For me I finished building my house and started working on making a farm.
Edit: Please put your pictures in spoilers.
I think Ender dragon's are the best.
The 1.20 update isn't that bad, (I love the new cherry wood textures) but if you expect me to sit here and play the yes man, you've got the wrong guy. I absolutely despise the new world creation screen, with its absurd rigidity and dark grey color. It is too professional, and they are trying far too hard to appeal to a new audience. I abhor the new death screen, which is basically a blocky copy of GTA's death screen. I grew up with the old death screen, which is not only nostalgic, it looked better in my opinion. You won't get everyone to along with every new update feature, I get that, but it feels like Minecraft is changing what people loved about the game, and that's not cool.
Mojang did not announce anything. The linked video is a clickbait title based entirely off a 26-sec short by some MC developer commenting that 'more ambience in overworld would be nice'.
What? That makes no sense, they have nothing to do with this place. You're making stuff up.
my fps was goin' so well in 1.20! I dont think its a bad update :3 (And sorry for my bad English)
Hi all! I'm trying to find an old seed that I had for my first PC survival map. I originally found the seed online. I remember that I was searching for a seed that had a village near spawn so that I would be safe in survival mode. This was back in 2012 or 2013, so I don't remember much unfortunately. I found the seed in a list on a thread or article, and I think it was the second or third in the list. I believe that the version of Minecraft was 1.2.5.
Here is a crude drawing of the main area in that map:
I haven't seen this world since probably 2014 or 2015 when I lost the world, so details may be a bit fuzzy. I remember that the spawn was in a riverbed between two mountains. The biome was plains and maybe had some intersections with taiga. The image has where I think North was (I have conflicting memories of the sun setting either over the lake or over the dessert when in the village), so the spawn was North of the village if I have the orientation correct. You traveled south along the riverbed to get to the village.
The river was one of those small stringy ones that sometimes get broken up by the terrain. It snaked around a bit, but was mostly straight. Around where the river ends in my drawing, there was a somewhat sheer rock face on the right where I dug into the side of the mountain for my first mine. The mountains to the right were more steep than to the left, but it was mountains on both sides of the river. The river may have connected to the lake, but I can't remember for sure.
The village itself intersected between a plains biome and a desert biome. I think that most of the village was on the desert side. It was a medium sized village. I don't remember many specialized buildings. I think it had a church, but I don't remember a blacksmith. The village was near the lake, but not right on it.
I didn't travel far outside this area, but I remember some of the surrounding terrain. If you followed the steeper side of the mountains along the lake, there was a place where the terrain glitched out, and there was a completely sheer rock face running for a long while, as if the chunks had been lifted up out of the ground about 15-20 blocks. In the opposite direction, it started to transition into a taiga.
I know that this is a huge long shot, and it's probably like finding a needle in a haystack. My hope is that since this seed was posted online, maybe others had or still have it. It would be amazing to relive the nostalgia of my first world. Any thoughts or insights would be greatly appreciated!
Quote from allyourbasesaregone»
there is nothing wrong with having one spawn egg be in survival imo.
Nah. It's really goofy for this mob - out of all of them - to somehow be available as a spawn egg. The mob is still unexplained, so none of this makes any sense.
Exceptions like that exist all the time.
Like what..?
I also like the desert creeper more than the other mobs, it would be nice for sand to be renewable
Not sure what it is you like about this mob. It has nothing creative about it, it just does less damage and gives you sand. That's not something I can see Mojang adding...
Quote from allyourbasesaregone»
Gilded blackstone does this, and I think iron and gold nuggets need more use in the game to be taken seriously.
That... makes no sense to me.
I'm completely neutral to the idea, but if I was forced to pick "yes" or "no", I'd probably go with no. Because it creates a bit more clutter in your inventory. Pretty much what post #4 said.
No Support. It'd get annoying having to carry 2 extra stacks of items back which don't provide anything new.
Suspicious gravel? That was one of the new blocks that was added in the new update.
Could be a cool addition for the marine life in the game. I would guess they would spawn in maybe lakes or something since they are freshwater fish?
Could be quite nice. Would absolutely make the overworld not feel so quite for sure.
While I don't play a lot of Minecraft past 1.12.2, this update does look quite interesting. The cherry blossom biome is really neat and is something that I have actually wanted in the game for quite awhile.
It's looking quite nice!