Great, another rant on how Creative mode (mainly) ruined the game...
Why not just play with cheats OFF? It is YOUR problem if you use commands like /give <player> minecraft:diamond 64 just because you know they exist.
Or play Beta 1.7.3 or whatever since you seem to hate EVERYTHING they've since added; it is very easy to downgrade; maybe there are even servers out there that run one of those old versions.
- Armorika
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Member for 10 years, 7 months, and 25 days
Last active Wed, Sep, 7 2016 01:14:57
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TheMasterCaver posted a message on What happened to Minecraft?Posted in: Discussion -
Sollace posted a message on Lets face it - Ep.1: Mojang [Uncomfortable Topic!]"Be unable to deliver a backward compatibility with previous versions with every single update until the end of 2013 / beginning of 2014. That took a while. And they still forget to make servers on older versions show up in the up to date version most of the time. Thats what? 5 lines of code?"Posted in: Discussion
Backwards compatibility is not so simple. It's fine if you just add some items and blocks. But if you make changes like say, redo networking, change chunk handling, replace metadata with attributes (all things they've been doing recently as it's required for the modding API) then you will run into problems if you try and mix versions.
"Remember the black shadow spots in the world generator? Took them over 3 years to fix that. And now keep in mind that during that time, plugins like NoLagg and tools like MCEdit were able to fix them. Mojang wasnt. Cant have been so hard. But hey, at least we have silverfish. C'mon."
MCEdit did not fix the bug. It fixed the side effect by recalculating the lighting. I often found that if you played the game after that more often than not it would come back.
Can't say anything about NoLagg though since I haven't used it.
"dropped the extremely awesome Skylands concept and replaced it with the completely dull end. And not only that, they also forced the only mob that they actually put effort into to be in there, and restricted it to one per map (thats finally changing in 1.9, ... didnt they want to start releasing 1.9 snapshots this january? ah whatever)."
They were awesome, but they were never finished either. But they should be able to choose which features they want in their game.
"But, keep in mind, the dragon couldnt even be outside of the end. Ever seen one? If yes, you know that it destroys all terrain it touches. And yes, Mojang has declared that a feature. Just like alot of other bugs."
How can you even know they didn't plan to have it do that in the first place?
"Minecarts. Remember how buggy they were for ages (those old boosters for example, those were a bug!), and still are? How about fixing critical bugs that affect the gameplay instead of making wolves?"
Boosters were a bug and they had many opportunities to remove it but they didn't because it was so loved by the community. At one point they actually did fix it but later it got added back as a feature.
"Enchanting based on monster slaughtering. What kind of gameplay is that?"
Typical video gameplay? Seriously, it's pretty common in games to get experience points/money from from defeating enemies, completing levels, going on quests, etc. Minecraft doesn't have quests or levels, but it does have monsters and they're pretty common so it makes perfect sense to get experience from them.
"You waste hours in front of a mob grinder to be able to enchant, get your inventory spammed with useless bones and gunpowder and rotten flesh, and then be completely surprised by partially completely useless enchantments you wasted 30 levels for. But hey, they worked on that. Now, in 1.8, it shows you one of the enchantments you get on each slot. But additionally to that, they limited you to taking one of these in order to be able to get new ones. Yes I always wanted Bane of Anthropods 1, 2 or 4 on my sword. Thank you Mojang for giving me that much of a choice. I love it. Not."
Sometimes you get something good, sometimes you don't. That's life.
"Horribly annoying NPC sounds, for example cats, dogs, sheep, villagers and chickens. If they would be this annoying in real life, earth would have decided to kill them off eons ago already."
Lots of people actually like the sounds. If you don't like it get a resource pack or something. That's what they're for.
"Remember how a few days ago every single server using towny lost all player data? Yes, the effects of making name changing possible. This bug didnt even need you to change your username."
You can't blame Mojang for that. They announced name changes long ago and started putting in support for it in the game. Servers and mod developers have had more than enough time to migrate.
"Re-inventing fishing by making us able to fish trash items (oh yes!) and 3 more fish types, 2 of them being completely pointless unless you want to get prismarine."
This is just blatant hate. If you don't like it don't use it.
"Taking Login servers down for hours, and even days sometimes, without informing the community about anything. (and without any visible changes to anything. Its basically just one of the mojangstas accidently pulled the plug and then all of them were too lazy to plug it back in.)"
