HOW MUCH TIME CAN YOU DEDICATE TO THE SERVER?: on weekdays about 3:00 max and 25 min is the lowest and on weekends is 5:00 max
WHY DO YOU WISH TO BECOME AN ADMIN?: because I love helping people and I would wish to help in a new area with new people and meet new people and help new people, and I love to meet new people, it's just my thing! Sorry that its short and stuff you are probably not going to pick me :/ but it still wouldn't matter if you didn't
WHY SHOULD WE PICK YOU TO BECOME ADMIN?: ill be very helpful, follow the rules, and ill even play with people and help people out with building if its very important
PAST EXPERIENCE AS STAFF (Must Have Proof): umm I have been a moderator and admin on other servers and I don't know what you mean by having proof :/
SKYPE USERNAME:have Skype can't talk a lot and I don't want to say on this, long story...
ANY OTHER INFORMATION (Try Not To Leave Blank):umm I have nothing to say soooo ill just say personall things lol, I suffer from depression, my dad recently hade really bad surgery and us my life sucks,
Sorry I suck I'm just a peace of nothing, it's ok if you don't pick me cause you probably won't pick me but good try right?...??.....
Lol I don't see my ign is ashley20039
Umm I'm so sorry I don't have Skype I can't get it ( LNG story) but can I still be co owner or admin, or is it a no cause I don't have Skype,
I'm a girl 14, and I'm a admin on a server, I just started thinking about being staff and stuff but I'm really friendly and careing and if you do agree please contact me somehow my minecraft name is ashley20039
What are you applying for?: ummm admin well I don't really know lol
What's your age?: 14
Gender: female
Time zone: well it's 8:25 right now, I'm to lazy to think erg I'm in Stamford lol
How many hours can you dedicate to the server? Umm I think in the days ill try to do 2 hours max, alters what day cause I have soccer sorry :/ and in the weekend max is 3 hours
What makes you a good... : I'm love ing and caring I could be strict sometimes when people aren't following the rules/ griefing and I'm very helpful with building, and you know being friendly
And I have read the server rules and responsibilitys
I think I would be a good fit cause I'm nice to people and I really love minecraft and I'm such a girl gamer lol I really don't think that answers the question but oh we'll
My favorite thing to do in minecraft is to build or meet new people.
NAME:Ashley mc name is my username ashley20039
HOW MUCH TIME CAN YOU DEDICATE TO THE SERVER?: on weekdays about 3:00 max and 25 min is the lowest and on weekends is 5:00 max
WHY DO YOU WISH TO BECOME AN ADMIN?: because I love helping people and I would wish to help in a new area with new people and meet new people and help new people, and I love to meet new people, it's just my thing! Sorry that its short and stuff you are probably not going to pick me :/ but it still wouldn't matter if you didn't
WHY SHOULD WE PICK YOU TO BECOME ADMIN?: ill be very helpful, follow the rules, and ill even play with people and help people out with building if its very important
PAST EXPERIENCE AS STAFF (Must Have Proof): umm I have been a moderator and admin on other servers and I don't know what you mean by having proof :/
SKYPE USERNAME:have Skype can't talk a lot and I don't want to say on this, long story...
ANY OTHER INFORMATION (Try Not To Leave Blank):umm I have nothing to say soooo ill just say personall things lol, I suffer from depression, my dad recently hade really bad surgery and us my life sucks,
Sorry I suck I'm just a peace of nothing, it's ok if you don't pick me cause you probably won't pick me but good try right?...??.....
Lol I don't see my ign is ashley20039
I'm a girl 14, and I'm a admin on a server, I just started thinking about being staff and stuff but I'm really friendly and careing and if you do agree please contact me somehow my minecraft name is ashley20039
What are you applying for?: ummm admin well I don't really know lol
What's your age?: 14
Gender: female
Time zone: well it's 8:25 right now, I'm to lazy to think erg I'm in Stamford lol
How many hours can you dedicate to the server? Umm I think in the days ill try to do 2 hours max, alters what day cause I have soccer sorry :/ and in the weekend max is 3 hours
What makes you a good... : I'm love ing and caring I could be strict sometimes when people aren't following the rules/ griefing and I'm very helpful with building, and you know being friendly
And I have read the server rules and responsibilitys
I think I would be a good fit cause I'm nice to people and I really love minecraft and I'm such a girl gamer lol I really don't think that answers the question but oh we'll
My favorite thing to do in minecraft is to build or meet new people.
My age is 13