In-game name: Badmnton
Age: 19
Why you want to play: This server seemed interesting and WAY different from other servers I have played on. I never knew you could play multi-players with mods like you have on your server. It's boring always playing in a server where they each have same old boring plugins, but this one, I have high hopes for this one because I hope to have a lot of fun on this server because of the plugins/mods.
Are you having trouble installing the mods: I believe I've had this mod on before so it shouldn't be too difficult to set it up again.
Well..... No one will click if there is no pic... So go back to your map, take pictures by pressing "F2" button and then go to your .minecraft file and click screenshots and post it up here :smile.gif:
have an past experience? If you mean by building, then yes. I have built a lot of monuments life sized building but if I were to build in this, I will make sure to tone it down a bit. :smile.gif: have you played 2nd gen pokemon games? if so what ones? (gold silver crystal hg ss) I have played all the pokemon games. I am a fan, but not that crazy of a fan but i am familiar with all of it and where the places are. how many hours can you put in on weekends? for sat-sun. prob 16 hours together or a little less because I have a life too you know... I need to get out of the house every day or I'll go crazy. how many hours can you put in on weekdays? uhhh at least 3 hours a day depending on my homework loads. do you know how to use redstone well? A little. what is your timezone? PST
Im pretty sure your jar is not named minecraft.jar
Check again and reply
Oh Nvm, it is ok.... I just downgraded and it worked :smile.gif: And i LOVE your map! So far it's going great but I kept getting owned by the giant golems baby thing.. aha
Time spend playing minecraft:played since 1.3
Are you willing to donate: depends
Werewolf or Vampire:werewolf
Read the rules?: yes...
Age: 19
Why you want to play: This server seemed interesting and WAY different from other servers I have played on. I never knew you could play multi-players with mods like you have on your server. It's boring always playing in a server where they each have same old boring plugins, but this one, I have high hopes for this one because I hope to have a lot of fun on this server because of the plugins/mods.
Are you having trouble installing the mods: I believe I've had this mod on before so it shouldn't be too difficult to set it up again.
have you played 2nd gen pokemon games? if so what ones? (gold silver crystal hg ss) I have played all the pokemon games. I am a fan, but not that crazy of a fan but i am familiar with all of it and where the places are.
how many hours can you put in on weekends? for sat-sun. prob 16 hours together or a little less because I have a life too you know... I need to get out of the house every day or I'll go crazy.
how many hours can you put in on weekdays? uhhh at least 3 hours a day depending on my homework loads.
do you know how to use redstone well? A little.
what is your timezone? PST
Oh Nvm, it is ok.... I just downgraded and it worked :smile.gif: And i LOVE your map! So far it's going great but I kept getting owned by the giant golems baby thing.. aha
Time spend playing minecraft:played since 1.3
Are you willing to donate: depends
Werewolf or Vampire:werewolf
Read the rules?: yes...
Random fact: I don't really like Watermelons..
Oh but it is the same Crono why?
who are abusers when it comes to power so just to warn you.. you guys join this server, just quit now.