it would be like the bow, except the arrows would fall a lot less, and it would go farther. You couldn't pick up the arrows. The arrows could do more damage. ?
Possibly made with steel, not wood, or it could be a crossbow.
Name: Orca
Type: Aquatic
Biome: a glacier/ iceberg (about 5 to ten ice blocks above water).
Drops: Food, Hides?, Fat?
Looks: I made a pretty crappy model on sketchup, and I'll upload pics as soon as I figure out how. Basically, a blocky Orca Whale.
Behavior: Normally, They would just swim around, but once in a while, they would do this:
However, they could only break through Ice blocks,so building a stone or dirt floor would stop attacks.
Ok we should have an ice biome that is a lot like the arctic (but with penguins too).
It would consist of about 5 to 10 ice blocks on top of water, possibly with snow falling.
For wildlife it would have Polar Bears, Penguins, Seals, and Orca whales (aka. Killer Whales).
The Polar Bears would just be giant white bears.
The Penguins would be fluffy and cute.
The seals would just give you meat or hides, or possibly both.
The Orcas would just be like the one in this video, except they couldn't break things other than ice:
Thats all the ideas I have, so give your suggestions and tell me what you think.
Possibly made with steel, not wood, or it could be a crossbow.
Type: Aquatic
Biome: a glacier/ iceberg (about 5 to ten ice blocks above water).
Drops: Food, Hides?, Fat?
Looks: I made a pretty crappy model on sketchup, and I'll upload pics as soon as I figure out how. Basically, a blocky Orca Whale.
Behavior: Normally, They would just swim around, but once in a while, they would do this: However, they could only break through Ice blocks,so building a stone or dirt floor would stop attacks.
Ideas, Comments, and Tech Help are appreciated.
It would consist of about 5 to 10 ice blocks on top of water, possibly with snow falling.
For wildlife it would have Polar Bears, Penguins, Seals, and Orca whales (aka. Killer Whales).
The Polar Bears would just be giant white bears.
The Penguins would be fluffy and cute.
The seals would just give you meat or hides, or possibly both.
The Orcas would just be like the one in this video, except they couldn't break things other than ice: Thats all the ideas I have, so give your suggestions and tell me what you think.