Can you make me a penguin skin? Like regular penguin face but wearing a harry potter RavenClaw uniform.. You can make it with the coat or just the vest, THank you
Can you make me a penguin skin? Like regular penguin face but wearing a harry potter RavenClaw uniform.. You can make it with the coat or just the vest, THank you
LOL Hello there Jumbokid.. You failed once again.. Notice your last post time and the time this dude joined.. with ONE post..
PLUS your last active time is 2 minutes before it was created... LOLOLOL Pathetic
LOL I noticed that too!!!! Pathetic.... Jumbofag is right :biggrin.gif:
no badmntion like i said not like u said your not really telling me anything like ure just making bull **** up and im like lol wtf and jacob i didnt grief ure server soooo u can remove ure post of me griefing it cuz i didnt do it and go hang out with your boy friend u used to be cool u said i changed when i got power you made up buill **** u made me get excited all the sudden and then u would be like o ya i lied i posted that ip for a reason and the plan isent working the reason i put your ip in team avo was to stop you from being such an asswhole u didnt change much and i would do it again if i think u should cuz u saying jumbofag saying i griefed when i didnt ure trying to make me look bad when i get my donated account ill accualy grief it but i already am getting a hack to unban myself then opmyself i will bann everyone and finish my work and teach u what happens if your a ass this isent cuz i dont like u it happned the day i got demoted from admin! u were being an asswhole and twippi knew it was a game and started lauging when akki would put god on him before he hit the floor and died it was a little game im not asking for an unban but im going to tell ure once more i will grief ure server if this gets worse and i will get my grifer friends i will op them all be lucky im not going on twippins acccount to do this i go legit =) also get the cool craft texture pack its really good LOL cya l8terz luv you <33333
WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! LOL OMG Are you like craying and raging as you type this up? This is a typical troll from you... I was expecting this.. Did it take you a day to think all fo this? cuz your only in 3rd grade right? im sure of that. anyways LOL HAHAHA You suck a griefing btw....... Grief all you like, you will fail.
Every teenager is not mature in real life... LOL But they know when to stop on here.. Unlike you, Oh yeah just making sure you know....You suck at griefing...
True that bro, Ryan here is just hyper....... you just want to punch him the face kind of feeling...... and i hate thinking that lol...
Custom RavenClaw uniform
The penguin face
I want this clothes on the penguin
This is the penguin face
Thank you! This is for a New Hogwarts Server Coming up. It looks outstanding.
I want this clothes on the penguin
This is the penguin face
Thank you!
Can you please make me a Penguin wearing a harrypotter ravenclaw uniform?
I want this clothes on the penguin
This is the penguin face
Thank you!
Location/time zone:PST
Tell us something about yourself: I Love Pies.... And the Pie is not a Lie.
Gryffindor please
LOL I noticed that too!!!! Pathetic.... Jumbofag is right :biggrin.gif:
WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! LOL OMG Are you like craying and raging as you type this up? This is a typical troll from you... I was expecting this.. Did it take you a day to think all fo this? cuz your only in 3rd grade right? im sure of that. anyways LOL HAHAHA You suck a griefing btw....... Grief all you like, you will fail.
Cheers, Badmnton~
True that bro, Ryan here is just hyper....... you just want to punch him the face kind of feeling...... and i hate thinking that lol...
And no more pvp server?
Like I said, they are more mature than you... they dont troll like you do.