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    posted a message on ★★★The Asylum★★★ [Prison] [1.8.1][OPEN!]
    A Suggestion: Instead of putting out non pvp areas which is only HALF of THE MINE, just put in a plugin that lets a player do pvp enabled if they want to fight and pvp disabled if they dont... Too many campers in the shop waiting to kill the person whos about to sell his stuff from mining.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on ☰ Imprisoned ☰ - |► •Escape Route |► •Black Market |► •Gangs |► •Custom Plugins
    To get whitelisted. Please use this form:

    1. Minecraft Name:Badmnton

    2. Read the server rules and agree with them:Yes

    3. Banned from any other servers?: No
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Surv] Skyblock
    Quote from rikiki

    Is anyone Interested in playing this with me? i can host. Must have skype!

    Yeah ill try it on multi whats your skype
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [Surv] Skyblock
    I failed hard... I slept on a bed i get hurt and fall down and lose my stuff D:
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on TreeCrafters SMP - [1.0] [24/7] [Survival] [RP Allowed] [Whitelist] [No-PVP]
    IGN: Badmnton
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? 5 months
    How old are you? 19
    Have you ever been banned or kicked from another server? Why? No.
    Do you agree to follow The Tree Challenge rules? Yes I agree to follow it.
    Do you agree to NEVER GRIEF or PVP EVER AT ALL? Agree to BOTH

    $%$% #!!#
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on {NO-WHITELIST} -=- {CLASSES/HEROES} -=- {ERIONMC} -=- {PvP} -=- {TOWNS}
    1. In-game Username:Badmnton
    2. Did you notice the large red read the rules sign? Yes
    3. Do you agree to the rules? Yes
    4. Why do you want to join Erion?I want to log in and see it 42 times more.
    5. What is your age?19
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on ◄◄REDSTONE RISING►► [Faction PvP | Graylist | Extreme PvE | Mindblowingly Hardcore | Exclusive features]

    Age: 18

    Faction: Team Nether

    Class:Mob Tamer

    What do you expect from us?*: I expect a friendly community that doesn't trash talk and no hackers. I want to see how this server is different from the old one you had. I want to see matured players and matured operators. One thing i really most expect is good game play, a lot of raiding and clan fights because these things is what makes a server so interesting to join.

    What should we expect from you*?: You can expect me to raid a lot because I love killing. You will not see me rage and whine after getting killed. I will be friendly to the community. Also you can expect that I will always put all the loots I mined and loots from the people I killed in the community public chest to share. I am not a greedy person, I could care less if I only have iron tools and I gave out diamond tools.

    Have you voted for us yet?: Yes

    Ready to die
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Hogwarts Minecraft server
    Hey it said hamachi server dont exist..
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Sad pic (somewhat)
    I liked the shadowing on this edits very nice
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on ◄◄REDSTONE RISING►► [Faction PvP] [Extreme PvE]
    Faction: Forest
    What do you expect from us?*: I expect a friendly community that doesn't trash talk and no hackers. I want to see how this server is different from the old one you had. I want to see matured players and matured operators.
    What should we expect from you*?: You can expect me to raid a lot because I love killing. You will not see me rage and whine after getting killed. I will be friendly to the community.

    Ready to die
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on (BMK Server) [1.4.7] Winter Wasteland Zombie Survival
    1. Your IGN:Badmnton
    2. Tell us a little about yourself: I'm a pretty nice guy to talk to and I love zombie games and movies.
    3. Age:21
    4. List some of the video games you've played:LFD 1 and 2, CoD, Half-Life
    5. What was the first video game you beat: Half-Life
    6. What do you look for in a server: Intensity and good friendly nice community upon the server t self,staffs, and the players. 32
    7. Tell us about your history with SMP Servers: I have usually played Faction Based Pvp or Prison Servers. I always tend to look for a server where I can kill things such as monsters and gain % for it.
    8. What was your last server and why did you leave: Prison Servers because there has been way too many immature complainers that always whines when they die and you get accused just for killing them and the owner will punish you.
    9. How much do you play a week: 15 hours
    10. What class will you choose and why: Miner because I love to mine and I would eventually get rich by doing so by selling to hunters.
    11. What aspects of Minecraft appeal to you the most: Its graphics and its environment looking on how it looks so beautiful even tho its not that realistic.
    12. What do you think justifies the use of PvP on a SMP server: To just kill people for fun or for their stuff but I don't think it would be necessary for this server since all of us will be helping each other.
    13. How do you keep up to date with your Minecraft server without being told:Checking the website and the forum at the same time.
    14. Why should we select you over the other applicants: Because I really like the features of this server and how it is organized by classes and how the owner (you) made it that people work together as different classes. 31
    15. If you could remove a rule from our Rules, which would it be: None, it is already strict and perfect.
    16. If you could add a rule to our Rules, which would it be: None, you pretty have every thing I can think of.
    17. Favorite Superhero and why (Batman and Iron man no longer accepted): Green Lantern, the ability to use a ring as a weapon.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on FlatyCraft [1.8.1][Bukkit][FlatMap][24/7][NoWhitelist][Plugins]
    To Play Application
    IGN: Badmnton
    Building Experience: Life sized monuments, real city, flying vehicles like star wars.. etc all 3-d made
    Why do you want to join?: I like building, just got bored of survival servers etc. etc.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on I-Prison Reborn [No Whitelist] [Tons of Features] [You Have A Voice]
    Did you keep your old ban files or you just banned me again?
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on [WIP] Alcraftraz
    Why do you wanna join?: I like playing prison servers as I have been on alot.
    Have you played a prison server before:Yes
    Have you read the information & rules?Yes, snap.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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