These things happen. Servers go down, hardware fails, DDOS's, etc. You can't expect fixing it to always be as easy as flipping a switch.
"Lets not forget horses. And because Mojang were unable to make them themselfes, they simply had DrZhark make them for them. Not only are they a pointless feature that completely doesnt fit into the game, they also are ultra annoying and a source to get large amount of Leather in no time on servers where leather is supposed to be rare."
DrZark had horses made long before Mojang considered adding them (years even). And if he's willing to let them implement it in the main game then why should they waste their time coding it from scratch? Like you said, they have all these game breaking bugs to fix.
"Bats. Which are causing Towny to remove Mobs because of chunk limits ever since they were added, fly around as if they are permanently drunk and try to catch their tail, and make damn annoying noises. + they are hard to hit. + they dont drop XP. + they dont drop anything else either. "Environmental Feature" haha, yeah... of course. Nope. Just nope."
That's a problem with towny, and if you don't like the sounds: "If you don't like it get a resource pack or something. That's what they're for."
Let's also not forget we're talking about a game that's maybe two and a half million lines of code if not more. That can make tracking down and fixing bugs a troublesome task, especially if there are many larger systems involved. And sometimes, even if you know where to look it's not always immediately obvious. Could be something as simple as replacing a "++i" with a "i++", but then if you do that it might then cause problems somewhere else where it relies on this code.
That's unfortunately all to do with how Notch originally programmed the game. It is a bit of a spaghetti mess, many already agree that Notch's programming abilities were in no way astounding. Mojang is currently working on improving that, and I have seen improvements in recent versions (anyone who remembers how laggy the game used to be, and the lag spikes in late beta). But it takes a long time and there will be bugs because no one can possibly test it all in its entirety and still make a reasonable release date.
I'm actually quite disappointed. A lot of this just turned out to be blatant hate towards Mojang, and comments about features you don't like. I agree they should be focusing more on fixing bugs but otherwise I think they're doing an ok job. Just what they've done in the last few versions has made a massive difference in modding. The new launcher and its tweaks system has virtually abolished the need to edit the jar directly and now their change to shipping with a standard version of java for minecraft makes installing more straight forward as you don't have to get java before hand and for many improved performance as they will now be using the newest version of java as well as the correct build for their system architecture.
Quote from TheRealReacter7»
TheRealReactor7 has pretty well covered everything, except for not understanding Spaghetti code. I agree with him 100%. - To post a comment, please login.
Banned for not being a my little pony fan.
Move two fingers up or down on the mousepad. Try it on a web page - that's how you scroll on a laptop. In minecraft it will cycle through the hot bar and in spectator mode, it will make you move faster or slower.
You could use an item sorter. Fill each middle hopper with the signs and they won't drain. The blank slot can be used to each type of ore, so they're sorted after being smelted.
You'd have to expand on this design, like replacing the storage chests with more hoppers going down, so you have room for the furnace hoppers.
I don't dislike what it is - intact I don't care - I dislike the way it depicts the game to people who have never heard of it. Imagine making a story mode game out of Gary's Mod. It's the same sort of thing.
The internet is almost always black and white. If you say you don't like something, that means you have it...
That's what I'm a little worried about. People new to MC will play this first, then wonder what one earth the rest of us are doing.
'Where's the castle?'
'OMG! A zombie! Kill iiiiiiiitttttt!' *cue dramatic chords*
If you could put your own character in, and train the computer to pronounce your name, then +100 stars.
Well, there is no absolute true objective, but the End is there for people who want one.
Full support
It's stressful trying to build with glass panes for building competitions, and you have to either go very slow, or keep misplacing them due to the small hotbox.
I can empathise with you. When I think of Minecraft it is kids playing mini game servers, building horrible oak plank houses, wearing neon hoodie skins and lowering the maturity of the words 'creeper' 'craft' 'mine' in public. I realise that's a generalisation, but it's generalisations that make mass opinions. I wish more people would put more thought into better building, and think more deeply of survival - it's more than just build up, go to the nether, get potions, stock up, kill the ender dragon, game over.
I've seen other posts about the terrain generation, and even though I only joined in 1.4 (then a hiatus until I resumed in 1.7), I agree that the terrain could use an overhaul. Lots of veteran gamers become worried about the route their favourite game is going, but MC is one of those where the additions haven't taken anything away (terrain generation excepting).
