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    posted a message on problem with crafting items
    MM - I know the airship one is supposed to work on multiplay - not sure about the superslop one. Maybe Ive not downloaded the server version of the airship.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on problem with crafting items
    Ive installed a couple of mods (for airship and super lopes). Now in multiplay I can create the items in the crafting window but when I come to transfer them from there to my inventory it wont allow me to do so. Can anyone tell me how to cure this please?
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on [Open Source, Abandoned] Pchan3's Mods
    Ive downloaded and installed the mod but cannot make the baloon on my server. Ive used the version for the leather and string but get nothing. Any ideas?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Internal client eror
    Checked twitter - (which I find confusing) Cant find anything on there to help. Maybe Im looking in wrong place.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Internal client eror
    I set up a server which was working ok for a couple of days then it developed a problem which I cannot find a solution to. So I started a new server which again worked ok for a couple of days and now has developed the same problem. Only this time it will not allow me to start any new servers.
    The error I am getting is one ive seen on here but the solutions Ive tried dont work for me. The error is as follows:

    Internalclienterror.java.net.ConnectException:Connection refused:connect

    Ive tried to turn off my firewall and antivirus but that has no effect to tell me it is taking to long to log in.
    Ive also tried downloading a fresh copy of both the game and the server software but that has made no difference either.

    I am running Win 7 on an i7 cpu with 8gb ram.

    The other issue I am having a problem with it aborting the game telling me it has run out of memory.

    Can anyone help please as I can not currently run the game at all in multiplayer.

    Posted in: Legacy Support
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