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    posted a message on [16 x 16] [1.0.0] BoomCraft
    Quote from Heplooner

    Seconded. (Well, when I figure out how to watch topics :tongue.gif:)

    At the very top of the topic, it says Watch topic (or something in that manner)
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on [16 x 16] [1.0.0] BoomCraft
    Quote from HugeRage

    It isn't that good,theese are just the normal textures with a little bit or editing,it sucks if you ask me...
    And when you take pics press F1 to hide the GUI newbie.

    Get out. We don't need people like you, this is probably his first pack and is still a work in progress. Maybe, instead of calling him a Newbie, you could give him some helpful tips instead of going far in life acting like a jerk.

    To the OP, I like it. But, for good presentation, try making your pictures nicer instead of the text blocking the way.
    Additionally, Try making the clumps of ore, for example gold, not small 3-4 pixel clumps and or in the direct corners.
    Also, personally, I don't like the Monster Spawner because of the X, and Don't like the doors because they are kinda weird looking. I do however, favor the crosshair.
    Ill be watching this as I'm very interested.

    P.S. In the updates of any blocks you may fix/add in to the near future, try stating what blocks or items, same goes for what to do list. This also organizes yourself.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Texture Pack templates.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Texture Pack templates.
    I'm looking for all the 32x32 texture pack templates. People are telling me to just resize them, but I'm not exactly sure how. So if someone told me how to resize (*with Gimp) or gave me the 32x32 texture plates, I'd really appreciate it.
    Please don't troll me, Not everyone knows everything when it comes to this stuff!
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on [8X 16X 32X 64X 128X 256X 512X] [1.0.0 & 1.0.1 Pre-release] Texture Pack Templates
    I'm not exactly sure how to use this. I have Gimp. How do I open this up. Confused
    -If any can help me Id appreciate it
    Please don't flame/troll me :sad.gif:
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on 1.8.1 templates
    Quote from lordbug

    You could just download a 32x32 texture pack someone else made and edit it. Same for 64x64 herp derp.

    >.< I rather just have the original terrain. Thanks. And, yes, you can get the templates, I had the older ones before the mushroom blocks were out that someone sent me.
    Posted in: Resource Pack Discussion
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    posted a message on 1.8.1 templates
    Hello, I can't seem to find the 1.8.1 templates anywhere

    - I need the 32x32 terrain and item .png
    - I need the 64x64 terrain and item .png

    Many thanks
    Posted in: Resource Pack Discussion
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    posted a message on LB Photo Realism, 1.6 convert 7/16/2013. RPG Realism 1.3.1 updated 10/12/2012
    I love the textures, i use this with the water shader mod, but I've found that a few of the textures, ( i first noticed on some of the diamond tools) have black pixels floating or just any colored random pixels floating above, to the side, or under the actual tool. Can you please fix :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Texture Pack assistance(64x64)
    Quote from xxxExoxxx

    mcpatcher :tongue.gif:

    Im dumb, thank you, fixed :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Texture Pack assistance(64x64)
    I'm creating a 64x64 texture pack... I finished the bricks and went to test.....then half the bricks were a portal and half the bricks were fire... Weird glitch...Any idea?
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on [1.8] Texture pack templates
    Quote from pwned1711









    Thank you very much so, You have accomplished my goal for tonight.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on [1.8] Texture pack templates
    Guys, Don't reply here if your going to be trolls, i simply asked for the Templates, if you have them cool, if not, leave.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on [1.8] Texture pack templates
    I'm here currently working on my texture pack, but with the newly released 1.8, i need a new updated Terrain.png, i need the 16x16 , 32x32, and would like the 64x64 Terrain template, also, if possible, the same for the item templates...Anyone? This is also for anyone else wanting these. I can't seem to find them.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Beta 1.8 Discoveries
    Quote from Isil

    Epic contribution to the thread.

    That comment with your "derp" picture made me Lol.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Xbox 360 client and hosted service
    Quote from Puddi_Puddi

    I can see your point of view and i'm glad you came at me with reason instead of rage. I apologize for the troll comment. I'm on the fence about it as well. I honestly don't see how mod support could possibly be incorporated into the console version, so that's out. I'm not sure if an Xbox 360 is capable of handling the game as it is on the PC. I'm not too great with hardware, coding or estimations so i'd be the wrong person to discuss this with. I doubt it will be so horribly disfigured that it won't be recognizable without the name stamped on it.

    We'll just have to wait and see how it pans out. I'm certainly not buying it without reading a few reviews/seeing some gameplay first.

    My wondering is why not not get it because you already have it for your computer? Taking the response "But my friends all have 360's" i would assume, but why not make them get the "actual" "good" version for computer because my old computer from 2000 in my living room can still run Minecraft on fast graphics. :wink.gif: Troll comment is fine, saw that coming, but im no troll, just throwing common sense, :smile.gif: but thanks for apologizing.
    Posted in: Discussion
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