Like most people said, Gravel. You're just blazing through these stone blocks with your diamond pickaxe and then you hit gravel, and then you realize you didn't bring your diamond shovel, so now you have to slowly break the gravel. Then more gravel falls, so you have to slowly break even more. Then, when you finally think you're safe, they drop right down and suffocate you. Yes, they can give flint, but it's extremely tedious just to get one piece of flint. It's useless for basically everything else.
- BewareTheShadow
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Last active Wed, Jul, 15 2015 10:23:10
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TotallyNotAScammerISwear posted a message on What is your worst block on Minecraft ?Posted in: Discussion -
Alexcamostyle posted a message on More Gamerules! [Over 300 supporters!]Posted in: SuggestionsIf you support, please vote up top!!
I have a few ideas for new gamerules, to give mapmakers and normal players alike more power
Just in case you don't know what gamerules are, here's a quote from the Minecraft Wiki: "Game Rules allow players and command blocks to adjust several base settings." In other words, gamerules are a set of commands that change the way each individual world works.
If you want to see the gamerules that already exist in Minecraft, go to this link: http://minecraft.gam...rule#Game_Rules
List of gamerules that would be added:
/gamerule enablePvp (True or false) Enables or disables PvP.
/gamerule enableFallDamage (True or false) Enables or disables fall damage.
/gamerule doMobSpawning (ID of mob*)(True or false) Enables or disables a particular mob to spawn. This gamerule already exists in vanilla Minecraft, but it doesn't have the individual mob selection.
/gamerule blockBreak (ID of block*) (True or false)Enables or disables that particular block to get mined, broken, griefed, etc.
/gamerule blockPlace (ID of block*) (True or false) Enables or disables that particular block to get placed.
/gamerule enableChat (True or false) Enables or disables chat.
/gamerule playerDamage (True or false) Enables or disables ALL damage that players can take.
/gamerule doIceMelt (True or false) Enables or disables ice melting. (Suggested by scorpionius)
/gamerule doLeafDecay (True or false) Enables or disables leaf decay.
/gamerule plantGrowth (True or false) Enables or disables all plant growth. (Suggested by Xannot)
/gamerule tntGriefing (True or false) Enables or disables block damage from ender crystals, TNT, bed bombs, and other explosions not mob-created. (Suggested by SiennaReborn21)
/gamerule doItemDurability (True or false) Enables or disables durability on tools, weapons, and armor. (Suggested by lovemooshroom1)
/gamerule itemBan (ID of item*) (True or false) Bans the ID of the item from the game. You can't use it, craft it, or have it in your inventory.
/gamerule enableDimensions (End/Nether) (True or false) Enables or disables the Nether/End.
/gamerule chatCharacterLimit (Character limit) Sets the chat character limit. (Would be very helpful for servers and spam) (Suggested by EmeraldsInCactus)
/gamerule doCritical (True or false) Enables or disables critical hits (Hits that deal more damage) (Suggested by EmeraldsInCactus)
/gamerule gamemode (survival/creative/adventure/spectator)(True or false) (Suggested by
Please tell me if the names should change, any gamerule ideas you may have, and support if you like If you do support, please hit the reputation button, that's the easiest way to know.
NOTE: On the gamerules with the "*" you can use "all" or "none"
Banner: (Feel free to make one, mine's not great, and it's outdated)
Copy this into your signature: (Thanks to hi9580 for making it directly take you to this topic when clicked!)
<a href=""><img src='' /></a>]
Supports so far: 308!!!
DirtDog posted a message on Why are so many people complaining about the terrain?Try to please all of the people, all of the time and no one will like it.Posted in: Discussion -
Wedhro posted a message on Lets face it - Ep.2: Bukkit [Uncomfortable Topic!]There are a few inaccuracies here and there.Posted in: Discussion
- Just imagine what Minecraft would be without Bukkit. Just imagine how many kids bought the game to play multiplayer servers that use Bukkit. Without that, Minecraft wouldnt even have half the sales. Mojang pretty much owe the Bukkit developers everything.
- Mojang decides to, as a reaction to the Devs leaving them, actually enforce their new Eula.
- Mojang gets mad at EvilSeph and claims to own Bukkit, and declare it to be continued by them.
Having said that, this is just a measure of how bad is Mojang's idea of Public Relations and how little they care of the multiplayer community. Just think about it: vanilla server has no efficient ways of organizing your server and protecting it from griefing: no permission system, no PVP/PVE zones, no plot protection, no rollback, no automatic backups. Nothing. Whoever starts a public vanilla server knows what happens: people getting in and thrashing the place with no tools to control them but banning them.
Now look at what the people from Everquest Next: Landmark are doing. In-game temporary plot protection based on craftable items that require you to actually use the place or lose the property, a self-healing world that doesn't became 1945 Hiroshima after a few minutes of people mining in it, a marketplace where to sell the builds you made as blueprints for other people to replicate them, people from the company lurking on servers in search for awesome builds to implement in the game itself, and I stop there because it's been 1 year since the last time I checked their progresses. Even if the graphics and the building system weren't enough to show how Minecraft is really outdated compared to the competition, they also show how not caring about what happens in your game is not typical of all developers.
