Yeah, pretty much everything Larsurus and Mel said attributes to me as well. I got my start here, I think two and a half years ago now, and it's been a little shaky at times but I still enjoy watching the show and the now constant stream of ridiculously lengthy fan animations. Seriously, My Little Portal 5 is FORTY THREE MINUTES LONG. I actually still haven't finished watching the actual show, I kinda stopped in the middle of season 4 to catch up with school and haven't gotten around to watching it yet, lol. Filli Vanilli was where I stopped and I swear that episode will probably be one of my all time favorites of any show ever. I heard the finale was great, so I'm looking forward to that.
This thread (well, the previous thread) really did jumpstart my whole interest in the Internet in general, so I gotta thank you guys for that. It is sad to see that this place has pretty much died completely, but I'm mostly sure I'm friends with those of you whom I know on Steam or dA (I'll check to make sure though). I've gotten two best friends out of this show, and a lot of random high fives from strangers while wearing t-shirts.
It's been an odd, crazy, and overall awesome experience, and I am so glad I found out about this whole thing. I wish I actually talked to some of you more often, and kept in touch with those who left (Man I miss the likes of Boss and Faloxx still), but that's the way it goes. Wish you guys the best, I'm always on Steam and Twitter if you want to chat it up a bit or play a game.
YES! Read it. It is incredible. It's the best story I have ever read, and I've read hundreds of fanfics and books. Fallout Equestria is as close to perfection as literature can ever get. It has achieved godhood, and everyone needs to read it. Admittedly the first few chapters have some fast and sloppy pacing, but besides that it really is flawless. Prepare for a broken heart.
Still haven't read that, but still meaning to. Speaking of fanfics, I tried writing my own recently, and compared to that attempted piece of crap I wrote almost exactly two years ago it looks pretty good. I'll wait for feedback before I share it with you guys though.
Also, I made a question asking on YouTube recently, and Youtube decided it would be fun to DELETE ALL THE COMMENTS ;_;
Thankfully I still have some of them, but I'm drastically short now, so I'm trying to sorta nudge friends to ask questions too.
*nudge* *nudge*
Not forcing ya too, it would just be nice
I mean, it did make many bronies come back for season 4.
Ha! Just the opposite. I've got plenty of friends who have just stopped interacting with the fandom because of all the drama that Twilicorn and Equestria Girls caused.
Umm... Unless I misread something, S5's supposed to be 26 episodes.
I would absolutely love you if you gave me a source, cause I sure couldn't find it. Wikipedia still says TBA for season five's episode number, and that's pretty much all I'm going off of.
On a side note, someone told me that season 3 was 13 episodes only to fulfill the 65 episode code that apparently a lot of TV stations go by. Means you can show one episode every weekday for 3 months before you run out of episodes, although I notice the Hub likes to play some episodes more than others. So I dunno, I still think that it's plausible S3's shortness had something to do with EqG.
Just a reminder that Legends of Equestria is having another open test thing starting tomorrow and ending Sunday/Monday (depending on your time zone).
I played it, and it's quite fun. The combat and chat are so glitchy though, but the quests are fun. If you've ever played The Old Republic, that's kinda what it feels like. Find a couple of friends and go around exploring, that's what I did.
For the love of heck, just why?
Warning: Going rantish.
First of all, if you enjoyed the first Equestria Girls movie, good for you. However the fact still stands that FiM is rated 8.0 on IMDB, and Equestria Girls is rated 6.6 (or 8.8 and 7.2 if you're going by means). In general it's of lower quality than the show, and that's understandable on the production crew's level. It's not their fault, they're being forced to write and stylize the movie in that way. So why make the movies? Obviously, they're a business, they need to make new products and advertise them. There really is a point where you're going too far though. If you're taking HALF A SEASON of your regular and already beloved product away for one pretty crappy and short little movie, it honestly is a mistake in my eyes. But I can forgive and forget.
But now, now you've announced Season 5, and not the length of it. If this movie really does exist, then I am almost sure that S5's gonna be only 13 episodes. Which do you rather, huh? Two poor in comparison and ridiculous movies, or an entire season of the thing we already know and love?
Maybe I am being far too pessimistic about this whole situation, but the fact that so many people on the EqD comments are still being supportive of this drama-causing crap annoys me to no end. I guess we can only hope that they can pull it off better than the first.
Many have left, yes. I've kinda semi-left, though I've always been a lurker.
I still hang around and read the posts, for memories sake. Just a week or two ago I realized I've liked the show for two whole years... and I've been posting on here for that entire time. Crazy how it all goes.
