lol, nice one.
- BestMinerGavin
- Registered Member
Member for 11 years, 11 months, and 10 days
Last active Tue, Nov, 3 2015 18:51:06
- 271 Total Posts
- 23 Thanks
Sep 22, 2014BestMinerGavin posted a message on After Microsoft: What About Minecraft Youtubers?Posted in: News
lol, nice one. -
Sep 19, 2014BestMinerGavin posted a message on After Microsoft: What About Minecraft Youtubers?Posted in: News
Exactly. I've decided I'm going to quit arguing with people and just let them see what happens. If you want to throw your Mac out of the window, do it. -
Sep 16, 2014BestMinerGavin posted a message on [Official] Microsoft has Bought Mojang and a message from Notch.Posted in: News
Windows Phone does not suck. Buy one and tell me it does. And they aren't removing other platforms. -
Sep 16, 2014BestMinerGavin posted a message on [Official] Microsoft has Bought Mojang and a message from Notch.Posted in: News
Windows 8.1 was better than 7, everyone hates change though. Xbox One was overpriced, but all companies do stupid stuff. The PS3 was originally crap. -
Sep 14, 2014BestMinerGavin posted a message on Microsoft Buying Minecraft?Posted in: News
No, you do not. I have bought Minecraft on PC on 3 occasions. They never do. Also, it's not well written and they let us violate it for years. -
Sep 13, 2014BestMinerGavin posted a message on Microsoft Buying Minecraft?Posted in: NewsQuote from NintendoCraftHD»Well, I just mean by "the next Halo" contrary to popular belief. I apologize if I sound dumb.
Can you clarify it? -
Sep 13, 2014BestMinerGavin posted a message on Microsoft Buying Minecraft?Posted in: NewsQuote from CliffracerX»
Oh, they are stupid enough to do those kinds of things. I've been stuck with their OS and I hate Windows and want to switch to Linux, but too many programs I need don't work on Linux yet.
1. Why do you hate Windows? And they're stupid because you don't like their OS?
2. If you're referring to Windows 8, then get a start screen fixer or some crap. -
Sep 13, 2014BestMinerGavin posted a message on Microsoft Buying Minecraft?Posted in: NewsIf Microsoft swallows minecraft, I dont think that Mac/Linux useres could play. It would be a grat loss. And, I think, Microsoft would start making just more money and money, like: pay 1.50 Dollars for every update. No modpacks, resource packs would exist anymore. They wouldn't let servers to get money, without a portion for them. I think, great servers will soon stop.
We are in a great porblem, if microsoft buys mojang.
Sorry for any written mistakes, my english isnt perfect
1. I doubt it, you get a lot more money to have it cross-platform. They may release a Minecraft 2 only on MS consoles or exclusive stuff in the MS consoles. Microsoft doesn't do a bunch of microtransactions/dlc crap, either. The EULA already screwed servers over, too.
2. I don't believe so. -
Sep 13, 2014BestMinerGavin posted a message on Microsoft Buying Minecraft?Posted in: NewsQuote from TheMinecraftNerd1»
I'm just saying that Minecraft could be changed if Microsoft buys Mojang. Sure, the price will go up(they have to get the money back) but they might block certain parts of the game. Skins and resource packs require a purchase on X-Box and hense, are blocked until you buy a skin pack or a resource pack. Microsoft could do that to the PC version so they can get the 2.5 billion back.
I'm not saying that Microsoft is a complete idiot, I'm just saying that they can do what ever they want to it once they buy Mojang.
1. If they raised the price, they know they'll get less buyers. If you look at some stuff that Valve has said, they've seen if they lowered the price they got more money. The buying on the X-box is because of the studio developing it, not Microsoft.
2. Yes, but they would be an idiot to completely ruin it. -
Sep 13, 2014BestMinerGavin posted a message on Microsoft Buying Minecraft?I'm sorry, but some people are complete idiots. Microsoft isn't stupid, they're spending 2 billion dollars on this after Notch approached them. Love how people hate Microsoft, but if Apple did this it would be how they might revolutionize the gaming world or some crap like that. Though Microsoft sure didn't help Rare, they've learned from their mistakes, and Halo was not ruined. Yes, Minecraft would finally be on Windows 8 phone, where Notch was hypocritical about putting it on there, it will be optimized for Windows 8.1. If they did make a Minecraft 2, perhaps they'll make it exclusive to MS consoles/PC's, but probably just like a special DLC or even free features. Also, Windows 8.1's start menu can easily be changed for those of you who hate it. Once you get used to it, you can organize it and make it look nice.Posted in: News
Sep 13, 2014BestMinerGavin posted a message on Microsoft Buying Minecraft?Posted in: NewsQuote from TheMinecraftNerd1»I have a terrible felling about this. Microsoft could change everything if they buy Mojang. Microsoft could make it to where you have to create a Microsoft account just to play online. Microsoft could make you pay for game updates. Microsoft could raise the price of the game. Microsoft could charge you to play on servers. Microsoft could even "block" parts of the game. Microsoft can do anything once they buy Mojang. Nobody knows what is going to happen to Minecraft. Lets hope that Microsoft keeps everything the same and dosn't make any "big" changes.
