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    posted a message on [1.3_01] Cape Mod
    Looking forward for the 1.5_1 update.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Millénaire - NPC village - 16/09/18 : Millénaire 7 open beta
    Quote from mikewillis »
    Suggestion: Well, I experience that after a while, my inventory gets full of, coins.. I suggest you add a pouch we can get from the cow farm, or you make a brand new box where we can put the coins :smile.gif:

    Yeah that is a good idea.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.6]BounceJump V1.4.1 & BetterSneak
    Quote from Teddie1177 »
    Mediafire wan'ts to be a douche to me so it wont let me DL and try it out. ( TwT)

    Edit: Yay got it to download.

    LOL Teddie1177 :Notch: .
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.6]BounceJump V1.4.1 & BetterSneak
    Quote from Corosus »
    Quote from Rentani »
    Quote from TheBuildingDuck »
    Could you add a dash?

    You double tap forward and you boost that way. This would also work side ways. And in mid air. We need it!

    Why not combine this with MovePlus to get that feature? It's compatible I think

    Probably is, I created MovePlus with 100% compatibility intention, bonus points if you can get this mod working without modifying files :biggrin.gif:

    Yeah, if you could make your mod 100% compatible then your mod would be a 10 out of 5 stars.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.8.1] SteamCraft - SOURCE CODE RELEASED[ML][v0.5.4][WIP]
    You just made my day. Now the only things i need left to use this mod is toomanyitems and milleonaire compatibility. So keep up the good work!!!
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.6]BounceJump V1.4.1 & BetterSneak
    Quote from yroc1234 »
    I have found that rolling dosen't work in the latest update(I still take fall damage when holding right shift while falling) and for some reason I always vault(even when not sprinting).

    Rolling works perfectly for me. You need to keep pressing it, not press once during fall. As for the vault its built in. To stop vaulting you need to keep pressing r.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.6]BounceJump V1.4.1 & BetterSneak
    Hi i love your mod. It makes walking all over the place in minecraft so much easier and more awsome.

    I wanted to ask you if you could make this mod compatible with Peronix's Dual weild mod since i dont think he will update his mod until 1.6 comes out.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.6]BounceJump V1.4.1 & BetterSneak
    Im getting a bug in the unleashed version in which i dont get any fall damage. Do you know why this is happening?

    Edit: It is also happening in the normal version.

    P.S. I deleted the .minecraft folder and downloaded a new one and only installed this mod and mod loader.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [64x] GLIMMAR'S STEAMPUNK v.22 NOW RELEASED! + Latest Newglim City Download! + GS Redstone Pipes Add-On Pack!
    Quote from Glimmar »
    Quote from B4k3m0n0 »
    Great texture pack and it looks beautifull in my minecraft. Just a quick question though. When are the other armors going to get an steampunk texture?

    Hehe! Glad you like the pack.

    I'm so slow at the moment, due to real life, but I'm currently looking at the char.png skin and the armors...whether I get anything done in this chaos of a life I'm leading at the moment is debatable. I am at this very moment looking at them though and trying to decide what resolution to make them, as I don't always strictly adhere to the 32x32 pixel size especially considering the mobs! :Sheep:

    Ok, take your time. Rushing things leads to imperfection. :iapprove:

    Also, keep up the good work.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Item ID checker
    If anyone could create a mod or a script that would make a list of each ID and see if it ocupied or not would be much apreciated. It's a pain in the a** when you have a lot of mods and you need to do much trial and error to make sure there isnt an ID conflict.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Mod suggestions for a new modder group
    You could create like a 'Celestial Staff of Scorch' wich when activated would set abylaze everything around you. That would look cool.
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on Celestial Tools [1.5_01] - Help please!
    Quote from punkdude777 »
    what happened to giving it a lightning ability in the objectives?? that will really set it apart from other weapon mods, plus its badass texture is good too

    Agree the texture is really good.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [64x] GLIMMAR'S STEAMPUNK v.22 NOW RELEASED! + Latest Newglim City Download! + GS Redstone Pipes Add-On Pack!
    Great texture pack and it looks beautifull in my minecraft. Just a quick question though. When are the other armors going to get an steampunk texture?
    Posted in: Resource Packs
  • 0

    posted a message on Celestial Tools [1.5_01] - Help please!
    Looks promising buts needs more things to make it more complete. Also as superninja123 said you should make it mod modloader compatible.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [16x—128x][1.4.5 Compatible] Okami Texture Pack
    Cool texture pack dude. *thumbs up*
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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