I didn't really leave, but I know that Faloxx, Sarolveldruk, Asgardian, and Lord_Dominic aren't coming back.
PS2Gator, TehAlphaGamer, MrBossMan, and a ton of others have gone as well.
I seriously can't believe that they've confirmed season 5. I still remember watching the season 2 finale and thinking "If this is the end... then this is one heck of an ending." Never would of imagined that the show would've made it this far. As I said back then, I'll be happy as long as the quality keeps up. I doubted they were doing that in season 3/EqG, but with season 4 I've been much reassured.
On that note, I liked the new episode, good song, a lot of humor.
I'll leave you on a song. I wished the original was better, cause it had so much potential, but this cover/rewrite just fills that potential.
Seriously, I can't stop listening to this, 10 days after it was posted.
Oh my goodness, I LOVE these lines from Rarity.
It was just so well delivered, can't get over how funny it was.
And in other future S4 Episode news:
"Season 4 Episode 16 - It Ain't Easy Being Breezies"
Oh boy.
(thanks for the tip blaze, haven't posted much on here recently)
Oh goodness, i've broke it ;-; Yeah, I've either forgotten everything or they majorly switched everything up.
Welp, Angry Joe Show just got hit with ~60 claims mainly on his highest viewed videos, meaning he'll lose the revenue on those videos for the entire dispute process, which means BOOP, there goes a major portion of his paycheck for a good couple of months at least.
Every single gaming channel I follow seems to have been hit by this at least partially, so all that revenue for however long this is gonna take to get sorted out is gone and off to the publishers. Heck, even completely legitimate and legal channels, like JonPaula, who does a movie review show that shows only small clips off, are getting hit.
I am completely aware that Let's Play channels are in a legal gray area, but it is hitting EVERYONE who does any sort of reviewing of copyrighted products whatsoever. I do think many people are over-reacting, but that's gotta be terrifying for the legitimate YouTubers who make a living off of it. So don't deny that there is a problem here.
I'm gonna watch the S4 premiere today even though I haven't even finished the first season.
Oh geez, I really wouldn't man. You should enjoy the rest of season one and two, you could honestly mostly skip three, except for the final episode. Just my opinion though.
Just a couple of other things I wanted to mention about the episode.
Holy crap, the lighting, so much animation improvement. Didn't notice that the first time around.
So, uh, this is the 1001st Summer Sun Celebration, right? So it's only been a single year? Seriously? Wow. I dunno about you guys, but that just seems a bit improbable to me, and feels wrong. I can't fathom how all 3 seasons and a movie could've happened in a single year. Looking back, yeah now it sort of makes sense cause they've never done a holiday episode twice, but come on. All of the shows major events happening right after the other, Twilight going from an unsocial bookworm to a Princess, seems like the pace we thought the show had already was pretty good. Three years just seemed like a right amount of time. I don't really know, just feels a bit off to me. Thoughts?
HALLELUJAH! It wasn't another meh season premiere! Glad I set my hopes low for this, and kept away from as many spoilers as possible.
-Holy crap that could be best premiere. Seriously, I can't decide between S2 and S4.
-So much wonderful backstory. So much.
-The feels, oh god the feels when they sent Twilight back.
-Character development, and lots of it.
-The extremely surprising and welcome death of the elements as MLP's sonic screwdriver has now greatly improved this season's potential, now that they actually have to work for some sort of solution with the keys and stuff.
-The freaking darkness of this ENTIRE THING. Season 1, meh, it's kinda dark, could've been more if they focused more on Luna's banishment, but they didn't. Season 2, they all hate each other, about the same if not a little bit more dark than S1. Season 3, they KILL the villain. Now this, the entire episode was a panic and frenzy.
- It has what we have been waiting for for so long, actual history. We've been discussing this kind of stuff on here for how long now? Finally, they've included it in the show.
-Pinkie's humor has been very much improved over say Equestria Girls. Mostly more subtle, makes it a lot better. The entire episode's humor wasn't there much, but it wasn't meant to be and really it didn't need it. ---The ONLY THING, THE ONLY THING THAT I DISLIKED, is dang et, I thought we would get an entire new intro. Oh well, at least they changed it so we don't have a terrible vector.
-I didn't even really care about the lack of background ponies, cause frankly that's not why I watch the show :\ I did see Lyra though.
Summary: I am so happy that this episode didn't suck. They handled Twilicorn wonderfully. Character development, legitimate intenseness, so much happening all at once, it all makes it a really good episode. I for one welcome the new idea of a more season-long story, cause last year they tried to make it seem like they were doing something big, but it was just one thing that lasted for the last 2 minutes in the end.