However I disagree with you that creative mode, commands, adventure mode and spectator mode ruined the game. They only added onto Minecraft's potential. Survival mode is still there, the others haven't taken anything away from it, and anyone can play it and not touch the others. You say 'Minecraft isn't about creating maps and redstone structures; instead it is about exploring the awesome (not anymore) world and building cool stuff yourself' that isn't true. MC is an open world platform game where everyone is entitled to do exactly as they wish. For some it's surviving, for others its constructing epic builds in creative, for others it making complex redstone machinery using their knowledge of coding and logic. Other people like playing mini games. Yet for others they can do all four, there is no one way each person must play the game.
Now what is the problem with creative mode. How does it detract from survival? You say it removes the mystery of discovering blocks for yourself, and yes it does, but only if you let it. If you play creative before survival, then of course that mystery of discovering them will be ruined, but that is not a fault of game design. It is yours. Creative mode is incredibly useful. It lets people plan their builds, work out what block combinations work well together without wasting time and resources in survival, and build amazingly detailed, massive structures. Would you like to build these in survival?
Put your spoiler here.
The last one is a scale build of Manhattan. How long would that take without creative?
It doesn't matter that they 'cheated' those block in, that's not the point of creative mode. It's using your creativity to build. You can challenge your mind, and challenge yourself. This mode is mentally very healthy and stimulating.
It is very easy to not run out of things to do in survival mode. Etho, a well known youtuber keeps coming up with projects for his let's play world, even though he's defeated the enderdragon and (many) withers ages ago. From builds, to farms, aesthetic projects, challenges and renovations, there is plenty to keep you occupied in survival beyond the 'end'.
Commands and command blocks have even added to survival! You can give each mob a potion buff so your world is more challenging. But oh no, you had to type in command blocks! Now you know how the game works! Sorry, but saying /effect @e 14, /tp @p ~ ~ ~ and /give @p 87 does not tell anyone how the internal code works. Command blocks are great coding practice too. Commands are vital to adventure and puzzle maps, without them, they wouldn't function.
Many people also like adventure and puzzle maps. Not everyone has the time and skill to make quality builds, and besides, if everyone made their own story based adventure map, there would be no surprises. Adventure mode is a tool for those maps. I cannot understand at all how it's a bad thing. Don't use it if you don't like it.
Kids cheating themselves item in is their problem and one with the community at large frown upon. That you say it's a problem of commands is like saying saying Age of Empires is a terrible, unbalance game because it has the big daddy cheat cars. Everyone is responsible for what they do, and if I give myself 100 diamond blocks and and boast of my 'find' do you suddenly think 'Minecraft sure has done downhill'. No, you should think 'Armorika sure has gone downhill.'
Redstone, which command blocks require, is one of those things that alpha players seem to either love or hate. Automatic farms ruin survival, they say, but how?! Once again it is up to each person what they do. Some like running an authentic, realistic house and farms, and others like using redstone to make those easier so they can focus on goals that are more interesting. Think of it like this: You are getting ready to go on a long exploration to discover new blocks, mobs and biomes. You will need a lot of food. You could either a) manually kill hundreds of chickens all day, wasting time, sword durability and coal, or
you could use a redstone powered automatic chicken cooker and stacks of roast chicken immediately with no wasting. I make auto farms because it saves time and it gives me the satisfaction of taming the wilderness, of having an isolated island of human influence in a wild world. Plus there are few things more satisfying than designing your own contraption and seeing it work. Doing so requires more intelligence than most things in the game.
If none of this interests you, do I care? No, because like I said, everyone plays the game their own way. However I would like you to see how those additions have done nothing to ruin MC nor survival mode and have only added to the potential and possibilities of the game.
No no no. The forums are not for mindless 100% praise and worship of Minecraft and Mojang, they are also for open discussion, debate and critique. You know, critique that while it may sound harsh, can actually improve what it's about. People post negative topics about MC and Mojang not because they hate them, it's the opposite. They want them to succeed and make great games, and if they're doing something they feel is ruining the game or have ventured down a path they foresee as ruinous, they'll try to let them know.
I'm on the fence with this discussion; many things the OP says I agree with, while others are merely his own opinion - I wish Mojang would get their act together and organise a much larger, more professional team, yet I completely disagree about endermen, the end, sunflower plains and pets being useless.
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