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    posted a message on Why most are hating 1.9?

    I have nothing against kids, but if this update gets rid of immature people, including kids, teens and adults, then that's a good thing to me.

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Why most are hating 1.9?
    Quote from Mettan»

    That would then change my handedness for everything.

    Meaning now I would be a leftie, but using right-handed archery.

    And as my own dominant hand is the right, that would mean making everything else wrong just to make one thing right. (Pun not intended.)

    So then what do you suggest be added?

    Personally, I think the expansion they gave to the End is quite nice.

    Ikr. I agree with more animals, as they didn't add anything for the 1.7, yet they added things like Savannah, but really, new ores? What do you suppose we do with those?

    Like, if you watch this, you can see how fast I can sometimes click, but it still doesn't matter, people can kill you in two seconds.


    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Why most are hating 1.9?

    Though many people base games on PvP, Minecraft PvP, even with custom plugins or guns and stuff just isn't very good. I would love a change that would make Medieval based PvP (regular) a lot more fun, as right now, a lot of people use bots that automatically hit, because there's no speed limit, and even though I usually win in mini-games and stuff, it's not because of the skill in melee at all, it's because of bows or being fast and skilled, and trying to avoid straight up PvP.

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on What Bioms ores spawn in?
    Quote from TheMasterCaver»

    Except for emerald, which only spawns in Extreme Hills, there is no connection between biomes and ores (oceans have less coal and iron and mountains more coal, but simply because ores only replace stone; if you are mining at the standard y=11 height there is no difference).

    There is also no connection between biomes and caves (for easy access to ores), despite what the Wiki claims about Extreme Hills having more caves (most caves are well below sea level so higher ground won't make much difference, plus you only get more coal).

    He is exactly correct. In Extreme Hills, you may find things like more coal and iron, but simply because they can spawn quite high and in stone, so they have a higher chance in a biome that generates more stone, and at higher altitudes. I believe both my response and TheMasterCaver's sums it up well.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What Bioms ores spawn in?

    Diamonds have no specific biome they spawn in. You will find them most often from Y: 16 to Y:2 (Basically, as deep as you can go), but the absolute greatest chance is if you dig a three block high tunnel when your head level (F3) is at Y 4 to Y 5, so you'd cover Y 3, Y 4 and Y 5. They are actually hardest to find in Extreme Hills, because the chance of finding Emerald there.

    Emeralds are only found in Extreme Hills, and it's variants (Such as M). It shows up at Y 4 through Y 32 (so actually slightly higher than gold).

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on [1.8] I am disappointed.
    Quote from Ilgoth»

    Their size doesn't make them proper, it's their actions and how they roll. Putting up two small games under work, while you just got one in full release was just ridiculous and showed how unprofessional they were.

    Yes, that's what I mean.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Microsoft Near Deal to Buy Minecraft Maker Mojang
    Quote from Steele2000»
    NO NO NO NO NO NOOOOO PLS NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Im using a macbook! If microsoft does buy it, IM SCREWED! :'(

    They would be stupid to end support for mac.
    Quote from LexiSilva»

    Halo, anybody?
    Obviously you see life only as a good/evil duality with no in-between, no grey area. Only what you like is good and everything else is worse than Hitler (Yes, I pulled old Godwin).

    Goodbye and grow up.

    I agree. Everyone likes to act like Apple is so revolutionary. No Xbox for you, no DirectX for you, no Windows for you, no Halo for you, no Gears of War for you, no Windows Phone for you and no Office for you.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on [1.8] I am disappointed.
    One of the worst things I think they've added since full release were horses. Not because I don't like them, it's because you can't use them on a server with just 2 people. They don't run good at all.

    I also think that after 1.2-1.3 it got too easy.

    Then the EULA changes ruined it all.

    And then 1.8 takes almost a year and is optimized horribly.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on [1.8] I am disappointed.
    Quote from LeslieGilliams»

    How many times have you complained already about people complaining?

    You act like lag is the equivalent of changing roses to poppies - while that was an aesthetic complaint it didn't make the game physically difficult to play.

    Exactly. People need to quit being hypocrites and stop complaining about complaining. And FPS drops are much more common than boosts for people on here, and even if the FPS does raise, it's not stable.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Minecraft Convention Scams - What You Need to Know
    I feel bad for the person who set it up. People started slandering him and his wife, threatening his kids. Even if he truly did scam them, threatening kids and releasing private information is not acceptable.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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