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    posted a message on What is the Most Useless Thing in Minecraft?
    Sponge - Not useless, can be used to soak up water (in creative).
    Bedrock - Keeps you from falling out of the world and into the void.
    Tree Leaves - Used for decoration and can also be used for emitting light out of it.
    Vines - Decoration, and used as a ladder in some cases.
    Dragon Egg - Decoration, and fun (when you touch it).
    The Old Locked Chest - For the trolls. :)

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on [Horse Racing] Mario Kart [In-Development]

    Ideas -
    - Making a bow with 1 shot left on it. (To act like 1 green shell).
    - Don't know how I'd make red shells since there isn't anything that tracks players in this game. (Unless I did some fancy MC Edit scripting).
    - The King/Queen Boost (Infinite Boosts, will be a 30 second speed boost 2).
    - The Flying Shell (Will most likely just give the player a piece of paper that throws a splash potion or harming on the person in the front of the race).

    I don't think there's a way of displaying the power-ups randomizing in the top right corner of your screen. But, there may be a way to display the power-up the player has in the top right along with the places the players are in.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [Horse Racing] Mario Kart [In-Development]
    Quote from VIIs

    I curious to see how this turns out. I a big fan of Mario Kart.

    I'm not to sure how it'll turn out either. I have a partner that I can bounce ideas off of which is great.
    Thanks for your feedback! :)
    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on [Horse Racing] Mario Kart [In-Development]
    May have to re-do the first map. (Going to make the first map into an actual mario kart map).
    Posted in: Maps
  • 1

    posted a message on [Horse Racing] Mario Kart [In-Development]
    Quote from blitzscrank

    i do have some knowledge of redstone, but what i really wanted to do was just build the race tracks and courses :P
    ill deal with the mechanics later

    Of course. Well, if you do start a map like this and finish it, I'd love to see it.
    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on [Horse Racing] Mario Kart [In-Development]
    Quote from blitzscrank

    this is a good idea :o
    almost makes me want to try making a map of this too :P

    I saw your Pokemon map. It looks like very hard work to do.
    If you're going to try and make a map like this one, you need to have a bit of redstone knowledge.
    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on [Horse Racing] Mario Kart [In-Development]
    + Upgrades and or Power-Ups.
    The power-ups are going to be on a randomized clock, picking 4 power-ups. The clock goes around and around until someone hits the power-up and then 1 of 4 of the power-ups will be distributed to the player that hit the power-up.

    + Speed
    + Resistance
    + Instant Health
    - Instant Damage (Takes down 2 hearts).

    Of course we had to add a bad power-up. We may also randomize them a bit more with a 5 or more power-up bonus randomized clock. So that we can add slow and blindness.

    The power-ups only last 5 seconds (except instant hp/damage).
    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on Ideas for a Minecraft Story (Coded in JavaScript)

    I'd prefer if this was in Python, even though it's not a web based language. :)

    I'd be learning Python right now if I wasn't interested in web based languages.

    The little games that I make are going to be text based for now, and later progress into larger scale (with animations, as3, etc,). But until then, text based will be fun.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Ideas for a Minecraft Story (Coded in JavaScript)
    Quote from Krodon

    Did you test the game? When I did it on the website codecademy the first if statement doesn't work, it needs a ; before it. Also, when I get to the part where I'm supposed to enter my name it brings me to the printing screen. I tried on Chrome and Firefox. The thing happens once I press enter on the name prompt.

    I learnt a small bit of java script as well. You could try doing an interactive game/story like a multiple choice with if else statements.

    I will get right to that. I think Code Academy is a bit outdated with JavaScript.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Ideas for a Minecraft Story (Coded in JavaScript)
    Quote from WegieLord

    So I am a little confused is it a game or how do i get it to work? Do you need to know how to use java coding? can you link me to a site where i can use this to see what it is like?
    I edited the code so that the else statements work. The code is JavaScript, it runs on websites. I will make a demo for the game.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Ideas for a Minecraft Story (Coded in JavaScript)
    Hello everyone! I made a little JavaScript code here. It is a story, but you have to add it to your website or get a JavaScript program.

    //Asking the users age.
    prompt("What's your age:");
    var userAge = function (age) {
    } if (userAge <= 14) {
    confirm("You are eligeable to play!")
    } else {
    confirm("You are not eligeable, but play at your own risk!");
    //Asking the users character name.
    var userCN = function (charactername) {
    var userCN = prompt("What is your character name:");
    print("Hello" + " " + userCN + "!" );
    print(" ");
    //Beggining the story.
    print("Come at me, yelled" + " " + userCN + "!");
    print(" "); //Double spacing the sentences.
    print(userCN + " " + "ran at the Huge Green Slime, swinging his sword wildly in the air, screaming in an odd indian chant!")
    print(" ");
    print("After about 10 seconds of chanting," + " " + userCN + " " + "thrusted his sword through the Giant Slime, causing the slime to start leaking his fluids.");
    print(" ");
    print("The slime did not seem hurt at first, but after about 5 second of looking at it, the slime bursted becoming 4 smaller slimes!");
    print(" ");
    print("That's the story of the Green Slime!");
    confirm("Thank you for playing!" + " " + userCN + " " + "!");
    var userRate = prompt ("How do you rate this game:");
    if (userRate > 5 ) {
    print("Thank you for your rating!");
    } else {
    if (userRate < 5 );
    print("That isn't great, but ok.");

    It's called "The Green Slime"!

    So, do you have an idea of what I should make next?
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on [Horse Racing] Mario Kart [In-Development]
    + Added screenshot. That is the start of the track, the pistons that are showing will be hidden.
    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on [Horse Racing] Mario Kart [In-Development]
    Quote from tommy55567

    do you have screenshots? seems interesting

    Going to post screenshots when the first track is done, or i'd just be a bunch of redstone. I also have to add power-ups, traps, etc. :)
    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on [Horse Racing] Mario Kart [In-Development]
    + Working on first track.
    + Working on command blocks. (Scoreboards, teleports, etc).
    + Making ideas for starting stables. (There's 8 players.)
    Posted in: Maps
  • 2

    posted a message on [Horse Racing] Mario Kart [In-Development]
    Hello everyone! I am designing a Horse Racing map with my partner. The map is going to be based on one racing track and update further along over time. The spawn will become larger once there's more racing tracks. At the moment, we're developing a basic racing track (not a drag racing track). The map involves of mostly command blocks to run the entire map, meaning that you will have to enable command blocks to play the map (or at-least allow it to function).

    - Not meant for large servers (this means that it's meant for friend competitions, the reason being is because there may be some exploits in the maps that allows players to cheat (horse jumping, different horse stats, etc.

    - This is a four team game (Blue, Purple, Orange, and Pink)

    - Each team will have 2 players (or 1-2 players each, whatever you prefer).

    - Each team will have their own color corresponding to the team color they're on. (It will be displayed on the right hand side of your screen).

    - Each player will have a matched horse to each-other.

    - PvP is off, you may turn it on, but the map is designed for no "friendly fire". (Command blocks allowed me to turn off friendly fire.)

    - Ran by command blocks, make sure to have your command blocks on.

    Do you want to help:
    Leave down below what you'd like to help with in the map. Also make sure to post a little bit of your work and your Skype.

    - SilentTheif
    - Proteus

    1/20th of the first track:

    + Upgrades and or Power-Ups.
    The power-ups are going to be on a randomized clock, picking 4 power-ups. The clock goes around and around until someone hits the power-up and then 1 of 4 of the power-ups will be distributed to the player that hit the power-up.
    + Speed
    + Resistance
    + Instant Health
    - Instant Damage (Takes down 2 hearts).
    Of course we had to add a bad power-up. We may also randomize them a bit more with a 5 or more power-up bonus randomized clock. So that we can add slow and blindness.
    The power-ups only last 5 seconds (except instant hp/damage).

    Time Working on Map:
    10.3 Hours (Working on putting the upgrades in.)
    Posted in: Maps
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