About Me
I'm 15, I work with computer repair and I also build computers, I'm not interested in the music in the 21st century, I like AliceInChains, Mettalica, SmashingPumpkins, Tool, Pearl Jam, and a lot of other good bands, I make good grades in school and don't like to be Trolled. I have 0 tolerance for console players to say "Consoles are better then computers" they are wrong, you may like them better, that does not make them better. I'm against a lot of what the government is because of them being greedy and barely helping out Americans, and helping other countries for good "Rep". I'm Agnostic, if you don't like it, then don't say anything to me, I respect people beliefs and religion(s) and I hope the same to my belief, otherwise, ill shoot you down like the corrupt pig you are. I'm nice to all, until, I'm treated unfairly or wrongly. Treat me with respect. I love Minecraft and the developers of the Mods and Texture packs that make the game 10x better. With texture packs, no-one should call another persons garbage, or ugly, because maybe they are proud of what they have did, give it a chance, and maybe you can help them out instead of trolling. I have a lot of favorite regular people on the forums,and knowing me, ill probably be watching all your posts.
80's/90's rock, Minecraft, Computer building and repair.
Profile Information
Minecraft GreenBean9396