They could, but Microsoft is not a complete idiot by any means. -
Sep 13, 2014BestMinerGavin posted a message on Microsoft Buying Minecraft?Posted in: NewsI'm not sure if Microsoft will be so stupid to do tons of micro transactions, as that would severely hurt them income wise. I'm pretty sure anyone would at least want to take two billion dollars, considering the fact that the community contributes a lot towards the game, mods, texture packs, etc. and mojang itself only produces the core updates. This means that microsoft is only buying mojang not the community, which I agree is a bad thing, but they could very well do something good with the money.
I agree, except I think this might help Minecraft. -
Sep 13, 2014BestMinerGavin posted a message on Microsoft Buying Minecraft?Posted in: NewsQuote from NintendoCraftHD»Mojang AND Microsoft, I hope you guys know 100% what you're doing. Don't make Minecraft become the next Halo.
How was Halo ruined? People have loved it for years. -
Sep 13, 2014BestMinerGavin posted a message on Microsoft Buying Minecraft?Posted in: NewsYou need to read more.
The chances of them doing that are low.
Finally, some logic! -
Sep 13, 2014BestMinerGavin posted a message on Microsoft Buying Minecraft?Posted in: NewsQuote from Mareena500»Oh My God that would be so bad
It would end up being run on windows 8[n.b not optimized for computers]
They would be stupid to remove it off of other platforms. Plus, most people should switch from Windows 7 to 8.1 anyways. - To post a comment, please login.
Oh, ok, thanks for clarifying! I was like, "Man, you seem intelligent and all, but you realize chunks are 16x16?"
Hey, I'm not saying I agree or disagree, but it's 16x16x256 chunks, not 12x12x256.
Oh...I meant the actual game itself. Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is what I meant. Medieval combat was ridiculously brutal, and definitely wouldn't work too well in a very realistic form. However, nowadays, instead of brutally pulling a person's intestines out with a sword, we do it with a bomb.
What? I'm confused as to what you mean?
My dream Minecraft is with Chivalry type combat :P.
That would make it to where I could win against like 5 opponents at once xD
I was wondering if there was some way to deny players the ability to build, except in regions where it says that they're allowed to build in, as we have all kinds of places we would need to put regions on with WorldGuard, and it's too much to simply do. Is there a way we can do that?
I have nothing against kids, but if this update gets rid of immature people, including kids, teens and adults, then that's a good thing to me.
Thank you so much! This is why I prefer Minecraft Forums over anything else; people like you give a friendly and helpful response.
1. I never really thought of that, however, I do really like the idea of letting her take control sometimes if there's an issue, as that will obviously increase problem solving skills and perhaps give her confidence, which I think she needs.
2. Yes, I don't want to give her too much help to where she's too used to having me 24/7. I jokingly said, when I started having her do this that it's in case I die, the Minecraft server is top priority (I hope that isn't the case :P)
3. I could definitely have her do that if needed.
4. Thanks again, and if you're actually interested, I'd love to have someone friendly such as you in my server's community!
Ikr. I agree with more animals, as they didn't add anything for the 1.7, yet they added things like Savannah, but really, new ores? What do you suppose we do with those?
Like, if you watch this, you can see how fast I can sometimes click, but it still doesn't matter, people can kill you in two seconds.
Yea :P.
The one person who talked about the better mouse is unfortunately for me, incorrect. I have one of the better gaming mice, but it's really just people who have auto-clickers and stuff. I type faster than probably 80%+ of the world and can do things with insane reaction time, but even with a really good mouse and fast clicking, you just can't win.
Though many people base games on PvP, Minecraft PvP, even with custom plugins or guns and stuff just isn't very good. I would love a change that would make Medieval based PvP (regular) a lot more fun, as right now, a lot of people use bots that automatically hit, because there's no speed limit, and even though I usually win in mini-games and stuff, it's not because of the skill in melee at all, it's because of bows or being fast and skilled, and trying to avoid straight up PvP.
Note: I don't believe this belongs in this section at all, so if a Moderator could move it to where it belongs, that would be great! (Sorry for being lazy :P)
Basically, my sister and I are Co-owning our server together. She's always been a good Co-Owner with building and stuff, but now that she's Owner and we're getting some real staff members, and I need all the help with technical aspects that I can get , I need her to become a real Owner that can configure permissions and a config, and could create a server on her own if need be. She's also the same age I was when I started our first server, although it wasn't very good, I set everything up myself and self-learned. She's been taught most of the things by me, while everything I learned was self-taught, yet she still seems to lag behind me greatly. She's very intelligent, as so far it seems to run through my siblings and I, but she just doesn't seem to get some things. I was going to try a thing where she starts the same way I originally did, and start with the same panel, though I would be teaching her, but it hasn't gone good, or at least how I expected and I feel it wasn't a good idea. How should I teach her? This is rather urgent, too.
Also, she's been with me in every past server, but hasn't learned much of the technical aspect at all, only the regular aspects of Minecraft and things like WorldEdit.
Thanks for clarifying! If that's the case, and if you can set it for maps, that would be awesome!
I like the idea, but the main issues are the Infinite Height and Depth, however, it seems it's been mentioned that it gives the POTENTIAL to do so, however, you can still put a height limit. In that case, a higher height limit, perhaps 512 meters would be quite nice, and let mountains meet a decent size. And going lower would also be nice, but what about for servers? If you were playing some kind of survival, wouldn't it be quite bad if suddenly people can build a thousand blocks+ up? Or thousands of blocks down?
No problem! Always happy to help
If you ever need any help with Minecraft, just message me. Maybe I should make a guide for noobs
And, if you're interested in a server, check out my signature for a new one coming out soon. (Free Advertizing Space!)