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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] RenderXR's Untold Stories Series

    I'm not normally a CTM player, so I cannot give much feedback, but after completing the first area, I am thoroughly enjoying this map.

    In a side area, I encountered a glorious lava gravel trap, and with some quick block placing, managed to survive. It gave me a fair amount of time while my friend attempted to dig me out. Here's my Temple of Inevitable Immolation.

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [Request] Pachirisu Skin

    Could anyone make a skin of this pokemon for me?

    I tried myself, but I just can't wrap my head around pixel editing.
    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on Would i be banned for using invedit?
    Quote from SkyPiercers!? »
    Nope, you wouldn't be banned. The only way something close to that happening is if you ask for a refund and lose your premium.

    Notch doesn't ban accounts.

    Not entirely true. If he sees an account being abused such as for piracy, he'll ban it.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on CHB - Public Server
    Semp, you need to specify /index.html in the link, because it's beeing overwritten by the index.htm that is given by the server hosting program.

    Anyways, it's fairly cool to watch between the maps as the map grows and buildings expand.
    Posted in: Alpha - SMP Servers
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    posted a message on CHB - Public Server
    Demon, your story doesn't seem to be the norm, I think someone had it out for you. Again, the biggest fix is to build far far away, where others don't know where you're at.

    Also, semp, that was a little harsh.
    Posted in: Alpha - SMP Servers
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    posted a message on CHB - Public Server
    As a player, I have to say this is one of the most fun servers I have played on. It's just a build server, but as a build server goes, it is fairly awesome. Most people go further away from spawn to build, and therefore there is less random clutter sitting everywhere to trip over.

    The current server map has some awesome physical structures as well, and so gives itself very well to all those pesky flying island builds or whatnot that require awsome land to start.

    As a mod, I have to say that there has been very little griefing so far, and it makes the server quite comfortable. We've had a few verbal scuffles, but nothing major, and that's always a good thing.

    :tnt: :tnt: :tnt: :tnt: :tnt:
    Also, to anyone wishing to demolish land, both of the Super Mods are completely capable and willing to use TNT to dig for you, as long as your need doesn't require the smashing of a building, a tunnel, or blowing a tiny bit of dirt away. We won't hand out TNT , as per the rules, but if you need it's effects, we can provide the explosive power.
    :tnt: :tnt: :tnt: :tnt: :tnt:
    Posted in: Alpha - SMP Servers
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    posted a message on Lava source blocks, finding and capturing
    Godhand got all of the possible ways right.

    I wouldn't suggest using water, as it will leave a wall of obsidian that will take ages to dig out, even save you have a diamond pick.

    Just take dirt, and slowly replace every block of lava on a level with it, dig the dirt out, and then continue this till you finish clearing all the lava. It takes time, but it means you don't have "Giant Jelly Filled Obsidian Cakes"TM* to deal with later.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on X1's Server [PUBLIC] [MN, USA]

    Here's an example of the buildings we tend to make in this server, it's an awesome place.
    Posted in: Alpha - SMP Servers
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    posted a message on Roma RP - Open house over till next week
    This sounds fun.
    Posted in: Alpha - SMP Servers
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    posted a message on X1's Server [PUBLIC] [MN, USA]
    Quote from Alexbrainbox »

    OT: Needs a /sell command. Maybe 3/4 price of buying?

    1/2 the price of buying would be more fair, too keep selling from being overpowered.
    Posted in: Alpha - SMP Servers
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    posted a message on Applicatons of Redstone?
    Quote from MaxHim »
    Quote from Xelanthol »
    lol @ dark, seems like sorta of a waste to me :S

    Nah, redstone is pretty common down below.

    As for OP, make a complex redstone lighting system controlled with multiple levers.
    Imagine you flip a lever, the corridor doors open, and the lights inside turn on, one by one. Or they begin to flicker. Then put some cobblestone plates in there (assuming that the corridor has cobblestone walls), so that when you step on the plate, the doors close and the lights go out. Intense. :3

    My god, that is awesome.

    I'm tempted to try and figure out the redstone system just so I can do that.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on level genorator problem
    Is there a way to update these generated save files to work with alpha?
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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