Cooperative Multiplayer is no longer the future, is the present. Maybe Mojang is too naive to understand that, but I bet Microsoft isn't; let's see how much it takes for Redmond to take care of the situation, before their multi-billionaire acquisition becomes an embarrassing example of what was wrong with old games. -
Watermelon76 posted a message on Dear Hackers and Hack Creators...Dear Hack Creators,Posted in: Discussion
Stop doing what you do. You ruined multiplayer Minecraft. I don't care why you make it, but stop. Make something else with your coding abilities, like plugins. Hacked clients are terrible. They ruin all the fun. You should seriously stop making them. You are responsible for the destruction of Minecraft. Talking to you especially, Nodus, Kronos, and Huzuni. Just off. Honestly.
Dear Hackers,
You aren't good because of your hacks. Hacking is just a way to ruin other people's fun. I've hacked before, and it isn't fun. Winning is only fun if you earned it. You hacking is just telling everyone, you suck at this game, so you need to hack. Just stop using it, it's not a big deal if you lose in PvP. If you keep losing it's ok, practice makes perfect. But if you spend all your time hacking, you'll never get better.
Sorry for all the language, I'm just so fed up with this. The programmers of hacked clients are to blame for this terrible epidemic. Reply with your opinions on this matter. -
Satao16 posted a message on Isolated System - A World Border JournalMini-Entry 4.5:Posted in: Survival Mode
The holidays are here, and I've been working on a little something to remember the season. After all this I'm happy to say that I'll be set on oak logs for a long time. Since I won't be doing an actual update until after Christmas, I'm going to wish you guys happy holidays right here! -
Retic posted a message on Which version should they end Minecraft?When firearms are added.Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots -
TheWesson posted a message on My Mega Chicken (Mob Spawner) (of Epic Proportions)I originally got into Minecraft because my daughter showed me a Youtube video of a giant chicken that pooped out mobs.Posted in: Survival Mode
"That is so cool" I thought. "I could never do that."
Now, two years later, I have built an epic giant chicken which spawns mobs and poops them (flaming) out of its butt.
It is to scale, 1 pixel = 3x3x3 blocks
(I built it to appease the mighty Edwin, god of chickens, who was offended due to my automated chicken killing farms.)
This is a chicken:
This is my chicken:
It is dire and sinister:
It spawns mobs with a piston/tripwire arrangement:
At night, it is magnificent:
It poops out a flaming mob every few seconds:
laura4484 posted a message on Game Crashes after Minecraft 0.9.0I second this! Game crashes on Ipod version 6.0 no matter what I try. At first I thought it was a memory issue but after deleting a few apps and my old worlds, I have over 800 MB. I turned off all the other Apps while attempting to use Minecraft. I turned off everything in graphics options and even turned the difficulty off. Yet it always happens like this weather it's old or infinite, survival or creative: the game takes a while to load and it's almost like the app is frozen, I'm able to either take a few steps then it crashes or I try to look around and it crashes. On the plus side I did notice that in the seed name LAURA in infinite there are a few HUGE mushrooms at spawn point.. But I'd really love to be able to explore more. So yeah, I'd say this is the bug that NEEDS to be fixed ASAP cause I deleted my old worlds for this thing and I took a lot of time building them!Posted in: Minecraft (Bedrock) Support -
SiriusKnight posted a message on Game Crashes after Minecraft 0.9.0I was happy bout the new update! I wanted to see and be amazed. I thought hey this should be cool and I soon to realize despite looks there is one major problem! I cant do old or infinite worlds! It will force me after I make one move! Hmmm my Ipod has a higher iOS than 5.0 and it says it Optimized foe iPod touch for ALL versions. You guys either fix this problem or its s bug that needs to be idmediantly fixed ASAP! There are a lot of complates about this!Posted in: Minecraft (Bedrock) Support - To post a comment, please login.
Kind of depends on what stage of the game you're in. During the early game bones are really useful for growing crops. Later in the game when you're more focused on building tnt is useful for clearing out large areas. And and at the last stages of the game, witches are probably the most useful when you can make a farm for them.
Are there any plans to get this mod on the curseforge modlist, so that people can use it with the new curse launcher?
Every time I craft a stack of wooden gates instead of fences I punch a hole in my face.
Age (13+): 14
Will you be active on the server?: Yes
Are you a good builder?: No, I mostly dig underground bases.
Can you Record on the server? (Streaming or Youtube): No.
Do you promise not to Grief? Yes.
Why do you want to join?: Because I want to play with a healthy community of mature players.
Do you also promise not to Hack?: Yes (I don't even know how).
How can I trust you?: I don't understand this question.
I do fear that the end might be near for minecraft, or it might be quite amazing.