Edit: I forgot to say this, but NO FLASH SENTRY. YES. THANK YOU STUDIO B. THANK YOU.
GG Hasbro. GG. 9.5/10. Congrats on the worldwide trending hashtag, hope the rest of the season is just as good. Man, they've hooked me right back into this show with two episodes.
Darn,the Doctor Who 53rd Anniversary is on that Saturday aswell,along with the Season 4 Premier.Although my love for pony is stronger so I think I will probably stick with that.
Season four of ponies, the 50th anniversary of the longest running sci-fi show ever, Catching Fire (well it came out today but i'm still counting it), Link Between Worlds (also came out today but bleh), Super Mario 3D World (also came today, I assume you were talking about one of these Blaze), the Legend of Korra season finale (today), and other somewhat less significant stuff is all happening nearly within 24 hours of each other.
Also duck, MLP comes out about 6 hours before The Day of the Doctor, so you'll have plenty of time to talk about it before watching DW.
Personally I'm ready for discussion once again, and I hope it's not as bleh as last year's premiere.
This thread (well, the previous thread) really did jumpstart my whole interest in the Internet in general, so I gotta thank you guys for that. It is sad to see that this place has pretty much died completely, but I'm mostly sure I'm friends with those of you whom I know on Steam or dA (I'll check to make sure though). I've gotten two best friends out of this show, and a lot of random high fives from strangers while wearing t-shirts.
It's been an odd, crazy, and overall awesome experience, and I am so glad I found out about this whole thing. I wish I actually talked to some of you more often, and kept in touch with those who left (Man I miss the likes of Boss and Faloxx still), but that's the way it goes. Wish you guys the best, I'm always on Steam and Twitter if you want to chat it up a bit or play a game.
Still gotta read FO:E though.
Yes, I can see that.
On another note,
According to tumblr, the horn was added, which makes it less suggestive, BUT STILL.
wtf aaron, why did I even decide to click a link that says "Not Salmon"?
Still haven't read that, but still meaning to. Speaking of fanfics, I tried writing my own recently, and compared to that attempted piece of crap I wrote almost exactly two years ago it looks pretty good. I'll wait for feedback before I share it with you guys though.
Also, I made a question asking on YouTube recently, and Youtube decided it would be fun to DELETE ALL THE COMMENTS ;_;
Thankfully I still have some of them, but I'm drastically short now, so I'm trying to sorta nudge friends to ask questions too.
*nudge* *nudge*
Not forcing ya too, it would just be nice
Ha! Just the opposite. I've got plenty of friends who have just stopped interacting with the fandom because of all the drama that Twilicorn and Equestria Girls caused.
I would absolutely love you if you gave me a source, cause I sure couldn't find it. Wikipedia still says TBA for season five's episode number, and that's pretty much all I'm going off of.
On a side note, someone told me that season 3 was 13 episodes only to fulfill the 65 episode code that apparently a lot of TV stations go by. Means you can show one episode every weekday for 3 months before you run out of episodes, although I notice the Hub likes to play some episodes more than others. So I dunno, I still think that it's plausible S3's shortness had something to do with EqG.
I played it, and it's quite fun. The combat and chat are so glitchy though, but the quests are fun. If you've ever played The Old Republic, that's kinda what it feels like. Find a couple of friends and go around exploring, that's what I did.
Warning: Going rantish.
First of all, if you enjoyed the first Equestria Girls movie, good for you. However the fact still stands that FiM is rated 8.0 on IMDB, and Equestria Girls is rated 6.6 (or 8.8 and 7.2 if you're going by means). In general it's of lower quality than the show, and that's understandable on the production crew's level. It's not their fault, they're being forced to write and stylize the movie in that way. So why make the movies? Obviously, they're a business, they need to make new products and advertise them. There really is a point where you're going too far though. If you're taking HALF A SEASON of your regular and already beloved product away for one pretty crappy and short little movie, it honestly is a mistake in my eyes. But I can forgive and forget.
But now, now you've announced Season 5, and not the length of it. If this movie really does exist, then I am almost sure that S5's gonna be only 13 episodes. Which do you rather, huh? Two poor in comparison and ridiculous movies, or an entire season of the thing we already know and love?
Maybe I am being far too pessimistic about this whole situation, but the fact that so many people on the EqD comments are still being supportive of this drama-causing crap annoys me to no end. I guess we can only hope that they can pull it off better than the first.
