So, I went and downloaded the new snapshot, which enables single player commands and bonus chests.
I started a new SSP world, typed in a random seed, and there was a chest, right there!
That's really the only cool thing about it...
But here, pics:
What you see when you spawn:
Crazy mountains in the background:
The chest!
The contents (WARNING SPOILER):
Lava pool in the background:
Okay, here's the seed!
I will explore more, and maybe update!
- BBTeapots
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Member for 13 years, 2 months, and 8 days
Last active Sat, Dec, 2 2017 16:20:00
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Chuck5 posted a message on [12w16a] Bonus Chest Right Where You Spawn!Posted in: Seeds -
DanSparrow posted a message on You want to read this!You may want to read this too: What you pay is what you get or this: The problem with 1.8/1.9Posted in: Discussion
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you don't want to read ALL of it, don't do it, but don't comment either, I don't care whatever you have to say if you don't care what I have to say.
Every single day we see at least one new topic complaining about the game, developers, etc. There are 3 main things they complain about (there are some other things but these are the most common ones):
1-Most recent version changes ("It's laggy", "it has al ot of bugs", "X thing is stupid/ugly/useless", etc.)
2-Minecraft gettin' boring/losing its essence (Nothing really interesting to be added soon, etc.)
3-Minecraft isn't sandbox anymore (becoming more RPG-like, etc.)
Let's face it, 90% of the complaints are simply useless repetitive troll dump without justification, no logic and basically, no reason to exist. A lot of people complain just because they can. Sad part is that probably 30% or more are pirates, who didn't even pay for the game and have no right at all to complain about anything. It has some kind of sense if you complain for something you paid for, but if you play it for free, you didn't lose ANYTHING and of course you have no right to do it.
So, what I have to say to this kind of complaints is this:
1- If you don't like newer version, don't update (and backup your .jar file). No one forces you to update, the game even asks you if you want to or not. If it's a pre-release, don't download it. As simple as that. Now, you can play latest version and give a realistic and well-founded opinion, expressing some clear and fair reasons why it is not ok and some options that could make it better.
If you simply make a "I hate this"-like topic, you're just an useless member of the community, a troll or/and a childish person. Rage quits, rage topics, bascially anything rage-related is just the proof you're a noob, if you do, please leave, we don't need you, game doesn't need you, and probably not even your parents and friends need you because you're probably just an i****.
Game is supposed to change, evolve, and improve, and it is exactly what is happening. You can't complain because it has bugs or lag, because it is under developement and it is a beta. They are adding all the important bases the game will need for its launch, and as they confirmed recently, they will finish adding new stuff next 18th and freeze the code to start polishing the details, correcting main problems and bugs, and basically solving the problems you have been finding and reporting so far.
They DON'T have to do all that while on beta, the reason they usually released versions like 1.7.2, 1.7.3, 1.8.1, is to fix bugs that make some specific things impossible to use for everyone, not allowing them to keep testing the game. Not all people has lag either, so trying to solve that now would be a lost of time because adding new content may cause the lag to come back and they'd have to solve it again, which is wasted time.
2- There is no such a thing as "essence" in a game that wasn't even released yet. You can't say "minecraft is losing/has lost its essence" because Alpha and Beta testings are not real versions of the games. You can, for example, say that if a probable future version 2.0 isn't as good as the upcoming 1.0 release, but otherwise, you don't know what you're talking about. You can say it if you play Minecraft as it is, and some day they release a new Minecraft 2 that is nothing like this. That's what losing the essence means.
And if you're bored, there are two probable causes. First, you rushed buying the game because everyone was doing the same, and you didn't even think about it enough to see if it was what you were looking for. Second, you simply get bored easily or you don't have imagination because you spend too much time playing videogames and watching TV and you didn't learn how to use it, because you probably don't read books or something that actually improves your imagination. My advice, instead of making a complaining topic, make a "give me ideas" topic. If you think minecraft is losing its essence, think again, game isn't finished yet, it still has no "essence".
3- A lot of people complains about the game getting RPG-updates, and saying it's not sandbox anymore. But you people need to know what a sandbox game is:
The sandbox genre is a open world system. Minecraft has a 131,071,992,000,000,000 blocks big open world with billions of blocks in an seed-based generated world that it's almost impossible to fully explore.
Sandbox genre usually has a free-roaming world. In minecraft you can go anywhere you want, whenever you want, you're completely free.
