So guys i started this build in 100% survival 3-4 weeks ago , i build slow but steady because of lack of time.
But is totaly worth it !!!
This is my castel
Credits go to :
JeraCraft ----> Youtuber
So guys i started this build in 100% survival 3-4 weeks ago , i build slow but steady because of lack of time.
But is totaly worth it !!!
This is my castel
Credits go to :
JeraCraft ----> Youtuber
Quote from ScotsMiser»
It would (hypothetically) be possible for veins spawned in four different chunks to merge at the mutual corner, but even that occurance wouldn't give anything like this…
Because ores, plants, structures etc are added shifted by half a chunk (to the SE I think) those 4 veins would technically have generated in the same chunk and that "corner" would be in the center of a chunk. (or at least on the center line if only 2 veins were involved.)
Thanks for the tip Hexalobular and DuhDerp. I think you are right. I asked my son and he thinks he did change that setting.
I think i will make a new default world for myself.
That sounds like a good idea.
It's fun to play around with the settings but it could take a lot of the fun out of collecting diamonds.
I tested with the max value and got 314 diamonds out of my first find. Very nearly 5 stacks.
I accidentally changed the value for lapis ore instead of diamond ore on my first test and got REALLY tired of digging through lapis ore.
These are far too easily farmable for an effect that was originally locked behind one of the most expensive things ever. Once you got two parrots, you breed them (Or find more if you can't breed them) and it just gets out of hand. There would be absolutely no reason to make a beacon for haste as this is infinitely easier and faster to do.
Since parrots are tamable and already have their use (Mimicking sounds), they shouldn't drop items either way.
I think it should be a nugget per ingot used to craft it, and five for horse armor. One nugget is too few, and a full ingot is way to much, especially in the aforementioned use of shovels.
Minecraft's game loop normally runs at a fixed rate of 20 ticks per second, so one tick happens every 0.05 seconds. An in-game day lasts exactly 24000 ticks, or 20 minutes. However, if the computer is unable to keep up with this speed, there will be fewer game ticks per unit time. What I suggest is a simple way to keep track of it all: The Hour Glass.
The Hour Glass is:
- A peaceable item that takes up one block of space.
- Crafted with one Glass Block and two Gold Ingots above and below the Glass Block.
- A tool for keeping track of Minecraft's time simply.
- A compact tool for Redstone mechanisms that involve precision timing.
- Dependant on Sand in order to function.
Crafting recipe visually:
How to use the Hour Glass:
Once clicked on in block (placed) form, a GUI will appear.
Within this GUI there will be three slots: One to the right and two to the left vertically.
You place your Block of Sand into the slot to the right then the sand gets converted into 1000 Grains of Sand, but up to 24 Blocks of Sand can be placed within to create 24000 Grains of Sand.
You can then type how much of that you want moved into the upper right slot.
The Grains of Sand trickle down into the lower left slot from the upper right slot at a rate of one Grain per tick (0.05 real time seconds).
By the time it takes 1000 Grains of sand to trickle down to the Lower left slot, one Minecraft hour has passed (50 real time seconds).
Once 1000 Grains of Sand reach the lower left slot, it will be converted back into a Block of Sand for you to take out or put back in.
When the Hour Glass stops, it creates a Redstone signal.
If you want your Sand back but can't wait for it all to convert back into Blocks of Sand, you can always brake it to drop all the Sand placed within.
Finally, Dispensers may dispense Sand into them and Hoppers can remove Sand from them.
They are rare to spawn. But realizing from a distance that its not a pig is the hardest part
Been playing in an SSP world for awhile, was originally just a nomad;
but I found this beautiful little spot and decided I had to settle down.
(Also, it was becoming unmanageable how many pack animals I needed to move my stuff around...)
So I started working on a settlement in a little glen near the coast; so far I've just got a simple lookout built,
but I'm planning on adding farms and farmhouses for the
Villagersworkers I'll beabductinghiring,as well as stables for my horses and a barn and pens for my livestock. After that, I'll have to see.
This is the lookout post at the top of the cliff looking from the west with the glen beneath it.
There's a hidden redstone door at the base of the cliff leading to the top.
This is the view from the east on the other side of the cliff; you can just see the ocean on the right of the pic.
Close up view.
So resin can be used to make torches, but a block of it is immune to fire?
In my view, a whole block of resin should be highly flammable...
Depending on how it's crafted, you could use 9 resin to make a regular resin block,
and it would still be flammable; but in order to make a non-flammable block, I think you would need
to smelt the resin to make a Hardened Resin block, that you can then chisel, etc.
I also think this would need to be more of a decorative block and leave out the enchanting part.
Using it as a substitute for slimes would only be good, in my opinion, if resin was a pretty rare drop;
I mean, come on, how hard is it to find 2-3 slimes in a swamp at night? So unless you have no swamp within
about 2000 blocks, then you could chop down some spruce in order to get some resin.
Other than that, interesting idea. Partial Support.
Nice-looking build. It doesn't look terribly complicated, but it is big. Something like that just takes a lot of time.
I'm usually too impatient for stuff like that, so I just whip out super-detailed small builds. xD
No, I didn't use summon; it was like that as soon as I went through the portal. This was only a couple months after I first started playing MineCraft, I didn't even know what commands were, then.
I'd almost forgotten about this, but was reminded as I was looking through all my MineCraft screenshots. I go through them every now and then, because I take pictures of various places with the seed displayed as a means of saving them.
A while ago, I was checking out a seed in Creative and for some reason, I decided to go to the End.
When I got there I realized something very neat. There were two EnderDragons.
I tried making a new world using the same seed to see if I could get two of them again, but it didn't work.
Has anyone else ever gotten this? And what would cause this?
Hm, interesting.
Awesome looking build! What texture/resource pack are you using?