*some type of gravity would need to be introduced to all blocks, otherwise you could stand atop a 64 block tower and be fine, as they destroyed the bottom beneath you. Or almost any tall tower for that matter.
*whats wrong with the current zombie graphics? or do you always play on peaceful or something?
*they would need to be able to destroy any blocks between them and you, not just user placed blocks. this would keep you from just burrowing super deep.
*they need to be able to destroy blocks faster than you can by hand. To prevent you from just burrowing super deep.
*lava resilient? if not, what keeps me from making an island surrounded by lava?
that is all. good idea, just needs some work
The map would only show ares that were explored after it's creation.
It would only show the very top block of every column.
It would display the texture of that block
Finally someone who agrees with me on what they want out of Minecraft. Thank you, I love the idea of items that are almost impossible to get, even those that don't do much (like records).
*whats wrong with the current zombie graphics? or do you always play on peaceful or something?
*they would need to be able to destroy any blocks between them and you, not just user placed blocks. this would keep you from just burrowing super deep.
*they need to be able to destroy blocks faster than you can by hand. To prevent you from just burrowing super deep.
*lava resilient? if not, what keeps me from making an island surrounded by lava?
that is all. good idea, just needs some work
[] [] []
or this:
Nice first post, but this as been suggested before. Use the search feature.
Oooh. that has potential. or even a map of the real world that shows your earth location while you're in hell, that would be handy.
put water in a 2X2:
then take a corner out with a bucket. it'll come back.
It would only show the very top block of every column.
It would display the texture of that block
agreed. Read this, it's funny, and sorta related: