• 1

    posted a message on Possible reason for the world limit
    You also have to consider that the game doesnt just load a world; it has to not only load all visible chunks for the player, but it also has to calculate all the interactions with entities and blocks, including BUDS, lighting, etc. While 512MB is plenty for a single player, when multiple players join in, then it can become quite intensive. Since one Xbox has to be able to calculate up to 4 players, it can start to take a lot of RAM. Then you also have to consider Xbox Live. The way that Minecraft Servers work, the "host" Xbox has to calculate all the data and world generation for every Xbox connected to it. That gets really intensive. Having run a server on my computer with around 4 people on at a time, i was suprised at how much my RAM used skyrocketed. For the smooth gameplay that every Xbox player cries about, they definitely need to cap the world limit.

    TL;DR- Minecraft is more intensive than you would think. Many things add up fast that require a lot of RAM.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on No mods for xbox, so will they add things not on PC?
    TBH I don't care as much about mods when you compare that to the fact that the XBLA version is barely in 1.6.6. They seriously need to work on catching up to the PC version before they really consider changing anything.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on WHo is Honeydew?
    He's part of the Yogscast, and many people see him as the face of that popular Youtube channel.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 16

    posted a message on Torture/Execution Devices in Minecraft
    I was messing around today, then I had a notion: what if an RPG server had to punish a rule breaker, but putting them in jail or giving them a kick/ban just wasn't cool enough for them. Maybe they wanted to give a warning speech to the visitors who watched the rule-breaker's death. Perhaps they wanted to draw out the punishment. Would they revert to the middle age style of executions/torture?

    *note: this would probably only work if the blocks in the area were protected by something such as WorldGuard

    Here are some of my ideas for various means of drawn out death (all organized in nice spoiler dropdowns :biggrin.gif: )

    The Cactus Hang
    Since "hanging" a person in Minecraft just isn't feasible, I though "what is the next best thing?" Of course, suspending them over a cactus then dropping them onto it.

    The Suffocation Guillotine
    Aah, the Guillotine, the second greatest invention of France (only beat by mayonnaise)**. The simplicity of a blade to the head is just so wonderful. But until Minecraft implements automated blades ( And why not? Think of the possibilities!), we will have to settle for suffocation.

    The "subject" is placed in the chamber.

    and with a simple pull of the lever.. Voila! One dead rule-breaker.

    **personal opinion

    The Sand Drop
    Whenever the subject of suffocation comes up, it's kind of hard for sand/gravel to not come up. I mean, who hasn't dug up by chance to find that sometimes the ground fights back? (for me it has been multiple occasions...) So why not take the annoyance of miners everywhere and use it to annoy rule-breakers?!

    Release the lever, and you have crushed one annoyance with another!

    The TNT Drop
    Well, after looking at the design for the sand drop, it didn't take me long to realize how quickly this could be converted into a TNT execution device. Add a pool of water to prevent environment damage, and you have a effective (and awesome :SSSS: ) tool for disposing of the delinquents.

    The Slow Lava Plummet
    This is for that special someone who you REALLY want to make miserable.
    That slow plummet down the spiderweb is so antagonizing, so defeating, that everyone who is put in it will despair
    and then they die, of course.

    Creeper Hell
    This is for that special someone who you REAAALY want to make miserable, and make a joke out of them as well. The design is quite simple.
    Step 1) Suspend them over their impending doom.

    Step 2) Revel in the awesomeness of Mass-Creeper Pwnage, and listen to the laughter of people spectating his demise.

    *requires an actual criminal for this to work properly :/

    TL:DR; Criminals, unnecessary punishment, Guillotine, 'Nuff said.

    So if you were to implement your own methods of death, what evil machinery would you create? :Skeleton:
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on RIDDLE OF THE WEEK!
    "Is it... helicopter?"
    :Diamond: for reference.

    No seriously, its pretty obvious what it is :SSSS:
    Posted in: General Off Topic
  • 2

    posted a message on How to find Tigers, Bunnies, and Cats in Minecraft?
    It's Mo' Creatures. You will spend many fruitless hours trying to find them in vanilla...
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Griefers? why do they bother?
    You can never fully understand the fun in griefing until you have tried it yourself. I'm fine with griefing majority of the time, especially on anarchy servers. There is some kind of thrill that you get from stealing people's things, knowing that someone like you could be doing the same to you. It's all just a game of survival.

    However, I will agree that on servers that emphasize creation and building, it could be quite annoying to have griefers around. But that is why we have admins and such.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Minecraft in the news - Game Adiction
    I think that many people blow up this problem to more than it really is. Sure, there are some of those crazy people like that 13 yr old boy, but most people aren't like that.

    Many older people seem to not really understand all this new "technology". What humans don't understand, they tend to fear and despise, and blame for other problems.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on How about adding some mining equipment instead of potions and crap
    Quote from Pinchy_

    Rope, rock crushers, mining helmets (with light), drills, earth movers, scubagear, proper underwater lights (glowsticks) and many more I'm sure.

    Also why did you leave most of the games development till the last few months? Half a year of development gave use a wolf gimmick and hold shift to drop ladders....

    The equivalent of rope is ladders, which are good enough. I dont see how it would realy be necessary. But if you could somehow make a long rope, maybe have them act like climbable vines?

    I'm pretty sure that a diamond pickaxe is a good enough rock crusher for most people. Not large enough? Use TNT.

    I think that mining helments would be a nice addition. Combine a torch with an iron helmet perhaps? Would be nice to see where we are going and not need to place torches everywhere.

    Earth mover = shovel/TNT

    Scuba gear = new underwater breathing potion

    Glowstone=Underwater light
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 13

    posted a message on Funny Death Messages
    The ground hit Barozine too hard!
    Posted in: Forum Games
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