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    posted a message on What is the safest location to live in Hardcore Survival Single Player?
    Recently, I've picked the game back up and would like to do a HC SSP, possibly even an LP. However, I intend to do quite a bit of planning first.

    What type of location is the safest to make my home?

    Factors to take into account:
    • Defensibility
    • Can I quickly set up defenses against Creepers, Endermen, Spiders, Skeletons, and Zombies?
    • Sustainability
    • Can I easily set up a farm in this area without filling in or hollowing out too much land?
    • Longevity
    • Can I live here permanently or will this be transitional?
    • Resources
    • Can I easily acquire necessary resources?
    • Freedom
    • Can I easily come and go as I please?
    Places I've considered:
    • Top of a Mountain
    • Pros:
      Clear line of sight in all directions.
      Highly defensible via walls.
      Limited extensibility.
      Possible accidents involving fall damage.
      May requires alterations to landscape to accommodate farm.
      Possible lack of freedom, depending on steepness or size of summit.
    • Underground
    • Pros:
      Highly defensible due to narrow passage ways.
      Unlimited extensibility.
      Near minerals.
      Significant amount of work hollowing out burrow.
      Lack of surveillance.
      Requires significant effort to begin a tree farm.
      Monsters spawn regardless of time of day.
      Lack of freedom in that making trips to the surface are actually called "trips to the surface".
      Burrows tend to lack longevity due to needing more space, etc.
    • Open Plains
    • Pros:
      Clear line of sight in all directions.
      Highly extensible, given its sandbox-ish environment.
      High sense of freedom.
      Easily sustainable.
      Poorly defensible in that attacks can happen from all sides.
      Easily devastated landscape (aesthetics, rather than practical).
      Boringly over used location.
      Type of area has proven to be difficult to locate due to experience.
    Things I've considered:
    • (De/Re)Forestation
    • Trees hide hostile mobs. Wood will either be harvested from a nearby forest, chopping down only valence trees. Replanting will only occur when harvesting has significantly increased the distance between home and the forest. If a closer and more suitable location for a forest is found, replanting will occur there instead of at the original forest.
    • Fortifactions
    • Any building must have at least two exits and that are unsafe to leave from should be easily identifiable (windows, redstone notifications, etc).
      Walls must be spider-proof.
      Endermen most not be able to remove valence blocks from the home.
      Creeper explosions along the perimeter should not be devastating to any structures of my home.
    • Necessities
    • The home should contain what is necessary to maintain homeostasis as well as house supplies needed for hunting runs, mining expeditions, and exploration.
      In the event that the home is abandoned abruptly (get lost or new home is made), I should be able to return to it in a fit of desperation and be able to live stably there again.
    Anyone care to toss in there two cents and turn this into a discussion?
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.8.1] 'Super Serious'
    So far so good.

    Found massive caverns and three dungeons while scouring the ocean floor. If I hadn't found that redstone in the third dungeon, I would have never made it back to my spawn. Now that I have all this iron, I'm going to start making two dams between my island and the nearby one so I can use the ocean floor in between. I'm already trying to build a dock (and failing aesthetically).

    I don't know if anyone else has used this seed, but feel free to post your finds and accomplishments in here. This is, by far, one of the blankest of blank slate maps I've ever generated, there are so many possibilities.
    Posted in: Seeds
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.8.1] 'Super Serious'
    Quote from Liar

    Yea good luck for surviving that.

    I just found me first tree, I now have everything I need.

    I'm going to harvest the wood, build a boat, and bring saplings back with me to the spawn location.

    Information on the tree is in the original post.
    Posted in: Seeds
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.8.1] 'Super Serious'
    Seed: Super Serious

    Small Island, no trees or land in sight.

    Photos and Numeric Seed:

    After much swimming, I finally found a tree:

    x: -87
    y: 67
    z: 818
    Posted in: Seeds
  • 11

    posted a message on I have a cow for a moon.
    Does the cow go MOOOOOOOOON?

    Edit: I have more +'s than the original post... what is this madness?
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Aim for the Horn

    Have Lightning land the finishing blow on an enemy that you've done damage to.
    Posted in: Achievements & Stats
  • 0

    posted a message on How do you punch trees?
    Up one from the bottom, make a space to stand. Punch up and get most of the trunk, then get the blocks you were standing on.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on Am I the only one who spent half an hour trying to break wood by taping when I first joined?
    I held down the mouse and noticed it looped the punching animation, so I didn't bother rapidly clicking.

    I'm a lazy ****.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 3

    posted a message on What are YOU gonna do when you first see a Enderman?
    Not blink.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Im Ready -
    Quote from Cheesius

    We actually discourage neutral choices in market research. Even when people claim to have no opinion, they almost always do lean one way or another, therefore at least at my firm, we never offer the neutral/don't know option when we read the options. If they say they don't know, we ask if they would lean toward supporting or opposing, and if they still can't answer, then we put don't know. Granted, everyone WANTS a neutral option when they do polls.

    Yes, the layout of the options is confusing, but I am just going to guess that UDontLikeCake does not have any background in market research, and is just curious what sort of support level there is for 1.8.

    Also, I'd like to point out if you don't like threads like this, don't post in them, all you're doing is bumping the thread to the top of the queue.

    Tell me exactly where I explicitly said I don't like threads like this. I posted a helpful suggestion while adhering to the topic's purpose.

    For someone who does market research, you horribly misinterpret things.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on Im Ready -
    Quote from Cheesius

    I do market research for a living, and I can tell you there's always room for gray areas in polls like these. It's useful or sometimes just interesting to know when people only partly support something, or when they lean more toward not supporting it. Then you ask why.

    In the case of this thread, I would assume people would reply saying why they only somewhat support it or somewhat oppose it.

    As for me, I am strongly looking forward to 1.8, because I'm looking forward to the new features and gameplay options.

    Yes, but in that case, you want to follow a standard layout:

    Strongly Agree
    Strongly Disagree

    He has no neutral option and options on the same side of that grey area aren't adjacent on the option list. You should understand from your 'market research' that every little change to a poll can affect bias.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 1

    posted a message on Im Ready -

    ... Please, don't add bogus duplicate poll options... that contaminates the polls results and defeats the purpose of the poll.

    As for the answer: Yes. I want me some Endermen.

    Don't blink!
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on Does the warn status bar dissapper?
    Quote from Mozzo

    What warn status bar??

    The one you get for doing something frowned upon by the mods.
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
  • 0

    posted a message on Does the warn status bar dissapper?
    Quote from TehDancingZombie

    Or does it stay?

    Just don't do bad things anymore and it doesn't matter.

    No one else but you can see it, even if they go to your profile.

    Also, this topic doesn't go here.
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
  • 0

    posted a message on Minecraft no longer challenging
    >Hide in building for entire night.
    >Complain about being 100% safe.

    Go spend your nights outside.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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