I hate to break it to some of you, but just because you have a consistent fear of any and every form of data gathering as ultimately being some means of spying on you.. that doesn't make it true.
This kind of hysteria is ridiculous. And that's exactly what it is. Hysterical melodrama. Making mountains out of molehills. Making huge stinks about something very innocent and simple. Founded totally from a position of being far too cynical, and perhaps even fair to say some kind of psychiatric condition on the part of some people. Some kind of paranoia or narcissistic disorder.
The guy above has it right on with Slippery Slope Fallacy. It's always a fallacy. People use it all the time, but it's a **** poor excuse for not doing something.. when the only argument is that it "may" become something worse later.
Ya, believe me.. your system is just loaded with all kinds of juicy data that we all want our hands on. I personally am trying every day to break in and get a look at it!
You guys are the ones who are claiming sinister intent, or at least sinister possibilities. It's up to YOU to back up those claims, not to others to disprove them.
This is also something that happens far too often online.. where believers of nonsense constantly challenge skeptics to disprove them. But it doesn't work that way. The onus is always on the claimant. You claim sinister intent or desire, well PROVE IT.
Quote from Vagrant0It is this sort of behavior which is killing PC gaming.
Actually, it's not a problem at all. What is a problem is so many people who believe conspiracies and nonsense, making too big a stink over innocent stuff, from their position of extreme paranoia and ignorance..
That is actually making an arguable effect on gaming. It arguably has a negative effect on the entire world. It's sad the way so many stupid conspiracies and ideas have taken root and grown, online. It's actually staggering... what people are willing to believe.
TL;DR- Minecraft is more intensive than you would think. Many things add up fast that require a lot of RAM.
*note: this would probably only work if the blocks in the area were protected by something such as WorldGuard
Here are some of my ideas for various means of drawn out death (all organized in nice spoiler dropdowns :biggrin.gif: )
The Cactus Hang
The Suffocation Guillotine
The "subject" is placed in the chamber.
and with a simple pull of the lever.. Voila! One dead rule-breaker.
**personal opinion
The Sand Drop
Release the lever, and you have crushed one annoyance with another!
The TNT Drop
The Slow Lava Plummet
That slow plummet down the spiderweb is so antagonizing, so defeating, that everyone who is put in it will despair
and then they die, of course.
Creeper Hell
Step 1) Suspend them over their impending doom.
Step 2) Revel in the awesomeness of Mass-Creeper Pwnage, and listen to the laughter of people spectating his demise.
*requires an actual criminal for this to work properly :/
TL:DR; Criminals, unnecessary punishment, Guillotine, 'Nuff said.
So if you were to implement your own methods of death, what evil machinery would you create?
for reference.
No seriously, its pretty obvious what it is
However, I will agree that on servers that emphasize creation and building, it could be quite annoying to have griefers around. But that is why we have admins and such.
Many older people seem to not really understand all this new "technology". What humans don't understand, they tend to fear and despise, and blame for other problems.
The equivalent of rope is ladders, which are good enough. I dont see how it would realy be necessary. But if you could somehow make a long rope, maybe have them act like climbable vines?
I'm pretty sure that a diamond pickaxe is a good enough rock crusher for most people. Not large enough? Use TNT.
I think that mining helments would be a nice addition. Combine a torch with an iron helmet perhaps? Would be nice to see where we are going and not need to place torches everywhere.
Earth mover = shovel/TNT
Scuba gear = new underwater breathing potion
Glowstone=Underwater light