost it, or left it behind, eventually it would either appear in your inventory on its own, when not looking. But, then I realized, I didn't want it taking a spot in the inventory, so a specialized key makes sense. It appears in the left hand because the left hand is never used for anything.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on In-Game Tutorial/Record Keeping: Journal
    I think the game should have an in-game tutorial, in some far off post-beta future, but not your normal tutorial, that will never do. We need a tutorial custom crafted to Minecraft. Minecraft wiki is good, but it's outside the game, and I think something integrated is more appropriate. Minecraft wiki is also kind of a cheat.

    Instead of videos, pop-ups, or taking control from the player to show how things are done, the game can have a journal that is automatically filled when certain goals are accomplished. Find coal for the first time and it will trigger an entry. The journal entries introduce the player to basic crafting ideas, at first by explicit diagrams, and then by implicit pondering. Entries are arranged by time, and topic. This allows a player to follow their journey linearly, or jump to specific topics, such as coal, or general topics such as minerals. Italicized portions are not in journals, they're just descriptions of what leads to entries.

    You arrive in the world, no memory, no knowledge of what you can do or how you can act. Suddenly, you hear a sharp scribbling sound, emanating from your left hand. In it is a Tome, numbered 1, and upon its first page are seemingly the thoughts you thought you should have thought, if given a moment to think.

    "Looking upon this world, I thought myself a blank slate to be filled, but it is the world that is empty. Night is coming. I know this, not how, but Night is to be feared. I need shelter, and light.

    My lack of tools is so angering, I feel I can punch the world to pieces if I hold my fists down long enough."

    You punch your first tree, receiving a log. The scribbling again.

    "A log! From this I should be able to craft more manageable pieces of wood. The odd two by two surface in my inventory should do as a work surface, for now."

    Once you have the materials for tools, it would get more specific about the initial arrangement of materials for tool crafting, "The sticks are a little short, two of them vertically should make a good handle." It would hint at the sword, and hint at using different blade materials.

    Reading journal entries don't stop time, and when you activate the Tome, you do so with T. Every time you die, the Tome number goes up by one. Manual entries should be possible. Tome appears in the left hand only when summoned. Perhaps old tomes appear on shelves, with a spine thickness related to how many pages are filled.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Further Weapon Rack Ideas
    I have an idea for a modification of the sword rack I saw here.

    [] [] []
    :|: [] :|:
    :|: :|: :|:

    Like the other thread, the rack can be placed on the wall or floor, but it holds one of any tool instead of only the swords. However, create a rack and you can combine it with another rack by crafting them together.

    [] [] []
    [] :Bench: []
    [] :Bench: []

    This gives you a half rack that holds two tools, it stands half a black tall. Combine those half racks the same as the previous rack and you get the full face rack which holds four tools and stands a full cube face. Combine those and get a two cube high rack that can free stand or wall mount. Standing racks of any height can be placed back to back to create a double sided rack.

    The racks work like chests. Click them and you can place items in them or remove them, and unlike a chest the slot position relates to where the tool will appear on the rack. Top slot equals top rack position. With a double sided rack there is no real left or right, so I don't know how the left and right slot columns will relate. Perhaps North and East facing rack sides are always right columns.

    I believe the build cost is balanced by the low storage capacity. The racks also have a long crafting process. Those draw backs are outweighed by being able to see your weapon and tools.

    An alternate weapon rack, for an armory instead of a show room, would be vertical.

    [] :wood: []
    [] :wood: []
    [] :wood: []

    This gives you a 1x1x1 rack that holds six tools vertically, three on one side, three on the other, and more importantly, visibly. The tools are held edge out. This rack cannot stack, and cannot wall mount. Holding six tools with horizontal racks costs 30 sticks, while the vertical rack costs 6 sticks. But, the costlier rack holds more in the same floor space. Perhaps the horizontal racks should be three sticks across only, that way holding six tools would cost 18 instead of 30 sticks.

