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    posted a message on [WIP | Any MC | MAC/WIN] Minecraft Manager a0.1.0
    I have officially abandoned this. However, it isn't the end. The reason is because of my crap coding, which is better now, and I have more motivation, because it should be a much easier to expand upon system.

    EDIT: Almost forgot, there is a new project in the works, which is the same program, but much, much better. Expect an alpha release within a few weeks.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on Getting new computer, NEED ADVICE!
    You might up your PSU to 550watt for future upgrades, but everything else looks good.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on Comic sans strikes again
    Quote from TheRacker

    Not a problem to read. Sure a bit harder than Ariel, but still easy. I <3 Ariel. Why is it such a good font?

    Ariel is one of my favorites. But as bc's post said, it seems a bit silly written in comic sans. And it's much easier to read 72pt impact on a sign than 72pt comic sans.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on Will This laptop run Minecraft no lag on lowest settings?
    Quote from peakthesummit

    Also, thanks for all your guys's help so far! I might be leaning in towards a PC now and do the Hackintosh whatever its called maybe. So yeah, keep posting on some Good gaming pc's that arent TOO crazy expensive, something maybe over average a bit. Looking into the price range of a max of 700 could go up to 800 if it's good enough for the price, again, willing to build a pc, and very flexible on it being a laptop or desktop not a biggie, as long as I can find some screen recording software on PC for free that will record without any lag I'll be fine. No lag is a must for me right now thats why I am stressing it so much, it's hard to get my channel off the ground right now because of how laggy the recordings are. So again, I appreciate all your guys' help so far! Also, i know I'm asking a lot right now but i want to be sure, so, if you could also tell me what to look for that makes a PC run minecraft, and games period, fast? Apparently RAM isn't the whole thing, what is it? Graphics card? Thanks in advance.

    I'll give you a short rundown. Your processor does calculations. It will do any calculations sent to it, and a good processor will mean that normal programs will run faster, and games will run faster, since the processor calculates things like physics and stuff most of the time. The graphics card is very well optimized for graphics calculations, which is what you see on the screen. The better your video card, the better games will run (however some games use the cpu for graphics, like minecraft, so the gfx card doesn't matter much), but it is limited by the cpu, the same way the cpu is limited by the graphics card. It is important to get a balance between the cpu and graphics. Ram is random access memory, and it stores all the data for running programs. The more ram you have, the more data you can store in active memory, and the more programs you can run. 8gb should be plenty, especially since ram is dirt cheap right now. Ram also has a speed, measured in mhz. Don't worry about that. Just go for 1333mhz, and you'll be fine. Your hard drive stores thongs (you probably know that) and there are two main types. Platter drives, which have a magnetic disk, and SSD (Solid State Drives). Platter drives have very high capacity, and a fairly long lifespan, and they cost very little per gb. SSDs have low capacity, are expensive (high price per gb), have a short lifespan, but they are lightning fast. You usually use an ssd as a boot drive, with only windows, and startup programs, and a high capacity platter HD (1-2TB) for everything else. That way you boot fast, but you have lots of storage. When looking for normal drives, look at the RPMs. 2500 is slow. 7200rpm is fast. 10000 is uneccessary. And that concludes your basic rundown of the normal computer.

    Here's a decent $550 build: http://teksyndicate.com/videos/build-550-gaming-pc-june-2012Here's an even better one. I can knock the price down if you want: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/a6sS
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on Comic sans strikes again
    Quote from alondite1010

    Yea, I don't get why it bothers so many people

    I copypasta'd bc_programming's post, but changed it to comic sans. Read below, it gets annoying fast.

    Comic Sans MS was created for MS Bob. If you don't know what that is, the best equivalent is to think of it as a version of clippy for kids in Windows 3.1. One of the people who saw an early version of Bob noticed that the speech bubbles use Times Roman for the text, and he created a font more fitting the speech bubbles of MS Bob. Thus was born Comic Sans. It sort of ironic in it's way; he created a font because Times Roman was being misused, and now that font is perhaps the most misused font in the world, being used on probably a good percentage of formal documents. I always imagine stuff written in Comic sans as ending every sentence with a little clown honk sound.

    Which was fine. When things went overboard was with the inclusion of the font in Windows 95.

    Anyway, what is the font for? It's for it's intended purpose- which was to give a friendly and happy appearance to a font used for speech bubbles for a animated dog. The idea is that the font of type sets the tone of the voice speaking it. The characteristics of a typeface convey a meaning beyond the actual text; That's why we use different fonts. When you create an office memo, a "Please use other door" sign, or a diagram such as the one I provided as an example, using a font like Helvetica (Or Arial, it's poor cousin), Impact, or another heavy-stroked, font would be appropriate. Type-setting it with Comic Sans is downright ****ing ridiculous. This misuse is frequent, but unjustified. The very name tells you everything you need to know; it's "voice" as a font convey's silliness, childish naivete, irreverence, and is far too casual for almost any purpose. And even for those it would fit with, there are far better fonts to choose from ("I did this!" being a rather good one, but there are dozens of others).

