Hello guys I'm Dem0nicM4ge the owner of MineDrone Factions Server.Server have been made in a way that day time will be normal but the nights will scare the hell outta you, as we've got invisible mobs,reviving mobs and a lot more! We are needing active players and some staff for our server. Join or apply on www.mine-drone.enjin.com. Hope to see you all soon.
As title say says I'm going to do a dp at 10 players on my server in which I'll drop tons of books and the one who will get a book named vip will get the rank. So join fast! Server ip is!
Hello there, I'm creating a development team which'll need graphic designers,builders,Website and plugin developers. Team will be paid based on ability, effort and time spent on projects. 30% of money accepted for projects is kept by the company in an account for further expansion and later projects.
If your application is accepted you will be required to pass a skype interview and do a timed one hour build. If you pass that test then you'll be added to team roster and will be defined work.
Time you can spend daily:
Portfolio of builds:
Web developer/Graphic Designer
If your app is accepted you will proceed to interview whereupon you will be required to demonstrate your knowledge (html and css required). Web developers will also often work in conjunction with graphic designers.
Hello there,are you maybe looking for a faction server?Well we have something to offer you!A faction server where you have to team up with your team not to raid,but survive.This server is themed about faction survival but even harder!This server offers you amazing experience with surviving in the nature.We wanted to make this server special,so we added some more features,but don't worry this is still a faction themed server just with much harder!I am going to tell you all additional features,you won't get disapointed trust me !
There is a chance of major zombie spawning!
There is physics!Dirt will fall if there is no block underneath it!
Zombies blind you when they hit you!
Towering will be much harder becuse you can't place blocks underneath you!
Picks break faster!
Mobs have special effects,and they are much harder to kill!
When you have low health,you will have nausea!
When you are in the dark you will get nausea!
Sounds hard right?Well it's even more harder!Everytime there is a chance an enemy factions finds you and raids you,even harder huh?Well I can give you some tips.Basicly don't invite to your faction anyone that you don't trust.The easiest way is to play with your friends,but you can play it solo to but it's really hard!Try raiding other factions when you get very good armor and items!Run from the spawn 3000 blocks away!Anyways it's enough me talking,you can't feel the experience by reading something!
Come and feel the hardcore ! minedrone.shockbyte.com or
How old are you? I'm twelve years old and I was born on May 13, 2002.
How do you think to improve our network? I could improve your network by advertise, doing youtube videos once my channel is situated, and further improving buildings (If they need to be improved). Also, if need be, I can configure plugins and do things like permissions, ranks, etc.
Why should we choose you? I believe that you should choose me because even though I am twelve I am still capable of maintaining a balance and I am particularly peculiar <-- (lol) about my buildings, permissions, etc. I have been playing on prison servers for a couple of years now, and I believe that it would be nice to see how it would feel being part of a staff of one of them, since they are the only type of server I haven't been staff on.
Give us some examples of your work: I recently cleared my entire computer, so I can't, and I'm sorry for that, but if you give me this rank or give me some sort of test I could be able to show you.
Some information about yourself: I'm an uncle of (of course) my nephew, but there's a strange twist... He was born exactly ONE year after my grandpa died. I am also a self-employed artist, journalist, and photographer. I know it may seem kind of strange for a twelve year old to be these things, but trust me, I achieve things when I'm motivated. And I'm motivated.. ALOT.
Timezone: Norway... Sorry but i dont know our timezone. About 1 hour diff between us and England
How old are you? 16
How do you think to improve our network? I'm very experienced (played minecraft for 4 years), I've started to code now, so in some weeks I can code you some plugins. I have owned my own server before, and I know very much about plugins, and can set them up for you. I am very nice and serious, and I'm alot online. (somedays I'm busy, but...)
Why should we choose you? ^^(Over). I really want to help, and I'm (as said before) really experienced, and I think you will be saticfied with me!
Give us some examples of your work: I sat up all the plugins (when I was Developer), I have built alot of spawns, arenas etc... etc.... And I will start coding now. So if i get Co-owner I can give the plugins too you for free
Are you good with plugins? Pretty good! And even though I dont know a plugin, I search it up, and find out how to set it up (so you might just use me for all your plugins ...)
Can you code? Learning...
Can you help us financially? Not really, but I will do all my best to make sure you get donataors, and I can set up a website for you!
Some information about yourself: I'm mature for my age, and my brother works as a coder, so he will teach me now soon. I live in Norway. I'm dedicated, and love helping servers! I guess the reason I am very experienced is because I like better to help server with Developing and stuff, than I do actually play the game xD
Your Skype name: endarilium
Hope to get an apply!!! I basically applied for Co-Owner, but everything works for me
If your application is accepted you will be required to pass a skype interview and do a timed one hour build. If you pass that test then you'll be added to team roster and will be defined work.
Time you can spend daily:
Portfolio of builds:
Web developer/Graphic Designer
If your app is accepted you will proceed to interview whereupon you will be required to demonstrate your knowledge (html and css required). Web developers will also often work in conjunction with graphic designers.
Time you can spend (weekly):
Portfolio of websites/Graphics:
Plugin developers
Time you can spend (weekly):
Previous plugins:
Funds Manager
How can we trust you?
Previous experience in managing funds etc?
Come and feel the hardcore ! minedrone.shockbyte.com or
Please don't forget to donate!
-Regards MineDrone Staff Team!
We don't need any co-owners anymore.
Accepted as Moderator for now.