A sandbox game is supposed to let the player be creative and there is no "right way" to play it. In minecraft you can create whatever you want, build any kind of structure or artwork just by using the blocks, and there are no rules, you can do it the way you prefer, you don't need to follow any instructions, you don't have to do it the way everyone does it.
Sandbox games usually don't have a limit, like lives, which basically lets you play forever. In minecraft you barely have a "life-bar" that may cause you to die, but you have no lives, no continues, you can keep playing over and over even if you die.
Things that aren't pure sandbox in minecraft: Mobs, animals, food and hunger system, health, armor, weapons, abandoned mineshaft/strongholds and villages (optional), potions, etc.
Which of these things actually changes any of the things that make this game a sandbox?: None, there is not even one thing in the RPG-like add-ons this game has that limits your world, making it smaller, not free or making impossible for you to modify it. And you can still play forever if you want.
Conclusions: People is always complaining simply because they can do it. They have too much free time, and not enough knowledge, so they just say the first thing that crosses their minds, without even really thinking about it.
Minecraft is a sandbox game. None of the recently added RPG-like stuff change that. There is no reason to complain about the game lossing its essence, first of all because it doesn't have one yet, this is a testing period, alpha and beta, in which game is supposed to change A LOT. Until the game is officially released, you can't even speak about essence. The game is a lot like the way it was in alpha, but with new things that, basically, improve the same things the game has always had.
Game has been improved through alpha and beta testings, and of course it has problems, that's why this phase is called "testing", because the game is supposed to be tested to find bugs and problems, so they can be corrected WHEN THE GAME IS RELEASED, there is nothing that forces Mojang to correct all of them while in beta testing, because some of them are hard to fix, and may re-appear after adding some things. That's why they'll freeze the code and stop adding new stuff this month, so they can start solving problems, making Minecraft 1.0 (full game release on 11/11/2011) the most bug-free game they can.
What to do before complaining:
- Think before you do. Is it logical? There is a reason to do it?
- Use forum search (or your eyes) to see if no one made exactly the same complain, so you can agree there.
- Don't troll and be respectful. What would you do if you were attacked because of your decisions? programming a game isn't so easy. If you think you can do better, make your own game
P.S.: English isn't my native language, so there should be a lot of mistakes. -
xeriku posted a message on Complaints Forum PetitionTo begin,Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
I respect everyone's opinions regarding Minecraft, even when I do not agree. One problem that I keep having in this forum, which is evident amongst other people in the community, is that it is hard to sift through information amongst the threads complaining about Minecraft/Mojang. Again, I believe everyone has the right to complain, but seriously, we need a legit complaints forum for this stuff, because it isn't present in just one place. The complaint threads are running rampant throughout the entire community in most sections.. I do not know if the mods will take notice, but I certainly hope they do.
If you are interested in seeing a complaints section opened for those who have issues with Mojang, please sign in this thread. If supporters see anyone trying to derail this thread from within this thread, please report them. This petition is meant to be taken seriously, and is not for those looking to start a flame war. To reiterate, this thread is about a petition to get a complaints section opened up for those who are displeased with Minecraft/Mojang.
This would be a win for all sides. The other sections wouldn't be littered with "FUUUU MOJANG" threads, making it possible to have good constructive discussions with others. This would also give those who are upset with Minecraft/Mojang, a place to vent in a more focused manner.
Also, a banner!
Thread Link:
http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/658566-complaints-forum-petition/ - To post a comment, please login.
There was a plugin called BigBrother for PocketMine which worked on the Pocket Edition. It allowed for Java players to play on PE/Bedrock Edition servers. It is a few years old, and I can't figure out if it is in development for 1.2, the Better Together update.
Man, if that's true this new version will never be able to replace the Java version. I was hoping Microsoft would release server software people could use to create servers, build them up, then apply to put them on the list. I really like a lot of things about the Bedrock version, like that it runs better and everyone can play together, but without community servers it will never take off with Java players.
No griefing (we have a plugin for that anyway)
No cursing at all
Don't be a jerk
Put a in your application to prove that you read the rules
How long have you played Minecraft?:
What is your skill in creative mode?:
Do you accept the rules?:
If you are accepted, the ip is
What will you bring to the server?:
This server is whitelisted, and it is peaceful survival. It is also vanilla, but not anarchy, so no stealing stuff or griefing.