My Vote: Yes
1. There could be UIDS assigned to accounts.
2. There could be "nicknames".
3. The usernames could be searched up on server and see their original username.
4. There could be small username fixes instead of full username changes.
My Vote For Fees: No
1. Minecraft is a 1 time pay only.
2. This would count as a DLC? So alpha members would get it free?
All-in-all, looks good!
- Organized packages.
- Added file.
- v1.3.0 is live.
+ Added new Recipe For:
- Diamond Horse Armor
- Iron Horse Armor
- Gold Horse Armor
- Chain Mail Helmet
- Chain Mail Chestplate
- Chainmail Leggings
- Chainmail Boots
Version v1.2.0 is live.
Thank you, much appreciated. This mod is quite basic, and will be more advanced in the future.
The mod at the time is for MC - 1.6.4, not 1.7.2, but it will be updated. And yes, I will be making a way to destroy the bedrock, or lowering the damage value of vanilla bedrock.
Thank you for the comment.
[v1.3.0] Extra Crafting - MediaFire
Minecraft Forge (For minecraft 1.6.4)
- Hexish/SilentThief/AnonYoshi
1. Install MCForge
2. Place Mod in Mods Folder
3. Launch Minecraft
Known Bugs:- None
License:You are allowed to use this mod in, mod-packs and everything else, but please don't edit the code and publish for your own personal use, or call this mod "yours".
Thank you for reading, hope you enjoy the mod, if you have any suggestions, please do tell me and I will consider them!
1. There could be UIDS assigned to accounts.
2. There could be "nicknames".
3. The usernames could be searched up on server and see their original username.
4. There could be small username fixes instead of full username changes.
My Vote For Fees: No
1. Minecraft is a 1 time pay only.
2. This would count as a DLC? So alpha members would get it free?
Well yes, that'd be easy. Since it makes players small and slow, I could put a slowness effect on the players except the person that casted it. The smallness couldn't work because there's no way to make players smaller in the game.
I'm not going to apply here. Seems that the requirements on your background lore is very strict and every little detail matters.
Good luck with the server.
Alright. I re-did the entire back-story. And read the rules. I am trying to find a skin that will fit my appearance.
14 Years Old
-8:00 PST
What do you understand under the term “Role-Playing”?
You put yourself as the character you or someone else created for you. Meaning that you act, speak, move, and do everything exactly the way the character is defined.
What do you understand under the term “Meta-Gaming”? :
Utilizing information gained out of character in character. (As stated in the Roleplay rules).
- I have never heard this word used thus never took the time to have a good definition.
What do you understand under the term “Power-Gaming?” :
Forcing an action on another player, thus not allowing the other player to respond to the action. (Revised in my own words).
Please show us a screenshot of your skin. (I’d suggest using Imgur to upload it.)
--- IC ---
Character Name:
Character Nickname: (Optional)
38 Years Old (Late 30's seems good for a Nord, the name also suits it also.)
Yorick is 6'1". He has a full head of hair. He is a tan orange color, along with his skin pigment. He also has large muscles, but are overlapped with a layer of lard (fat). He does not have a mustache, but, he does have a large beard that reaches to the bottom of his neck. Yoricks' eye's are blue with a tint of yellow on the sides. His teeth are stained yellow, and have black spots on them from cavity's. His fingernails and toenails are yellow and brown from fungus in them. He is usually clean.
Personality: (Please write a lengthy description so we know what your character is like. We don’t want to read what they are good at.):
Yorick is the rough and tough type. He takes no smart jokes pointed at him or any rude comments to his friends. He doesn't like to be publicly announced or put on the spot. He is very anti-social, and hates going anywhere in public. He is mostly full of himself, thinking he is better than everyone. While, deep inside of himself he feels self-conscious because he is large. When Yorick is in public he acts like a poser, popping jokes, walking around like a thug, hitting on other Nordic women. When Yorick is fighting he is brave and heroic, stops at nothing to defeat whatever he is fighting.
A man walks up to you, he asks you directions towards the nearest city. As you scan the hooded man, you would notice he has a coin purse that appears to be well filled hanging from his belt. What do you do? (Please include RP dialogue.)
Yorick looks down at the coin purse and observes it for a quick second. After he was done he said, "The nearest town? Well I don't exactly know, maybe go ask someone else?" Yorick looks back embarrassed as he just made a fool of himself. The man glared at him and said, "Well, alright then, I guess you do not need my tip if you do tell me the way to the nearest town." Yorick looks at the man and reply's, "I guess I don't, then.", and Yorick walked away from the man.
Background: (Make it in depth, leave all unneccesary details out. 2 paragraphs min.)
Yorick grew up in a small village called Skaal Village, a small nordic settlement located in the icy tundra of northern Solstheim. Skaal Village was not much to look at, wasn't a rich village or a poor village. Just a mediocre village.
Yoricks parents were farmers and hunters, they earned enough money for food, warmth, and their own house. But, there was one problem, there was always Imperial soldiers coming into the village and taking kids for their own use, the Imperials used them for soldiers, trained them harshly and without any breaks.
When Yorick was 10 years old, he was taken from his family by force, and brought to Imperial City where he would be part of the Imperial Army. He was trained there for almost 15 years when he was first deployed into battle against the Dragons. His first dragon fight was located at, Saering's Watch, where they would fight. The battle was won with ease and they went back to Imperial City to celebrate.
One day, Yorick decided to escape and go back to Skaal Village. He got past the guards and escaped. When he arrived at his Village he searched for his old house that he lived in with his parents. He opened the house doors, but, the people that were in the house, were not his parents, they were another family. He asked them where his parents were, and what happened to the last people that lived in this house went. The replied, "The people you're looking for, passed away around 5 years ago, they were killed by the Imperials after they raided the village.".
Yorick then ran out in sorrow, tears dripping from his face. He had no words to describe the pain he was in. He swore to himself that he would kill every last Imperial soldier. He then looked at his map and decided to head for Stros M'kai, a large city.
When he got there. He felt like he was right at home, it reminded him of his own village. He then bought a house and got a job working as a lumberjack. From this day on, he still held the grudge against the Imperials.
Tuktura Ugakta