1. In game name:
2. Are you married? Any kids?
Boyfriend, but no kids
3. Tell us a funny or interesting Minecraft experience you've had:
One time on the creative section of a server, I made a big pixel art of Slenderman, and my friend (a mod) made lightning strike in front of it, I got a screenshot of it too :3 http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/293/8/a/minecraft_slenderman_by_fubarlovesbumblebee-d4dg78s.jpg
2. Are you married? Any kids?
Boyfriend, but no kids
3. Tell us a funny or interesting Minecraft experience you've had:
One time on the creative section of a server, I made a big pixel art of Slenderman, and my friend (a mod) made lightning strike in front of it, I got a screenshot of it too :3 http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/293/8/a/minecraft_slenderman_by_fubarlovesbumblebee-d4dg78s.jpg