I still hang around and read the posts, for memories sake. Just a week or two ago I realized I've liked the show for two whole years... and I've been posting on here for that entire time. Crazy how it all goes.
PS2Gator, TehAlphaGamer, MrBossMan, and a ton of others have gone as well.
I seriously can't believe that they've confirmed season 5. I still remember watching the season 2 finale and thinking "If this is the end... then this is one heck of an ending." Never would of imagined that the show would've made it this far. As I said back then, I'll be happy as long as the quality keeps up. I doubted they were doing that in season 3/EqG, but with season 4 I've been much reassured.
On that note, I liked the new episode, good song, a lot of humor.
I'll leave you on a song. I wished the original was better, cause it had so much potential, but this cover/rewrite just fills that potential.
Seriously, I can't stop listening to this, 10 days after it was posted.
It was just so well delivered, can't get over how funny it was.
Oh boy.
(thanks for the tip blaze, haven't posted much on here recently)Oh goodness, i've broke it ;-; Yeah, I've either forgotten everything or they majorly switched everything up.
Every single gaming channel I follow seems to have been hit by this at least partially, so all that revenue for however long this is gonna take to get sorted out is gone and off to the publishers. Heck, even completely legitimate and legal channels, like JonPaula, who does a movie review show that shows only small clips off, are getting hit.
I am completely aware that Let's Play channels are in a legal gray area, but it is hitting EVERYONE who does any sort of reviewing of copyrighted products whatsoever. I do think many people are over-reacting, but that's gotta be terrifying for the legitimate YouTubers who make a living off of it. So don't deny that there is a problem here.
First it was The Hub.
and now it's the BBC.
Oh geez, I really wouldn't man. You should enjoy the rest of season one and two, you could honestly mostly skip three, except for the final episode. Just my opinion though.
So, uh, this is the 1001st Summer Sun Celebration, right? So it's only been a single year? Seriously? Wow. I dunno about you guys, but that just seems a bit improbable to me, and feels wrong. I can't fathom how all 3 seasons and a movie could've happened in a single year. Looking back, yeah now it sort of makes sense cause they've never done a holiday episode twice, but come on. All of the shows major events happening right after the other, Twilight going from an unsocial bookworm to a Princess, seems like the pace we thought the show had already was pretty good. Three years just seemed like a right amount of time. I don't really know, just feels a bit off to me. Thoughts?
Also have an animation that was released.
-So much wonderful backstory. So much.
-The feels, oh god the feels when they sent Twilight back.
-Character development, and lots of it.
-The extremely surprising and welcome death of the elements as MLP's sonic screwdriver has now greatly improved this season's potential, now that they actually have to work for some sort of solution with the keys and stuff.
-The freaking darkness of this ENTIRE THING. Season 1, meh, it's kinda dark, could've been more if they focused more on Luna's banishment, but they didn't. Season 2, they all hate each other, about the same if not a little bit more dark than S1. Season 3, they KILL the villain. Now this, the entire episode was a panic and frenzy.
- It has what we have been waiting for for so long, actual history. We've been discussing this kind of stuff on here for how long now? Finally, they've included it in the show.
-Pinkie's humor has been very much improved over say Equestria Girls. Mostly more subtle, makes it a lot better. The entire episode's humor wasn't there much, but it wasn't meant to be and really it didn't need it. ---The ONLY THING, THE ONLY THING THAT I DISLIKED, is dang et, I thought we would get an entire new intro. Oh well, at least they changed it so we don't have a terrible vector.
-I didn't even really care about the lack of background ponies, cause frankly that's not why I watch the show :\ I did see Lyra though.
Summary: I am so happy that this episode didn't suck. They handled Twilicorn wonderfully. Character development, legitimate intenseness, so much happening all at once, it all makes it a really good episode. I for one welcome the new idea of a more season-long story, cause last year they tried to make it seem like they were doing something big, but it was just one thing that lasted for the last 2 minutes in the end.
Edit: I forgot to say this, but NO FLASH SENTRY. YES. THANK YOU STUDIO B. THANK YOU.
Season four of ponies, the 50th anniversary of the longest running sci-fi show ever, Catching Fire (well it came out today but i'm still counting it), Link Between Worlds (also came out today but bleh), Super Mario 3D World (also came today, I assume you were talking about one of these Blaze), the Legend of Korra season finale (today), and other somewhat less significant stuff is all happening nearly within 24 hours of each other.
Also duck, MLP comes out about 6 hours before The Day of the Doctor, so you'll have plenty of time to talk about it before watching DW.
Personally I'm ready for discussion once again, and I hope it's not as bleh as last year's premiere.