Minebound is a mod that implements most aspects of Starbound, into Minecraft! This mod is being developed by a team of professional Java Programmers. We currently are working on the base of the mod and moving onto the items, blocks, etc. At the moment, all help is welcome! So, if you are an experienced texture designer, or modeler, throw me a PM with your portfolio.
At the time, we are running a bit short on programmers, texture designers and modelers. So, I am recruiting. If you want to become one of these for the mod, then throw me a PM with your portfolio and your specifications.
This mod will be discontinued, and not updated for awhile.
Apex is a mod that adds Blocks, Items, Mobs, World Generation, tools, and much more. Getting to the point, Apex is a mod that just adds a bunch of fun to the game, the mod is currently in Alpha! And will be released to beta when it feels appropriate. The mod will be 100% open source, hosted on GitHub. Links are bellow.
About the Mod:
First off, the mod adds a lot of aesthetic blocks, for building. The mod also adds some tools, weapons, world generation (ores, tree's, etc). The main point of the mod is to make the game funner, at the time there are no mobs added, they will be added in a later date, there will also be some technical aspects in the mod. Remember, the mod is in alpha. At the time, when you get in-game, you will notice two new ores, Magic Ore, and Steel Ore. Steel Ore is used to make tools and a weapon, Magic Ore drops 8 different dusts, each used to make lamps.
I highly recommend using chicken bones NEI for this mod, along with Waila.
Hello everyone! I am designing a Horse Racing map with my partner. The map is going to be based on one racing track and update further along over time. The spawn will become larger once there's more racing tracks. At the moment, we're developing a basic racing track (not a drag racing track). The map involves of mostly command blocks to run the entire map, meaning that you will have to enable command blocks to play the map (or at-least allow it to function).
- Not meant for large servers (this means that it's meant for friend competitions, the reason being is because there may be some exploits in the maps that allows players to cheat (horse jumping, different horse stats, etc.
- This is a four team game (Blue, Purple, Orange, and Pink)
- Each team will have 2 players (or 1-2 players each, whatever you prefer).
- Each team will have their own color corresponding to the team color they're on. (It will be displayed on the right hand side of your screen).
- Each player will have a matched horse to each-other.
- PvP is off, you may turn it on, but the map is designed for no "friendly fire". (Command blocks allowed me to turn off friendly fire.)
- Ran by command blocks, make sure to have your command blocks on.
Do you want to help: Leave down below what you'd like to help with in the map. Also make sure to post a little bit of your work and your Skype.
Credits: - SilentTheif - Proteus
Screenshots: 1/20th of the first track:
+ Upgrades and or Power-Ups.
The power-ups are going to be on a randomized clock, picking 4 power-ups. The clock goes around and around until someone hits the power-up and then 1 of 4 of the power-ups will be distributed to the player that hit the power-up.
+ Speed
+ Resistance
+ Instant Health
- Instant Damage (Takes down 2 hearts).
Of course we had to add a bad power-up. We may also randomize them a bit more with a 5 or more power-up bonus randomized clock. So that we can add slow and blindness.
The power-ups only last 5 seconds (except instant hp/damage).
Time Working on Map: 10.3 Hours (Working on putting the upgrades in.)
Not accepting at the moment, seems as if there's a diamond thief. If anyone has any information on who it could be, please tell us and it will get us back to white-listing people.
Well if you want to run the game of full graphics, it's going to lag indefinitely. The laptop that you are wanting to get only has 4GB RAM, you need at-least 5-8 GBs to run off full graphics. The specs on my computer can only run minecraft on about 80% full graphics, and it is a standard desktop, with 4GB RAM and a ATI Readeon HD 4000 graphics card.
1. Banning wouldn't be a problem, there would just be a UUID set to your account you bought.
2. Spelling Mistakes will be easier to change.
3. A cost or fee for changing your name, like every one year you can change your name.
4. People won't have to use hacks or third party programs to change their username.
5. It will stop questioning and bugging about how to change usernames and why they cannot.
6. When someone makes a new username they cannot use usernames that aren't already in the database.
7. If someone changes their username to a famous youtuber or a mojang staff member, they will be reverted to their last username and will not be allowed to change their username for another year.
Hopefully the Mojang staff will see this post and take this into consideration in the next update.
TimeCrack is a MindCrack inspired map, I myself have been watching MindCrack on Ethos channel, Docm77's channel and Guude's channel since one year ago. Our server strives for players to build their best and follow the rules. This server is all about teamwork and getting along. This server is the number one MindCrack style server. I have made a new map and have upgraded to Minecraft 1.3.1. This server runs on 3GBS of RAM and a Intel Dual Core 2.8GHz Processor, which together is 3.6GHz. So we all hope you have fun, thanks!
The topic of this server is to have fun and work with the server members. We all get along and have fun doing it! If you watch MindCrack you will see why it is how it is. All the MindCrack users are youtubers so if you don't have a good youtube channel, you have no shot of getting into there. In here all you have to do is PM me an application and....Done, if I accept you that is.
Server Features
Intel Dual Core 2.8Ghz Processor
ATI Radeon HD 4200: 1680x1050
100% Vanilla
100% Survival
Server Rules
No Hacking
No X-Ray or Mods
No Griefing
Minimal Cussing
Minimal Caps
(If failed to follow these simple rules, a ban will be in order.)
Whitelist Application
Server shutdown until getting hosting, please do not send applications to me until the server is back up, thank you!
Alchemical Reactions v1.2 now released! At last. Documentation is still being overhauled, refer to the changelog and the mysterious screenshot at the top of the page to get an idea of what it adds.
Why: I've been a fan of Etho, Nebris, Bdubs, and Guude for a long time (Others on the mindcrack server also, just those 4 are the main ones i watch) and have been looking for a good server that resembled the MindCrack server. I'm mainly a solo guy, but I'm a great designer and i could be of great benefit for building spawn city (LEGITLY) and the nether hub, along with enderman and blaze farms. I just dont want a server with a bunch of mods flying around in creative doing whatever the heck they want. I want a mature group of people who i can have fun with, prank (not grief), and enjoy myself. Also, i want a solid server which i could do hundreds of lets-play episodes on.
Experience: I think "Infinite" is the word im looking for here... I don't server hop. i stay on one until serious problems cause me to leave.
Age: 17
Maturity Level 0-10: Rating yourself on maturity is really a difficult issue. Of course, you could lie and say a 10, or make the owner think that you're semi serious, when really you're lying and say a 8.5. Or you could go the other route and say 6.9, when that obviously is showing that you're around a 2-3. Anyway, I'm a teenager. I laugh when someone says penis. But I've crossed that dividing line between middleschool and highschool, which is the largest change i've seen in anyone's maturity development. Obvioulsy, I give more than needed... but this was a difficult question to answer truthfully. What is 0? A Baby? Though, i could see some babies who are more mature than 7th graders who wont shut up about perverted jokes. What is 10? An old man? I've seen old men who act like little children from their frontal lobe being severed from their brain. Rating yourself from 0-10 on a maturity issue is nearly impossible; there is no defining point where 0 and 10 lie. So I'll leave this one unanswered. If you chose to let me into the server, you can determine it then. If this has cut all chances of me entering, then that is fine by me.
With a UUID (UserID) assigned to the account name changing wouldn't be a problem. You couldn't take one that has already been used, and even if you change it your UUID is banned not your display name.
Pretty standard practice, those of you freaking out about usernames being bad and a ban problem, need to learn something about user databases before you go freaking out.
While I agree that some username choices can be unfortunate, I also think that the ability to easily change Minecraft account names would create too much difficulty in blocking access to griefers.
Maybe username changes could be allowed along with a way to pull up a users name history. Another option would be to make the username permanent, but allow an alias to be registered and used in place of the username (and also capable of being looked up).
About the Mod:
First off, the mod adds a lot of aesthetic blocks, for building. The mod also adds some tools, weapons, world generation (ores, tree's, etc). The main point of the mod is to make the game funner, at the time there are no mobs added, they will be added in a later date, there will also be some technical aspects in the mod. Remember, the mod is in alpha. At the time, when you get in-game, you will notice two new ores, Magic Ore, and Steel Ore. Steel Ore is used to make tools and a weapon, Magic Ore drops 8 different dusts, each used to make lamps.
I highly recommend using chicken bones NEI for this mod, along with Waila.
[1.6.4] Apex-0.10.0 [DropBox]
[1.6.4] Apex 0.8.0 [DropBox]Requires:
Minecraft Forge
Source Code:
Apex - GitHub
PS: A little more information couldn't hurt.
- Not meant for large servers (this means that it's meant for friend competitions, the reason being is because there may be some exploits in the maps that allows players to cheat (horse jumping, different horse stats, etc.
- This is a four team game (Blue, Purple, Orange, and Pink)
- Each team will have 2 players (or 1-2 players each, whatever you prefer).
- Each team will have their own color corresponding to the team color they're on. (It will be displayed on the right hand side of your screen).
- Each player will have a matched horse to each-other.
- PvP is off, you may turn it on, but the map is designed for no "friendly fire". (Command blocks allowed me to turn off friendly fire.)
- Ran by command blocks, make sure to have your command blocks on.
Do you want to help:
Leave down below what you'd like to help with in the map. Also make sure to post a little bit of your work and your Skype.
- SilentTheif
- Proteus
1/20th of the first track:
Time Working on Map:
10.3 Hours (Working on putting the upgrades in.)
Of course. Well, if you do start a map like this and finish it, I'd love to see it.
Personal computer, soon to be hosted via vps.