check out this awesome seed i found. first time i have ever come across an abandon village. it has a dual spawner 50 blocks from start, 2 villages in direct view of the pillager outpost. one village has enough obsidian to make a portal.
hey guy, i just dug up this seed and just had to share it. its an awe4some survival island seed where the island itself is absolutely surrounded by ice bergs. including 2 guardian temples. there is even a nether fortress close to the world spawn location in the end. -9193889702175967349
hey guys i put together 3 seeds that will function in 1.13 that spawn an end portal (stronghold) in close proximity to a sea Temple. as a bonus all 3 seeds in my video have a nether fortress near by as well.
hi. i am looking for a specific mod. im doing a lot of building and id like something i can use in a single player world that will create an outline or framework that will operate as a blueprint to my build on my Realm. right now i am about to build arches and circles / cylinders that will link to them. i want to be able to design the framework structure in single player world where i can fly around and such, and then superimpose the framework in my GUI so when i activate it while logged into realms it will give me a blueprint of what i all ready built.
unfortunately the server is down and i have moved to realms for the time being. all though i lose some levels of functionality i gain ease of use. the realm is still going and may do a reset at update aquatic release.
ok. so i am a you-tuber and i have been working on a map now for a almost a dozen episodes. i recently found that the seed i play on is still viable in the coming update and the updated seed looks just fantastic. enough so that id like to take and copy all of world spawn into a fresh map. world spawn is a large island with 3 mountains. i don't care about anything else but id like to get all of world spawn from 1 block below ocean level so y-62 to basically the top of the 3 mountains. world spawn itself is quite big. i am thinking maybe 200 blocks wide by 400 long or so. you can see the channel in the link in my signature below for a better idea. is this something that's possible and how would i go about doing it?
check out this awesome seed i found. first time i have ever come across an abandon village. it has a dual spawner 50 blocks from start, 2 villages in direct view of the pillager outpost. one village has enough obsidian to make a portal.
The Seed is : "-5147673131462137834"
hey guy, i just dug up this seed and just had to share it. its an awe4some survival island seed where the island itself is absolutely surrounded by ice bergs. including 2 guardian temples. there is even a nether fortress close to the world spawn location in the end. -9193889702175967349
hey guys i put together 3 seeds that will function in 1.13 that spawn an end portal (stronghold) in close proximity to a sea Temple. as a bonus all 3 seeds in my video have a nether fortress near by as well.
Video 6. My item sorter is comming along. The entity wall is looking great.
Video 5
thanks for the recommendations
hi. i am looking for a specific mod. im doing a lot of building and id like something i can use in a single player world that will create an outline or framework that will operate as a blueprint to my build on my Realm. right now i am about to build arches and circles / cylinders that will link to them. i want to be able to design the framework structure in single player world where i can fly around and such, and then superimpose the framework in my GUI so when i activate it while logged into realms it will give me a blueprint of what i all ready built.
thanks for the recommendations
Video 3
Update for video 2.
Hey guys, I'm trying to do a let's play on a fresh world a d document my building and progress. Built in survival hard on Minecraft realms
unfortunately the server is down and i have moved to realms for the time being. all though i lose some levels of functionality i gain ease of use. the realm is still going and may do a reset at update aquatic release.
Unmodded vanilla survival. I don't play with any mods. It's mostly just the volume of area we are talking about here.
Nothing? A bump for help?. Will mcedit make it work?
ok. so i am a you-tuber and i have been working on a map now for a almost a dozen episodes. i recently found that the seed i play on is still viable in the coming update and the updated seed looks just fantastic. enough so that id like to take and copy all of world spawn into a fresh map. world spawn is a large island with 3 mountains. i don't care about anything else but id like to get all of world spawn from 1 block below ocean level so y-62 to basically the top of the 3 mountains. world spawn itself is quite big. i am thinking maybe 200 blocks wide by 400 long or so. you can see the channel in the link in my signature below for a better idea. is this something that's possible and how would i go about doing it?