I was gonna list all the ones i like, but that would take too long, so here are the ones i don't want, with reasons why not:
Clay Golem- too humanish
Kobold & Knoll- monsters with villages, really?
Pig people- too humanish, sounds creepy
Cyclops- too humanish, overused
Giant- meh.
Elemental spirits- overused.
Enchanted armor- anoying, overused
Clockwork/steam soldiers or monsters- i like being the only civilized one in the universe.
Vampires- twilight. enough said.
Demons- too.... biblical and humanish
Ice Golem- creepy
cave beast or diggers- really creepy
DWARVES- overused
Behemoth- soulds like its gonna screw up my house, annoying
Harpies- if you actually read the mythology behind then, they are really creepy.
Mud monster- weird, creepy
Troll- overused, too humanish
Mirelurkers- frog people? creepy and weird.
Beholder- not the right feel for minecraft.
Scorpion men- too humanish
Hellhound- overused
9 tailed fox- how the heck are you planning on animating that? I mean if you figure that out there fine, but 9 tails?
Here are the ones I especially want:
Giant turtle- Turtle islands= Epic
SAND WORM- sounds cool
Ostrich- sound funny
Pheonix- I'm from the city of phoenix.
quetzalcoatl- Native american mythology, thats a new one.
Basilisk- if it looks anything like the baslisk lizard, it'll be cool
So this is what I think. i really would like minecraft to stay very separate from games like WoW and runescape. I hope Notch reads this.
OK, 4 ladders can be made from 14 wood, so the ratio is 2 to 7.
if scaffolding were to function as ladders, the ratio would need to be more inefficient than that, like 2 to 8. Like this recipe.
[] [] []
[] []
this would make 1 scaffolding.
this is a lot more expensive, but maybe there could be two kinds of scaffolding, ladder, and non-ladder.
Obviously birds have been suggested before, I just wanted to unify them under one topic.
There should be several types of birds. Small birds: They would travel in groups of threeish and the group would occupy only one block space. Specific birds: like robins or blue jays, these birds would travel alone, and would have species specific looks. Good drops. Large birds: like an eagle or albatross, these birds would be larger, rarer, and may never land. One to two block spaces. Good Drops. Better drops when killed by sword. Gigantic birds: Giant. Ridable? Eventually?? I'll keep dreaming.
I know next to nothing about programming, so I don't know how hard it'll be for notch to implement this. They could simply be a 2d graphic.
Please give your ideas and suggestions!
In my opinion, Minecraft is't themed after any specific time period, but rather what one man can reasonably build on a deserted island. Therefore guns should be theoretically possible, but very time consuming, expensive, and difficult to make.
Clay Golem- too humanish
Kobold & Knoll- monsters with villages, really?
Pig people- too humanish, sounds creepy
Cyclops- too humanish, overused
Giant- meh.
Elemental spirits- overused.
Enchanted armor- anoying, overused
Clockwork/steam soldiers or monsters- i like being the only civilized one in the universe.
Vampires- twilight. enough said.
Demons- too.... biblical and humanish
Ice Golem- creepy
cave beast or diggers- really creepy
DWARVES- overused
Behemoth- soulds like its gonna screw up my house, annoying
Harpies- if you actually read the mythology behind then, they are really creepy.
Mud monster- weird, creepy
Troll- overused, too humanish
Mirelurkers- frog people? creepy and weird.
Beholder- not the right feel for minecraft.
Scorpion men- too humanish
Hellhound- overused
9 tailed fox- how the heck are you planning on animating that? I mean if you figure that out there fine, but 9 tails?
Here are the ones I especially want:
Giant turtle- Turtle islands= Epic
SAND WORM- sounds cool
Ostrich- sound funny
Pheonix- I'm from the city of phoenix.
quetzalcoatl- Native american mythology, thats a new one.
Basilisk- if it looks anything like the baslisk lizard, it'll be cool
So this is what I think. i really would like minecraft to stay very separate from games like WoW and runescape. I hope Notch reads this.
if scaffolding were to function as ladders, the ratio would need to be more inefficient than that, like 2 to 8. Like this recipe.
this would make 1 scaffolding.
this is a lot more expensive, but maybe there could be two kinds of scaffolding, ladder, and non-ladder.
Sorry, I hafta be a grammar Nazi sometimes.
I like you ideas though!
There should be several types of birds.
Small birds: They would travel in groups of threeish and the group would occupy only one block space.
Specific birds: like robins or blue jays, these birds would travel alone, and would have species specific looks. Good drops.
Large birds: like an eagle or albatross, these birds would be larger, rarer, and may never land. One to two block spaces. Good Drops. Better drops when killed by sword.
Gigantic birds: Giant. Ridable? Eventually?? I'll keep dreaming.
I know next to nothing about programming, so I don't know how hard it'll be for notch to implement this. They could simply be a 2d graphic.
Please give your ideas and suggestions!