    Filled on one side, the vertical rack would look kind of like the image below.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Armor Stand
    I am in like with this idea. Although, I think it should be either wood only, and I think it should be assembled in one piece rather than two.

    [] :wood: []
    :|: :|: :|:
    :|: :wood: :|:

    Big block for helmet, mid sticks create cross piece that holds breast plate, lower portion gives stability and place to mount pants, boots just stand.

    I like that one click transfer idea, it should probably open an inventory, too.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Moon cycles that affect enemy spawns at night
    Notch wants to have a night cycle based mob attack, where the moon occasionally turns red, heralding a zombie army that can destroy blocks.

    Variable brightness would be neat, perhaps it could be related to spawn cycles for mobs. The fuller the moon, the larger the spawning, culminating in the red colored harvest moon of zombie army doom.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The bow.
    I would only be for the bow having a delay if we see the bow notch and draw the arrow back. The only thing I currently don't like about it is it can fire faster than it can damage enemies, but I do like that it is responsive. It's just up to the player to compensate.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Official Gun Thread
    I thought of a decent limitation for guns against skeletons. Skeletons are mostly air, so maybe guns should have a natural chance to miss skeletons even when right on target? Arrows should have this too, but to a lesser degree. If zombies get anything, they should be somewhat resistant, needing two shots instead of one from a gun. Spiders should be jumpy enough to naturally avoid shots, but maybe they could have Spidey Sense so they know when they're being aimed at, but not where from. That applies to spiders no matter what you are, or are not holding. Just looking at them with the cross hairs centered should be enough to set off Spidey Sense.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Barrels
    You guys are right, only the wood and steel barrels are really needed, even if magic is introduced.

    Glad you love the barrels
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Pipes
    Good thing I searched first. Pipes occurred to me because of barrels. Barrels would be useful, but far more useful with pipes to feed them and feed from them. Imagine hot and cold running plumbing that also provides soup. :biggrin.gif: Also, the assumption I make toward pipes is that the liquid won't run off as it travels, as with how water gets lower the further it goes horizontally. Instead, I assume water through pipes goes through no change of state, with pipes acting almost like an interruptable fluid teleporter. I suppose there would need to be an in-flow and out-flow rate per pipe opening so you can have water from a single source come up multiple openings. But, single in-flow and single out-flow would be acceptable to me. Perhaps multiple-outflow could work like the horizontal run off, allowing eight out-flows with gradually weaker pressure spread across all out-flows evenly.

    Using the OP's craft form, I have some ideas for pipes of other materials.

    Log Pipes: Made from whole logs, and makes stacks of 8 pipes. Can pass all fluids under pressure, except lava which cannot be used at all. The pipe will burn like any wood object if exposed to lava, eventually get destroyed, and result in a lava gusher.

    Ceramic Pipes: Made from clay, then baked. Results in pipe stacks of 32 ceramic pipes. Can pass all fluids, including lava, but not under pressure. Pressurizing ceramic pipes will crack a segment and cause a gusher.

    I like the idea of water and lava meeting in the same pipe system and cracking the meeting point pipe.

    I suppose the window pipe recipe mentioned would create half as many pipes as the windowless steel pipe. It should probably only be possible to make window pipes with steel, for structural reasons.

    Instead of on/off pressure, it would be neat to have a pressure meter for degrees of pressure. That way, ceramic pipe could be hooked up to steel pipe in certain runs even if the steel is pressurized. We would need a pressure gauge, it could be placed on exposed pipe like a torch is currently placed, but with the ability to hang upside down. It would be read by either clicking it to bring up a gauge screen, or by looking at it, and it having a rising and lowering fluid level based on pipe pressure. Low parts of systems would have the highest pressure.

    [] :Glass: []
    [] :Glass: []
    [] :Iron: []

    Also, here are the spigots I came up with in my barrel thread. They're applicable for the faucet idea that I think was mentioned in this thread.

    [] :wood: []
    :wood: :wood: :wood:
    [] [] :wood:

    [] :Iron: []
    :Iron: :Iron: :Iron:
    [] [] :Iron:
    Posted in: Suggestions
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