    Using Comic sans is like showing up to an event in a clown costume. You wouldn't show up to a company meeting, a funeral, a wedding, or pretty much anything wearing a clown costume, so why do people typeset invitations and memos for the same in the font? The reasons are three: First, they are morons, second, morons will always manage to **** things up, and third, Comic Sans has for no good reason been part of the set of fonts shipped with windows.

    I think the best summary is that if you love comic sans, you don't know very much about typography. And if you hate comic sans, you don't know much about typography, either.

    Comic sans of course has it's place- 20 years ago in a single application that failed. I actually cannot even think of a good place to use it today; there are other fonts that would suite that purpose much better, and have the added benefit of not being Comic Sans.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on Ram overclocking?
    Quote from teckmaster

    I have done a lot of experimenting with ram overclocking. I didn't expect to get an insane performance increase but I just wanted to try it out.

    my default timings are something like 9-9-9-24 if I remember correctly, and 1300mhz clock speed. I went to 1800mhz with 9-10-9-24 timings and noticed no difference at all. I then went to 800mhz with 5-4-5-16 timings and noticed no difference whatsoever. I kept changing things around and I always had the exact same performance, I also did benchmarks and they did show small improvements but they are extremely small and obviously not noticeable when using your computer.

    There is no reason to overclock your RAM imo. All you will accomplish is a shorter life span.

    Okay. Thanks for this answer.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on Will This laptop run Minecraft no lag on lowest settings?
    Quote from peakthesummit

    I don't use fraps I use the Quicktime Player screen recording this.

    There's you're problem. The only recorder that does games on mac is Screenflick, which is still really slow. And the fact it's a mac doesn't help. My macbook pro (2009) runs it about 50fps, max settings, and about 300fps under bootcamp.

    If anything build a windows PC. Here's a nice $550 build (not including monitor, kb, and mouse!): http://teksyndicate.com/videos/build-550-gaming-pc-june-2012
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on Should I make this purchase?
    Quote from TheRacker

    Oh yeah then 550w is definitely plenty. Even though the 7850 uses less power, lol. And get that psu, modular, great reviews, and I trust antec with my life (I have a 650w psu of theirs from 2007 still running strong in my pc now. And it has been used almost nonstop since 2007 when we bought it).

    A bit off subject, but what do you think of Corsair's PSUs? I've been running a TX750 for a while, and you seem to know your stuff.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on Ram overclocking?
    Quote from TheRacker

    What was his cpu? And was he using cuda or anything like that? Because nothing I have seen has shown noticeable increases in performance. And sandy bridge can't even utilize more than 1333mhz, it doesn't have the controller for faster.

    He had an older one, not sure, but I think a higher end core2? I know it starts with a Q. And Blender doesn't use Cuda, unless you're rendering with Cycles or SLG.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on Should I make this purchase?
    Quote from TheRacker

    You get this psu instead: http://www.newegg.co...N82E16817371016

    You will be running an OC 2500k and a 7850 off of it right? 550w will be plenty.

    6850 actually. The 7850 goes in my old one.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on Ram overclocking?
    Quote from TheRacker

    You will see ABSOLUTELY NO performance difference in anything. You might get a maximum of .5fps increase in performance if you put it at 2133mhz or something ridiculous like that.

    In games, I know you aren't supposed to measure performance in fps. You would see no faster render times or anything with a ram overclock.

    In blender, when working with more than a few million polys, it slows down a lot, and when I tried on my friends 1600mhz corsair, it was much faster.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on Should I make this purchase?
    Added the revised version to op: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/a6eU

    Also, is there anywhere I could cut cost on the rest of the components? Mobo maybe? I'm only planning to do a 3.8ghz OC on the 2500k.
    Quote from TheRacker

    Nice. And when you transport it, why not put the computer on its side, so the cooler is sitting on top of the motherboard, instead of hanging off the side? That way there will be almost no chance of it snapping off.

    I usually do, but it's bouncy, and I've lost a gfx card to it before (It had major heat problems afterward, kept overheating)
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on Should I make this purchase?
    Quote from TheRacker

    Yeah it should, g.skill ripjaws aren't that tall, and you can push the fans up and down. Just look up reviews of it on youtube, I'm sure on of the reviewers used gskill ram.

    Cool! I'll revise this and put it in the OP.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on Ram overclocking?
    I'm wondering if I can overclock my G.SKILL Ripjaws (1333) to 1600mhz? Has anyone tried this, and if so, did it work, and did you need some sort of cooling?
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on Should I make this purchase?
    Quote from TheRacker

    Um the havik 140 is as good as the h100 while being quiteter. And you would even save money by getting an nh-d14, which is much better than an h100. I would recommend the h100 for looks, but you are on a strict budget, so I would rather get a better gpu. And many air coolers like the havik actually look really nice, so nothing really lost there.

    Or you could get this, it looks nice, and I have read it cools better than the D14: http://www.newegg.co...N82E16835709001

    Well, now that I think about it, the reason I wanted to get the h100 was because I was transporting it a lot, and the loki put a lot of stress on the mobo in the car. But since the new one would make my old one moved less, I think I would go for the phanteks. Would that fit on my p8p67 with g.skill ripjaws and their cooling fins?
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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